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10 Best place to visit in Villanueva de la Serena Spain


Villanueva de la Serena - Badajoz - Extremadura - Spain????????

Come visit :)

The Spain Most People Never See: 10 Days of Photography and Solo Travel in Northern Spain

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Places visited on the trip (October 2019):

00:00 - Day 1: Cantabria (Playa del Portio, Santander)
01:08 - Day 2: Cantabria (Faro Cabo Mayor Lighthouse, Fuente De)
02:56 - Day 3: Asturias (Picos de Europa National Park, Ruta del Cares, Mirador del Naranjo de Bulnes)
07:56 - Day 4: Galicia (Praia das Catedrais, Serantes)
11:32 - Day 5: Galicia (Costa de Dexo, Seixo Branco, Fragas do Eume, Faro do Cabo Prior)
16:23 - Day 6: Long Drive (through Galicia, Castile y Leon, and La Rioja)
16:40 - Day 7: La Rioja (Logroño)
18:15 - Day 8: Navarra (Bardenas Reales), Basque Country (Gorbeiako Parke Naturala)
25:45 - Day 9: Navarra (Nacedero del Urederra), Basque Country (Bakio, Mundaka)
30:47 - Day 10: Basque Country (Bakio, Bilbao)

Here's the cool AirBnB I stayed at in Galicia that everyone is asking about:

¡Qué ver en Zafra en un fin de semana!

¡Hola disfrutones!

En este video os damos pistas de qué ver y qué hacer en ZAFRA en un FIN DE SEMANA. Zafra es uno de los pueblos más bonitos de Badajoz, de Extremadura y de toda España, ya veréis...

Le llaman la Sevilla Chica por su arquitectura, sus calles estrechas y empedradas, su gastronomía... ¡qué bien nos lo pasamos!

En el post que hemos subido a nuestra web os contamos todos los detalles: enlaces a google maps, las mejores fotos... Haz click aquí:

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#zafra #badajoz #extremadura

Lo mejor y principales ciudades de Extremadura, España

Extremadura es una comunidad autónoma española situada en la zona suroeste de la península ibérica. Está compuesta por las dos provincias más extensas del país: Cáceres y Badajoz, cuyas capitales son sus dos ciudades más pobladas. La región, cuya población asciende a 1 067 710 habitantes (INE, 2019), tiene su capital en Mérida, la antigua Emerita Augusta.

Parques naturales
Extremadura cuenta con dos parques naturales declarados y gestionados por la Junta de Extremadura, que son el parque natural de Cornalvo, en Badajoz y el parque de Tajo Internacional, entre Cáceres y Portugal.

Parque natural de Cornalvo, en las cercanías de Mérida y con una superficie de 13 143 ha.
Parque natural Tajo Internacional, en la provincia de Cáceres y que cuenta con una superficie de 25 088 ha.

El clima es cálido en el sur y templado en el norte. El pico más alto de la región es el Calvitero, situado en el noreste de la provincia de Cáceres, con 2405 m sobre el nivel del mar. Por Extremadura, que limita en su frontera oeste con Portugal, pasan dos de los ríos más importantes de la península ibérica: el Tajo y el Guadiana.

Provincia de Badajoz
Villanueva de la Serena.
Jerez de los Caballeros.
Herrera del Duque.
Don Benito.
Fregenal de la Sierra.
Villafranca de los Barros.

Provincia de Cáceres
Navalmoral de la Mata.
Valencia de Alcántara.

En el territorio extremeño hay 32 451 extranjeros, según el INE a 1 de enero de 2019,39​ de los cuales 19 402 viven en la provincia de Badajoz y los 13 049 restantes en la de Cáceres. La comunidad inmigrante más numerosa es rumana con 8059 personas, seguida por la marroquí con 7202 personas, y después la portuguesa con 3140 personas. Los chinos suman 1675 y los brasileños 1401. Entre los naturales del África subsahariana que viven en Extremadura, la comunidad más numerosa es la de los senegaleses con 208 miembros. En lo que respecta a las personas procedentes de América Latina, salvo Brasil y Colombia, esta última con 1149, el resto de nacionalidades han pasado en los últimos años a ser apenas destacables.

Transporte público
En el transporte público de la región, destacan los autobuses sobre cualquier otro medio de transporte público. En la región operan varias empresas para el transporte de viajeros de unas localidades a otras, tales como LEDA50​ o CEVESA.51​ En las principales ciudades, como Badajoz,52​ Cáceres,53​ Mérida54​ y Plasencia,55​ existen líneas urbanas de autobús.

En cuanto al ferrocarril, las ciudades de Extremadura no cuentan con redes de metro, tren de cercanías ni tranvía. Las únicas líneas de tren son las líneas que unen la región con otros lugares de España y Portugal, que últimamente se encuentran deterioradas.56​ Se han cancelado las obras para la alta velocidad, con estaciones en Navalmoral de la Mata, Plasencia, Cáceres, Mérida y Badajoz.57​ y en su lugar, se piensan implantar vías convencionales rentables con una capacidad de 200 km/h y se quiere poner el Talgo para el 21 de junio de 2013. De todas formas, hoy en día, Extremadura cuenta con varios trayectos de Regional e Intercity.

También existe un aeropuerto en Badajoz , con vuelos a Madrid , Barcelona y en verano a Baleares y Canarias.

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CALATAÑAZOR y LA FUENTONA DE MURIEL. ➡️ Tesoros de la provincia de Soria ❤️

Viajamos al corazón de la provincia de Soria para visitar Calatañazor y La Fuentona de Muriel.

➡️ Calatañazor es una de las villas medievales mejor conservadas de Castilla y León. Está declarado Conjunto Histórico Artístico y forma parte de la Asociación de los Pueblos más Bonitos de España.

➡️ La Fuentona de Muriel es uno de enclaves naturales más bellos y accesibles de Castilla y León.

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Descubre VILLANUEVA DE CÓRDOBA con Renfe Spain Pass

The Renfe Spain Pass permits travel all over Spain for non-residents. It is valid for six months from the date of purchase and allows holders to travel for one month from the date of the first journey made with the pass. Holders can choose between tourist and business class for 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 train journeys during that month, and the pass can be purchased in travel agents, at train stations or online.
Gosi y Adrián, de Molaviajar, vivieron la experiencia de recorrer España en Ave. El resultado de su Avexperience en Villanueva de Córdoba en este vídeo.

Hotel El Emigrante - Villanueva de la Serena (Badajoz)

Bueno, os enseño el alojamiento de este hotel en el que estuvimos para solo una noche. Espero que os sea de ayuda el comentario y para decidiros si estáis indecisos en alojaros en él. Mi valoración es POSITIVA.

▶️ Pueblos y ciudades de Extremadura | Comarca La Serena Badajoz ❤️ ???? ???? Pueblos con encanto

Si visitas Badajoz, DEBES visitar la comarca de la Serena, pueblos lleno de patrimonio cultural, histórico y de encanto ❤️

#Extremadura, #TurismoExtremadura #Badajoz

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Vídeo promocional sobre los personajes históricos que han tenido influencia en la comarca de La Serena

Camino de Las Villuercas

Day 2 of 5 of our adventure from Talavera de La Reina to Badajoz.

It would be a day an asphalty day. We needed to connect the Vía Verde de la Jara with the Vía Verde Vegas del Guadiana. Due to the high loads of our bikes, we choose a mix of Asphalt with some dirt roads, to minimize the impacts on the Journey time and also in the Gear. It would also be the day with more elevation gain.

We started the day at Santa Quiteria old train station, close to the border between Castilla la Mancha with Extremadura. The time was 10h08 AM.

The first km´s before Puerto de San Vicente were relaxed, with nice low traffic asphalt mixed with stunning views towards what we thought were the Guadarrama montain range,not sure, but it was spectacular. Right before that village, time to help an old couple to release their car from a rough terrain.

Puerto de San Vicente, like the name suggest in spanish, located at an high place, after that it would be a nice and pleasant 7km downhill.

What goes down must go up, and we confirmed that physics law was correct. Anyway, despite the average 5% up gradient, it was really easy, even for Tiago, Imagine! The low traffic and low temperature felt helped that, and of course, the views, those views were also stunning!

Quick stop at Mirador del Estrecho de la Peña Amarilla, where there was time to socialize a little bit with other fellow tourist bikers. Right after that we gave a try to some dirt section of this Camino de las Villuercas, untill we reached Alía, where we took the chance to have some lunch.

Another road strecth, from Alía to Guadalupe, highlighted by some up and down between some valleys. In this part, we had the opportunity to spot a little deer on the road.

In Guadalupe we did not go to the city center, but it´s higly recomended. A very religious village, with the correpondent monuments, and a very important pilgrimage every september. Despite not going to the city center, we spent some time in the incredible railway bridge built but not used by trains. With its 274 metres lenght and 58 metres height, it was the most expensive railway bridge in Spain at the time of construction (and again...not used for its original purpose!).

After that breathe taking visit, specially for Tiago xD we had to connect back to the road direction Cañamero. Instead of going down to the entrance roundabout of Guadalupe, we followed the old railway canal, untill we reached that same road few km´s ahead, and without loosing height quota. Time to spot a Wild Boar in the road side.

After Cañamero we planned to get back to the dirt road, if it was doable. Tiago choose to follow the road, I decided to finish the day using dirt roads. We finally meet up again few minutes later at Logrosán.

That evening we decided to treat ourselves with an hot shower and a bed, in a really nice rural accommodation. Night rest for our camping gear.

Like in the previous video description, I will leave here a summary of this railway project.

Talavera de la Reina to Villanueva de la Serena Project:

The project to connect these two villages was part of a bigger project dated from late 20´s. This project, called Plan Guadalhorce was aimed to build some complimentary railways, in order to connect some main lines. In this project was included some connections, like:
-Madrid - Aranda de Duero - Burgos
- Zamora - A Coruña
- Baeza - Utiel - Lleida - Saint Girons
- Talavera de la Reina - Villanueva de la Serena

Most of them were not concluded, and were abandoned in the 60´s.

The railway we travelled, from Talavera de la Reina to Villanueva de la Serena, in the original project, was supposed to have a pararell line From Talavera to Calera y Chozas, and from there turning south to Villanueva. However, a cheaper solution was adopted, building a new station in Calera y Chozas, and from there starting the railway directly.

This railway had different stages of development. From Calera to Santa Quiteria, the whole infraestructure was ready, just missing to install the rails. From Santa Quiteria to Logrosán the same, except 20 km between Santa Quiteria and Guadalupe. The most develloped strecth was between Logrosán and Villanueva de la Serena, where the rails were installed, and some grain trains were even operated.

This project contemplated the consctruction of some bridges, tunnels, and some train stations, listed here:
- Calera y Chozas
- Apeadero de Silos
- Aldeanueva de Barbarroya
- Apeadero de Pilas
- Apeadero de Nava Fuentes
- Campillo-Sevilleja
-Apeadero de la Cervilla
-Santa Quiteria Mines
- Santa Quiteria
- Alía
- Guadalupe
- Madrigalejo
-Campo Lugar
- Villanueva de la Serena

Link to the Route:

La Serena, Elqui Province, Coquimbo Region, Chile, South America

La Serena is a city and commune in northern Chile, capital of the Coquimbo Region. Founded in 1544, it is the country's second oldest city after the national capital, Santiago, located 471 km (293 miles) to the south. It has a communal population of 190,716 (2006 projection, and 400,000 for the Greater La Serena) area, the country's fourth largest conurbation (pop. 300,000, 2002 census), which includes nearby Coquimbo with an area of 1,892.80 square kilometres (730.81 sq mi). It is one of the fastest-growing areas of Chile, witnessing a population increase of 32.6% between 1992 and 2002. The city is an important tourist destination, especially during the summer, where people go to visit the beaches. It is in the headquarters of the University of La Serena and also is home to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of La Serena, one of five Catholic Archdioceses of the Catholic Church in Chile. The sector is currently located where the city was inhabited by the pre-Hispanic village called Viluma or Vilumanque (Mapudungún Snakes and condors). La Serena was first founded on the orders of Spanish Pedro de Valdivia in order to provide a sea link to maintain permanent contact between Santiago and Lima in the Viceroyalty of Peru. For this he would need a place for his troops to rest and eat. The village was first founded by captain Juan Bohón with the name Villanueva de La Serena. Although the exact date is disputed, probable dates include 15 November or 30 December 1543 and 4 September 1544. Many historians simply say that it was founded in 1544. Five years later, from the night of 11 January 1549 until the following day, an uprising of local Indians totally destroyed and burned the village, killing nearly every Spaniard. Pedro de Valdivia gave order to Captain Francisco de Aguirre to found the city later the same year on 26 August to under the name of San Bartolomé de La Serena (now patron saint of the city), in the same place where today the Plaza de Armas stands. A few years later, on 4 May 1552, King Carlos I of Spain by royal decree gave it the title of city. During the 17th century, the city suffered continuous attacks from pirates[citation needed], including Francis Drake who opened the Pacific route to pirates in 1578. Bartholomew Sharp, who partly burned and looted in 1680, and Edward Davis, who set fire to the convent of Santo Domingo 1686, caused great fear among the population, forcing the defense of the city in 1700. In addition to attacks from pirates, the city experienced an almost total destruction resulting from the earthquake of 8 July 1730. During the Revolution of 1859, a rebellion against the conservative government, the city was taken by forces led by Pedro Leon Gallo. Gallo's forces were defeated at the Battle of Cerro Grande by an army from Santiago, which then occupied the city. Between 1948 and 1952, president Gabriel González Videla prepared the Plan Serena, a project in which the city was renewed with investments and urban redevelopment that would imprint a single seal on the country. It began to take hold in the role of services, to rescue and to develop its own architectural style known as Colonial Revival. The city is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of La Serena. The Cathedral, built from the same stone, dates from the 19th century. It must be said that although it lacks the same historical value as the older churches, this is a stone building in a country prone to seismic activity, and has survived various earthquakes. Indeed, during centuries of existence, there is almost no visible damage. All of these churches, along with others of minor importance, provide a unique urban landscape, an image for the city, giving it the nickname The City of Churches. Its traditional architecture consists of a series of housing and public buildings, of late 19th-century vintage style, built with wood from the US state of Oregon brought to Chile as counterweight in vessels sailing to the nearby port of Coquimbo to load copper and other minerals for transport back to the US. This Oregon pine and the use of adobe create the genuine image of the city. There is also a number of remarkable and valuable small churches built of sedimentary stone quarried 5 km (3 mi) to the north of the Elqui River, having a characteristic color and texture formed by myriad small shells. These churches are all roughly 350 years old and have undergone restoration to varying degrees, bringing them back to their original form. San Francisco, San Agustín, Santo Domingo are the names of a few of them. In 1920, he began to take shape a new economic boom in the mining of iron, attracting capital and human contingent, resulting in a further change in the urban structure.

Villanueva de Tapia (Málaga)

Visitamos la localidad malagueña de Villanueva de Tapia, famosa por su Paso de Semana Santa y por monumentos como la Iglesia Parroquial San Pedro Apóstol, la Ermita de la Virgen de Gracia o su peculiar monumento monolito Zona de Trifinio. Descúbrela. Todas las semanas tienes más #Pueblos-andaluces en

9. Mérida, Badajoz. 1°Parte. Área de autocaravanas. Qué ver en Mérida, Badajoz. Turismo y Viajar.

Pequeña muestra sobre qué ver en Mérida y dónde aparcar tu autocaravana o furgoneta.

Viajar en el TIEMPO, eso es lo que se siente al visitar esta ciudad, en este caso la época romana, la Emérita Augusta.
Viajando en autocaravana.
Visita turística a Mérida.
Travelling by motorhome in Spain.
Viajar en autocaravana.
Viajar en furgoneta.
Vivir viajando.

Vía Verde De La Jara

On this vídeo we biked from Talavera de la Reina and Santa Quiteria train station. The first part we ran through Tajo greenway untill we arrived to Calera y Chozas station, where we started the Vía Verde de la Jara. This old railway was part of the project to connect Talavera de la Reina to Villanueva de la Serena (see below details of this project).

After a long night bus trip from Aveiro to Madrid, we disembarked at Madrid Sur bus station, where we had to buy a bike cover, in order to be able to board the train. We carried the whole bike pack untill Madrid Puerta de Atocha train station, where we boarded the Intercity train to Talavera de la Reina, after 2 hours waiting time.

Boarding the Intercity train, with our bikes packed, was a bit special, once the bikes transport in Spain it is not really develloped. It´s something we were already aware of, and we were a bit scared about it. At the end, and after a first straight NO,eso no puede viajar! (that can´t be taken on the train) we were able to convince the train crew to stow our bike bags in the restaurant car, where we knew that there is some space. After all, carrying the bikes in a bag it´s allowed, if we choose it during the ticket purchase, and as long as do not exceed the size limits.

The train trip was smooth, already thinking on the bike unpacking process , which took us around an hour, and also with some problems for the train station crew. In the end we convinced them to let us to unpack the bikes inside the station, promising we would leave everything clean, and we did it. Thank you Renfe/Adif :D

The first km´s ran through Tajo farm fields, with no altimetry noticed, some dry muddy trails, making us remember our region.

After about 17 km, we started the la Jara greenway. The first km´s were a bit tedious, with the exception of crossing Puente Amador over the river.

At the Aldeanueva de Barbarroya station, we visited an old set of 2 train cars, probably installed there at the end of the 90´s, once the old train sleepers were made in 1997.

After that the landscape turned from some sheep cattlery fields into more wild landscape, which we loved. The last km´s before nightfall were incridible, with a stunning Sunset, which will be recorded in our memories for years and years.

The last 8km looked like endless, once we were tired, both phisically, but also mentally, due to lack of sleep in the Bus ride to Madrid. Also, was already dark.

Finally we arrived to Santa Quiteria station, where we spent the night, a very very humid one.

Talavera de la Reina to Villanueva de la Serena Project:

The project to connect these two villages was part of a bigger project dated from late 20´s. This project, called Plan Guadalhorce was aimed to build some complimentary railways, in order to connect some main lines. In this project was included some connections, like:
-Madrid - Aranda de Duero - Burgos
- Zamora - A Coruña
- Baeza - Utiel - Lleida - Saint Girons
- Talavera de la Reina - Villanueva de la Serena

Most of them were not concluded, and were abandoned in the 60´s.

The railway we travelled, from Talavera de la Reina to Villanueva de la Serena, in the original project, was supposed to have a pararell line From Talavera to Calera y Chozas, and from there turning south to Villanueva. However, a cheaper solution was adopted, building a new station in Calera y Chozas, and from there starting the railway directly.

This railway had different stages of development. From Calera to Santa Quiteria, the whole infraestructure was ready, just missing to install the rails. From Santa Quiteria to Logrosán the same, except 20 km between Santa Quiteria and Guadalupe. The most develloped strecth was between Logrosán and Villanueva de la Serena, where the rails were installed, and some grain trains were even operated.

This project contemplated the consctruction of some bridges, tunnels, and some train stations, listed here:
- Calera y Chozas
- Apeadero de Silos
- Aldeanueva de Barbarroya
- Apeadero de Pilas
- Apeadero de Nava Fuentes
- Campillo-Sevilleja
-Apeadero de la Cervilla
-Santa Quiteria Mines
- Santa Quiteria
- Alía
- Guadalupe
- Madrigalejo
-Campo Lugar
- Villanueva de la Serena

Link to the route:

Qué visitar en Cantabria | La TORRE SUMERGIDA del pantano del Ebro

| La torre de la iglesia de Villanueva de las Rozas nos habla de la historia en estas tierras antes de la creación del pantano del Ebro.


El pantano del Ebro es un espacio natural de primer orden: zona de especial protección para las aves, red natura 2000, lugar de interés comunitario y parte de la red de espacios naturales protegidos de Cantabria. Un lugar de cría para numerosas especies de aves, de paso migratorio y de invernada.

Varios fueron los pueblos que desaparecieron bajo las aguas tras la construcción de esta imponente obra entre los años 1921 y 1945. Algunos se desmontaron piedra por piedra para volverlos a construir a la orilla del embalse.

Una muestra interesante de aquella época es la torre de la iglesia de Villanueva de las Rozas. Como el periscopio de un submarino la torre emerge de entre las aguas profundas y queda unida a tierra a través de una pasarela de madera. Desde el campanario hay unas vistas espectaculares de una parte sustancial del pantano.
El paseo ahora en primavera es hermoso con los árboles y prados floridos. Las cigüeñas que se fueron ya volvieron y en estas fechas arreglan sus enormes nidos para criar. Con este paisaje tan bello no me extraña que cada vez sean más las que se quedan con nosotros todo el año.


Para llegar hasta aquí nos hemos acercado hasta Reinosa por la autovía de la Meseta, hemos salido por Bolmir siguiendo el borde del pantano hacia la provincia de Burgos. La torre de la iglesia está en el pueblo de las Rozas de Valdearroyo. En un mes más o menos y durante todo el verano el nivel del pantano permite el acceso sin problemas a la torre del campanario. El recorrido por la vía del tren no es necesario cuando el camino original está libre de agua y por supuesto no lo aconsejamos por su peligrosidad.

Finca Serena · Mallorca

El hotel que reinventa el lujo en Mallorca.

La isla lo tiene todo: naturaleza que reúne campo, montaña, playas y acantilados. Contrastes que permiten conectar únicamente con lo mejor de nosotros mismos. Las texturas deleitan la vista y el perfume del aceite de oliva deja su huella en la memoria.

Visítala con nosotros:

#AtlantidaTravel #FincaSerenaMallorca #Baleares #Mallorca #AtlantidaInspira #TravelCurators #LuxuryHotel #Mediterraneo #UnicoHotels

La Serena, Los Alcazares


Canasvieiras es un barrio y playa ubicado al norte de la Isla Santa Catarina, en el municipio brasileño de Florianópolis, entre los distritos de Jurerê y Cachoeira do Bom Jesus. Posee vida financiera propia, con un comercio bastante diversificado. Es una de las playas más visitadas por turistas argentinos , Paraguayos , uruguayos, debido al mar tranquilo y a la activa vida nocturna.

✨Activa los Subtítulos en: Inglés, Portugués, Italiano, Alemán, Francés y más.
*Los subtítulos estarán disponibles hasta 24 horas desde la subida del vídeo.




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????Quien somos:

Somos Mateo y Lisanna, ella de Estonia y el de nacido en Argentina y criado en Brasil, nos conocimos en 2020 y decidimos comenzar el canal de YouTube juntos, desde entonces nunca más paramos de hacer videos. Después de 1 año y medio con este proyecto de vida y canal, decimos dejar todo lo que hacíamos para dedicarnos en tiempo integral a los que nos hace mas felices, vivir aventuras y experiencias por el mundo.


#mateoylisanna #brasil #canasvieiras #florianópolis


Palacio de Congresos de Plasencia

El Palacio de Congresos de Plasencia ha sido concebido como un mirador abierto a la ciudad, una pieza de fuerte presencia en el horizonte del Berrocal placentino, cuyo atrevido diseño es ya una seña de identidad en el paisaje de la capital del Jerte.

Con una superficie total construida de 11.388 metros cuadrados, el edificio dispone de un auditorio principal cercano al millar de localidades, y varias salas con gran amplitud para usos diversos.

Blanco de día y luminiscente de noche, el edificio se sitúa en el límite entre la ciudad y el paisaje. Su inusual forma asombra al espectador y manifiesta la inteligencia creativa de la arquitectura vanguardista más exquisita.



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