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10 Best place to visit in Cernavodă Romania


1895 Danube River Cernavoda Bridge Constanta Black Sea Romania

1895 Danube River Cernavoda Bridge in Constanta, Black Sea Romania called the Anghel Saligny Bridge (Romanian: Podul Anghel Saligny), formerly King Carol I Bridge, is a complex of two railroad truss bridges in Romania, across the Danube River and the Borcea branch of the Danube, connecting the regions of Muntenia and Dobruja. This old bridge is listed in the National Register of Historic Monuments. The bridge was built between 1890 and 1895 over the Danube, the Borcea branch of the Danube, and the Balta Ialomiței Island, and when it was completed, with a total length (with viaducts) of 4,087.95 m (13,411.9 ft), it became the longest bridge in Europe and the second longest in the world.
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7 Best Places You Must Visit in Constanta, Romania | Explore Constanța

#Constanta, #Romania, #delfinariu, #tomisharbor, #Constantacasino, #telegondola, #ovidiusquare, mamaia each,

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Cel Mai Lung Pod Din România #romania #poduri


Black Sea Coast in September | Sunset in Mamaia, Constanța, Romania

The Romanian Black Sea Coast or the Romanian Riviera stretch along 275 kilometers of coastline from the Danube Delta at the north down to the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast in the south. The Black Sea Coast in Romania has a warm climate and miles of sand beaches oriented to the East and covered with fine sand.
The most important resort of the Romanian Riviera is Mamaia, located 8 km north of the city of Constanta on a narrow land slice which separates the Black Sea and Lake Siutghiol. Mamaia also known as “The Pearl of the Romanian Riviera”, is a popular destination in the summer both for Romanians and also for foreign tourists.
Constanta is a city in the southeastern Romania, on the Black Sea Coast and the capital of Constanta County. It is located about 200 km east of Bucharest, the capital of the country, and it is the main seaport of Romania. Today, one of Romania’s largest cities, Constanta was founded approximately 2600 years ago, when Greek colonists built the city of Tomis.
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A2: Cernavodă-Fetești

BEST MOTORCYCLE ROADS IN ROMANIA - Cheile Dobrogei (Dobrogea Gorges) - DJ 222

Dobrogea Gorges are located in Constanta County on the DJ 222 road between Targusor Village and Cheia Village.
This gorges are the oldest gorges in Romania.
The landscapes and the road are stuning.
Enjoy the road and be careful, as you may encounter wild animals crossing your path, especially foxes, deers or dogs.
Have a nice trip and don't forget to subscribe to the channel!
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Constanta Black Sea Promenade. Great Views! - Constanta Romania - ECTV

Constanţa (Ancient Greek: Tόμις - Tomis, Latin: Tomis Constantiana, Greek Κωνστάντζα - Konstandza, Aromanian Custantsa, Ottoman Turkish كو ستنجه - Köstendje, Turkish Köstence, Bulgarian Кюстенджа - Kiustendja) is the capital city of Dobrogea County , Romania, consisting of the component localities Constanţa (the capital), Mamaia and Palazu Mare.

Constanta is one of the oldest certified cities in Romania. The first documentary record dates back to 657 î.Hr. when a Greek colony called Tomis was formed on the site of the current peninsula (and even under the waters of today, next to the Casino). [4] The settlement was conquered by the Romans in 71 î.Hr. and renamed Constantiana after the sister of Emperor Constantine the Great. During the thirteenth century the Great Sea (as it was then called the Black Sea) was dominated by Italian merchants in Genoa who helped develop the city. Subsequently, Constanta suffered a decline under Ottoman rule, becoming a simple village inhabited by Greek fishermen and Tatar breeders of horses and sheep. The locality became a city again after the construction of the Cernavoda-Constanța railway and of the port, in 1865, for the export of the Romanian grain. After the War of Independence (1877-1878), when Dobrogea became part of Romania, Constanta, the main port of the state, has grown continuously, holding this role until today. [5]

The port of Constanta covers an area of 39.26 km²,[6] has a length of almost 30 km, is the largest port in the Black Sea basin and is on the 4th place in Europe.

Constanta was founded following the Greek colonization of the Black Sea basin (Greek Pontos Euxeinos) by millennial settlers in the VII-V centuries î.Hr., under the name of Tomis. This name is probably derived from the Greek word τομή (tomí) meaning cut, cleft. According to legend, Jason and his Argonauts would have stopped here after being sent to the Caucasus to steal the Golden Fleece. Pursued by the fleet of the King of Colhida, Aietes the Hawk, they would have cut into pieces his son, Absyrtos, until then held hostage on board, in order to force the king to search and collect the remains for the funeral ceremony, thus giving the Argonauts time to flee to the Bosphorus[7]. But archaeologists consider it more plausible that the cut (from the shoreline) would have designated rather the ancient port, today submerged, in front of the Casino. Another possible origin of the name would be Tomiris, mythical queen of the Masages, a Scythian people living between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, quoted by Herodotus.

The Millenians found on these places a Getic settlement, the new city reaching the level of a polis only in the IV-III century î.Hr. The port used by the Greeks for trade with the inhabitants of these regions (Dacians, Scythians and Celts) allowed the development of an urbanistic center. Tomis became a part of the Roman Empire in 46 AD, and Publius Ovidius Naso, the Roman poet, was exiled here between 8–17 AD, spending the last eight years of his life in Tomis.

The port city withstood the turbulent times of the third and fourth centuries, troubled by numerous Gothic, Scythian and Hunic invasions, becoming the residence of the province of Scythia Minor (Latin Scythia Minor, Greek Μικρά Σκυθία / Mikrá Skithía). After the partition of the Roman Empire, Tomis, along with all of Scythia Minor, reverted to the Eastern Roman Empire and was renamed Constantiana. It remained a fortress and a port of the Eastern Empire until the seventh century, when it was deserted due to the invasions of the Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians, who conquered Scythia Minor in 680 after the Battle of Ongal.

My name is Eric Clark and I am a world traveler. I have been around the world a few times and decided to help fund my travels by sharing my videos and pictures. I have been to almost every country and would be glad to give tips and pointers. Drop me a note. = )

БАКЭУ .Румыния .Что посмотреть?#travel #Romania

Из Одессы отправляюсь в Молдавию а потом в Румынию ,покажу вам город Бакэу как живут местные жители ,что посмотреть👌

На заднем плане звучит музыка.

#video #путешествия #румыния #Bocau Romania

Ссылка на аренду квартиры в Бакэу

Cross the Dâmbovița River in Bucharest Romania #travel #citywalks #walkingvideo #walkingtour #europe

Start outside Hanu' lui Manuc in the old town. Then we head past all of the eclectic bars, restaurants, strip clubs and massage parlours. Walk past the impressive National Bank and the Muzeul Art Safari. We then walk down Calea Victoriei (Victory Avenue), past the museum of Romanian History. We cross the The Dâmbovița River and head to the Palace of Parliament. The Palace of Parliament is the fourth largest building in the world and was built by the communist dictator Ceaușescu. Finally, we head up to Izvor Park.

No music, just interesting city sounds so you can soak up the vibe of the day. Use as a walking tour t check out the city to plan your travels. Or, use the ambient city sounds for ASMR, body doubling, sleep or study.

Pod Cernavodă #constanta #arhitecture

Pod Cernavodă 23.08.2022 #constanta #arhitecture

Am vizitat FARURILE de la MAREA NEAGRA | Povestile nestiute ale FARURILOR din Romania

De la partie la mare, am zis sa vizitam litoralul daca tot s-a incalzit timpul.
Am facut o lista cu farurile de pe litoralul Marii Negre si am zis sa vizitam o parte din ele. Incepand cu Mangalia si avand ca “statie terminus” orasul Constanta.
In Mangalia ne-a surprins in mod placut portul in care erau multe ambarcatiuni care mai de care interesante si cel mai cochet far vizitat de noi pana acum. Faleza nu era aglomerata, plimbarea pana la far placuta si locul instagramabil :D (drept dovada si pozele facute).

De aici am plecat spre Tuzla unde speram sa vizitam farul, avand o arhitectura mai industriala. Acesta face parte dintr-un obiectiv militar, asa ca nu se poate vizita sau fotografia si ne-am multumit cu o plimbare pe plaja pustie si am dat de doua bunkere din timpul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial.

Un pic dezamagiti, ne-am pornit in Constanta unde, nu stiam ce ne asteapta - o dezamagire si mai mare. Din 4 faruri cate ne-am propus sa vizitam, 3 sunt in cadrul portului militar Constanta si nu se pot vizita. Chiar daca Farul Carol apare ca muzeu, nu ni s-a permis sa intram, asa ca nu are rost sa va planificati vizita pana acolo. Asa ca in restul serii ne-am plimbat pe faleza cazinoului si am ajuns la “batranul” far genovez care vegheaza statuia lui Eminescu.

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Intro (0:00)
Mangalia (0:16)
Tuzla (3:01)
Constanta (5:10)

Unul dintre cele mai frumoase locuri din Romania 🇷🇴 #shorts #romania

Trecem podul CFR Anghel Saligny | Istorie de peste 125 de ani in Cernavoda

In acest video, sosim la statia CFR Cernavoda Pod unde vom traversa podul de peste 125 de ani, Anghel Saligny / Carol I, in timp ce vorbim despre istoria sa, impreuna cu bunul meu prieten feroviar Claudiu.

Haideti sa trecem impreuna si sa ne bucuram de priveliste, in timp ce mai vedem niste trenuri care trec pe podul nou din 1987.


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Podul Carol sau Charles Bridge

Praha,Podul Carol sau Charles Bridge (Podul Carol în limba română) este un pod istoric situat în Praga, capitala Republicii Cehe. Acesta traversează râul Vltava și conectează centrul istoric al orașului cu zona de pe malul stâng al râului.

Podul a fost construit în secolul al XIV-lea și a fost numit după regele Carol al IV-lea al Boemiei, care a ordonat construirea sa. Charles Bridge are o lungime de aproximativ 520 de metri și o lățime de 10 metri și este format din 16 arcade și 30 de statui baroce de mari dimensiuni, care înfățișează sfinți, sfinți patroni și alte figuri istorice.

Podul Charles este una dintre cele mai populare atracții turistice din Praga și este cunoscut pentru frumusețea și arhitectura sa gotică. De-a lungul anilor, podul a fost reparat și restaurat de mai multe ori, dar a rămas o atracție iconică a orașului.
Charles Bridge (Podul Carol in Romanian) is a historic bridge located in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. It crosses the Vltava River and connects the historic city center with the area on the left bank of the river.

The bridge was built in the 14th century and was named after King Charles IV of Bohemia, who ordered its construction. Charles Bridge is approximately 520 meters long and 10 meters wide and consists of 16 arches and 30 large baroque statues depicting saints, patron saints and other historical figures.

Charles Bridge is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Prague and is known for its beauty and Gothic architecture. Over the years, the bridge has been repaired and restored several times, but it remains an iconic attraction of the city.

Istoria Podului de la Cernavodă / Anghel Saligny (@Gări de poveste)

Fragment din ediţia emisiunii Gări de poveste, de pe TVR1 şi TVR HD, în care Marina Constantinescu şi Răzvan Butaru ne-au propus o călătorie de la Bucureşti la Marea Neagră.

Întreaga ediţie este pe TVR+


Povestea Podului Anghel Saligny (@Exclusiv în România)

Reportaj din ediţia emisiunii Exclusiv în România difuzată pe 28 octombrie la TVR1. Mai multe reportaje din emisiune găsiţi pe canalul nostru de YouTube

Donaubrücke bei Cernavodă - Rumänien

Eisenbahn- und Straßenbrücke über die Donau bei Cernavodă - Rumänien. Mehr Infos in meinem Reisetagebuch unter

Railway- and Roadbridge crossing the river Danube near Cernavodă in Romania. More information in my travel-log:

Living traditions in Romania

Romania must see - Vidraru Dam - 360 view

Must see point of interest in Pitesti - The Vidraru Dam completed in 1966 had the primary purpose of serving a water-power plant. It has 166 metres tall and can produce as much as 400 GWh of power per year. The Transfagarasan road passes over the top of the dam, which is 305 metres in length. The dam - which took more than five years to build - created the artificial Vidraru Lake on the Arges river in 1965.

Bridge over the Danube | Braila | Romania

Bridge over the Danube | Braila | Romania
Pod peste Dunăre | Brăila | România



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