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10 Best place to visit in Beipiao China


Yebaishou by Night

Picture this - it was a hot and humid August trip to China around 1994. Ted Talbot and I arrived in China after a period of heavy rain and flooding in June and July and the result was very high humidity and poor air clarity throughout and very trying daytime conditions. Ted’s still cameras stayed mainly in the camera bag. I showed the cook in the restaurant how to cook proper chips and made up a tomato kechup from tomato paste and vinegar. This night shot was my best bit of video of the whole trip! We left Yebaishou around 23:00 and before our steam-hauled overnight train to Chengde arrived, these two back-to-back QJs on an engineers’ train with another QJ on the rear set off along with a shunting JS in parallel. Magic! Oh to have the chance to do this again with a current generation video camera.

Beijing Walking,Feijia Village, where most of the Beipiao people and migrants live

Recording date: 2023.2.25

Beipiaonan and on to Yebaishou - Summer Trip to China 1996?

This video: As we move from Beipiaonan to Yebaishou on a back route from Shenyang to Chengde, it is nice to see steam on passenger trains and back-to-back double heading on freights. The effect of the humidity on visibility is clear to see on these rural sequences.

General notes to this series: This rare summer trip to see mainline Chinese steam was not improved by hot, very humid weather after a period of extreme rainfall with extensive flooding. We started at Beipiao which had a number of coal mines and associated railways but apart from one SY, I don't remember finding anything interesting there and anyway, there were still JS and QJ working the branch from Beipiao to Beipiaonan Junction and in all directions from there. We moved on to Yebaishou where lines radiate in 3 directions to Chifeng, Chengde and Shenyang and then on to Chengde for the steelworks branch. I made the trip with Ted Talbot and a new guiding service introduced to us by Japanese enthusiasts called (I think) Liaoning Business Travel. It was run by Mr Fu and he assigned us guide George who eventually moved to Singapore. Mr Fu's friend Mrs Sun (former Jiling CITS, I believe) was also with us at times along with Mr Fu. The trip include Beipiao, Yebaishou and Chengde so there is more to come.

【飯店開箱】士林萬麗酒店 超美山景尊貴客房 雙面透明玻璃浴室搭配獨立浴缸 交通便利又能享受群山環繞 士林廚房早餐超乎預期 房價七千值得推薦! RENAISSANCE SHIHLIN HOTEL


00:00 開場
00:45 CHECK IN
09:43 下集預告

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Hoteles Baratos en Beipiao

Necesitas un hotel económico para tu próximo viaje a Beipiao? ¡No busques más! En este video echaremos un vistazo más de cerca a un hotel económico en Beipiao que supera tus expectativas sin romper tu presupuesto.

1. GreenTree Inn Henan Zhengzhou Shangjie District Xuchang Road Express Hotel

2. Aloft Zhengzhou Shangjie

3. ZhengZhou·Zhengzhou University·

🏨 Descubre las mejores ofertas de hoteles fácilmente en! Allí podrás encontrar y comparar los precios más económicos de hoteles, para que puedas reservar tu estadía ideal sin gastar demasiado.

🛫 ¿Estás buscando los boletos de avión más económicos para tu próximo viaje? ¡No busques más allá de! Esta plataforma busca en una variedad de aerolíneas y buscadores de vuelos para ofrecerte los precios más bajos.

☂️ ¡SOLO $0.99 por día! ¡Viaja con tranquilidad con una completa cobertura de seguro de viaje! Nuestras pólizas están diseñadas para protegerte a ti y a tus pertenencias mientras estás en movimiento. ¡Obtén tu seguro de viaje en línea en tan solo 2 minutos!

🏕️ Descubre un mundo de paquetes de viaje económicos con destinos en todo el mundo. ¡Reserva hoy mismo tus vacaciones soñadas y embárcate en la aventura de tu vida!

🚗 Inicia un viaje por carretera inolvidable y alquila un auto en cualquier parte del mundo sin complicaciones. Encuentra el vehículo perfecto para tus necesidades y presupuesto entre nuestra amplia selección de opciones.


00:00 Número 3
01:00 Número 2
02:00 Número 1
Etiquetas y palabras clave:
#Top3Hoteles #Viajes #ViajesEconómicos #Beipiao

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〔ENG SUB〕【六合夜市】料多現煮海鮮粥/香濃肉鮮牛肉麵/香汁入味鐵盒滷味/鮮甜爆汁好料湯包


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(00:08:41) 現點現煮海鮮粥 稱霸夜市四十年


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(00:22:40) 赤貧學徒苦學手藝 晉升牛肉麵大王


(00:31:44) 舊公寓賣船麵 神秘大門一秒到泰國


(00:38:54) 高雄佛心炭火豬肉冬粉 老闆賣兩碗賠一碗

電話:07 282 5721

(00:46:30)南臺灣滷味夜行俠 提鐵盒街頭穿梭三十年


(00:54:32) 高雄巷弄內切仔麵 親自把關麵的靈魂

電話:07 251 1536

(01:02:40)兄弟檔黑輪王 燒烤好味稱霸高雄市場


#六合夜市 #興隆居 #莊記海鮮粥 #三代春捲 #小王牛肉麵館 #大城老船麵 #古早味碳火芳德豬肉冬 #鐵盒保哥滷味 #前金廟切仔担 #廖家黑輪 #海鮮粥 #包子 #早餐 #牛肉麵 #泰式 #船麵 #古早味 #冬粉 #滷味 #切仔麵 #黑輪 #高雄 #春捲 #潤餅 #湯包

The Fabulous Chinese Fossils--- Chaoyang Liaoning Province china organism fossil

excavation was still continuing
Xu, also a postdoctoral fellow at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, waxes enthusiastic about what has become one of Earth's most celebrated fossil beds. Discoveries there are casting light on life during the Mesozoic, specifically 130 million to 110 million years ago—a time distinguished by the diversification of dinosaurs, mammals, birds, and flowering plants.

Liaoning opens a window on the late Mesozoic that is more complete and more in depth than anywhere else on Earth, Xu asserts. The reason is the diversity and great abundance of terrestrial plants and animals and their fossilization. At most sites only bone can be found. At Liaoning the fine particles of ash and mud that covered animals preserved soft body parts and prevented decomposition by sealing off oxygen.
Some scientists call Liaoning a Mesozoic Pompeii, evoking the ancient Roman city where humans were entombed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. But in its own way Liaoning is even more remarkable. Repeated volcanic eruptions created a layer cake of fossil beds spanning millions of years. So far, more than 60 species of plants, nearly 90 species of vertebrates, and about 300 species of invertebrates have been identified. Paleontologists marveled at dinosaur fossils with stomach contents identifiable as the bones of lizards and mammals, and at bird fossils containing plant seeds.
Liaoning is situated within a vast region whose primeval flora and fauna are referred to as the Jehol biota. The area was characterized by a warm climate and numerous lakes. These conditions provided a fruitful environment for plants and animals to differentiate and flourish. So many individual fossils have been found that scientists are able to study population dynamics, succession within communities of interacting species, and even predator-prey relationships.
The site preserved not just bones but often whole skeletons, says paleontologist Hans-Dieter Sues of the Smithsonian Institution, and some birds were preserved so well you can distinguish between male and female. Liaoning is unique.
During the 1990s Liaoning jumped from the pages of scholarly journals onto front pages everywhere through a series of spectacular discoveries of archaic birds and—more intriguingly—dinosaurs with feathers. These fossils bolstered the once controversial but now widely endorsed theory that modern-day birds descended from dinosaurs. They also provide much new evidence in the ongoing debate about how flight originated.
Fossils are being uncovered faster than paleontologists can describe the specimens and spread the new knowledge through scientific papers. And Liaoning promises to provide fresh discoveries for many years to come.(Reprint)

中国房价最贵的小镇:“北京” 燕郊,房价从40000元/平米,暴跌到9000元/平米,现状如何?

#中国 #燕郊 #睡城 #烂尾楼
00:00 燕郊房价腰斩,22号地铁开始修建,中国房价最贵的小镇,房价会再次暴涨吗?
01:41 天子大酒店及燕郊这个小镇名字的由来
02:05 短短不到500米的一条街,竟然有9个房地产中介店铺,这么疯狂?
04:10 实拍两套燕郊二手房及房价
07:32 22号地铁线的建设情况和周边的房地产项目
09:04 22号地铁线燕郊站的新楼盘实拍及房价
11:18 实拍北漂燕郊到北京的通勤情况
12:04 实拍北漂北京到燕郊的通勤情况
12:48 实拍燕郊的大中型商场和小型集市
14:00 中国知名房企的烂尾楼
14:25 燕郊留给我的印象
15:45 如果你是北漂,会在燕郊买房吗?
16:03 燕郊拍摄的航拍花絮


Cameras and lens:
sony zve1
sony fx30
insta360 go3
dji action3
dji air2s
dji mini3 pro
sigma 28 70
sony Carl Zeiss 16 70

Your Road
Your Road by Keys of Moon | promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Chaoyang fossil city in China

take a 6-hr driving northward from beijing you will reach Chaoyang city. there are 2 historical towers sitting face to face at north and south. a musuem under the north tower and a Buddha's relics is kept inside, in between there are many difference kinds of fossils for sale, such as fish, plants insect and etc....they said that the first bird on earth began to fly from here.


#烂尾楼 #中国烂尾楼 #融创烂尾楼 #烂尾楼维权 #维权纪录片 #北漂

自从 2021 年以来,中国房地产的很多知名开发商都遇到了资金周转问题,很多楼盘项目都无法至今无法复工,导致不能如期交付,引起了业主的不满,他们尝试过抵制缴纳月供和去信访办上访,但经过数月的努力,问题并没有得到实质性的解决。


Losing Loop by Alexander Nakarada (CreatorChords) | promoted by Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

buy me a coffee:

China Travel :Changshen and Tiantian Expressway Huai'an to Chuzhou section, evening #on the road

Changchun-Shenzhen Expressway, abbreviated as Changshen Expressway, is a national expressway network in China with the code G25[1][2]. It starts in Changchun and passes through 11 provinces and cities including Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong. It is 3,658.244 kilometers long. It passes through the following cities: Changchun, Shuangliao, Kezuohouqi, Kangping, Zhangwu, Fuxin, Beipiao, Chaoyang, Lingyuan, Chengde, Tangshan, Tianjin, Huanghua, Binzhou, Dongying, Qingzhou, Linqu, Linyi, Lianyungang, Huai'an, Nanjing, Liyang, Yixing, Huzhou, Hangzhou, Jinhua, Lishui, Nanping, Sanming, Meizhou, Heyuan, Huizhou and Shenzhen. The Tianjin-Dongying section overlaps with the G18 Rongwu Expressway. The kilometer value of this overlapped section is the value of G25. It was fully opened to traffic on December 22, 2020[3].
Tiantian Expressway is an expressway in Anhui Province. The expressway number in Anhui Province is S22, also known as Beiyanjiang Expressway. It was formerly known as Tianqian Expressway and was renamed to its current name in 2019 [1]. Its starting point is located at the Zhengji hub of S01 Xinyang Expressway and its end point is located at the Qianshan South hub of G50 Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway.

2004-05-22: Part B: China Tour: Silk Road: Shanghai

2004-05-22: Part B: China Tour: Shanghai ( en route to Pudong International Airport via Shanghai Maglev Train

CRH Experience | ASMR | G967,Beipiao→Fuxin Section,CR400BF-G-5172,Beijingchaoyang To Changchunxi

【China Railway High-speed Train Ride Experience】
Train Number : G967
Start : Beijingchaoyang High-Speed Railway Station / Beijing Chaoyang High-Speed Railway Station
Departure : Changchunxi High-Speed Railway Station / Changchun West High-Speed Railway Station
The Route in the Video : Beipiao High-Speed Railway Station → Fuxin High-Speed Railway Station
CRH Type & Number : CR400BF-G-5172,China Railway Beijing Bureau , Beijing Passenger Section

China 2002 film 4 Ji Tong movie

Film by J. Martin Warr in the series of films covering the Railway Magazine railway tour of China in 2002 in conjunction with 'Steam in Paradise' operated by Ron and Andy. This film includes a return trip along the line at the rear of a double- headed freight train in glorious sunshine with snow on the ground. Magic!

China tour scenic Guilin-T.J.C.神州之旅 山水桂林 僑鄉福建 (20-01)

Mainland China tour scenic Guilin, China Fujian Hallelujah-본토 중국 투어 관광 구이린, 중국 푸젠 할렐루야-Gira por China continental escénica Guilin, China Fujian Hallelujah-本土中国ツアー美しい桂林、中国福建省のハレルヤ-
中國大陸 神州之旅 山水桂林 僑鄉福建 於2002年(民國91年)5月29---6月5日(8天).

[SUB] 雙十連假怎麼玩宜蘭?義式料理餐酒館、手工PIZZA店、手釣烤魚、鞋子蛋糕 吃起來! | 林莎.李易 SuperTaste Yilan | 食尚玩家瘋狂總部 完整版 20231005




00:00│SALE & PEPE胡椒鹽牛排
16:14│松風文旅So Fun Hotel
33:40│漿樣子 濃い豆乳(創始店)

只有這裡看得到!#獨家網路版 、幕後花絮都在食尚玩家YouTube頻道😉
《#食尚玩家》TVBS 42歡樂台/TVBS精采台/TVBS-Asia 每週二至週五晚間10點

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Niles Canyon RR

The Niles Canyon Railway is the result of a group of hardworking volunteers who are restoring old steam engines, cars and tracks. It is in Sunol, CA and makes for a wonderful outing, especially for young children who might never see a real live steam engine working, and even take a ride on it. Take a look.

4960 Test Run 2012

We took Steam Locomotive 4960 out on our tracks for the first test runs of 2012.
GCR's 2012 Steam Schedule:
2/14 - Arizona Centennial
4/22 - Earth Day
6/2 - Kick-Off to Summer
7/4 - Independence Day
9/15 - GCR Anniversary Run

8 a.m. Departure

Iowa Interstate operated two days of steam excursions with their Chinese-built 2-10-2's October 18-19, 2008. The two engines and a long freight left Iowa City IA headed eastward toward Rock Island about 8 a.m. in fog and with a temperature of about 30 degrees. See all my clips at user Tedeboy999.


#中国失业青年 #北漂 #失业率 #青年失业率 #就业困局



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