MP Offbeat: मध्य प्रदेश के 7 Hidden Tourist Places जिनका आपने नाम भी नहीं सुना होगा | MP Tourism
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MP Offbeat: मध्य प्रदेश के 7 Hidden Tourist Places जिनका आपने नाम भी नहीं सुना होगा | MP Tourism
मध्यप्रदेश को हिंदुस्तान का दिल कहा जाता है, यहाँ की खूबसूरती देखने के लिए हर साल सैलानी लाखों की तादाद में यहां आते हैं। यहां के फेमस टूरिस्ट प्लेसेस जैसे कि ग्वालियर का किला, बांधवगढ़ नेशनल पार्क, कान्हा टाइगर रिजर्व, उज्जैन का महाकाल मंदिर और पचमढ़ी आदि देखने के लिए भारी भीड़ जमा होती है। लेकिन अगर आप फेमस टूरिस्ट प्लेसेस की बजाय ऐसी जगह पर ऐसी जगहों पर जाना चाहते हैं, जहां भीड़भाड़ कम हो और आप रिलैक्स करते हुए घूमने का मजा उठा सकतें तो इस लिहाज से भी यहां आपको मनपसंद विकल्प मिल जाएंगे।आइए जानते हैं ऐसे ही सात खूबसूरत डेस्टिनेशन्स के बारे में जहाँ जा कर आप रिफ्रेश और रिलैक्स्ड फील करेंगे
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Madhya pradesh ko hindustana ka dil kaha jata hai, yahan ki khoobsurti dekhane ke liye har saal sailani lakhon ki tadad mein yahan aate hain। yahan ke famous ṭourist places jaise ki gwalior ka kila, bandhavagarh national park, kanha tiger reserve, ujjain ka mahakal mandir aur pachmarhi aadi dekhane ke lie bhari bheeḍa jama hoti hai। lekin agar aap famous tourist places ki bajay aisi jagaha para aisī jagahoan para jānā chāhate haian, jahāan bhīḍa़bhāḍa़ kama ho aura aapa rilaiksa karate hue ghūmane kā majā uṭhā sakatean to isa lihāja se bhī yahāan aapako manapasanda vikalpa mila jāeange।aaie jānate haian aise hī sāta khūbasūrata ḍesṭineshansa ke bāre mean jahān jā kara aapa rifresha aura rilaiksḍa fīla kareange
सांवरिया सेठ मन्दिर यात्रा || Sanwariya Seth Temple chittorgarh complete tour guide
सांवरिया सेठ मन्दिर यात्रा || Sanwariya Seth Temple chittorgarh complete tour guide
क्या आप सांवरिया सेठ मंदिर मंडफिया , चित्तौड़गढ़ राजस्थान की यात्रा की प्लानिंग कर रहे हैं तो यह वीडियो आपके लिए काफी हेल्पफुल होने वाला है । इस वीडियो में हम सांवरिया सेठ यात्रा की संपूर्ण जानकारी देंगे ।
जैसे कि -
सांवरिया सेठ मंदिर तक कैसे पहुंचे ?
सांवरिया सेठ मंदिर के आसपास कहां रुके ?
सांवरिया सेठ मंदिर चित्तौड़गढ़ की यात्रा कितने दिनों की करना चाहिए ?
सांवरिया सेठ मंदिर चित्तौड़गढ़ में खाने पीने की क्या व्यवस्था रहेगी ?
सांवरिया सेठ मंदिर दर्शन का ?
सांवरिया सेठ मंदिर यात्रा में आपको कुल कितना खर्च आएगा ।
In this video Shri Sanwariya Seth mandafiya chittorgarh Rajasthan has been given complete travel information.
The temple of Sanwariya Seth is situated in near Chittorgarh Rajasthan, this temple is 450 years old. Every year about one crore devotees come to Sawariya Seth temple for darshan.
Your Query solved -
How to reach Sanwariya Seth Temple Chittorgarh
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best time to visit sanwariya Seth Temple Chittorgarh
सांवरिया सेठ का मंदिर चित्तौड़गढ़ राजस्थान के पास ₹1 में स्थित है, यह मंदिर 450 साल पुराना है । सांवरिया सेठ मंदिर में प्रतिवर्ष लगभग एक करोड़ श्रद्धालु दर्शन के लिए आते हैं ।
#travel #travelguide #travelvlog #indiatravel #indiatravel02
मालवा सुपरफास्ट एक्सप्रेस | Train Info | Ambedkar Nagar To Katra Daily Train | 12919 | Malwa Express
For business enquiry - मालवा एसएफ एक्सप्रेस (पीटी) भारतीय रेलवे की प्रमुख ट्रेन में से एक है जो डॉ अम्बेडकर नगर और श्री माता वैष्णो देवी कटरा के बीच चलती है। ट्रेन द्वारा तय की गई कुल दूरी 1641 किमी है और ट्रेन की औसत गति 56 किमी / घंटा है ट्रेन समय पर स्रोत स्टेशन से निकलती है और समय पर गंतव्य स्टेशन पर पहुंचती है। 12919 / मालवा एसएफ एक्सप्रेस (पीटी) में 49 ठहराव हैं। ट्रेन निम्नलिखित दिनों (दैनिक) पर चलती है और इसमें कोच होते हैं - (2A, 3A, SL, 2S)।
इस ट्रेन के प्रमुख रेलवे स्टेशन हैं
अंबेडकर नगर रेलवे स्टेशन,
इंदौर रेलवे स्टेशन,
देवास रेलवे स्टेशन,
उज्जैन रेलवे स्टेशन,
मक्सी रेलवे स्टेशन,
बेरछा रेलवे स्टेशन,
अकोदिया रेलवे स्टेशन,
शुजालपुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
कालापीपल रेलवे स्टेशन,
सीहोर रेलवे स्टेशन,
संत हिरदाराम नगर रेलवे स्टेशन,
भोपाल रेलवे स्टेशन,
विदिशा रेलवे स्टेशन,
गंज बसौदा रेलवे स्टेशन,
बीना रेलवे स्टेशन,
ललितपुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
बबीना रेलवे स्टेशन,
वीरांगना लक्ष्मीबाई रेलवे स्टेशन,
दतिया रेलवे स्टेशन,
डबरा रेलवे स्टेशन,
ग्वालियर रेलवे स्टेशन,
मुरैना रेलवे स्टेशन,
धौलपुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
आगरा कैंट रेलवे स्टेशन,
मथुरा रेलवे स्टेशन,
कोसी कलां रेलवे स्टेशन,
पलवल रेलवे स्टेशन,
बल्लभगढ़ रेलवे स्टेशन,
फरीदाबाद रेलवे स्टेशन,
हजरत निजामुद्दीन रेलवे स्टेशन,
नई दिल्ली रेलवे स्टेशन,
सोनीपत रेलवे स्टेशन,
पानीपत रेलवे स्टेशन,
करनाल रेलवे स्टेशन,
कुरुक्षेत्र रेलवे स्टेशन,
अंबाला कैंट रेलवे स्टेशन,
सरहिंद रेलवे स्टेशन,
खन्ना रेलवे स्टेशन,
लुधियाना रेलवे स्टेशन,
जालंधर कैंट रेलवे स्टेशन,
दसुया रेलवे स्टेशन,
मुकेरियां रेलवे स्टेशन,
पठानकोट कैंट रेलवे स्टेशन,
कठुआ रेलवे स्टेशन,
जम्मू तवी रेलवे स्टेशन,
राम नगर रेलवे स्टेशन,
उधमपुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
चक रखवाल रेलवे स्टेशन,
श्री माता वैष्णो देवी कटरा रेलवे स्टेशन।
Malwa SF Express (PT) is one of the prominent train of Indian railways that runs between Dr. Ambedkar Nagar and Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra. The total distance covered by the train is 1641km and average speed of the train is 56km/hr Train departs from Source station at time and it reaches at Destination station at time. 12919/ Malwa SF Express (PT) has 49 stoppages. Train runs on following days (Daily) and consists of coaches – (2A, 3A, SL, 2S).
The main railway stations of this train are
ambedkar nagar railway station,
indore railway station,
dewas railway station,
ujjain railway station,
maksi railway station,
berchha railway station,
akodia railway station,
shujalpur railway station,
kalapipal railway station,
sehore railway station,
sant hirdaram nagar railway station,
bhopal railway station,
vidisha railway station,
ganj basoda railway station,
bina railway station,
lalitpur railway station,
babina railway station,
veerangana laxmibai railway station,
datia railway station,
dabra railway station,
gwalior railway station,
morena railway station,
dholpur railway station,
agra cantt railway station,
mathura railway station,
kosi kalan railway station,
palwal railway station,
ballabhgarh railway station,
faridabad railway station,
hazrat nizamuddin railway station,
new delhi railway station,
sonipat railway station,
panipat railway station,
karnal railway station,
kurukshetra railway station,
ambala cantt railway station,
sirhind railway station,
khanna railway station,
ludhiana railway station,
jalandhar cantt railway station,
dasuya railway station,
mukerian railway station,
pathankot cantt railway station,
kathua railway station,
jammu tawi railway station,
ram nagar railway station,
udhampur railway station,
chak rakhwal railway station,
shri mata vaishno devi katra railway station.
Shujalpur Railway Station (SJP) :Trains Timetable, Station Code, Facilities, Parking,ATM,Hotel Neaby
Shujalpur Railway Station (SJP) : Trains Timetable, Station Code, Facilities, Parking,ATM,Hotel Neaby, Places to Visit, Trains Schedule, Train passing through, Facilities, Retiring room, cloak room, restaurants, Plateform, Zone, Division
High Speed 14115-Prayagraj Express Skipping Maksi Junction At 100+ kmph
Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Akodia (India) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Eco Park || Eco Park Kolkata || Eco Park Opening Time || Seven Wonders Of The World In Eco Park
Eco Park || Eco Park Kolkata || Eco Park Opening Time || Seven Wonders Of The World In Eco Park
#ecopark #ecoparkkolkata #ecoparkvlog #kolkata #onedaytrip #travel #travelvlog #weekendtrip #kolkataecopark #newtownecopark #sevenwonders #sevenwondersoftheworld #biswabanglagate
An urban park called Eco Park (also known as Prakriti Tirtha) is located in New Town, Greater Kolkata, India. A 104 acres (42 hectares) water body with an island in the centre surrounds the park's 480 acres (190 ha) of land. Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, conceptualised the park in July 2011. Along with various other governmental entities in charge of carrying out various works inside the park, West Bengal Housing Infrastructure Development Corporation (HIDCO) serves as the overall organisation coordinating the construction of the park.The park is broken up into three main sections: 1) ecological zones, such as wetlands, grasslands, and urban forests, 2) theme gardens and open spaces, and 3) urban recreational areas. In accordance with the various species of fauna that have been planted, the Eco Park is further divided into various sub-parts. In this park, there are also replicas of the Seven Wonders of the World for visitors to see. The park will contain a variety of elements, including a play area, an amphitheatre, a bamboo garden, grasslands, a tropical tree garden, a bonsai garden*, a tea garden, a Cactus Walk*, a heliconia garden*, and a butterfly garden.Additionally, there are plans to create an eco-resort through a public-private partnership, which will also feature a space for the display of crafts made in various parts of the state. The park's opening was performed by Mamata Banerjee on December 29, 2012.
Official website-
Hello Everyone My Name is SK,I am from WEST BENGAL I am a travel enthusiast. I like to visit new places and also like to taste different food. If you like travel vlog then please SUBSCRIBE my channel.
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Best & Budget Waterpark In Vadodara | Full Tour With All Information 💦
#waterpark #vadodara #arena waterpark #shreejiholiday #picnicspotnearvadodara
Here I Share Arena Waterpark Full Tour Video
For Booking DM - 816-0742059
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sevasi road
opposite ankodiya
Ankodiya, Gujarat 390021
#aquaticawaterpark #aquaticawaterparkkolkata #waterparks #aquaticaresort #kolkata #goprofootage
Visited this water park with my friends . We all had a mind-blowing experience to say the least. The area is massive, has a large variety of rides and activity options, friendly staff, and an amazing overall ambiance.The best part about this is how their staff is stationed throughout the park! (even in the pools) They prioritize the safety of each guest along with making sure that everyone has a great time.
Would definitely recommend this. Do visit with your friends and family. They offer great prices and keep introducing new offers every now and then.Cannot wait for the summers to visit AQUATICA Parks again!
Cartoon - On & On (feat. Daniel Levi) [NCS Release]
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Aquatica Kolkata | The Best Water Park of Kolkata | Ticket, Offers, Timing, Locker, All Rides Info
Aquatica Banquet Resort & Water Park, also known as Aquatica Water Theme Park, is a popular water park located in Kolkata. It is one of the largest water parks in Eastern India and offers a range of attractions and entertainment for visitors of all ages.
Aquatica features numerous water slides, pools, and water-based rides designed to provide a thrilling and enjoyable experience. Some of the key attractions at the park include the Wave Pool, Niagara Falls, Family Pool, and various other slides and rides. There are also dedicated areas for children, including a kids' pool and smaller slides suitable for younger visitors. In addition to water-based attractions, Aquatica offers other amenities such as restaurants, food courts, lockers and changing rooms to enhance the visitors experience.
Kouchpukur, P.O Hathgachia, P.S.: K.L.C,
Near Rajarhat Township, Kolkata 700156.
Official Website:
+91 98317 04022 +91 93315 55220
Timing: 10am to 6pm Everyday.
#aquatica #aquaticaindia
⇛ Water Park @150 near Kolkata:
⇛ Ice Park Kolkata:
Editor : T. Paul (
Narrator : T. Mukherjee (
नर्मदा एक्सप्रेस | Train Information | Bilaspur to Indore Daily Train|18234 Train | Narmada Express
For business enquiry - नर्मदा एक्सप्रेस (18234) बिलासपुर से इंदौर तक चलती है। यह बिलासपुर जंक्शन स्टेशन (BSP) से प्लेटफॉर्म 8 से 11:45 बजे प्रस्थान करती है और इंदौर स्टेशन (INDB) में प्लेटफॉर्म 6 पर 10:55 पर पहुंचती है। नर्मदा एक्सप्रेस बिलासपुर और इंदौर के बीच 1007 किमी की दूरी को कवर करने में 23 घंटे 10 मिनट का समय लेती है। . यह एक नॉन-सुपरफास्ट ट्रेन है। इस ट्रेन की औसत स्पीड 43 किमी प्रति घंटा है। इसमें क्लास फर्स्ट एसी (1ए), सेकेंड एसी (2ए), थर्ड एसी (3ए) और स्लीपर (एसएल) हैं। यह ट्रेन रोजाना चलती है। नर्मदा एक्सप्रेस का अंतिम चार्ट बिलासपुर में ट्रेन के प्रस्थान समय से 3-4 घंटे पहले तैयार किया जाता है।
इस ट्रेन के मुख्य रेलवे स्टेशन हैं
बिलासपुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
उसलापुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
पेंड्रा रोड रेलवे स्टेशन,
अनूपपुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
अमलाई रेलवे स्टेशन,
बुरहर रेलवे स्टेशन,
शहडोल रेलवे स्टेशन,
बीरसिंहपुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
नवरोजाबाद रेलवे स्टेशन,
उमरिया रेलवे स्टेशन,
कटनी दक्षिण रेलवे स्टेशन,
निवार रेलवे स्टेशन,
संसारपुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
स्लीमनाबाद रोड रेलवे स्टेशन,
सिहोरा रोड रेलवे स्टेशन,
जबलपुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
मदन महल रेलवे स्टेशन,
भिटोनी रेलवे स्टेशन,
श्रीधाम रेलवे स्टेशन,
नरसिंहपुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
करेली रेलवे स्टेशन,
गडरवारा रेलवे स्टेशन,
सलीचौका रोड रेलवे स्टेशन,
पिपरिया रेलवे स्टेशन,
सोहागपुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
इटारसी रेलवे स्टेशन,
नर्मदापुरम रेलवे स्टेशन,
मंडीदीप रेलवे स्टेशन,
रानी कमलापति रेलवे स्टेशन,
भोपाल रेलवे स्टेशन,
सीहोर रेलवे स्टेशन,
कालापीपल रेलवे स्टेशन,
शुजालपुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
अकोदिया रेलवे स्टेशन,
काली सिंध रेलवे स्टेशन,
बेरछा रेलवे स्टेशन,
मक्सी रेलवे स्टेशन,
तराना रोड रेलवे स्टेशन,
उज्जैन रेलवे स्टेशन,
विक्रम नगर रेलवे स्टेशन,
देवास रेलवे स्टेशन,
लक्ष्मी बाई नगर रेलवे स्टेशन,
इंदौर रेलवे स्टेशन।
NARMADA EXPRESS (18234) runs from Bilaspur to Indore. It departs from Bilaspur Jn station (BSP) at 11:45 from platform 8 and arrives at Indore station (INDB) at 10:55 on platform 6. NARMADA EXPRESS takes 23 hrs 10 mints to cover the distance of 1007 km between Bilaspur and Indore. It is a non-superfast train. The average speed of this train is 43 kmph. It has classes First AC (1A), Second AC (2A), Third AC (3A) and Sleeper (SL). This train runs daily. Final chart for NARMADA EXPRESS is prepared at Bilaspur usually 3-4 hours before train departure time.
THe main railway stations of this train are
Bilaspur railway station,
uslapur railway station,
pendra road railway station,
anuppur railway station,
amlai railway station,
burhar railway station,
shahdol railway station,
birsinghpur railway station,
nowrozabad railway station,
umaria railway station,
katni south railway station,
niwar railway station,
sansarpur railway station,
sleemanabad road railway station,
sihora road railway station,
jabalpur railway station,
madan mahal railway station,
bhitoni railway station,
shridham railway station,
narsinghpur railway station,
kareli railway station,
gadarwara railway station,
salichauka road railway station,
pipariya railway station,
sohagpur railway station,
itarsi railway station,
narmadapuram railway station,
mandideep railway station,
rani kamlapati railway station,
bhopal railway station,
sehore railway station,
kalapipal railway station,
shujalpur railway station,
akodia railway station,
kali sindh railway station,
berchha railway station,
maksi railway station,
tarana road railway station,
ujjain railway station,
vikram nagar railway station,
dewas railway station,
laxmi bai nagar railway station,
indore railway station.
14115-Prayagraj Express Skipping Berchha Station
Jabalpur - Somnath Express (Via Itarsi) | 11464 Train | जबलपुर - सोमनाथ एक्सप्रेस | Train Info
For business enquiry - 11463/64 जबलपुर सोमनाथ एक्सप्रेस भारतीय रेलवे से जुड़ी एक एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन है - पश्चिम मध्य रेलवे ज़ोन जो भारत में सोमनाथ और जबलपुर जंक्शन के बीच चलती है।
यह सोमनाथ से जबलपुर जंक्शन तक ट्रेन संख्या 11463 के रूप में और गुजरात और मध्य प्रदेश राज्यों की सेवा करने वाली रिवर्स दिशा में ट्रेन संख्या 11464 के रूप में संचालित होती है।
जबलपुर, श्रीधाम, नरसिंहपुर, करेली, गाडरवारा, पिपरिया, सोहागपुर, इटारसी जंक्शन, होशंगाबाद, हबीबगंज, भोपाल जंक्शन, बैरागढ़, सीहोर, पार्वती, कालापीपल, शुजालपुर, अकोदिया, काली सिंध, बेरछा, मक्सी, तराना रोड, तराना जंक्शन, खाचरौद, रतलाम जंक्शन, मेघनगर, दाहोद, गोधरा जंक्शन, डेरोल, वडोदरा जंक्शन, आनंद जंक्शन, नडियाद जंक्शन, मम्मवद खेड़ा रोड, मणिनगर, अहमदाबाद जंक्शन, वीरमगाम जंक्शन, सुरेंद्रनगर, थान जंक्शन, वांकानेर जंक्शन, राजकोट, राजकोट , गोंडल, वीरपुर, जेतलासर जंक्शन, जूनागढ़ जंक्शन, केशोद, मालिया हटिना, वेरावल, SMNH
The 11463 / 64 Jabalpur Somnath Express is an Express train belonging to Indian Railways - West Central Railway zone that runs between Somnath and Jabalpur Junction in India.
It operates as train number 11463 from Somnath to Jabalpur Junction and as train number 11464 in the reverse direction serving the states of Gujarat & Madhya Pradesh.
Jabalpur, Shridham, Narsinghpur, Kareli, Gadarwara, Pipariya, Sohagpur, Itarsi Jn, Hoshangabad, Habibganj, Bhopal Jn, Bairagarh, Sehore, Parbati, Kalapipal, Shujalpur, Akodia, Kali Sindh, Berchha, Maksi, Tarana Road, Ujjain Jn, Nagda Jn, Khachrod, Ratlam Jn, Meghnagar, Dahod, Godhra Jn, Derol, Vadodara Jn, Anand Jn, Nadiad Jn, Mhmdvd Kheda Rd, Maninagar, Ahmedabad Jn, Viramgam Jn, Surendranagar, Than Jn, Wankaner Jn, Rajkot Jn, Bhakti Nagar, Gondal, Virpur, Jetalsar Jn, Junagadh Jn, Keshod, Maliya Hatina, Veraval, SMNH
इन्दौर - कोच्चुवेली एक्सप्रेस | Train Information | 19332 train | Indore - Kochuveli Weekly Express
For business enquiry - इंदौर कोचुवेली साप्ताहिक एक्सप्रेस इंदौर (INDB) से 21:00 बजे शुरू होती है, वड़ोदरा जंक्शन (BRC) पर 04:40, सूरत (ST) से 06:37 बजे, गोवा मडगाँव (MAO) से 23:25 बजे, मैंगलोर जंक्शन (MAJN) पहुंचती है 06:05 पर, कन्नूर (CAN) 08:22 बजे, एर्नाकुलम जंक्शन (ERS) 14:05 बजे और एलेप्पी (ALLP) 15:20 बजे। यह तीसरे दिन 18:40 पर कोचुवेली में आता है। यह इंदौर और कोचुवेली के बीच अपने रूट के 31 स्टेशनों पर रुकती है।
INDB KCVL एक्सप्रेस मार्ग में इंदौर जंक्शन बीजी, देवास जंक्शन, उज्जैन रेलवे स्टेशन, नागदा जंक्शन, रतलाम जंक्शन, दाहोद रेलवे स्टेशन, गोधरा जंक्शन, वड़ोदरा रेलवे स्टेशन, सूरत रेलवे स्टेशन, वापी रेलवे स्टेशन, बोईसर रेलवे स्टेशन, वसई रोड रेलवे स्टेशन शामिल हैं। पनवेल रेलवे स्टेशन, रोहा रेलवे स्टेशन, चिपलून रेलवे स्टेशन, रत्नागिरी रेलवे स्टेशन, कुडल रेलवे स्टेशन, थिविम रेलवे स्टेशन, मडगाँव जंक्शन, करवार रेलवे स्टेशन, उडुपी रेलवे स्टेशन, मंगलौर रेलवे स्टेशन, कसारोड रेलवे स्टेशन, कन्नूर मुख्य रेलवे स्टेशन, कोझीकोड मुख्य रेलवे स्टेशन, शोरनूर जंक्शन, त्रिशूर सिटी रेलवे स्टेशन, अलुवा रेलवे स्टेशन, एर्नाकुलम जंक्शन (दक्षिण), अलाप्पुझा रेलवे स्टेशन, कायमकुलम जंक्शन, कोल्लम रेलवे स्टेशन, त्रिवेंद्रम कोचुवेली रेलवे स्टेशन। अंत में, यह त्रिवेंद्रम कोचुवेली रेलवे स्टेशन रेलवे स्टेशन पर आता है।
Indore Kochuveli Weekly Express starts from Indore (INDB) at 21:00, reaches Vadodara Jn (BRC) at 04:40, Surat (ST) at 06:37, Goa Madgaon (MAO) at 23:25, Mangalore Jn (MAJN) at 06:05, Kannur (CAN) at 08:22, Ernakulam Jn (ERS) at 14:05 and Alleppey (ALLP) at 15:20. It arrives at Kochuveli on third day at 18:40. It stops at 31 stations in its route between Indore and Kochuveli.
INDB KCVL Express route covers Indore Junction Bg, Dewas Junction, Ujjain Railway Station, Nagda Junction, Ratlam Junction, Dahod Railway Station, Godhra Junction, Vadodara Railway Station, Surat Railway Station, Vapi Railway Station, Boisar Railway Station, Vasai Road Railway Station, Panvel Railway Station, Roha Railway Station, Chiplun Railway Station, Ratnagiri Railway Station, Kudal Railway Station, Thivim Railway Station, Madgaon Junction, Karwar Railway Station, Udupi Railway Station, Mangalore Railway Station, Kasargod Railway Station, Kannur Main Railway Station, Kozhikode Main Railway Station, Shoranur Junction, Thrissur City Railway Station, Aluva Railway Station, Ernakulam Junction (South), Alappuzha Railway Station, Kayamkulam Junction, Kollam Railway Station, Trivandrum Kochuveli Railway Station . Finally, it arrives at Trivandrum Kochuveli Railway Station Railway Station.
High Speed Station skip and crossing with Malwa Express.
22452 Chandigarh Bandra Superfast Express High Speed Station skip and crossing with Malwa Express.
वेरावल - जबलपुर एक्सप्रेस (वाया बीना) | Train Info | 11465 | Veraval - Jabalpur Express (via Bina)
वेरावल जबलपुर जंक्शन एक्सप्रेस (बीना के माध्यम से) भारतीय रेलवे से संबंधित एक एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन है जो भारत में वेरावल और जबलपुर जंक्शन के बीच चलती है।
इस ट्रेन के प्रमुख रेलवे स्टेशन हैं
वेरावल रेलवे स्टेशन,
मालिया हटिना रेलवे स्टेशन,
केशोद रेलवे स्टेशन,
जूनागढ़ रेलवे स्टेशन,
जेतलसर रेलवे स्टेशन,
वीरपुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
गोंडल रेलवे स्टेशन,
भक्ति नगर रेलवे स्टेशन,
राजकोट रेलवे स्टेशन,
वांकानेर रेलवे स्टेशन,
रेलवे स्टेशन से,
सुरेंद्रनगर रेलवे स्टेशन,
विरमगाम रेलवे स्टेशन,
चांदलोडिया रेलवे स्टेशन,
अहमदाबाद रेलवे स्टेशन,
महेम्दावाद खेड़ा रोड रेलवे स्टेशन,
नाडियाड रेलवे स्टेशन,
आनंद रेलवे स्टेशन,
छायापुरी रेलवे स्टेशन,
डेरोल रेलवे स्टेशन,
गोधरा रेलवे स्टेशन,
दाहोद रेलवे स्टेशन,
मेघनगर रेलवे स्टेशन,
रतलाम रेलवे स्टेशन,
खाचरौद रेलवे स्टेशन,
नागदा रेलवे स्टेशन,
उज्जैन रेलवे स्टेशन,
मक्सी रेलवे स्टेशन,
बेरछा रेलवे स्टेशन,
कालीसिंध रेलवे स्टेशन,
अकोदिया रेलवे स्टेशन,
शुजालपुर रेलवे स्टेशन,
कालापीपल रेलवे स्टेशन,
पारबती रेलवे स्टेशन,
सीहोर रेलवे स्टेशन,
संत हिरदाराम नगर रेलवे स्टेशन,
भोपाल रेलवे स्टेशन,
विदिशा रेलवे स्टेशन,
गंज बासौदा रेलवे स्टेशन,
मंडी बामोरा रेलवे स्टेशन,
बीना रेलवे स्टेशन,
खुरई रेलवे स्टेशन,
सागर रेलवे स्टेशन,
पथरिया रेलवे स्टेशन,
दमोह रेलवे स्टेशन,
कटनी मुरवारा रेलवे स्टेशन,
जबलपुर रेलवे स्टेशन.
Veraval Jabalpur Junction Express (via Bina) is an Express train belonging to Indian Railways that runs between veraval and Jabalpur Junction in India.
The main railway stations of this train are
Veraval railway station,
maliya hatina railway station,
keshod railway station,
junagadh railway station,
jetalsar railway station,
virpur railway station,
gondal railway station,
bhakti nagar railway station,
rajkot railway station,
wankaner railway station,
than railway station,
surendranagar railway station,
viramgam railway station,
chandlodiya railway station,
ahmedabad railway station,
mahemdavad kheda road railway station,
nadiad railway station,
anand railway station,
chhayapuri railway station,
derol railway station,
godhra railway station,
dahod railway station,
meghnagar railway station,
ratlam railway station,
khachrod railway station,
nagda railway station,
ujjain railway station,
maksi railway station,
berchha railway station,
kalisindh railway station,
akodia railway station,
shujalpur railway station,
kalapipal railway station,
parbati railway station,
sehore railway station,
sant hirdaram nagar railway station,
bhopal railway station,
vidisha railway station,
ganj basoda railway station,
mandi bamora railway station,
bina railway station,
khurai railway station,
saugor railway station,
patharia railway station,
damoh railway station,
katni murwara railway station,
jabalpur railway station.
#somnath #indianrailways #jabalpur
Aquatica Water Park Ticket Price With Food 2023 | Kolkata Waterpark |Amusement Park | Room Booking |
#sandipansahatravel #travelguide #aquatica #adventure #waterpark #aquatica #aquaticawaterpark
Aquatica Water Park Ticket Price With Food 2023 | Kolkata Waterpark |Amusement Park | Room Booking |
In todays video I am going to explore Aquatica Water Park, where aquatic adventures await! Join us on an exhilarating journey as we dive into the thrilling world of Aquatica, a paradise of water-based fun and excitement.
In this action-packed video, I will take you on a tour through the various attractions and experiences that make Aquatica Water Park a must-visit destination for water lovers of all ages. From towering water slides that send you spiraling down into refreshing pools, to lazy rivers where you can relax and soak up the sun, Aquatica offers a wide range of activities to suit every preference.
Watch as we navigate through the winding twists and turns of the exhilarating water slides, experiencing heart-pounding moments and screams of delight. Discover the joy of floating along the lazy river, allowing the gentle current to carry you away to a state of pure relaxation. Take a dip in the wave pool and feel the rush of the ocean's power as waves crash around you.
But Aquatica Water Park is not just about thrilling rides. It's also a place of tranquility and family-friendly entertainment. Explore the kid-friendly areas with interactive water play zones and splash pads, where children can splash, laugh, and create lasting memories.
Join me as I indulge in delectable treats from the park's food outlets, refueling for more adventures ahead. And don't forget to capture those unforgettable moments with your friends and family at our picturesque photo spots throughout the park.
One can spend a night over here. They have two types of rooms. Super Deluxe and Deluxe. Tarif varies time time to time. I would suggest you to check online. like ok or for once. Then you can directly check on their website. i . e. .
For Bulk booking contact us
+91 98317 04022
+91 93315 55220
Address : Kouchpukur,P.O Hathgachia,P.S. :K.L.C थक्दारी मार्ग, Township, near Rajarhat, Kolkata, West Bengal 700156
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19711 Jaipur - Bhopal Express Crossing 19707 Aravali Express : Indian Railways
19711/Jaipur - Bhopal Express (PT)
जयपुर - भोपाल एक्सप्रेस
JP/Jaipur Junction -- BPL/Bhopal Junction
19707/Aravali Express (PT)
अरावली एक्सप्रेस
BDTS/Bandra Terminus -- JP/Jaipur Junction
The Bhopal–Jaipur Express is a daily express train which runs between Bhopal Junction railway station of Bhopal, the capital city of Madhya Pradesh and Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan. It previously ran as the Bhopal–Ajmer Express from Bhopal to Ajmer, a pilgrimage spot in Rajasthan, and prior to that as the Bhopal–Ratlam Intercity Express.
The number for the train were :
19655: Bhopal to Jaipur
19656: Jaipur to Bhopal
The train was also known as Ajmeri Express which signifies the nearby destination of the train that is Ajmer.
Train number 19655 departs from Bhopal Junction daily at 1700 hrs., reaching Jaipur, the next day at 0930 hrs.
Train number 19656 departs from Jaipur daily at 17:25 hrs., reaching Bhopal Junction, the next day at 11:25 hrs.
The train consist a total number of 17 Coaches :
According to the rail budget as on 24 February 2010, a link service 19655A/19656A Indore–Ajmer Link Express also started to run on back coaches of this train after Ujjain Junction. A total of 7 additional coaches are attached to the train from Ratlam out of which :
The train runs daily from both the sites with an average speed of 66 kilometres per hour (41 mph).
This train was introduced in year 2009 and was the only direct connection from Bhopal/Indore to Ajmer
This train replaced by the Old 9303/9304 Bhopal–Ratlam Intercity Express
This train has also replaced the old 9657/9658 Ratlam–Ajmer Night Express
The train got extended to Jaipur as Bhopal–Jaipur Express as announced on 25 February 2011 in the Railway Budget.
The 19707/19708 Aravali Express is an express train belonging to Indian Railways that run between Jaipur Junction and Mumbai in India. It operates as train number 19707 from Bandra Terminus to Jaipur Junction and as train number 19708 in the reverse direction. It is named after Aravalli Range of mountains that stretches across Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana & Delhi.
It is the 4th dedicated service between Jaipur & Mumbai. The other 3 three trains that cover this route are 12955/56 Jaipur Superfast Express, 12239/40 Jaipur Duronto Express, 12979/80 Jaipur Bandra Terminus Superfast Express.
However unlike the above-mentioned trains which go via Ratlam Junction & Kota Junction, the Aravali Express goes via Ahmedabad Junction.
The 19707/19708 Aravali Express presently has 2 AC 2 tier, 3 AC 3 tier, 12 Sleeper Class, 6 General Unreserved coaches & 1 Pantry Car.
As with most train services in India, Coach Composition may be amended at the discretion of Indian Railways depending on demand.
The 19707 Aravali Express covers the distance of 1107 kilometres in 21 hours 55 mins (50.51 km/hr) & in 21 hours 50 mins as 19708 Aravali Express (50.70 km/hr).
As the average speed of the train is below 55 km/hr, its fare does not include a Superfast surcharge.
Prior to Western Railway switching to the AC traction, it would be hauled by a WCAM 1 engine until Ahmedabad Junction after which a WDP 4 from the Bhagat ki Kothi shed until Jaipur Junction.
Since Western Railway switched over to AC traction in February 2012, it is now hauled by a WAP 4E or WAP 5 from the Vadodara shed until Ahmedabad Junction after which a WDP 4 from the Bhagat ki Kothi shed takes over until Jaipur Junction.
19707 Aravali Express leaves Bandra Terminus every day at 21:00 hrs IST and reaches Jaipur Junction at 18:55 hrs IST the next day.
19708 Aravali Express leaves Jaipur Junction every day at 08:45 hrs IST and reaches Bandra Terminus at 06:35 hrs IST the next day.
Bhopal - Jaipur Express | Train Information | daily Train | 19712 Train | Mail express
For business enquiry - Bhopal - Jaipur Express | Train Information | daily Train | 19712 Train | Mail express
भोपाल-जयपुर एक्सप्रेस एक दैनिक एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन है जो भोपाल जंक्शन, भोपाल, मध्य प्रदेश की राजधानी और राजस्थान की राजधानी जयपुर के बीच चलती है। यह पहले भोपाल-अजमेर एक्सप्रेस के रूप में भोपाल से अजमेर, राजस्थान में एक तीर्थ स्थान, और उससे पहले भोपाल-रतलाम इंटरसिटी एक्सप्रेस के रूप में चलती थी।
भोपाल जंक्शन से जयपुर तक 19712 निम्नलिखित स्टेशनों से होकर गुजरती है:
भोपाल जंक्शन, बैरागढ़, सीहोर, कालापीपल, शुजालपुर, अकोदिया, काली सिंध, बेरछा, मक्सी, उज्जैन जंक्शन, नागदा जंक्शन, खाचरोद, रतलाम जंक्शन, जावरा, मंडासोर, पिपलिया, नीमच, निम्बाहेड़ा, चित्तौड़गढ़, चंदेरिया, भिलिया, भिलाई , नसीराबाद, अजमेर जंक्शन, मदार, किशनगढ़, तिलोनिया, नरैना, फुलेरा जंक्शन, हिरणोदा, असलपुर जोबनेर, कनकपुरा, जयपुर
The Bhopal–Jaipur Express is a daily express train which runs between Bhopal Junction railway station of Bhopal, the capital city of Madhya Pradesh and Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan. It previously ran as the Bhopal–Ajmer Express from Bhopal to Ajmer, a pilgrimage spot in Rajasthan, and prior to that as the Bhopal–Ratlam Intercity Express.
19712 from Bhopal Jn to Jaipur passes through following stations:
Bhopal Jn, Bairagarh, Sehore, Kalapipal, Shujalpur, Akodia, Kali Sindh, Berchha, Maksi, Ujjain Jn, Nagda Jn, Khachrod, Ratlam Jn, Jaora, Mandasor, Piplia, Nimach, Nimbahera, Chittaurgarh, Chanderiya, Bhilwara, Bijainagar, Bandanwara, Nasirabad, Ajmer Jn, Madar, Kishangarh, Tiloniya, Naraina, Phulera Jn, Hirnoda, Asalpur Jobner, Kanakpura, Jaipur
Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh) to Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh) on the way by train
Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh (MP) to Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh (UP) on the way by train view of mountains, tree, farms, rocks, train track, and valley. You can get Sabarmati Express, Intercity Express, Passenger, Malwa Express, Shatabdi Express, and Dakshin Express trains to go from Ujjain to Jhansi.
One way you can get by train is from Ujjain, Undassa, Sutli, Kaytha, Maksi, Duhani, Samgi, Shajapur, Sarangpur, Udankhedi, Pachore, Biaora, Pakhriapura, Chachaura-Binaganj, Kumbhraj, Awan, Ruthiyadi, Bajrangarh, Guna, Seji, Shadora, Diyadhari, Ashoknagar, Samai, Pipraigaon, Ruhana, Mungaoli, Agasod, Bina, Itava (Etava), Agasod, Bethni, Dhaura, Earo, Dawni, Lalitpur, Ronda, Dailwara, Sirsee, Jakhora, Talbehat, Pawa, Barai, Babina, Khailar, Dongri, and Jhansi (Jansi).
Another way to get by trains is from Ujjain, Undassa, Kaytha, Dubli, Sonsar, Maksi, Jhonkar, Khokriya Tonk, Upda, Updi, Sedu, Rehali, Berchha, Udali, Kisoni, Bolai, Akodia, Sujalpur, Hirana, Kalapipal Gaon, Jabadi, Farad, Londiya, Janpur Bawadia, Sehore, Thuna Kalan, Thuna Kalan, Khori, Padli, Khajoori Sadak, Bhauri, Bhopal, Lambakheda, Chopra Kalan, Bhel,