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10 Best place to visit in Kwangyang South Korea


Going up here? Korea's CRAZY 360-degree rotating ROLLER COASTER bridge under controversy.

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It's a bridge I saw on the internet before I went to Busan. Looking at that dizzying height, I thought to myself, I should never go there. So I looked ahead at the map and carefully looked at the detour route.


The Busan City Tour bus, which I rode without thinking, led me to that bridge, and only then did I know something was wrong. Actually, this is between us. I don't like amusement parks, especially I've never ridden a roller coaster. To be exact, I can't ride it because I'm scared. I mean, there's no reason to pay for such a hell train all my life.

That bridge is called the Busan Port Bridge, and the thin 360-degree rotating overpass that looks weak is a specialty. City Tour Bus intentionally inserted the Busan Port Bridge as a tour course. Regular cars may be scary, but the city tour bus has two floors, giving you the pleasure of dying. As the city tour bus slowly climbs steeply, the engine sounds as it raises the gear to second level, which is the first stage of fear.

Tourists who were on the bus together began to buzz around. Everyone goes up here with a laugh? It cools and reacts. Of course, a coward like me can't say anything. You're not just gonna die inside, are you? This bus I'm on is just one of hundreds or thousands of cars that get here a day. I just imagine that the bus tilts and falls hundreds of meters down.

After I got off the bus alive, I was amazed by the video I filmed. Wow, you did a great job for closing your eyes!

Now that I'm writing this, I'm listening to a song that suddenly came to my mind.
That's Life - Frank Sinatra

*Subscriptions and Like are a big boost to the next video production!

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It is Gwangyang Road before plum blossoms fall and cherry blossoms bloom in March.
Gwangyang is famous for its plum blossoms.
In March, the first plum flower festival is held.
It faces Hadong through the Seomjingang River.
If you go a little further north, there is Hwagae Market between Gurye and Hadong.
It's not that big, but it's meaningful to meet people from other regions and build a market.

This area is famous for cherry blossoms.
Next week, I will film cherry blossoms and upload them.

Looking at the flowers, spring seems to be here.

Everyone is tired because of COVID19, but I believe it's going to be
This too shall pass.

Have a happy spring day, everyone.

[Amazing Korea] 광양매화마을

2019년 3월 13일 광양매화마을
오후에는 가지 않으시길 추천합니다.
차가 어마어마하게 막힌다는

2018 Kwangyang Meahwa Festival Aerial Drone 4K(광양매화축제4K)

2018 광양매화축제 드론영상 4K
촬영문의:010-4604-7514(광주 전남북지역)
한국모형항공협회 북구지회

봄에 떠난 경남 하동 1박 2일 / 여기 가보셨나요?

안녕하세요. 여행하는 핑초입니다

봄이 되면 떠오르는 벚꽃!
3월에 가볼만한 국내 여행지 중에서 특히 봄이 아름다운 하동을 다녀왔습니다.
하동 벚꽃은 국내에서도 손뽑히는 명소입니다. 촬영날짜는 3월 25일이며 하동 쌍계사 벚꽃길은 지금 만개해 벚꽃비가 내리고 있을 것 같네요.

화개장터에서부터 하동 쌍계사 방향까지~!!
산책길이 만들어져 있으며 국내여행 드라이브 코스로도 유명합니다. 벚꽃과 함께 섬진강과 시끌벅적한 화개장터를 구경하시고 섬진강 재첩국 한그릇 드셔도 괜찮을 것 같습니다.

딱히 주차시설이 없어 주차에 있어 불편함이 있으며 많은 사람들이 오는만큼 교통체증은 감안하셔야 될 것 같습니다

오늘은 하동 벚꽃과 함께 푸릇푸릇한 녹차길, 소나무가 춤을 추는듯한 송림공원, 섬진강, 일출 명소 금오산 전망대, 힐링하기 좋은 구재봉 활공장의 모습이 영상에 담겨있으니 즐거운 여행하셨으면 좋겠습니다

00:00 인트로
00:58 하동 쌍계사 십리벚꽃길
03:47 금오산
04:13 하동 녹차밭
05:25 송림공원과 섬진강
07:42 활공장

구독과 좋아요. 따뜻한 댓글은 힘이 됩니다^^
#하동 #하동벚꽃 #하동가볼만한곳

촬영 / 편집 : 여행하는 핑초
제작 / 문의 :
카메라 : Fujifilm X-T3
드론 : Mavci mini

Copyright ⓒ 2011 by Pinkcho travel All rights reserved
이 영상의 저작권은 '여행하는 핑초'에게 있으며, 영상 다운로드 및 2차 편집, 무단 업로드를 금지합니다. 영상을 공유하실 땐 유튜브 링크를 사용해주세요

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[난다네드론] DJI Mavic2 PROㅣ광양매화축제 드론영상

Aircraft : DJI Mavic2 PRO
Date : 20190308

[4K] Walking from Konkuk University to Jayang-dong in Seoul, 건대입구역에서 자양동까지 걸어보기, 建国大学校(コングクだいがっこう)

Walking tour of streets in Seoul!

Today’s video is a first-person perspective walk tour of streets in Jayang-dong near Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea. I first started the walk from Konkuk University of line number 2. When I arrived, I stepped out of Exit 4 and took an immediate left so that the Konkuk University hospital was on my left and some pigeons roosting on the concrete ledge of the elevated Line 2 tracks were on my right. From there, the first left led to Konkuk University’s (건국대학교) main gate. Then I just went straight east towards Jayang-dong on this beautiful hot sunny day.

I hope you enjoy the walk as much as I did :)

안녕하세요! 서울의 이곳저곳을 둘러보는 Streets in Seoul입니다.
오늘은 저와 함께 건대입구역에서 자양동까지 함께 걸어보시는 건 어떨까요?

제 영상이 마음에 드셨다면 좋아요, 구독, 알림 설정 부탁드리겠습니다. 감사합니다 :)

►Wikipedia page on Konkuk University (

Konkuk University (Korean: 건국대학교, Hanja: 建國大學校) is one of the leading private universities located in Seoul and Chungju. The Seoul campus is located in the southeastern part of Seoul, near the Han River, and is served by a metro station of the same name. The Seoul campus has 11 undergraduate colleges and 13 graduate schools, whereas the Glocal Campus in Chungju is composed of four undergraduate colleges and four graduate schools. As of 2018, 29,600 undergraduate and graduate students were enrolled in the university, which has more than 3,000 faculty and staff.

In May 1946, Konkuk University was established as Chosun School of Politics (조선정치학관 / 朝鮮政治學館), a junior college for future political leaders, by Dr. Yoo Seok-chang. Thirteen years later, the school became a “comprehensive university” and changed its name to Konkuk (建國, meaning “founding a nation”). As strong believers in the role of higher education in maintaining Korea's sovereignty, the founder and his supporters chose the name in the hopes that Konkuk graduates would build and serve the nation. As of 2016, Konkuk University has two campuses – the main campus in central Seoul and the Glocal Campus in Chungju — with approximately 29,000 students enrolled.

Dr. Yoo, whose pen name was Sanghuh, was raised by a father who moved to Manchuria to join the Korean independence movement. Trained as a medical doctor during the Japanese occupation, Dr. Yoo initially had opened the People's Hospital in 1931 to provide medical care to less fortunate Koreans. Before long, he turned his attention to young leaders in rural areas since agriculture was the main pillar of the economy. Dr. Yoo and his supporters, who would later become benefactors of Konkuk University, aimed to open a higher education institution for leaders who would enlighten the rural population. Opposed by the Japanese, the reform-minded group managed a private organization and developed their ideas for a little more than a decade.

With years of experience in rural reforms and education as well as a short stint as a politician, Dr. Yoo became convinced that Konkuk University's must set its goals beyond academic excellence. During his tenure as the president of Konkuk University and the chairman of the Konkuk University Foundation, he emphasized three virtues—sincerity, fidelity, and righteousness—which continues to guide Konkuk to this day.

In addition, Dr. Yoo was aware that the limited space would not be sufficient to provide future agricultural leaders with ample hands-on experience. Despite the severe financial difficulties and skepticism after the Korean War, he boldly executed a move to the current location in Seoul. Thanks to Dr. Yoo's generous endowment and education philosophy, Konkuk University not only leads in agricultural and life science research, but also excels in many other areas today. Furthermore, Konkuk University has undergone major transformations in the past decade, earning the title of “the fastest growing university in Korea.”

In 2016, Konkuk University celebrated its 70th anniversary. A new emblem with the Sanghuh Hall, the original building for the Chosun School of Politics, was released in December 2015. The university also unveiled a second ox statue and held a major academic symposium. In 2017, Konkuk University was selected for the Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation (LINC+) project by the Ministry of Education and the National Research Foundation of Korea and has been accredited by the Korean University Accreditation Institute (KUAI), Korean Council for University Education, for two consecutive periods.

►Google map location :

#seoulwalk #walk4k #seoulwalking #walkingtour #streetwalk #streetview #Seoul #Korea #seoul #korea #konkuk #jayang-dong

Gwangyang Boys High School

A promotional video for the school I am teaching at this year, located in Gwangyang, Jeonnam-do, Korea.



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전남여행 | 봄꽃 가득한 광양 매화축제

안녕하세요, 가고파여행(주)입니다!

섬진강변의 매화마을에서 매번 아름답게 피우는 매화는 이미 유명하죠!
상춘객들의 발길이 코로나19 시국에도 끊기지 않았는데요.
코로나19 이전, 매화축제가 열리던 시기라 더 북적였던 2019년의 봄입니다.

꼭 눈이 내린 것처럼 곳곳에 핀 매화가 멀리에서도 잘 보였는데
붉은 홍매화 뿐만 아니라 봄꽃들이 활짝 피어 있어서 아름다웠던 매화마을이에요.

각종 드라마와 영화 촬영지이기도 했던 섬진강변의 매화마을에는
매화나무가 10만 그루 있다고 합니다.

여러분도 흐드러지게 핀 매화와 봄꽃들을 보러 광양 매화마을에 방문해보시는 건 어떨까요?

#광양매화마을 #광양매화축제 #전남가볼만한곳 #광양가볼만한곳 #전남여행지추천 #전남여행추천 #전남여행지 #광양여행지추천 #광양여행추천 #매화마을 #매화축제 #섬진강 #매화마을매화축제 #전남매화마을 #전남매화축제

전라남도 광양시 다압면 지막1길 55

02 535 0114


Tempa ini cocok untuk refreshing bersama teman dan keluarga. Mohon maaf jika di video ini saya blm bisa kasih lihat dimana ketika lampu dan air di nyalakan di jembatan nya (mungkin lain waktu saya akan kesana lagi untuk membuat video)
jangan lupa follow instagram saya di :

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이 노래를 듣고 영상을 한번 만들어 보고 싶다는 생각이 들어 무작정 광양, 구례를 찾아가 촬영해 만들어 봤습니다.
가사는 좀 애절하지만 그래도 봄에 어울리는 노래인듯합니다.

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