25 Best Places to Visit in Kazakhstan - TraveList
In this video, I have listed the 25 Best Places to Visit in Kazakhstan. You can find the amazing places to visit in Kazakhstan and more on my channel. Don't forget to subscribe!
Which places in Kazakhstan do you like to travel to the most?
TraveList .
- Aisha Bibi Mausoleum,
- Aktau,
- Aktobe,
- Almaty,
- Arystan Bab Mausoleum,
- Astana,
- Atyrau,
- Baikonur,
- Becket Ata,
- Charyn Canyon,
- Karaganda,
- Karkaraly National Park,
- Lake Balkhash,
- Lake Issyk,
- Lake Kaindy,
- Nomad’s Land,
- Oskemen,
- Pavlodar,
- Semey,
- Sherkala,
- Shymkent,
- Tamgaly Tas,
- Taraz,
- Turgen Gorge,
- Turkestan,
The videos on this channel are inspired by channels such as touropia, Joyous Travel, Skerry Harry, MojoTravels, Ryan Shirley.
#travelkazakhstan #kazakhstantravel
Welcome to Aktobe region! [VISIT AQTOBE]
Welcome to the amazing Aktobe region! This is a corner of Kazakhstan, which has a rich history, nature and cultural riches. Let's go on an exciting journey through this unique area together!
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Актобе Казахстан - Aktobe Kazakhstan 4k
Historical and natural attractions of Aktobe region, Kazakhstan
The video shows historical places and natural attractions of Aktobe region in Kazakhstan, such as Abat Baitak Mausoleum, Kobda Monuments, Kargaly Water Reservoir, Sturgeon farm, Aktolagai range.
Aktobe - Best things to do in Aktobe Kazakhstan
Here are the things to do in Aktobe Kazakhstan presented by Frenk Talks. As usually I will present to you the best things to do in Aktobe city - Enjoy!
Which things to do in beautiful city in Aktobe, Kazakhstan? What about exploring monument of Abul Khair Khan? This place is located in Aktobe and is counting to the best touristic places to visit.
You will also explore, where are the best food, hotels, apartments, nightlife situated and you will find out how you can travel through the Aktobe with additional transport quick and easy. Scroll down the description and take a look. 😉😃 Let me be your travel guide of Aktobe in Kazakhstan and show you best things to do and to visit in this city - Enjoy 🤓
Aktobe is the city of the Kazakhstan. It offers lot of things to do. It has certainly a lot of bars and entertainment centers. Also the Kazakhstan food is generally deliciuous. As you already can sense, it is very touristic and friendly city. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Here are the top 5 places to visit in Aktobe Kazakhstan:
1. Monument Abul Khair Khan
2. Nurgasyr Mosque
3. Central park of culture and relaxation
4. Hill of Love
5. Keruen Mall
🕋 Laghman
🕋 Samsa
🕋 Sorpa Soup
🕋 Chechil Pub
🕋 Garage Grill & Bar
🕋 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Dastan Hotel
🕋 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Amsterdam Hotel
🕋 ⭐⭐⭐ Hotel Ace
🕋 Sova Loft Bar
🕋 Restobar Brooklyn
🚲Rent a car here
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Актобе Казахстан - Aktobe Kazakhstan 4k #shorts
#aktobe #kazakhstan #russian #pakistanistudents #travel #tourist
Орқаш табиғи қаумалы. Природный заказник «Оркаш». Orkash nature reserve
Нағыз ботаникалық жұмақ Мұғалжар ауданында орналасқан. Сирек кездесетін құстар мен өсімдіктердің ондаған түрлерінің, соның ішінде Қызыл кітапқа енгендердің патшалығы. Жергілікті әдеттегі пейзаж үшін бәрі ерекше – кең даланың ортасындағы қайың, көктерек пен талдың орманы, долана мен итмұрын бұталары, шөптердің керемет сұлулығы. Орқаш қорығында құстардың керемет саны өркендейді, оның ішінде қара кезқұйрық, көксары, ақсары, дала қыраны, ақиық, батпақ, дала, шалғын құладын және күйкентай. Орманның жанында тағы бір керемет жер бар - жерге өсіп, екі метр биіктікке жететін тас үйінділерінің композициясы.
Настоящий ботанический рай раскинулся в Мугалжарском районе. Царство десятков видов редких птиц и растений, в том числе занесённых в Красную книгу. Для местного типичного пейзажа здесь необычно всё – лес посреди степи из берёз, осин и ив, кустарники боярышника и шиповника, невероятной красоты разнотравье. Невероятное количество птиц обосновалось в заповеднике «Оркаш», в том числе чёрный коршун, курганник, канюк, степной орёл, могильник, болотный, степной, луговой луни и пустельга. Неподалёку от леса находится еще одно невероятное место – композиция из каменных глыб, вросших в землю, и достигающих в высоту двух метров.
A real botanical paradise is spread out in the Mugalzhar district. The kingdom of dozens of species of rare birds and plants, including those listed in the Red Book. For a typical local landscape, everything is unusual here – a forest in the middle of a steppe of birches, aspens and willows, hawthorn and rosehip bushes, and an incredible variety of grasses. An incredible number of birds have settled in the Orkash Nature Reserve, including black kite, buzzard, long-legged buzzard, steppe eagle, eastern imperia eagle, swamp, steppe, meadow harrier and kestrel. Not far from the forest is located another incredible place – a composition of stone boulder embedded in the ground, and reaching a height of two meters.
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Актобе Казахстан - Aktobe Kazakhstan 4k
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Актобе Казахстан - Aktobe Kazakhstan 4k