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10 Best place to visit in Centralniy Russia


Moscow Russia 2022 Best Places to Visit Saint Basil's Cathedral МОСКВА Собор Василия Блаженного

Храм Васи́лия Блаже́нного, официально собо́р Покрова́ Пресвято́й Богоро́дицы, что на Рву (также Покро́вский собо́р, собо́р Покрова́ на Рву) — православный храм на Красной площади в Москве, памятник русской архитектуры.

Построен в 1555—1561 годах. Объединяет одиннадцать церквей (приделов), часть из которых освящена в честь святых, дни памяти которых пришлись на решающие бои за Казань. Центральная церковь сооружена в честь Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы, вокруг которой группируются отдельные церкви в честь: Святой Троицы, Входа Господня в Иерусалим, Николы Великорецкого, Трёх Патриархов: Александра, Иоанна и Павла Нового, Григория Армянского, Киприана и Иустины, Александра Свирского и Варлаама Хутынского, размещённые на одном основании-подклете, а также придел в честь Василия Блаженного, по имени которого храм получил второе, более известное название, и церковь Иоанна Блаженного, вновь открытая после длительного запустения в ноябре 2018 года.

В названии упомянут ров, проходивший вдоль Кремлёвской стены и служивший оборонительным укреплением (Алевизов ров), его глубина была около 13 метров, а ширина — около 36 метров.

Входит в российский список объектов Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО и является филиалом Государственного исторического музея.


✴ Музей-усадьба Царицыно -
✴ Коломенский дворец царя Алексея Михайловича -
✴ Московский Кремль. Развод конных и пеших караулов -
✴ Речная прогулка по Москве реке. Что посмотреть в Москве за 1 день -
✴ Москва 2022. Парк Зарядье, Красная площадь -
✴ Парк Победы на Поклонной горе -
✴ Москва. Собор Василия Блаженного -
✴ Измайловский кремль в Москве -
✴ Аптекарский огород в Москве -
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#iratravelvodyanitskaya #рождество #срождествомхристовым #Покровскийсобор #SaintBasil'sCathedral #краснаяплощадь #москва #ЦерковьВасилияБлаженного #храмвасилияблаженного #moscow,redsquare #россия #russia,экскурсиипомоскве #st.basilscathedral #stbasilscathedral #saintbasilscathedral #redsquaremoscow #соборвасилияблаженного #saintbasilscathedralmoscow #достопримечательностимосквы #россиявидео #путешествиевроссию #отдыхвроссии #journeytorussia #снегвмоскве #RussiaTravel

🇷🇺 RUSSIAN SNOWFALL ❄️ Top 11 places in Moscow at night on Christmas Eve - With Captions ⁴ᴷ (HDR)

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Friends, welcome to my channel Window to Moscow! 😃🤝
Today we are exploring stunning winter Moscow ❄️
We take you on a mesmerizing journey through the snowy streets during Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.
A picturesque evening stroll through this iconic Russian city, decked out in holiday decorations and filled with holiday cheer! 🎄

We will go with you from Myasnitskaya Street through the entire center of Moscow to Red Square, beautifully decorated with sparkling lights and a tall Christmas tree radiating warmth and joy.
The famous St. Basil's Cathedral captivates us with its intricate architecture, making it the perfect place to soak up the holiday spirit and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Continuing your evening stroll, the busy streets are lined with a variety of holiday markets where locals and visitors soak up the festive atmosphere.

Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe to my channel for more fun travel experiences.
Enjoy watching! 😃🧡

👉 ⏰ Time Codes:
00:00 Intro (Today in this video...)
1. 04:13 Myasnitskaya Street
2. 19:28 Lubyanka Square
3. 23:52 Teatral'nyy Proyezd
4. 26:48 Theatre Square (Teatralnaya Ploshchad')
5. 31:26 Petrovka Street
6. 37:19 Stoleshnikov lane
7. 44:47 Tverskaya Square
8. 48:10 Tverskaya street
9. 56:24 Manezhnaya Square
10. 59:56 Red Square
11. 01:15:30 Nikolskaya street

📍Moscow, Russia 🇷🇺
December 1, 5:11 pm
Temperature : -2°C 28.4°F

*This video was created to explore the city and its atmosphere to show the city and its environment and architecture.
If you see yourself in this video and don't want it, please email me and I'll remove you immediately*

#snowfall #merrychristmas #russianwinter #moscow #snowwalk #nightwalk

Отдых в Болгарии 2024: от А до Я | ТОП 17 Лучших курортов Болгарии 🇧🇬

🏖️ Болгария 2024. Летний Отдых. Большой выпуск. Полезные советы, тенденции, рекомендации

Дешевые авиабилеты в любую точку мира ищи здесь✈️:
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Сервис бронирования отелей со скидками🏨:

💙 Теперь видео с моими прогулками выкладываю на этом канале: Really Walking - прогулки снятые в качестве 4K 10bit с аутентичным звуком 💙💙💙

А на этом канале выкладываю полные версии роликов снятых с дрона локаций из наших видео: Sky Beauty - видео отснятые с высоты птичьего полета дроном под приятную музыку.

Присоединяйтесь к нам в увлекательном путешествии по курортам Болгарии, где солнце, море и разнообразие развлечений ждут вас! В этом видео мы поделимся полезными советами и рекомендациями для организации незабываемого отдыха в этой замечательной стране.

После просмотра видео Вы сможете понять, что вас ждет в Болгарии и сможете лучше подготовиться к поездке в Болгарию. Также мы узнаем какой курорт самый лучший в Болгарии, какой самый дорогой в Болгарии и какой курорт самый доступный в Болгарии 2024. Болгария, Болгария 2024.

Лучшие курорты Болгарии (ТОП 17 по популярности 2024 год):
✅ 1. Варна,
✅ 2. Бургас,
✅ 3. Солнечный берег,
✅ 4. Несебр,
✅ 5. Золотые пески,
✅ 6. Созополь,
✅ 7. Албена,
✅ 8. Поморие,
✅ 9. Святой Влас,
✅ 10. Приморско,
✅ 11. Обзор,
✅ 12. Кранево,
✅ 13. Бяла,
✅ 14. Китен,
✅ 15. Ахтопол
✅ 16. Св. Константин и Елена,
✅ 17. Дюни

Локации из видео:
1. Обзор -
2. Созополь -
3. Курорт Св. Константин и Елена -
4. Курорт Дюни -
5. Курорт Золотые пески -
6. Бяла -
7. Несебр -
8. Курорт Солнечный берег -
9. Кранево -
10. Свети Влас -
11. Курорт Албена -
12. Поморие -

🚀 Готовьтесь к незабываемому отдыху в Болгарии вместе с нами! Подписывайтесь на наш канал ставьте лайк и не забудьте нажать на колокольчик 🔔, чтобы не пропустить следующие захватывающие видео о жизни и путешествиях.

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🕒 В этом выпуске:
00:00 Вступление
01:21 Аргументы ЗА отдых в Болгарии
02:45 Народный рейтинг
03:03 Дюни
04:11 Св Константин и Елена
06:15 Ахтопол
07:00 Китен
07:28 Бяла
08:41 Кранево
10:35 Обзор
12:10 Приморско
13:40 Свети Влас
15:31 Поморие
18:34 Албена
20:52 Созополь
22:36 Золотые пески
24:58 Несебр
27:40 Солнечный берег
30:40 Бургас
31:40 Варна
34:38 Самый дорогой и самый доступный курорты Болгарии
34:50 Советы туристу: Финансы
35:22 Советы туристу: Такси и транспорт
35:45 Советы туристу: Мобильная связь и интернет
36:15 Советы авто туристу
37:00 Какой курорт выбрали Вы?

Буду рада видеть вас в своих социальных сетях!

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🔥 Похожее видео: Сколько стоит жизнь в Болгарии:

#болгария #отдых

ЛУЧШИЙ ПЛЯЖ РОССИИ / ЯНТАРНЫЙ: Подробный Обзор и Рекомендации

🌊 Привет, друзья! Сегодня мы отправляемся в удивительное путешествие по одному из самых красивых и необычных мест России в Янтарный. 🌟 Это видео - не просто путеводитель, а ваш шанс окунуться в мир незабываемых приключений и открытий! 🌅

Наш телеграмм канал:

Тайм - код :
00:00 - Где мы?
00:36 - В этом выпуске
01:04 - Ищем янтарь
04:41 - Интервью
05:30 - Обзор Нордик СПА
07:00 - Набережная Янтарного
08:15 - Интервью
08:48 - История карьера
09:32 - Музей добычи янтаря
15:38 - Обзор Озера
16:08 - Интервью
17:50 - Памятник жертвам Холокоста
24:49 - Интервью
27:31 - Центр города
28:33 - Гостиница Беккер
28:58 - Обзор католической церкви
29:59 - Обзор ресторана Янтарная легенда
34:07 - Интервью
37:15 - Парк имени Беккера
40:42 - Интервью
41:46 - Интервью
42:26 - Завершение выпуска

Янтарный - это не просто пляж. Это история, заключенная в каждом кусочке янтаря, это воздух, наполненный ароматом приключений, и это виды, которые заставят ваше сердце биться чаще. 🏖️ Мы отправились сюда, чтобы раскрыть все тайны Янтарного и поделиться с вами самыми яркими моментами нашего путешествия.

Почему Янтарный? 🤔 Оказывается, это место хранит в себе удивительную историю, начиная от добычи янтаря и заканчивая легендами о древних временах. Мы не только покажем вам невероятные пейзажи, но и поделимся уникальными находками, которые смогли обнаружить во время нашего приключения.

Но Янтарный привлекателен не только своим прошлым. Здесь вы найдете широкие пляжи с чистым морем, которые уже несколько лет подряд получают высокие оценки от отдыхающих. Как говорится, видели бы вы это своими глазами! 🌞

Приглашаем вас присоединиться к нашему путешествию и увидеть все своими глазами. Возможно, вы тоже откроете для себя что-то новое и удивительное в Янтарном. 🚀

Не забудьте подписаться на наш канал, чтобы не пропустить новые видео, и оставить свое мнение в комментариях. Ваше мнение для нас очень важно! 😊

#Янтарный #ЛучшийПляжРоссии #ПутешествиеРоссия #ОтдыхнаМоре #Приключения

Помните, каждое путешествие начинается с первого шага. Сделайте его вместе с нами! 🌍

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Gastronomic Market in St. Petersburg, Russia. Food Courts - Walking Tour

This channel has a PLAYLIST for sponsors $5 per month.
A new type of food court occupied two buildings of the historic Andreevsky market.
The market space is divided into two semantic parts.
The first is a huge two-level food hall made up of a very convincing set of tenants:
Israeli cafe Saviv, Japanese bistro Subzero, Muscovites Crabs Are Coming have their representative offices here.
The second part of the market is occupied by food stalls, where you can buy fish, dairy products, farm fruits and vegetables for adequate money, and its central area is given over to breakfast and opens earlier than everyone else - at 8 in the morning .
The space was divided into several parts: an agricultural market operates in one, the other is reserved for the corners of restaurant projects in St. Petersburg. Petersburg and Moscow. There is also a central square and a patio where festivals and parties are held. The residents of the Vasileostrovskiy market are about two dozen establishments, you can try Vietnamese food and sushi rolls, Indian dishes, hummus and falafel, oysters and burgers, pizza and pasta, desserts from matcha and bao moti, tacos and fast food with crab.
Other videos and channels of interest to viewers on the topic of walking around Petersburg, Mobotix Webcams Russia, Baklykov LIVE, prowalks, UrbanLife, Ivar Maldeikis, PrawalkTours, BookingHunterTV, Tourister, 4kurbanlife, VirtualJapan

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✔️The most interesting video on the channel:

#MobotixWebcams #BaklykovLIVE #stpetersburgwalkingtour #walk #city #saintpetersburgrussia #ivarmaldeikis #BookingHunterTV #Tourister #4kurbanlife #VirtualJapan

Due to the fact that this location was also chosen for most educational institutions, the literacy rate of the families of Vasilyevsky Island was higher than in other parts of the Northern capital.

The island was connected to the city center by the St. Isaac's Bridge, built in 1727.

Vasilyevsky Island took its final architectural image only at the beginning of the 1830s. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, they began to build houses of the “new” city. Soon, sewerage and water supply were laid in the city, which, however, first supplied water from the Neva.

The proud name Vasileostrovsky district was given to the Vasilyevsky part of St. Petersburg in February 1917.

We Fell In LOVE with PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA! 🇰🇭 [Best Things To Do]

Phnom Penh, Cambodia is hands down the most underrated, surprising city that we've visited in ALL of Southeast Asia. Today, we experience the BEST things to do in Phnom Penh, Cambodia & what an AWESOME day it was!

In this video, we'll take you on a whirlwind tour of Phnom Penh's top attractions, hidden gems, and local hotspots. From visiting historic landmarks like the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda to indulging in the city's vibrant street food scene and buzzing nightlife, we've got you covered for Cambodia's capital city. Grab your walking shoes, sunscreen, & prepare for an INCREDIBLE day exploring one of our favorite cities we've visited. Don't forget to hit that Like & Subscribe button, and let's get started exploring Phnom Penh, Cambodia!

The BEST Food Stand in Phnom Penh!:

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09:49 STOP 9: DINNER AT...?

This City Has The Best Biking Experience In The World

This City Has The Best Biking Experience In The World
For channel development

Friends, I created a small channel Bike ride in Moscow about the city life of the city of Moscow, where I post interesting videos about today's life and what is happening at the moment.

Small videos of sketches from parks, public places. Sometimes it's just a walk through the evening city, which can convey the atmosphere of the city, sometimes it's new quarters or atmospheric video sketches with musical accompaniment.

I also love evening walks from one area to another. Moscow is also being built, new architecture, new residential complexes and even residential areas. A walk through the new modern residential complexes of Moscow, to see in what style the city began to change.

Holidays are how the city is decorated with its architecture and life, all this attracts attention and of course you want to capture it in good quality and create original content.

But just listening to the noise of the city is not very interesting, so I add musical accompaniment depending on the atmosphere or situation. The bike and the city of Moscow are harmoniously combined with each other.
Sometimes such a video is more interesting because you can ride a bike for quite a long distance than walking from one street to another.

On my channel there is content about the current life of the city of Moscow, seasoned with musical accompaniment and my view of this world. This virtual tour of Moscow in 4K60 fps resolution will leave the most pleasant impressions.

#moscowwalk #bikerideinmoscow #moscowbikeride #moscowbiketour #moscowbiketour, #moscowbikeride #uncoveringmoscow #moscow #eveningmoscow #4k60fps #bikeridetourmoscow #moscow4k #walkingmoscow4k #moscowcity #moscowwalks #moscowcycling #moscowwalk #moscowwalks #subtitles #moscowstreetwalk #cycling tour in moscow #bicyclewalkmoscow

🌆 Welcome back, urban adventurers! In today's episode, we're diving into the heart of Moscow for a delightful evening bike ride! 🚲✨ Moscow's charm is undeniable, and tonight we're exploring some of the city's most iconic and picturesque spots. Whether you're a local or a virtual traveler, get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Russia's capital! 🇷🇺

Starting at the bustling Garden Ring near Zubovsky Boulevard (00:03), we'll wind our way through the city, taking in the sights and sounds that make Moscow a cyclist's paradise. Our journey will lead us to the serene embankments, offering stunning views of the Kremlin from a unique perspective (01:34). Feel the history and beauty of Moscow as we pedal through Zamoskvorechye and other charming districts (01:41).

As the sun sets, we'll make our way to Trubnaya Square on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, capturing the essence of Moscow's vibrant nightlife and urban landscape (01:27). Along the way, we'll pass by significant landmarks like the Crimean Bridge (03:15), the iconic Gorky Park entrance (05:02), and the historical Church of St. Gregory of Neocaesarea (13:27). This ride is packed with mesmerizing views and fascinating stories that you won't want to miss!

Join us as we explore:

The bustling Zubovsky Boulevard (00:03)

The tranquil Crimean Bridge (03:15)

The vibrant Garden Ring road (02:29)

The picturesque Moscow River (03:33)

The historic Yakimansky Lane (09:03)

Enjoy the ride, soak in the sights, and don't forget to leave a comment about your favorite part of this journey! 🚴‍♂️💬 Like, share, and subscribe for more incredible biking adventures around the world!

00:03 - Zubovsky Boulevard
01:34 - View of the Kremlin
03:15 - Crimean Bridge
05:02 - Gorky Park entrance
09:03 - Yakimansky Lane
13:27 - Church of St. Gregory of Neocaesarea

#MoscowByBike #UrbanExploration #CyclingAdventures #TravelVlog #DiscoverMoscow

САЛОНИКИ – северная столица Греции. 4К.

Авиабилеты - 
Отели - 
Аренда авто -
Туристическая страховка - 

Салоники в Греции – это город, в котором осталась память о Древней Греции, Древнем Риме, Византии, Османской Империи и современной Греции.
Но, как оказалось, это не только город достопримечательностей, которым уже много лет! Салоники - это очень даже живой город: где люди встречают закаты на невероятных смотровых крепости Эптапиргио, монастыря Влатадон или крепостных стен; гуляют по набережной возле Белой Башни и памятника Александру Македонскому; пьют фраппе, который придумали в Салониках; много общаются и проводят времени с семьей; или, в конце-концов, ходят прикупить свежей рыбы из Эгейского моря на рынок Модиано.

Ну а кроме этого туристы в Салониках могут заглянуть на Римский форум, базилику св. Димирия, церковь Святой Софии, Ротонду или Арку.

Но, скажу сразу. В Салониках пляжей нет. Они на полуострове Халкидики. Так что смотрим только архитектуру.

Вначале поездки я решил ответить на вопрос: Салоники - это транзитный город или здесь стоит остаться на подольше? Все ответы внутри видео:)

Мои другие видео:

Афины - 
Измир -
Черногория - 
Мальдивы - 

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Музыка -

00:00 Вступление
02:30 Площадь Аристотеля
03:58 Белая Башня
05:33 Крепость Эптапиргио
07:26 Памятник Александру Македонскому
09:20 Фраппе
10:15 Базилика Святого Димитрия
11:15 Пляжи в Салониках
12:36 Новый Центр
14:01 Верхний город
15:33 Рынок Модиано
16:25 Ротонда и Арка
18:29 Ататюрк
19:22 Транспорт
20:00 Римский Форум
21:00 Церковь Святой Софии
22:03 Финалочка

Experience Minsk's Summer Magic: July Spectacular

#minsk #belarus #walk


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🤍Welcome to my channel about life in #Belarus and my travelligs around the world.
Here you will find the latest news about my country, reviews of restaurants, hotels and nightclubs in Minsk. #Walking tour videos, so that you can feel the atmosphere of the city.
All the advices which I give you are also based on my experience - for 8 year I have been working like a tourism manager. So I do travel a lot as in my own country so I do abroad.
Let`s enjoy it together!

Best Places To Visit In Poland | Top 10 Most Beautiful Places To See in Poland

Best Places To Visit In Poland | Top 10 Most Beautiful Places To See in Poland Top 10 Most Beautiful Places In Poland. Best Scenic and Amazing Destinations in Poland you must see before you die.

Which are best Poland castles & palaces, cathedral & churches, towns & villages, mountains & valley, waterfalls, rivers & lakes to travel? Which are nearest cities, airports & railway stations to reach there?

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To find all about best Poland vacation trips, packages, hotels to stay, flights & train time to catch, we are back with best of Poland Countryside Destinations. This time we will see top 10 most beautiful, scenic, picturesque and travel affordable villages in Poland.

Top 10 Most Beautiful Places In Poland

1. Warsaw
2. Krakow
3. Tatra National Park
4. Wrocław
5. Bialowieza Forest
6. Poznan
7. Gdansk
8. Czestochowa
9. Gizycko
10. Mikolajki

#poland #warsaw #krakow #tatranationalpark #wrocław #bialowiezaforest #poznan
#gdansk #czestochowa #gizycko #mikolajki #polandsightseeing #polandbestplacestosee

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All tracks and artists credits included in video

ТЕНЕРИФЕ. Канарские острова. Обзор курортов и достопримечательностей.

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Тенерифе - полный обзор одного из главных Канарских островов. В видео информация по особенностях климата острова. Достопримечательности Тенерифе. Обзор основных городов и курортов: Плайя-де-лас-Америкас, Санта-Крус-Де-Тенерифе, Пуэрто-де-ла-Круз, Икод-де-лос-Винос, Гарачико, Ла-Оратава. Подробный обзор Сиам парка на Тенерифе. Прогуляемся по национальным паркам Анага и Эль Тейде. Расскажу о извержении вулканов на острове Тенерифе и как они влияли на его жизнь. Покажу некоторые пляжи на острове. И конечно же посетим знаменитую деревню Маска.

00:04 уникальные особенности Тенерифе;
00:40 климат на Тенерифе;
02:35 отличия между севером и югом Тенерифе;
04:53 краткая история Тенерифе;
00:04 уникальные особенности Тенерифе;
06:00 Пуэрто-де-ла-Круc обзор;
08:50 Бассейны Мартианес;
10:10 Пляжи Пуэрто-де-ла-Круc;
11:02 Ботанический сад Пуэрто-де-ла-Круc;
13:53 Икод-де-лос-Винос;
16:33 Гарачико;
19:37 блюда Канарской кухни;
21:09 Ла-Оротава;
22:10 Бананы на Тенерифе;
22:54 Пляж Плайя эль Больюльо;
25:02 Обзор курортной зоны Плайя де ла Америкас;
27:41 Пляжи Плайя де ла Америкас и Коста Адехе;
29:32 Обзор Сиам парка Тенерифе;
37:44 Обзор Санта-Крус-де-Тенерифе;
40:09 Пляж Тереситас;
42:53 Рынок Mercado Nuestra Señora De África;
45:17 Национальный парк Анага;
57:09 Деревня Маска;
1:01:43 Канарские сосны почему они так важны для Тенерифе;
1:03:05 Национальный парк Тейде;

📌 Пуэрто-де-ла-Круc
📌 Бассейны Мартианес
📌 Пляж Плайя дель Кастильо
📌 Пляж Плайя де Мартьянес
📌 Ботанический сад Пуэрто-де-ла-Круc
📌 Лоро парк
📌 Парк Драго Икод-де-лос-Винос
📌 Гарачико
📌 Кафе в Гарачико Le Patissier
📌 Сад Виктория Ла-Оротава
📌 Плайя эль Больюльо
📌 The Golden Mile Плайя де ла Америкас
📌 Пляж Плайя де лас Вистас
📌 Пляж Плайя дель Камисон
📌 Пляж Плайя дель Дуке
📌 Пляж Плайя де Фаньябе
📌 Сиам Парк
📌 Санта-Крус-де-Тенерифе
📌 Пляж Тереситас
📌 Рынок Mercado Nuestra Señora De África
📌 Туристический цент парка Анага и смотровая с трекингом Cruz del Carmen
📌 Смотровая Pico del Inglés
📌 Camino viejo al pico del inglès
📌 Смотровая Risco Amogoje
📌 деревушка Таганана
📌 Плайя де Бенихо
📌 Masca
📌 Пдощадка Queen’s Shoe
📌 Скалы де Гарсия
📌 Minas de San Jose
📌 Teide Observatory

#tenerife #тенерифе #канарскиеострова #canarias

China vs USA - Who is the Real Superpower? 世界需要赶上中国的脚步了!🇨🇳 Unseen China

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China vs USA - Who is the Real Superpower? 世界需要赶上中国的脚步了!🇨🇳 Unseen China

This is China's infrastructure...for the past thirty years China has been building at an unprecedented rate, faster than any other country in the world. Can the USA catch up?

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👍 Thanks for watching! See you in the next one!

The US is Far Behind China... 世界需要赶上中国的脚步了!🇨🇳 Unseen China -

China vs USA - Who Would Win? 2021 Military / Country Comparison 中国VS美国谁会赢? 🇨🇳 🇺🇸 -

How FREE are Chinese People? 中国到底有多自由?🇨🇳 Unseen China

My Times article video -

#chinavsusa #usavschina #EnglishSubtitles #China

(Titles, descriptions and subtitles are translated automatically so there may be errors)

0:00 Intro
1:25 Surfshark Ad
2:36 China's Infrastructure
5:22 America's Infrastructure
8:38 Conclusion

Exploring Moscow: A Scenic Bike Ride Through Izmailovo

Moscow travel walk. Izmailovo Estate, Pervomaiskaya metro station, Shchelkovskaya
For channel development

Friends, I created a small channel Bike ride in Moscow about the city life of the city of Moscow, where I post interesting videos about today's life and what is happening at the moment.

Small videos of sketches from parks, public places. Sometimes it's just a walk through the evening city, which can convey the atmosphere of the city, sometimes it's new quarters or atmospheric video sketches with musical accompaniment.

I also love evening walks from one area to another. Moscow is also being built, new architecture, new residential complexes and even residential areas. A walk through the new modern residential complexes of Moscow, to see in what style the city began to change.

Holidays are how the city is decorated with its architecture and life, all this attracts attention and of course you want to capture it in good quality and create original content.

But just listening to the noise of the city is not very interesting, so I add musical accompaniment depending on the atmosphere or situation. The bike and the city of Moscow are harmoniously combined with each other.
Sometimes such a video is more interesting because you can ride a bike for quite a long distance than walking from one street to another.

On my channel there is content about the current life of the city of Moscow, seasoned with musical accompaniment and my view of this world. This virtual tour of Moscow in 4K60 fps resolution will leave the most pleasant impressions.

Join us on a captivating journey 🚶‍♂️ through Moscow's historical and picturesque landscapes in our latest video, Great Moscow Walk: Izmailovo Estate, Pervomaiskaya Metro Station, Shchelkovskaya. From the serene surroundings of the Serebryano-Vinogradny Pond to the majestic Kremlin in Izmailovo, this video is a vibrant tapestry of Moscow's rich cultural heritage and contemporary beauty.

As we weave through the streets of Moscow, we'll explore the enchanting Izmailovo Estate, marvel at the architectural wonders of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Baumansky Bridges, and take a leisurely stroll around the Silver Grape Pond. Our journey doesn't stop there - we'll also get a glimpse of the awe-inspiring Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Izmailovo and pay our respects at the monument to Peter I.

Timestamps to guide your experience:

0:01:00 Serebryano-Vinogradny Pond

0:02:18 A walk around Izmailovo Estate

0:11:53 Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Izmailovo

0:13:08 Peter I Monument

0:20:14 Silver Grape Pond

0:27:13 Izmailovsky Shopping Mall

0:30:24 Pervomaiskaya Metro Station

0:32:04 Izmailovsky Boulevard

But that's not all! 🌆 Our adventure will take us further along Pervomaiskaya Street, through the heart of Moscow's residential complexes and bustling shopping malls, all the way to the iconic Shchelkovskaya Metro Station. This video is not just a walk; it's an exploration of Moscow's evolving landscape, where the past and present coexist in harmony.

Whether you're a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply in love with the charm of Moscow, this video promises an immersive experience into the soul of one of the world's most fascinating cities. Don't just take our word for it; press play and see for yourself why this journey is truly magical. 🌍✨

#MoscowWalk, #IzmailovoEstate, #PervomaiskayaMetro, #Shchelkovskaya, #RussianHeritage

#moscowwalk, #bikerideinmoscow, #moscowbikeride, #moscowbiketour, #moscowbiketour, #moscowbikeride, #uncoveringmoscow, #moscow, #eveningmoscow, #4k60fps, #bikeridetourmoscow, #moscow4k, #walkingmoscow4k, #moscowcity, #moscowwalks, #moscowcycling, #moscowwalk, #moscowwalks, #subtitles, #moscowstreetwalk

Exploring Moscow City: The Ultimate Two-Wheeled Adventure

Cycling Through Moscow: Exploring the City on Two Wheels.
Get ready to experience Moscow like never before - cycling is the ultimate way to explore the city's hidden gems!
For channel development

Join us on a mesmerizing journey through the bustling streets of Moscow as we explore the city on two wheels. From iconic landmarks to hidden gems, discover the beauty and charm of Moscow from a unique perspective. This cycling adventure offers a perfect blend of sightseeing and outdoor activity, making it an unforgettable experience for any travel enthusiast. So grab your bike and let's pedal our way through the heart of Russia's vibrant capital!

Friends, I created a small channel Bike ride in Moscow about the city life of the city of Moscow, where I post interesting videos about today's life and what is happening at the moment.

Small videos of sketches from parks, public places. Sometimes it's just a walk through the evening city, which can convey the atmosphere of the city, sometimes it's new quarters or atmospheric video sketches with musical accompaniment.

I also love evening walks from one area to another. Moscow is also being built, new architecture, new residential complexes and even residential areas. A walk through the new modern residential complexes of Moscow, to see in what style the city began to change.

Holidays are how the city is decorated with its architecture and life, all this attracts attention and of course you want to capture it in good quality and create original content.

But just listening to the noise of the city is not very interesting, so I add musical accompaniment depending on the atmosphere or situation. The bike and the city of Moscow are harmoniously combined with each other.
Sometimes such a video is more interesting because you can ride a bike for quite a long distance than walking from one street to another.

On my channel there is content about the current life of the city of Moscow, seasoned with musical accompaniment and my view of this world. This virtual tour of Moscow in 4K60 fps resolution will leave the most pleasant impressions.

🌟 Welcome back, fellow explorers! 🌟

Today, we embark on a magnificent two-wheeled tour of Moscow City, taking you through some of the most iconic and picturesque spots in the Russian capital! 🇷🇺🚴‍♂️ This 4K journey is a visual treat, blending the bustling urban life with serene parks and historical landmarks.

Our adventure begins at Khodynskoye Pole in the Khoroshevsky district, where we'll explore the vibrant Airpark Shopping Mall and the CSKA Metro Station. 🛍️🚇 From there, we pedal through the scenic Khodyn Field Culture and Recreation Park, capturing its lush greenery and tranquil atmosphere. 🌳✨

As we continue, you'll get to see the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh on Khodynka Field, Khodynsky Boulevard, and the iconic Aircraft Designer Mikoyan Street. 🕍🚴‍♂️ The journey doesn't stop there! We'll pass by residential complexes like Iskra-Park and Tsarskaya Ploshchad, and take a leisurely ride down Marshal Shaposhnikov Street. 🏢🚴‍♀️

At the heart of our tour, we visit the historical Petrovsky Travel Palace and the bustling Leningrad Avenue. 🏰🚦 Our ride also includes a glimpse of the VTB Arena, Dynamo central stadium named after Lev Yashin, and the nearby Dynamo Metro Station. ⚽🚇

Throughout this video, you'll experience the blend of Moscow's modern developments and its rich historical roots. So, whether you're a local or a virtual tourist, sit back, relax, and enjoy this stunning 4K journey through one of the world's most fascinating cities. 🌆🌍

0:00 Airpark Shopping Mall 🛍️
2:20 Khodyn Field Culture and Recreation Park 🌳
3:51 CSKA Metro Station 🚇
19:25 Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh 🕍
23:03 Iskra-Park Residential Complex 🏢
25:45 Petrovsky Travel Palace 🏰
26:56 VTB Arena, Dynamo Central Stadium ⚽
27:32 Dynamo Metro Station 🚇
30:00 Residential Complex Tsarskaya Ploshchad 🏢

Join us on this incredible journey and don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more adventures! 🚴‍♂️❤️

#MoscowTour #4KBikeRide #ExploreRussia #TravelVlog #urbanexploration

#moscowwalk #bikerideinmoscow #moscowbikeride #moscowbiketour #moscowbiketour, #moscowbikeride #uncoveringmoscow #moscow #eveningmoscow #4k60fps #bikeridetourmoscow #moscow4k #walkingmoscow4k #moscowcity #moscowwalks #moscowcycling #moscowwalk #moscowwalks #subtitles #moscowstreetwalk #cycling tour in moscow #bicyclewalkmoscow

Red Square in MOSCOW, RUSSIA: Saint Basil's Cathedral tour + GUM (Vlog 2)

Red Square in Moscow, Russia!!! Among the best places to visit in Moscow! In this vlog, Saint Basil's Cathedral tour, the GUM (Red Square), a bus tour with City Sightseeing and an attempt to visit Ostankino Tower.

Moscow vlog 2018!
Day 1:


Special Thanks:
- City Sightseeing Moscow:
- The amazing drone shots at the Moscow State University were provided by 2018 FIFA World Cup Host City Moscow. Thanks! :)

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MORE things to do in RUSSIA:


Want to travel and create videos? Some services we use and recommend:
✔️ Phone/internet worldwide (if you spend less than 3 months abroad at a time): Google Fi - Here's $20 in credit:
✔️ eSIM cards worldwide: Airalo - - Get $3 off with code RENATA6528

✔️ Music: Epidemic Sound - free for 30 days here:

This vlog was created for the official Renata Pereira YouTube Channel at
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0+ Moscow 4K: Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure | travel with me in Russia | Follow Me

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure is a central park in Moscow, named after Maxim Gorky. In August 2018, the Park's 90th anniversary was celebrated.

Gorky Park, located at Krymsky Val and situated just across the Moskva River from Park Kultury Metro station, opened in 1928. The park followed the plan of Konstantin Melnikov, a widely known Soviet avant-garde and constructivist architect, and amalgamated the extensive gardens of the old Golitsyn Hospital [ru] and of the Neskuchny Palace, covering an area of 300 acres (120 ha) along the river. The history of the Neskuchny Garden can be traced back to 1753 when it emerged in the area between Kaluzhskaya Zastava and Trubetskoy Moskva river-side estate. The neighboring area to Neskuchny Garden, from Krymsky Val to Neskuchny Garden, received little attention right up until the 1920s. Initially, it was covered with park gardens, meadows, and vegetable gardens belonging to the owners of neighboring estates. It formed a wasteland by the end of the 19th century and served as a waste heap.

The First All-Russian Agricultural and Handicraft Industries Exhibition opened in 1923 on the wasteland that had been cleared during the course of communist community workdays. A resolution for the exhibition was passed[by whom?] on 19 October 1922 and the exhibition opened one and a half years later on 19 May 1923. After bidding for the exhibition's layout plan, which proposed four arrangements — Sokol, Khodynskoye Pole, Petrovsko-Razumovsky park, and the river areas near Krymsky bridge — preference was given to the last option.

On 15 March 1928 by a resolution of the Presidium of the Moscow Council, the Agricultural and Handicraft Industries Exhibition was enlarged and transformed into the Central Park of Culture and Leisure — the country’s first park of its kind, which was referred to as an outdoor cultural enterprise. In 1932 the park was named after M.A. Gorky. The idea of a need for a central park of culture and leisure in Moscow arose in the late 1920s in relation to Moscow's reconstruction with notions of a socialist city of the future.

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It is a must to visit if you want to feel the Soviet Union style of life.
Coffee OSCAR ( coffee/ cognac/ raw egg whipped till foam )
The brand made cake DREAM in Russian MECHTA

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- Sightseeing Walking Tours in Minsk ( soviet time/Jewish heritage/ legends of Minsk/ alternative Minsk)
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🇷🇺 RUSSIAN SNOWFALL RIGHT NOW ❄️ Snowy night Moscow on Friday | Walking tour ⁴ᴷ HDR - With Captions

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Friends, today we have a night walk on Friday in the center of Moscow during the first heavy snowfall ❄️
Enjoy watching! 😃🧡

👉 Time Codes:
1. 00:00 Intro (Today in this video...)
2. 00:37 Petrovsky Boulevard
3. 05:14 Neglinnaya Street
4. 12:37 Kuznetsky Most Street
5. 14:09 Petrovka Street

📍Moscow, Russia 🇷🇺 Snowfall ❄️
Friday, October 27, 2023 10:00 pm
Temperature : -2°C 28,4°F

*This video was created to explore the city and its atmosphere to show the city and its environment and architecture.
If you see yourself in this video and don't want it, please email me and I'll remove you immediately*

🔥 HERE IS THE REAL RUSSIA NOW 2024! Moscow and Russian people today | Walking city tour - 4K HDR

Friends, welcome to my YouTube channel Window to Moscow!
Today we will walk around the center of Moscow in the summer of 2024.
Virtual summer stroll along Moscow Boulevard in 2024! Immerse yourself in the beauty of the city as we encounter stunning views, beautiful girls, and a sleek red Ferrari.
Get inspired and set your goals high with this picturesque tour that will leave you in awe.
Don't miss out on the ultimate Moscow experience!
Enjoy watching 😃🧡
🔥 Become a channel sponsor:

📍Moscow, Russia 🇷🇺
June 2, Sunday 2024 6:00 pm
Temperature : +26°C 78,8°F

⏰ Time Codes:
00:00 Quick Preview
00:53 Petrovsky Boulevard
05:32 Trubnaya Ploshchad'
11:02 Central Market

My 2024 setup:
iPhone 15 Pro Max
Gimbal Stabilizer - Insta360 Flow
Microphone - DJI Mic

*This video was created to explore the city and its atmosphere to show the city and its environment and architecture.
If you see yourself in this video and don't want it, please email me and I'll remove you immediately*

#moscowcity #moscowcityskyscrapers #moscowcitybusinesscenter #russiabeautifulplaces #walkingtour #skyscrapers #moscowatnight #russiangirls #luxurycars #nightlife2024 #moscownightlife #luxurylifestyle #nightlifescene #moscowcitynight #windowtomoscow

YT Shorts | Evening at Plaza Major, Madrid, Spain - top 10 attractions in Madrid



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