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10 Best place to visit in Lipljan Kosovo


14 Most Beautiful Places to Explore in Kosovo | Travel Video | SKY Travel

14 Most Beautiful Places to Explore in Kosovo | Travel Video | SKY Travel

02.Gracanica Monastery
03.Kosovo Museum
04.Newborn Monument
05.Germia Park
06.Bear Sanctuary
10.Ethnological Museum
11.Sinan Pasha Mosque
12.Bjeshket E Nemuna National Park
13.Gazivoda Lake
14.Mirusha Waterfalls

Kosovo, officially the Republic of Kosovo, is a partially recognised state in Southeastern Europe. It lies at the centre of the Balkans, occupying an area of 10,887 km², with a population of c. 1.8 ... Wikipedia

Pristina is the capital and largest city of Kosovo. Its population is predominantly Albanian-speaking, constituting the second-largest such city in Europe, after Tirana. The city is located in the northeastern section of Kosovo in a relatively flat plain close to the Gollak mountains. Wikipedia


Lipjan part 1

Manastir Gračanica, Kosovo

Gracanica monastery was built by King Milutin on 1321 and dedicated to Dormition of Virgin Mary. The construction of the monastery began at 1310 and last until 1318 after which being frescoed in the following three years. Historical circumstances, under which the construction of the current church ran, are well documented. The main source of the information’s is the foundation charter of the monastery issued by King Milutin which is entirely preserved on the west wall of the south side of dome. The charter is written in 53 lines and it ends with ornate kings signature and the year 6830, according to byzantine calendar (1321, according to Julian calendar), located in lower right part of the Charter.
Gracanica monastery is located in the settlement with the same name 10 km south of Pristina. Written sources, as well as the destruction of the monastery complex of supporting facilities certainly testify the turbulent history of Gracanica. It is considered that the first time was burgled after the Battle of Maritsa 1371, and mentioned within as a part of long prayer to the Virgin Mary which is been preserved in one manuscript. Monastery was also desecrated in XVIII century, when the notorious Yashar – pasha ordered to strip the lead cladding from the roof and raise the stone slab from the floor for the needs of his constructions in Pristina. During the WWI, more precisely November 1915, Gracanica was burgled by Bulgarians
The time of 14th and 15th century was the period of great spiritual glory of the monastery. About hundred monks lived in Gracanica which developed very intensive spiritual and artistic activities. In the second quarter of the 16th century here it has been the metropolitan center of Novo Brdo, who founded the first printing office within the territory of medieval Serbia 1539. Later, due to the large Ottoman oppression, the monastery was abandoned and the church used for parochial needs.
After the WWII, the monastery was rebuilt by nuns and since then it serves as a nunnery. Today it is populated with 20 nurses engaged with icon painting, embroidery, agriculture and other monastic obedience’s.
The monastery was declared a Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance in 1990, and on 13 July 2006 it was placed on UNESCO's World Heritage List under the name of Medieval Monuments in Kosovo as an extension of the Visoki Dečani site which was overall placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
Манастир Грачаницу је саградио краљ Милутин 1321. године и посветио је Успењу Пресвете Богородице. Манастир се налази у селу Грачаница, 10 km удаљен од Приштине, административног центра Косова и Метохије. време 14. и 15. века био је период велике духовне славе манастира. У Грачаници је живело стотине монаха који су били развили веома интензивну духовну и уметничку делатност. У другој четвртини 16. века ту је било и средиште новобрдског митрополита који је у манастир донео и прву штампарију. Касније, услед великих турских зулума, манастир је напуштен и црква је служила за парохијске потребе.
Пре 1759. године Грачаница је била чисто арнаутско место, без иједног Србина. Они су се много раније склонили одатле, а Арнаути су уништили сваки помен на њих. Турци су били малобројнији. Међутим средином 18. века завладала је епидемија неке болести, због које су масовно умирали мештани Арнаути. Због те недаће остали су се иселили, а у опет напуштену Грачаницу, село око манастира дошли су опет Срби из околине. Мештанин Ђак Риста је био први свештеник у Грачаници после више векова и он је прву службу у манастирској цркви обавио.
Манастир је децембра 1893. године посетио Милојко В. Веселиновић и затекао његово незавидно стање. Унутрашњост цркве је била сва живописана а темпло је било скорашње - просто, сељачко. Лик Симонидин био је неоштећен, блистав. У десном олтару над зазиданим вратима скоро по целом зиду била је исписан текст Милутинове хрисовуље, дате манастиру. Пет црквених кубета била су од давнина покривена оловом, али тада се могао видети само плех. Било је то због Јашар-паше који је око 1820. године скинуо и узео олово за своје потребе. Године 1874. добио је манастир султанов ферман да може цркве покрити плехом, на чијем је месту до тада била ћерамида. Том приликом су били постављени и гвоздени крстови на кубетима. Током 1895. године нови игуман манастира Гедеон Марић путовао је по српству и скупљао прилоге за манастирску обнову.
Одбор за обнову манастира Грачанице и подизање маузолеја и Храма славе на Косову, изводио је радове од 1937. - нова камена ограда и нови манастирски конак итд. Велики радови су завршени почетком 1941.
После Другог светског рата, манастир су обновиле монахиње и од тада он служи као женски манастир. Данас у њему живи 20-так сестара.
Након рата на Косову и Метохији 1999. године у манастир Грачаницу је пренето седиште епископа рашко-призренског који је морао да напусти Призрен.

Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Lipljan (Kosovo) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Lipjan February 2022

Kosovo; Marble Cave / Lower Gadime Cave

Kosovo; Marble Cave / Lower Gadime Cave
The cave is formed by karst processes in marble, which is rare; Before the discovery, it was almost completely covered with mud and silt; Numerous branches of the cave have not yet been cleared and therefore not explored; The total length of its known corridors is about 1260 meters, and their area is 1350 m²; On its lowest tier there are more than 25 permanent lakes, the depth of which reaches 10 meters; In the corridors of the cave, stalactites and stalagmites are found in abundance; There are also large, up to 30 centimeters in length, aragonite crystals growing in all directions; The cave was opened in 1969; A local resident named Ahmet opened the entrance when he was mining a stone in the courtyard of his house; In the same year, the area around the entrance with an area of 56.25 hectares was declared a natural monument; By 1976, the cave was equipped and open to tourists.

Avoid this driver in Kosovo ????????

When you buy a bus ticket, you expect your bus driver to bring you from A to Z, in this case from Tirana, Albania, to Prizren, Kosovo, but life apparently doesn't let you do so. We started in Tirana with one bus driver, then something happened on the away on the bus next to ours and we had to exchange bus and driver just before the border with Kosovo. Once crossed the border, Prizren was very close to us, but we never got there and instead this bus driver brought us to... Avoid this bus driver because he's a liar. I don't care about the money lost, but about the time lost and about the fact that he lied. But anyway, I don't want him to lose his job, but just to get ok at it. In the future, more tourists will come to Albania and Kosovo and I don't want them to end up like us.
By the way, the title of this video was inspired by bald and bankrupt vlog: Avoid This Bolivian Taxi Driver!
I don't want this driver to lose his job. This day to me was just another learning experience for both us and him. Some rules may differ from country to country: in Europe usually you can't smoke inside a closed space unless it's a specific area, but the parents of the kids told him nothing, so I don't know how's the situation there.
What bothered me is that he lied to us: when we changed bus I was filming the whole time and he asked nothing. Later at the border, when they took our passports, he took our tickets and wrote us the ticket to go back to Tirana the next day. On both tickets, the correct location was written.
We simply didn't know that you should remind a driver to stop in a city which was written on the ticket. We simply didn't know that otherwise he would drive straight to the capital.
Hopefully, he'll be more careful next time and if you'll travel there, you'll be careful too :)

Suggestions for future trips:
1) Don't worry if you look dumb, ask the same questions million times;
2) Do not expect a bus to stop In a city even if planned, tell the driver to do it;
3) Smile, read, repeat


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#BusDriver #Driver #Kosovo #Albania #TravelVlog

Serbian Orthodox

To the Holy King Stefan of Decani

This is a compilation of photos I took during the two years I spent in Kosovo, Serbia. The photos were all from Serbian Orthodox Churches and Monasteries in Kosovo. The chants are from the Decani Monastery in the Pec Region of Kosovo. Please keep comments respectful. I didn't create or post this video for controversy.

Peace Corps Kosovo1 on RTK2, Jutarnji program June 20, 2014

Peace Corps Volunteers Anna Lena Ter and Chris Denney interviewed RTK in Pristina, Kosovo, on their experiences in Pre-Service Training and preparations for Peace Corps service.
The Peace Corps in Kosovo is a program available for schools throughout the country. To apply, visit here:

Poštovani direktori škola i nastavnici engleskog jezika,

Želimo da vas podsetimo da je 1 februar 2015 godine zadnji rok za apliciranje za Voluntera Mirovnog Korpusa. Molim vas posetite našu web stranicu kako biste preuzeli aplikaciju. Takodje kontaktirajte nas na 038 712 770 ili putem elektronske pošte na ukoliko vam je potrebna pomoć prilikom ispunjavanja aplikacije.

Të nderuar drejtorë të shkollave dhe arsimtarë të gjuhës angleze,

Dëshirojmë të ju rikujtojmë se afati i fundit i aplikimit për Vullnetarë të Korpusit të Paqes është 1 shkurt 2015. Ju lutem vizitoni ueb faqën tone për të shkarkuar aplikacionin, dhe mos hezitoni të na kontaktoni në 038 712 770 ose përmes e-mailit nëse keni nevojë për ndihmë gjatë plotësimit të aplikacionit.

Драч, леп град у Албанији, Јадранска обала, Александер Мојсију Универзитет, прикључак, дворац,

географије квиз: хттп://ввв.пурпосегамес.цом/гаме/геограпхи-оф-албаниа-10-ларгест-цитиес-куиз
градови Албаније квизу: хттп://ввв.пурпосегамес.цом/гаме/88б967661е
Драч, леп град у Албанији, Јадранска обала, Александер Мојсију Универзитет, прикључак, дворац,
Драч, леп град, град у Албанији, град, Албанија, Јадранска обала, Јадранско море, обала, Александер Мојсију Универзитет, албански, лука, дворац,
зграде, паркинг, центри, индустрија, слободно, Скилине,
авантура, бизнис, путовања, туризам, географија,
живе, лепе, црква, споменик, луксузни, спортски, леп град, лепа, данце, саобраћај, аутомобили,
барови, забава, лепо, гориво, универзитет, музеј, градски, жене, Фестивал, попуст, модел историја

Драч, историјски такође познат као Драча и Диррацхиум, је други по величини град и општина Албаније. То је централно на обали, око 33 км (21 ми) западно од главног града Тиране. То је један од најстаријих и економски значајних градова Албаније. Драч је на једној од ужих тачака Јадранског мора, преко пута италијанским лукама Бари (300 км или 186 ми даље) и Бриндизи (200 км или 124 ми аваи). Драч је дом главне луке Албаније, у луци Драч, као и најновијег јавног универзитета, Александера Мојсију Универзитет.

Општина је формирана у 2015 реформе локалне самоуправе спајањем бивших општина Драч, Исхем, Катунд и Ри, Манез, Ррасхбулл и Суктх, која је постала општинске јединице. Седиште општине је град Драч. [2] Укупан број становника је 175,110 (2011 попис), у укупној површини од 338.30 км2. [3] Становништво бивше општине на попису 2011. било 113.249. [4] Митрополит подручје има популацију од 265,330 [5] Осим тога, то је полазна тачка Паневропског коридора ВИИИ, националних путева Сх2 и сх4, и служи као главне железничке станице албанских железница (ХСХ)..

велики, удобан, леп, авантура, пуна, велика врата, камен, дрво, метал, пејзаж, городској, город пејзаж, градски, живи, градско подручје, перформансе, шоу, канцеларија, храна, пиће, жене, жена,
лепа, путеви, железница, уметност, школа, хотел, аеродром, готовина, купон, вертиле, фабрика,
камата, живот, живе, градске жене, цити Гирлс, Гирлс, град жена, људи, зоо, природа, медицина пр

Dancon March 2002 KFOR Camp Olaf Rye

Dancon March DANCON is short for Danish Contingent and the march has been a tradition with the Danish Defence since 1972 when the Royal Danish Army was deployed on Cyprus. The march invites foreign troops, allied with Denmark, to participate in the 25 or 100 km march. Marches have taken place in Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and the Gulf of Aden.(Wikipedia)

More info on the 2002 Dancon March (25km):

(Lipjan-Ulqin 2013) Ulqin, Montenegro

Last stop; Beautiful Ulqin!!! The road to our destination was pretty much like this all the way with alot of green enviroment and small car-roads that made me sick after a while from all the turning from left to right. I wish I had recorded the actual city by the ocean... I feel really stupid for not doing it because it's a really breathtaking beautiful city. What I can do is to make a new video-clip with just photos in it that I've taken.
Even if this was 3 months ago I get this nostalgic feeling like this happened a year ago. This trip has now its footsteps in my heart so I will never forget this experience and memories I created there with my family. This was definitely not the first and last time I visited Ulqin because I know for sure I will return.

Roadtrip with my family to Ulqin, June 27th 2013. A trip I'll never forget. Feel free to thumbs up! Filmed with a Sony Digital Camera.

Videoclip 8/8.
1. Duhël, Suharekë
2. Zhur, Morinë
3. Welcome to Albania!
4. Lumi Drini
5. Kalimash
6. Shkodër
7. Rruga per Hani i Hotit
8. Ulqini



16.2 mile road march w/ NATO forces.

Work camp 2013 Together for the better!!!




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