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10 Best place to visit in Hadibu Yemen


Morning walk around a street of Hadiboh Town in Socotra Island, Yemen


Evening walk around a street of Hadiboh Town in Socotra Island, Yemen


Travel Diary: Socotra (Yemen) .. in 90 seconds ????????

Socotra, as I remember it, from my journey in 2007.

If you liked this travel diary, you might also like my Sanaa (Yemen) video:

Socotra - a Yemeni island in the Indian Ocean, close to the Horn of Africa - has a unique landscape, beautiful beaches, and the rare dragon blood trees, which look like giant mushrooms. It looked so different, it felt like visiting another planet with a harsh environment and exotic plant life. Many plants and trees are native to Socotra, and nowhere else to be found.

At the time, the tourist infrastructure was quite basic, meaning you hired a driver/guide and packed a tent. With the exception of Hadibu, the island’s capital, hotels were non-existent. What I remember fondly of Hadibu where goats eating the leftovers in basic restaurants and vultures sitting on every rooftop, like in a western movie.

The white-sand beaches of Socotra were amazing - I have never seen the like. And usually you had them all for yourself, as not many people where travelling here. Although I remember that one night, camping at a beach, we realised that it was also home to a clan of crabs, and the clickety-click of their movements made sleep almost impossible.

Socotra was also great for hiking. There were many panoramic paths through the mountains, often with views of the Indian Ocean, and technically not too difficult.

One can only hope that the situation in Yemen changes for the better and peace returns. Socotra would certainly have the potential to become a prime tourist destination again.

Map Credits:

Music Credits: I am licensed by Envato Market (audiojungle), to use the track „Arabia“ by bdProductions.

Image Credits: All images taken by myself. No commercial or non-commercial use without permission from the copyright owner.

Socotra Island - Tourist spot in Yemen

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Uncovering Yemen's Hidden Gem - Exploring Socotra Island!

Discover the unparalleled beauty of Socotra Island, Yemen's hidden gem. Immerse yourself in the enchanting landscapes that Socotra Island has to offer. From its lush greenery to its striking rock formations, Socotra Island is a haven for nature lovers. Explore the unique flora and fauna that make Socotra Island a truly exceptional destination. Whether you're captivated by the iconic Dragon's Blood Trees or fascinated by the pristine beaches, Socotra Island promises an unforgettable adventure. Get ready to experience the awe-inspiring wonders of Socotra Island, where every moment is a testament to its natural splendor. Socotra Island awaits your discovery.

-Time Stamp-
00:00 Intro
01:52 Dragon Blood Trees
02:59 Stunning Beaches
03:50 Hoq Cave
04:34 Hadibu Town
04:57 Extraordinary Biodiversity
06:24 Outro


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-This video has no negative impact on the original works (it would actually be positive for them)
-This video is also for teaching and inspirational purposes.
-we’ve only used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary.

Socotra Yemen - Hadiboh Fish Market 2023 (4K)

Hadiboh ist die wilde und laute Hauptstadt der ansonsten stillen und beschaulichen Insel Socotra, Yemen. Der alte Souk und der Fischmarkt sind besonders sehenswert.

This is Socotra! - Sand dunes, cave lunch and a lagoon

In this travel video from Socotra Yemen we start by hiking in the dark up to the sand dunes to watch the sunrise. It was a challenging hike up but so worth it. The views form the top were amazing. Then it was time to run down the sand dunes which was way more fun than hiking up them. We came back to camp to have breakfast and pack up. It was then time to head towards the East part of the island. On the way we stopped off at the Socotra Folk museum. We also made a stop in Hadibo which is the capital city on the island. There we had some fresh juice before heading to Qalasiyah and the Detwah Lagoon. He went to a cave where we had lunch with one of the local men who lives in the cave. It was then time to explore the lagoon and se the wild life that lives there. We spotted lots of puffer fish, a turtle, a manta and an octopus.

0:00 Intro
0:19 Hiking up the sand dune in the dark
0:40 Watching the sunrise
1:51 Having fun on the sand dunes
2:52 Breakfast at the camp
2:59 Socotra Folk Museum
3:12 Hadibo
3:40 Detwah Lagoon
4:26 Lunch in a cave
4:51 Exploring the lagoon

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I am Grace on Tour and travel has been my biggest passion ever since I can remember. My very first international trip was done two weeks after I was born. In the summer of 2018 I started posting on this channel as I set off on a trip around Asia before studying a semester in Taiwan. During this time my love for travel grew and I tried to travel to new places during my weekends off from university. Throughout uni I made travel a priority and worked multiple side jobs to fund my travels. After doing my thesis in Hong Kong I graduated in June 2019. At this point I decided to take a gap year and go traveling. My goal was to visit as many countries as possible. I soon realized that travel is what I love and wan´t to keep on doing. I now dream of visiting every country in the world.

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Incredible Socotra

Pictures taken in Socotra by Tadeusz Sokołowski in 2007 and 2008. Two photos of Jacek Herman-Iżycki. Edited by Tadeusz Słabczyński, Globograf. Music Natasha Atlas Habibi
Sokotra, wyspa na Oceanie Indyjskim, na południe od Półwyspu Arabskiego i jej unikalna przyroda

Day 2 Socotra - driving in Hadibo

Driving in Hadibo (Main area in Socotra). recorded in car

SOCOTRA: um paraíso tropical em meio á guerra - GIANCA NOMAD

A paradisíaca Ilha de Socotra Iêmen

Quando me surgiu a oportunidade de conhecer a Ilha de Socotra no Iêmen, confesso que não estava muito interessado, e apreensivo pela situação da guerra civil que o país enfrenta há mais de 10 anos.

Chegando em Socotra, parecia que eu estava na década de 60, em algum paraíso tropical, extremamente rústico. Fomos à capital Hadibu , que era um vilarejo, com um único restaurante, de cara fiquei impressionado com a ótima culinária, peixes e outras comidas do oriente médio muito bem preparadas, nos preparamos para passar quase uma semana acampando em várias partes da Ilha de Socotra, com uma natureza deslumbrante, como a ilha parou no tempo? Talvez você já tenha visto fotos dessa ilha na internet, é aquela ilha com umas árvores diferentes, com raízes e folhagem misturadas no topo, parece uma árvore cogumelo, quase um cenário de outro planeta, as famosas e inconfundíveis árvores Sangue de Dragão, elas são nativas da Ilha de Socotra, só são encontradas lá, no meu Instagram k
tem fotos e vídeo dessas árvores e linda Ilha de Socotra, me segue lá no Instagram também.
  A pequena capital e o turismo embrionário, passávamos dias visitando praia desertas, fazendo trilhas nas montanhas sem quase avistar ninguém, a população local desfrutava muito das suas belezas naturais, como o jardim do Éden, todos muito educados mas discretos, a tranquilidade era tanta que o nosso motorista tentava diversamente entrar em encrencas como atolar o carro ou furar o pneu no caminho, que para eles era uma alegria em um acontecimento, mas para nós um grande transtorno.

A única fonte de internet era em cima do único prédio, que só funcionava com um chip dos Emirados Árabes, sorte que conheci alguém que tinha o tal chip e compartilhou os dados do Wi-Fi comigo.
A rede militar instalada no país, a presença de tanques soviéticos abandonados na praia, o exército do Emirados Árabes e a bandeira separatista do país era uma lembrança constante de um país que um dia foi comunista, com desejo de independência e a presença militar de uma nação estrangeira nos lembrando constantemente da guerra que assola o país.

Obrigado por ter me acompanhado em mais um vídeo, se inscreva no canal e venha comigo nessa missão de conhecer todos os países do mundo 197, só falta 1 para eu terminar o mundo, a Koreia do Norte. Enquanto isso, vou te contando histórias curiosas e fascinantes sobre os países que já passei. Deixe aqui suas perguntas e curiosidades sobre esses lugares que eu responderei tudo, se precisar de dicas para sua viagem, é só comentar sua pergunta.

Curta e compartilha e te vejo nas próximas aventuras. Vídeo todo sábado às 11:30 horário de Brasília.

Assista também o vídeo do Iêmen nesse link
onde conto como foi visitar outras cidades do país que enfrenta uma guerra.

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Até o próximo destino!

Off-The-Beaten-Path: Exploring the World's Most Unique Travel Destinations #travel #shots

Off-The-Beaten-Path: Exploring the World's Most Unique Travel Destinations #travel #shots


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Top 10 Cheapest/Budget Countries To Travel From India


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Are you looking for a unique travel experience? Tired of visiting the same tourist destinations? In this video, we'll take you on a journey to discover hidden gems that are off-the-beaten-path. Join us as we explore the island of Socotra, the Blue City of Morocco, Luang Prabang in Laos, and the vibrant city of Medellin in Colombia. From diverse flora and fauna to picturesque blue buildings, well-preserved architecture, and innovative cityscapes, we've got you covered. Get ready for an adventure of a lifetime as we discover these hidden gems that will leave you wanting more. So, don't forget to hit that like and subscribe button for more travel tips and inspiration. Happy travels!

Жители Сокотры, Сокотра. Орёл и Решка. Земляне. ЧАСТЬ 1

Жители Сокотры, Сокотра. Орёл и Решка. Земляне. ЧАСТЬ 1
Орел и решка - первое тревел-шоу, которое побывало на Сокотре. Это удивительный архипелаг в Индийском океане, недалеко от Йемена. Все на Сокотре выглядит так, как могла бы выглядеть Земля до начала времен. Здесь растут драконовые и бутылочные деревья, которых нет больше нигде на планете. Попасть на Сокотру можно только купив дорогой тур. Здесь нет лакшери отелей, а местные жители добывают драконову кровь и живут в пещере.

#орелирешка #орелирешказемляне #сокотра

???? Дешевые авиабилеты на Сокотру и не только — на

???? Благодарим Hakuna Matata Expeditions. Уже 9 лет они организовывают приключенческие туры по всему миру: восхождение, сафари, трекинги, квадроциклы или все это вместе. Нетипичные маршруты, уникальный опыт и ночевки в оригинальных местах: хасиендах, эко- и бутик-отелях, традиционных домиках.

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Добре Дошли на Остров Сокотра Епизод 03 | Столицата Хадибо | Коралов Риф

Приятели, това ще е последното видео от остров Сокотра.

Успях да отида на място, за което мечтая повече от 7 години и мога да кажа, че Сокотра надмина всичките ми очаквания. През цялото време на пътешествието се чувствах като в сън, сякаш бях в друга реалност.

Рядко пътувам с организирани групи, но тук имах късмет да срещна страхотни хора и големи пътешественици от цял свят. А широките усмивки на хората от Сокотра са незабравими, както и тяхното гостоприемство. Благодаря на всички, с които бях тези 7 дни на острова!

Надявам се видеата да са ви харесали и поне за малко да съм успяла да ви потопя в атмосферата на това място, което сякаш е от друга планета!

Сокотра! ❤️

Аз съм Лора. Приятен път!

Сокотра епизод 01:
Сокотра епизод 02:

Съдържание на епизод 03:
00:00 начало
01:01 Музей
02:57 Kallissan
04:43 Dihamri
07:13 На следващата сутрин
08:21 Кораловия риф
09:50 Обяд
11:45 В Хадибо през деня
14:04 Релакс на брега
16:19 Ресторант
17:40 В Хадибо през ноща
22:48 Дъвча гад
24:08 Довиждане Сокотра

Абонирайте се за моя канал:


Socotra - Maizītes cepšana Hadiboh viesnīcas restorānā, Sokotras salā


Hidden gem of the Arabian sea, the isolated island of Socotra is a prehistoric treasure-trove of life and culture with one of the most unique, untouched and unusual landscapes on earth.

Photos - found on Google & (c) their respective owners.
Song - Ley y Moral by Klaus and Kinsey

urlaubziel socatra Insel jemen ,1080 HQ جزيره سقطره

Der zur Republik Jemen gehörende Archipel liegt am Ostausgang des Golfs von Aden zwischen 100 und 350 km vom Horn von Afrika entfernt und etwa 350 km südlich der Arabischen Halbinsel. Innerhalb der Republik Jemen besteht die Inselgruppe aus zwei Distrikten des Gouvernements Hadramaut (bis 2004 Adan). Tektonisch gesehen befindet er sich zwischen der Arabischen und der Afrikanischen Platte.
Inselgruppe [Bearbeiten]

Zur Inselgruppe gehören die Hauptinsel Sokotra, die 3.579 km² groß ist und 42.442 Einwohner hat (Stand Volkszählung 2004), und die sich nur etwas weiter westlich anschließenden kleinen Inseln Abd al-Kuri (133 km², ca. 300 Einwohner), Samha (40 km², 100 Einwohner) und Darsa (10 km², unbewohnt), sowie die unbewohnten und maximal 80 bis 85 Meter hohen Felsklippen Ka'l Fir'awn (9 ha, nördlich von Abd al-Kuri) und Sābūnīyah (3 ha, westlich von Sokotra). Die Westspitze der Insel Abd al-Kuri liegt etwa 100 km östlich vom Kap Guardafui (die Nordostspitze des Horns von Afrika) entfernt. Der Hauptort Hadibu (auch Tamrida oder Hudaybu genannt), der auf der Hauptinsel liegt, hat 8.545 Einwohner.
2003 erklärte die UNESCO Sokotra zum ersten Biosphärenreservat in der Arabischen Region und seit 2008 sind die Inseln als Weltnaturerbe ausgezeichnet.
Erste Zeugen der Geschichte war die Oldowan Kultur in Sokotra. Steinwerkzeuge der Kultur wurden 2008 von einer russischen Expedition bei Hadibo gefunden. Sokotra wurde von den Griechen in der Periplus Seekarte der Erythreischen See aus dem 1. Jahrhundert vor Christus vermutlich Dioskouridou genannt. Der Name ist nicht griechischen Ursprungs, sondern kommt von dem Sanskrit Wort „dvipa sukhadhara („Insel des Glücks).
Die Geschichte der Inselgruppe entspricht etwa der Historie der Reiche in Südarabien. Nach lokaler Überlieferung wurden die Einwohner im Jahre 52 n. Chr. vom Apostel Thomas zum Christentum bekehrt. Im 10. Jahrhundert gab der arabische Geograph Abu Muhammad al-Hasan al-Hamdani an, dass die Mehrzahl Christen seien. Auch Marco Polo in seinem Reisebericht berichtete davon und davon, dass Sie einen Erzbischof haben würden, der den (nestorianischen) Erzbischof in Bagdad, aber nicht Rom anerkenne.
1507 landete eine portugiesische Flotte unter Tristão da Cunha und Afonso de Albuquerque bei dem seinerzeitigen Hauptort Suq um eine portugische Basis zu errichten, den arabischen Handel aus dem roten meer zu behindern und die mutmaßlich freundlichen Christen vom islamischen Joch zu befreien. Sie bauten eine Festung, verließen die Insel jedoch vier Jahre später wieder.
Die Inseln kamen danach im Jahre 1511 unter die Kontrolle des Sultanats Mahra. Anschließend wurde Sokotra 1834 von Großbritannien besetzt, weil die damaligen Kolonialmächte den Golf von Aden als Zugang zum sich daran anschließenden Roten Meer beherrschen wollten, wurde es 1866 zum britischen Protektorat. Mit der Eröffnung des Sueskanals 1867 wurde dieser strategisch wichtige Punkt noch viel bedeutender. Der Oman, der 1891 ebenfalls britisches Protektorat geworden war, erhob wiederholt Ansprüche auf die Insel, die Briten unterstützten diese Position zu verschiedenen Zeiten gelegentlich, ohne Sokotra tatsächlich an den Oman zu übergeben. Stattdessen übergaben die Briten 1967 die von Südjemen beanspruchten Churiya-Muriya-Inseln an Oman. Eine besondere Rolle spielte die Insel während des Kalten Krieges. Die seit 1967 unabhängige und mit dem Ostblock befreundete Volksdemokratische Republik Jemen (Südjemen) erklärte die Insel aus strategischen Gründen zum militärischen Sperrgebiet. Kriegsschiffe der Sowjetunion führten im Mai 1980 auf Sokotra ein amphibisches Landemanöver durch, zwei Staffeln sowjetischer Suchoi-Bomber wurden dort stationiert.[3]
Mit der Vereinigung Südjemens und Nordjemens fiel die Insel 1990 an die Republik Jemen, als Nachfolger der Sowjetunion strebt Russland weiterhin nach einem Marinestützpunkt



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