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10 Best place to visit in Benoy-Yurt Russia


4K | Shira Beno-Yurt museam | Chechen aul

The cultural and ethnographic complex was built by the inhabitants of 12 settlements included in the so-called Big Benoy. The Ethno-Museum in Benoy became the third in a row in the republic.
12 houses built of natural stone symbolize the farms included in the rural settlement. The interior decoration fully reflects the life of Chechens of the past - a stove, household items, household utensils. Even food here can be prepared using old technologies. The Ethnographic Museum is not limited to stylization. The person who visited the Shira Beno-Yurt as if moves in time to a medieval village with all its attributes. Inside the houses there is even a special dish in which dairy products and a clay oven for frying corn were prepared. The place for the object was not chosen by chance, since it is associated with a large number of historical all videos of tours in the Chechen Republic in the playlist

Watch the video with walks around the city of Grozny and its attractions in the playlist

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