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10 Best place to visit in Koson Uzbekistan


Street Food in Uzbekistan - 1,500 KG. of RICE PLOV (Pilau) + Market Tour in Tashkent!

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Thank you to B. Hamzaev - Head of Marketing and Promotion of Uzbekistan Tourism. Check out Bekruz:

Ravshan’s Channel:

Uzbekistan Day 1: Tashkent

On Day 1 in Uzbekistan we went on an ultimate Uzbek street food tour in Tashkent, including the biggest bazaar in the city, and the most massive plov (rice pilau) cooking in Tashkent.

We had arrived at the airport in Tashkent at about 4 am in the morning, and at 9 am we were ready to start eating our way through the city.

First we met up with Bekruz and Akbar both from the Ministry of Tourism Uzbekistan (Bekruz is the one who invited me to Uzbekistan and arranged everything for us, so thank you Bekruz!), and Ravshan (check out his channel: a local food vlogger in Uzbekistan.

Two of the most important phrases you should know in Uzbek are:
Assalomu Alaykum - Hello / Greeting
Rahmat - Thank you

Bread Bazaar, Tashkent - We started this ultimate street food tour at the bread bazaar in Tashkent, a market dedicated fully to bread, with a little fruit and other things mixed in. We bought some break, some kaymak, and some fruit and then went to a nearby restaurant where they laid everything on the table for us, along with tea. Uzbek breakfast was a great way to get started.

Chorsu Bazaar - The grandest bazaar in Tashkent is Chorus Bazaar, and it’s a perfect place to get a feel of Uzbek culture and food. We first stopped at the food court to try hanum, a type of dumpling filled with potato and somsa. Then we continued to the dome shaped iconic part of the bazaar, filled with fresh meat and spices. It’s one of the coolest market structures anywhere in the world.

Plov Center - We kind of had to rush out of Chorsu Bazaar because although they prepare 1,500 Kilos, seriously, of rice plov per day, it only takes 2 - 3 hours before they run out everyday. So we got there, already one of the monster swimming pool pans was finished, but they still had a few others going and serving. Plov is the national dish of Uzbekistan, a food that’s eaten on every and all occasions. For Tashkent plov, it’s pretty heavy on the meat at oil, with rice, chickpeas, and raisins. Also it included, qazi - horsemeat sausage which is a delicacy. It was incredibly delicious, and proper meal experience.
Total price - 100,000 UZS ($12.21)

Plov is love, remember that when you’re in Uzbekistan.

National Food Restaurant - After strolling around for a while in the afternoon, we continued to a National Food restaurant, a laid back family style restaurant that serves all things Uzbek food. Along with a number of dishes, the main dish I was most interested in was the naryn, thin slices of dough mixed with minced meat and horse. It was interesting, and quite good, as were the other dishes.
Total price - 110,000 UZS ($13.43)

Sultan Suleyman Restaurant - For dinner we went to a bit of a fancy trendy restaurant, and had another platter of food. This time, dough noodle like sheets topped with meat, horse sausage again, and green onions.
Total price - 122,000 UZS ($14.90)

It was a day of learning, eating, and meeting some amazing people along the way. Thank you for watching this Uzbekistan food tour!


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Shahrisabz / Шахрисабз / Shakhrisabz city of green

Shakhrisabz (Uzbek: Шаҳрисабз Shahrisabz; Tajik: Шаҳрисабз; Persian: شهر سبز‎, romanized: shahr-e sabz: 'city of green' / 'verdant city'; Russian: Шахрисабз) is a city in Qashqadaryo Region in southern Uzbekistan located approximately 80 km south of Samarkand with a population of 100,300 (2014). It is located at an altitude of 622 m. Historically known as Kesh or Kish, Shahrisabz was once a major city of Central Asia and was an important urban center of Sogdiana, a province of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia. It is primarily known today as the birthplace of 14th-century Turco-Mongol conqueror Timur.

Bahor Restaurant, РЕСТОРАНЫ И КАФЕ, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Мирабадский р-он,ул. Истикбол, д. 8

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Bahor Restaurant, Tashkent
Service options: Dine-in
Address: 8 Istikbol Street, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Bahor Restaurant in Tashkent holds dance and music shows over dinner. We were privileged to watch one such programme. The video of that dance and music show in Bahor Restaurant is posted here for all to watch and enjoy. The restaurant «Bahor» is the sight of Tashkent, was built in 1958, it is also monument of culture of Uzbekistan. Here you will be able to experience the atmosphere of the East, enjoy the magnificent show program on the big stage of the famous restaurant, which is accompanied by a variety of dance numbers. From 9 to 10 pm singers of the restaurant Bahor sing various repertoires in live performance. There are often famous people, noble people circle. In the restaurant “Bahor” you will spend an unforgettable evening in beautiful surrounding.

Address: Tashkent, street Istikbol, 8.
Cuisine: Uzbek, European, Arabic, Chinese.
Recommended dishes: mampar, crispy chicken, carbonara.
Show-program: from 9:30 pm. to 10:30 pm.
Working hours: from 12:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Мирабадский р-он,ул. Истикбол, д. 8
Как известно, выбор банкетного зала является одним из самых важных этапов планирования любого праздника.
На поиск лучшего банкетного зала, зачастую, уходит много времени.
Несомненно преимуществом Банкетного зала Bahor является то, что наш интерьер выполнен в грациозном стиле, в нашем зале необыкновенно красиво и сказочно уютно.
В сочетании с профессионализмом работников компании, с их опытом, а также и самой обстановкой банкетного зала, в сочетании получается запоминающийся вечер, проведенного с близкими сердцу людьми. Самым важным правилом нашего банкетного зала Bahor при проведении любых праздников и вечеринок является приложение всех усилий к тому, чтобы вечер действительно запомнился своей неповторимостью.

Uzbek Wedding Band

November 13, 2019, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Shahrisabz Dorut Tilavat (Комплекс Дорут-Тиловат)

Мемориальный комплекс Дор-ут-Тиловат («Место чтения Священного Корана») сформировался в 1370-1371 после смерти выдающегося религиозного деятеля Шамсиддина Кулала, основателя Суфизма, духовного наставника Эмира Тарагая и самого Темура, и учителя Бахауддина Накшбанди. Его могила сразу же стала местом почитания для его многочисленных последователей. Рядом с могилой Шейха Кулала стояло здание медресе Дор-ус-Тиловат. Останки Эмира Тарагая были перенесены в одну из комнат медресе. Во время правления Темура, могила Кулала была покрыта плитами из мрамора. Позднее, в период правления Улугбека, над местом захоронения Шамсиддина Кулала и на остатках прежнего и более скромного здания был построен мавзолей с куполом. Мечеть Кук-Гумбаз (Голубой Купол) была построена напротив мавзолея в 1435г. Надпись на портале указывает что мечеть была построена Улугбеком от имени своего отца Шахруха. Она также известна как пятничная соборная мечеть Шахрисабза.

В 1437-1438гг., два года спустя после строительства мечети, по приказу Улугбека была построена усыпальница для потомков и членов клана Темуридов, за южной стеной мавзолея Шамсиддина Кулала. Среди мраморных надгробных плит XV-XVIIвв., перенесенных в усыпальницу в разные периоды с соседнего кладбища, есть некоторые, которые содержат имена термезских Сейидов. Отсюда и происхождение второго и дальнейшего названия усыпальницы – Гумбази-Сейидон (Купол Сейидов).

Таким образом, вокруг закрытого внутреннего двора медресе Дор-ут-Тиловат, на протяжении XIV-XVвв. сформировался единый мемориальный комплекс, который состоит из мавзолея Шамсиддина Кулала, самого медресе с гурханой Эмира тарагая, мечети и макбарата, или усыпальницы, Улугбека. Между двумя знаменитыми мемориальными ансамблями Дор-ус-Саодат и Дор-ут-Тиловат лежит старое кладбище, где были похоронены члены местной аристократии и чиновники.

The Dor-ut Tilovat memorial complex was formed after the death in 1370-1371 of the eminent religious leader Shamsiddin Kulal, the founder of Sufism, the spiritual mentor of Emir Taragay and of Timur himself, and the teacher of Bahauddin Naqshbandi. His grave immediately became a place of reverence for his numerous disciples.

Next to the tomb of Sheikh Kulal stood the building of the Dor-ut Tilovat madrasa. The remains of Emir Taragay were transferred to one of its rooms. During the reign of Timur, Kulal's tomb was faced with slabs of onyx marble. Later, under the rule of Ulughbek, a domed mausoleum was erected over the site of Shamsiddin Kulal's burial and on the remains of an earlier and more modest building. The Ko'k-Gumbaz (Blue Dome) mosque was built opposite the mausoleum and on the same axis in 1435. An inscription on its portal indicates that the mosque was built by Ulughbek on behalf of his father, Shakhrukh. It is also known as the Friday Mosque of Shahrisabz.

In 1437-1438, two years after the mosque's construction, a burial vault (makbarat) for the descendants and members of the Timurid clan was built, by order of Ulughbek, beside the south wall of the mausoleum of Shamsiddin Kulal. Among the marble gravestones of the XV-XVII centuries transferred to the burial vault at various times from the neighbouring cemetery, there are several examples that mention the names of the Termez Sayyids. This is the origin of the second, and later, name of the vault, the Gumbazi-Sayidon (Dome of the Sayyids).

Thus, around the enclosed courtyard of the Doruttilovat madrasa, a unified memorial complex of the same name took shape throughout the XIV and XV centuries - the Mausoleum of Shamsiddin Kulal, the madrasa itself with the gurkhana of Emir Taragay, the mosque and the makbarat, or burial vault, of Ulughbek. Between the two famous memorial ensembles of Shahrisabz, the Dor-us Siyodat and the Dor-ut Tilovat, lay an old cemetery, where members of the local aristocracy and the clergy were buried.


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Шахрисабз Комплекс Дорус-Сиадат (Dor Us-Siyodat)

Комплекс Дор-ус Саодат («Хранилище власти») предназначался для всей династии Темуридов и был построен после внезапной смерти любимого сына Темура – Джахонгира в 1376. После смерти тело Джахонгира было перевезено из Самарканда в Шахрисабз, на историческую родину предков.

Несколько лет спустя, Темур созвал лучших зодчих из Хорезма и приказал им построить над могилой принца Мавзолей Джахонгира. Летописец двора Темура, Шарафиддин Язди, писал: «С левой и с правой стороны фасада здания он приказал, чтобы были построены здания макбарат (усыпальницы) и новая хазира для эмирзаде Джахонгира и других потомков и членов аристократии.»

Второй сын Темура – Умаршайх (Омар-Шейх), убитый в 1393-1394гг. в возрасте 29 лет во время осады крепости Курд в Иране, был также похоронен в комплексе Дор-ус Саодат. Темур приказал также построить усыпальницу и для него - Мавзолей Омар-Шейха. Но до наших дней сохранился только склеп Амира Темура, который так и остался пустым, потому что судьба распорядилась так, что великий правитель был похоронен в Гур-Эмире в Самарканде.

Здания комплекса Дор-ус Саодат были разрушены после того как в город вошли войска правителя Шейбанидов Абдуллахана II во второй половине XVIв. Из всех сооружений сохранился только мавзолей Джахонгира и склеп Амира Темура. В середине XIXв. возле него была построена многокомнатная мечеть Хазри Имама со сводчатым потолком в холле и декорированным айваном.


The Dor-us Siyodat (repository of power) memorial complex was intended for the whole Timurid dynasty and was founded after the untimely death of Timur's eldest son, Jakhongir, in 1376. After his death his body was moved from Samarkand to Shakrisabz, the historical homeland of forefathers.

Several years later, Timur called the best architects and craftsmen from Khorezm and ordered them to erect the grave of prince the Jakhongir's Mausoleum. Timur's court chronicler, Sharafiddin Yazdi, wrote: On both the right and the left-hand side of the facade of that edifice he ordered that the building of makbarats (burial vaults) and new khazira should be completed for the emir-zade Jahangir and other descendants and nobles.

Timur's second son, Umarshaykh (Omar Sheikh), who was killed in 1393 - 1394 during the siege of the fortress of Kurd in Iran, was also buried in the Dor-us Siyodat complex in Omar Sheikh Mausoleum. The tomb intended for Amir Temur remained empty, because the fate willed that he was buried in Gur-Emir in Samarkand.

The Dor-us Siyodat buildings were destroyed when the forces of the Sheybanid ruler Abdullakhan II entered Shahrisabz in the second half of the XVI century, only the mausoleum of Jakhongir survived. The multi-chamber mosque of Khazrati Imam with a domed hall and a painted ayvan, or raised verandah, was built next to it in the mid - XIX century.

Judge`s House-Abandoned 19 Century Mansion/Дом Казия-Заброшенный Oсобняк 19 Века/Qozining Uyi

Judge`s House-Old partly abandoned mansion, which was built approximately 19 century. It`s located in Tashkent region, Akhangaran district, Qoraxitoy village. On the seiling written some works by philospher and poet Sadi Sherozi (1203-1292). Mansion listed on the Oltin Meros fund. Дом казия - старый частично заброшенный особняк, построенный примерно в 19 веке. Находится в Ташкентской области, Ахангаранском районе, селе Корахитой. На потолке особняка написаны произведения философа и поэта Сади Шерози (1203–1292). Особняк внесен в фонд Олтин Мерос.

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