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10 Best place to visit in San Antonio Huista Guatemala


Viva Guatemala - San Antonio Suchitepequez

Nuestro Equipo de Produccion Viajo al departamento de el Suchitepequez, a este bellisimo municipio de San Antonio Suchitepequez

Río Azul y Cascadas de Mesté | Rincones de mi Tierra

Recorriendo el Río Azul y Cascadas de Mesté
Presentador: Arnoldo Cota
Programa: Rincones de mi Tierra
Producción: Viajero de mi Tierra
Filmación: Modesto Antonio Cardona Montejo
Contacto: +502 3098 – 8093
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#rioazul #Jacaltenango #cascadasdemeste
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The Western Highlands of Guatemala Greg-adrienne's photos around Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Preview of Greg-adrienne's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:

This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.

Entry from: Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Entry Title: The Western Highlands of Guatemala


Before leaving on our trip we had envisioned Mexico and Central America to be full of markets where we could buy exquisite handicrafts at dirt cheap prices. Not so. Or at least not in the places we had been so far. Most of the markets we had visited were stocked with cheap imported goods from Asia. But Guatemala's Western Highlands were different, as they are populated by various Mayan groups that have lived there for over 2000 years and managed to hold on to their ancient languages, dress and traditions. And it was the Mayan presence and their bedazzling markets that made our 9 days here the most interesting leg of the entire trip from a we are experiencing another culture perspective. We had left La Libertad, El Salvador early in the morning on September 29 which allowed us to arrive in Antigua, Guatemala's former capital, by mid afternoon. With cobblestone streets, beautifully restored colonial-era buildings and towering volcanoes flanking it on 3 sides, Antigua was easy to like and we immediately placed it on our top 3 of cities we had been to on the trip. The area around El Arco (The Arch) de Santa Catalina in particular had enough charm to rival Europe's finest neighborhoods, and is no doubt one of the reasons why Antigua was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979. The number of tourists in Antigua also rivals that found in Europe's great cities, with the year-round spring climate (we wore sweaters at night-a first in 8 months of travel) and abundance of Spanish schools (Guatemalans are known for speaking Spanish with a particularly clear accent) also adding to its appeal. Although the influx of foreigners has led to the opening of things that cater to them - upscale hotels, restaurants and stores - Antigua is still home to a large Mayan population, as is most evident on market days (Mondays and Thursdays) when the vendors come armed with big baskets full of fruits, vegetables and other goods to sell. The mixing of these two worlds - Mayan and foreign - provided us with some wonderfully incongruent images: like standing in line at a McDonalds behind a Mayan family that was in its traditional dress and speaking an unrecognizable tongue. Although Antigua was largely spared from the horrific violence that rocked Guatemala in recent decades (leaving 100,000 dead and creating, by some estimates, about 1 million refugees), and although the peace agreement that ended Guatemala's civil war was signed over 10 years ago, there was a more vigilant approach to security in western Guatemala than in any of the other countries we had visited. For example, there was a strong military/police presence on the streets, no one left their car on the streets at night, and many businesses, including our hotel, kept their front door locked at all times. Because of this, we followed our guide book's advice and opted for the escorted (2 police officers) 20-minute walk that took us from the centre of town up to Cerro de la Cruz, a small hill with a cross that overlooks the city. After 4 nights in Antigua we made our way northwest to Panajachel, a small but growing town on the north side of Lago Atitlan, Guatemala's largest lake. Panajachel is one of the few towns on the lake that can be accessed by vehicle, albeit by way of a windy and very steep road that hugs the side of a cliff and that ...
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Photos from this trip:
1. . View over Antigua from Cerro de la Cruz
2. . View Of Main Plaza & Church, Antigua
3. . Artist & His Buddy, Antigua
4. . Arco de Santa Catalina, Antigua
5. . Street Scene, Antigua
6. . Street Vendor Enjoying An Ice Cream, Antigua
7. . Market, Antigua
8. . Guatemalan Masks
9. . Mountain Summit, Pacaya
10. . Pacaya Volcano & Recent Lava Flow
11. ...My Shoes Are Melting
12. . Lone Campers At Lago de Atitlan
13. . Night Watchman, Campsite On Lago de Atitlan
14. . I Swear This Wasn't My idea
15. . Celebrations in Panajachel
16. . Bailo de la Conquistadores
17. .Two Men from Solola
18. . Waldo's Not Hiding
19. . Tortilla-Making, Solola Market
20. . Mother with Son, Solola Market
21. . Vendor with his Woven Mats, Solola Market
22. . Our Evening At the Campsite, Lago de Atitlan
23. . Religious Procession Behind Flower Vendors
24. . Offerings to Ancestors, Front Steps of Church

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Full day tour Todos Santos Cuchumatanes, Chiantla, Zaculeu Ruins

This is a journey where we will encounter culture, religion and archaeology. Visit Todos Santos, a town full of culture. Located in the mountains of the Cuchumatanes, you can see men and women with their colorful typical dress. Then continue on to Chiantla to visit the Catholic church, where you can see the Virgin of Silver that is revered by people in the region and said to have done many miracles. Our last destination will be the ruins of Zaculeu, a capital and fortress of the Mames that lived in this city during the Late Postclassic period, 1250-1520; here we will encounter sacred temples.

Info: matan

Disclaimer: took this video, you can find the original here:

Legal Disclaimer: This video does not represent the activities that are done in the tour, and it wasn't taken by Sourcetour or our providers. The owner is TheGuacamayas and you can find the original video in the following link:

Vídeo parque mirador río azul, usted puede ayudar!

Este es un video donde hablo de este lindísimo y prístino parque que tenemos en Guatemala. Es muy importante lograr la protección de esta área. Si a usted le interesa ayudar, puede entrar al siguiente link, donde encontrará proyectos de control y vigilancia que son urgentes de implementar para evitar su deterioro.
Guatemala, la naturaleza y la vida estarán agradecidos con ustedes. cualquier duda, me pueden contactar en

Guatemala en 12 días - Diciembre 2016

Visita de 12 días a Guatemala.
Antigua, Volcán Acatenango, lago Atitlán, Petén y Tikal.
Música: Rey León - HIJOS #suenahijos

12 days in Guatemala, visited places:
Antigua, Acatenango volcano, Atitlán lake, Petén and Tikal.

Motorcycle Adventure Tours in Guatemala - Fall 2016

Winter vacation is fast approaching - but in Guatemala, the land of the eternal spring, the weather is great year round. We have the best motorcycling terrain in all of Central America, and we love to share it with you. Volcanoes, mountains, beaches, Mayan ruins, and a dual sport paradise!

See all our upcoming tour dates and services on

Follow us on Instagram @magtours

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See photos that will make you drool at

Video filmed and produced by the great team @skypixelmedia

Guatemala trip 2013

Mk Rachel Drost missions trip to Guatemala!

Huehuetenango 2014 Guatemala

Una larga travesía por la selva, atravesando ríos, montañas, carreteras no asfaltadas con buses mas viejos que todos juntos xD, conociendo pueblos donde ni si quiera hay luz, donde los locales salieron a vernos como que eramos extraterrestres llegando al pueblo para poder conocer los cenotes en huehue en donde fuimos el primer grupo turistico en llegar.Un viaje super extremo, cansado pero lindisimo...

Aca podemos ver los cenotes de ownhabaj, laguna de yolnabaj, el cimarron, y lagos de colon en mexico.

Finca Vista Hermosa, Huehuetenango, Guatemala

A group of students and staff from Geneva College traveled to Finca Vista Hermosa, a farm in northwest Guatemala to serve and learn during spring break.

Mercado y Terminal de Santa Eulalia Huehuetenango Guatemala grabado con Dron 2023 una loba como tu

Mercado y Terminal de Santa Eulalia Huehuetenango Guatemala grabado con Dron 2023 una loba como tu


When we visited Antigua, Guatemala I rented a motorcycle and a guide for the day to ride to Lake Atitlán. I saw a lot of Guatemala that most people do not see! We rode on the shoulders, passed the crazy chicken bus drivers, hit dirt roads, did a creek crossing and saw lots of scenic vistas of the lakes, trees and numerous volcanoes in the area.⁠
Even dropped my bike in the creek and we had to wait for the carb to dry!⁠ It took a day for my Nikon to dry out, but I had my Olympus Tough camera as a backup.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE and we will see YOU on the next adventure!
Photographer: David Partridge (Maverick)

The Coming Storm by Ethan Meixsell
Gut Check by Ethan Meixsell
Sea of Sand by Ethan Meixsell

Antigua, Guatemala

#antigua #guatemala #lakeatitlan #motorcycle #moto #mototour #hb_maverick

Copyright © 2022 David Partridge

Guatemala, turismo, Juan Miguel moreno, Petén, Flores, yash

Eslovaquia el arqueólogo Jorge encargado de yacimiento nos hace explicaciones directamente

Fishing on the Intensity with Captain Mike Sheeder in Guatemala, CA, from Casa Vieja Lodge.

Awesome fly fishing in Guatemala with Captain Mike Sheeder while staying at Casa Vieja Lodge. Fishing for billfish using fly rods. Wonderful experience! Most of the video was captured by Mike Sheeder's crew using his go pro and a custom selfie stick.

Viaje Mexico-Guatemala-Belice-Mexico

Disfrutando en moto de los hermosos paisajes que estos paises ofrecen

MOTO VLOG VIAJERO #69 Semuc Champey, Guatemala + Reporte / Actualidad

...en este capitulo los llevo a conocer una de las maravillas naturales de Guatemala, Semuc Champey un paraiso en la selva Guatemalteca + Reporte / Actualidad en Manaos Brasil, ,
MOTO VLOG VIAJERO #69 Semuc Champey, Guatemala + Reporte / Actualidad

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Rio Azul 15 Guatemala

El sitio arqueológico de Rio Azul contiene las tumbas pintadas mas increíbles del mundo maya en el que se pueden observar mausoleos de hasta 4 nivel subterráneos con esplendidos glifos mayas que relatan la historia de los gobernantes del área. Disfruta de esta increíble aventura con nosotros, te invitamos a visitar nuestro sitio web
The Rio Azul archaeological site contains the most amazing painted tombs of the Mayan world in the tombs can be observed up to 4 level underground with splendid glyphs that tell the history of the rulers of the area. Enjoy this incredible adventure whit us, visit our website

Paddling in Ecuador 2019-2020 (Baeza & Tena)

Paddling the Rio Quijos, Rio Jondachi, Misahuallí River, and the Rio Piatua. We went down to Ecuador from December 21, 2019 to January 5, 2020. Great times with beautiful landscapes, whitewater, and people.

Santiago Zamora, Asociancion de Mujeres part3

The Santiago Zamora cooperative is a women´s association specially focuses on showing to tourists their local daily activities at home. The presentations begins with a demonstration of the local textiles you will learn how to form the threads until use the back strap loom and get the final textile. Also how to do a cup of coffee from the sed to the cup.
Dance local music with the women´s. At the end enjoy a nice local food pepian made of many species and they add pork, beef or chicken.

MOTO.MEN Project'19 reaches Triumph Headquarters Atlanta, GA

MOTO.MEN Project'19 reaches Triumph Headquarters Atlanta, GA
