TOP 10 Atractii Maramures. Viziteaza Sapanta, Biserici de lemn si mocanita in Maramures 2021
Am petrecut un weekend prelungit in Maramures. Am intocmit o lista cu 10 atractii din Maramures, zona Sapanta. Am fost cazati in Sapanta, am vizitat Cimitirul vesel din Sapanta, Manastirea din Sapanta, Cascada Sapanta, Biserica de lemn de la Plopis, Biserica de lemn de la Budesti, Manastirea Budesti, Biserica de lemn de la Surdesti, Manastirea Barsana si am petrecut o zi in Viseu pe Valea Vaserului in Mocanita.
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Romania (#11): Harnicesti & Budesti Wooden Churches
The Church of the Birth of the Holy Virgin in Harnicesti ... Year built: during the 17th century. Harnicesti belongs to the commune of Desesti. It is situated 44 km northeast of Baia Mare, and 22 km south of Sighetu Marmatiei. Just as in the case of other churches, the construction has been modified in time so that its original aspect has been preserved only in part.
The church was much enlarged in 1893, when a new pronaos was added. The wall between the old pronaos and the naos was removed, enlarging thus also the naos. In 1911 a porch was added on the south side, in front of the entrance. The old entrance portal, fully decorated with carvings and colours, was moved to the naos entrance. In 1942 the interior was repainted and the old iconostasis replaced with a larger one. In 1972, the tower was moved on the new pronaos.
Romania - Maramures
August 2020 - GoPro 7 Black
Pensiunea Bontos in Budesti, Romania (2017.09)
World Heritage Sites in Romania
Medieval towns, fortified churches, painted monasteries, wooden masterpieces and ancient Dacian ruins are just some of the attractions that make up Romania's exceptional cultural heritage. 25 of its beautifully preserved architectural gems have been included by UNESCO in the World Cultural Heritage in acknowledgement of their natural, scenic and monumental appeal.
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Hotel Secret Garden Maramures, Romania. Places to visit.
Hotel Secret Garden shows you places to visit during the holidays in Maramures, Romania.
- Wooden Churches UNESCO
- Merry Cemetery in Sapanta
- folk Art
And stop in a SPA modern Center at Secret Garden Hotel for relaxation.
100 De Motive Sa Descoperi Romania
#descoperaromania #ruralromania #travelromania #romania
Statia Dezorientarii va prezinta astazi un nou episod in care va aducem in fata voastra 100 de motive sa vizitati Romania. România este o țară frumoasă și intrigantă, cu o istorie și o cultură bogate. Sunt numeroase motive pentru a vizita România, de la frumusețea sa naturală uluitoare până la orașele sale pline de viață. Voi evidenția aici pentru ce este cunoscută România pentru a adăuga noi destinații la itinerariul tău de călătorie în Balcani. Există ceva pentru orice călător prin România, de la arhitectură frumoasă și situri istorice până la o bucătărie tradițională delicioasă și localnici primitori.
In episodul de astazi vei vedea locuri si lucruri precum Delta Dunarii, Parcul Național Munții Măcin, Munții Carpați, Pădurile virgine din România, Parcul Național Retezat, Transfăgărășan, Curtea de Argeș, Mănăstirea Corbii de Piatră, Lacul Bâlea, Transalpina, Sarmizegetusa, Vârfurile Moldoveanu și Negoiu, Crucea Caraiman, Formațiuni de roci în Bucegi, Poiana Stânii, Castelul Cantacuzino, Castelele Peleș și Pelișor, Canionul Șapte Scări, Lacul Sfânta Ana, Sanctuarul de Urși de la Zărnești, Zimbrii din România, Lacul Roșu, Cheile Bicazului, Bezidu Nou, Pasul Tihuța, Castelul Bran, Culoarul Rucăr-Bran, Cetatea Poenari, Sighișoara, Alba Iulia, Brașov, Peștera Templului Șinca Veche, Bisericile fortificate din Transilvania, Viața la sat, Muzeele satelor, Traseul Patrimoniului Maramureșean, Bisericile de lemn din Maramureș, Cimitirul Vesel, Mănăstirile pictate din Bucovina, Mănăstirea construită dintr-un singur lemn, Târgu Jiu, Parcul Național Defileul Jiului, Biserica Densuș, Castelul Corvinilor, Tunelul Iubirii din România, Parcul Național Nera-Beușnița, Cascada Bigăr, Lacul Diavolului, Peștera cu Oase, Parcul Natural Porțile de Fier, Peștera Scărișoara, Peștera Coliboaia, Peștera Meziad, Peștera Urșilor, Peștera de Cristal a Minei Farcu, Salina Turda, Pădurea Hoia Baciu, Laguna Albastră din Aghireșu, Cimitirul Bellu, Centrul vechi al Bucureștiului, Cărturești Carusel, Casa Poporului, Bulevardul Unirii, Calea Victoriei, Palatul Regal, Ateneul Român, Palatul Cotroceni, Therme București, Băile termale din Herculane, Cetățile Dobrogei, Lacul Vederoasa, Lacul de Cretă, Vama Veche, Plaje sălbatice de la Marea Neagră, Orient Express, Mocănița.
Hai sa devii membru al canalului Statia Dezorientarii :
Contact :
00:00 Introducere
00:53 Delta Dunarii
01:43 Parcul Natural Muntii Macin
02:05 Muntii Carpati
02:30 Padurile din Romania
02:52 Parcul National Retezat
03:15 Transfagarasan
04:07 Curtea de Arges
04:50 Manastirea Corbii de Piatra
05:08 Lacul Balea
05:34 Transalpina
06:08 Sarmizegetusa
07:00 Crucea Caraiman
07:30 Sfinxul si Babele
07:49 Poiana Stanii
08:11 Castelul Cantacuzino
08:43 Castelul Peles
09:20 Canionul Sapte Trepte
09:50 Lacul Sfanta Ana
10:16 Sanctuarul de Ursi de la Zarnesti
10:40 Zimbrii din Romania
11:00 Lacul Rosu
11:33 Cheile Bicazului
11:47 Lacul Bezidu Nou
12:04 Pasul Tihuta
12:41 Castelul Bran
13:04 Culoarul Rucar Bran
13:22 Cetatea Poenari
13:42 Sighisoara
14:07 Alba Iulia
14:32 Brasov
15:00 Pestera Sinca Veche
15:35 Bisericile Fortificate din Transilvania
16:06 Viata la Sat
16:47 Muzeele Satelor
17:15 Traselul Patrimoniului Maramuresean
17:41 Bisericile din Lemn
18:04 Cimitirul Vesel
18:28 Manastirile Pictate din Bucovina
18:59 Manastirea dintr-un Lemn
19:32 Defileul Jiului
19:53 Biserica Densus
20:05 Castelul Corvinilor / Huniazilor
20:18 Tunelul Iubirii
20:36 Parcul National Nera Beusnita
21:05 Cascada Bigar
21:27 Lacul Dracului
21:52 Pestera cu Oase
22:08 Portile de Fier
22:35 Pestera Scarisoara
22:59 Pestera Coliboaia
23:30 Pestera Meziad
24:00 Pestera Ursilor
24:24 Pestera de Cristal de la Farcu
24:51 Salina Turda
25:28 Padurea Hoia Baciu
25:57 Laguna Albastra
26:12 Vulcanii Noroiosi
26:31 Focul Viu
26:54 Rapa Rosie
27:10 Trovanti
27:35 Pestera Muierii
27:57 Delta Vacaresti
28:18 Parcurile din Bucuresti
28:34 Cimitirul Bellu
29:05 Centrul Vechi Bucuresti
29:20 Mancarea Traditionala Romaneasca
29:54 Vinul Romanesc
30:20 Carturesti Carusel
30:48 Muzeul Kitschului
31:22 Muzeul Comunismului
31:43 Casa Poporului
32:27 Bulevardul Unirii
33:00 Calea Victoriei
33:19 Palatul Regal
33:54 Ateneul Roman
34:21 Palatul Cotroceni
34:39 Therme Bucuresti
35:13 Baile Herculane
36:00 Cetatile Dobrogei
36:28 Lacul Vederoasa
36:46 Lacul de Creta
37:08 Vama Veche
37:43 Plajele Salbatice din Romania
38:16 Delefinii din Marea Neagra
38:35 Festivalul de Film Delta Dunarii
39:03 Festivalul de Film Cluj Napoca
39:31 Untold
40:01 Astra FIlm Festival Sibiu
40:21 Festivalul de Teatru din Sibiu
40:34 Festivalul de Jazz Garana
40:52 Festivalul George Enescu
41:28 Summer Well
41:45 Festivaluri Populare
42:09 Evenimente Culturale Gratuite
42:22 Romania este accesibila
42:40 Orient Express
42:59 Mocanita
43:22 Romania te surprinde mereu
43:31 Multumim!
Very reach Romanian breakfast at Pensuinea Bontos, Budesti, Romania (2017.09)
Very reach Romanian breakfast at Pensuinea Bontos, Budesti, Romania
Maramures Travel Guide | Amazing Folklore
Are you planning to visit Maramures, Romania? If so, be sure to watch this Maramures travel guide, in which I show you the highlights of my three days in north-western Romania. If you want to know where to go and what to see in Maramures, this video is for you!
Included in the video: the Merry Cemetery (Cimitirul Vesel) in Sapanta, the Barsana Monastery (Mănăstirea Bârsana), several gorgeous wooden churches (biserici de lemn din Maramureș), stunning villages (Breb and surroundings) and some very pretty rural scenery.
Travelling in Maramures is a unique experience – don’t miss out on it!
The music used in this video is from Epidemic Sound, a great place to find music for any creative endeavour.
Architecture photography:
Travel photography:
Maramures travel guide
Maramures travel tips
Maramures vlog
Maramures travel vlog
Maramures attractions
Maramures tourist attractions
Things to do in Maramures
What to do in Maramures
Where to go in Maramures
Things to do in Maramures
Maramures highlights
Maramureș locuri de văzut
Maramureș locuri de vizitat
Atracții Maramureș
Maramureș România
Budesti - Ocna Sugatag - Feresti - Berbesti - Vadu Izei - Sighetu Marmatiei
Calatorind dinspre Budesti - Ocna Sugatag - Feresti - Berbesti - Vadu Izei - Sighetu Marmatiei, intr-o zi calduroasa de vara. Maramuresul istoric.
Video de - Unitati de cazare din Maramures
#Maramures #Ocnasugatag #Vaduizei
Maramures - traditions and folklore
Located in the heart of Europe, Maramures is a land of wooden churches, legendary treasures, breathtaking landscapes and ancient traditions. In Maramures remained intact the culture and traditional peasant life of the past. The History of Maramures is transmitted through the wooden churches. UNESCO has included eight of these churches monuments of world cultural heritage.
Day 1: Arrival in Bucuresti
Arrival to Bucharest. Transfer to a 4* hotel, centrally located.
Day 2 : Departure to Cluj-Napoca
Departure to Cluj. Stop-over in Sibiu. Lunch. Arival in Cluj-Napoca - one of the historical capitals of Transylvania. Walk in the historical center. Dinner and accommodation
Day 3 : Departure to Moisei -- Viseul de Sus
Breakfast. Departure to Moisei. Visit the Heroes Monument and Moisei Monastery, built in 1600. Departure to Borsa. Lunch. Departure to Viseu de Sus. Dinner and accommodation
Day 4: Departure to Salistea de Sus -- Botiza
Breakfast. Mocanita boarding - a small train pulled by steam locomotive - for a superb ride on Vaser Valley. On the way, stop for lunch picnic. Continue journey by coach to visit Salistea de Sus where can be visited the wooden church (1736) and then to Botiza. Dinner and accommodation
Day 5 : Departure to Poienile Izei -- Ieud -- Botiza
Breakfast. Visit the wooden church Botiza (1796), Budesti Josani (1643) - included on the UNESCO list, Izei Meadows (1632) - included on the UNESCO list. Lunch at Botiza. Then visit wooden churches Lleud Hill - included on the UNESCO list, leud Ses and Bogdan Voda. Return to Botiza. Dinner and accommodation
Day 6: Departure to Rozavlea -- Barsana -- Vadul Izei
Breakfast. Departure to Vadul Iza. On the way visit to the wooden churches Rozavlea, Calinesti, Barsana Monastery - built in 1761 and included on the UNESCO list. Lunch near the monastery. Departure to Vadul Iza. Dinner and accommodation
Day 7 : Departure to Sapanta -- Tara Oasului -- Vadul Izei
Breakfast. Departure to Sapanta. Visit the Merry Cemetery. Departure to Oas - one of the most original and beautiful ethno-folk areas in Romania, attested since 1270. Lunch at Negresti Oas. Visit the Museum of Oas. Return to Vadul Iza. Dinner and accommodation
Day 8 : Departure to Cluj -- Sibiu (European Capital of Culture in 2007)
Breakfast. Departure to Cluj. Lunch and walk in the historical center. Departure to Sibiu city that was European Capital of Culture in 2007, together with Luxembourg. Dinner and accommodation
Day 9 : Departure to Bucuresti
Breakfast. We will visit the Museum Bruckenthal where there is a significant art collection. Paltinis mountain resort trip. Lunch. Departure to Bucharest
Day 10 : Bucuresti
Breakfast. Transfer to the airport.
Virtual Guided Tour - Budesti Josani UNESCO Wooden Church
Our colleague Florin Burgui will take us on a Virtual Guided Tour to discover the amazing Budesti Josani UNESCO Wooden Church and its history. The church of St. Nicholas of Budeşti Josani is a wooden church of Maramureş. Built around 1643, its wall paintings date from 1762. The church houses objects that belonged to Pintea the Brave, a famous 17th-century local hero.
(7 pm EEST UTC/GMT +3:00 hours, Bucharest time)
The Virtual Guided Tours are LIVE, on our Facebook page, YouTube channel & Twitter. We are Qualified Tourist Guides passionate about our work, gladly we share with you the beauty of our country Romania!
Please LIKE & SHARE our Facebook page, as well as hit the red arrow on the YouTube ► channel in order to be updated with our posts. Thank you.
00:00 Intro
03:15 Virtual Guided Tour
04:11 Map Bucharest - Budesti Maramures
04:55 Map of Romania - regions
05:42 Maramures UNESCO Wooden Churches
08:25 Maramures wooden Gate
14:48 Pintea Viteazul ( Pintea the Brave) garments
15:28 Cross inside a log
16:20 Memorial service table outside the church
17:36 Program, details to visit
18:50 Comments, answers
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#VirtualTours #RomaniaTouristGuides #ProGuideRomania #Romania #GhidDeTurism #RedescoperaRomania #TurVirtual #Zarnesti #FlorinBurgui #Unesco #Romania2021 #WoodenChurch #Budesti #Maramures #UNESCOheritage
Romania. Maramures County
What is Romania like? Spotlight Maramures County, Romania -
Romania (#10): Desesti Wooden Church
Desesti ... this village is 20 kilometers away from Vadu Izei by National Road 18. The oldest document mentioning this settlement is from 1360. Desesti has a fine example of the traditional Maramures wooden church. It was built in 1770 and named The Pious Paraschiva. (left) The interior was painted by Radu from Ungureni and Gheorghe Zugravul, The Painter in 1780. The paintings were some of the finest ever done in Maramures. These paintings were restored in the mid 1990's. The church also contains an excellent collection of painted icons from the nineteenth century on both wood and glass.
A few amazing places you really have to see when visiting Romania
A few amazing places you really have to see when visiting Romania:
Transalpina road: 00:02
Vârful Straja, Vâlcan mountains, in Hunedoara County: 01:13
Cheile Râmețului, Apuseni mountains, in Alba County: 01:30
Cheile Turzii, Trascău mountains, in Cluj County: 02:32
Peștera Scărișoara, Apuseni mountains, in Alba County: 02:53
Peștera Urșilor, Chișcău, Apuseni mountains, in Bihor County - I have no images from there but it DOES worth visiting it:
Cimitirul Vesel (The merry cemetery), Săpânța, in Maramureș County: 04:11
The whole trip lasted two weeks: we left Bucharest to Hunedoara by crossing the Transalpina road, then we reached Cheile Râmețului, Cheile Turzii, we visited Peștera Scărișoara (Scărișoara cave), Peștera Urșilor (Bears cave) and Cimitirul Vesel (The merry cemetery) in Săpânța, we headed to Borsec and then back to Bucharest through Moldova.
We chosed to sleep in the tend and there was nothing to complain about it but for those of you who are addicted to the confort, there are many pensions where you can stop for the night. The places are not over crowded (thanks God!!!) and many of the people we meet were foreign tourists. The locals are nice and it was always a pleasure to socialize with them (but you'll need at least some English basics).
You'll notice that sometimes our itinerary seems to be a little confusing (for e.g. from Alba County to Cluj County and back to Alba County). We choose to travel by car and even though we pointed some close destinations, sometimes the mountain roads are pushing you to do some nasty detours to reach it all. But the places we saw and the people we meet were really awesome so in the end it really worthed.
Good speed! And don't forget to tell all your friends about these special places afterwards! ;)
N.B. The movie was shot using a Sony FX1 camera and the music was created on a Yamaha Motif XS keyboard.
Emanuel Suceu,
Discover Countryside of Maramures !
Private Guided Tours in Maramures, Transylvania on
Transilvania, Buovina e Maramures... e i Tesori dell'UNESCO
Tour Guidato in Romania: Transilvania, Bucovina e Maramures...e i Tesori dell'Unesco.
Biserica de lemn, Wooden church, Desesti, Maramures, Romania ep 4- travel video vlog calatorie
Biserica de lemn Sf. Paraschiva din Desești a fost inclusă în decembrie 1999 pe Lista Patrimoniului Mondial UNESCO împreună cu alte șapte biserici din județul Maramureș. Biserica din Desești reprezintă „unul dintre monumentele caracteristice Maramureșului secolului al XVIII-lea”. În anii 1996, 1997 și 1998 s-au efectuat lucrări ample de restaurare, care s-au concentrat atât pe arhitectură, cât și pe pictură murală. Biserica se află în posesia Bisericii Ortodoxe Române din anul 1948. Locul este revendicat de Biserica Română Unită cu Roma, Parohia Română Unită (Greco-Catolica) Desești, care a deținut locul până la interzicerea acestuia odată cu înființarea regim comunist.
The wooden church of St. Paraschiva in Desești was included in December 1999 on the UNESCO World Heritage List together with seven other churches in Maramureș County. The church from Desești represents “one of the characteristic monuments of Maramureș of the 18th century”. During the years 1996, 1997 and 1998, extensive restoration works were carried out, which focused on both architecture and wall painting. The church has been in the possession of the Romanian Orthodox Church since 1948. The place is claimed by the Romanian Church United with Rome, the United Romanian Parish (Greek-Catholic) Desești, which owned the place until its prohibition with the establishment of the communist regime.
#travel #video #calatorie #calatorii #vlog #tourism #circuit #vacanta #yo8bse #piatraneamt #romania #moldova #costiflorea #floreaconstantin #costitravel #maramures
Filmed with Panasonic TM 700 and DJI Osmo Pocket
Dimineata la Pensiunea Pa Coasta, Mara, Maramures