Restaurants in Ózd, Hungary
Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Ózd. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.
Here you can find Restaurants in Ózd, Hungary:
1) aCapella Étterem
Ózd, Vasvár út 37, 3600
(06 48) 473 408
2) Holdfény Étterem és Ételfutár
Ózd, Munkás út 3, 3600
(06 48) 479 552
3) Ám-Bár Kisvendéglő és Pizza-Bár
Ózd, Kőalja út 155, 3600
06 30 700 6602
4) Éden Vendéglő
Ózd, Árpád vezér út 25, 3600
(06 48) 472 647
5) Hangonyi Pizzéria
Hangony, Rákóczi Ferenc út 93, 3626
06 70 608 0811
6) Tropical Bar VIP
Ózd, Fráter György u. 12, 3600
7) Filó Pizzéria
Ózd, Vasvár út 50, 3600
06 30 609 4225
8) Tur Snack Bar Étterem
Ózd, 3600
9) Kék Söröző és Étterem
Ózd Vasköz u.3-4, 3600
(06 48) 571 963
10) Grill 17 Gyorsbüfé
Ózd, Vasvár út 17, 3600
06 70 635 6156
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Wonders of Hungary - Miskolctapolca Cave Bath
In today's short film, indulge yourself in northeast Hungary's nature-carved cave bath, Miskolctapolca!
It is a resort with a special microclimate in the southern part of Miskolc, offering a chance to recharge your batteries with its healing thermal water welling up from the depths of the mountain. Although thermal baths are quite frequent in Hungary, this one is unique for having part of its bath areas within a natural cave.
#visithungary #hungary #wondersofhungary
Ózd a táj ahol élünk, a természet szépségei. Landscape photography.
Ritkán készítenek természetfilmet, egy városról, de a táj ahol Ózd elhelyezkedik Észak-Magyarország egyik legszebb tája. A film a Landscape photography, azaz a tájképfotózás eszköztárát alkalmazza, a témát így, a természet szépségeinek oldaláról közelíti meg. Az Ózdot körbevevő dombokról a mezei vadvirágokon, virágzó vad cserjéken át látjuk a várost, átérezzük, azt az élményt, mit érez egy természetbarát, aki felmegy a dombokra. Pipacsok, mezei virágok virágzó tömegei, nemcsak a dombokon, völgyekben, hanem a város szívében is látva megkapó látványt nyújtanak. Tábla hegyén, árvalányhajak tömegei hajladoznak a vonuló viharfelhők alatt szinte halljuk a közelgő vihar leheletét. A film 4 évszakos! A tavasz, nyár, ősz, tél szépségei mellett, megjelennek az állat és a rovarvilág képviselői is, pillangók, kacsafarkú szender...
Emlékek a Régi Ózdról | Időutazás/Memories of Old Ózd | A Journey Through Time
Step back in time and explore the rich history of Ózd, a charming town in northern Hungary. This short video takes you on a nostalgic journey through the streets, landmarks, and cultural heritage that define Ózd's unique character.
Lépj vissza az időben és fedezd fel Ózd gazdag történelmét, ezt a bájos észak-magyarországi várost. Ez a rövid videó nosztalgikus utazásra hív, bemutatva Ózd utcáit, nevezetességeit és kulturális örökségét, amelyek meghatározzák a város egyedi karakterét.
Os lugares mais lindos de Budapeste l Hungria
Eu estou hoje na segunda capital européia que eu mais amo: Budapeste, uma cidade limpa, organizada e cheia de possibilidades culturais e gastronômicas. É impossível não se apaixonar por este lugar.
E hoje vamos rever alguns lugares que já passei na série que tenho aqui no Youtube e também conhecer alguns outros.
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1D GYSEV Hegyeshalom - Rajka országhatár
1D GYSEV Hegyeshalom - Rajka országhatár
2022 ősz / 2022 autumn
1080p 60fps
Normal sebesség / normal speed
Music: lvymusic - Calm Background For Video (from pixabay)
Térkép / Map: JolietJake (Hu) (Wikipedia)
Mohacs Battle Memorial Park, Hungary
Battle of Mohacs Memorial Park, Satorhely, Hungary 2015
This park commemorates the defeat of King Louis / Lajos Kiraly by Suleiman the Great in 1526. From here the Turks went on to conquer a great part of Hungary until their eventual removal about 150 years later.
The 'bodies' of men and horses are depicted by carved wooden statues, I find the whole area very moving......and a time and place in which to contemplate.
památník bitvy u Moháče - smrt krále Ludvíka , Maďarsko
Miskolc-Tiszai, este (23.04.16.)
Esti hangulat Miskolcról, a Tiszai pályaudvarról, a tavaszi Csörgő-ünnep estéjén.
#máv #vasút #miskolc #pályaudvar
Túl a láthatáron - 4. Ócsai Tájvédelmi Körzet
A Túl a láthatáron sorozatban főleg olyan helyeket mutatunk be, ahová természetfilm forgatási céllal utazunk el.
Home (Ozd)
Join us on a serene journey through the picturesque rolling hills of Northern Hungary in this short but enchanting YouTube video.
Fedezd fel az Ózd környéki hegyek elbűvölő természeti szépségeit ebben a rövid, de magával ragadó YouTube videóban. A videó bemutatja a régió lenyűgöző tájait, gazdag élővilágát és a helyi élet varázsát.
Discover an Escape at Ózd, Hungary
Welcome! Here, you'll find short but highly informative responses. We understand that time is of the essence, which is why we've curated knowledge from multiple books and websites through extensive research available to the general public. Our aim is to empower you with the information you need to make informed decisions and take action quickly. We encourage you to share this valuable knowledge with others who may benefit from it. So go ahead, spread the word and let's make a positive impact on the world!
Here are some links that may be helpful before planning your trip
BUDAPESZT - moja rekomendacja na weekend w stolicy Węgier
BUDAPESZT - w odcinku przedstawiam ciekawe miejsca do odwiedzenia w Budapeszcie. Zwiedzam w nim łaźnie Gellert czy Parlament z którym miałem nieprzyjemną przygodę. Znajdziecie też kilka kulinarnych propozycji jak również praktycznych wskazówek związanych z komunikacją miejską.
Oficjalna strona do kupowania biletów z wejściem do Parlamentu:
Mapa miejsc jakie odwiedziałem:
Wspieraj mój projekt SUBSKRYBUJĄC kanał - dzięki! 🤝
Visit Szentendre, Hungary Trip - VR 360° Virtual Travel Vlog Tour around Budapest, 4K
In this vlog tour, I am going to show you Szentendre old town and also some views alongside the Danube.
Szentendre, (in English meaning Saint Andrew) is a riverside town on the Danube, in Hungary, twenty kilometers north of Budapest. The place can be easily reached by the regional train (Hév), by car, by boat on the Danube or by bike. Recently, a brand new bike lane was built, linking the north part of Budapest (Békásmegyer) to Szentendre. I personally used it now when I came on the scooter to Szentendre to do this great recording.
The known history of the town dates back in the 9th century when Hungarians settled here and restored many of the Roman strongholds that were still existing at that time. Not much is however documented about Szentendre in the 10th century, but what's known is that during the Ottoman Empire, Szentendre was pretty much deserted and the inhabitants were forced to leave. During the Great Turkish War, the town was massively repopulated by Serbs (at about 6000 according to documents), thus explaining the many orthodox architectural elements that exist here. The most famous is Blagovestenska Church, a Greek Orthodox church from the 18th century, right nearby the main square (Fő tér).
Szentendre's old town is mostly known for its baroque architecture such as the Church of Saint John the Baptist situated on the Castle Hill.
Alongside the cobbled streets, fancy shops, cafeterias, and museums welcome the tourists in Szentendre. Among others, the most famous is the Marzipan Museum which houses a beautiful collection of marzipan figurines.
I hope my vlog and this 360 trip in the Old Town of Szentendre are a good reason for you to pay a real visit here on the very next occasion when you visit Budapest or Hungary.
If you like this 360 virtual video vlog, please like it and subscribe to my channel.
Best wishes!
BBB0041 - Hungarian Museum of Agriculture - Vajdahunyad Castle - Budapest
Museum of Hungarian Agriculture
Phone: +36 1 422 0765
GPS: 47.515052, 19.083074
The biggest museum of agriculture in Europe can be found in Vajdahunyad Castle in City Park in Budapest.
The entrance to the museum is in the Baroque building.
What you will quickly forget as you are walking up the beautiful staircase, is that this is a castle built solely for exhibition.
The details on the walls, the chandeliers, it all looks as though this is an actual Baroque palace perhaps hundreds of years old.
But this stunning building is not really what this museum is more famous for.
As you continue your tour, you leave through a passage from the baroque castle to the medieval castle.
As you climb the imposing stone stairs, the mood quickly changes.
Though this is named ‘the Museum of Agriculture’, it seems that a more correct name would be ‘The Museum of the Hunt.’
For though there are small samples of bird eggs and logs, what people really come for is the ‘Hall of Hunting.’
As you reach the top of the stair you are greeted by Antlers, horns, hooves, and fur cover the walls from the floor to the cathedral ceilings.
Stuffed birds and mounted bears, posed ready to take flight, or attack.
What about this joyful diorama of some animals frolicking and playing?
It is not the fact that these things are there,
But it’s the sheer number of these objects
and the fact they completely cover the walls of this airplane hanger sized room that might impress you.
The Agricultural Museum is often empty, so as the you reach the top of the stairs, it is as if you have entered a sacred temple of a forest creature necromancer.
Echoed footsteps and hushed whispers lend a quiet respect to these relics of the hunt.
The collection has been destroyed twice since its opening 100 years ago.
Through many donations and loving attention, this shrine of the dead animal has been restored to its former glory.
Please watch: Snow White Premiere at the Carthay Circle Theatre - December 21, 1937
Discover an Escape at Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary
Welcome! Here, you'll find short but highly informative responses. We understand that time is of the essence, which is why we've curated knowledge from multiple books and websites through extensive research available to the general public. Our aim is to empower you with the information you need to make informed decisions and take action quickly. We encourage you to share this valuable knowledge with others who may benefit from it. So go ahead, spread the word and let's make a positive impact on the world!
Here are some links that may be helpful before planning your trip
ARLÓI TÓ Varázslatos őszi tájak, Magyarország csodái
A film Észak-Magyarország egyik legcsodálatosabb táját mutatja be, az Arlói-tó és környezetének őszi szépségét. A tó az 1970-es 80 as évek kedvenc találkozóhelye volt stranddal, ma a Suvadás Liget zenei eseményei és a strand vonzza a fiatalokat. A tó kitűnő horgászparadicsom is. Táj szépségét, a hegyek, tó és és az épített környezet egysége alkotja. Csodálatos a horgászházak, felhők, hegyek visszatükröződését látni a tó vizében. A környezet festői. Hegycsúcsokról, különösen a suvadás hegyének tetejéről az egész környék panorámájában gyönyörködhetünk, alattunk a tó, távolban a Bükk hegység és Bélkő sziklái láthatók. Sokan nem ismerik Magyarország e csodálatos táját, remélem e kisfilm segítségével látványa sok emberhez eljut majd, és szépsége nagyon sok ember szívét megdobogtatja.
TOKAJ Autumn Winery Landscape 2017 Hungary
Drone view above wine plants in Hungary - Tokaj region.
Film with Drone DJI Phantom III
Visit my sites:
Hungary Magyarorszag
Brief introduction: Hungary
Hungary is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is a member of the European Union, NATO, the OECD, the Visegrád Group, and is a Schengen state. The official language is Hungarian, also known as Magyar, which is part of the Finno-Ugric group and is the most widely spoken non-Indo-European language in the European Union.
Hungarian population is app 10 million.
It has beautiful Landscape, wildlife, architecture, pretty womens, amazing food and most of the domestic vege's growing in Hungary.
Following a Celtic (after c. 450 BC) and a Roman (AD 9 -- c. 430) period, the foundation of Hungary was laid in the late 9th century by the Hungarian prince Árpád, whose great-grandson Saint Stephen I was crowned with a crown sent by the pope from Rome in 1000 AD. The Kingdom of Hungary existed for 946 years, and at various points was regarded as one of the cultural centres of the Western world.
Hungary is one of the thirty most popular tourist destinations in the world, attracting 10.2 million tourists a year (2011). The country is home to the largest thermal water cave system and the second largest thermal lake in the world (Lake Hévíz), the largest lake in Central Europe (Lake Balaton), and the largest natural grasslands in Europe (Hortobágy).
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Maďarsko na den. Ostřihom, Visegrád. Nejlepší Langoš ve Štúrově
Toto krátké a zajímavé video na YouTube nás zavede na jednodenní výlet po Maďarsku. Začneme ve městě Ostřihom, kde se pokocháme jeho historickými památkami a malebným prostředím. Poté se přesuneme do Visegrádu, kde nás čeká prohlídka krásného hradu a panoramatické výhledy na Dunaj. Naše dobrodružství zakončíme ve Štůrově, kde ochutnáme nejlepší Langoš, tradiční maďarskou pochoutku. Celé video nám tak nabídne pohled na krásy Maďarska a jeho kulinářské lahůdky během jediného dne.
#karavan #karavaning #obytnak #obytka #madarsko