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10 Best place to visit in Fiorenzuola d'Arda Italy


Via Francigena 8: da Fiorenzuola a Sivizzano

Cenare a Fiorenzuola il 14 Agosto si è rivelata un'impresa, tutto chiuso, a partire dalla cucina dell'ostello di S.Fiorenzo, vietata ai pellegrini :(
La mattina partenza ancora col buio, ci aspettano tanti chilometri da percorrere.
Prima tappa all'Abbazia di Chiaravalle della Colomba, aperta nonostante fossero solo le 6 (monaci seri questi, si alzano a pregare seguendo ancora gli orari delle Regola) e poi una lunga camminata (l'ultimo tratto sulla statale) su asfalto fino a Fidenza.
Da qui finalmente si abbandona la pianura e si inizia la salita sull'Appennino, fino a raggiungere Costamezzana.
Abbiamo prolungato la tappa su suggerimento di un altro pellegrino, per sostare nella magnifica casa di fraternità francescana di Betania, a Cella.
Il giorno seguente abbiamo camminato in uno splendido paesaggio collinare, con saliscendi fino a Fornovo.
Una ripida salita ed eccoci pronti a scollinare e raggiungere la piccola frazione di Sivizzano, immersa nel verde.

Dining in Fiorenzuola on August 14 turned out to be an enterprise, completely closed, starting from the kitchen of the S.Fiorenzo hostel, forbidden to pilgrims :(
In the morning we leave again in the dark, many kilometers ahead of us.
First stop at the Abbey of Chiaravalle della Colomba, open despite the fact that it was only 6 o'clock (serious monks these, get up to pray still following the times of the Rule) and then a long walk (the last stretch on the highway) on asphalt to Fidenza .
From here you finally abandon the plain and start the climb on the Apennines, until you reach Costamezzana.
We extended the stage at the suggestion of another pilgrim, to stop in the magnificent Franciscan fraternity house of Bethany, in Cella.
The following day we walked in a splendid hilly landscape, with ups and downs to Fornovo.
A steep climb and here we are ready to go downhill and reach the small hamlet of Sivizzano, surrounded by greenery.

DA TORINO A ROMA IN BICI - ????via Francigena(day 9-10)???? - San Quirico d'Orcia - Campagnano di Roma.

Si entra nel Lazio, raggiungiamo prima la città di Bolsena con il suo splendido lago e poi arriviamo fino alla periferia della città eterna, attraversando come sempre luoghi incantevoli del nostro splendido paese.

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Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Fiorenzuola d'Arda (Italy) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

A21dir | Diramazione per FIORENZUOLA D'ARDA

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SUBSCRIBE | Driving in Italy with HWYitalia
Autostrada A21dir | Diramazione per Fiorenzuola d'Arda
***Recorded: Jul 2019

La diramazione Fiorenzuola d'Arda, gestita dalla Società Autovia Padana, si stacca dal percorso principale dell'A21 nel territorio comunale di Castelvetro Piacentino, e si congiunge con la A1 al casello di Fiorenzuola d'Arda. È stata realizzata in contemporanea con il resto del tronco Piacenza-Cremona-Brescia allo scopo di consentire ai mezzi provenienti da queste ultime due città di raggiungere l'autostrada del Sole senza passare per il nodo di Piacenza.

Lunga poco più di 12 km, è a due corsie per ciascun senso di marcia, oltre alla corsia di emergenza. Attualmente è soggetta a pedaggio, mentre fino a non molti anni fa si trattava di un raccordo autostradale gratuito. Quello che sino all'introduzione del pedaggio era l'unico svincolo intermedio, Cortemaggiore, allo stato odierno non è più accessibile, sia in entrata, sia in uscita.

La sigla alfanumerica A21 dir è presente in alcuni segnali stradali, ad esempio nell'A1. Lungo la diramazione nei pannelli di identificazione dei cavalcavia è indicata invece come A21.

Fonte: Wikipedia


Welcome back to Dramatically Expatic! In this video, we're travelling to Piacenza - a lovely city in Northern Italy. It's a real jewel, hiding so many Italian treasures. Obviously, you can find amazing Italian food here, too, so make sure to watch it till the end!

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Hi! I’m Valeria, and I’m a Ukrainian expat and digital nomad, currently living in Italy. I first came here without speaking the language and being totally unprepared, but pretty sure this is gonna be an adventure of a lifetime! I love discovering Italian culture, Italian people and, of course, Italian food. I'm a full-time content creator, so when I'm not making travel videos, I'm taking photos, writing and creating artworks. Studying is another passion of mine, and currently I’m finishing my Masters degree at the University of Bologna. Here I post regular travel vlogs, tips on expat life, moving abroad, personal growth and self-esteem as a woman living abroad, so hop on and welcome on board!

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This video is about: Piacenza Italy, Piacenza travel vlog, Piacenza walking tour, Piacenza 4k, Piacenza Italy vlog, where to go in Emilia Romagna, day trip from Bologna, what to see around Bologna, what to see in Bologna, what to do in Bologna, best things to do in Bologna, best things to do in Emilia Romagna, top things to do in Bologna, top things to do in Emilia Romagna, top places to see in Emilia Romagna, top places to see around Bologna, winter in Italy 2023, winter in Italy vlog, traveling to Italy 2023, travelling to Italy 2023, Italy travel vlog, slow life in Italy, slow living in Italy, moving to a small city in Italy, slow living, slow life, slow living italia, slow living vlog, slow living lifestyle, slow travel, slow travel vlog, slow travel Europe, slow travel Italy, slow travel experience, Dramatically Expatic

Via Francigena 7: da Corte Sant'Andrea a Fiorenzuola d'Arda

Partendo da Corte Sant'Andrea ci sono due opzioni: il Transitum Padi su battello oppure percorrere l'argine del fiume fin dentro Piacenza.
Nonostante la gita in battello sia molto suggestiva abbiamo optato per l'argine, dal momento che era nostra intenzione partire molto presto per approfittare del fresco.
Il percorso si snoda lungo l'argine sopraelevato, consentendo alla vista di spaziare sulla campagna circostante e di intravedere, di tanto in tanto, il fiume Po.
Tutto rigorosamente senza ombra.
Si arriva a Piacenza attraversando il ponte sul Po, poco dopo il porto.
E' una zona industriale e trafficata, per nulla interessante.
Fortunatamente di li a poco ci si immette direttamente nel centro della città, con palazzo Farnese, il Duomo e il palazzo comunale.
L'ospitale di Montale, sorto sulle rovine di un ospitale medievale dei cavalieri templari, è a circa 3 km dalla città ma fortunatamente lungo la Francigena, senza deviazioni.
Il giorno seguente, dopo un primo tratto sull'asfalto fino a Pontenure si devia lungo strade sterrate costeggiate da immensi campi di pomodori, fin quasi dentro Fiorenzuola.

Departing from Corte Sant'Andrea there are two options: the Transitum Padi by boat or traveling along the river bank to Piacenza.
Although the boat trip is very suggestive, we opted for the embankment, since it was our intention to leave very early to take advantage of the coolness.
The route winds along the raised bank, allowing the view to sweep over the surrounding countryside and to glimpse, from time to time, the river Po.
All strictly without shadow.
You arrive in Piacenza by crossing the bridge over the Po, shortly after the port.
It is an industrial and busy area, not at all interesting.
Fortunately, little by little you enter directly into the city center, with Palazzo Farnese, the Duomo and the town hall.
The Montale hospice, built on the ruins of a medieval Knights Templar hospitable, is about 3 km from the city but fortunately along the Francigena, without detours.
The following day, after a first stretch on the asphalt up to Pontenure, you turn along dirt roads lined with immense tomato fields, almost into Fiorenzuola.

Castell'Arquato - Borgo medievale, Piacenza, Italia

Castell'Arquato è un borgo medievale ben conservato che può affascinare tutti con la sua arte, la sua natura e i suoi prodotti tipici.
Dalle strade rurali che si snodano tra le colline e verso l'Appennino, Castell'Arquato si erge in mezzo alla natura con le sue torri, i suoi campanili e le sue mura merlate. I visitatori saranno stupiti dalla sua storia medievale: l'intero borgo, le case in pietra arenaria, le strade strette, costruite su un terrazzamento coperto di fossili.
Castell'Arquato is an Italian town located on the first hills of Val D’Arda in the province of Piacenza, in Emilia-Romagna, approximately 30 kilometres from Piacenza and 35 kilometres from Parma. Places nearby include Bacedasco, Vigolo Marchese, Fiorenzuola d'Arda, Lugagnano Val d'Arda, and Vernasca.
A medieval town of traditional structure which has maintained its appearance as it was in the early 10th century, the Old Town of Castell'Arquato is a high rock which in other times was strategically important for dominating the valley, now surrounded by the village. Its picturesque medieval features have led to the burg's appearances in movies such as Ladyhawke.

The origins of Castell'Arquato are uncertain. It is believed that it originated as a Roman military settlement (castrum).
The first historical news concerning Castell’Arquato (known as la Pieve) appear in the 8th century. Castell'Arquato seems to have been constructed by a noble and powerful lord named Magnus. Magnus built the squared based castle and a church In honor Mater Dei (756–758). At that time Castell’Arquato had a military (Castrum) and an agricultural organisation (Curtis), the Justice Administration (Curia) and the Religious Administration (Pieve).Before dying in 789 Magnus gave the town, the church of Santa Maria and its goods to the bishop of Piacenza, and Castell’Arquato acquired an important freedom as a Pieve (pleban church).From 1204 to 1207 the Bishop of Piacenza Grimerio chose Castell’Arquato as his home.

Fiorenzuola d'Arda - Castell'Arquato e le colline Piacentine in mountain bike

Fiorenzuola d'Arda - Castell'Arquato e le colline Piacentine in mountain bike
Giornata bellissima, passata in compagnia di 8 amici che hanno, anche quest'oggi, voluto pedalare su un percorso completamente nuovo e quindi non privo di incognite. Alla fine però eravamo davvero tutti soddisfatti e contenti per la bella escursione dove abbiamo potuto godere di paesaggi sempre diversi su un tracciato davvero vario che per la maggior parte del tempo, trascorso in sella alle nostre mountain bike, ci ha tenuto distanti dalle grandi strade asfaltate e piene di traffico. Un grazie ai nuovi amici presenti quest'oggi, Davide, Paolo e Renzo che si aggiungono a Antonio, Franco, Mimmo, Nando, Patrizio e al sottoscritto Pier. Giornate di vendemmia, queste, e un percorso che prevedeva tanti attraversamenti di Cascine e dove è consigliabile tenere un'andatura molto bassa per cercare di dare il meno fastidio possibile a chi ci abita e a chi sta lavorando. Con queste piccole precauzioni potrete, come abbiamo fatto noi quest'oggi, transitare all'interno delle proprietà private senza nessun problema. Tutte le info alla nostra pagina web

This is Italy - Part 1 - Stunning Footage

Italy, like the whole world, has been through hard times recently and is still going through them but we & you will overcome: through strength, prayer, unity and consideration of others. Italy, and the world, will still be there: stronger, kinder and better.

We hope you will come to visit us in Italy once this is all over and experience the incredible beauty of our country. Until you can, the video will take you on a journey across Italy: to ancient cities, tiny village, down the canals of Venice and soaring above the mountain peaks of the Dolomites.

More inspirational Italy awaits on

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Middle Ages. Villages and Castles | 4K Drone video shot with a Mavic 2

Middle Ages. Medieval Towns and Castles in the North of Italy filmed with a DJI Mavic 2 Pro. Starting with Castell'Arquato's town and the beautiful the Rocca Viscontea.
Castell'Arquato is an Italian town located on the first hills of Val D’Arda in the province of Piacenza, in Emilia-Romagna, approximately 30 kilometres from Piacenza and 35 kilometres from Parma. Places nearby include Bacedasco, Vigolo Marchese, Fiorenzuola d'Arda, Lugagnano Val d'Arda, and Vernasca.
A medieval town of traditional structure which has maintained its appearance as it was in the early 10th century, the Old Town of Castell'Arquato is a high rock which in other times was strategically important for dominating the valley, now surrounded by the village. Its picturesque medieval features have led to the burg's appearances in movies such as Ladyhawke.
Opera librettist Luigi Illica, known for his long collaboration with composer Giacomo Puccini, but also with Alfredo Catalani and Umberto Giordano and author of the libretti of such operas as Tosca, La bohème, Madama Butterfly, La Wally and Andrea Chénier, was born in the borough in 1857 and is here buried.
Castell'Arquato is also in the area of the Colli Piacentini (Piacenza Hills), an important area for wine production. The most important wines produced in the Colli Piacentini are Gutturnio, Bonarda, Ortrugo, Malvasia, and Monterosso Val d'Arda.

Follows the Boffalora Castle, shrouded in thick fog.
The Boffalora castle is located about 300 metres above sea level, a splendid panoramic position about 30 km away from Piacenza.
The first documents describing the castle date back to 1412, when the Visconti family gave it to the Arcelli.
Its strategic position made it the ideal spot to control the roads that from Po river reached the Apennines.
Originally, the castle was a fortress used for military purposes. Later on, it was modified to become a mansion that suited the needs and the social prestige of the noble families inhabiting it, and eventually made it a pivotal cultural point full of invaluable art pieces.
The history of this castle passed through the hands of numerous owners, gory battles, frauds, and saw the disappearance of families for the lack of an offspring. Today, the castle is still private property but partially abandoned and in need of restoration works.
Its quadrangular shape is built with bricks and clay, with five square-shaped towers and a fortified keep with elegant merlons covered in their final part.
Inside, there is a monumental staircase with a frescoed polychrome vault leading to the rooms on the main floor, a portico on the ground floor and an 18th century loggia on the first floor, both with three arches. The large rooms on the first floor are also particularly interesting, with coffer ceilings and decorative frescoes: the music room, the dining room, and other elegant rooms embellished with scenic and decorative frescoes. The three nave church with barrel vaults dedicated to San Giuseppe is characterized by the presence of a double altar located at the bottom of the apse, and the relics of San Felice martyr preserved in a precious shrine made of wood and glass.

And closing the video with the splendid Castle Sforza Fogliani.
Perched on top of a small isolated hill and close to Via Emilia, the castle performed an effective visual control of the surrounding territory. Except for the tower, the radical restoration carried out in the 18th century has eliminated any traces of the fortified structures, creating in their place a luxury residential complex. The design is attributed to Vanvitelli.

The castle is mentioned in a document dating back to 1100, and its first owners were the Della Porta, who also rented it to Piacenza's council. It was the setting of several fights between people from Piacenza and the main surrounding towns, frequently allied between themselves.

#MiddleAges #Medieval #Mavic2


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Watch: The Amazing Square Wave By Ivan Black


Discovery of Million Year old Shells in Tuscany, Italy | Day 9 of Via Francigena to Monteriggioni

It was the 9th day of Via Francigena trail when we hiked around 20 kms from the village Quartaia to Monteriggioni.

At the campsite in the field we have found some curious things - lots and lots of shells big and small ones. It almost felt like we are at the bottom of the ocean and it was astonishing how well they were conserved after millions of years. The first part was going through the beautiful oak forest again and we have been enjoying it thoroughly. The weather forecast was promising 37 degrees Celsius for that day and we really hoped that the trail would be as shadowy as possible. Unfortunately to us after we walked out of the town Gracciano de Elsa the trail started to go more in the sun and through the open fields which was killingly hot. There were lots of vineyards and just empty fields with the rolls of hay on it on the sides of the trail. We met quite a lot of pilgrims with backpacks again and we knew that probably all the way to Rome it would be like that as it is a popular part. Abbadia Isola was an old Monastery with the small rocky buildings and streets and the place itself was very little. There seemed to be an albergue as well but we of course continued forward because as always we planned to wild camp that night…

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#ViaFrancigena #Tuscany #Italy

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We are a couple who once fell in love with mountains and couldn't get back. So we decided to follow our heart and move from a big city to a small village to be able to do what we love and to create this content. Our goal is to promote the healthy lifestyle, to motivate people to travel more and care for nature around. We are passionate walkers who love hiking, trekking and camping. We offer the detailed information of our hikes and routes, including the map and all the directions, so that you can repeat it if you'd like to.

We choose walking over driving and other types of transportation whenever we can because we learnt that this way we see so much more and can explore and feel the place better. Walking is an excellent activity that has so many benefits to your health and requires no special equipment or practice, so we encourage you to get the most out of it and get out walking.

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Palazzo dei Podestà - Castell'Arquato - Piacenza - Italia ????????

El Palazzo dei Podestà, ayuntamiento de Castell'Arquato, edificio levantado en 1292 siendo su aspecto actual del Siglo XV y fruto de varias modificaciones y reformas.

Festa Primavera Pro Loco Fiorenzuola d'arda maggio 2016

Gruppo ArteAre di Castell'Arquato
spettacolo con il fuoco davanti all'ingresso della chiesa collegiata

Vigoleno - Piacenza - Italia ????????

Vigoleno, pueblo-castillo de la provincia de Piacenza y en la lista de los Borghi più belli d’Italia. Con origen documentado en 1141, ha sido propiedad de distintas familias como los Scotti, Pallavicino o los Farnese. En 1922, la princesa Ruspoli Grammont, inició la restauración de la población, pues había sufrido la devastación del paso de las guerras, poniéndolo de moda entre escritores y actores.

Ospedale di Fiorenzuola d'arda , opere di demolizione 03 ottobre 2015

Escavatori all'opera per demolizione di un'ala del vecchio ospedale di Fiorenzuola d'arda
un pezzo di storia se ne sta andando

Discover Tuscany by e bike

Discover Tuscany with new eyes.
Following unpaved roads, away from traffic and crowds, you will discover the hidden gems of Tuscany.
An active holiday, with a perfect balance between art and history, food, wellness and adventure.

Cascata di Fuoco - FIORENZUOLA D'ARDA (PC) - 19 dicembre 2015

Ciao a tutti, ecco un nuovo video per la serie fuochi d'artificio :) questa volta sono riuscito a catturare un tipo di spettacolo un po' particolare e diverso dal solito... non dico nient'altro perché il titolo e le scritte nel video dicono tutto, buona visione :)

???????? A CITY BREAK IN MILAN | ITALY - 2019

Hey Guys !

We visited Italy for a few days this month. It was just lovely ! Finally tasted some real Italian food !!! The weather was around 20 Degrees Celsius. Not bad for October eh? ( All you Londoners out there must know :P )

Hope you enjoy this video !



Music Credit :

Help You Out (ft. Jonathon Robins) by Leonell Cassio
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library


Song: Ehrling - You And Me (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

Fidenza Outdoor: mai percorso la Via Francigena nelle Terre di Versi?

Dai percorsi in ebike a una delle tappe più dure della Via Francigena!
Il tutto contornato da torta fritta (così la chiamano a Fidenza), parmigiano reggiano e ottimo cibo...

Vi racconto di come vivere Fidenza in modalità outdoor tra Via Francigena, bicicletta e itinerari urbani.


Via Francigena Aosta to Pavia

The Sigeric pilgrimage route on the Via Francigena hiking from Aosta in the Alps down to the northern Italian plains with details of the places stayed and the sights that were seen. Nus, Chatillon, Verres, Pont Saint-Martin, Ivrea, Viverone, Santhia, Vercelli, Robbio, Mortara, Tromello, Gropello Cairoli, to Pavia.
