#Купцы из Европы приобретали эти произведения искусства у крестьян, отдавая за них немалые деньги. Для жителей Сергиева Посада и соседних деревень продажа Богородских игрушек стала одним из важнейших источников заработка. Богородскую игрушку полюбили как и в России, так и зарубежом. До сих пор мы в восторге от миниатюрных двигающихся фигурок из дерева. Богородская игрушка – это скульптура или фигурка, вырезанная при помощи специального ножа из пластичных пород дерева (вяз, бук, дуб, ясень). Сделать такую игрушку для своего ребёнка несложно: главное – уметь выполнять тонкую, кропотливую работу и запастись терпением.
Особенность игрушек – плавность деталей и отсутствие острых элементов, которые способны поранить ребёнка. Благодаря этому, русская народная богородская игрушка заслужила признание на внутреннем и даже международном рынке. Технология богородской резьбы, помимо простых людей, использовалась и прославившимися на Руси скульпторами, которые создавали гораздо более масштабные, но всё равно не менее любопытные произведения. Ярким примером является скульптура «Медведь на тройке». Такие работы и сегодня считаются одними из самых дорогих на рынке.
Путешествие в Богородское начинается с музея Богородской игрушки.
Перед вами предстанет знакомый с детства сказочный мир с добродушными медвежатами, зайцами и лисицами. Вы познакомитесь с уникальной Богородской игрушкой, узнаете об истории ее возникновения, о Богородском промысле, посетите творческие мастерские. Можно гулять по залам самостоятельно или в сопровождении экскурсовода
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✴ Речная прогулка по Москве реке. Что посмотреть в Москве за 1 день -
✴ Москва 2022. Парк Зарядье, Красная площадь -
#iratravelvodyanitskaya #iratravel #сергиевпосад #музейбогородскойигрушки #музейигрушки #музейигрушек #богородскаярезьбаподереву #богородскаяигрушка #историяигрушки #КакДелаютБогородскуюИгрушку #экскурсиипомоскве #экскурсиипороссии #экскурсиипоподмосковьюнарусском
Driving in Moscow city: Красносельский - Богородское 26/10/2024 (timelapse 4x)
Москва (пр. Комсомольской Площади - Комсомольская пл. - Каланчёвская ул. - Бол. Переяславская ул. - Водопроводный пер. - Рижская пл. - просп. Мира - Бол. Крестовский путепровод - 2-я Мытищинская ул. - 1-я Мытищинская ул. - Кулаков пер. - 3-я Мытищинская ул. - Новоалексеевская ул. - ул. Павла Корчагина - ул. Бориса Галушкина - Ростокинский путепровод - Ростокинский пр. - ул. Богатырский Мост - Белокаменное ш. - Яузская аллея - дорога к реке Будайке)
Driving in Moscow agglomeration: Богородское - Котельники 26/10/2024 (timelapse 4x)
Москва (дорога к реке Будайке - Яузская аллея - 1-й Белокаменный пр. - Лосиноостровская ул. - Пермская ул. - Лосиноостровская ул. (второй раз) - Открытое ш. - Вербная ул. - ул. Николая Химушина - Монтажная ул. - 2-й Иртышский пр. - Черницынский пр. - Байкальская ул. - пл. Белы Куна - Уральская ул. - 9-я Парковая ул. - ул. Константина Федина - 11-я Парковая ул. - Верхняя Первомайская ул. - 13-я Парковая ул. - Средняя Первомайская ул. - 15-я Парковая ул. - пл. Мазурина - Бол. Купавенский пр. - Свободный просп. - Новогиреевский путепровод - Вешняковская ул. - Кетчерская ул. - Носовихинское ш. - Суздальская ул. - Бол. Косинская ул. - Оранжерейная ул. - Салтыковская ул. - Святоозёрская ул. - ул. Татьяны Макаровой - ул. Дмитриевского - Красковская ул.) - Московская область {Люберцы (ул. 8-го Марта - ул. Льва Толстого - ул. С.П. Попова - ул. Митрофанова - ул. Побратимов - Комсомольский просп. - Красная ул. - Волковская ул. - Смирновская ул. - Дзержинское ш.) - Котельники (Дзержинское ш.: [микрорайон Ковровый]) - Дзержинский (Дзержинское ш. - Северный пр.) - Котельники (второй раз) (Угрешский пр.) - Дзержинский (второй раз) (Угрешская ул.) - Котельники (третий раз) (микрорайон Новые Котельники)}
The estate is known from the late 16th century, when it belonged to Tsaritsa Irina, sister of Tsar Boris Godunov. At that time it was called Bogorodskoye. In the 17th century it belonged to the Streshnevs and then to the Galitzines.
Smaller hall inside the grand palace
In 1775, the estate was bought by empress Catherine the Great, who happened to be passing through the area and fell in love with the picturesque beauty of the land. It received its present name, which means “Tsaritsa’s”.
In 1776-85 architect Vasili Bazhenov built a palace for the Empress there. When the palace was almost complete, the Empress visited Tsaritsyno to inspect it. She declared the rooms to be too cramped and dark, and the palace unlivable. As a result, Catherine ordered the palace to be torn down. The remnants of the foundation of Bazhenov's original palace are still visible in the park.
Palace front
In 1786, Matvey Kazakov presented new architectural plans, which were approved by Catherine. Kazakov supervised the construction project until 1796 when the construction was interrupted by Catherine's death. Her successor, Emperor Paul I of Russia showed no interest in the palace and the massive structure remained unfinished and abandoned for more than 200 years, until it was completed and extensively reworked in 2005-07.
Currently, in Tsaritsyno there are a history and architecture museum, a landscape park with an adjacent forest, an art museum, the Biryulyovo dendropark, and a cascade of the Tsaritsyno ponds. It is managed by the Tsaritsyno Museum Reserve, founded in 1984.
Bazhenov's Opera House, 1776–1778
The 18th-century architecture ensemble was built (though not finished) following the order of Catherine II in Neo-Gothic style, after projects of the Bazhenov and Kazakov, and it is the only 18th-century architectural ensemble of such dimensions in Russia.
Around the palace, in the park there are a number of pavilions, pergolas, arbours, artificial grottos, decorative bridges (early 19th century, architect I. Yegotov), and a Russian Orthodox temple “Source of Life”, as well as a modern recreation center with an upscale restaurant. For a long time most buildings were ruined (and used for rock climbing). In 2005-2007 most buildings were extensively restored and completed: roofs, interiors and decorations have been added and their historical appearance has been altered. A number of buildings house the Russian museum of folk and applied art. The atrium of the “Bread House” is used for concerts of Moscow musicians.
The park grounds contain a group of burial mounds (Kurgans) that belong to the Early Slavs tribe Vyatichs dated to the 11th-13th century.
Morning trip by car in Moscow - From Sadovoe Through The Yauza To Sokolniki
0:00 Подольское шоссе || Podolskoye Highway
0:59 2-й Павловский переулок || 2nd Pavlovsky Lane
1:56 Дубининская улица || Dubininskaya Street
4:56 Стремянный переулок || Stremyanny Lane
6:08 Большой Строченовский переулок || Bolshoy Strochenovsky Lane
6:45 Валовая улица || Valovaya Street
7:34 Улица Зацепский Вал || Zatsepsky Val Street
8:05 Нижняя Краснохолмская улица || Nizhnyaya Krasnokholmskaya Street
8:55 Улица Земляной Вал || Zemlyanoy Val Street
9:13 Народная улица || Narodnaya Street
10:06 Гончарная набережная || Goncharnaya Embankment
11:02 Котельническая набережная || Kotelnicheskaya Embankment
12:02 Подгорская набережная || Podgorskaya Embankment
12:58 Берниковская набережная || Bernikovskaya Embankment
14:07 Николоямская набережная || Nikoloyamskaya Embankment
15:00 Андроньевская набережная || Andronyevskaya Embankment
15:25 Золоторожская набережная || Zolotorozhskaya Embankment
17:04 Красноказарменная набережная || Krasnokazarmennaya Embankment
17:55 Головинская набережная || Golovinskaya Embankment
19:29 Госпитальная набережная || Gospitalnaya Embankment
20:42 Семёновская набережная || Semyonovskaya Embankment
22:25 Преображенская набережная || Preobrazhenskaya Embankment
24:22 Набережная Ганнушкина || Gannushkina Embankment
26:28 Проспект Ветеранов || Veteranov Avenue
27:52 Богородское шоссе || Bogorodskoye Highway
28:47 Ростокинский проезд || Rostokinsky Drive
30:06 Богородское шоссе || Bogorodskoye Highway
Walking tour of Moscow. Tsaritsyno Museum Reserve
Walking tour of the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve.
Beautiful nature, well-groomed park, ancient architecture coupled with modern technology. Tsaritsyno is a place that cannot get bored, a place that is worth visiting. And having visited it once, be sure, you will return more than once. The Tsaritsyno estate has been known since the end of the 16th century, at that time it belonged to Boris Godunov's sister, Tsarina Irina, and was called otherwise — Bogorodskoye. It was at this very place that the palace and park ensemble, which we can see today, appeared later. The cascade of equipped ponds has been preserved since that time.
Later, the village passes to Streshnev, and even later to Golitsyn.
In 1712, Peter I granted the estate of Black Mud — that was the name of this area at that time — to the Moldavian ruler Dmitry Cantemir.
In the spring of 1775, on one of her walks, Catherine II, passing by, was fascinated by the beauty of the estate and bought it from Cantemir without delay. Since then, the history of Tsaritsyno begins.
【4K】Castle in Catherine the Great | Walking in the park
Tsaritsyno museum and reserve in Moscow was founded in 1984 in the park of the same name.
The estate is known from the late 16th century, when it belonged to Tsarina Irina, sister of Tsar Boris Godunov. At that time it was called Bogorodskoye. In the 17th century it belonged to the Streshnevs and then to the Galitzines.
In 1775, the estate was bought by empress Catherine the Great, who happened to be passing through the area and fell in love with the picturesque beauty of the land. It received its present name, which means “Tsarina’s”.
In 1776-85 architect Vasili Bazhenov built a palace for the Empress there. When the palace was almost complete, the Empress visited Tsaritsyno to inspect it. She declared the rooms to be too cramped and dark, and the palace unlivable. As a result, Catherine ordered the palace to be torn down, and the architect was fired. The remnants of the foundation of Bazhenov's original palace are still visible in the park.
In 1786, Matvey Kazakov presented new architectural plans, which were approved by Catherine. Kazakov supervised the construction project until 1796 when the construction was interrupted by Catherine's dеath. Her successor, Emperor Paul I of Russia showed no interest in the palace and the massive structure remained unfinished and abandoned for more than 200 years, until it was completed and extensively reworked in 2005-07.
Currently, in Tsaritsyno there are a history and architecture museum, a landscape park with an adjacent forest, an art museum, the Biryulyovo dendropark, and a cascade of the Tsaritsyno ponds.
The 18th-century architecture ensemble was built (though not finished) following the order of Catherine II in Neo-Gothic style, after projects of the Bazhenov and Kazakov, and it is the only 18th-century architectural ensemble of such dimensions in Russia.
Around the palace, in the park there are a number of pavilions, pergolas, arbours, artificial grottos, decorative bridges (early 19th century, architect I. Yegotov), and a Russian Orthodox temple “Source of Life”, as well as a modern recreation center with an upscale restaurant. For a long time most buildings were ruined (and used for rock climbing). In 2005—2007 most buildings were extensively restored and completed: roofs, interiors and decorations have been added and their historical appearance has been altered. A number of buildings house the Russian museum of folk and applied art. The atrium of the “Bread House” is used for concerts of Moscow musicians.
The park grounds contain the group of burial mounds that belong to the Early Slavs tribe Vyatichs dated to the 11th-13th century.
0:00 Elements of park design
2:30 West arch bridge
4:08 Horseshoe Island on the Middle Tsaritsyno Pond
5:50 Eastern arch bridge
6:50 Walk
10:10 Figured bridge
10:40 Tsaritsyno Palace
16:20 Palace glade
18:15 Tower ruin
21:45 Forest
34:26 Palace glade
37:00 Walk
38:17 Boy feeding squirrel
38:30 Walk
40:08 Humpback Bridge (Orangery Dam) - an architectural monument
41:13 Walk
50:16 Large (Gothic) bridge over the ravine
51:51 Walk
53:00 Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God Life-Giving Source
53:18 Walk
53:45 Figured bridge
55:22 Tsaritsyno Palace
57:39 Walk
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Twitter: twitter.com/Walkingbird12
Day information:
October 4, Sunday, Air temperature +20
#Moscow #walking #city #park #Russia
How Moscow Went From Cars to Cycling in Just a Few Years
Moscow Bike Life: The Rebirth of a City.
Get ready to experience the vibrant pulse of Moscow like never before - the city's bike culture is back and better than ever!
Experience the vibrant energy and renewed spirit of Moscow as we explore the city on two wheels in this exciting episode of Moscow Bike Life. Join us as we witness the rebirth of a city, feel the pulse of the streets, and see how the urban landscape comes alive again. Don't miss out on this thrilling journey through the heart of Moscow!
Friends, I created a small channel Bike ride in Moscow about the city life of the city of Moscow, where I post interesting videos about today's life and what is happening at the moment.
Small videos of sketches from parks, public places. Sometimes it's just a walk through the evening city, which can convey the atmosphere of the city, sometimes it's new quarters or atmospheric video sketches with musical accompaniment.
I also love evening walks from one area to another. Moscow is also being built, new architecture, new residential complexes and even residential areas. A walk through the new modern residential complexes of Moscow, to see in what style the city began to change.
Holidays are how the city is decorated with its architecture and life, all this attracts attention and of course you want to capture it in good quality and create original content.
But just listening to the noise of the city is not very interesting, so I add musical accompaniment depending on the atmosphere or situation. The bike and the city of Moscow are harmoniously combined with each other.
Sometimes such a video is more interesting because you can ride a bike for quite a long distance than walking from one street to another.
On my channel there is content about the current life of the city of Moscow, seasoned with musical accompaniment and my view of this world. This virtual tour of Moscow in 4K60 fps resolution will leave the most pleasant impressions.
🌆🚴♂️ Welcome back to another exciting episode of Moscow Bike Life: The Rebirth of a City! Today, we're taking you on a scenic bike ride through some of the most captivating streets and landmarks in Moscow. Get ready to experience the city's transformation right from the comfort of your screen!
Our journey begins at the iconic Obrucheva Street and Architect Vlasov Street. From there, we pedal our way through the heart of Moscow, exploring new residential complexes and witnessing the city's architectural evolution. 🌧️ Despite a brief rain shower, we continue our adventure on the glistening wet asphalt, adding a unique charm to our ride.
We make our way past notable spots like the Ever Residential Complex and the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. The day transforms beautifully as the sun comes out, making our leisurely ride even more enjoyable. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the mesmerizing views of Moscow's skyline and bustling streets.
🚴♂️ Highlights of the Ride:
0:03 Obrucheva Street
0:52 Architect Vlasov Street
1:19 Starting our bike tour around Moscow
2:27 New residential buildings and Troparevo metro station
2:34 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
6:34 Entering Ever Residential Complex
12:07 Academician Semenikhin Street
13:25 Starokaluga Highway
14:48 Afi Park Vorontsovsky Residential Complex
15:30 Vorontsovsky Park - Park of Culture and Recreation
As we wind through the streets, you'll see the vibrant life of Moscow, from the bustling residential areas to the serene parks. We end our tour near the Troparevo metro station, a perfect spot to conclude our sunny, leisurely ride.
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more incredible bike tours around the world! 🚴♂️🌍
Enjoy watching and let us know your favorite part of the ride in the comments below! 👇
#MoscowBikeLife #CityRebirth #MoscowTour #BikeRide #urbanexploration
#moscowwalk #bikerideinmoscow #moscowbikeride #moscowbiketour #moscowbiketour, #moscowbikeride #uncoveringmoscow #moscow #eveningmoscow #4k60fps #bikeridetourmoscow #moscow4k #walkingmoscow4k #moscowcity #moscowwalks #moscowcycling #moscowwalk #moscowwalks #subtitles #moscowstreetwalk #cycling tour in moscow #bicyclewalkmoscow
Travel Russia Moscow by tram № 4
Travelling around the city by tram is a great way to explore Moscow and is ideal for urban adventurers and amateur geographers.
Route: Ivanteevka Street - the pursuit of travel - one million street - Krasnobogatyrskaya street - Bogorodskoye Highway - Big Shiryaevo street - Big Deer Street - Street Deer shaft - 2nd Field Lane - the street Stromynka - Preobrazhenskaya Street - Big CHerkizovskaja street - Khalturinsky street - Khalturinsky fare - Open highway.
The Most Magical Winter Wonderland in Moscow
Moscow walk. A wonderful walk after the holidays .
For channel development
Friends, I created a small channel Bike ride in Moscow about the city life of the city of Moscow, where I post interesting videos about today's life and what is happening at the moment. Small videos of sketches from parks, public places. Sometimes it's just a walk through the evening city, which can convey the atmosphere of the city, sometimes it's new quarters or atmospheric video sketches with musical accompaniment. I also love evening walks from one area to another. Moscow is also being built, new architecture, new residential complexes and even residential areas. A walk through the new modern residential complexes of Moscow, to see in what style the city began to change. Holidays are how the city is decorated with its architecture and life, all this attracts attention and of course you want to capture it in good quality and create original content. But just listening to the noise of the city is not very interesting, so I add musical accompaniment depending on the atmosphere or situation. The bike and the city of Moscow are harmoniously combined with each other. Sometimes such a video is more interesting because you can ride a bike for quite a long distance than walking from one street to another. On my channel there is content about the current life of the city of Moscow, seasoned with musical accompaniment and my view of this world. This virtual tour of Moscow in 4K60 fps resolution will leave the most pleasant impressions.
#moscowwalk, #bikerideinmoscow, #moscowbikeride, #moscowbiketour, #moscowbiketour, #moscowbikeride, #uncoveringmoscow, #moscow, #eveningmoscow, #4k60fps, #bikeridetourmoscow, #moscow4k, #walkingmoscow4k, #moscowcity, #moscowwalks, #moscowcycling, #moscowwalk, #moscowwalks
Moscow's Bizarre Solution to Their Traffic Problem
Moscow tourist walk. Discover the residential complex Fairytale Forest, Losiny Island.
🚶♂️Join us on a captivating journey through Moscow's hidden gems and explore the enchanting Fairytale Forest residential complex nestled in the heart of Losiny Island. This video is not just a walk; it's an adventure through the bustling streets, serene chapels, and the vibrant life of one of the world's most fascinating cities. 🌲✨
For channel development
Starting at the historical Losinoostrovskaya Railroad Station, we embark on a tour that promises to unveil the secrets of Moscow's urban landscape and its seamless blend with nature's untouched beauty. From the majestic Church-chapel of St. Macarius to the architectural marvel of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, every corner tells a story waiting to be discovered. 🏛️🌳
Timestamps to guide your journey:
0:02:26 Losinoostrovskaya Railroad Station - The beginning of our exploration
0:02:39 Losiny Ostrov National Park - Unraveling the myth of the urban forest
0:05:12 Water Tower - A glimpse into Moscow's historical infrastructure
0:07:21 Yaroslavskoe Highway - The road to modern Moscow
0:09:35 The Trench with Pipes - Where technology meets nature
0:13:41 Bolshoi Losinoostrovsky Pond - The tranquility amidst the city
0:14:25 Journey Continues - The quest for Fairytale Forest
But this is no ordinary guided tour. As we wander through the Anadyrsky and Rudnevoy streets, we dive deep into the heart of Moscow's Babushkinsky district, showcasing the city's diverse cultural and architectural heritage. The Fairy Forest residential complex stands as a testament to Moscow's evolving skyline, where modernity and nature coalesce to create a living space that is as luxurious as it is sustainable. 🌃🍃
Whether you're a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of urban exploration, this video is your gateway to experiencing Moscow like never before. So, why wait? Click play, embark on this visual feast, and let the magic of Moscow's streets, chapels, and hidden forests enchant you. 🎥👀
Remember, this is more than just a tourist walk; it's a journey into the heart of Moscow's soul, where every street has a story, and every building echoes centuries of history. Let's discover the true essence of the Fairytale Forest and unravel the mysteries of Losiny Island together. 🏞️🏙️
#MoscowWalk #FairytaleForest #UrbanExploration #LosinyIsland #TravelRussia 🇷🇺
Friends, I created a small channel Bike ride in Moscow about the city life of the city of Moscow, where I post interesting videos about today's life and what is happening at the moment.
Small videos of sketches from parks, public places. Sometimes it's just a walk through the evening city, which can convey the atmosphere of the city, sometimes it's new quarters or atmospheric video sketches with musical accompaniment.
I also love evening walks from one area to another. Moscow is also being built, new architecture, new residential complexes and even residential areas. A walk through the new modern residential complexes of Moscow, to see in what style the city began to change.
Holidays are how the city is decorated with its architecture and life, all this attracts attention and of course you want to capture it in good quality and create original content.
But just listening to the noise of the city is not very interesting, so I add musical accompaniment depending on the atmosphere or situation. The bike and the city of Moscow are harmoniously combined with each other.
Sometimes such a video is more interesting because you can ride a bike for quite a long distance than walking from one street to another.
On my channel there is content about the current life of the city of Moscow, seasoned with musical accompaniment and my view of this world. This virtual tour of Moscow in 4K60 fps resolution will leave the most pleasant impressions.
#moscowwalk #bikerideinmoscow #moscowbikeride #moscowbiketour #moscowbiketour, #moscowbikeride #uncoveringmoscow #moscow #eveningmoscow #4k60fps #bikeridetourmoscow #moscow4k #walkingmoscow4k #moscowcity #moscowwalks #moscowcycling #moscowwalk #moscowwalks #subtitles #moscowstreetwalk #cycling tour in moscow #bicyclewalkmoscow
Живая нить традиций. Петушки и Покров
Информационно-образовательный фильм о городах Петушки и Покров (Владимирская область) из цикла «Живая нить традиций. Малые города Владимирской области».
Петушки и Покров располагались на Владимирском тракте, что определило их историю и культуру. Покров – фармацевтический центр современной России и родина традиционного промысла «Покровский пряник».
В фильме-экскурсии представлены места, культура и природные объекты, а также народные промыслы Петушков и Покрова, интересные как жителям Владимирской области, так и туристам из других регионов России.
00:00 Вступление. Железнодорожный вокзал в г. Петушки
00:23 История города Петушки
01:06 Свято-Успенская церковь в Петушках
01:22 Музей Петуха
02:19 Музей Венедикта Ерофеева
02:50 Персональная выставка Павла Ивашкина (резьба по дереву, аргуновская резьба)
03:16 Мастерская Павла Ивашкина. Мастер-класс резьбы по дереву
04:43 История города Покрова. Церковь Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Покрове
05:26 Краеведческий музей города Покрова
06:36 Музей шоколада в Покрове. Памятник Феи Шоколада
07:16 Фабрика «Покровский пряник». Мастер-класс по расписыванию пряника
09:05 Село Андреевское. Усадьба Воронцовых-Дашковых
09:43 Елисейково (Петушинский район): Музей Исаака Левитана, Дом пейзажа им. И. Левитана
11:02 Этнографический музей «Русский остров»
13:21 Свято-Введенский островной монастырь
14:40 Озеро Чёрное
14:54 Агрокультурный туристический комплекс «Богдарня»
Проект «Живая нить традиций. Малые города Владимирской области» реализуется при поддержке Фонда президентских грантов.
Партнёр проекта – ГАУК ВО «Областной Центр народного творчества».
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