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10 Best place to visit in Moratalla Spain


Palacio y jardines de Moratalla, Hornachuelos, Córdoba

Hornachuelos nos invita a soñar al ver su silueta alzada entre dos barrancos. Esta hermosa imagen esconde un pueblo tranquilo de empinadas cuestas y calles estrechas, herencia de su pasado árabe. Paseando por sus calles y viendo sus monumentos recorreremos su historia pero no hemos de olvidar la naturaleza que lo rodea, el Parque Natural Sierra de Hornachuelos. Cercano a la localidad encontramos un espacio singular, el Palacio de Moratalla, un lugar donde descansaron reyes como Alfonso XII y Alfonso XIII, declarado Bien de Interés Cultural y cuyos jardines, que siguen modelos versallescos, han sido considerados jardines artísticos.

Un viaje diferente, el mapa de Andalucía con videos espectaculares…. en nuestra Web!!

Palacio de Moratalla: 37.780156, -5.205633

Exploring Moratalla in Murcia Spain: a Picturesque Historical Village in Mountainous Southern Spain

I walk through the old town of Moratalla. This village in the South of Spain has around 5600 inhabitants.

The village has been inhabited since before ancient Rome.

#moratalla #murcia #walking #silentstroller

A walk through Moratalla Spain

Hello Nomads, welcome back to my channel where I ride mountain bikes, explore, and sometimes do reviews for you.

Today we are waking through through Moratalla Spain, an area in the Northeast of the Murcia region. We begin by hiking up to some lagoons in the mountains. It’s a great hike and you can go by car, or hiking the fire road or even trails. From the campground you can expect about a 7 mile round trip. This specific area is called Somogil.

After the hike we then go to the town but only for a moment as the day was now hot and due to my broken shoulder, I was hurting.

Going forth I will make an effort to be more thorough for you all. But thanks for watching and please leave any comments.

For now, more info can be found here;

Remember, get up, get out, and get gone!!!





Estrecho de Bolvonegro. Moratalla, Región de Murcia

Music: Beautiful Dream
Musician: Diego Nava

❤️ Los 12 PUEBLOS Más BONITOS de MURCIA | España ❤️ Los mejores para vivir

En este video te mostramos los PUEBLOS MÁS BONITOS que ver en Murcia (España)

Algunos de ellos, como Jumilla, Lorca, Moratalla o Caravaca de la Cruz son conocidos incluso de manera internacional, pero los demás no se quedan atrás en cuanto a belleza y patrimonio. Algunos ejemplos son Cehegín, Mula y Yecla.

0:06 Jumilla
0:36 Aledo
1:06 Cahegín
1:31 Alhama de Murcia
2:01 Lorca
2:31 Moratalla
2:56 Pliego
3:21 Cieza
3:51 Yecla
4:21 Puerto Lumbreras
4:51 Mula
5:21 Caravaca de la Cruz

Dentro de nuestro canal encontrarás videos de los pueblos más bonitos de ESPAÑA, a nivel general y de sus diferentes provincias y comunidades.

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Río Alhárabe, Moratalla, Spain - Time-lapse 10x

Recorded in Alhárabe River, Moratalla - Spain, on Saturday, January 21st, 2017, from 14:49.
38°12'40.6N 1°57'09.1W

????¿Conoces este rincón de la Región de Murcia????? #senderismoregiondemurcia #regiondemurcia #moratalla


En Casas Rurales El Salero podrás encontrar, además de la piscina convencional de agua normal, nuestros baños en aguas salinas de manantial que brotan de la montaña de Moratalla y te permitirán flotar gracias a su alta concentración de sales y minerales. Todo un regalo para cuerpo y mente.
El entorno inmejorable, las Salinas de Zacatín de donde se ha extraído la mas preciada sal desde época ibérica


En este video te traigo los 5 pueblos más bonitos que visitar en Murcia. Si planeas una escapada por allí no dejes de visitarlos, no te defraudarán.

00:00 Intro
00:17 Caravaca de la Cruz
00:32 Moratalla
00:53 Lorca
01:05 Aledo
01:18 Cehegín
01:38 Final

Cada día publico un nuevo vídeo sobre lugares y actividades que te van a encantar, por lo que si todavía no estás suscrito/a ¿A qué esperas? ¡SUSCRÍBETE!

Los Baños de Somogil ❤️ están en la Sierra de Moratalla, en Murcia. #baños #murcia


????????Walking Tour Murcia (Spain). 4K.

Hotels in Murcia –

Get ready to embark on an amazing journey as we explore the captivating city of Murcia, Spain! In today's video, we're bringing you a 'Walking Tour of Murcia' like no other, shot in stunning 4K quality. ????

This isn't just any walking tour, it's a voyage into the heart of Murcia, where the rich Spanish culture and tradition blend seamlessly with modern life. You'll feel the warmth of the Spanish sun, see the vibrant streets filled with life, and experience the laid-back atmosphere that makes Murcia so special.

Why Murcia, you ask? Well, let's put it this way: Murcia is Spain in its most authentic form. From the breathtaking architecture to the mouthwatering local cuisine, Murcia has it all. And there's no better way to discover Murcia than by walking through its charming streets.

Let's take this walk together, amigos! This 4K tour is designed to transport you right to the heart of Murcia, Spain, making you feel as if you're actually there. The 4K quality brings every detail to life, capturing the essence of Murcia in a way that photos simply can't.

As we stroll through Murcia in our 4K walking tour, you'll see the vibrant city come alive before your eyes. Every corner of Murcia has a story to tell, and we're here to help unravel it. You won't just be watching a video, you'll be living an experience.

So, are you ready for our walking tour in Murcia, Spain? Make sure you've got a comfortable seat and let's dive into this 4K adventure together. Murcia awaits you, amigo! And remember, this isn't just a walk, it's a journey into the soul of Spain.

Get ready, set, and let's walk Murcia! See you in the video, friends! ????????????????

Walking Through Mula: a Beautiful Historical Town in Murcia, Southern Spain

I explore the Old Town of Mula in the South of Spain. The history of Mula dates back thousands of years. The name Mula was first mentioned in the Pact of Theodomir in the year 713.

#mula #murcia #silentstroller

Moratalla Studio Town House

Lovely views in old quarter of Moratalla, Murcia Spain.

From Murcia to Caravaca and back - Spain 4K Travel Channel

In the afternoon, we make an excursion to Caravaca de la Cruz. The town in the region of Murcia is considered the oldest Palaeolithic site in Europe. Furthermore, it is one of the largest prehistoric burial sites in Europe, with 1300 skeletons found here.
Caravaca gained strategic importance in the Middle Ages as a junction between the Kingdom of Granada, the Kingdom of Murcia, and the Crown of Aragon. Later, it became a Christian border town against Al-Andalus.
Caravaca became famous for a relic that is said to come from the Cross of Christ. In 1998, Pope John Paul II declared Caravaca de la Cruz, one of the ten holy cities. One has the privilege to celebrate this every seven years. The annual patron saint's celebrations from 1 to 5 May were declared of International Tourist Interest in 2004. The celebration Caballos del Vino aspires to be declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by Unesco.
The distance of 80 km from Murcia to Caravaca flew by. The Southern Spanish landscape is barren and dry, but still very varied. Great parts are irrigated by clever water management. Again and again, we see fruit and vegetable cultivation. The landscape is interrupted by villages lying high on hills.
The medieval old town of Caravaca de la Cruz has very narrow lanes as we also experienced on the return journey. A mighty castle thrones on top of a little mountain in the center. Later, one built the Basilica de la Vera Cruz in the center of this castle.
You find more about our visit to the old town and the castle in an own article with video.
On the way back we could have a look at a reservoir. It is part of the irrigation system and lies hidden between the hills.
Shortly before our arrival in Murcia, we have a magnificent panoramic view of Murcia.
please read more:

Für den Nachmittag haben wir einen Ausflug nach Caravaca de la Cruz geplant. Die Stadt in der Region Murcia gilt als die älteste Fundstätte in der Altsteinzeit in Europa. Außerdem gibt es hier eine der größten prähistorischen Begräbnisstätten Europas. 1300 Skelette wurden hier gefunden.
Strategische Bedeutung erhielt Caravaca im Mittelalter als Knotenpunkt zwischen dem Königreich von Granada, dem Königreich Murcia, sowie der Krone von Aragon. Später wurde sie christliche Grenzstadt gegen Al-Andalus.
Berühmt wurde Caravaca durch eine Reliquie, die angeblich vom Kreuz Christi stammt. 1998 wurde Caravaca de la Cruz von Papst Johannes Paul II zu einer der zehn heiligen Städte erklärt und hat das Privileg dies alle sieben Jahre zu feiern. Die Patronatsfeierlichkeiten von 1. bis 5. Mai jeden Jahres sind international von touristischen Interesse. Die Feier Caballos del Vino soll von der UNESCO zum immateriellen Kulturerbe der Menschheit erklärt werden.
Die Strecke von 80 km von Murcia bis Caravaca verging wie im Flug. Die südspanische Landschaft ist zwar karg und trocken, aber dennoch sehr abwechslungsreich. Durch geschicktes Wasser-Management wird viel künstlich bewässert. Hervorragender Obst- und Gemüseanbau ist immer wieder zu beobachten. Unterbrochen wird die Landschaft durch hoch auf Hügel liegende Dörfer.
Caravaca besitzt eine mittelalterliche Altstadt mit sehr engen Gassen, wie wir selbst bei der Rückfahrt feststellen mussten. Im Zentrum befindet sich ein kleiner Berg, auf dem ein mächtige Burg errichtet wurde. Im Zentrum dieser Burg wurde später die Basilica de la Vera Cruz errichtet,
Davon haben wir ein eigenen Beitrag mit Video erstellt.
Auf dem Rückweg konnten wir noch einen Blick auf einen Stausee werfen, der Teil des Bewässerungssystems ist und versteckt zwischen den Hügeln liegt.
Kurz vor unserer Ankunft in Murcia haben wir auch noch einen großartigen Panoramablick auf Murcia.
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:

Visiting, walk & Fly through the Beautiful city of MURCIA Spain ???????? - (4K) Tiny Tour

Murcia is a city and municipality in southeastern Spain. It is the capital of the Murcia region. It the seventh city of Spain. The city was founded between 830 and 840, during Moorish rule, on the River Segura by the Caliph of the Córdoba Caliphate, Abd al-Rahman II.

After the Reconquista at the end of the 13th century, the city was the residence of King Alfonso X of Castile, who granted the city many privileges. This ensured the growth of the city, which reached its peak in the 15th century with the construction of important irrigation systems in the huerta, the orchards for which Murcia is famous. The crafts that flourished in the 15th century give their name to the streets in the old centre. #murcia #4kvideo #spain #andalucia

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Hiking Mood By PaBlikMM
Altitude By Beneath The Mountain

Murcia is een stad en gemeente in het zuidoosten van Spanje. Het is de hoofdstad van de regio Murcia. Het de zevende stad van Spanje. De stad werd tussen 830 en 840, tijdens de Moorse overheersing, gesticht aan de rivier de Segura door de kalief van het kalifaat Córdoba, Abd al-Rahman II.

De stad was na de Reconquista eind 13de eeuw de verblijfplaats van koning Alfons X van Castilië die de stad veel privileges verleende. Dit zorgde voor de groei van de stad die met name in de 15de eeuw zijn hoogtepunt bereikte met de aanleg van belangrijke irrigatiesystemen in de huerta, de boomgaarden waar Murcia bekend om staat. De ambachten die floreerden in de 15de eeuw verlenen hun naam aan de straten in het oude centrum.

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Hiking Mood By PaBlikMM
Altitude By Beneath The Mountain


Desde tiempos inmemoriables, los murcianos que somos de interior, no hemos tenido mas remedio que ingeniarnoles hacer mas soportable el intenso color que cada verano nos acompaña.

Sin duda, el río Segura ha sido uno de nuestros aliados, siendo de alivio para aquellos que por cualquier, razon o causa no ha podido desplazarse hasta alguna de nuestras espectaculares playas.

Por fortuna, en la región de Murcia podemos contar con bellos rincones idóneos para refrescarse, rodeado de bosques de ribera que le confieren un caracter natural y sosegado.

Hoy te presentamos cinco de esas playas fluviales en las que podrás darte un buen baño y refrescarte sin pisar la costa.






Música: I'm Sitting Here Wondering
Músico: Philip E Morris

Cehegin Walk About Murcia Spain #the3amigos #expatinmazarron

Cehegin Murcia Spain #the3amigos
Cehegin is located in the North-west of the Murcia Region, with Mula and Bullas to the East, Lorca to the South, Caravaca de la Cruz to the West and Calasparra and Moratalla to the North.
First check out Begastri, late Roman city with it’s walls and buildings there is also a museum. Also running alongside is the old railway track which is now a major walking, cycling and pilgrimage route, linking Murcia and Caravaca.
The town is very beautiful with many narrow streets going in all directions. Plenty of information boards and signs.
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Music: Shaun;s Song – Paul Barrett.
Another track from Paul Barrett – “Shaun’s Song” Please check out his website for more information:
Music: A Quiet Thought - YouTube Audio Library.

Edit Software: iMovie.

Camera Equipment: GoPro 7 Black & DJI Osmo Pocket.

Disclaimer - All views expressed on this video are my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity whatsoever with which I have been, am now, or will be affiliated. None of the aerial filming or photography shown within this channel is paid or carried out with the receipt of a financial reward or personal gain. All my videos are © all rights reserved and are not to be used without my permission. YouTube/Google will remove any content that has been used without my permission.

Mercado de Santa Florentina ???????? Visit Spain | spanien besuchen

Mercado de Santa Florentina Cartagena
Video 4k Spanish ☀️. Food Market Santa Florentina, Cartagena.

Walk through the Santa Florentina market, Cartagena, where you can buy fresh food to cook the rich Spanish cuisine. ???? ☀️. ☀️

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Cuevas de Zaen | You got to Visit Spain

A new series to replace #the3expats called “Last of the Summer Sun”. Hope you enjoy it, it’s about a bunch of people going out exploring but having fun on the way. If you want to know more about this location please check out my Playlist.

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Overwinteren 21/22 #42 dag 2 #cieza #moratalla #caravacadelacruz

Dag 2 van onze 5 daagse roadtrip.
We bezoeken de kloof bij Cieza, hebben een korte stop in Moratalla en overnachten in Caravaca de la Cruz.
Veel plezier!

muziek: #guru



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