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10 Best place to visit in Gălăneşti Romania


MUZEUL LINGURILOR DE LEMN (Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Bucovina, România)

Vă rog să activați subtitrarea în românește!
Muzeul lingurilor de lemn se găsește în partea central-vestică a orașului Câmpulung Moldovenesc într-o casă cu etaj ușor de recunoscut datorită ”draperiilor” de linguri vizibile de departe. Este cea mai mare colecție de linguri din țară, numărând circa 6.000 de exponate, reprezentând rodul muncii profesorului Ioan Țigui. El a început să adune primele linguri în anul 1945 și a continuat permanent să-și lărgească colecția până la moartea sa, în 1978. Urmașii, și anume familia Mateescu, s-au îngrijit în continuare de această colecție, păstrând dispunerea inițială. Lingurile sunt în general aranjate în seturi de câte zece, însoțite de câte o etichetă scrisă chiar de către părintele colecției, profesorul Ioan Țugui. Pe aceste etichete sunt trecute diverse informații: proveniența, semnificația, decorații, lemnul, meșterul, anul etc. Astfel ne facem o idee despre sistemul de clasificare conceput de autor și care vizează foarte multe aspecte.
Marea majoritate a lingurilor sunt din România, dar sunt și multe linguri de pe toate continentele și din toate țările Europei, obținute prin schimburi sau donații. Autorul a acordat o atenție deosebită lingurilor uzuale, simple sau modest decorate, reprezentative fiind cele folosite la stână. Multe din acestea au fost folosite. O categorie importantă sunt lingurile ornamentale, imaginația creatorilor neavând limite. Sunt linguri sculptate, scrijelite, pirogravate, pictate, cu inel. Ornamentațiile sunt cu motive populare, din lumea florilor, animalelor, astrelor, peisaje, clădiri istorice, ouă încondeiate, personaje istorice, motive religioase. Unele linguri au caracter istoric prin vechime (sec. XVII) sau folosite de personalități (Mihail Kogălniceanu, Mihail Sadoveanu). De asemenea, turiștii sunt atrași de unele linguri ”curiozități”: ale logodiților, căsătoriților, calicilor, pentru femei cicălitoare, ”din zestrea miresei”, ”pomenirea morților” etc.

রোমানিয়াতে শীর্ষ ১৫টি ফারনিসার, সোফা তৈরি কারখানা ও শোরুমে নিয়োগ (সম্ভাব্য) ২০২২ -২০২৩ সালে Romania

রোমানিয়াতে শীর্ষ ১৫ টি ফারনিসার, সোফা, বাচ্চাদের ফারনিসার তৈরি কারখানা ও শোরুমে নিয়োগ (সম্ভাব্য) ২০২২ -২০২৩ সালে, Romania Work Permit visa, Potential Jobs in Romania Furniture Factory, Furniture Manufacturing Companies in 2022 to 2023 Years.
Top 15 Furniture Manufacturing Companies in Romania – Possible Recruiting Employees in the year 2022- 2023.
#নিজে নিজে রোমানিয়াতে চাকুরী খোঁজার সেরা টিপস#
ডেসক্রিপশন বক্স থেকে ১৫ টি এবং রোমানিয়ার বিজনেস ডিরেকটরি থেকে আরও অসংখ্য ফারনিসার কোম্পানী ও ফেক্টিরির ওয়েবসাইট, ইমেইল ঠিকানা সংগ্রহ করে নিজে নিজে তাদের সাথে আপনার বায়োডাটা/সিভি ও ছবি দিয়ে যোগাযোগ শুরু করে দিতে পারেন খুব দ্রুতঃ
1. , PPL Brasov, Romania, Calea Fagarasului no. 8, Tel: +40,727,402,533, +40.728.220.272, PPL Baia Mare, E-mail:

3. , ECOLOR FURNITURE FACTORY, A privately owned Swedish company located in Cluj, in Romania. Address: Ecolor Headquarters,
Juc-Herghelie 69, Jucu, 407352 Cluj-Napoca, România, E-mail: Phone: +40 372 660 600, Fax: +40 371 600 660
Cristina Băcilă / 0720.660.167,,
Corina Iuga-Horia / 0720.660.606,,
Dana Soporan / 0720.660.645,,
Representative: Ovidiu Isan
Address: Bilcii Street, 34234626 Galanesti, Suceava County, Romania.
E-Mail: ,
Telephone: +40 720 569 497
Telephone: +4 0244-348-596, Tel: +40 -0371.390.998 Email:
Factory/showroom address:
No.85C Stupini street, Banesti, postal code 107050, Prahova county, Romania
Fiscal information: S.C. KUMA ROMANIA S.R.L.,
6. THETA Furniture & More, ,
Contact Marketing & Communication:
Alina Coman,
Mobile: +40.759.899.290,
Phone: +40.759.899.290,
Email: ,
Address: Sos. Bucuresti-Ploiesti no. 172-176, Willbrook Platinum Business & Convention Center, Building A, 3rd Floor, Bucharest, District 1.
#Willbrook Platinum Business & Convention Center#
Showroom: Sos. Bucuresti-Ploiesti no. 172-176, Building A, 3rd Floor, Bucharest, District 1
Production Factory: Blejoi, Centura de Nord Ploiesti KM 70, 107070.
Mobile: +40.759.899.290 Email:
ROMANIA FURNITURE ( Good Life from Day one)
Europe Office: Spl. Independentei 3, Bucharest, Romania 040011.
Phone: +40 722 670 984, E-mail:
Phone: +40 722 670 984 (9AM – 5PM EET)
Contact Info: Str. Principala nr.227A, loc.Aurel Vlaicu jud.Hunedoara, Romania.
Pentru comenzi si informatii va rugam sa lasati un mail cu dorinta Dvs. La E-Mail: OR sau la Tel:: +40 0254245550 OR +40 0754030306
Str Principala nr.227A,
loc. Aurel Vlaicu, jud.Hunedoara.
Address: Strada Braniste nr. 25 B, Loc. Gilau, Jud. Cluj, Romania.
Telephone: +40 -0726189397
Address: Strada Bucuresti-Targoviste nr. 12 A, Corp B, parter, Mogosoaia, Romania.
Contact Information:
Phone: +4 037 277 75 24
Online Store:
Address: str. Bucuresti – Targoviste 19, Baleni, Dambovita, Romania
Askia Furniture
Office Address: Blvd. Mircea Eliade Nr.18,
Sector 1, cod 012015, Bucuresti
Entrance A, 5th Floor, Romania.
Factory Address: Blvd. Garii Nr.134,
Poarta 3 MFA, Mizil, cod 105800, Prahova, Romania.

Telephone: +40-21-2121381, +40-21-2121397
12. Beechwood Timber - Lafor
Address: Razboieni De Jos,Comuna Razboieni,Judetul Neamt, Romania 617375, Romania.
Phone: +40 233 292 997


Address: Avram Iancu Street, no.86, Săcele, 505600 Braşov city, Romania
Tel.: + 40 268 329 043; Fax:+40 268 306 495;
For any request contact us at e-mail:


Romania: Riding a vintage Class 77 Malaxa railcar between Corabia & Caracal

A selection of clips showing vintage Class 77 Malaxa railcar (no. 77-0980) working between Caracal and Corabia.
All clips recorded 30th September 2021 showing train R9064, the 1530 Caracal to Piatra Olt.

Clip 1 - Onboard leaving Halta Visna Veche.
Clip 2 (1:30) - Onboard leaving Deveselu.
Clip 3 (4:32) - Malaxa railcar 77-0980 leaves Corabia towards Piatra Olt.

DMUs are used mostly on shorter and less frequently travelled routes in remote and often poorer areas like Banat and Bukovina. The national railway company CFR uses Malaxa class 77 and 78 DMUs locally built between the 1920s and 50s and refurbished in the 70s. It also uses a smaller number of other newer DMUs. Main DMU in use is the Class 96 Siemens Desiro aka Săgeata Albastră (Blue Arrow).
Nicolae Malaxa (22 December [O.S. 10 December] 1884 – 1965) was a Romanian engineer and industrialist.

Malaxa joined the Romanian Railways Company as a constructions engineer. Malaxa continued to engage in business ventures, and that, upon the end of World War I and the Romanian Campaign, he was living in Iaşi and managing a grape-selling business. In 1918-1919, he quit his job at the Company and started a new business dealing with rolling stock maintenance — the venture was instantly successful, a fact which Pandrea attributed to the infrastructure's decay under the previous occupation by the Central Powers. Thus, Malaxa revitalized rail vehicles left into disrepair, which he sold back to the state at ten times the investment.

According to Time, Malaxa parlayed a shoestring into a chain of arms factories and a partnership in Rumania's largest iron works. By the end of the 1930s, the Malaxa factories were mass-producing steam locomotives, diesel locomotives, trainsets, rolling stock, steel pipes, and were one of the biggest industrial groups in Southeastern Europe, and the main provider of equipment for the Romanian Railways during the period.
Deveselu is a commune in Olt County, Oltenia, Romania. It is composed of two villages, Comanca and Deveselu.
The commune is situated on the Wallachian Plain, about 14 km (8.7 mi) west of the river Olt. It is located in the south-central part of the county, 10 km (6.2 mi) from Caracal, and 52 km (32 mi) from the county seat, Slatina.
Caracal is a city in Olt county, Romania, situated in the historic region of Oltenia, on the plains between the lower reaches of the Jiu and Olt rivers. The region's plains are well known for their agricultural specialty in cultivating grains and over the centuries, Caracal has been the trading center for the region's agricultural output.
Căile Ferate Române (abbreviated as CFR) is the official designation of the state railway carrier of
Romania. The railway network of Romania consists of 11,380 km (7,070 mi), of which 3,971 km (2,467 mi) (34.9%) are electrified, and the total track length is 22,247 km (13,824 mi), of which 8,585 km (5,334 mi) (38.5%) are electrified. The network is significantly interconnected with other European railway networks, providing pan-European passenger and freight services. CFR as an entity has been operating since 1880, even though the first railway on current Romanian territory was opened in 1854.

CFR is divided into four autonomous companies:
CFR Călători, responsible for passenger services;
CFR Marfă, responsible for freight transport;
CFR Infrastructură, manages the infrastructure on the Romanian railway network; and
Societatea Feroviară de Turism, or SFT, which manages scenic and tourist railways.

CFR Călători, the passenger service division of CFR, operates seven types of passenger train, both on Romania's territory, with rolling stock and locomotives, or internationally, with rolling stock. Also, CFR operates international trains on Romanian territory with its own locomotives. The train types vary in terms of speed and type of rolling stock. In 2010, approximately 58 million passengers have traveled with the company. 10 million travelers have preferred private equity firms in particular on the side lines.

CFR train types are:
Regio (R) -- the trains have assigned numbers from 2000 to 9999
InterRegio (IR) -- the trains have assigned numbers from 200 to 499, 600 to 999, 1000 to 1999 and 10000 to 14999
InterCity (IC) -- numbered from 500 to 599
EuroCity (EC) -- numbered as IC trains from 500 to 599
EuroNight (EN) -- numbered as IC trains from 500 to 599
Special (S) -- tourist trains operated on scenic routes with vintage rolling stock, numbered from S1 to S9
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Romania: Journey on the Suceava - Putna line on CFR Regional trains hauled by Class 82 diesel loco.

Romania: A return journey along the Suceava to Putna line on CFR Regional trains hauled by a Class 82 diesel loco (no. 82-0337). Trains involved were R5623, the 0815 Suceava to Putna and R5624, the 1032 Putna to Suceava.

Clip 1 – At Dornesti, on the outward journey to Putna, loco 82-0337 runs round the two coach train.
Clip 2 (0:33) – View from the back of the train leaving Halta Vicov Motel.
Clip 3 (2:18) – Leaving Halta Vicovu de Jos.
Clip 4 (3:42) – The train has arrived at Putna and the loco runs round ready to return to Suceava.
Clip 5 (4:26) – On board view of the loco and couplings after leaving Galanesti.
Clip 6 (5:46) – At Dornesti the loco again runs round the two coach train. (Note the sleeping dog next to the track at 6:19).
Clip 7 (6:30) – The return working has now arrived at Suceava and the loco and coaches leave the station empty for the sidings.

All clips recorded 27 September 2021.
Putna is a commune in Suceava County, in the Bukovina region of Romania. It is composed of two villages, Gura Putnei and Putna. The Putna Monastery, Putna River and the cave of Daniil Sihastrul are located in this commune.
The Putna monastery (Romanian: Mănăstirea Putna) is a Romanian Orthodox monastery, one of the most important cultural, religious and artistic centers established in medieval Moldavia. Putna was founded on the lands perambulated by the Putna. The Putna Monastery houses the tombs of Stephen —nowadays, a place of pilgrimage — and several of his family members. The icon veils and tombstones are held as fine examples of Moldavian art in Stephen the Great’s time.
Căile Ferate Române (abbreviated as CFR) is the official designation of the state railway carrier of Romania. The railway network of Romania consists of 11,380 km (7,070 mi), of which 3,971 km (2,467 mi) (34.9%) are electrified, and the total track length is 22,247 km (13,824 mi), of which 8,585 km (5,334 mi) (38.5%) are electrified. The network is significantly interconnected with other European railway networks, providing pan-European passenger and freight services. CFR as an entity has been operating since 1880, even though the first railway on current Romanian territory was opened in 1854.

CFR is divided into four autonomous companies:
CFR Călători, responsible for passenger services;
CFR Marfă, responsible for freight transport;
CFR Infrastructură, manages the infrastructure on the Romanian railway network; and
Societatea Feroviară de Turism, or SFT, which manages scenic and tourist railways.

CFR Călători, the passenger service division of CFR, operates seven types of passenger train, both on Romania's territory, with rolling stock and locomotives, or internationally, with rolling stock. Also, CFR operates international trains on Romanian territory with its own locomotives. The train types vary in terms of speed and type of rolling stock. In 2010, approximately 58 million passengers have traveled with the company. 10 million travelers have preferred private equity firms in particular on the side lines.

CFR train types are:
Regio (R) -- the trains have assigned numbers from 2000 to 9999
InterRegio (IR) -- the trains have assigned numbers from 200 to 499, 600 to 999, 1000 to 1999 and 10000 to 14999
InterCity (IC) -- numbered from 500 to 599
EuroCity (EC) -- numbered as IC trains from 500 to 599
EuroNight (EN) -- numbered as IC trains from 500 to 599
Special (S) -- tourist trains operated on scenic routes with vintage rolling stock, numbered from S1 to S9
Suceava is the largest city and the seat of Suceava County, situated in the historical region of Bukovina, north-eastern Romania, and at the crossroads of Central and Eastern Europe. During the late Middle Ages, from 1388 to 1564, the city was the capital of the Principality of Moldavia.

From 1775 to 1918, Suceava was controlled by the Habsburg Monarchy, initially part of its Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, then gradually becoming the third most populous urban settlement of the Duchy of Bukovina, a constituent land of the Austrian Empire and subsequently a crown land within the Austrian part of Austria-Hungary. During this time, Suceava was an important, strategically-located commercial border town with the then Romanian Old Kingdom (Romanian: Vechiul Regat, German: Altreich). Back during the Austrian domination of Bukovina, Suceava was also regarded as a 'miniature Austria' by native intellectual Rudolf Gassauer given its significant ethnic diversity.
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Romania (Dor De Tara)

Munţii falnici, dealurile în culori de curcubeu, câmpii mănoase, ape curgătoare, lacuri binecuvântate, marea cu valurile ei neastâmpărate, delta Dunării, apele termale, ape minerale, lanuri bogate de grâu „pe cel mai gras şi bogat pământ din Europa, aur şi argint, sare şi multe alte bogăţii se ascund „în pântecele ţării mele, grădini lângă grădini, cu flori, din curcubeul de culori, livezi cu fructele gustoase şi bune, podgorii de vii şi alte bogăţii îmi spun că am de ce să fiu fericit că sunt român, afirmând plin de bucurie: Este nu numai frumoasă, dar şi bogată a mea Românie!...

Tren de marfă deraiat la Dornești

Un tren de marfă apaținând CFR Marfă a deraiat pe podul peste râul Suceava în zona kilometrului 0+400 pe linia 515 [Dornești - Putna] în jurul orei 14, în data de 19 august 2019 . Trenul a avut în compunere 25 de vagoane, dintre care primele 4 vagoane plus locomotiva acestuia (DA60-1054) au deraiat.
În momentul de față circulația trenurilor de marfă și călători este afecatată pe relația Dornești - Putna și retur.
Pe relația Dornești - Putna și retur se asigură transbordarea auto.
În momentul de față nu se cunosc cauzele producerii acestui eveniment.

Night trains

25.01.2021 Oradea-Romania
(c) RailroadTrains&Discovery RO

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