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10 Best place to visit in Oum el Bouaghi Algeria


Back train in Oum El Bouaghi-عودة القطار إلى ام البواقي

القطار و المحطة الجديدين
the new train station and autorail back in oum el bouaghi - ALGERIA


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Algérie épisode 19 :
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Mon hôtel à Constantine : hôtel el Maghreb

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شوارع باتنة--Les rues de Batna--The streets of Batna

شوارع باتنة
The streets of Batna
Les rues de Batna

ولاية باتنة من ولايات الشرق الجزائري في الأوراس، وعاصمة الولاية هي مدينة باتنة من أهم مدنها: عين التوتة، بريكة وآريس... تحيط بها من الشرق ولاية خنشلة وولاية أم البواقي، ومن الشمال الغربي ولايتي سطيف والمسيلة، من الشمال الشرقي ولاية أم البواقي ومن الجنوب بسكرة. تعتبر مهد «الثورة الجزائرية ومن أشهر ثوارها العقيد مصطفى بن بولعيد، الحاج لخضر عبيدي، علي النمر... تتموقع ولاية باتنة في قلب الأوراس، وتتميز بتضاريسها الوعرة وبحلة ثلوجها شتاء، والمناظر الخلابة ربيعا وصيفا. يمتاز شعبها بالكرم والجود. ويقطنها خليط من العرب و«الشاوية» وهم ذوو أصول أمازيغية.أما مدينة باتنة، عاصمة الأوراس ومقر الولاية، تقع على بعد 425 كم جنوب شرق الجزائر العاصمة وترتفع عن سطح البحر بـ1200 م

. La Wilaya de Batna est l'une des Wilayas de l'est de l'Algérie dans les Aurès, et la capitale de la Wilaya est la ville de Batna Parmi ses villes les plus importantes : Ain Touta, Barika et Aris... Elle est entourée à l'est par la wilaya de Khenchela et la wilaya d'Oum El-Bouaghi, et au nord-ouest par les états de Sétif et Msila, au nord-est par la wilaya d'Oum El-Bouaghi et du sud par Biskra. Elle est considérée comme le berceau de « la révolution algérienne, et parmi ses révolutionnaires les plus célèbres figurent le colonel Mustafa ben Boulaid, Hajj Lakhdar Abidi, Ali Al-Nimr… La Wilaya de Batna est situé au cœur des Aurès et se caractérise par son relief accidenté, sa neige en hiver et ses paysages époustouflants au printemps et en été. Ses habitants se distinguent par la générosité et la générosité. Elle est habitée par un mélange d'Arabes et de Chaouia, d'origine berbère.La ville de Batna, capitale des Aurès et siège de l'Etat, est située à 425 km au sud-est d'Alger et culmine à 1 200 m d'altitude.

The Wilaya of Batna is one of the Wilayas of the last of Algeria in Aurès, and the capital of the Wilaya is the city of Batna Among its most important cities: Ain Touta, Barika and Aris... It is surrounded to the east by the wilaya of Khenchela and the wilaya of Oum El-Bouaghi, and to the north-west by the states of Sétif and Msila, to the northeast by the wilaya of Oum El-Bouaghi and from the south by Biskra. She is considered as the cradle of “the revolution of Algeria, and also her revolutionaries are the most famous figures of Colonel Mustafa ben Boulaid, Hajj Lakhdar Abidi, Ali Al-Nimr… The Wilaya of Batna is located at the center of Aurès and is characterized by its rugged terrain, its snow in winter and its breathtaking landscapes in spring and summer. Its inhabitants are distinguished by generosity and generosity. It is usual with a mixture of Arabs and Chaouia, of Berber origin. The city of Batna, capital of Aurès and city of L'Etat, is located at 425 km in South-east of Algiers and comes to 1,200 m of altitude.

جولة في مدينة ميلة -- Visite de la ville de Mila-- Mila city tour

ولاية ميلة تقع بالشمال الشرقي الجزائري تحدها شرقا ولاية قسنطينة وغربا ولاية سطيف وولاية جيجل وجنوبا ولاية أم البواقي وولاية باتنة وشمالا ولاية جيجل وولاية سكيكدة
و يوجد في ولاية ميلة أكبر سد مائي على المستوى الوطني و هو سد بني هارون، الذي يعتبر أهم مصدر للمياه في الشرق الجزائري بتزويده عدة ولايات بالمياه الشروب، والمياه الموجهة لسقي الأراضي، هذا السد يعتمد رأسا على واد الرمال وواد كبير، ليتم ضح مياهه إلى سد التخزين بواد العثمانية. ونظرا لطابع الولاية الجغرافي فهي تحتوي على عدد لا حصر له من منابع المياه المعدنية الصافية.

Mila's wilaya is located in the northern part of Algeria, limited to the last by Constantine's wilaya, even by Sétif's wilaya and Jijel's wilaya, or by the wilaya of D' Oum El Bouaghi and the wilaya of Batna, au nord by the wilaya of Jijel and the wilaya of Skikda
And he y a dans l'atetat of Mila the plus grand barrage d'eau au niveau national, which is the barrage of Bani Haroun, which is considered as the source of this deeau the most importante of l'Est Algeria in alimentant moreieurs etats in eau de parfum, and en eau destinée à irriguer le The barrage de stockage à Oued Uthmaniyah. In raison de la geographique de l'état nature, it contains no infinity of pure mineral water sources.

La wilaya de Mila est située dans la partie nord-est de l'Algérie, délimitée à l'est par la wilaya de Constantine, à l'ouest par la wilaya de Sétif et la wilaya de Jijel, au sud par la wilaya d'Oum El Bouaghi et la wilaya de Batna, au nord par la wilaya de Jijel et la wilaya de Skikda
Et il y a dans l'état de Mila le plus grand barrage d'eau au niveau national, qui est le barrage de Bani Haroun, qui est considéré comme la source d'eau la plus importante de l'Est algérien en alimentant plusieurs états en eau potable, et en eau destinée à irriguer le Le barrage de stockage à Oued Uthmaniyah. En raison de la nature géographique de l'état, il contient un nombre infini de sources d'eau minérale pure.


Ville De Collo Plage de Tamanart مدينة القل شاطيء تامانارت

Un Algérien de France s'adresse à un frère resté au pays pour raconter ce qu'est l'Algérie d'aujourd'hui, filmée depuis les airs par le célèbre photographe Yann Arthus Bertrand. Le documentaire est construit autour d'un voyage en trois parties. Le nord, moderniste, est tourné vers la Méditerranée, tandis que le centre est fait de régions rurales et traditionnelles. Enfin, le grand sud est comme un autre monde, avec son immense désert. Ce périple permet de découvrir les côtes indentées de l'Oranais, les plaines agricoles de la Mitidja, les contreforts de l'Atlas, les falaises d'Alger, les plages, les cimes enneigées ou encore l'incroyable diversité minérale du Sahara. ain m'lila ain mlila ben mhidi Guelma-Algerie Maroc Tunisie Adrar Chlef Laghouat Oum-El-Bouaghi Batna Bejaia Biskra Bechar Blida Bouira Tamanrasset Tebessa Tlemcen Tiaret said saadi Djelfa Jijel Setif Saida Skikda Sidi-Bel-Abbes Annaba Guelma Constantine Medea Mostaganem M'Sila Mascara Ouargla Oran El-Bayadh Illizi Bordj-Bou-Arreridj Boumerdes El-Taref Tindouf Tissemsilt El-Oued Khenchela Souk-Ahras Tipaza Mila Ain-Defla Naâma Ain-Temouchent Ghardaia Sahara Desert voyage mer plage bledard drague beauté algerien algerienne marocain marocaine tunisien tunisienne maghrebin maghrebine kabyle kabylie chaoui allaoui saharoui rai raï rap rnb staifi été zidane kenza farah harraga melissa karim benzema samir nasri sofia boutella rimk rim'k 113 andalouse kiffan kiffen club projet moderne pays capritour air algerie algerie islam bateau marseille depart L'Ariana Béja Ben Arous Bizerte Gabès Gafsa Jendouba Kairouan Kasserine Kébili Le Kef Mahdia La Manouba Médenine Monastir Nabeul Sfax Sidi Bouzid Siliana Sousse Tataouine Tozeur Tunis Zaghouan mezoued carthage monastir hammamet djerba Agadir Casablanca Tanger Essaouira Mohammedia Fedala Ouarzazate Taroudant Oujda Tetouan Rabat Marrakech Fes Meknes Fes musulman musulmane represente fierté football musique arabe cheb hasni bouteflika ben ali roi mohammed VI Reda Taliani Mami Khaled Cheikha Rimitti Bilal Abdou Houari Dauphin Cheb Nasro Idir Massa Bouchafa ali Lounès Rachid TAHA Takfarinas WARDA EL DJAZAIRIA chaabi reggada jallal el hamdaoui wahrane el bahia wharane oranais touristique touriste front de mer corniche ambiance supporter halla bouteflika dahka vacances puissance d'afrique khalass mariage oriental humour fellag karim ziani tunisie irak iraq turk usa france indo music dance rock hakim debouz debbouz ronaldo new con busa music remchi faudel zaho 911 dj meyd kayz oran casa foot annaba été bled souvenirs 2007 2008 banlieu banlieue baston batar ben best beyonce bigg big biggie bitch black block bombe booba Coucher De Soleil Ouled Gacem Ain Mlila غروب الشمس اولاد قاسم عين مليلة Constantine Capital De la culture Arabe 2015

les montagnes d'Algérie (Oued Sent)

فرسان عين البيضاء 04

Algérie ain beida oum el bouaghi meskiana ain m'lila

Algeria El Oued Oasis / Algérie El Oued Oasis

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maxiumus present: algeria Best of the Bests

Algeria has been inhabited by Berbers (or Imazighen) since at least 10,000 BC. After 1000 BC, the Carthaginians began establishing settlements along the coast. The Berbers seized the opportunity offered by the Punic Wars to become independent of Carthage, and Berber kingdoms began to emerge, most notably Numidia. In 200 BC, however, they were once again taken over, this time by the Roman Republic. When the Western Roman Empire collapsed, Berbers became independent again in many areas, while the Vandals took control over other parts, where they remained until expelled by the generals of the Byzantine Emperor, Justinian I. The Byzantine Empire then retained a precarious grip on the east of the country until the coming of the Arabs in the eighth century.
Having converted the Kutama of Kabylie to its cause, the Shia Fatimids overthrew the Rustamids, and conquered Egypt. They left Algeria and Tunisia to their Zirid vassals; when the latter rebelled and adopted Sunnism, the Shia Fatimids sent in the Banu Hilal, a populous Arab tribe, to weaken them. This initiated the Arabization of the region. The Almoravids and Almohads, Berber dynasties from the west founded by religious reformers, brought a period of relative peace and development; however, with the Almohads' collapse, Algeria became a battleground for their three successor states, the Algerian Zayyanids, Tunisian Hafsids, and Moroccan Marinids. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Spanish Empire started attacking and subsuming a few Algerian coastal settlements.
Algeria was brought into the Ottoman Empire by Khair ad-Din and his brother Aruj in 1517, and they established Algeria's modern boundaries in the north and made its coast a base for the Ottoman corsairs; their privateering peaked in Algiers in the 1600s. Piracy on American vessels in the Mediterranean resulted in the First (1801--1805) and Second Barbary War (1815) with the United States. The piracy acts forced people captured on the boats into slavery; alternatively when the pirates attacked coastal villages in southern and western Europe the inhabitants were forced into slavery.[4] Raids by Barbary pirates on Western Europe did not cease until 1816, when a Royal Navy raid, assisted by six Dutch vessels, destroyed the port of Algiers and its fleet of Barbary ships. Spanish occupation of Algerian ports at this time was a source of concern for the local inhabitants.
The head of state is the President of Algeria, who is elected to a five year term and is constitutionally limited to two terms. Algeria has suffrage for Islamic men at 30 years of age.[1] The President is the head of the Council of Ministers and of the High Security Council. He appoints the Prime Minister who is also the head of government. The Prime Minister appoints the Council of Ministers.

The Algerian parliament is bicameral, consisting of a lower chamber, the National People's Assembly (APN), with 380 members; and an upper chamber, the Council Of Nation, with 144 members. The APN is elected every five years.

Under the 1976 constitution (as modified 1979, and amended in 1988, 1989, and 1996) Algeria is a multi-party state. All parties must be approved by the Ministry of the Interior. To date, Algeria has had more than 40 legal political parties. According to the constitution, no political association may be formed if it is based on differences in religion, language, race, gender or region.Algeria is currently divided into 48 provinces (wilayas), 553 districts (daïras) and 1,541 municipalities (communes, baladiyahs). Each province, district, and municipality is named after its seat, which is mostly also the largest city.

According to the Algerian constitution, a province is a territorial collectivity enjoying some economic freedom. The People's Provincial Assembly is the political entity governing a province, which has a president, who is elected by the members of the assembly. They are in turn elected on universal suffrage every five years. The Wali (Prefect or governor) directs each province. This person is chosen by the Algerian President to handle the PPA's decisions.
01 Adrar · 02 Chlef · 03 Laghouat · 04 Oum-El-Bouaghi · 05 Batna · 06 Béjaïa · 07 Biskra · 08 Béchar · 09 Blida · 10 Bouira · 11 Tamanrasset · 12 Tébessa · 13 Tlemcen · 14 Tiaret · 15 Tizi-Ouzou · 16 Alger · 17 Djelfa · 18 Jijel · 19 Sétif · 20 Saïda · 21 Skikda · 22 Sidi-Bel-Abbès · 23 Annaba · 24 Guelma · 25 Constantine · 26 Médéa · 27 Mostaganem · 28 M'Sila · 29 Mascara · 30 Ouargla · 31 Oran · 32 El-Bayadh 33 Illizi · 34 Bordj-Bou-Arreridj · 35 Boumerdès · 36 El-Taref · 37 Tindouf · 38 Tissemsilt · 39 El-Oued · 40 Khenchela · 41 Souk-Ahras · 42 Tipaza · 43 Mila · 44 Aïn-Defla · 45 Naâma · 46 Aïn-Témouchent · 47 Ghardaïa · 48 Relizane

Oum El Bouaghi city (2) ام البواقي سيتي

جولة سياحية في المدينة

Oum el Bouaghi in Autumn خريف أم البواقي ـــ

البحث عن الفطريات الغير سامة....
in autumn we pick up mushrooms
la chasse aux champignons

Oum el bouaghi Night ليالي أم البواقي ــــ

جولة ليلية في المدينة

Boars friendship in Oum El Bouaghi أم البواقي

الطعام يصنع دائما الاصدقاء
Food is always made friends even with boars
La nourriture est toujours amis, même avec des sangliers

Top 10 Aviation Accidents and Incidents 2014 Plane Crashes

Syed Mahmood @learnwithsyed


Soundtrack: Deep Haze Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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1 Algeria Lockheed C-130 Hercules crash
11 February 2014
Site: Near Ain Kercha, Oum El Bouaghi Province, Algeria
Fatalities: 77
Survivors: 1
Author: Laurent ERRERA from L'Union, France
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic

2 Nepal Airlines Flight 183
16 February 2014
Site: Dhikura, Arghakhanchi District, Nepal
Fatalities: 18 (all)
Survivors: 0
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
Author: Krish Dulal

3 Ethiopian Airlines Flight 702
17 February 2014
Hijacked by the unarmed co-pilot en route from Addis Ababa to Rome
Fatalities: 0
Survivors: 202 (all)
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic
Author: Joren De Groof from Ghent, Blegium, Belgium

4 Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370
08 March 2014
Missing: 239 (all)
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
Author: Laurent ERRERA from L'Union, France

4 Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Route
Author: AHeneen
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

5 Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17
07 July 2014
Site: Hrabove, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine
Fatalities: 298 (all)
Survivors: 0
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
Author: Ministerie van Defensie
A general permission for all work on the websites for external communication of the Dutch Ministry of Defence has been granted.
This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication

5 Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 Route
Author: Geordie Bosanko and cmglee

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

6 TransAsia Airways Flight 222
23 July 2014
Site: Xixi village, Huxi, Penghu, Taiwan
Fatalities: 48
Survivors: 10
Author: 玄史生
This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication

7 Air Algérie Flight 5017
24 July 2014
Site: Southeast of Gossi, Mali
Fatalities: 116 (all)
Survivors: 0
Author: curimedia
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

8 Sepahan Airlines Flight 5915
10 August 2014
Site: Near Azadi Stadium, Tehran, Iran
Fatalities: 39
Survivors: 9
Author: Konstantin von Wedelstaedt
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 only as published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License.
Gallery page

9 Santos Cessna Citation accident
13 August 2014
Site: Santos, São Paulo, Brazil
Fatalities: 7
Survivors: 0
Author: Adrian Pingstone
This work has been released into the public domain by its author, Arpingstone. This applies worldwide.

10 Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501
28 December 2014
Site: Karimata Strait between Belitung and Borneo, Java Sea, Indonesia
Fatalities: 162 (all) (assumed)
Survivors: 0 (assumed)
Rescue work ongoing as at 31 December 2014
Author: Aero Icarus from Zürich, Switzerland
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic

#تيكجدة جوهرة السياحة الجبلية في #البويرة | #الجزائر

#تيكجدة جوهرة السياحة الجبلية في #البويرة #الجزائر
#Tikjda situé dans la commune d'El Asnam dans la wilaya de #Bouira en #Algerie
الجزائر أدرار الشلف الأغواط أم البواقي باتنة بجاية بسكرة بشار البليدة البويرة تمنراست تبسة تلمسان تيارت تيزي وزو الجزائر الجلفة جيجل سطيف سعيدة سكيكدة سيدي بلعباس عنابة قالمة قسنطينة المدية مستغانم المسيلة معسكر ورقلة وهران البيض اليزي برج بوعريريج بومرداس الطارف تندوف تسمسيلت الوادي خنشلة سوق أهراس تيبازة ميلة عين الدفلى النعامة عين تموشنت غرداية غليزان
Algerie Adrar Chlef Laghouat Oum El-Bouaghi Batna Béjaïa Biskra Béchar Blida Bouira Tamanrasset Tébessa Tlemcen Tiaret Tizi-Ouzou Alger Djelfa Jijel Sétif Saida Skikda Sidi Bel-Abbès Annaba Guelma Constantine Médéa Mostaganem MSila Mascara Ouargla Oran El Bayadh Illizi Bordj Bou Arreridj Boumerdès El Taref Tindouf Tissemsilt El Oued Khenchela Souk Ahras Tipaza Mila Ain Defla Naâma Ain Temouchent Ghardaia Relizane


Aujourd'hui je vous emmène découvrir celle que l'on nomme la bouche du désert sûrement la plus belle porte du désert en Algérie, il s'agit d'El Kantara dans la province de Biskra, située à 50 minutes de Biskra ville..
C'est une ville tellement surprenante par sa beauté naturelle, son pont romain et son village rouge presque millénaire !

J'ai logé durant mon séjour dans la chambre d'hôtes Dar Elkhamesa que vous pouvez contacter ici pour réserver une chambre à El Kantara, Biskra:

+213 7 82 42 69 10

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➡️ Pour toi quelle est la plus belle ville du désert Algérien ? Écris le moi dans les commentaires.


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اول فوج حجاج جزائري يصل إلى مكة المكرمة قادماً من المدينة المنورة

#الجزائر #الحج #السعودية
#Algerie #Hadj #Arabie-Saoudite
حلول أول فوج بمدينة مكة المكرمة من الحجاج الجزائريين قادمين من المدينة المنورة
الحج الجزائر السعودية المطار الطائرة رحلة مناسك
Algerie voyage travel Arabie-Saoudite Hadj

الجزائر ولاية 1 أدرار 2 الشلف 3 الأغواط 4 أم البواقي 5 باتنة 6 بجاية 7 بسكرة 8 بشار 9 البليدة 10 البويرة 11 تمنراست 12 تبسة 13 تلمسان 14 تيارت 15 تيزي وزو 16 الجزائر 17 الجلفة 18 جيجل 19 سطيف 20 سعيدة 21 سكيكدة 22 سيدي بلعباس 23 عنابة 24 قالمة 25 قسنطينة 26 المدية 27 مستغانم 28 المسيلة 29 معسكر 30 ورقلة31 وهران 32 البيض 33 اليزي 34 برج بوعريريج 35 بومرداس 36 الطارف 37 تندوف 38 تسمسيلت 39 الوادي 40 خنشلة41 سوق أهراس 42 تيبازة 43 ميلة 44 عين الدفلى 45 النعامة 46 عين تموشنت 47 غرداية 48 غليزان
Algerie Wilaya Adrar Chlef Laghouat Oum El-Bouaghi Batna Béjaïa Biskra Béchar Blida Bouira Tamanrasset Tébessa Tlemcen Tiaret Tizi-Ouzou Alger Djelfa Jijel Sétif Saida Skikda Sidi Bel-Abbès Annaba Guelma Constantine Médéa Mostaganem MSila Mascara Ouargla Oran El Bayadh Illizi Bordj Bou Arreridj Boumerdès El Taref Tindouf Tissemsilt El Oued Khenchela Souk Ahras Tipaza Mila Ain Defla Naâma Ain Temouchent Ghardaia Relizane

#بجاية | مهرجان دولي للصناعات التقليدية

#الجزائر #بجاية #سياحة
#Algerie #Bejaia #Tourisme
مهرجان دولي للصناعات التقليدية في ولاية بجاية الجزائر سياحة سفر ثقافة تراث
ALG Travel Voyage traditionnel

الجزائر ولاية 1 أدرار 2 الشلف 3 الأغواط 4 أم البواقي 5 باتنة 6 بجاية 7 بسكرة 8 بشار 9 البليدة 10 البويرة 11 تمنراست 12 تبسة 13 تلمسان 14 تيارت 15 تيزي وزو 16 الجزائر 17 الجلفة 18 جيجل 19 سطيف 20 سعيدة 21 سكيكدة 22 سيدي بلعباس 23 عنابة 24 قالمة 25 قسنطينة 26 المدية 27 مستغانم 28 المسيلة 29 معسكر 30 ورقلة31 وهران 32 البيض 33 اليزي 34 برج بوعريريج 35 بومرداس 36 الطارف 37 تندوف 38 تسمسيلت 39 الوادي 40 خنشلة41 سوق أهراس 42 تيبازة 43 ميلة 44 عين الدفلى 45 النعامة 46 عين تموشنت 47 غرداية 48 غليزان
Algerie Wilaya Adrar Chlef Laghouat Oum El-Bouaghi Batna Béjaïa Biskra Béchar Blida Bouira Tamanrasset Tébessa Tlemcen Tiaret Tizi-Ouzou Alger Djelfa Jijel Sétif Saida Skikda Sidi Bel-Abbès Annaba Guelma Constantine Médéa Mostaganem MSila Mascara Ouargla Oran El Bayadh Illizi Bordj Bou Arreridj Boumerdès El Taref Tindouf Tissemsilt El Oued Khenchela Souk Ahras Tipaza Mila Ain Defla Naâma Ain Temouchent Ghardaia Relizane

2014: Safest Year in History of Commercial Airlines Aviation

Syed Mahmood @learnwithsyed


Soundtrack: Deep Haze Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Direct Link:

Data: Aviation Safety Network via

Top 10:

1 Algeria Lockheed C-130 Hercules crash
11 February 2014
Site: Near Ain Kercha, Oum El Bouaghi Province, Algeria
Fatalities: 77
Survivors: 1
Author: Laurent ERRERA from L'Union, France
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic

2 Nepal Airlines Flight 183
16 February 2014
Site: Dhikura, Arghakhanchi District, Nepal
Fatalities: 18 (all)
Survivors: 0
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
Author: Krish Dulal

3 Ethiopian Airlines Flight 702
17 February 2014
Hijacked by the unarmed co-pilot en route from Addis Ababa to Rome
Fatalities: 0
Survivors: 202 (all)
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic
Author: Joren De Groof from Ghent, Blegium, Belgium

4 Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370
08 March 2014
Missing: 239 (all)
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
Author: Laurent ERRERA from L'Union, France

4 Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Route
Author: AHeneen
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

5 Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17
07 July 2014
Site: Hrabove, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine
Fatalities: 298 (all)
Survivors: 0
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
Author: Ministerie van Defensie
A general permission for all work on the websites for external communication of the Dutch Ministry of Defence has been granted.
This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication

5 Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 Route
Author: Geordie Bosanko and cmglee

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

6 TransAsia Airways Flight 222
23 July 2014
Site: Xixi village, Huxi, Penghu, Taiwan
Fatalities: 48
Survivors: 10
This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication

7 Air Algérie Flight 5017
24 July 2014
Site: Southeast of Gossi, Mali
Fatalities: 116 (all)
Survivors: 0
Author: curimedia
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

8 Sepahan Airlines Flight 5915
10 August 2014
Site: Near Azadi Stadium, Tehran, Iran
Fatalities: 39
Survivors: 9
Author: Konstantin von Wedelstaedt
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 only as published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License.
Gallery page

9 Santos Cessna Citation accident
13 August 2014
Site: Santos, São Paulo, Brazil
Fatalities: 7
Survivors: 0
Author: Adrian Pingstone
This work has been released into the public domain by its author, Arpingstone. This applies worldwide.

10 Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501
28 December 2014
Site: Karimata Strait between Belitung and Borneo, Java Sea, Indonesia
Fatalities: 162 (all) (assumed)
Survivors: 0 (assumed)
Rescue work ongoing as at 31 December 2014
Author: Aero Icarus from Zürich, Switzerland
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic


Clip Vidéo Sur L'Algérie et ces paysages majestueux et authentique.

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Sur le Blog Algérie Découverte

A l'adresse suivante :

A bientôt sur Algérie Découverte.

01 Wilaya d'Adrar
02 Wilaya de Chlef
03 Wilaya de Laghouat
04 Wilaya d'Oum-El-Bouaghi
05 Wilaya de Batna
06 Wilaya de Bajaia
07 Wilaya de Biskra
08 Wilaya de Bechar
09 Wilaya de Blida
10 Wilaya de Bouira
11 Wilaya de Tamanrasset
12 Wilaya de Tebessa
13 Wilaya de Tlemcen
14 Wilaya de Tiaret
15 Wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou
16 Wilaya d'Alger
17 Wilaya de Djelfa
18 Wilaya de Jijel
19 Wilaya de Setif
20 Wilaya de Saida
21 Wilaya de Skikda
22 Wilaya de Sidi-Bel-Abbes
23 Wilaya d'Annaba
24 Wilaya de Guelma
25 Wilaya de Constantine
26 Wilaya de Medea
27 Wilaya de Mostaganem
28 Wilaya de M'Sila
29 Wilaya de Mascara
30 Wilaya d'Ouargla
31 Wilaya d'Oran
32 Wilaya d'El-Bayadh
33 Wilaya d'Illizi
34 Wilaya de Bordj-Bou-Arreridj
35 Wilaya de Boumerdes
36 Wilaya d'El-Taref
37 Wilaya de Tindouf
38 Wilaya de Tissemsilt
39 Wilaya d'El-Oued
40 Wilaya de Khenchela
41 Wilaya de Souk-Ahras
42 Wilaya de Tipaza
43 Wilaya de Mila
44 Wilaya de Ain-Defla
45 Wilaya de Naâma
46 Wilaya de Ain-Temouchent
47 Wilaya de Ghardaia
48 Wilaya de Relizane



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