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10 Best place to visit in Mieres Spain


Asturias vlog - Amazing quality of life in Spain

If you're looking for a quality of life that's out of this world, then you need to check out Asturias in Spain. This beautiful region has everything you could hope for, including stunning natural scenery, delicious food, and friendly people.

In this vlog, we're sharing some of the reasons why Asturias is such a great place to live. from its beautiful landscape to its unbeatable quality of life, Asturias will leave you with a lasting impression. So if you're looking for a place to call home, be sure to add Asturias to your list of Spain destinations!
In this video I travel to Asturias, one of my favourite regions in Spain and check it out from a
quality-of-life point of view.

I film my videos on #lumix cameras and lenses.

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????️ TOP 10 Que Ver en Asturias ✈️ Guía Turística Que Hacer en Asturias

????️ Acompáñanos en este recorrido por las 10 mejores atracciones que visitar en Asturias. Te mostraremos cuales son los principales puntos turísticos de esta maravillosa ciudad.

Asturias es una de las regiones más bonitas de España, la cual ofrece un sinfín de atractivos para los turistas, espectaculares paisajes, coloridos y coquetos pueblos, así como playas rodeadas por un increíble entorno verde convirtiéndola en el destino ideal para los amantes de la naturaleza.

Recorramos juntos esta maravillosa ciudad, conozcamos cuales son los sitios que debes ver en Asturias y descubramos más sobre su cultura e historia.

???? Coméntanos cual es la siguiente ciudad de la que te gustaría que realicemos un video para conocer y realizar un fantástico viaje juntos.

➡️ MEJORES Tours Asturias -
➡️ Descenso del Sella en canoa -
➡️ Free tour por Avilés -
➡️ Tour de los misterios y leyendas de Avilés -
➡️ Excursión a Covadonga -
➡️ Free tour por Gijón -
➡️ Excursión a Avilés, Cudillero y Luarca -
➡️ Free tour por Oviedo -

➡️ Iati Seguros 5% DESCUENTO-
➡️ Mondo 5% DESCUENTO -
➡️ InterMundial 10% DESCUENTO -


00:00 Introducción
01:02 10 Parque Nacional de los Picos de Europa
02:59 9 Llanes
04:20 8 Ribadesella
05:35 7 Lastres
07:28 6 Playa del Silencio
08:29 5 Museos
10:03 4 Cudillero
11:48 3 Avilés
14:25 2 Gijón
16:35 1 Oviedo

▶️ TOP 10 ESPAÑA -

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Avilés, Asturias - 2022 (4K)

#walkinginspain #walk #lospueblosmasbonitosdeespana
#laalberca #castillayleon #pueblo #españa #spain

El vídeo se grabó en Junio de 2022.
Avilés es una ciudad y un concejo español situado en el Principado de Asturias, en el norte de la península ibérica, a ambas márgenes de la ría de Avilés.



Mieres, que ver en un finde en la Cuenca Minera Asturiana

¡Hola disfrutones!

En este video os enseñamos MIERES, uno de los pueblos más bonitos de la Cuenca Minera de Asturias.

Historía de la minería, buenas rutas de senderismo, un pueblo con un precioso casco antiguo y buenísima gastronomía, como siempre. ¡A ver si os gusta!

En el post que hemos subido a nuestra web os contamos todos los detalles: enlaces en los lugares de interés, restaurantes, las mejores fotos... Haz click aquí:

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¡Hasta la próxima semana!


#mieres #asturias #turismoasturias

Qué ver en Asturias ???? | 10 Lugares imprescindibles

✅ Suscríbete al canal El Viajero Feliz y viaja con nosotros alrededor del mundo para conocer lugares y culturas impresionantes que no te debes perder.


Si no sabes qué ver en Asturias, tierra de la sidrina, del orbayu y de cadenas montañosas junto al mar, hoy en El Viajero Feliz hemos preparado una selección de los mejores lugares para descubrir esta tierra. Y es que Asturias es especial, única, tan bella y tan salvaje que una vez pisas por primera vez sus parajes ya nunca vas a querer irte. Una de las razones es que se come de muerte; ¡nada como una fabada bien calentita después de hacer senderismo por los Picos o como meterse un cachopo entre pecho y espalda después de una larga noche de sidra y risas! ¿Nos acompañas a descubrir lo que te espera? ????


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Asturias | Spain | Asturias Spain | Travel to Spain | Things to Do in Spain

Asturias | Spain | Asturias Spain | Travel to Spain | Things to Do in Spain

Asturias is a region in northern Spain, bordering the Bay of Biscay to the north, Cantabria and Galicia to the east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. With rolling green hills, picturesque villages, and crystal-clear lakes, Asturias is a destination not to be missed.

If you’re looking for a vacation that will offer something for everyone, consider traveling to Spain. This ancient country is home to some of the world’s most stunningly beautiful architecture, as well as some of the best food in the world. The beaches and countryside are also perfect for a relaxing vacation.


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We are Connolly Cove.
We share the best locations around Ireland / Northern Ireland and further afield with you through our travel blog/vlog of the hidden treasures that are on our doorstep.
Learn more about where you should visit by checking out our website!

If you want to find out more about other attractions in Northern Ireland, Ireland, and beyond click the links below:


#spain #travel

Asturias vista por National Geographic II

De la costa a la montaña, #Asturias un destino sin parangón #VuelvealParaíso.

Day Trip around Asturias

Hey Everyone!!!

Yesterday (Sunday), I visited three cities in Asturias: Covadonga, Cangas de Onis & Ribadesella. It was nice to see other places besides Oviedo as well as visit some new historical sites. The entire trip was about 10 hours or so. I had such a good time!

Stay tuned for my next video.

Un beso,


******The music in this video is from Asturias by Isaac Albeniz ******

How to pour cider, Asturias, Spain / Cómo escanciar sidra, Asturias, España

The largest producer of cider in Spain is the Atlantic region of Asturias, where cider is considered not only a beverage but an intrinsic part of its culture and folklore. Asturias amounts more than 80% of the whole production of Spain. The consumption of cider in Asturias is of 54 litres per person/year, probably the highest in any European region. One of the most popular ciders in Spain is called El Gaitero (the bagpipe player) which can be found everywhere in Spain and which is produced in this region. However, it must not be confused with the traditional Asturian cider as it is a sparkling cider more in the way of French ciders. It is a factory produced cider, sweet and very foamy, much like lambrusco, different from the more artisan and traditional cider productions. Recently, new apple tree plantations have been started in grounds belonging to the old coal mines, once important in Asturias.

The traditional Asturian sidra is a still cider of 4--8% strength, although there are other varieties. Traditionally, it is served in sidrerías and chigres, pubs specializing in cider where it is also possible to have other drinks as well as traditional food. One of the most outstanding characteristics is that it is poured in very small quantities from a height into a wide glass, with the arm holding the bottle extended upwards and the one holding the glass extended downwards. This technique is called escanciar un culín (also echar un culín) and is done to get air bubbles into the drink (espalmar), thus giving it a sparkling taste like Champagne that lasts a very short time. Cider is also poured from barrels in the traditional Espichas.

Camino San Salvador-Mieres- Oviedo, Day 5

Please watch: Camino San Salvador- Leon- Oviedo, 5 days 122kms


Asturias, un destino único (España - Spain) - Where is Asturias

No me hagas hablar de Asturias. Podría seguir y seguir sobre esta inexplicablemente poco visitada región encajada entre Galicia y Cantabria a lo largo de la costa norte de España. Sus espectaculares paisajes, sus magníficas playas, su excelente comida, su arquitectura prerrománica única, sus afables habitantes y el hecho extraño de que, hasta ahora, pocas personas parecen compartir mi entusiasmo desenfrenado por el lugar

Conduciendo de MIERES A OVIEDO por la N-630 #cartour

La distancia de Mieres a Oviedo es 19 kilómetros por carretera incluyendo 14 kilómetros en autopistas. Por carretera toma aproximadamente 16 minutos y pasa a través de Cardeo, Ablaña, Loredo, Santa Eulalia de Morcín, Argame, El Caleyo y La Manjoya. La ruta transcurre por las carreteras AS-375: 3 km, N-630: 9 km y O-12: 2 km.

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???????? Thank you for watching my content and accompanying me on my walks, I appreciate you subscribing and liking the video...

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✈️ Patrocinantes del viaje / Trip sponsors:
*PlusHolidays*: Tu elección perfecta para unas vacaciones inolvidables en España.
*SINMALETAS*: Recogemos y entregamos tu equipaje donde nos indiques sin tener que desplazarte para que disfrutes la experiencia de viajar ligero

???? Camera: Insta360 X3:
???? Accesorios Cámara:
???? Mochila de Fotografía Multifuncional:
???? Estuche de transporte para Insta360:
???? Mic: Zoom H1n:

???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????:
00:00 Vista satelital
00:04 Mieres del Camín, Asturias, España.
00:18 Ayuntamiento de Mieres.
00:50 Calle Teodoro Cuesta de Mieres (AS-375) Asturias.
01:37 Iglesia San Juan / Plaza de Requexu, Mieres, Asturias.
01:59 Calle Oñon de Mieres (AS-375) Asturias.
04:05 Lavadero de Carbón El Batán, Mieres, Asturias.
04:51 Rotonda de La Peña, Mieres, Asturias.
05:39 Rotonda Polígono Ind. Fábrica de Mieres, Asturias.
06:12 Carretera N-630, Mieres, Asturias.
07:10 Rotonda Cruce Ablaña-Cardeo, Asturias.
07:47 Carretera N-630 La Pereda - Baiña, Asturias.
09:00 Rotonda de Loredo, Asturias.
10:13 Túneles de Peñamiel (5), Asturias.
11:16 Cruce a Foz de Morcín y Riosa, Asturias.
12:24 Santa Eulalia de Morcín, Asturias.
13:43 Polígono Ind. de Argame, Morcín, Asturias.
14:54 Central Térmica de Soto Ribera, Asturias.
15:12 Rotonda de Entrepuentes, Ribera de Arriba, Asturias.
15:36 Rotonda de Las Segadas, Ribera de Arriba, Asturias.
16:28 Carretera N-630, Asturias.
17:18 Rotonda de El Caleyo, Parroquia de Latores, Oviedo, Asturias.
18:42 Rotonda Cruce La Manjoya, Oviedo, Asturias.
19:23 Entrada Centro Médico de Asturias, Oviedo, Asturias.
20:26 Autovía Urbana Acceso Sur a Oviedo (O-12) , Asturias.
22:34 Entrada Sur a Oviedo (O-12) , Asturias.
23:37 Rotonda Plaza Castilla, Oviedo, Asturias.
23:53 Avenida Padre Vinjoy, Oviedo.
24:47 Av. Hermanos Menéndez Pidal, Oviedo.
25:39 Estación de Tren Llamaquique, Oviedo.
25:53 Edificio Administrativo de Servicios Múltiples del Principado de Asturias, Oviedo.

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✔️ ¿Quieres apoyarme? me gusta refrescarme con una buena cerveza. ????
???? ¡Realmente me ayuda mucho!

✔️ Do you want to support me? I like to refresh myself with a good beer ????
???? It really does help me so much!

#asturias #oviedo #gijon #aviles #españa #spain #tourvirtual #caminata #walking #drive #recorridoencoche #drivingtour #drivetour

2022 10 Day 8 Mieres del Camino to Oviedo

We arrived in Oviedo today. This ends our walk on the Camino San Salvador. Tomorrow we will bus it to the North coast where we will continue walking west, along the Camino del Norte towards Santiago de Compostela.
See the YouTube music credits below in the video details.

Gijon | Santander | Spain ????????????????????????

Gijon | Santander | Spain ????????????????????????


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Day 5- Camino de San Salvador | Riverside Trail to Mieres, Horrible Incident, & Next Day in Mieres

To come....

AQUAXANA Las Caldas Oviedo | Visit Spain | Sehenswürdigkeiten in Spanien

AQUAXANA Las Caldas, Oviedo.
Aquaxana es un un complejo termal ubicado en el pueblo de Caldas.
Tiene distinta zonas con terapias. Varias plantas.
Un montón de chorros, tratamientos, espacios de relax.
Todo súper limpio, súper cuidado, y con un precio de unos 25 euros.
Cada vez que vamos a Oviedo, procuramos ir

Aquaxana is a thermal complex located in the town of Caldas.
It has different areas with therapies. Various plants.
Lots of jets, treatments, relaxation spaces.
Everything super clean, super careful, and with a price of about 25 euros.
Every time we go to Oviedo, we try to go

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Photographing Northern Spain: Santiago de Compostela

Join me on a brief photographic walk talking about and photographing some architectural features in Santiago De Compostela in Galicia, Spain.

In the next video, we will travel north to the wild coast of Asturias, exploring and photographing beautiful seascapes.

Spain... on the road Again: Episode 10 (Teaser)

Episode 110: “Gawking at Gaud� and Asturian Adventures”

Claudia arranges a one-of-a-kind tour of architect Antoni Gaud�'s most famous buildings. Mark and Mario head west to the rugged region of Asturias. The boys stop in Oviedo for some local sweets before reaching the mountains. They visit the hilltop town of Covadonga for a little religious history. Further in the countryside, Mario and Mark enjoy a meal from a heartwarming Asturian home cook.

Find out more at:

Pueblo de OLLONIEGO ✳️ en OVIEDO ASTURIAS #walkingtour

???? Olloniego jugó un importante papel en época medieval. Situado en la entradas de los valles de Langreo y de Mieres, suponía un lugar de comunicación entre Castilla y la ciudad de Oviedo. Olloniego se sitúa en la falda de una colina presidida por las ruinas del Castillo de Tudela, destruido por orden de Juan I de Castilla en 1383. La importancia de Olloniego y su puente medieval sobre el río Nalón ya es referenciada en 1145, por una donación de Alfonso VII al monasterio de San Pelayo del portazgo del puente de Olloniego, peaje que se debía de pagar para cruzar el río.
???? Olloniego played an important role in medieval times. Located at the entrance to the Langreo and Mieres valleys, it was a point of communication between Castilla and the city of Oviedo. Olloniego is located on the slope of a hill presided over by the ruins of the Castle of Tudela, destroyed by order of Juan I of Castilla in 1383. The importance of Olloniego and its medieval bridge over the Nalón river is already referenced in 1145, by a donation from Alfonso VII to the monastery of San Pelayo from the portazgo of the Olloniego bridge, a toll that had to be paid to cross the river.

???????? Gracias por ver mi contenido y acompañarme en mis caminatas, te agradezco te suscribas y darle like al video...
???????? Thank you for watching my content and accompanying me on my walks, I appreciate you subscribing and liking the video...

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???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????:
00:00 Introducción vista satelital
01:18 Conjunto medieval de Olloniego
02:36 Palacio Bernardo de Quirós y Torre Muñiz
04:36 Carretera Oviedo A (AS-375)
06:02 Barrio Fumea de Olloniego
09:39 Iglesia de San Pelayo de Olloniego
10:25 Monumento al Minero
11:18 Centro Social y Consulotorio de Olloniego
15:49 Piscina Municipal de Olloniego
17:33 Barrio Fuente de Arriba de Olloniego
19:15 Barrio la Uña de Olloniego
20:01 Policia Local de Olloniego
23:10 Calle principal de Olloniego (AS-375)

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???? Música en colaboración con / Music in collaboration with:
Obra: Una Aventura Épica
Música de

✔️ ¿Quieres apoyarme? me gusta refrescarme con una buena cerveza. ????
???? ¡Realmente me ayuda mucho!

✔️ Do you want to support me? I like to refresh myself with a good beer ????
???? It really does help me so much!

#olloniego #oviedo #asturias #españa #spain #caminataporolloniego #conociendoolloniego #nature4k #spain

Oviedo, Asturias, Spain, Europe

Oviedo is the capital city of the Principality of Asturias in northern Spain and the administrative and commercial centre of the region. It is also the name of the municipality that contains the city. Oviedo is located approximately 20 km (12 mi) to 25 km (16 mi) south of neighbouring cities Gijón and Avilés, which lie on the shoreline of the Bay of Biscay. Its proximity to the ocean causes Oviedo to have a maritime climate, in spite of it not being located on the shoreline itself. Oviedo is located in the centre of Asturias between the Nalón River and Nora River. To the north lie Las Regueras and Llanera, to the south Mieres and Ribera de Arriba, to the east Siero and Langreo, and to the east Grado and Santo Adriano. The altitude of Oviedo is between 80 and 709 metres above sea level. The city is protected against strong winds by Monte Naranco in the north and the Sierra del Aramo in the south. The city centre is rather hilly. Oviedo contains a very rich architectural history, with many buildings dating back to the early medieval period. Many of the building projects were undertaken during Alfonso II's (791-842) reign and Ramiro I's (842-850) reign. Alfonso III's contributions are not as well documented. Alfonso II is said to have built four churches, one dedicated to Christ the Saviour, the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Tyrsus, and SS Julian and Basilissa. There are few traces of the churches dedicated to the Saviour, the Virgin Mary, and St. Tyrsus. The San Salvadore church, which was dedicated to the Saviour, is likely beneath the Cathedral of Oviedo. The church of Santa Maria de la Corte, which was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, was demolished in 1702. As for St. Tyrsus, the church dedicated to him exists today as the church of San Tirso. Only a wall and a three light window are believed to have been built by Alfonso II, the majority of the rest of the church is dated to the 14th century. The best preserved church constructed during Alfonso II's time was San Julian de los Prados. Two buildings are said to have been built during Ramiro I's reign, one was a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary and the other construction was a palace. These were built just outside Oviedo, on Monte Lignum. The church Santa Maria de Naranco seems to originally have been a palace, but later repurposed into a church. The church has an atypical plan from other churches at its time, possibly because it was supposed to contain a throne room for the king. The other church built during Ramiro I's time was San Miguel de Lillo. The Chronicle of Albelda, one of the primary sources used to discern which King commissioned which building, only extends to 883. Because of this, constructions undertaken during Alfonso III's time as king were not documented.



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