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10 Best place to visit in El entrego Spain


【浅草絶品グルメ】浅草食べ歩き41軒総まとめ〜実際に食べ歩いて印象に残ったお店ランキング〜【独身男の出張メシ 総集編 #7 & 出張メシ #56.5】

【追加のお知らせ】それぞれのお店にもチャプターを追加して探しやすくしました。お店のリストは概要欄をスクロールしてご覧ください^ ^


????次回(#57 名古屋出張編 第一夜)→
????前回(#56 新潟出張編 最終夜)→

過去にお送りした全4回の出張&食べ歩きに加えて、浅草出張編 #56.5と題した新作の食べ歩きも追加しました。また、いつもの通り僭越ながら、個人的に印象に残っているお店もランキング形式で最後にまとめましたので、興味がありましたら合わせてご覧ください^ ^

普段はあまり東京の動画は作っていませんが、魅力的なスポットがたくさんあってまたふらりと立ち寄ってみたくなります。そんなことを考えながらオープニングを編集していました^ ^




0:00 オープニング(夜の浅草・雷門から)

1:30 ????第1回????【出張メシ #39(


 ●3:25【ハンバーグ】モンブラン 浅草店(絶品ハンバーグが食べられる行列必至の人気洋食店)
 ●6:13【黄色いそば】尾張屋 本店(1860年創業、江戸時代から続く名店の「柚子切り蕎麦」)
 ●9:58【ワインあんみつ】浅草 いづ美(和と洋がコラボした「ワインあんみつ」)
 ●12:14 【世界一の抹茶アイス】壽々喜園 浅草本店(世界一の濃さを謳う抹茶アイス)
 ●15:54【江戸前天丼】雷門 三定(1837年創業、雷門の隣にある天ぷら屋さん)
 ●18:31【ラーメン】濃厚鶏麺 ゆきかげ(比内地鶏が美味しい鶏白湯ラーメン)
 ●20:38【おでん】浅草おでん大多福(大正4年創業 落ち着いた雰囲気で関西風の絶品おでんを)

34:03 ???? 第2回????【出張メシ #40(

 ●34:17【とん皿定食】浅草 ときわ食堂(開店から100年の老舗で、すき焼き風とん皿定食を)
 ●41:07【どじょう鍋】駒形どぜう 本店(創業200年超、雰囲気抜群の大広間でどぜう鍋を)
 ●48:01【激安ラーメン】らぁめん めん○(花やしき近くの330円ラーメン+110円の煮卵)
 ●50:07【ケバブ】サライ ケバブ(ケバブライス&トルコビールに初挑戦)
 ●52:40【ラーメン】浅草名代らーめん 与ろゐ屋(人気の双子玉子入りラーメン&鶏肉餃子)
 ●55:31【スイーツ】おいもやさん興伸 浅草伝法院通り店(絶品スイートポテトを持ち帰り)
 ●1:06:32【お土産】かりんとう 小桜(東京3大かりんとうのひとつ。生姜など変わりダネも)

1:08:55 ???? 第3回????【浅草食べ歩き 前編(

 ●1:09:34 【フレンチトースト】昔ながらの喫茶店 友路有 浅草店(古き良き懐かしい雰囲気)
 ●1:13:12 【メンチカツ】浅草メンチ(肉汁たっぷりの絶品メンチカツ)
 ●1:14:46【スイーツ】舟和 仲見世3号店(舟和の和スイーツ「芋バターどら焼き」)
 ●1:20:23【すき焼き】今半 別館(大正10年創業の老舗で手頃なすき焼きランチを)
 ●1:24:03【きびだんご】浅草きびだんご あづま(江戸時代に実在したきびだんごを再現)

1:27:40 ????第4回????【浅草食べ歩き 後編(

 ●1:27:48【プリン】フェブズ コーヒー&スコーン(インスタ映えする焦がしカラメルプリン)
 ●1:30:47【メロンパン】浅草 花月堂(1日に3000個売れるサクフワのジャンボメロンパン)
 ●1:32:02【牛めし】牛めし ふくちゃん(浅草西参道商店街で石ちゃんオススメ?の牛めしを)
      ????ノスタルジアはこちら →
 ●1:44:59【ビーフシチュー】ヨシカミ 浅草店(1951年創業の老舗洋食店で名物のビーフシチュー&カニコロッケを満喫。うますぎて申訳けないス!)
 ●1:48:38【お土産】浅草シルクプリン 雷門店(浅草土産として人気な滑らかシルクプリン)

1:50:22 ????第5回????【出張メシ #56.5(本動画)】

 ●1:57:54【冷やし肉南ばん】浅草角萬 (視聴者さんオススメ、地元の人気名物「ヒヤニク」)
 ●2:00:16 【塩ひつまぶし】浅草うな鐵 国際通り店(老舗鰻屋で日本唯一?の塩ひつまぶし)
 ●2:03:24 【佃煮】海老屋總本舗 仲見世店 (視聴者さんオススメ、江戸前佃煮の老舗)
 ●2:03:54 【雷おこし実演販売】常盤堂雷おこし本舗 雷門本店(雷おこしの実演販売を見学)
 ●2:06:03 【立ち食い江戸前寿司】ひなと丸 雷門柳小路店(立ち食いでサクッと江戸前寿司)

●第1位 駒形どぜう 本店
座敷に座って雰囲気も満点♪ 楽しい場所で浅草名物を満喫できました^ ^
●第2位 ヨシカミ 浅草店
●第3位 神谷バー
●第4位 おいもやさん興伸
●第5位 九重
●第6位 福ちゃん
●第7位 翁そば
●第8位 浅草うな鐵 国際通り店


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Errores al viajar a Buenos Aires en 2023

Tour gratis en Buenos Aires aquí ????
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Mundukos es un canal de viajes que busca dar información útil, presupuestos, rutas e itinerarios para que puedas organizar tus propios viajes.

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Es un canal que busca darte información práctica para mejorar la presencia digital de tu marca (o tuya) y por supuesto, darte herramientas para que seas nómada digital y puedas viajar por todo el mundo ganando dinero con tu computadora.


The Queen inspects the guard of honour at the gates of Balmoral Castle and Estate Aug 2018

Her Majesty the Queen is officially welcomed to Balmoral Castle at the start of her annual summer break with a Royal Guard of honour, provided by the Balaklava Company, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders & their Mascot the Shetland Pony Cpl Cruachan IV on 6th August 2018. The queen is escorted by the Officer Commanding Johnny Thompson.

Balaklava Company is part of 5th Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland (5 SCOTS) The Pipes and drums are from The Highlanders, 4th Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland.

This video is managed by Newsflare. To use this video for broadcast or in a commercial player please email or call +44 (0) 8432 895 191

El cenote más profundo del mundo y las mejores playas del Golfo de México - Aldama, Tamaulipas.

Aldama es uno de los sitios más enigmáticos y desconocidos del norte de México.

En este municipio de Tamaulipas se encuentran una serie de cenotes, considerados los más profundos del planeta, así como un impresionante sistema de cavernas.

Aldama lo tiene todo: montañas, ríos y playas, inmerso en un ambiente del campo, ideal para estar en contacto con la naturaleza.

Este paraíso se localiza al sur de Tamaulipas, a solo una hora de Tampico a donde se puede volar fácilmente.


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COMO LLENAR EL FORMULARIO DS-160 SIN AYUDA --- By Will Rodríguez Actualizado 2023

PASO A PASO , de como llenar el Formulario DS-160 , Recomendaciones para tu llenado de forma sencilla y práctica, Visa de Turista (B1/B2) Actualización 2022. (Perú)

Página Oficial para llenar el Formulario DS - 160:

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Review: 60.000 Reisekilometer auf der Ténéré 700 - Motorradreise 3, F. 38

Nach 60.000 Kilometern auf meiner Yamaha Ténéré 700 gibt es heute das große Reisereview zu meinem Motorrad.
???? Alle Links zu meinem Equipment bzw. Ausstattung des Bikes findest Du auf meinem Blog:

???? RutisReisen Wandkalender 2023 - mit dem Kauf unterstützt Du mich und stellst sicher, dass meine Videos eine Zukunft haben. Bestelle per Mail an
Alle Infos:

Unterstütze mich, wenn Dir meine Videos gefallen. Damit hältst Du meine Reisedokus am Leben:

00:00 Start
00:59 60.000 Km im Schnelldurchlauf
08:47 Ausstattung/ Umbauten
40:33 Schäden
49:12 Unnötiges Equipment?
53:00 Garantiefälle
54:19 Das Perfekte Reisemotorrad

???? Playlist Meine dritte Motorradreise:


???? Hallo, ich bin der Ruti. 2019 habe ich meinen Motorrad-Führerschein gemacht, mir eine Yamaha Ténéré 700 gekauft und bin damit nach Afrika gefahren bis Corona mich in den Wartestand versetzte. Nach 4,5 Monaten kehrte ich mit einer Sonderfähre der Botschaft zurück nach Europa, blieb aber im Süden, die meiste Zeit in Portugal. Erst ein Jahr später als geplant kam ich zurück nach Deutschland. Wenig später sind Luzy - so heißt mein Motorrad - erneut aufgebrochen und haben in 3 Monaten die Adria umrundet. Nun geht es übern großen Teich für Reise Nummer 3.

???? Musik von Epidemic Sound:
Wenn Du die Musik in meinen Videos cool findest und sie auch verwenden willst, kannst Du Dich über diesen Link anmelden:
Als Prämie bekomme ich dann einen Freimonat. Also auch ein Weg, mich zu unterstützen, damit ich noch viele Videos machen kann.

Weitere Musiktitel: Nat Keefe with The Bow Ties - Lost Native - YouTube Mediathek

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AKASO Brave 8 (18% Discount mit dem Code CAM18OFF):
GoPro 7:
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GoPro Mikrofon-Adapter:
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GoPro Max:
Drohne Autel Evo Nano:
Insta 360 Selfiestick:
DJI Osmo Pocket:
Windschutz für Osmo Pocket:
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Schnitt mit Final Cut Pro auf MacBook Pro i5, 16GB Ram

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Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Spain | Aqueduct of Segovia Destination Spot

Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Spain | Aqueduct of Segovia Destination Spot - Tourism In Spain.


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►Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Spain | Aqueduct of Segovia Destination Spot - Tourism In Spain:

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La Corte de Pelayo Asturias | Visit Spain | Besuchen Sie Spanien

Cachopo Asturias
La Corte de Pelayo restaurant is a classic of Asturian cuisine located in the heart of the city of Oviedo.
It has from high quality regional dishes, to market cuisine, with fish and seafood worthy of review.
At the entrance you can see the numerous awards it has received, such as best Asturian bean stew on several occasions, best cachopo and a whole showcase of awards.
Without a doubt, you have the best cachopo in Asturias at La Corte de Pelayo

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PARQUE PRINCIPADO ???? El Centro Comercial más Grande de Asturias ???? WALKING TOUR

Con 144 establecimientos, Parque Principado es el mayor destino de ocio y compras de Asturias. Cine, bolera, restaurantes y las marcas de moda y servicios internacionales, nacionales y los locales de moda que más te gustan.

✈️ Patrocinantes del viaje / Trip sponsors:
*PlusHolidays*: Tu elección perfecta para unas vacaciones inolvidables en España.
*SINMALETAS*: Recogemos y entregamos tu equipaje donde nos indiques sin tener que desplazarte para que disfrutes la experiencia de viajar ligero

???? Camera: Insta360 X3:
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???? Estuche de transporte para Insta360:
???? Mic: Zoom H1n:

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See you in next videos! ????????????
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¿Quieres apoyarme? me gusta el cafe... ☕️☕️☕️
Want to support me? I do like coffee... ☕️☕️☕️

#walkingtour #parqueprincipado #oviedo

Bella España - Un Viaje al Norte - Luarca - Asturias

En el norte de España, el rumor y la brisa del Cantábrico se confunden con los múltiples acentos de los europeos que visitan sus acogedoras y hospitalarias ciudades, llenas de vida, colorido, magia y, sobretodo, excelente comida. Ninguna ciudad, ni siquiera las más chicas, se deja intimidar por la belleza de sus vecinas, y más bien se aplican en conseguir la admiración y el cariño de sus visitante, ya sean estos españoles o foráneos, y a fe que lo consiguen.

In the north of Spain, the murmur and the breeze from the Cantabrian Sea mingle with the multiple accents of the Europeans who visit its welcoming and hospitable cities, full of life, color, magic and, above all, excellent food. No city, not even the smallest, allows itself to be intimidated by the beauty of its neighbors, but rather applies itself to obtaining the admiration and affection of its visitors, whether Spanish or foreigners — a goal which they easily surpass.

Shot and edited on iPhone 12 Pro Max


Bosque de Chapultepec, Mexico City’s LARGEST park is INCREDIBLE! If you’re in Mexico City and looking for what to do in Mexico City, que hacer en Ciudad de Mexico, Bosque de Chapultepec aka Chapultepec Park will keep you busy for days!

Bosque de Chapultepec is twice the size of New York CIty’s Central Park and is fit with The Chapultepec Castle, a FREE zoo, The Museum of Anthropology, The Museum of Modern Art, Botanical Gardens, lakes and SO much more. Chapultepec Forest, Chapultepec Park is a top attraction in Mexico City and will provide you with many hours of entertainment or relaxing - whichever you prefer. In this Mexico Vlog we take you to Bosque de Chapultepec- where we explore the Chapultepec Castle, see the animals at the zoo, admire all the Chapultepec Park has to offer before entering the jaw-dropping Museum of Anthropology.

When you’re traveling to Mexico City make sure to set a day aside for Bosque de Chapultepec. Or if you’re looking for what to do in Mexico City just head here! It is an incredible green space right in the center of CDMX with so much to offer.

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Oliven Reiser - Herskapelige Spania, sykkeltur

La de spanske Conquistadorene vise vei. Gjennom uberørt natur og landsbyer som får deg til å føle du har reist tilbake i tid. Sett deg på sykkelsetet og rull gjennom det autentiske og historiske Spania, og fall til ro hver kveld i vakre klostre, slott og palasser. For vet du ikke hva en Parador er, så vil vi gjerne vise deg hvorfor disse herskapelige hotellene er Spanias beste.

Les mer om vår sykkeltur i Herskapelige Spania, på vår nettside:

Takk til og for materiell.
Gracias a y por el entrego de fotos.

Guayana Esequiba, la región más disputada de Sudamérica

Es un conflicto que tiene un siglo y medio y que todavía no se ha resuelto. Para Venezuela, El Esequibo es parte de su territorio. Pero Guyana no quiere perder un territorio que es casi tan grande como todo Uruguay.

¿Cómo se vive allí? ¿Por qué se reavivó el conflicto?

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Singularidades de nuestro planeta.

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Alicante airport Spain 2022

In this video I take a walkabout through Alicante Airport here in the Costa Blanca. It's a decent size and easy to find your way around we start at the carpark walk across the air bridge to the main airport building have a look about on the departures floor and then i hand over to another Youtube creator as i did not go through the boarding gate.
Check out my blog here

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This is the original footage that i used in my video a big shout out to Som Chai

Alicante airport spain. costa blanca. spanish airports. holiday airport. costa blanca airports. parking at airport. parking at alicante airport. easy access airport. departures at airport. flying from alicante airport. gran alicant near alicante airport. el altet airport.

Las Mejores Plazas de Toros del Mundo / The Best Bullrings in The World [IGEO.TV]

La Plaza de Toros México es la plaza de toros más grande de México y la de mayor aforo en el mundo. Está ubicada en la Ciudad de México, en la llamada Ciudad de los Deportes, junto al Estadio Azul en el límite de la zona Del Valle. Tiene capacidad para 41.000 personas (sentadas), pero ha llegado a tener más de 50.000, estando dedicada casi exclusivamente a conciertos populares y eventos taurinos. Dispone de un ruedo de 43 metros de diámetro, y un callejón de dos. Es conocida popularmente como La Monumental o La México. Es de propiedad privada.

La plaza de toros de Acho, en Lima, Perú, es la plaza de toros más antigua de América, y una de las más grandes del mundo, la más importante de las 56 plazas oficiales de toros con que cuenta dicho país, y considerada como una de las de mayor prestigio del continente americano. En ella se realiza anualmente la Feria del Señor de los Milagros, que reúne a las principales figuras del toreo.

Plaza de toros de Santamaría, Bogotá. La plaza mas importante de Colombia; situada en el barrio Sandiego, es una de las arquitecturas de plazas de toros más bellas. Curiosidades: La presidencia de la plaza de toros queda encima de la puerta grande, por ello los matadores deben hacer un giro bastante particular al pisar los ruedos para saludar a la presidencia. La construcción y fundación de la plaza arruinó a sus constructores, por su altísimo costo. Posee un museo taurino. La única muerte registrada en este coso, es la de un Mexicano, en un espectáculo tipo rodeo presentado a mediados del siglo XX.

La Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas es la mayor plaza de toros de España y la tercera con más aforo del mundo tras las de México y Valencia (Venezuela), no obstante es la segunda más grande en cuanto al diámetro de su ruedo tras la plaza de Ronda. Está situada en Madrid, en el barrio de La Guindalera en el distrito de Salamanca, y suele estar considerada por profesionales, aficionados y críticos como la más importante del mundo.

La Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza de Caballería de Sevilla es la sede de las corridas de toros que se realizan en la ciudad de Sevilla, teniendo especial relevancia para los aficionados las que se celebran durante la Feria de Abril. Es considerada la segunda plaza más importante, tras la de Madrid, y con mayor tradición taurina de España. Es apodada popularmente como la «Catedral del Toreo».

The Plaza de Toros Mexico is the largest bullring in Mexico and the largest capacity in the world. It is located in the City of Mexico , in the so called Ciudad de los Deportes , next to Estadio Azul in the zone boundary Valley . It can accommodate 41,000 people ( seated) , but has grown to more than 50,000 , being dedicated almost exclusively to popular concerts and bullfighting . It has a roll of 43 meters , and an alley of two. It is popularly known as La Monumental o Mexico . It is privately owned.

The Acho bullring in Lima , Peru , is the oldest bullring in the Americas, and one of the largest in the world, the most important of the 56 official bullrings available to that country , and considered as one of the most prestigious American continent. It is held annually Fair Lord of Miracles , which brings together leading bullfighters .

Santamaria bullring in Bogota. The most important square of Colombia , located in the district Sandiego , is one of the architectures most beautiful bullrings . Trivia: The president of the bullring is above the front door , so the killers must make a turn quite particular by stepping the arena to greet the president. The foundation of the building and its builders ruined square , for its high cost. It has as a museum . The one death recorded in this arena , is a Mexican rodeo type in a show presented in mid -twentieth century.

The Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas is the largest bullring in Spain and the third largest in the world after the capacity of Mexico and Valencia ( Venezuela ) , however it is the second largest in terms of diameter of the ring after the square Ronda. It is located in Madrid, in the neighborhood of La Guindalera in the district of Salamanca , and is often considered by professionals, enthusiasts and critics as the most important in the world.

The Plaza de Toros of the Royal Cavalry of Seville is home to the bullfights that take place in the city of Seville , with special relevance for the fans that are held during the April Fair . It is considered the most important second place , after Madrid , and more traditional bullfighting in Spain . It is popularly dubbed as the Cathedral of Bullfighting .

Ver Vídeo San fermin Pamplona encierro toros 2013 / running of the bulls:



Today I bring you a special video. La Vuelta is a cycling race that runs through Spain, and today the race started in the city of Irún, so I took a walk through the city center to see (and show you) the atmosphere of the city as the race passed for the streets.

Activate the subtitles! I'm making comments about the route :-)

I'm The Walking Girl, a girl from Donostia / San Sebastian (Euskadi (Basque Country) in the north of Spain) walking through my city and other surrounding towns to show them to you. I don't put added music in my videos, I prefer that you can listen the sounds and the atmosphere of the city, that you experience the walking tours in first person, as if you were here!
And I like to put subtitles throughout the tour, with tourist information, curiosities, tips ... and my personal comments :-)

Now that we cannot travel, I offer you to enjoy the Basque Country from the comfort of your own home. And if there is any place in my country that you want to see, you just have to leave me a message and I will go to record a walking video!

Thanks, and I hope you subscribe !!
A new video every day with The Walking Girl !!

Canada Airport, Immigration Customs & Passport Control Qs (in Urdu & Subtitles)

This video shows full process of air travel to Canada, questions asked by automated Passport Control kiosk (Primary Inspection Kiosk) and IRCC during Immigration & Customs, and how to declare value of gifts you are bringing to Canada.

Video is in Pakistan's 'Urdu' language. Subtitles are available in 24 languages: Arabic, Bangla, Chinese, English, Filipino, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Nepali, Pashto, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese

Please go to 'settings' option on YouTube screen and select your preferred language.

This video shows my personal travel to Canada, how I answered the questions, and the additional Qs asked by Canada Border Services Officers / Immigration and Customs officers. I declared the value of gifts incorrectly (by mistake) and got sent for secondary inspection!!. Finally, the video shows how to find your luggage.

All travelers arriving in Canada have to answer questions about them and their trip. This process is now automated at all major Canada airports (ports of entry) and done by the Primary Inspection Kiosk machine that you see in the video. The machine asks the following:

* Qs about you and country of residence
* Purpose & duration of your trip
* Scan your passport
* Asks Questions about your health
* Duty Free allowance,
* Value of EACH gift you are bringing
* Total Currency you have in Canadian Dollars

When all questions are answered, the automated machine prints out a paper report based on your answers that we take to the Border Services Officer (Canada Immigration Officer) who decides whether a Secondary Screening (additional questioning by a Border Services officer) is needed.

My suggestions:
* Declare correct value of your gifts
* Be honest in answering questions
* Be friendly
* Provide exact answers - don't be vague
* Don't give long answers or unnecessary details that immigration / customs officer did not ask

Secondary is typically a simple straight forward process where the officer wants to know what brings the traveler to Canada, duration of stay (tourism, visit friends or family, work, or permanent immigration- see below) , who we are going to meet here or stay with. Based on the answers they would either stamp the passport and you are okay to go, OR, they take us to separate room for even more detailed one-to-one interview - typically this happens when the border Services office cannot Quickly decide on what to do and they need they are not satisfied with the answers the traveler provided initially.

If you are received Canadian Immigration Permanent Resident visa and this is your first time arrival in Canada, there are special papers and documents that the immigration officer will need to see and verify - much more detail vs a tourist. Therefore, they will take you to special section of the airport with special seating area and immigration officers who will review your Permanent Resident status and paperwork. Don't worry and don't be alarmed when they take you to a separate section - it is normal handling for Canada Immigration.

The immigration officer will verify the address you are going to / will be staying at, and the funds you have. Your Canadian Permanent Resident Card will be sent to the address you provide. It takes a few weeks to receive it therefore be sure to provide an address you will stay for a few weeks.

For anyone arriving new in Canada the first few months are super important because that is when you receive in mail all the important documents needed for life in Canada. Social Insurance Card (SIN Card), Health Canada Card, Drivers Licenses, Bank Card, Debit Card, etc. So please try to keep your address the same at least for the first few months in Canada. Until you get all these important cards don't move away from that address.

a) As Student
b) Family immigration
c) Skilled Worker Category immigration
d) New Brunswick Critical Worker Pilot Program

* when on the page above, click on 'Immigration'
* select the country of origin

The program started at the end of 2022, and it is an AMAZING opportunity in the 'New Brunswick' province. Please look into this opportunity before it goes away!

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Como llenar un Money Order de la manera correcta | how to fill a Money Order

Facil y sencillo

Peru'nun İLGİNÇ Sokak Yemekleri ve Pazar Fiyatları #137

YER MİSİN YEMEZ MİSİN? Peru'nun İLGİNÇ Sokak Yemekleri ve Pazar Fiyatları #137

Herkese selamlar. Bu videoda, Güney Amerika'daki üçüncü ülkem olan Peru'da sokak yemeklerini denedim ve Peru'nun ilginç pazarını gezdim. Peru'nun ilginç ve geleneksel yemeklerini ve içeceklerini sizlere elimden geldiğince gösterdim. Kaç para harcadığımı da not olarak videoda yazdım. Buna ek olarak Peru'daki pazar kültürünü ve pazar fiyatlarını sizlere göstermek istedim.

Umarım bu videoyu ve diğer videoları keyifle takip edersiniz. Videoyu beğenirseniz ve yorum atarsanız çok sevinirim. İyi seyirler. ????


KATIL butonuyla kanalımı destekleyebilirsiniz:

Videolarımda kullandığım müziklere bu link üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz:

#Peru #pazarfiyatları #Sokakyemekleri

Why should you buy Real Estate in Barranquilla Colombia in 2023

Are you shopping for real estate in Barranquilla Colombia?
Would you like to get a retirement home for less than 43,000 US dollars?
Are you interested in living in a warm climate?

Sixty to seventy percent less expensive than Miami and Ft. Lauderdale. Then Barranquilla, Columbia is the place for you!

First and foremost, let me tell you a little about Barranquilla.

Barranquilla is best know for the Golden Gate of Colombia (La Puerta de Oro de Colombia). It was given this nickname because it was the gateway for progress in Colombia. It was first to initiate aviation, telephone, radio, trains. and its beloved sport soccer.

Because it borders the Caribbean shore, there is no shortage of beaches, for you beach lovers. The climate is prime for this area, fluctuating fro 80s to 90s in day time and dipping to 70s in the evening hours.

Barranquilla is also known for its Carnival, which attracts tens of thousands of people annually for its New Year celebration. Because the city has been attracting individuals all over the world, for some time now, to study and set up businesses there is a strong cosmopolitan feel and vibe.

Barranquilla serves a diversified cousin to cater to its global population. Among some of the finest restaurants you can chose between Creole, Syrian-Lebanese, Brazilian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian, Thai and Spanish foods. Something for everyone.

Why buy Real Estate in Barranquilla?

Although, no city in Colombia has a “one-size fits all”, Barranquilla is one of the most desirable and affordable retirement havens in the world. Whether you are looking to rent or buy, you won’t be disappointed. Foreigners can purchase properties in their own name or the name of a company. All you need is a Passport and the opportunities are yours. It is estimated that nearly 60,000 U. S. Expats have migrated to Colombia, and among these many are drawn to the Alto Prada neighborhood, north of the historic center of the city. This area is considered one of the best middle-upper class neighborhoods of all Barranquilla. It is surrounded by residential buildings, shopping centers and office buildings. It also offers a smaller, more feel with a townhouse outside city center. You can either shop in the malls or local mom and pop shops and prepare your own meals.

Barranquilla’s Health Care System:

Barranquilla offers high quality health care. Their is access to a large number of public and private hospitals, and dozens of small and large clinics, which perform regular checkups, and diagnostics, to high tech procedures and medical specialties.
You may be surprised to know that ,overall , Colombia was ranked 22nd most efficient Health Care System in the world, above Canada, U.S. and Australia.

Art and culture:

You can visit many areas of Art and Culture. You can take in live performances and readings at the restaurant-bar, LaCueva (the cave). There are also historical and cultural events featured at some of the finest museums in Barranquilla. You must visit El Museo or del Caribe, which I found to be an exhilarating,and interactive experience. It is divided into several levels and rooms each displaying different forms of culture.



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