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10 Best place to visit in ‘Afak Iraq


HOSTED BY A SUBSCRIBER !! IN DIWANIYAH (AFAK)🇮🇶 إيما تقيم مع معجب عراقي🇮🇶

#Iraq #IraqVlog #Diwaniyah

This was my second time in Diwaniyah , first time was the dentist episode! So Haider had seen from my Instagram story that I had been there and had wanted to show me some places and meet his family … so I accepted his kind offer! The first time I stayed in Diwaniyah, I stayed with Ali who is a doctor but I didn’t vlog as I was actually sick for a few days . I tried to visit Nippur last visit but wasn’t possible, this time it was ( next vlog ) the people of this area are some of the most hospitable people I’ve met ! They really went out their way for us ! I say us … because I took Amel with me , who is a French girl that had just come to iraq and we met in Baghdad in my hotel ! Love staying with locals and especially hanging out with the women ! An unforgettable couple of days !


MOSUL IRAQ : MARKETS & AN OLYMPIAN! اسكتلندية تطوف في الموصل

#VisitMosul #Iraqvlog #Mosul
Part 2 from the last vlog this was the second part of the day where we went to the Markets i met some locals and had some laughs! i still have another Mosul vlog or 2 with the amazing guys at Mosul Heritage...but first, this one!
walking through the markets and the old tea the industrial alleyway were all the Blacksmiths, and one guy was in the Olympic games many times and had 50 medals! he was really funny as you will see, i so wanted to spend more time with him! very interesting and fun! i will hunt him out when i go back! i really didnt know much about the history of the castle so had to google it! i will go back again perhaps when i know more as its interesting to me!
thanks for watching and all your support ! it means the world and helps me be able to keep doing this , with just the views and subscribers! so thank you all... the guide I used was Othman Anees …


72 horas dentro do Afeganistão após o Talibã tomou o controle do país / Сomo as pessoas vivem /

Pessoal, nesta edição vou mostrar como as pessoas vivem no Afeganistão seis meses depois que o Talibã - a organização reconhecida como terrorista em todo o mundo - tomou o controle do país. As pessoas subiam nas turbinas do avião, se agarravam no chassi, só para sair do país. Hoje vou entrevistar um funcionário do governo afegão que vai nos contar por que as pessoas não recebem seus salários por mais de seis meses. E para sacar dinheiro num caixa eletrônico, não só passam horas na fila, mas às vezes ficam a noite toda, dormindo com toda a família ao ar livre para não perder sua vez.

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Documentary - Fire Simulation - Civil Defense Team - Al-Diwaniyah #علي_كانون

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موقع مشاهدة الصور

Travel to Iraq | History and Documentary about Iraq in Hindi and urdu#travel #historyfacts #video

Travel to Iraq | History and Documentary about Iraq in Hindi and urdu#travel #historyfacts #video
I am going to visit you in this video of today's friend, a great Arab and Islamic country in which many people of this country called the land of the Prophets due to the birth of many prophets. It is the only country that the country has been able to destroy, apart from this, we will inform you about the many such things that can not really see you in Urdu before today. Before you subscribe to channel youtube TV on our YouTube, subscribing to our channel Please note that the notification of all of your new videos is as follows:Iraq, whose official and complete name is the Republic of Iraq, south of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, Jordan in the west, in the west in the west, Turkey in the north and in the north of Iraq, is the capital of Iraq, the capital of Baghdad, its largest city. *******************************************************************************#travel to iraq
#travel to baghdad

The HARDEST Place to visit in IRAQ: HATRA🇮🇶 العراق: اصعب مكان للزيارة في العراق ( الحضر )🇮🇶

#Hatra #IraqVlog #Irak
This isn't supposed to be a Vlog full of Historical facts about Hatra...because there are way too many for my head, This was pretty much last minute as i had almost given up on trying to get there. I just wanted to see if i could get there without paying hundreds for a guide! there are a few people that call themselves tour guides that are charging people $300 to go there! One said it was for the entrance fee, Permit and bribes there was none of that when i went ...i did go wit a local in a taxi, and had Ahmed the helpful policeman also give mr some numbers and advice!
It was amazing to be there ....please note also, i refer to the Hashd as the Militia because in western countries they don't know the Hashd and i looked at other Vloggers that had gone to Samarra to see how they referred to some of these checkpoints.
We ended up paying about $30 each for the taxi there and back


The Hotel **** ALSFER HOTEL *** (0772 900 9299)(0751 018 0670)

F*@K the Media: I Went to IRAQ! 🇮🇶🇮🇶

DON'T TRUST MAINSTREAM MEDIA! See For Yourself what Iraq is really like by taking a trip to the South of Iraq, from Baghdad to Basra in this IRAQ TOP TEN PLACES TO VISIT and THINGS to DO video! I found Baghdad and the south to be very safe, and there are so many incredible places to see in 2024

Starting with BAGHDAD, the capital: Tahrir Square, Freedom Monument, Shorja Market, Al Shaheed Martyr's Monument and Museum, Al-Kadhimiyyah, Bayt-Al-Hickma, Ctesiphon and the “Save the Iraqi Culture” Monument,.

BABYLON: From its start as the most important city in Mesopotamia under King Nebuchadnezzar through its reconstruction by Saddam Hussein to its post-invasion fall when American and Polish troops set up army camps and ISIS threatened its existence, Babylon has seen empires come and go.
While in Babylon, check out Saddam Hussein's Palace

GREAT ZIGGURAT OF UR: A Ziggurat is the Mesopotamian version of a pyramid, but flat on top.

KARBALA: The tombs of Imam Ali and his brother Abbas are visited by over 30 million people during the pilgrimage of Arbaʿīn

BASRA: The wooden lattice houses of the Shanasheel area, boat ride on the Shat Al-Arab river and a trip to the Basra Museum

SAMARRA: Th Great Mosque of Samarra is one of the most uniquely shaped mosques in the world. The Al-Askari Mosque has the tombs of Imam Ali al-Hadi and his son Hasan al-'Askarī

THE FOOD: Maqloubi, Shawarma, Falafel, Knafah

NAJAF: The Imam ‘Ali Mosque is housed in a grand structure with a sparkling display of gold, mirrors, and beautiful mosaics. Nearby Wadi-Al-Salaam, the largest cemetery in the world.

MESOPOTAMIAN MARSHES: A rare aquatic landscape in the desert, and home to the Marsh Arabs, who have lived in reed houses in the area for over 5,000 years.

IRAQI PEOPLE: THE most hospitable people in the world. I have never felt so welcomed in my life. Especially considering Iraq's wars with America, I was surprised at how interested in and happy the people were to meet me. I will DEFINITELY return because I felt so much love.

To all the wonderful Iraqis I met, SHUKRAN and, Inshallah, we will meet again someday. Cheers, Phil

قم برحلة إلى جنوب العراق ، من بغداد إلى البصرة في أفضل عشرة أماكن للزيارة في العراق وأشياء يمكنك القيام بها بالفيديو! لقد وجدت بغداد والجنوب آمنين للغاية ، وكان هناك العديد من الأماكن الرائعة التي يمكن رؤيتها.

بدءاً من بغداد العاصمة: ميدان التحرير ، نصب الحرية ، سوق الشورجة ، متحف ونصب الشهيد الشهيد ، الكاظمية ، بيت الحكمة ، قطسيفون ونصب أنقذوا الثقافة العراقية.

بابل: منذ بدايتها كأهم مدينة في بلاد ما بين النهرين في عهد الملك نبوخذ نصر من خلال إعادة بنائها من قبل صدام حسين إلى سقوطها بعد الغزو عندما أقامت القوات الأمريكية والبولندية معسكرات للجيش وهددت داعش وجودها ، شهدت بابل إمبراطوريات تأتي وتذهب.
أثناء تواجدك في بابل ، قم بزيارة قصر صدام حسين

الزقورة الكبرى في أور: الزقورة هي نسخة هرم بلاد ما بين النهرين ، لكنها مسطحة من أعلى.

كربلاء: زار أكثر من 30 مليون شخص مقابر الإمام علي وشقيقه عباس أثناء حج الأربعين.

البصرة: البيوت المشبكية الخشبية في منطقة الشناشيل وركوب قارب على نهر شط العرب ورحلة الى متحف البصرة.

سامراء: الجامع الكبير في سامراء هو واحد من أكثر المساجد تفردًا في العالم. الجامع العسكري فيه ضريح الإمام علي الهادي ونجله حسن العسكرى

الطعام: مقلوبي ، شاورما ، فلافل ، كنافة

النجف: يقع مسجد الإمام علي في مبنى ضخم مع عرض لامع من الذهب والمرايا والفسيفساء الجميلة. بالقرب من وادي السلام ، أكبر مقبرة في العالم.

أنهار ميزوبوتاميان: منظر مائي نادر في الصحراء ، موطن لعرب الأهوار ، الذين عاشوا في منازل القصب في المنطقة لأكثر من 5000 عام.

الشعب العراقي: أكثر الناس كرمًا في العالم. لم أشعر أبدًا بالترحيب في حياتي. وبالنظر إلى حروب العراق مع أمريكا على وجه الخصوص ، فقد فوجئت بمدى اهتمام الناس وسعدائهم بمقابلتي. سأعود بالتأكيد لأنني شعرت بالكثير من الحب.

إلى كل العراقيين الرائعين الذين قابلتهم ، شكران وإن شاء الله ، سنلتقي مرة أخرى يومًا ما. في صحتك ، فيل

TIKRIT: From Baghdad to Tikrit ! A few hours in Tikrit ( didn’t expect this ) 🇮🇶

#Tikrit #IraqVlog #SpeicherMassacre
This is a little backwards as the 2 mosul ones were last minute, one was just an update and one was the sandstorm. i hadn't got round to editing this one yet ( i have more on Mosul im working on )
I had planned o make a quick stop in Tikrit on my way, i had met a couchsurfer that was going to show me around, i also had a friend from Baghdad call some people in Tikrit to allow me to film. We went to ask at the Hashd Checkpoint if we could get closer to the Palaces, they were expecting me which was weird. i had to wait for the Hashd boss to come , and along with him and his 2 armed guards ,they took me to the site of the Speicher Massacre! I was a bit shocked as i had no idea as to what actually happened not sure many people in the west know about this either. They were with me all the time so i had to be careful what i filmed and what i didn't, he would explain everything in Arabic to my friend , who then translated in english, then i had to talk, with all of them watching me ..not my usual vlogging experience! A place thats not an easy place to visit as the security to get in was crazy..I have seen the actual ISIS video of what happened here and its horrific. They also killed hundreds in mass graves. these were just young unarmed army cadets. The second deadliest terrorist attack next to 9/11 yet not so many people know about this one.
if i look a bit speechless at times, its because i was, from what i was being told, and the whole situation i was in...i wish i had known more about this place before i went, so i was a bit more knowledgable about things ..but i didnt know i was going here! this vlog is AD i make no money from this .....i hope others in other countries will see what happened here. Huge thanks to Abdu , my Couchsurfing contact in Tikrit for taking me around and making sure I got a taxi to Mosul ! Everyone is so helpful to tourists in Iraq !


LEAVING IRAQ : FROM BAGHDAD TO PAKISTAN🇮🇶 but I’m coming back !!!!!

#Iraqvlog #Iraq #Pakistan

So we all know my visa was up and was time to leave , I really really didn’t want to leave ! This was just my journey to Pakistan… I spent 4 months in Pakistan last year and although I loved it, I am really missing Iraq and the people and the many many places I didn’t visit yet ! So I have decided to come back ! Like soon ! Very soon ! So many more places to explore and people to meet !



#Pacha #iraqvlog #baghdad
After an hour of searching and deciding where and what we wanted to eat, the decision was made to go eat Pacha! I wasn't really feeling it, especially after my last taste of Pacha in a previous video!! But i was so hungry at this point id have eaten anything!! I have to admit that it wasnt so bad, we had a plate full of different things too so it wasnt just sheeps head! Tom ate the eyeball, which i thought id filmed but it was so quick,i missed it! another fun night out with Jay and his friends! so Pacha isn't as bad after all ;)



#Kirkuk #Iraq #IraqVlog
I was again contacted by one of my subscribers to visit her in Kirkuk , i took along my new French friend Amel, who has been travelling to a few places with me since she arrived.
my Host was an amazing woman, with 2 amazing kids, the oldest is just 10 but her English is amazing!!!
we tried to go to Citadel the first day but it was closed, but made it the next day!
the ruins seemed to go on forever
Some Historians believe the Gutians that built the Citadel(based on an old Cuniform tablet)
While other historians believe it was built during the reign of the Assyrian King Ashur Nasirpal II between 850 and 884 BC
There is the Phrophet Daniel Mosque here and the Al Aryan Mosque which is the one right in the centre.......this is just some brief research i did on UNESCO website but it goes on forever, way to much to write here! i wish i had more time in Kirkuk, but ill be going back soon. SO not what i expected to see in Kirkuk! about # and a half hours by shared taxi from Baghdad


NIPPUR : 7,000 YEAR OLD SACRED CITY🇮🇶 7000 سنة للوراء🇮🇶

#Nippur #Mesopotamia #IraqVlog
This was my second trip to Nippur, First time we didnt have permit to visit, although we were able to look around, they are a bit funny about people taking any video or pics... But they said i was allowed (the locals i was with)
i did my research and the history here is absolutley mind Blowing! way too much for me to write here, or even talk about as there is just so so much on this major important Holy Centre that dates back more than 6,000 years to 5,000BC!
I would def advise you try and find some professional guide that can show you exactly what is what, i had no idea what the mounds were. Its not an easy place to get to, and my history friends in baghdad havent even been here, so im not sure where you would find a knowledgable guide to show you around!
my words do this place no justice , thats why i mentioned UNESCO website as it has a lot of info on this place! Yet another hugely historical place here in Iraq so many placses like this!! its crazy!!

(MY PAY PAL ❤️) if anyone wants to help me in any way it would be so appreciated, it will help me pay for the subtitles ❤️

RAMADI: TOTALLY DESTROYED , TO THIS !🇮🇶 الرمادي من الدمار للعمار🇮🇶

#Ramadi #IraqVlog #AlAnbar
After my Last trip to Fallujah, someone contacted me and asked me to come to see Ramadi! I had wanted to go there anyway so it was a perfect opportunity!
Although this is not how i normally travel, i usually just wing it and go with the flow, this was a bit more organised by various people, too many to name but everyone in the video i want to thank so so much for a wonderful stay in Ramadi! The Womans day was quite inspirational, considering everything everyone has been through here, like many places here in Iraq, everyone has such resiliance!
Ramadi was totally destroyed , the USA Dropped apparently 600 bombs here trying to get rid of ISIS! They got ISIS out, along with Iraqi ground troops but like i said, the cost of that was losing the city....but its all recovered now!! everything is new, new buildings, hotels, amazing people! Anbar area has so many beautiful areas and the colors of the river are amazing!!
Thanks to EVERYONE in Ramadi!! def worth a visit and so close to the ancient Heet ( coming up )



#Falluja #IraqVlog #Iraq
I spent 2 days in Fallujah , but i will be going back as i promised id go back to focus on my friend Hawther's NGO foundation she runs ( she's the girl i met on Couchsurfing) Fallujah is a place i needed more than a short vlog like this , there are so many things i didn't the cancer rates and horrific birth deformities still happening today are crazy!! i knew the cancer rates in Iraq were high because of the wars , and its been linked to uranium and some other chemicals the USA used in 2004 , although they denied it , there was some pretty clear evidence that showed they has used these things...i was horrified at the photos of the child deformities!! but ill leave that for another vlog.....this was me meeting the locals and walking through the old 'Souks markets..i took a walk through the market that sells mainly mens things , then the womens things, the people i met were the loveliest warmest people, always with a smile on their faces , despite what they have been through.... Fallujah it was a pleasure, and i will be back soon !!!

instagram ********

AMUSEMENT PARK IN IRAQ: ZAWRAA PARK إيما في حديقة الزوراء 🇮🇶

#Baghdad #Iraqvlog #Zawraapark

Just a short vlog to show the fun side again of Iraq! There are sooo many amusement parks in Iraq! every city ive been too has an amusement park of sorts! Baghdad has several, my friends just came to pick me up and take me here for a few hours! this was a week or so ago.. im still in Iraq and still travelling around and trying to edit as i go!!
I am quite surprised at how family oriented Iraq is compared to many other countries ive been to! Its just so nice to see people out enjoying themselves ,laughing and having fun..its so sad to think what the people here have been through all those years but can still laugh and have smiles on their faces and enjoy themselves and each other . visit Iraq :)



#Iraq #IraqMuseum #Baghdad
This is just before i lest iraq for Pakistan, i have more Iraq vlogs coming up! Finally after a couple of years of this place being closed, i was able to go! I had hoped to make a decent Vlog , but i wasnt allowed without paying 600,000 iraqi Dinar! The woman that worked there said it was ok , but her boss said i couldnt unless i paid and he then sent someone to follow me the whole time i was there, literally standing behind me the whole time,i was allowed to take photos but not video.....i saw plenty others video with their phones, openly too… but being followed the whole time made it kinda difficult, the nice woman that worked there told me to video what i could anyway,so i tried my best! i had someone volunteer for the arabic subs! which im so grateful for !


Прогулка улице Мутанабби в Багдаде, Ирак || Mutanabbi Street BAGDAD Iraq / المتنبي العراق بغداد

Продолжаю показывать вам Багдад
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I keep showing you Baghdad
Thank you for your attention! I am very pleased to read your comments. I will try to do better and more interesting every time!
My inta: aigerimtravel

MUSA AL KADHIM WALK : WALKING TO THE HOLY CITY 🇮🇶 سكوتلندية تمشي الى الامام الكاظم🇮🇶

#Iraq #Baghdad # Kadhimiya
I still have karbala vlogs to Edit, but wanted to get this one up ASAP as it is so current! this has been going on for days, people walking for miles and miles to pay their respects to the Imam at his Shrine in the North of Baghdad! i was joined by Mustafa again , also his friens Ahmed who is a Musician and another TOURIST!! Yes another tourist is in Baghdad! Amel from France! So we all joined forces to walk with everyone else that was walking , some from other cities! it ended up being a whole 13 miles! haha... the people were all so lovely , everyone helping each other out with food and drink stops lined all the way ,for miles and miles! ive never experienced anything like it , the atmosphere was unline anything ive seen before! i went the night before this and got to see the shrine again, but this day it ws too busy, so the shrine clip is from the night before!


Ahmed’s Instagram **

Mustafa’s Instagram ***

LEBANON: BEIRUT: Blast area , the neighborhood most affected by the blast a year ago! First day

#Beirutblast #Lebanon #Beirut

My first day in Beirut taking a wander around the area im staying, one of the areas most affected by last years blast at the port, i am having internet issues here as theres major power issues so not been able to upload much! this isn't very exciting, just me walking around on my first day down to the Port area , and getting lost as usual. i went to the memorial and the protests after this where i had my first tear gas experience! next video!!
its so sad to see all these buildings just untouched in a year! ive learned a lot about things since my first day so i have lots more to eventually post! so sad that its all volunteers from all over the world that are helping clean up the destroyed buildings and not the government..... but thats a whole other thing

instagram ****


#Baghdad #Starbucks #IraqVlog
One Of my last nights in Baghdad with Mustafa! We had planned to go check out Starbucks just to see how it was , but that didnt happen! He told me he would sue me for even filming the outside of the place! ( i had filmed the outside of the place before he said they would sue me ) There are no signs up saying no photography allowed or anything like that ...its just a coffee place ! Fake or real we i didn't really care, we just wanted to sit and have coffee and i waned to vlog what we ordered, just vlog us, there was nobody else in there at the time anyway! After he said what he did to Mustafa i didn't want to go and give them my money! It is apparently actually fake anyway! Wont br bavk there again! haha...actually in over 4 months of everyone being so nice and friendly and welcoming i hink this may be one of the very few negative experiences in Iraq!!
Missing Iraq terribly still! especially editing vlogs and the memories.....i will be back in a few months❤️
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