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10 Best place to visit in Baoying China


Hongze, Huai'an, Jiangsu, China

Hongze District is part of Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, located in central Jiangsu Province, is located on the eastern shore of Hongze Lake, set up because of the lake, lending the lake its name. It is located between 118°28'-119°9'E longitude and 33°02'-34°24'N latitude. It relies on Hongze Lake in the west and looks across the lake with Sihong County and Siyang County, holds Baima Lake in the east and is water and land dependent on Huai'an District, Baoying County and Jinhu County, and is adjacent to Xuyi County in the south by the waterway of Huai River into the river, and borders with Huaiyin District and Qingjiangpu District in the north by the North Jiangsu Irrigation General Canal. Hongze has two lakes (Hongze Lake and Baima Lake) on its shoulders and is surrounded by water on all sides. It is known as the Pearl of Huai and the Town of Fish and Rice, and is an emerging eco-tourism city on the lakeshore.

เที่ยวทะเลกัมพูชาครั้งแรก เมืองสีหนุวิลล์มีสิ่งนี้ด้วยเหรอ? เชียร์ซีเกมส์ท่ามกลางคนกัมพูชา

#กัมพูชา #สีหนุวิลล์ #พนมเปญ #ซีเกมส์กัมพูชา
เที่ยวทะเลกัมพูชาครั้งแรก เมืองสีหนุวิลล์มีสิ่งนี้ด้วยเหรอ? เชียร์ซีเกมส์ท่ามกลางคนกัมพูชา

A trip out to Baoying, Yangzhou during COVID-19

Follow me as we travel around China and explore Dandan's hometown and celebrate her grandfathers 90th birthday.





活力十足, Super Energetic, 十八丁 Sepetang,马来西亚. 美食美景. 4K, Sightseeing and Gourmet food.

瓜拉十八丁, 马来西亚,位于於霹靂州, 太平市西边临海地区. 一座又繁荣又美丽的渔村. 这里自然风光,旅游景点丰富多彩,主要有乘船游览红树林,独特的观赏和喂食老鹰, 晚上出游观赏萤火虫, 参观及体验传统的木炭制作过程.
十八丁拥有大量的新鲜海产, 是享用肥美海鲜的天堂, 以及很多很多美味的当地美食.
Kuala Sepeteng, Malaysia, located in Perak, in the coastal area, west of Taiping City. It is a prosperous and beautiful fishing village. It has natural scenery and rich tourist attractions, mainly including boat tours of mangroves, unique viewing and feeding of eagles , fireflies watching at night, visit and experience the traditional charcoal making process.
Kuala Sepeteng has a large amount of fresh seafood, and it is a paradise for enjoying plump fresh seafood, as well as many delicious local delicacies.

mixkit music
Youtube Music

Tag Line:
The Tiger: Kept our merriment in memories forever.

Kuala Sepetang Port Weld ECO (Travel)
MY Charcoal Factory
KS Homestay
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2018 04 05 09 02 50雜糧煎餅

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Dedicated life consciously for Humanity, Life and Planet

Dedicated life consciously for People and Earth

If I wrote a book or even did Youtube Videos every body enjoyed and understood, I have not said anything new. Just think about that

If I wrote a book and every body enjoyed and understood I have not said anything new. Just think about that?
Just like the book If I did videos and if everyone enjoyed and understood images, contend, music words sounds and specially what I spoke My videos have not said anything new. Just think about that?
For this reason I have low subscription and low views on my videos, Is because people are doing what everyone enjoy and want to see and want to hear and want to repeat and want to reflective of culture.

What I am doing is extending my life to others without being identified with my self or anything else.

Travel is one of the best antidotes to ignorance and a powerful means to foster understanding of other people and cultures.

I continued to travel the world to see and experience about life at every step of the way.

I was travelling when there were no comforts and conveniences, as we see it today across the world.

I would walk for days without food, no sleep no proper bed for months. Sleeping how the people of the land lived.

【曼谷買樓123】-【平民美食天堂】Talat Phlu 古老美食街

話說,去又扺買又交通方便的Life Sathorn Sierra看房。睇完房,就當然係醫肚啦!
做下research 都知道, Life Sathorn Sierra 所處地Talat Phlu 地,有一所開發60年以上的街頭美食街,位置就是在Life Sathorn Sierra後面行路13分鐘左右的古老鐵路站 Talat Phlu旁。

這Talat Phlu美食街確是街頭美食天堂!不少曼谷市中心已經失了蹤影的傳統街頭小吃,還可以在這裏一嚐美味。



咁Talat Phlu嗰區會唔會好舊?市場係𠺢,古早味好有feel. 住宅區呢?去過你就知。


何況明年年早前MRT曼谷循環缐就通車了。Talat Phlu更加係三缐interchange.

Life Sathorn Sierra 細房才賣65萬港紙,又有100米泳池又50樓天枱風呂,又20分鐘BTS直達Siam.
#曼谷買樓123- Life Sathorn Sierra香港獨家代理

What’s app: 93893477, 94414577



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