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10 Best place to visit in Śmigiel Poland


Odkryj jesienną Wielkopolskę - 15 niezwykłych atrakcji - zamki, pałace, dwory, wiatraki, muzea

Poznaj najpiękniejsze miejsca w Wielkopolsce - zamki, pałace, wiatraki i nietypowe muzea - w jesiennej odsłonie. Gotowa inspiracja do wycieczki i garść ciekawostek!

Podobało się? Skomentujcie, polubcie i zasubskrybujcie nasz kanał. Dziękujemy.

Zapraszamy również na nasze kanały:

Spis treści:
00:00 - Wstęp
00:27 - Zamek w Gołuchowie
1:34 - Pałac w Rogalinie
2:57 - Zamek w Kórniku
3:12 - Zamek w Rydzynie
4:41 - barokowe miasteczko Rydzyna
5:21 - Pałac Myśliwski Radziwiłłów w Antoninie
6:41 - Parowozownia Wolsztyn
7:21 - Muzeum Różka, skansen i pałac w Wolsztynie
8:04 - Dwór w Koszutach
8:44 - Wiatraki w Koszutach
8:54 - Muzeum Młynarstwa i Rolnictwa w Osiecznej i wiatraki (Śmigiel, Wolsztyn, Rydzyna, Pępowo, Grodzisk Wielkopolski, Sulmierzyce)
10:27 - Muzeum Stolarstwa i Biskupizny w Krobi
11:07 - Kościół w Domachowie
11:22 - Kościół w Buku
11:54 - Wielkopolskie Muzeum Pożarnictwa w Rakoniewicach
12:32 - Kalisz

Relacja opisująca wielkopolskie rezydencje znajdziecie tu:
A tu nasza wycieczka śladem wielkopolskiej architektury drewnianej:

#mistrzostwablogerow #visitpoland #polskibonturystyczny

Zwiedzamy Wagoniki Kolejki Wąskotorowej w Miliczu

Rok 2011 i 2012 kiedy to można było zwiedzać wszystko .
w 2011 r.byłem wraz z kolegą przy instalowaniu dwóch ostatnich wagonów w miejscu dawnej stacyjki Milicz-Wąsk,w pobliżu normatorowego dworca PKP,,sam osobiście dopychałem wagoniki jeden do drugiego,ażeby można było je spiąć,.
Dziś po siedmiu latach widzę że nastąpił totalny rozkład,na zamku jeszcze to wyglada całkiem nieżle,ale na wąsk?
poprostu nikt tego nie pilnuje,ale co tam dziś,zobaczcie jak było fajnie sześć i siedem lat temu.
mała galeria śladów po lini:

Polish narrow gauge

Shots out along the line from Sroda

Poland - Narrow Gauge freight on the Nowy Dwor Gdanski, 21/10/2010

The Nowy Dwor Gdanski railway is a (nominally) 2ft 6in gauge line running from the standard gauge terminus at Nowy Dwor Gdanski to Stegna and Prawy Brzeg Wisly, both on the Baltic coast and a mere 20 miles or so from the Russian border.
The line is normally served by diesels but, in October 2010, we were treated to a demonstration freight train hauled by their sole remaining steam locomotive, Px48-1907.
We follow the line northwards towards the Baltic and across the operating swing bridge over the River Szkarpawa.
Recorded on 21st October 2010.

Sroda Narrow Gauge [PKP] - 1995

A visit to the 750mm gauge PKP line at Sroda in Poland. This video concentrates on the main station where a service train is seen arriving from Zaniemysl and shunting.

Dual carriageway east of Swarzedz (From Poznań to Łódź part 2 of 6)

My channel on you tube : is one of the most prolific from Poland. I have produced around 1,600 original films, most in English but also in Polish, French, Italian, Spanish and the occasional hint of German and Hebrew. My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects

Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!

There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers.

Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!

Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!

Anastazewo 1984

Poranny pociąg do Gniezna czerwiec 1984. Morning train to Gniezno. June 1984 4'58 AM. Central Poland.


Un rendez-vous bizarre était donné en cette fin d’octobre 2013 : Sroda at Night !

Pour la deuxième année consécutive FarRail Tours ( ) avait convié une poignée d’amateur à passer « une nuit à Sroda » …

Il fallait profiter de la petite 040 Px 1756 avant la fin de son agrément chaudière arrivant fin 2013.

Les mises en scènes nocturnes furent, comme d’habitude avec FarRail, un grand succès. Certes cette événement est plus orienté photo que vidéo, mais plaisir général partagé par une bande de passionnés.

La ligne Sroda / Zaniemysl :

Sredzka Kolej Powiatowa (Sroda district railway) date de 1902. Initialement à trois fils de rails (voies standard combinée avec du métrique), la section à Zaniemysl fût ouverte en 1910 et avec d'autres branches. Dans les années 1950 le réseau entier a été converti en écartement de 750 mm.

La section Sroda – Zaniemysl (environ 14 kms) a circulé régulièrement jusqu’en 1989. Puis jusque 1999 l’exploitation est restée entièrement vapeur avec une petite 040 Px deux voitures voyageurs et un fourgon frein. Un wagon « mixte » (voie étroite / voie normale) était rajouté lorsque l’on avait besoin d’acheminer un wagon fret depuis la grande ligne.

En 1996 la ligne menaçait d’être fermée, mais les collectivités locales sont intervenues pour son maintien. C’est cette année que la Px48-1920 a été livrée entièrement révisée, son agrément est tombé en 2003. Dès 1999 des essais de diesel Lyd1 ont été fait sans succès sur le parcours. En 2000 un autorail roumain est venu remplacer une des vapeur.

Les services réguliers voyageurs ont cessé le 8 juin 2001.

Après deux ans de pause, les trains sont revenus en 2003 grâce au district de Sroda. Les trains touristiques circulent le dimanche entre Sroda Miasto et Zaniemysl. Le train est constitué de la petite Px48-1756 et deux voitures voyageurs.


A strange meeting was given at this end of October, 2013: Sroda at Night!

For the second consecutive year FarRail Tours ( ) had urged railway enthusiast to pass one night to Sroda …

It was necessary to take advantage of the 040 Px 1756 before the end of its enjoyment(approval) boiler arriving at the end of 2013.

The night stages were, as usual with FarRail, a big success. Certainly this event is more directed photo than video, but general pleasure was shared by a band of enthusiasts.

The line Sroda / Zaniemysl :

Sredzka Kolej Powiatowa (Sroda district railway) dates 1902. Initially to three threads of rails (standard ways combined with metrics), the section to Zaniemysl is opened in 1910 and with other branches. In the 1950s the whole network was converted in 750 mm space.

The section Sroda-Zaniemysl (approximately 14 km) circulated regularly until 1989. Then to 1999 the exploitation remained completely vapor with a 040 Px two cars travelers and a van brake. A mixed car (narrow gauge / normal gauge) was added when we needed to forward a car freight since the main line.
In 1996 the line threatened to be closed, but local authorities intervened for its preservation. It is this year when Px48-1920 was delivered completely revised, its approval fell in 2003. From 1999 of the tries of diesel Lyd1 were unsuccessfully made on the line. In 2000 a Rumanian railcar came to replace one of vapor.

The regular services travelers stopped on June 8th, 2001.

After two years of break, trains returned in 2003 thanks to the district of Sroda. The tourist trains circulate on Sundays between Sroda Miasto and Zaniemysl. The train is constituted by the Px48-1756 and the two transport travelers.

Stare Bojanowo to Smigiel 07 Feb 2011 - Last railcar service? (railcar MBxd2-226)

The narrow guage line from Stare Bojanowo to Smiegel in Poland had already been closed with no further train services planned. But on 7th February 2011 a special railcar was run from Stare Bojanowo to Smiegel for a Railtrail group from the UK. Having arrived in Smigiel, the engine of the railcar was shut down to save fuel whilst photographs were taken. But on attempting to start it again the battery had gone flat, meaning it had to be pushed to the shed where fortunately a mains powered jump starter was on hand. The return journey was completed without problems.
Railcar is MBxd2-226, information from shows it was built by Faure in Romania in 1986 for 750mm gauge lines, diesel engine type D2516HMU by Ikarus as used on buses, 190hp with hydraulic drive, Vmax=40km/h on 750mm gauge version and 60km/h on meter gauge version.

Stacja Kolejowa Stare Bojanowo

Stacja na na lini Poznań-Wrocław.

🇵🇱 Leszno 2022 Polska 4K


Islandia (Iceland):

Chorwacja (Croatia):

Włochy (Italy):

Leszno is a historic city in western Poland, within the Greater Poland Voivodeship. It is the seventh-largest city in the province with an estimated population of 62,429, as of 2021. Previously, it was the capital of the Leszno Voivodeship (1975–1998) and is now the seat of Leszno County.

Leszno – miasto na prawach powiatu w województwie wielkopolskim, położone w zachodniej części Polski, pomiędzy dwoma dużymi centrami gospodarczymi – Poznaniem i Wrocławiem. Prywatne miasto szlacheckie lokowane w 1547 roku położone było w XVI wieku w województwie poznańskim.

Według danych GUS z 31 grudnia 2020 r., Leszno liczyło 62 854 mieszkańców i było pod względem liczby ludności siódmym miastem w województwie wielkopolskim, a także 61. spośród najludniejszych miast w Polsce.

Leszno, I LO Leszno, II LO Leszno, Unia Leszno, Ratusz, Leszno Kino, Leszno kościoły, Leszno Kościół, Leszno spacer, Leszno walk, Leszno PKP, Leszno PKS, Leszno speadway, Leszno żuzel, Leszno akwawit, Leszno heaven, Leszno demon

#Leszno #Polska #Poland #shorts #tiktok

Poland - Wolsztyn steam train depot

A quick view of the trains at the Wolsztyn train depot, Poland.

Phoenix Poland

We are proud to present movie about our company.
Our mission, our vision and our future plans.

Prod. MAvision

Go to Hel by train! .............Poland Baltic Polska

In Poland you can to to Hel by bus, train or ferry!

Sanie Prusitz Prusice Małuszyn Nowy Dwór Trebnitz Trzebnica E261 Polen Polska 2.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Dębsko Wiesenstadt Wielichowo Polen Polska 2.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Narrow Gauge in Poland - Bytom (Silesia)

Journey from Bytom to Miasteczko Śląskie on the world's oldest narrow gauge railway (785mm gauge) in continuous service, since 1853. This touristic train is operated by the Upper Silesian Narrow Gauge Railways Association (Stowarzyszenie Górnośląskich Kolei Wąskotorowych - SGKW) #NoFerroviario #trains #travel

Street and electric train in Bydgoszcz, Poland

Street and electric train in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Night was starting to fall. Sorry, no sound.

OL49 in Wolzstyn yard

PKP OL49 - 59 head's around Wolzstyn yard to go to shed.

An American Railfan in Poland: Elblag-Ostroda Canal 3/3

In this 3-part adventure we explore the town of Elblag with its canal boats on rails, its narrow gauge trams, and its interesting architecture. The 50-mile long Elblag-Ostroda Canal uses five water powered incline planes and two locks to achieve an elevation of 325 ft., and is the only canal of its type still operating. Leave the canal at Maldyty, ride the PKP back to Elblag, explore the town, and watch trolleys.

IMHO, not many American rail enthusiasts realize the number and the quality of railfan experiences that are to be found scattered throughout Poland. Some have a vague knowledge of the Wolsztyn Experience, and a few of us have even enjoyed it, but few realize that it is possible to enjoy a great railfan holiday in Poland without even visiting Wolsztyn -- although I can't imagine why any railfan would go to Poland and not visit Wolsztyn. My goal in this series of videos (don't know yet how many there will be) is to share with my compatriots the railfan highlights of my visits to Poland in 2000 and 2003. I hope they will be interesting, entertaining, and maybe even inspire some of you to see it for yourself.



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