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10 Best place to visit in Pueblo Nuevo Colombia


Los 17 pueblos declarados Patrimonio de Colombia ¿Ya los conoce todos?

Un recorrido por algunos de los pueblos más tradicionales de Colombia. Sabemos que hay muchos más que valen la pena visitar. Pero estos son los17 declarados como Patrimonio de Colombia según El Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo.

TOP 10 lugares que visitar en COLOMBIA. (Mejores destinos 2023)

En nuestro top 10 de lugares que visitar en Colombia encontrarás mucha variedad de destinos a lo largo de todo el país. el video fue hecho este 2020 así que tendrás los destinos más recientes y espectaculares de #COLOMBIA. #TopColombia

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How to travel Colombia: 10 Colombia Travel Tips (Colombia Travel Guide)

I show you how to plan your Colombia trip by giving you some very useful colombia travel tips after traveling the country for 6 weeks in this Colombia travel guide.
➸ My Colombia guides:

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In the last episode from Exploring Colombia I sat down after my 6 week lasting trip to talk about my trip and to give you some useful Colombia travel tips in order to plan your own road trip with this video and my related Colombia travel guide.

Beside general travel information I focus on tips on how to get around in Colombia and give recommendations for routes. I also speak about safety, the prices in Colombia, the best time to visit and accommodation options.

Colombia Travel Tips featured in this Colombia Travel Guide video:
00:25 - my trip & route
01:26 - best time to visit & times to avoid
03:03 - how to get around
05:01 - routes & itineraries
07:13 - budget & prices in Colombia
08:43 - Colombian cuisine & Drinks
10:48 - is Colombia safe to visit?
11:58 - What to pack
12:47 - Accommodation

— About Exploring Colombia —
Colombia, a country which many only know because of it’s violent past, has been on my list since I went to South America for my first long-term trip in 2012. 6 Years later and with 5 weeks to spend it was finally time to properly explore my country number 9 on the continent.
For the first part of the trip I’ll be traveling with my mate David to the historical city of Cartagena, some picturesque Carribean islands and to the city of Medellin where we get to learn about the violent past and the transformation of the country. After a few days in the capital Bogota I’ll be joined by my good friend Stefan to learn salsa and take on some outdoor adventures in Cali before heading up to Santa Marta where we checkout the most beautiful beaches, float down rivers and hike through the mountains.

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20 PLANES Para Hacer en Santa Marta Colombia |4K|

Estos son nuestros 20 planes para hacer en Santa Marta y lugares imperdibles. Guía Completa: Precios, tips, alojamientos.

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????TEMPORADA BAJA : Febrero, marzo, abril (excepto semana santa), mayo, agosto, septiembre, octubre (excepto semana de receso escolar), noviembre.
????TEMPORADA ALTA : Diciembre, enero, semana santa, junio, julio, semana de receso escolar de octubre.
License ( to Diana Van Solkema
The Rock Oh by Infraction

License ( to Diana Van Solkema
Epic Latino Drums by Yevhen Lokhmatov
Fiesta del Sol by AG Music
Join Our Dreams by Soundroll, Dmitry Lifshitz with AdRev
The Street Beat by Ikoliks
Lets Work It by Yoav Alyagon
Pushing On by Ikoliks

License ( to Diana Van Solkema
African Hip Hop by Dmitry Lifshitz with AdRev

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Colombia's Naughtiest Border Town, Cúcuta ???????? | Where Tourists Don't Dare To Go

Welcome to Cúcuta, the rowdy Colombian border town that's bursting with energy and adventure! Nestled on the border with Venezuela, this vibrant city is a melting pot of cultures, and is known for its lively nightlife and intriguing history. In this video, we'll take you on a tour of Cúcuta and show you everything this notorious town has to offer. From the bustling markets to the tranquil parks, from the vibrant street art to the historic architecture, Cúcuta is a city that's sure to captivate you. So come join us on this wild frontier, and experience the best of Colombia's naughtiest border town!
#Colombia #Travel #Explore #Adventure #SouthAmerica #WildFrontier #BorderTown #LatinAmerica #Wanderlust #Backpacking #Nature #Culture #History #BeautifulDestinations #TravelVideo #TravelVlog #TravelBlogger #extremetravel #TravelPhotography

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6 lugares increíbles que solo existen en Colombia

Uno de mis mayores sueños siempre había sido conocer el hermoso país de Colombia, veía fotos y videos en internet y me parecía un lugar tan mágico que me hacía soñar cada noche con pisar esas bellas tierras. Hasta que el día llegó y por fin pude respirar su aire tan puro gracias a lo verde que lo rodea, su impactante color ladrillo me enamoró a primera vista y ahora quiero compartirles algunos lugares que conocí, espero que como a mi, los enamoren y quieran viajar para vivir esta increíble experiencia.

6.- Cascada la Chorrera

Un sitio donde la magia, el verde eterno de la selva y la maravillosa vista regalan al mundo una experiencia única. A 42 kilómetros de Bogotá, se encuentra la Chorrera, la cascada más impresionante y alta de todo Colombia. Esta caída de agua de 590 metros de altura, es una de las tantas maravillas naturales que guarda el municipio de Choachí. Pero en el camino hacia este increíble lugar, también se encuentra la cascada El Chiflón, la cual tiene una altura de 55 metros, nombrada así por el sonido que provoca el agua al caer con tanta fuerza.

Existe una leyenda que recorre los huecos más oscuros de esta imponente cascada, pues cuentan los lugareños que detrás de las rocas húmedas de la Chorrera, se encuentra un antiguo cáliz que le fue robado a la iglesia hace muchísimos años, según el relato, los ladrones escondieron dicha reliquia entre las rocas para que nadie la encontrara, lo cual añade un toque de misterio e historia a tan bello lugar.

5.- Laguna de Guatapé

En el corazón de Antioquía, se encuentra el municipio de Guatapé, un sitio que nos recuerda lo pequeños que somos frente a la madre naturaleza. Al llegar al sitio se observa en el horizonte un desfile de edificios y casas con fachadas de mil colores; la riqueza arquitectónica de esta provincia, le da al sitio un encanto majestuoso y pintoresco.

4.- Cerro Monserrate

El más imponente cerros de Bogotá, es también un gigante de 3,152 metros de altura, que además tiene alrededor de 16 millones de años de antigüedad. Admirado desde la época colonial, en el punto máximo del cerro, se asoma un recinto sagrado, La Basílica del Señor de Monserrate, testigo de las más largas peregrinaciones, un atractivo turístico que además, cuenta con una espectacular vista panorámica, sin duda ,estar en la cúspide del majestuoso cerro alegra el alma y purifica todo con su aire limpio.

3.- Museo del Oro

Este sitio guarda gran parte de la riqueza histórica de la ciudad. El museo del oro del banco de la República colombiana nació para conservar todas las piezas de orfebrería y alfarería de distintas culturas indígenas colombianas.

El museo resguarda alrededor de 34 mil piezas de oro, por lo que es considerada la colección más grande del mundo, misma que rinde homenaje a la riqueza cultural del país.

2.- Comuna 13

Aunque durante una época, la comuna 13 fue asociada a la violencia, el narcotráfico y la pobreza, hoy, una nueva generación de jóvenes, han decidido tomar el futuro de este sitio en sus manos. Con la esperanza de salir adelante, comenzaron a impulsar el turismo con ayuda de arte, para así apoyar a los comercios locales. Hoy la violencia es cosa del pasado, y la comuna 13 ofrece un espectáculo genial que cuenta la historia de este barrio en sus paredes; cualquier visitante se maravilla con galerías urbanas de arte y hasta el conocido graffiti tour, un recorrido dirigido por los jóvenes para mostrar el nuevo rostro de este sitio.

1.- Laguna de Guatavita “El Dorado”

Escondida entre kilómetros de vegetación, se encuentra esta laguna, que resguarda en las profundidades un tesoro oculto. Guatavita, ha sido el centro de una increíble leyenda. De acuerdo a los historiadores, esta laguna era un sitio sagrado, un centro ceremonial donde los Muiscas, habitantes del lugar, adoraban y aceptaban a su nuevo líder en una grandiosa ceremonia, misma que se llevaba a cabo en el lago. Cuenta la leyenda, que el líder de la comunidad, debía ser presentado sobre una balsa en el lago, cubierto únicamente en polvo de oro, y en el ritual, debía ofrendar a los dioses ricos ornamentos de esmeraldas y joyas elaboradas con el metal dorado. Dicho tributo se arrojaba al fondo del lago y por su parte, los demás miembros de la comunidad, debían presenciar el acto y jurar fidelidad a su nuevo jefe desde la orillas del lago.

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Medellín, Colombia — City Walking Tour【4K】????????

Many big cities have a dark past but few reinvent itself as MEDELLÍN, Colombia. This is a narrated La Candelaria, city centro downtown in a virtual city walking tour in 4K by Wanna Walk.

Welcome to the beautiful Medellín, Colombia. The second biggest city after Bogotá. This city never sleeps! Locals says that Medellín has more nightlife than any other city.

We are close to Parque Berrio Metro Station to record Medellín 4K - There is a lot to see and do everywhere. This city walk will show you the most vibrant and interesting neighborhood called 'La Candelaria' which it's the city's downtown or city center.

Our walking tour begins close to the popular Botero Plaza, surrounded by the Museum of Antioquia. Then we'll walk random to see what Medellín has to show us! It's a sunny day and we'll walk around the downtown or city centre, where everybody is busy.

Where is the best area to stay in Medellin, Colombia? It's up to you because the city offers many things: nature, chaos, night life, business, great food and, if you are in the mood for love, you'll find friendly beautiful woman and men too. Let's see shops, cafes, and flower sellers line Junín Street, in the shade of some skyscraper. Medellín is a modern bustling city with extremely friendly people also it was cheap food. There was a lot to see including pretty unique museums and great natural mountains scenery in the surrounding countryside. Also, the weather it's fantastic all the year!

Medellín is the capital of Colombia’s mountainous Antioquia province aka “City of Eternal Spring” for its constantly good temperate and weather. Popular by the famous annual Flower Festival and these cool metro cables that link the city to surrounding barrios. Medellín, Colombia — City Walking Tour【4K】????????

Ciudad de Buenos Aires Argentina
BUSY DAY in El Centro, Medellín, Colombia
Best city virtual travel tour and THE 10 BEST Buenos Aires Tours

We'll visit some of the best sculptures by Fernando Botero decorate downtown's Botero Plaza, while see the Museo de Antioquia. Downtown Medellin should be thought of in two halves: Avenida Oriental which is where Avenida Poblado becomes as it passes the San Diego Shopping Mall.

Medellín Colombia Walking Tour - El Centro, Plaza Botero, Parque Berrío (4K)
Walking Medellín Colombia - El Centro Downtown, Parque Berrío, Carrera 49
Medellín Colombia Walking Tour - El Centro, Plaza Botero, La Veracruz, Parque Berrío (4K)

Let's experience vibrant Medellín. This neighborhood known as 'La Candelaria' is what makes up the Medellin Centro downtown. While the name might officially be La Candelaria, pretty much everyone just calls it El Centro. 'Medellin El Centro 4K' will show you the heart of economic activity in this city with the largest concentration of people. Downtown zone La Candelaria

Guide to La Candelaria Medellín Centro
Medellín Colombia City Tour

La Candelaria is a cool place to explore, in particular if you enjoy weird things. Medellin Centro has various points of interest, restaurants, cafes. Avenida Oriental is the large avenue running north to south and the city’s life is is as varied as it is intense. Medellin walking tour free, self-guided walking tour medellin. Free walking tour medellin comuna 13 and free walking tour colombia. Medellin walking tour map. New best walking tour medellin by medellin centro walking tour: best free walking tour medellin?

Walking tour downtown Medellín El Centro: no other neighborhood can match this part of town! It's gritty, raw, and even sketchy and there are still plenty of awesome things to see, do, eat, drink, and explore here The west half of downtown is the downtown core and then east of Avenida Oriental. MEDELLIN COLOMBIA, 4K City Walking Tour and street walk. Virtual Travel, Candelaria el centro tour in downtown, Colombia 4k tour. A self guided virtual walk by Wanna Walk.

Free Walking Tour Medellin - Real City Tours
The BEST 10 Free Walking Tours in Medellín
TripAdvisor 10 BEST Medellin Walking Tours
Real City Tours and Free Walking Tour Medellin

Medellín is is huge and beautiful. It may look like a real concrete jungle mixed with a real jungle and surrounded by mountains. You'll find the magnificent architecture and interesting people around you. We are at the Antioquia, in the department of northwest Colombia, lying mostly within the Andes mountains and extending toward the Caribbean Sea which is In the central Aburrá Valley. Watch the authentic El Centro Medellin, Colombian Walking Tour 4K

Best Buenos Aires Free Walking Tours
Walking Tour through El Poblado in Medellín
Top Colombia Night Tours Sightseeing Guide

The downtown microcentro banking district 'centro' has a pedestrian street. You'll find entertainment here, options are endless: underground theatre, craft beer and cocktail bars, live music, nightclubs.

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CARTAGENA, COLOMBIA... A City Like No Other! ???????? (Travel Documentary)

Welcome to Cartagena, Colombia... A City Like No Other! Thanks to LingoPie for sponsoring today's video. Get 65% off an annual plan or try free through this link:

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0:00 - Introducing Cartagena, Colombia
0:56 - Video Sponsor
2:17 - First Impressions of Cartagena
5:30 - Exploring the Old City of Cartagena
6:50 - African Heritage
8:00 - A Caribbean Lunch
10:05 - An Act of Kindness
11:11 - More Exploring
13:04 - Something I Love About Cartagena
13:40 - Something I Don't Love About Cartagena
14:54 - Plaza Trinidad
16:55 - The Caribbean Sea
17:48 - Is It a Castle or a Fort?
19:20 - What Makes Cartagena Special?
20:46 - A Trip to The Beach
21:46 - The Modern Side of Cartagena
23:11 - Beach Advice (From a Local)
24:10 - A True Colombian Moment
26:53 - Final Thoughts + How to Support My Work

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As always, I'm Dan from The New Travel. Thanks for watching!

#Colombia #Cartagena #Travel

Best Travel Destinations in The World 2024

Are you Looking for ideas for your next travel destination? Look no further than our list of the best travel destinations in the world! From tropical beaches, mountains to historic cities, we've got something for every type of traveler. In our list of top travel destinations we show you around places like Bali, the Swiss Alps, Paris, Tanzania and much more. Global tourism in 2024 has somewhat recovered since the challenges of last few years. We now have more open borders for exploring the best travel destinations on earth. If you enjoy this travel documentary then you can check out our other travel vlogs and travel videos from around the world.

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25 Best Cities to visit in Europe
Best Travel Destinations in The World PART 2

50 Bucket List Travel Destinations
00:00 Intro
0:31 Iguazu Falls
1:01 Petra
1:32 Cappadocia
2:03 Costa Rica
2:35 Tanzania
3:04 Angkor Wat
3:33 Galapagos Islands
4:03 Bali
4:36 Cinque Terre
5:08 Maldives
5:30 Bora Bora
5:56 Peru
6:15 Philippines
6:39 Taj Mahal
7:05 Mt. Everest
7:29 Rio De Janeiro
8:00 Venice
8:28 Banff
8:51 Niagara Falls
9:20 Road To Hana
9:48 Patagonia
10:16 Uluru Rock (Ayers)
10:34 Swiss Alps
11:10 Ancient Egypt
11:45 Iceland
12:22 Northern Lights
12:54 Great Barrier Reef
13:23 Great Wall of China
13:55 Antartica
14:26 New Zealand
15:03 Rome
15:29 Dalmatian Coast
16:05 Guatape “Pinol”
16:33 White Sands New Mexico
16:54 Hawaii Volcano NP
17:22 Santorini
17:42 Paris
18:19 Dead Sea
18:52 Na Pali Coast
19:22 Yellowstone
19:51 Amazon
20:21 Amalfi Coast
20:54 Riviera Maya
21:24 Grand Canyon
21:50 Maya Bay
22:21 Lake Atitlan
22:59 Red Sea
23:30 Thailand
24:09 Dubai
24:42 New York

Best Travel Destinations in the World Topics
Travel Tips
Where to travel
Bucket List Travel Destinations

Island Hopper TV takes you around the world to the premiere travel destinations. Our virtual travel guides from across America to Asia, Europe and Australia have assisted many world travelers in educating themselves on their next destination to travel or even vacation.

10 Best Places to Visit in Chile - Travel Video

Check out all the places seen in this video:

Squeezed between the Andes and the Pacific, Chile is sometimes called the longest country in the world. It is never more than 180 km wide, but its coastline extends over 4,300 km. It’s unusual long shape has given it a varied climate with one of the world’s driest desert in the north, while its southern tip is home to cold-weather creatures like penguins. Chile is also one of the closest nations, along with Argentina and New Zealand, to Antarctica. Here’s a look at the best places to visit in Chile:

El pueblo más colorido de Colombia | Alan por el mundo Colombia 11

Una explosión de color es este pequeño pueblo cerca de Medellín que además tiene a sus alrededores uno de los paisajes más enigmáticos de Colombia.

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10 Best Places to Visit in Uruguay | Travel Video

These are 10 best places to visit in Uruguay to make it easy for your next vacations.

Uruguay is a small country bordered with Argentina and Brazil, with a population over 3.4 millions of people is frequently overlooked by visitors travelling to South America. However I believe you will be rewarded with endless amazing places visiting Uruguay

So, this is my list of 10 places to visit in Uruguay

(0:00) You should visit Uruguay
(0:20) historic architecture in Montevideo
(0:52) incredible beaches in Punta del Este
(1:21) fancy old historical Colonia del Sacramento
(1:48) tourist attractions in Tacuarembo
(2:16) smaller but beautiful destination of Piriapolis
(2:44) colorful village of Punta del Diablo
(3:15) magical as beautiful in Rocha
(3:44) unique village of Cabo Polonio:
(4:15) a mayor attraction in Salto
(4:45) the overlook city ofJuan Lacaze
(5:10) visit Uruguay

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BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA | 14 Amazing Places to Visit in BC Province

British Columbia (BC) sits between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains and is the westernmost province of Canada. It's known to be the most beautiful and diverse province in the country, ranging from rugged coastlines to immense mountain ranges and lush rainforests full of wildlife. In this video we'll show 14 incredible places you have to visit in BC.

The 14 Places to Visit in BC British Columbia include:

14. Whistler
Whistler is a resort town in western British Columbia. It's Canada's most famous skiing and snowboarding destination.

13. Garibaldi Provincial Park
Located about 30 km or 18.6 mi to the south of Whistler, Garibaldi Provincial Park is known for its natural beauty and its endless hiking opportunities.

12. the Sunshine Coast
The Sunshine Coast is located north of Vancouver along the Strait of Georgia in British Columbia. It is a 180 km or 112 miles stretch of paradise, surrounded by sandy beaches and mountains.

11. Vancouver
☑️ Grouse Mountain Gondola ticket:

10. Okanagan Valley
The Okanagan Valley is located in the south-center of British Columbia and stretches over 250 kms or 155 miles. It's known for its dry, sunny climate and beautiful wineries.

9. Yoho National Park
Yoho National Park lies on the western slopes of the Canadian Rockies, in eastern British Columbia. It's home to some of the best hiking in all of Canada.

8. Kootenay National Park
Kootenay National Park is another breathtaking region situated in the Canadian Rockies. The Banff-Windermere Highway cuts through the park from Banff National Park in the north to Radium Hot Springs in the south.

7. Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park
Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park is a true hidden gem in the Canadian Rockies and British Columbia. Filled with sparkling glacial lakes and awe-inspiring alpine meadows, it's one of our favorite areas to hike in Canada.

6. Vancouver Island
Located off the southwestern mainland of BC, Vancouver Island stretches for 460kms, from British Columbia's thriving capital of Victoria in the south to Cape Scott's wilderness and beaches in the north.

☑️ Victoria Whale Watching Tour:

5. Gulf Islands
There are 15 Gulf Islands that lie between Vancouver Island and the mainland of British Columbia, with an abundance of wildlife, nature, coastal activities, and laid-back atmosphere.

4. Squamish
Sitting about halfway between Whistler and Vancouver, Squamish is a small authentic town, but its outdoor activities and scenic vistas are what makes this place special.

3. Wells Gray Provincial Park
Wells Gray Provincial Park is just on the edge of the Canadian Rockies, near the border of Alberta. It's famous for its wealth of cascading waterfalls.

2. Mount Robson Provincial Park
Being home to the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies and the second highest in BC, Mount Robson Provincial Park a comprises some of the most remote valleys, awe-inspiring lakes, and mysterious mountain peaks.

1. Mt. Revelstoke National Park
Mt. Revelstoke is located right outside the town of Revelstoke in the east of British Columbia and relatively small in size compared to other parks. It's famous for its blend of colorful wildflowers.

???? Note: some (drone) footage is courtesy of Canva

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- Vancouver Island Places To Visit:
- Vancouver Things To Do:
- Canadian Rockies Road Trip Itinerary:
- Jasper National Park:
- Panorama Ridge hike:


Rejoice in the morning by The David Roy Collective
New Beginning by Eldar Kedem
Young Hearts by SLPSTRM
Pandemnesia by Wonderland
Honey Mood by Ziv Moran
Earth & Heavens by Semo and Ian Post

1:24 Whistler
2:19 Garibaldi
3:25 Sunshine Coast
4:20 Vancouver
5:11 Okanagan Valley
6:23 Yoho NP
7:10 Kootenay NP
8:02 Mt. Assiniboine
9:08 Vancouver Island
10:31 Gulf Islands
11:19 Squamish
12:11 Wells Gray
12:43 Mt. Robson
13:47 Mt. Revelstoke

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Why Americans Who Can’t Afford America are Moving to THIS City!

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Colonia Tovar: Venezuela's Little Germany Looks Like a Village in the Black Forest

Where can you find half-timbered houses, German beer, and Black Forest cake in South America? Colonia Tovar. DW's Joel Dullroy visited the Venezuelan tourist attraction, where he felt transported back to the heart of the Black Forest. The town has a population of roughly 20,000 people, and was founded by German immigrants around 150 years ago. Not much has changed there since then.

Report, camera & editing: Joel Dullroy
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THE BIRDERS | A Melodic Journey through Northern Colombia

The Birders, a documentary film on Colombian bird diversity and birdwatching presented by ProColombia, with support of FONTUR and directed by Gregg Bleakney.

The film highlights Colombian local birdwatching guide, Diego Calderon-Franco and National Geographic photographer / videographer Keith Ladzinski as they travel through one of the most diverse bird regions in the world to capture new and rare birds that have never been filmed before.

The Birders, also takes people through the Colombian landscape, highlighting several of its’ top locations, culture, birds and music. As well as; Los Flamencos Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, in the Guajira Peninsula. El Dorado Bird Reserve, in the Santa Marta Mountains. Minca and surroundings, in the Santa Marta Mountains. Tayrona National Natural Park and El Chamicero del Perija Bird Reserve, in the Perija Mountains.

The films aims to change the perception of Colombia through showcasing the diversity of birds who live there.

“Birdwatching in Colombia is a real adventure. These guides and biologists are always finding new things”, says director Gregg Bleakney. Diego Calderón agrees, “Being a bird guide in Colombia is absolutely crazy, we are basically living the Victorian times of exploration.

You can choose a remote corner of the country and almost for sure you are going to find surprises: new species, new subspecies, new range extensions. Colombia is a box of surprises!”

Along with the unique birds and exquisite landscape, The Birders incorporates an original score from local musicians inspired by the bird songs found in the film.

Mucho Indio - Teto Ocampo

Teto Ocampo has spent the past 10 years learning to play the Arhuaco people’s ancestral songs. Though his band, Mucho Indio, Teto takes listeners on a cosmic journey through space and time by translating Colombia’s most ancestral melody, the song of the hummingbird, to a modern format. He composed the melody with a rare charu flute, an instrument that only a handful of people on planet have the knowledge to play.

Song name: Kumuchikayu

Sidestepper English musician Richard Blair is most well known as the founding member of Sidestepper, a pioneering Colombian band that has paved the way for a modern generation of Colombian artists who have successfully gone global through mixing local and foreign musical concepts.

Richard’s meditative song was inspired by “mixed migrant flocks, a phenomenon where foreign birds migrate to Colombia’s Caribbean region to live, travel and sing with local groups of birds.

Song name: To Close Your Eyes

Ghetto Kumbé Together with the team of the documentary, Edgardo Garcés travelled to his birthplace of La Guajira to record the song of the Vermilion Cardinal. Edgardo tattooed the bird on his arm to ground himself after the death of his parents. He had never seen the bird in the wild before. The story of this eye-catching bird’s connection to indigenous Wayúu culture is the inspiration for this modern Afro-Colombian electronic song.

Song name: Soy Guajira

Frente Cumbiero Using Colombian Cumbia as its base, Mario Galeano and his band Frente Cumbiero composed a modern take on the classic USA surf songs of the 1960s, but with a birder’s soul. The song draws inspiration from the endemic Santa Marta Parakeet. These social birds
live in flocks on a massive ridgeline overlooking the Caribbean Sea and Magdalena River Valley, the birthplace of Cumbia music.

Song name: Parakeet Ridge

El Leopardo With his band El Leopardo, Daniel Broderick (aka Dani Boom) composed a thumping electronic club song that mirrors the Manakin bird’s slow build-up to a frenetic courtship display. The mechanical clapping sound of the White-bearded Manakin’s wings, recorded by the documentary team in Tayrona National Park, is the foundation of Dani’s composition. The courtship call of the Lance-tailed Manakin provided a secondary melody.

Song name: Manakin Boom








Book your trip to Colombia with the birdwatching tour operators that helped in the production of the film:

Colombia Birdwatch

Manakin Nature Tours Colombia

Nature Colombia

Quetzal Birdwatch

The Colombian Project

Tayrona Birding

#birds #ornithology #birdwatching

???? TOP 10 Ciudades para Pasar NAVIDAD⭐️ Mejores Ciudades Navideñas

????️ Acompáñanos en este recorrido por las 10 mejores ciudades donde pasar Navidad. Te mostraremos cuales son las ciudades que debes visitar durante esta colorida y animada época.

En esta edición especial visitaremos los mejores destinos para pasar una de las mejores épocas del año como lo es la Navidad, y maravillarnos con magnificas decoraciones, luces, colores y porque no también disfrutar de la nieve.

Acompáñanos y conozcamos juntos cuales son las mejores ciudades para pasar la Navidad.

???? Coméntanos cual es el siguiente país que te gustaría que realicemos un video para conocer y realizar un fantástico viaje juntos.

➡️ Iati Seguros 5% DESCUENTO-
➡️ Mondo 5% DESCUENTO -
➡️ InterMundial 10% DESCUENTO -

➡️ Luces de Navidad: Tour navideño por NY -


00:00 Introducción
00:40 10 Montreux, Suiza
02:27 9 Dublin, Irlanda
04:19 8 Londres, Inglaterra
05:56 7 Dresde, Alemania
07:20 6 Copenhague, Dinamarca
08:59 5 Laponia, Finlandia
10:31 4 Praga, República Checa
12:29 3 Viena, Austria
14:23 2 Brujas, Bélgica
16:06 1 Nueva York, Estados Unidos

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#PasaporteViajero #Viajes #Navidad

Explore El Poblado Medellin. We're Shocked this is here! What to do + Where to Eat. Travel Colombia

While in Medellin, Colombia we spent a day checking out the area called El Poblado to find the best things to do in the district. El Poblado is known for being touristy and trendy. It’s full or restaurants, bars, boutiques and coffee shops. It’s also becoming a big hub for digital nomads.

We start off the video by showing you the amazing view from our apartment rental in El Poblado (which also has a rooftop pool).

Because it was a Sunday, and we were in a trendy area we decided to go in search of brunch and ended up at a place called 37 Park.

Later, as we explore the neighourhood we check out all the different types of restaurants/foods that are available there.

We found it frequently rained in the afternoons in Medellin, and this day was no different. A big thunderstorm came in so we took shelter in a craft beer bar called BBC.

Lastly we took an Uber back towards our apartment to a very local bar/restaurant called La Otra Estacion which is quite affordable and has a small but delicious menu.




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A little bit of luxury, a little bit of budget, a whole lot of travel! We’re Anna and Trevor and we’re setting out to explore as much of the world as we possibly can. We want to encourage you get out there and explore in your own way, not the way someone else tells you to travel!


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Ana Ros, the best female chef visit Colombia | Destination Colombia | Bogotá, Paloquemao

Ana Ros, a prestigious Slovenian chef, recognized as the best in the world in 2017, traveled with us in an adventure to visit magical places in Bogotá. Wait soon for a new episode of Destination Colombia and enjoy each experience. #TheBestOfColombia

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Así es el NUEVO pueblo del peñol JUNTO con su embalse del PEÑOL


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➡️ Mi nombre es Pedro Miranda, en este canal mi objetivo es conocer lugares, eventos, reuniones y todo aquello que valga la pena compartir con las personas, siempre animándolos a ir por una vida extraordinaria, me encanta la idea de poder documentas las experiencias que vivo para siempre.

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