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10 Best place to visit in Azov Russia


Топ 5 загадочных мест России. | Путешествие по России

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Топ 5 загадочных мест России. | Путешествие по России
00:00:23 *Тульский Китай*
• Видео рассказывает о Тульском Китае, который находится под Тулой и представляет собой настоящий китайский город с буддистским храмом, центром тибетской медицины и шаулинским монастырем.
• Все здания города привезены из Китая по кирпичикам.
• Рядом с городом находятся динозавры, которые выглядят как гиперреалистичные скульптуры.

00:01:55 *Катушки Тесла под Москвой*
• Видео рассказывает о катушках Тесла, которые находятся в лесу под Москвой и на которых проводились эксперименты.
• Катушки могут создавать мощные разряды.

00:03:52 *Английский замок под Кировом*
• Видео рассказывает о замке, который принадлежал семье Романовых и связан с множеством легенд.
• Замок находится в глухом кировском лесу и является национальным культурным наследием.

00:04:36 *Замок Гарибальди в Тольятти*
• Видео рассказывает о замке Гарибальди в Тольятти, который выглядит как средневековый замок с множеством персонажей и драконов.
• Вокруг замка можно погулять, посетить ресторан и музей.

00:06:09 *Древнегреческий город под Ростовом*
• Видео рассказывает о древнегреческом городе Танос, который был самым северным городом древней Греции.
• Сейчас на его территории находится археологический музей-заповедник.
• В этом месте проводятся фестивали в стиле древней Греции.

Путешествие по России вместе с нашим каналом откроет перед вами топ-5 загадочных мест, в которых мечтает побывать каждый. Мы подробно разберем локации и поделимся с вами их особенностями.
В топ-5 загадочных мест России вошли:
1. Золотой город. Настоящий китайский город расположился рядом с г. Тула. Здесь вы увидите буддийский храм, шаолиньский монастырь и много других необычных атрибутов китайской культуры.
2. Катушки теслы под Москвой. Невероятно футуристическое место, расположенное в лесу. Это настоящие катушки тесла над которыми проводилось множество экспериментов.
3. Английский замок Борки, расположенный в Липецкой области в глухом лесу. Принадлежал семье Романовых. Вокруг этого места ходит много жутких и интересных легенд.
4. Замок Гарибальди в Самарской области. Выглядит как средневековый замок сошедший со страниц книг. Здесь вы увидите и драконов, и необычных мифических существ.
5. Танаис в Ростовской области. Музей, который включает в себя множество необычных греческих достопримечательностей, сувениров. Все они изготавливаются по старинным технологиям.
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[2023] We ranked Ukraine's Top 10 beaches: From hidden gems to world-famous shores

10 Best #beach in #Ukraine #travel

Looking for the ultimate beach vacation? Look no further than Ukraine! In this video, we will unveil the top 10 beaches in Ukraine that you must visit. From stunning landscapes to crystal clear waters, Ukraine's beaches have it all. We'll explore each beach in detail and give you insider tips on what to do and see. Whether you're a beach bum or just looking for a relaxing getaway, this video is for you. Join us as we take you on a virtual journey to Ukraine's top 10 beaches.

0:10 Arcadia Beach, Odessa
Located in the city of Odessa, Arcadia Beach is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. With its long stretch of sandy beach, clear blue waters, and a vibrant nightlife, it's no wonder why it's the most famous beach in Ukraine. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, water sports, and beach parties.

0:25 Zatoka Beach, Zatoka
Located on the Black Sea coast, Zatoka Beach is a family-friendly destination with a long, shallow shoreline that's perfect for children. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and a variety of water sports, including windsurfing, kayaking, and jet skiing.

0:40 Otrada Beach, Odessa
Another popular beach in Odessa, Otrada Beach is known for its crystal-clear waters and stunning views. It's a great place to relax and soak up the sun, and visitors can also enjoy water sports such as parasailing and banana boat rides.

0:55 Sunny Beach, Skadovsk
As the name suggests, Sunny Beach is a perfect place to enjoy the sun in Ukraine. Located in Skadovsk, the beach is a popular destination for families, and visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and beach sports.

1:10 Golden Beach, Berdyansk
Situated on the Sea of Azov, Golden Beach is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. With its clean sand and warm waters, it's a great place to swim and relax. Visitors can also enjoy beach volleyball and other activities.

1:25 Chornomorsk Beach, Chornomorsk
Located near Odessa, Chornomorsk Beach is a popular destination for families and young people. The beach offers a variety of water sports, including windsurfing and jet skiing, and visitors can also enjoy beach bars and restaurants.

1:40 Malibu Beach, Kyrylivka
Malibu Beach is a popular destination for families with children. With its shallow waters and soft sand, it's a great place to relax and enjoy the sun. Visitors can also enjoy beach sports and a variety of water activities.

1:55 Primorsk Beach, Primorsk
Located on the Black Sea coast, Primorsk Beach is a popular destination for young people. With its lively atmosphere and beach bars, it's a great place to enjoy the sun and socialize. Visitors can also enjoy water sports such as kite surfing and windsurfing.

2:10 Lazurne Beach, Lazurne
Lazurne Beach is a small but beautiful beach on the Black Sea coast. With its clear waters and soft sand, it's a great place to relax and enjoy the sun. Visitors can also explore nearby attractions such as the local nature reserve and the lighthouse.

2:25 Dolphin Beach, Odessa
Dolphin Beach is a small but picturesque beach in Odessa. With its calm waters and rocky coastline, it's a great place for swimming and snorkeling. Visitors can also enjoy boat tours and other water activities.

ROSTOV-ON-DON Top 50 Tourist Places | Rostov-on-Don Tourism | RUSSIA

Rostov-on-Don (Things to do - Places to Visit) - ROSTOV-ON-DON Top Tourist Places
City in Russia
Rostov-on-Don is a city in southern Russia. The Rostov Regional Museum of Local History has collections on Cossack lore and war history. Nearby, Rostov Regional Museum of Fine Arts displays Russian art from the 16th–20th centuries.

The Rostov Academic Drama Theater of Maxim Gorky, built in the shape of a tractor, presents classic and contemporary plays. Outside, Theater Square has fountains and a Ferris wheel.

ROSTOV-ON-DON Top 50 Tourist Places | Rostov-on-Don Tourism

Things to do in ROSTOV-ON-DON - Places to Visit in Rostov-on-Don

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ROSTOV-ON-DON Top 50 Tourist Places - Rostov-on-Don, Russia


Слобожанщина - це пробний камінь України, саме так писав про цей край відомий український історик Михайло Грушевський. Російська влада спочатку тут скасовувала автономію та притисняла в правах козацтво, а перевіривши це на Слобідьській Україні запроваджувала ці обмеженняня на Гетьманщині. Але водночас місцеві козаки ніколи не були кріпосними. Чи завжди тут жили козаки? Коли і як з'явився термін Слобожанщина чи Слобідьска Україна? Хто тут жив раніше і живе зараз? Як місцеві козаки співіснували з росіянами та як їх приймали у 2022 році? Чи вимирають ці села та які у них настрої сьогодні? Хочете дізнатися про це все, тоді запрошуємо до перегляду чергової роботи документального проєкту Хащі де ми розкриваємо колорит та автентитчність слобідських сіл Сумської області що живуть на самому кордоні з Росією.

Рекомендуємо проєкт Акіма Галімова «Українські палаци:Золота Доба»
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00:00 Що таке Слобожанщина
04:00 Миропілля - невідомий скарб Сумщини
06:36 Голодомор на Сумщині
07:27 Я тут живу, а через річку Росія
11:10 Миропілля історичне
17:23 Найвища дзвіниця Сумщини
19:29 Яким колись було відношення росіян до українців
21:16 Автентичний слобожанський колорит
28:44 Грабовське, 40 метрів від росіян
36:52 Останній охоронець кордону
40:17 Дрони бомблять Україну
41:09 Рясне. Як село прожило окупацію
44:47 Невідомі монастирі Сумщини. Ряснянський монастир
48:33 Акім Галімов Українські палаци. Золота доба
50:00 етнічно російські села Сумщини
51:07 Вощинине, мертве село з неймовірною пам'яткою
55:13 Газети 40-х років
56:30 Засуджуючі погляди святих
58:08 Чи є Слобожанщина проросійською?
59:36 КОМУ ВНИЗ - Вийди змучена людьми (вірш Олександра Олеся)

Unknown Russia - AZOV

Welcome to Russia, I would like to show you city Azov.
The city is located in the south of the Russian Federation. Azov managed to be an important point on the Great Silk Road.
I?ll show the Alekseevsky Gates, the Powder Cellar, Azov Fortress and architectural monuments with magnificent view.

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Ukraine’s Historic Town Symbolizing Imperial Russia

Ukraine’s coastal town of Mariupol is one of the largest ports in the nation with half a million population. Founded in 1778, it is a place of remarkable architecture & historical heritage. Called as the ‘City Of Statues’ it is inspired by Russian artist Arkeb Kuenzi. Home to the Greeks of Azov, the town has been preserved to secure its cultural heritage comprised of imperial & folk architecture.

Watch 'Mariupol Town Ukrine' a film which comprises of the cultural heritage of imperial & folk architecture on DocuBay -

#Ukraine #mariupol #imperial #city #memory #Russia #heritage #hometown #greeks #Azov #remarkable #architecture #historical #statue #inspired #artist #ArkebKuenzi #home #travel #secure #culture #cultural #imperial #folk #film #documentary #DocuBay

Get behind-the-scenes of the world you know with DocuBay, a members-only international documentary-streaming platform. Explore new perspectives on old issues, hidden corners in familiar places, and differences that are eclipsed by the similarities that make us #OneTribe. Watch documentaries from over 170 countries, about everything from ritual killings and dog-powered sports to global warming and digital heroes, all on #Docubay.#StreamingDocumentaries

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Best Attractions and Places to See in Taganrog, Russia

Taganrog, Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Taganrog,. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Taganrog, for You. Discover Taganrog, as per the Traveller

Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Taganrog,.

This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Taganrog,.

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List of Best Things to do in Taganrog, Russia

Ascension Cathedral
Underpass Art
Depaldo Stone Steps
Rostov State Musical Theater
Pushkin Street (Pushkinskaya ulitsa)
Ferris Wheel Odno Nebo
H2O Aquapark
Azov Historical Archeological and Paleontological Museum-Reserve
Chekhov House Museum
The Sculptural Composition Merchant-Peddler and his Cat

Ukraine| Ukraine travel guide| Top 20 best destinations to visit in Ukraine |History|Documentary

Planning a trip, we've compiled the top 20 best destinations to visit in Ukraine. From the stunning architecture of Kyiv's St. Sophia Cathedral to the picturesque streets of Lviv, this guide will help you discover the country's hidden gems. Explore the charming seaside town of Odesa, immerse yourself in history at the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, or hike the beautiful Carpathian Mountains. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure in Ukraine!
#documentary #history #popular #viral #vlog #trending #inside #places #travel #100 #1million #1000subscriber
Ukraine| Ukraine travel guide| Top 20 best destinations to visit in Ukraine |History|Documentary|Top 10 Places To Visit In Ukraine - 4K Travel Guide|

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Top 5 Places To Visit In Ukraine | Unseen Earth

Ukraine (Ukrainian: Україна, romanized: Ukraïna, pronounced [ʊkrɐˈjinɐ] (audio speaker inconsistent)) is a country in Eastern Europe. It is the second-largest country by area in Europe after Russia, which it borders to the east and north-east.[a] Ukraine also shares borders with Belarus to the north; Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary to the west; Romania and Moldova[b] to the south; and has a coastline along the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. It spans an area of 603,628 km2 (233,062 sq mi).[c] With a population of 43 million,[10][d] Ukraine is the eighth-most populous country in Europe. The nation's capital and largest city is Kyiv.

The territory of modern Ukraine has been inhabited since 32,000 BCE. During the Middle Ages, the area was a key centre of East Slavic culture under the Kyivan Rus', which was destroyed by the Mongol invasion in the 13th century. Over the next 600 years, the area was contested, divided, and ruled by external powers, including the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Austrian Empire, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and the Tsardom of Russia. The Cossack Hetmanate emerged in Central Ukraine in the 17th century but was partitioned between Russia and Poland, and ultimately absorbed by the Russian Empire entirely. In the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, a Ukrainian national movement re-surfaced and the Ukrainian People's Republic was formed in 1917. The short-lived state was forcibly reconstituted into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, which became a founding member of the Soviet Union (USSR) in 1922. From 1932 to 1933 the Holodomor killed millions of Ukrainians. In 1939, following the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Western Ukraine was annexed by the USSR. Ukraine was the most populous and industrialised republic after the Russian Soviet Republic, until regaining its independence in 1991, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
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10 interesting facts about Rostov-on-Don #traveltorussia #viral #russia #facts #russia #rostovondon

Rostov-on-Don is a port city and the administrative centre of Rostov Oblast and the Southern Federal District of Russia. It lies in the southeastern part of the East European Plain on the Don River, 32 kilometers from the Sea of Azov, directly north of the North Caucasus.

The southwestern suburbs of the city lie above the Don river delta. Rostov-on-Don has a population of over one million people and is an important cultural centre of Southern Russia. This video provides you fascinating facts of Rostov-on-Don and will leave you mesmerized.

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Mariupol Town Ukraine - The Ukrainian City With Russian Heritage | Documentary Clip

Ukraine’s coastal town of Mariupol is one of the largest ports in the nation with half a million population. Founded in 1778, it is a place of remarkable architecture & historical heritage. Called as the ‘City Of Statues’ it is inspired by Russian artist Arkeb Kuenzi. Home to the Greeks of Azov, the town has been preserved to secure its cultural heritage comprised of imperial & folk architecture.

Watch 'Mariupol Town Ukrine' a film which comprises of the cultural heritage of imperial & folk architecture on DocuBay -

#Ukraine #mariupol #imperial #city #memory #Russia #heritage #hometown #greeks #Azov #remarkable #architecture #historical #statue #inspired #artist #ArkebKuenzi #home #travel #secure #culture #cultural #imperial #folk #film #documentary #DocuBay

Get behind-the-scenes of the world you know with DocuBay, a members-only international documentary-streaming platform. Explore new perspectives on old issues, hidden corners in familiar places, and differences that are eclipsed by the similarities that make us #OneTribe. Watch documentaries from over 170 countries, about everything from ritual killings and dog-powered sports to global warming and digital heroes, all on #Docubay.#StreamingDocumentaries

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Azov Cottages - Hotel in Golubitskaya, Russian Federation

FR: Situé dans la station balnéaire de Golubitskaya, à seulement 3 minutes à pied de la côte de la mer d'Azov, l'Azov Сottages propose des logements dotés d'une terrasse avec un barbecue. Un parking privé gratuit est présent sur place.

ES: El Azov Сottages ofrece aparcamiento privado gratuito y está situado en la localidad de Golubitskaya, a solo 3 minutos a pie de la costa del mar de Azov. Las cabañas cuentan con terraza y zona de barbacoa. Las cabañas disponen de nevera.

ZH: Azov Сottages旅馆距离Golubitskaya度假胜地的Sea of Azov海岸只有3分钟的步行路程,提供免费私人停车场,设有带烧烤设施的露台。 小屋设有冰箱。浴室为共用设施。 Azov Сottages旅馆设有设备齐全的共用厨房,供客人自己准备饭菜。咖啡馆和商店均位于10分钟步行路程处。 旅馆距离阿纳帕火车站(Anapa Train Station)有51公里,距离阿纳帕机场(Anapa Airport)有47公里,并提供额外收费的班车服务。

RU: Коттеджи «Азов» с бесплатной парковкой находятся всего в 3 минутах ходьбы от побережья Азовского моря в курортной станице Голубицкая. Коттеджи располагают террасой с принадлежностями для барбекю. Все коттеджи оснащены холодильником.

AR: يقع Azov Сottages على بُعد 3 دقائق سيرًا على الأقدام من ساحل بحر آزوف في منتجع غلوبيتسكايا، ويضم مواقف خاصة مجانية للسيارات. تحتوي المنازل الريفية على تراس مُزوَّد بمرافق شواء. تتميز المنازل الريفية بثلاجة. في حين أن مرافق الحمام مشتركة.

Гигантские морские змеи😲 существуют. Съемка с камеры туристов

Туристы катаясь на катере у берегов Анапы на Черном море встретили огромных морских змей длиной около 10 метров. Это не удивительно - похолодало и пошла черноморская хамса, и эти милые создания, снова приплыли из морских глубин полакомится этим вкуснейшим лакомством. А если повезет, местные рыбаки еще и угостят знаменитой анапской «Изабеллой» с шаурмой и чурчхелой.

Visit Russia: How bad are Russian roads (Russia travel tips)

Visit Russia: How bad are Russian roads (Russia travel tips)? Travel with me on the Lena Highway and explore the amazing Yakutia, Russia, where most people look more Asian than your understanding of Russia and the roads, are the most dangerous in Europe

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My latest book - FEARLESS: Hitchhiking & Walking the Caucasus
Dell Inspiron 5570 512GB SSD
(Big Cameras) SanDisk 128GB Extreme PRO SDXC UHS-I Card
(Action Cameras) SanDisk Extreme 128GB Pro SDXC UHS-I U3
Anker Power bank 20100mAh
USB Type-C 3.5mm jack adapter
UGREEN Headphone Splitter, 3.5mm Audio Stereo Y Splitter
Rode Wireless Go (white)
Rode VideoMicro
BOYA BY-M1 3.5mm Lavalier Condenser Microphone
Pro Lavalier Lapel Microphone JK MIC-J 044 designed for Zoom/Tascam
Saramonic SR-XM1 3.5mm TRS Omnidirectional Mic with windscreen
Lacie 2TB Rugged External hard drive
Lacie 4TB Rugged External hard drive
Or Sandisk 1TB Portable external SSD (Solid State Drive)
Canon M50 Camera (brilliant camera)
Or Canon G7X MarkII
Or Canon G7X MarkIII
GoPro 7 Hero with spare battery and SD card
or Upgrade to GoPro Hero 8 Action Camera with 2 Total Batteries, Sandisk 64GB Extreme MicroSD Cards
TELESIN 35.5 Selfie Stick Monopod
Hohem iSteady Pro 3 Water Splash Proof Gimbal Stabilizer for Action Cameras
Zoom H1N Digital Voice Recorder with accessories
Zoom H4N Digital Voice Recorder 4-track portable recorder
or Tascam DR-05 Portable Digital Recorder
Osprey Rook 50 Men's (lifetime guarantee backpack)
Osprey Rook 50 Women's (lifetime guarantee backpack)
Besport sleeping bag up to -10 degrees
Moon Lence Camping tent (3-season)
Cascade Hiking Poles
Bisgear 12pcs Camping Cookware Stove Canister
First Aid Kit 299-pieces
Columbia Men's Silver Ridge Convertible Pants
Women Hiking Pants
Camping Mat Therm-a-Rest Z Lite Sol Ultralight Foam Backpacking Mattress
Sleeping Mat Ryno Tuff Ultralight Sleeping Pad Set (inflatable)

I AM SAVING-UP TO BUY THE FOLLOWING (Donations appreciated greatly):
DJi Mavic Mini drone
or DJI Mavic Air 2 drone
Saramonic Blink 500 Ultracompact 2.4GHz Dual-Channel Wireless Mic

Анапа. Карадакский змей на пляже🤣 с потомством🐍

Знаменитый Карадагский змей или плезиозавр, обитающий в Черном море у берегов Крыма, туристы периодически наблюдают плескающимся на отмелях и пляжах черноморских курортов. Ходят слухи, что его приманивает своим крафтовым кальвадосом капитан катера «Амиго» Владимир Владимирович😂.
Чудовище, несмотря на свои огромные зубы является убежденным вегетарианцем. В этот раз, змей приплыл в Анапу со своим потомством, которое надеемся тоже веганы. Опасаться их не нужно, они добрые и туристов очень любят🤗.

The world's oldest extinct volcano Kara-Dag in Koktebel - Crimea, Russia 🗻🇷🇺🌊

#russia #crimea #live #shorts #vlog #reels #nature #beautiful #travel #youtubeshorts #tourism #life #like #subscribe #youtube

🇺🇦🇷🇺 🤕 civilians are hiding in the basements from shelling

The Azovstal plant, where the defenders of Mariupol are located, where civilians are hiding in the basements from shelling, continues to be covered by enemy fire.

Last night alone, 35 air strikes were carried out, during which one of the shops caught fire. But most importantly, they affected civilians who are now trapped. Soldiers of the Azov Regiment provide first aid and make every effort to free civilians from the rubble.

Russia has launched a full-scale military attack on Ukraine that opened with air and missile attacks on Ukrainian military facilities before troops and tanks rolled across the borders from the north, east and south.
#ukraine #russia #war #news #deutschland #warzone #travel #kiev #europe

Ukrainian Mi-8 equipped with a GUV-8700 universal helicopter

Ukrainian Mi-8 equipped with a GUV-8700 universal helicopter gondola with YakB-12.7 and GShG-7.62 machine guns somewhere in the Donbass.

Пока мы видим, что Россия, к сожалению, неплохо справляется с санкциями — премьер Польши.

Russia has launched a full-scale military attack on Ukraine that opened with air and missile attacks on Ukrainian military facilities before troops and tanks rolled across the borders from the north, east and south.
#ukraine #russia #war #news #deutschland #warzone #travel #kiev #europe

Ukraine from the Sky | Visit Ukraine

Visit and discover Ukraine.

Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It is the second-largest European country after Russia, which borders to the east and northeast. Ukraine covers approximately 603,000 square kilometers (230,000 sq mi). Before the ongoing Russian invasion, it was the eighth-most populous country in Europe, with a population of around 41 million. Belarus also borders it to the north; Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary to the west; Romania and Moldova to the southwest; with a coastline along the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov to the south and southeast. Kyiv is the nation's capital and largest city. Ukraine's state language is Ukrainian.

More videos about Ukraine:

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Города России АЗОВ Ростовская область / Cities of Russia AZOV Rostov region

Города России АЗОВ Ростовская область / Cities of Russia AZOV Rostov region

Канал показывает регионы и красоту России!

Флора и фауна;

Поля, луга, степи и сибирские просторы;

Горы, холмы, леса и ущелья. Тундра, тайга и снежные равнины;

Моря, озера, реки и водопады;

Города, деревни, архитектура и достопримечательности!

Желаю всем вам увлекательного просмотра!!!

The channel shows the regions and beauty of Russia!

Flora and fauna;

Fields, meadows, steppes and Siberian expanses;

Mountains, hills, forests and gorges. Tundra, taiga and snow plains;

Seas, lakes, rivers and waterfalls;

Cities, villages, architecture and sights!

I wish you all a fascinating viewing!!!



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