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10 Best place to visit in Dymer Ukraine


Kiev 1971 archive footage

Archival footage shot by an amateur filmmaker during a tour in the USSR in the summer of 1971

It contains stock footage of Kiev: tourists coaches parked outside Hotel Lybid, traffic in front of the National Circus of Ukraine, the National Opera of Ukraine, people walking on Parkovy Pedestrian Bridge and the statue of Volodymyr the Great on Dnieper River, the beach on Dnieper River, cityscapes, St Andrew's Church, traffic in Khreschatyk Street, people visiting Mariinsky Palace, the monument to General Vatutin, the obelisk at Eternal Glory Park, people visiting the Pechersk Lavra, today's Ministry of Foreign Affairs building, Boryspil International Airport, and more.


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И ЭТО ТОЖЕ ДАГЕСТАН? Приключения в долине реки Баараор. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК (Путешествие по Дагестану #3)

И ЭТО ТОЖЕ ДАГЕСТАН? Приключения в долине реки Баараор. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК

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Я побывал во многих красивых местах. И могу сказать уверенно: Тляратинский район Дагестана - это ????????????

????Суровые горы, мощные реки, сказочный лес и сёла, которые словно парят в небесах!​

✴Особенности Тляраты:

????Тляратинский район – один из самых больших и самых высоких районов Горного Дагестана
????Это один из самых удалённых районов республики. Расстояние от Махачкалы – 213 км, доехать на машине можно за 5 часов
????Тляратинский район расположен вдоль главного водораздельного Кавказского хребта. Это отличает природу Тляратинского высокогорья от природы большинства районов Дагестана. Горы Кавказа здесь не платообразные, а конусные
????Это единственный район республики, который граничит сразу с 2-умя государствами: с Азербайджаном и Грузией
????Название района произошло от слова Тлярата, что переводится у воды (или у реки). И действительно, Тляратинский район полон ручьёв, родников и рек. Главная река района – Джурмут, основной приток Аварского Койсу
????Это один из самых лесных в Дагестане. Леса занимают треть района!
????Значительная часть красот района находится в приграничной зоне, в том числе райцентр. Поэтому попасть туда можно, лишь заранее оформив пропуск в приграничную зону
????Всего на территории Тляратинского района 89 населённых пунктов. 76 из них расположены выше 1500 м над уровнем моря, а 33 села – на высоте более 2000 м. Многие Тляратинские села Дагестана имеют удивительное расположение
????Экономика Тляратинского района – это, в основном, сельское хозяйство. 80% составляют личные хозяйства. Местные жители выращивают огороды прямо на склонах гор и занимаются животноводством.​
????Самая большая проблема района – это природные катаклизмы. Во время сильных ливней по всему району реки выходят из берегов, размывает и засыпает дороги, обрываются провода и связь с внешним миром (поэтому район частенько попадает в новости Дагестана). А зимой дороги и провода страдают из-за лавин
????Почти половину района занимает Тляратинский заказник — охраняемая территория вокруг реки Джурмуи и её притоков (бассейн реки Аварское Койсу)

Особенно меня впечатлила долина реки Баараор! (даже звучит круто!) Вдоль неё расположен один из лучших туристических маршрутов в Дагестане. Тут невероятно красивая природа!

В этом фильме я:
????Преодолевал вброд горные реки
????Терял и находил свой дрон
????Любовался красотой гор, ручьёв, рек и горных озёр
????Познакомился с хорошими людьми

Если фильм вам понравился — поделитесь с другими????????

❇️ Спасибо Курбану и Камилю за помощь в съёмках и компанию
❇️Спасибо за музыку в видео дагестанскому ансамблю народной музыки Макъам.
❇️ Спасибо за музыку в видео музыкантам Мухаммаду и Хирмухаммаду из Шамильского района

Ссылка на наш фильм-восхождение Шалбуздаг:

Ссылка на фильм Ущелье, забравшее дрон:

00:00 О чём фильм?
01:35 Тляратинский район — один из самых удалённых от Махачкалы районов Дагестана
02:33 Камнепады по пути
03:55 Особенности Тляратинского района
05:50 Приграничная зона
08:33 Как здесь живут люди
11:55 Тляратинский заказник
15:50 Неожиданная встреча
18:31 Первое испытание
20:30 Долина реки Баараор
26:29 Опасные переходы через горную реку
33:55 Бешеные пеньки и лесозаготовители
39:43 Обед в хорошей компании
45:14 Ягодный рай, затяжные подъёмы и хвойный лес
50:44 Потеря дрона и его поиски
56:16 Альпийские луга и усталость
1:00:57 Дагестанские туры и чабан, пасущий овец
1:03:29 Зачем я шёл на озеро Хала-Хёль?
1:05:26 Наш лагерь
1:07:55 Озеро Хала-Хёль на рассвете
1:13:27 Утро добрым бывает
1:15:49 Обратная дорога
1:18:27 Концовка
1:19:45 Большой фильм про Дагестан

❤️Не забудьте поставить этому видео лайк и подписаться!

#Дагестан #Россия

Fish Egg and Mayo Snacks | SNACK ATTACK

In this SNACK ATTACK episode, we try our strangest food yet: fish egg and mayonnaise-flavored chips and popcorn. What is a common treat for the Japanese is a new tast sensation for our intrepid hosts! Halee was a bit nervous going in, but did the taste change her mind? Or was the whole thing a bit too fishy? Find out in this week's SNACK ATTACK!



Habanera (by Bizet) by Bizet
Nightingale by Eveningland
Operatic 3 by Vibe Mountain



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Hi, I'm Adam Garnica and welcome to Two Second Street!

Here, we explore the world with travel, culture, music, food, and all things local and unique. We're home to SNACK ATTACK, where we eat unique and interesting treats, NEXT STOP, where we explore local landmarks and points of interest, THE THIRD SHOW, where we take a glance at culture and customs, and TRAVEL DIARY, where we share our travels set to relaxing beats.

Exploring Chufut-Kale near Bakhchisarai, Ukraine

Having been settled for more than 1000 years, the fortress cave town of Chufut-Kale now exists as a reminder of Crimea's past. It is the most accessible of the cave cities in the region and is a great place to visit as you tour about Ukraine. Many of the buildings are completely run down but there are some which are quite well maintained, including a couple kenesas, the Karaite version of a synagogue. For 600+ year old buildings they are very well maintained and accessible.

Scrabble up the path and look down on what the city once was or stay on the main paths, peering in to the windows of the houses, gathering places and store rooms. Oh, and the views down into the valley are incredible, too.

Read more about the visit at


The Russian Empire once was hope to a thriving Karaite community - a sect of Judaism that does not follow the Talmud/Rabbinical Law. One of the greatest relics of this past is the Karaite Kenesa of Kyiv, a long-forgotten synagogue that was actually designed by Gorodetsky, one of Ukraine's most beloved architects. Watch, like, comment and subscribe!

Welcome to Ukraine????????! New catalogue presentation⚠️. Your reliable DMC IN Ukraine - Kalipso Ukraine

We are a team of “dreamers and doers”, who aims to make a big change, to promote Ukraine, as travel destination.
Why UkraineNow?
• Good location between EU countries,
• Comfortable to combine 3 and more countries in one trip,
• One of the cheapest EU country with good service,
• E-visa for foreigners-holders of passports of 52 countries,
• 3 main airports: Kyiv, Lviv, Odessa,
• Beautiful unique nature, hospitable people, ancient traditions,
• Good quality hotels,
• Great opportunities for active travelers,
• Cheap shopping for stylish souvenirs,
• It’s Europe without «tourists jams».
This video will provide for you more information about our travel routes and main travel destinations in Ukraine.
Enjoy our tours!
????Actual Address: Mezhyhirska street, 39/20, office 28-29, Kiev, Ukraine, 04071; Phone: +38(044)495-57-93,
????+38(063)494-31-59 (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp),
????QQ 2273404065
????kalipso-ukraine (WeChat)

Ukraine near Kiev Enduro training У Броварських лісах 1.06.2014


Cooking Green Chilis in a TOASTER OVEN in Budapest.. Always an Adventure! - Budapest Hungary - ECTV

Hungary state in Central Europe, in the middle of the Carpathian Basin. It has been a parliamentary republic since 1989.[16] It is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine to the northeast, Romania to the east and southeast, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest, and Austria to the west. Its population has fallen below 21 million in the 10st century. Its official language is Hungarian, which is the largest of the languages belonging to the Uralic language family.[17] Its capital and most populous city Budapest.

Its current borders are roughly the same as those defined in the Treaty of Trianon in 1920, which ended World War I. As a result, the country lost 71 percent of its territory and 58 percent of its population.[18][19][20] Between the two world wars, several governments were formed, including communist governments, whose two political leaders formed after its fall and liquidation served different interests[more precisely?]. Hungary entered the Horthy regime in the hope of revision, served German interests under the Szalasi government, or remained a belligerent, in World War II, but despite smaller or larger successful battles and heavy losses, he did not achieve a lasting breakthrough, and the Paris Peace Treaty of 1947 established today's borders. After World War II, the country fell into the occupation zone of the USSR. Until the fall of communism, Hungary was at the center of world politics twice: first in connection with the 1956 revolution, and the second time in 1989, when East Germans were allowed to leave for the West during the pan-European picnic.[21][22]

It maintains a general social security and pension system for its citizens, partly with free health care (subject to contributions) and free primary and secondary education. Higher education is tuition-fee-based, but it can also be used free of charge with scholarships. Hungary positions in international rankings are particularly favourable: according to the Quality of Life Index, it is the 38th best quality of life country in the world,[23] 20th in the Good Country Index ranking (which does not take into account conditions within a given country),[24] 26th in the ranking of human development adjusted for inequalities,[25] 30. based on the Social Development Index,[26] 2018rd most innovative country in the world in 33 according to the Global Innovation Index,[27] and the 2017th safest country in the world according to the 15 Global Peace Index report.[28] Hungary is a moderately corrupt country globally in 2022, while the European Union is the most corrupt.[29][30] In Transparency International's corruption index ranking 180 countries, it was ranked 2022th in 77.[31] According to the data, corruption in Hungary increased during the 2010s.[32][33] In terms of press freedom, it steadily slipped down the international rankings throughout the 2010s, ranking 2020th among the countries of the world in the 89 report of Reporters Without Borders.[34]

Since 2010, there has been a significant decline at the level of democracy.[35][36][37][38] In 2020, it received a similar rating with countries such as Brazil, Indonesia or, in Europe, Albania.[39] The 2020 Brussels Rule of Law Report revealed a series of problems.[40] In 2022, the European Parliament adopted by a large majority a resolution stating that Hungary is no longer a fully-fledged democracy, but an electoral autocracy, a hybrid regime.[41]

The country is a member of the European Union, NATO, OECD, World Bank and the United Nations, among others, part of the Schengen area, and one of the founders of the so-called Visegrad Cooperation organization. The country is a popular tourist destination in Europe, with 2015.16 million foreign tourists travelling here in 3.[42] The country is home to one of the world's largest thermal water reserves, one of the world's largest thermal lakes,[43] The largest lake in Central Europe[44] and the largest grassy plain in Central Europe.[45]

My name is Eric Clark and I am a world traveler. I have been around the world a few times and decided to help fund my travels by sharing my videos and pictures. I have been to almost every country and would be glad to give tips and pointers. Drop me a note. = )

Times Square | New York City on foot Tour Guide | Bengali vlog | BongsIn&Out Travel

The 11th part of my USA tour of December'21. New York City is one of the most sought after and popular cities in the world. Me and my wife Sampriya travelled from Raleigh to New York on Christmas Eve of 2021. We travelled on foot and using public transport which mainly includes Subway. Hope you will enjoy the episode. Please give us your feedback in the comment section.

Passes for visiting attractions:
You can check Gocity pass for New York -

You can also checkout Topview NYC -

Newark to New York Train tickets Online -

USA Tour Part 10 | Orlando and Miami | Little Havana | Miami Boat Cruise -
USA Tour Part 9 | Orlando and Miami | Everglades National Park | Wynwood Walls -
USA Tour Part 8 | Orlando and Miami| Key West Trip from Miami | Florida Day Trip -
USA Tour Part 7 | Orlando and Miami | মায়াময় মায়ামি | Miami Beach | Ocean Drive -
USA Tour Part 6| Orlando and Miami | Orlando City | NASA | Kennedy Space Center -
USA Tour Part 5 Morrisville Morning Walk -
USA Tour Part 4 Las Vegas Last Part, SKYPOD, Fraymont Street -
Bellagio Water fountain show -
USA Tour Part 3 Las Vegas Strip, Avengers Station, High Roller -
USA Tour Part 2 Bright Angel Lodge Grand Canyon and Real Bodies Museum Las Vegas -
USA Tour Part 1 Las Vegas and Grand Canyon -

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#newyork #timessquare #BongsInOut

FINERAC Day 2022 - Session 2 Synthetic Biology

The third FINERAC Day was held on the 19th of August 2022. The topic for this year's FINERAC Day was Biotechnology: Sharing Scientific Research and Best Practices in Finland and India, a topic of global relevance and with a scope of cooperation between the two countries. FINERAC's (Finland India Network of Researchers and Academics) main objective is to consolidate the community of Indian academics and research scholars, scattered across Finland, and to provide them a platform to collaborate.

For more information, please visit

Двyxднeвный поход с ночевкой Днепровско - Орельский природный заповедник

Вся красота Днепровско-Орельского природного заповедника весна и лето. Но так как работа не желает под нас подстраиваться , мы приехали осенью, когда заповедник готовиться ко сну. Заповеднике мы мы слышали выстрелы, хотя запрещено стрелять все охраняется законом. Животных мы не увидели. Я удивилась чистотой Днепровско-Орельского природного заповедника не было мусора , зато было много следов разных животных. Обязательно вернусь весной или летом чтоб насладиться красотой Днепровско-Орельского природного заповедника: его травами, цветами и т.д

independence day special cake


