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10 Best place to visit in Remedios Colombia



Posso levar remédios em viagens internacionais? Posso levar tudo que preciso? Preciso de andar com minha receita médica? Assista até o fim e tire todas suas dúvidas com esse vídeo! ✈️❤️????????

???? IMPORTANTE -s ACONSELHAMENTO MÉDICO ISENÇÃO DE RESPONSABILIDADE: Todo o conteúdo deste vídeo e descrição, incluindo: informações, opiniões, conteúdo, referências e links são apenas para fins informativos. O Autor não fornece nenhum conselho médico no Site. Acessar, visualizar, ler ou usar este conteúdo NÃO cria uma relação médico-paciente entre você e seu autor. Fornecer informações pessoais ou médicas ao autor principal não cria uma relação médico-paciente entre você e o autor principal ou autores. Nada contido neste vídeo ou em sua descrição tem a intenção de estabelecer uma relação médico-paciente, substituir os serviços de um médico ou profissional de saúde treinado ou de outra forma substituir o aconselhamento, diagnóstico ou tratamento médico profissional. Você deve consultar um médico licenciado ou profissional de saúde devidamente credenciado em sua comunidade em todos os assuntos relacionados à sua saúde.

Apresentado por:
Enfermeira - Patrícia Zanin Ferrigno

???? Você vai assistir neste vídeo:
* Como levar remédio na bagagem em viagem internacional.
* Dicas no Viagem e Saúde.

???? Esse vídeo não é patrocinado.

#viagem #remedios #saude #bagagem #viajarmudatudo #estadosunidos

Patrícia / VMT - Viajar Muda Tudo
Orlando, Flórida, Estados Unidos da América - EUA

10 cosas que hacer en SOGAMOSO ¿Cómo llegar? ¿Qué hacer? ¿Dónde comer?

Si estás buscando un lugar lleno de historia y lugares increibles para visitar quedate viendo este video ya que te mostraré las 10 cosas más divertidas por hacer en la ciudad del Sol y del Acero: Sogamoso. Conocida por haber sido el lugar dónde se ubicaba el Templo del Sol de los Muiscas, Sogamoso está lista para sorprenderte con una gran variedad de lugares que te llenarán de emoción por su riqueza histórica y belleza. Te muestro ¿Cómo llegar? ¿Qué hacer?¿Dónde comer?¿Cuánto cuesta?

¡Animate a conocer Sogamoso!

Si quieres saber más sobre la provincia de Sugamuxi te invito a que veas este video para que te ubiques espacialmente

Estaré hablando de algunos de los pueblos que hacer parte de esta provincia en esta playlist

No olvides seguirme en instagram:

Créditos de algunas imágenes
Boyaca 7 días
Revista Semana
Canal Sogamoso Online

People are SNOOZING on DURANGO | Durango, Mexico Travel Guide

Durango is not usually a vacation destination, but let me tell you, people are snoozing on Durango and all it has to offer! Durango is rich with history, great parks, food, and wonderful people.

We put together this video to serve as your Durango, Mexico Travel Guide but you'll want to check out our other Durango videos to get the COMPLETE picture of all there is to enjoy in Durango City.




The AirBnB we stayed at:

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For music/sound effects used in this video, Check out Epidemic Sound:

0:25 Paseo Constitución
1:11 Chicago in Durango
2:59 Naked tacos??
3:21 Plaza de Armas
4:22 Hollywood Blvd
6:01 Paseo de las Alamedas
6:42 Pancho Villa Museum
8:26 Gordita hunting
10:07 More surprises
10:29 Teleferico
11:20 Scorpion-infused mezcal
12:43 Shout out!

#69 Hierbas medicinales - Atlas Vivo de Chile

Una conexión inexplicable con la naturaleza es la que posee Bernardita Igor Marileo, heredera de una tradición de mujeres encargadas del lahuén, que significa remedio en mapudungun. Las distintas plantas o remedios de la tierra que tiene en su invernadero son capaces de aplacar desde un dolor estomacal a la depresión. Hay secretos más que recetas explica, en este ejemplo de sustentabilidad donde cada hoja sirve para aliviar los males de la gente.

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Mundukos es un canal de viajes que busca dar información útil, presupuestos, rutas e itinerarios para que puedas organizar tus propios viajes.

⚙️¿Qué es Mundukos Ideas?
Es un canal que busca darte información práctica para mejorar la presencia digital de tu marca (o tuya) y por supuesto, darte herramientas para que seas nómada digital y puedas viajar por todo el mundo ganando dinero con tu computadora.




hoy viajaremos a san gil, la capital turistica de santander y los deportes extremos. les mostraré toda una guia completa
sobtre como llegar, que hacer, donde alojarse, donde comer y todo como nos gusta, bueno, bonito y barato.

No olvides Suscribirte al canal que es GRATIS Síganme en:

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En este Link Puedes reservar :

Recuerda indica el CODIGO: SOMBRERO EXTREMO para que te otorguen un descuento

También puedes escribir al Siguiente whatsapp +573213158722
o escribir al siguiente correo:

Ven a San Gil a pasar días de relajación y aventura al extremo????.

????????‍♀️ 14 Actividades Extremas
1. Cable vuelo
2. Espeleología
3. Arrastre bajo
4. Salto al vacío
5. Senderismo
6. Travesía acuática
7. Caminata ecológica
8. Telaraña
9. Canoping
10. Puente maderos
11. Puente bailarina
12. Puente himalayo
13. Quick Jump: salto al vacío ¡Único en el país!
14. Rafting Río Fonce
???? Transporte ida y regreso. ( Desde el hotel)
???? Seguro de asistencia médica. ( En cada actividad)
???? Guía profesional
????Equipo de protección personal
???? Hospedaje por 1 noche , 2 días
???? Desayuno y Cena
⛱ Zonas húmedas del hotel

Esto tiene un costo de 260.000 COP ( 65 USD) . Pero si al reserva indicas el CODIGO: SOMBRERO EXTREMO te otorgaran un descuento.

Ruta Medellín Caucasia Coveñas Costa Atlántica en Carro, Estado de la Vía, Peajes, Tiempo de Llegada

Como está la Ruta Medellín Caucasia Coveñas Y Costa Atlántica por Tierra, Estado de la Vía, Precio de peajes, Cuantos peajes hay, gastos en la ruta, duración de la ruta y más datos importantes. #medellin #caucasia #coveñas

video de la ruta Medellín Urabá Coveñas


⭕✅ SUSCRÍBETE ► ✅⭕ Activa la campanita ????
Genova “bello rincón quindiano” emplazado en las montañas de la cordillera Central del sur del departamento Quindio.
Agradecimiento a María Daryery Martínez Gómez y Nicolai Osorno en la realización de este material fílmico y a las demás personas que participaron.
Marzo 14 de 2021






#Genova #Ejecafetero #Quindio
#ilusionEcoParque #SanAntoniodelRio #CentroCulturalPlazaCafe

Cities of Colombia Quiz

Cities of Colombia Quiz

1 Bogotá (Capital District) 6,840,116 8,181,047
2 Leticia Amazonas 37,832 42,280
3 El Encanto Amazonas 4,376 4,972
4 La Chorrera Amazonas 3,337 4,044
5 La Pedrera Amazonas 3,711 5,417
6 La Victoria Amazonas 979 1,140
7 Mirití-Paraná Amazonas 1,643 1,515
8 Puerto Alegría Amazonas 1,277 2,196
9 Puerto Arica Amazonas 1,440 1,320
10 Puerto Nariño Amazonas 6,983 8,519
11 Puerto Santander Amazonas 2,373 3,113
12 Tarapacá Amazonas 3,775 4,314
13 Medellín Antioquia 2,214,494 2,529,403
14 Abejorral Antioquia 20,249 18,991
15 Abriaquí Antioquia 2,690 1,971
16 Alejandría Antioquia 3,816 3,361
17 Amagá Antioquia 27,155 30,181
18 Amalfi Antioquia 20,525 22,567
19 Andes Antioquia 41,591 47,003
20 Angelópolis Antioquia 7,641 9,353
21 Angostura Antioquia 12,519 11,040
22 Anorí Antioquia 15,016 17,737
23 Anza Antioquia 7,415 7,601
24 Apartadó Antioquia 131,405 195,068
25 Arboletes Antioquia 30,738 43,416
26 Argelia Antioquia 10,091 8,306
27 Armenia Antioquia 5,196 3,945
28 Barbosa Antioquia 42,439 52,395
29 Bello Antioquia 371,591 482,287
30 Belmira Antioquia 6,188 6,930
31 Betania Antioquia 10,246 8,976
32 Betulia Antioquia 16,725 17,726
33 Briceño Antioquia 8,783 8,673
34 Buriticá Antioquia 6,955 6,495
35 Cáceres Antioquia 28,945 41,012
36 Caicedo Antioquia 7,686 8,396
37 Caldas Antioquia 67,999 80,528
38 Campamento Antioquia 9,688 8,915
39 Cañasgordas Antioquia 16,816 16,737
40 Caracolí Antioquia 4,855 4,519
41 Caramanta Antioquia 5,510 5,308
42 Carepa Antioquia 43,125 60,141
43 Carolina Antioquia 3,971 3,512
44 Caucasia Antioquia 87,532 120,479
45 Chigorodó Antioquia 58,911 82,151
46 Cisneros Antioquia 9,682 8,869
47 Ciudad Bolívar Antioquia 28,279 26,698
48 Cocorná Antioquia 15,119 14,924
49 Concepción Antioquia 4,509 3,194
50 Concordia Antioquia 21,420 20,371
51 Copacabana Antioquia 61,234 72,735
52 Dabeiba Antioquia 24,084 23,068
53 Don Matías Antioquia 17,701 23,709
54 Ebéjico Antioquia 12,511 12,489
55 El Bagre Antioquia 46,020 50,557
56 El Carmen de Viboral Antioquia 41,012 48,498
57 El Santuario Antioquia 26,287 27,273
58 Entrerrios Antioquia 8,447 10,404
59 Envigado Antioquia 174,108 238,221
60 Fredonia Antioquia 22,692 21,142
61 Frontino Antioquia 20,031 15,703
62 Giraldo Antioquia 4,188 3,977
63 Girardota Antioquia 42,566 58,030
64 Gómez Plata Antioquia 11,252 13,266
65 Granada Antioquia 9,789 9,881
66 Guadalupe Antioquia 6,231 6,318
67 Guarne Antioquia 39,541 50,401
68 Guatapé Antioquia 5,838 5,097
69 Heliconia Antioquia 6,656 5,690
70 Hispania Antioquia 4,821 4,885
71 Itagüí Antioquia 235,016 276,916
72 Ituango Antioquia 25,088 19,919
73 Jardín Antioquia 14,433 13,516
74 Jericó Antioquia 12,789 11,852
75 La Ceja Antioquia 46,268 54,615
76 La Estrella Antioquia 52,563 65,300
77 La Pintada Antioquia 7,066 6,402
78 La Unión Antioquia 17,842 19,413
79 Liborina Antioquia 9,475 9,572
80 Maceo Antioquia 7,630 6,611
81 Marinilla Antioquia 45,548 55,798
82 Montebello Antioquia 7,523 5,825
83 Murindó Antioquia 3,736 4,891
84 Mutatá Antioquia 16,428 22,028
85 Nariño Antioquia 15,579 17,891
86 Nechí Antioquia 20,668 28,585
87 Necoclí Antioquia 47,989 67,359
88 Olaya Antioquia 2,916 3,341
89 Peñol Antioquia 16,241 15,746
90 Peque Antioquia 9,621 11,321
91 Pueblorrico Antioquia 8,294 6,675
92 Puerto Berrío Antioquia 38,953 49,392
93 Puerto Nare Antioquia 16,690 19,209
94 Puerto Triunfo Antioquia 16,248 21,317
95 Remedios Antioquia 22,769 31,333
96 Retiro Antioquia 16,976 19,702
97 Rionegro Antioquia 100,502 126,193
98 Sabanalarga Antioquia 8,193 8,191
99 Sabaneta Antioquia 44,480 53,914
100 Salgar Antioquia 18,206 17,397
101 San Andrés de Cuerquía Antioquia 7,367 5,917
102 San Carlos Antioquia 15,826 16,132
103 San Francisco Antioquia 6,395 5,021
104 San Jerónimo Antioquia 11,627 12,890
105 San José de La Montaña Antioquia 3,103 3,436
106 San Juan de Urabá Antioquia 20,899 26,646
107 San Luis Antioquia 11,009 10,926
108 San Pedro de los Milagros Antioquia tourism,

Guatemala: The Land of Eternal Spring | Travel Documentary & Guide | Things to Know & Expect

This video is about my journey in Guatemala. This video is to give you a glimpse of what Guatemala is like. From it’s majestic landscapes, it’s delicious cuisine, diverse culture, the locals, as well as what to bring, what to expect, and hopefully give you a better understanding what it’s like visiting in this beautiful country.

Places I visited:
Lake Atitlan, San Pedro La Laguna, San Juan La Laguna, Flores Island, Tikal, Antigua, Altamira, , Panajachel, Guatemala City, Actun Can, La Casa Del Mundo, Pacaya, Acatenango, Volcan de Agua, Acatenango, Cerro De La Cruz

If you find this video helpful or enjoy it and want to support the channel and future videos, please consider liking, sharing, and subscribing at no additional cost to you. Links and additional info talked about are down below.

0:00:00 - Intro
0:01:15 - Guatemala (Overview)
0:08:26 - Cuisine
0:09:53 - Antigua
0:15:52 - Antigua: Interview with Instrument Maker
0:17:30 - Antigua: Cerro De La Cruz
0:19:16 - Antigua: Altamira
0:22:27 - Lake Atitlan
0:27:55 - Panajachel
0:32:02 - San Pedro La Laguna
0:37:02 - San Juan La Laguna
0:45:14 - Sights and Sounds of San Juan
0:47:01 - Lodging: Lake Atitlan
0:52:44 - Flores Island (Isla De Flores)
0:59:26 - Lodging: Flores Island
1:01:34 - Tikal
1:10:07 - Credit

Tikal Tour:
Pacaya Volcano ATV Tour:
Overnight Volcano Acatenango Hiking Adventure:
Antigua ATV Mountain Adventure:
Lake Atitlan Day Tour From Antigua:
Hobbitenango Park + Antigua Guatemala:
Street Food Evening Tour in Antigua:
Lake Atitlán Sightseeing Cruise with Transport from Antigua:
Tikal National Park:
Adrenalina Tours:
Free Walking Tour Meetup (Antigua):
Licor Marron (San Juan):

Drone Laws (Drone laws change frequently so make sure to research it more depth):

La Casa Del Mundo (Lake Atitlan):
Clemente's Place (San Pedro/San Juan):
Miguel's Place (Flores Island):


My Gear 2022:
Sony Alpha 1:
Sony a7sIII:
Sony FX3:
Panasonic S1H:
Sony a7IV:
Sony a6600:

Aivscope 1.5x Anamorphic
Sony GMaster 16-35mm f2.8:
Sony GMaster 24-70mm II f2.8:
Sony GMaster 70-200mm II f2.8:
Sony 28-135 FE PZ F4 G OSS:
Sirui 50mm Anamorphic T2.9 1.6x:
Sirui 100mm Anamorphic T2.9 1.6x:
Kipon Speedbooster Mamiya 645 MF to Sony FF:
Mamiya 645 80mm f2.8
Mamiya 645 45mm f2.8

DJI Mavic 3:

DJI RS3 Pro:
Rhino ROV PRO Travel Tripod:

F-Stop Tilopa 50L:

Matte Box:
PolarPro Basscamp Matte Box:

Tripods and Monopods:
iFootage Tripod:
iFootage Monopod:

Follow Me:

#guatemala #tikal #lakeatitlan #Antigua #houseofintent #Mayan #panajachel #SanPedroLaLaguna #SantaCruzLaLaguna #Guate #Acatenango #SanJuanLaLaguna #pacaya #floresisland #IslaDeFlores #casadelmundo #traveloften #seetheworld #travel #tourism #tour #TravelDocumentary #TravelGuide
** Some of the links mentioned are Amazon Affiliate which kick back a small percentage of the price of the item at no additional cost to you. This kick back helps supports future projects. Thanks!

Exploring Comuna 13 Nightlife in 4K Medellin Colombia 2023!!

Follow us on this 4K walk in Comuna 13 2023!

???? - The 5 Best Places to Meet a Colombian Girlfriend -
???????? Subscribe:

Join us as we explore the vibrant nightlife of Comuna 13 in Medellin, Colombia in 4K for our 2023 travel vlog. Discover the latest travel trends for 2023 and get tips for your own Colombia travel plans in our walking tour of the city. See the best of Medellin's nightlife and get a taste of the local culture.

This is not to be missed for anyone planning a trip to Colombia in 2023 or looking for inspiration for their own world walking tour. Don't forget to bring your travel trailer and get ready for an unforgettable experience in Medellin 2023!

Watch our channel to find out more about Colombian culture & Medellin dating life!
We also film Medellin Nightlife and the Colombian party scene.

Did you enjoy this video? Thank you for watching and please let us know in the comments what you thought. Have an awesome day!


TRUCAZO para limpiar la tapicería de los vehículos.

Cruising to COLOMBIA! Coffee in Cartagena & Street Food in Santa Marta

✈️ Check out the travel app we created that helps you find incredibly cheap flights to the amazing destinations all over the world! Try it risk free ➡️ ⬅️
Today we cruised to our 85th country! Our first port in Colombia was the town of Santa Marta which beautifully set in between the sea and the mountains. The streets are colorful and lively, and we tried some yummy street foods. The next day we cruised to Cartagena where we got to try Colombia’s most award winning coffee! We ended the day hanging out with celebrity chef Jorge Rausch in the ship’s kitchen to learn how he makes ceviche! We have 2 more stops on our 2 week leg of MSC’s around the world cruise :)

Travel vlog 594 | Santa Marta & Cartagena, Colombia | Country #85/100 | Filmed January 2019

ALL the music we use is from Epidemic Sound!

Sign up for a free trial and download them:
First song “Diving Together”
Second song “Feel The Breeze”
Third song “Summer Feelings”


Here’s Nate’s FREE guide to airport lounge access:

How we travel for FREE (Nate’s 30 Days to Becoming a Travel Hacker):

Kara’s Behind the Scenes Guide to Editing a Vlog:

Sign up for our Sunday Summary email here -

Get $40+ off your first AirBnB stay through our link!:


Our current camera setup:

Our suitcases:

Our gear backpacks:





INSTAGRAM: @karaandnate
TWITTER: @karaandnate


Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, we got married June 2013 and quickly caught the travel bug! We started “travel hacking” & finally decided we wanted to travel for one year. After 2 years of saving $ and over 2 million miles and points, we sold our cars and apartment and left home January 10, 2016. We started this YouTube channel to share our experiences with friends and family, then decided we really liked vlogging and traveling! So we extended our 1 year trip to now FOUR years :) Now we have a goal of traveling to 100 countries before 2020! We are incredibly thankful to do something we love every day. :)

¿ CÓMO LLEVAR MEDICAMENTOS en el AVIÓN ? Conoce el protocolo para transportarlo sin problemas.

Al viajar a otro país y tenemos que llevar medicamentos por algún tratamiento médico, debemos cumplir unas normas simples que aquí te las explico.


Hoje você vai aprender quais os medicamentos permitidos levar dentro do avião e quais os remédios que devemos despachar para não ter problemas no aeroporto! Dica de Viagem da Viajar Muda Tudo.

Conheça as mídias sociais do Viajar Muda Tudo e acompanhe tudo do nosso dia a dia:

Neste vídeo do Fala Sério Paty você vai assistir:
* Qual remédio posso levar em minha bagagem para os Estados Unidos.
* Dicas, Viagem, Turismo, Remédios, Mala e muitos mais.

• Sugestões de Vídeo e Sugestões:

Músicas e Efeitos dos vídeos do Canal:
* Biblioteca do Youtube
* Música: Energized
* Música: Black Moons

* Este vídeo não é patrocinado.

#RemédiosnoAvião #DicasdeViagem #ViajarMudaTudo

Patrícia Zanin / Viajar Muda Tudo
Orlando e Miami, Florida, Estados Unidos da América - EUA

Colombia Trike Tour - Riohacha to Dibulla

After 4 days, I pulled myself away from my sweet hotel at the beach in Riohacha to continue riding down the coast. I didn't go far. I wanted to see the flamingoes at Boca de Camarones. There is a sanctuary for fauna and flora and especially flamingoes in a very poor indigenous Wayuu community. There is also trash everywhere. I took a motorbike for 1/2 hour through sand, scrub and a Wayuu pueblo where the driver had to pay to pass. There were hundreds of flamingoes and the setting was beautiful. The next morning, the 'hotel' owner's 12 year old son took me on a bird watching tour with 3 dogs. There were lots of kids around and they all loved the trike.

(The wifi in this area is weak. It took 12 hours to upload this video.)

Music: Mary, Joe Arroyo

Follow the Continuing Adventures of Myrtle the Turtle and
Travels By Trike on social media:

Twitter: @travelsbytrike
Instagram: @travelsbytrike

I also have a journal on Blogger:

Arrivati in AMAZZONIA: LETICIA, la città della triplice frontiera ???????????????????????? Vlog Cambio Vita_in viaggio

Eccoci nel posto che più ci fa sentire grati e vivi: la FORESTA AMAZZONICA! Arriviamo a Leticia, la città al confine tra Colombia, Perù e Brasile. Qui inizia la serie di video dal polmone del mondo, iniziamo con la spettacolarità di miliardi di pappagallini, le origini non troppo nobili, la medicina tradizionale e il cibo tipico... e disgustoso!

???? ISCRIVITI AL CANALE e attiva la campanella per restare sempre aggiornato!

???? Se vuoi suggerimenti per viaggiare o hai curiosità, contattaci:
- Instagram

- mail

???? Siamo Jessica e Luca, a ottobre 2020 la nostra vita da comoda e stabile è diventata nomade e colorata, piena di esperienze uniche e grandiose, ben oltre al turismo, ben oltre l’immaginazione, alla ricerca di nuove culture e stili di vita alternativi.


???? Music credits: audiolibrary di youtube

Colonial town in the AMAZON ??? Gualaquiza Ecuador

Ecuador's Amazon is diverse but Gualaquiza was like nothing I expected.
Only three hours from Cuenca, it's possible to go for the day but you'll want to stay a few days. It's a comfortable Amazon town with a delicious market and not far from lots of interesting tours and traditional Ecuadorian food.

You can support my work at where I share tips that don't make it to videos and behind the scenes content.


Need an English speaking guide in Ecuador? I hired my friend Andres to tour the country, he's got an SUV and is a licensed national guide. The best way to reach him is on Whatapp: +593 98 711 9550 and second best by email at andrivet77 AT 

His family owns accommodations in Cuenca and it's where I stay! You can book directly with him to avoid booking fees.

You can find all of my best tips at

SUBSCRIBE to my Ecuador Travel Tips Newsletter:

Wide Angle Lens Hack:
Handheld Tripod:


Like the music? Here's what I use:

My travel insurance:

Protect Yourself With a VPN:

Hi I'm Ayngelina and my full time job is my site it's all about the best food around the world and how to make it at home.

In 2010 I left a job in advertising, 5 year relationship and sold all my possessions to travel the world. In the last ten years I've had some crazy experiences and even owned a restaurant in Toronto at one time. And prior to 2020 I had been based in Cuba.

When the world shut down I returned to Canada and decided to teach myself video. I wanted to share more than just words and photos but to show people the adventures I have learning about food around the world.

I'm not married. I have no kids. But I do have a lot of local friends who help me discover the best local tips.

Follow my other social channels here:

00:00 Gualaquiza Ecuador
00:47 Los Asados del Parque
03:52 Parque Linear
06:13 Ayampaco
10:29 Amazon Brewery
13:54 Central Market
18:47 El Gato Botanical Garden

#Gualaquiza #ecuador

Medicamentos que sí puedes llevar en tu equipaje de mano

¿Viajas a Estados Unidos, pero no estás seguro de qué medicamentos puedes llevar en tu equipaje de mano?

#EquipajeDeMano #Viajeros #ViajeAEU

Ermita (Hermitage) de la Virgen de los Remedios, Cártama, Guadalhorce (Málaga)

(Imágenes obtenidas del vídeo subido a Youtube por Patronato de Turismo de la Costa del Sol).
Para acceder a la ermita hay que recorrer un sinuoso camino, siempre en pendiente, desde el que se disfruta de unas inmejorables vistas del Valle del Guadalhorce.
La existencia de la Ermita se constata desde el siglo dieciséis, fecha que coincide con la aparición de la Virgen en el lugar y las noticias de una epidemia de peste en Cártama cuando la Virgen fue sacada en procesión y, al poco tiempo, cesaron las enfermedades, por lo que se le concedió el nombre de la Virgen de Los Remedios.
El edificio actual no es el de aquellas fechas, ya que el Camarín de la Virgen y la espadaña de la Ermita son de finales del diecisiete y principios del dieciocho siendo la decoración interior de estilo neobarroco. En consecuencia, combina una sencilla arquitectura popular con el recargamiento barroco de su decoración interior y del camarín-torre.
Consta de una sola nave a la que se accede a través de un pórtico cubierto por tejadillo a tres aguas. En su portada destaca el arco de medio punto entre pilastras que sostienen un entablamiento interrumpido por el anagrama de María. La cubierta es de bóveda de medio cañón con decoración dorada sobrepuesta y medallón central, que apoya sobre pilastras de capiteles dóricos.
Ya en el interior destaca la capilla mayor, de estructura hexagonal. Y, por supuesto, la talla de la Virgen (del siglo dieciséis) que se conserva sobre un templete de plata en el camarín-torre, desde donde recibe culto.
En septiembre de 2004, la Junta de Andalucía ha declarado todo el conjunto como BIEN DE INTERES CULTURAL, estableciendo un entorno de protección de 77600 metros cuadrados de suelos rústicos y urbanos en la colina del Monte de la Virgen sobre la que se emplaza el monumento.

(Images taken from video uploaded to Youtube by Costa del Sol Tourist Board).
Hermitage of the Virgen de los Remedios
The chapel is reached via a steep, winding road which affords breathtaking views of the Guadalhorce Valley.
The chapel's existence dates back to the 16th century, when the Virgin appeared in the town and news broke of a plague epidemic while she was being paraded through the streets, the disease subsiding shortly afterwards to give rise to the name Virgen de Los Remedios.
The present-day building does not date back as far as these events, since the chapel's image dressing room and bell gable were built in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, and feature neo-baroque interior decoration. As a result, they combine the simplicity of popular architecture with the elaborate baroque of the interior and the niche-tower.
It comprises a single nave which is entered via a porch covered by a three-slope roof. The highlight of the main façade is the Roman arch flanked by pilasters that support an entablature bearing the name María. It is crowned by a half-barrel vault with superimposed gold adornments and a central medallion supported by Doric capital pilasters.
Worthy of note inside is the hexagonal main chapel and, of course, the 16th century statue of the Virgin which is housed in a silver niche in the tower, from where it is worshipped.
In September 2004, the Andalusian Regional Government declared the whole complex an item of Cultural Interest, establishing a protection zone comprising 77600 metres of rural and urban land on the hill known as Monte de la Virgen on which the chapel stands.



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