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10 Best place to visit in Werlte Germany


Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Oldenburg | Germany - English

#OldenburgPlaces #PlacesInOldenburg #OldenburgVisitPlaces #OldenburgGermany
Oldenburg is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Germany having many best places in Oldenburg. Oldenburg is a city in northwest Germany. The central Horst-Janssen-Museum displays works by the 20th-century artist, including lithographs and drawings. The State Museum for Nature and Man has exhibits exploring the region's natural history, plus an aquarium. Oldenburg Castle houses part of the State Museum for Art and Cultural History, which showcases regional artifacts and European paintings. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Oldenburg that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Oldenburg. Germany has some of the best places in Oldenburg. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Oldenburg. There are many famous places in Oldenburg and some of them are beautiful places in Oldenburg. People from all over Germany love these Oldenburg beautiful places which are also Oldenburg famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Oldenburg.

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***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Wernigerode - three travel tips | Discover Germany

Huong Trute shows us the town of Wernigerode. She recommends visiting the Schiefes Haus Museum, the baroque Pleasure Gardens and the Kleiner Harz Miniature Park.

More Discover Germany:

Walking in OLDENBURG / Germany ????????- Around the City Center - 4K 60fps (UHD)

Oldenburg is a town in northwest Germany. The old center of Oldenburg has many restaurants and cafes on pedestrian streets that we will visit on this walk.

We start our tour at the Hafenpromenade along the harbor of Oldenburg east of the city center. We are quickly getting to the inner city and the Ritterstraße to visit the Rathausmarkt with the St. Lamberti Church of Oldenburg.

Our tour continues to the Oldenburger Schloss that we circle around. On our way we also see the Berliner Bären statue. Then it's time to make a little detour outside of the city center.

Returning back to the inner city through Schlossplatz we now see more of the center and often head out and back into the many pedestrian streets. We even see the Lappan, a historic bell tower in the north of the city and stroll around the many alleys. There are more paths to explore.

The tour ends at the Draufgänger sculpture. For a video of Oldenburg recorded just before this one here, please check:

Filmed in September 2020

Camera: Osmo Pocket in 4K60
Mic: Zoom H1

#poptravel #oldenburg #germany

Rügen Ostsee Travel 2022 - Island Germany


Walking in OLDENBURG / Germany ????????- Sunny Autumn - 4K 60fps (UHD)

Oldenburg is a town in northwest Germany. The old center of Oldenburg has many restaurants and cafes on pedestrian streets that we will visit on this walk.

We start our tour at the Oldenburg train station and first get to the Hafenpromenade along the harbor of Oldenburg east of the city center. From there we visit the inner city, see the Rathausmarkt with the St. Lamberti Church of Oldenburg.

Our tour also passes the Oldenburger Schloss before we return to the Hafenpromenade again. There we end our tour.

If you want to visit Oldenburg another time starting from the Hafenpromenade, please check out this tour of Oldenburg:

Filmed in September 2020

Camera: Osmo Pocket in 4K60
Mic: Zoom H1

#poptravel #oldenburg #germany

Papenburg an der Ems (Duitsland)

Papenburg is een stad en gemeente in de Duitse deelstaat Nedersaksen, gelegen in de Landkreis Emsland. De stad, met de status van selbständige Gemeinde, telt 37.551 inwoners.
De talrijke veenkanalen in de gemeente, veelal Wieke -wijken- genaamd, zijn voor de tegenwoordige scheepvaart van geen betekenis meer. Wel dragen ze bij aan het historische, voor Duitsland zo goed als unieke, stadsbeeld. Daartoe liggen enkele modellen van handelsschepen in het centrum als decor afgemeerd. Verder kenmerkt het centrum zich door het vele groen en bloembakken die het compacte centrum een knus aanzien geven. Papenburg heeft een eigen stadshaven bij de oude werft en is verder bekend van de Meyer werft die grote cruiseschepen bouwt.

Norderney Nordsee Travel 2023 - Island Germany

Города Германии: #Ольденбург

Ольденбург — это третий по величине город в Нижней Саксонии.
Согласно результатам археологических раскопок, история Ольденбурга началась в 7-8 веке нашей эры, в 1108 году это место впервые упоминается под названием «Альденбург».
В Средние века служил столицей графов Ольденбургских. В 1448 году граф Кристиан фон Ольденбург стал королем Дании, а в 1450 году - королем Норвегии. В 1457 году он был также избран королем Швеции. В 1460 году он стал герцогом Шлезвигом и графом Гольштейнским. В XX веке из дома Ольденбургов происходили правители Дании, Норвегии, Греции, России (до 1917 г.), а также будущий британский монарх Чарльз. После очередного пожара в конце XVIII века Ольденбург был полностью перестроен в стиле классицизма, памятников более раннего времени сохранились единицы.

Oldenburg is the third largest city in Lower Saxony.
Archaeological finds point to a settlement dating back to the 7th-8th century. In the first documentary evidence in 1108 referenced under the name Aldenburg.
In the Middle Ages, Oldenburg became the capital of the County of Oldenburg In 1448, Count Christian von Oldenburg became King of Denmark, and in 1450, King of Norway. In 1457 he was also elected king of Sweden. In 1460 he became Duke of Schleswig and Count of Holstein. In the 20th century, the rulers of Denmark, Norway, Greece, Russia (until 1917), as well as the future British monarch Charles, came from the house of Oldenburg. After another fire at the end of the 18th century, Oldenburg was completely rebuilt in the style of classicism; few monuments of an earlier time have been preserved.

Oldenburg is the third largest city in Lower Saxony.
Nach den Ergebnissen archäologischer Ausgrabungen begann die Geschichte Oldenburgs im 7. oder 8. Jahrhundert n. Chr..1108 wurde der Ort unter dem Namen „Aldenburg“ erstmals urkundlich erwähnt.
1448 wurde Graf Christian von Oldenburg König von Dänemark und 1450 zudem König von Norwegen. 1457 wurde er außerdem zum König von Schweden gewählt. 1460 wurde er Herzog von Schleswig und Graf von Holstein. In the 20th century, the rulers of Denmark, Norway, Greece, Russia (until 1917), as well as the future British monarch Charles, came from the house of Oldenburg. After another fire at the end of the 18th century, Oldenburg was completely rebuilt in the style of classicism; few monuments of an earlier time have been preserved.

Другие видео из серии Города Германии / Other videos from the series Cities of Germany / Weitere Videos aus der Reihe „Deutschlands Städte“:

#Ольденбург #Oldenburg #Niedersachsen #германия #Deutschland #germany #Reisen #Ausflüge #inchik #инчик

Lingen (Ems) - Duitsland

De geschiedenis van Lingen is met name vanaf de zestiende eeuw verbonden met het huis Oranje. De geschiedenis gaat terug naar 975, toen Lingen het eerst in de archieven genoemd werd. Lingen lag op het kruispunt van twee belangrijke wegen, de Vlaamse en de Friese Straße en was zodoende al in de middeleeuwen een handelscentrum. Lingen maakte in 1227 deel uit van het gelijknamige graafschap Lingen. Het graafschap werd vanaf de 16e eeuw tot de Nederlanden gerekend. In 1597 veroverde Maurits van Nassau, de latere prins van Oranje, de vestingstad. In 1605 heroverde Ambrogio Spinola de stad. In 1632 ging de stad naar het bezit van het huis Oranje tot de dood van stadhouder Willem III. Daarna, in 1702, kwam het Graafschap in Pruisische handen. Later waren respectievelijk Napoleon, Pruisen, Hannover en daarna weer Pruisen aan zet. Tegenwoordig is Lingen een zelfstandige stad in de deelstaat Nedersaksen.


Justin Bieber - What Do You Mean Instrumental (No Copyright Music)

Odyssey of the Seas Leaves Meyer Werft

Royal Caribbean's new Odyssey of the Seas left Meyer Werft at Papenburg (Germany) traveling down the Ems River for its sea trials on February 27, 2021, in a complex maneuver which is explained in this video. The ship is expected to enter service in May.

Burg Altena im Sauerland | Tourist Attraction Germany | DJI Mavic Mini Footage

In malerischer Lage, hoch über der alten Drahtzieherstadt Altena an der Lenne, thront eine der schönsten Höhenburgen Deutschlands seit dem 12. Jh. auf der Wulfsegge. Fast 900 Jahre ereignisreiche Geschichte haben die Wehranlage mehrmals grundlegend verändert. Der mächtige Wehrbau lässt das Herz jedes Ritter- und Burgenromantikers höher schlagen. Die Burg Altena war das historische Zentrum der Grafschaft Mark und ist heute noch kultureller Mittelpunkt des märkischen Sauerlandes.

Drohne: DJI Mavic Mini
Location: Burg Altena, Altena GERMANY
Musik: The Choice - Alec Slayne

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Nordhorn - Unterwegs in Niedersachsen (Folge 11)

In dieser Folge zeige ich die Stadt Nordhorn in der Grafschaft Bentheim in Niedersachsen. Als einzelne Beiträge innerhalb dieser Folge besuchen wir in den Niederlanden die Städte Denekamp und Oldenzaal.

Irrgarten, Alfsee, Irrgarten Alfsee, Labyrinth, Kindergeburtstag draußen, Freizeitpark

Unser Freizeitpark Irrgarten Alfsee wird dieses Jahr 10 Jahre.
Ein Familienspaß für Groß und Klein. Ihr findet uns bei facebook unter Irrgarten Alfsee

Samtgemeinde Nordhümmling Webtrailer

Kurzfassung des Imagefilms der Samtgemeinde Nordhümmling.
Ausführliche Fassung des Films kann in den Bürger- oder Fremdenverkehrsbüros der Samtgemeinde erworben werden.

Imagefilm Stadt Lingen (Ems)


Herrliche Stimmung beim Kivelingsfest 2022 in Lingen

Lautes Getrommel tönt durch die Stadt, die Kivelinge marschieren durch die Burgstraße in Richtung Lingener Marktplatz. Kivelingskönig Johannes Kruse und seine Königin Julia Duscha schreiten mit ihrem Gefolge zum Thron, die Musik untermalt das bunte Treiben.

Tier- und Freizeitpark Thüle - Free Fall Tower (Onride) thüle freizeitpark - Spring-Ride-Tower Moser

Tier- und Freizeitpark Thüle - Free Fall Tower (Onride) thüle freizeitpark - Spring-Ride-Tower Moser - Freifallturm freizeitpark thüle onride - Fahrgeschäft - Thuele Zoo & Amusement Park Germany (4K / UHD 2160P/50 FPS) Beim Free Fall Tower im Tier- und Freizeitpark Thüle handelt es sich um Freifallturm des Typs Spring Ride 10 des Herstellers Moser Rides, mit einer Höhe von 12 Metern. Das Video zeigt die komplette Fahrt onride POV, in 4K Auflösung. ####
The Free Fall Tower at Thüle animal and leisure park is a Spring Ride 10 free fall tower from the manufacturer Moser Rides, with a height of 12 metres. The video shows the complete ride onride POV, in 4K resolution.

De Free Fall Tower in het dieren- en recreatiepark Thüle is een Spring Ride 10 vrije val toren van de fabrikant Moser Rides, met een hoogte van 12 meter. De video toont de complete ride onride POV, in 4K-resolutie.

La tour de chute libre du parc animalier et de loisirs de Thüle est une tour de chute libre Spring Ride 10 du fabricant Moser Rides, d'une hauteur de 12 mètres. La vidéo montre le trajet complet en POV, en résolution 4K.

La Free Fall Tower en el parque de animales y ocio de Thüle es una torre de caída libre Spring Ride 10 del fabricante Moser Rides, con una altura de 12 metros. El video muestra el punto de vista completo de ride onride, en resolución 4K.

Wieża swobodnego spadania w parku zwierząt i rekreacji Thüle to wieża do swobodnego spadania Spring Ride 10 producenta Moser Rides o wysokości 12 metrów. Film pokazuje całą przejażdżkę POV onride w rozdzielczości 4K.

Thüle hayvan ve eğlence parkındaki Serbest Düşme Kulesi, üretici Moser Rides'in 12 metre yüksekliğindeki Spring Ride 10 serbest düşüş kulesidir. Video, 4K çözünürlükte tam sürüşe onride POV'u gösterir.

Free Fall Tower i Thüle dyre- og fritidspark er et Spring Ride 10 fritfaldstårn fra producenten Moser Rides, med en højde på 12 meter. Videoen viser hele turen onride POV, i 4K opløsning.

Free Fall Tower i Thüle djur- och fritidspark är ett Spring Ride 10 fritt falltorn från tillverkaren Moser Rides, med en höjd på 12 meter. Videon visar hela åkturen onride POV, i 4K-upplösning.

La Free Fall Tower nel parco zoologico e ricreativo di Thüle è una torre a caduta libera Spring Ride 10 del produttore Moser Rides, con un'altezza di 12 metri. Il video mostra l'intero giro in POV, in risoluzione 4K.

Башня свободного падения в парке животных и отдыха Тюле представляет собой башню свободного падения Spring Ride 10 от производителя Moser Rides высотой 12 метров. На видео показана полная поездка от первого лица в разрешении 4K.

トゥーレの動物とレジャーパークにあるフリーフォールタワーは、メーカーのモーザーライドが提供するスプリングライド10のフリーフォールタワーで、高さは12メートルです。 ビデオは、4K解像度での完全なライドオンライドPOVを示しています。

Thule 动物和休闲公园的自由落体塔是 Moser Rides 制造商的 Spring Ride 10 自由落体塔,高度为 12 米。 该视频以 4K 分辨率显示了完整的骑行 POV。

#Fahrgeschäft #FreeFallTower #ThüleFreizeitpark #TierUndFreizeitparkThüle
#AmusementPark #Parkvideo #Freizeitpark #Onride #MoserRides

222 Camper Parking Steinfurt Germany and A Tour of the Town

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New Friends from The Netherlands
is an original song by Patrick Haverkate and Petra Smit

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LONDON | iPhone 11 CINEMATIC Travel 4K [Mobile Cinematography Video]

This short London cinematic travel video was shot entirely on an iPhone 11.

I visited London in December 2019 for 3 days and really enjoyed my time here. Here's a short video showcasing the sights and sounds of the city I visited!

This film was made using an iPhone 11 with Filmic Pro and the DJI Osmo Mobile 3. No external lenses were used.

Dismantle by Peter Sandberg
All music and sound effects were obtained from Epidemic Sound.

Get 1 month free with Epidemic Sound by using my personal link here:

DISCLAIMER: This was before the COVID-19 pandemic and filmed in December 2019.

Instagram: @_marcusfilms

Kefalonia, Greece, 2019 Beach Drone Video via DJI Spark

Just another video of some shots from a Beach Day in beautiful Kefalonia Greece in 2019 using my DJI Spark Drone and some very basic free editing software on Windows 10



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