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10 Best place to visit in Calamonte Spain


BEST SITES to see in Merida, Spain.

In this video, we will show you the BEST things to do in MERIDA, Spain. We will bring you with us to our favourite sites after spending one week in the beautiful town of Merida. The Temple of Diana, Casa del Mitreo, The National Museum of Roman art, the magnificent Theatre and Amphitheatre and more, all feature in our action-packed eight minutes or so.

James on video edit, Lupe on script.

0:00 - Intro
0:52 - Temple of Diana
1:17 - Roman Forum
1:32 - The Roman Bridge
2:05 - The Alcazaba
3:06 - The Aquaduct of the Miracles
3:44 - Casa Del Mitreo
4:57 - The National Museum of Roman Art
5:53 - Castle of Alange
7:18 - Theatre and Amphitheatre

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Discover Mérida, a World Heritage Site - Spain

Tour the many Roman ruins of Mérida in Extremadura, and be amazed by the uniqueness of this UNESCO Heritage O fHumanity city. Are you coming?

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A Day in Mérida Spain

Today we are visiting Mérida, Spain. We will take you to see a few of the beautifully restored Roman Ruins and tell you of the history behind the ruins that remain there for our enjoyment! Today we have Richard, Carmen's father to share with us what he has researched regarding the history behind what we will see. This is a destination that we recommend you add to your Bucket List of adventures!

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Uno dei posti più belli del mondo Cala Goloritzè Sardegna 4k


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Mare e monti s’incontrano armoniosamente in una perla del Mediterraneo, nella costa orientale Sardegna, raggiungibile con un trekking nel Supramonte di Baunei
Un dipinto nato da un sogno fantastico. In corrispondenza di capo di Monte Santo, dieci miglia a nord del porto di Santa Maria Navarrese, l’aspro e roccioso litorale, sin lì a strapiombo sul mare da altezze vertiginose – come a Perda Longa –, arretra dolcemente verso l’interno, in una scenografica insenatura, lasciando spazio a una miriade di sassolini bianchi levigati. Il fondale è di una trasparenza surreale, le acque turchesi sgorgano da sorgenti carsiche sottomarine, rocce marmoree modellate dal tempo affiorano dal mare: un arco naturale e la celebre guglia di Monte Caroddi, a forma di piramide. Dall’alto dei suoi 143 metri svetta su un luogo immancabile nella tua visita nell’Isola, spesso identificato come suo simbolo. Attorno imponenti falesie alte 500 metri ricoperte da macchia mediterranea che profuma l’aria. Alle spalle, una foresta di lecci e corbezzoli. L’incontaminata e selvaggia Cala Goloritzé, testimonial di Baunei, è uno dei tratti costieri del golfo di Orosei dove mare e montagna si incontrano in perfetta armonia.

Monumento nazionale ‘protetto’ dal 1995, è la spiaggia più fotografata dell’Ogliastra, stabilmente inserita dagli utenti di TripAdvisor nella top ten delle spiagge più belle d’Italia. Lo spettacolare arenile, composto da infiniti sassolini bianchi, si è formato nel 1962, in seguito a una frana staccatasi dalla parete di arenaria. Duecento metri a nord della spiaggia principale troverai la piccola ‘spiaggia delle sorgenti’, che deriva il nome da acque sorgive che sgorgano in mezzo agli scogli. A sud la baia è delimitata da una parete rocciosa nella quale l’azione erosiva del mare ha scavato uno arco di pietra che si tuffa in mare. L’incantevole scenario è sorvegliato dalla ‘padrona di casa’, la grandiosa guglia, detta ‘aguglia a tramontana’, sperone calcareo ambito dai climber di tutto il mondo: presenta varie ‘vie’ di arrampicata, la più famosa è la ‘sinfonia dei mulini a vento’, aperta da Maurizio Zanolla ‘Manolo’ e Alessandro Gogna. Grazie all’eco della conquista della vetta da parte dei due famosi alpinisti (1981), la spiaggia divenne da subito meta di appassionati di free climbing, oltre a essere habitat di nidificazione del falco della regina. Non solo climber, Cala Goloritzé è anche patria del trekking. Puoi arrivarci a piedi via terra partendo dal parcheggio di su Porteddu, sull’altopiano di Golgo, e si snoda per tre chilometri e mezzo nel Supramonte di Baunei con un dislivello di 470 metri: circa un’ora di discesa e un’ora e mezza di salita al rientro, alla portata di tutti. La lunga camminata in mezzo a una ‘giungla’ mediterranea sarà ripagata ampiamente: termina in un’oasi incontaminata, una delle spiagge più belle del Mediterraneo. Via mare, l’accesso è molto più agevole: potrai usufruire di servizi di charter (in gruppi) e di noleggio gommoni dai porti di Arbatax, Cala Gonone e Santa Maria Navarrese. Ma con precise limitazioni: è vietato ormeggiare a meno di 300 metri dalla riva. Troverai le boe di delimitazione all’accesso, poi, non resta che nuotare o avvicinarsi a remi.

A nord di Goloritzè altra ‘perla’ del Mediterraneo, nonché tappa d’obbligo è Cala Mariolu, caratterizzata da sassolini simili a confetti, misti alla sabbia. Suo naturale proseguimento è Cala dei Gabbiani. Ancora più a nord troverai Cala Biriola, che si dischiude alla fine di un bosco di lecci secolari, ginepri abbarbicati sulla roccia e macchia mediterranea. Il sentiero per arrivarci corre lungo la falesia regalando scorci da brivido. Se scegli barca o gommone, poco prima di arrivarci immergiti nelle piscine di Venere. Oltre c’è Cala Sisine, paradiso incontaminato alla fine di un canalone, un tempo letto di fiume. Accanto, la grotta del Miracolo, un prodigio della natura formato da colonne calcaree, stalattiti e stalagmiti dalle forme più sorprendenti, vaschette e pavimenti lucidi. A metà tra i territori di Baunei e di Dorgali, ecco Cala Luna, altro simbolo della Sardegna, scenario del film ‘Travolti da un insolito destino’. A tre chilometri si aprono le grotte del Bue marino, un tempo habitat della foca monaca. Nel percorso ‘turistico’ ammirerai laghetti, spiagge sabbiose e sale costellate di concrezioni.

Roman Amphitheater Merida, Spain

Roman Amphitheater in Merida, Spain
Points of Interest
- It is located in one of Spain’s most preserved Roman cities in Lusitania. It is also part of the archaeological site of Merida, which is the largest and most important in Spain, and next to the Roman theater.

- It was built into the slope of the hill to assist with the construction and support of the structure. The amphitheater was inaugurated in 8 B.C. It has been estimated that it had a capacity of approximately 15,000 person. In the sixteenth century, when only the upper rows of the stands were visible, people believed that the building was in fact a naumachia, but this misunderstanding was expelled after excavation had started in 1919.

The Pit
- Amphitheaters generally have a pit in the center and below ground that was used to hold items required for the days games, including animals and weapons. Roman amphitheaters had the pit covered by wood, which was then covered by sand so the games could take place above. During excavations it was unclear as to how the pit functioned due to the fact that support columns were not located. An example of support columns is the amphitheater in Italica and I encourage you to watch our video if you haven’t already.

- You’ll notice in the distance a red section in the lower stands. Looking closer, we see that there is a partial inscription which held the First Roman Emperor Agustus’ full title. The only whole section of his title is the “Pontif. Max”, which means pontifex maximus. This title means he was the chief priest of Roman state religion.

Disclaimer: This video is intended for educational and general informational purposes only. It is not considered a substitute for professional advice. Any action, or inaction, taken by you based on the information contained in this video is at your own risk.

Ruta Calamonte 2014 MTB

Calamonte 2014

Roman Theater Merida, Spain | The Seven Chairs | House of the Theater | Basilica House

The Roman theater in Merida, Spain is part of the archaeological site of Merida, which is the largest and most important in Spain. It was built under Marcus Agrippa, who was second in command to the first Roman Emperor. Is the home to the “Seven Chairs” folklore. There is a sculpture of Margarita Xirgu in a plaza named after the famous actress. It also has a home on the archaeological site.

The Seven Chairs
The “Seven Chairs” folklore came about after the theater had been abandoned and covered to the point that the only visible portions were the top sections. This is the umma cavea section of the theater.
You can see here those top sections have not been reconstructed.
They were seven sections that protruded above ground and resembled giant chairs.
The story is that these 7 chairs were where the 7 Moorish Kings sat to deliberate the fate of the city.

The theater was erected by Marcus Agripa in 24 B.C. and completed in 18 A.D.
It is located in the North West corner of the city and highest elevation of the city.
Due to the fact that it was built into a natural hillside spectators were protected from the North and Western winds, which were the most frequent and bothersome in the region.
It’s been calculated that approximately 6,000 spectators could sit in the theater.
The theater is part of the largest and most important Roman archaeological site in Spain.
The city has many well preserved Roman sites, including the amphitheater and circus.
The Plaza Margarita Xirgu has a sculpture of Margarita Xirgu, a famous Spanish actress from the early 1900’s.
A famous Spanish film star and stage director who was good friends with Federico García Lorca.
Was exiled from Spain during Francisco Franco’s dictatorship due to her left leaning political views.

Stage front
The current stage front was built during the time of Emperor Trajan in the early 2nd century A.D.

They are the goddess Ceres, Pluto, Proserpina and other characters with togas and armor.
These are not original sculptures, but are here for us to get a sense of how it would have looked.

House of the Theater or the Basilica House
Looking from the back of the amphitheater you can see parts of a home to the West end, or right, with columns which used to surround the courtyard.
This home was built after the theater was abandoned and it is believed to have been in the 2nd century A.D.
It is believed that this house could also have been an early Christian church.
You can walk around and even look inside. As you can see here they had mosaics with geometric designs on the floors, as well as frescoes on the walls. Here we have what is believed to have been servants.

Gardens & Portico
The gardens and portico were used as a recreation area with latrines located behind them.
Within the portico there was a small room dedicated to the Imperial cult. A portrait of the First Roman Emperor Augustus, who had been posteriorly made a God, was found here.

Disclaimer: This video is intended for educational and general informational purposes only. It is not considered a substitute for professional advice or further research. Any action, or inaction, taken by you based on the information contained in this video is at your own risk.

Mérida (Turismo en Extremadura) / Extremadura (Spain) Tourism [IGEO.TV]

Mérida es hoy, ante todo, una ciudad administrativa que acoge en su seno los vestigios de un complejo entramado de ciudades que se han superpuesto sucesivamente desde la fundación de la Colonia Augusta Emerita en el año 25 antes de Cristo. Ha habido momentos, especialmente desde los siglos IV al VI, en los que fue Mérida la cabeza desde la que se pensó una nueva Hispania, sustancialmente cristiana pero que no renunciaba a su glorioso pasado pagano. La difícil síntesis encontró acomodo bajo la monarquía visigoda, concretamente bajo el patronazgo del arzobispado emeritense, el más importante de la antigüedad tardía y los comienzos de la Edad Media en la Península, ya que dependían de él doce obispados. Después, el nuevo emirato, para sobrevivir, hubo de apoyarse en grandes ciudades ya existentes, como Córdoba o la propia Mérida. Luego, el califato, redujo la influencia de la ciudad en favor de otra nueva, creada por los propios emeritenses: Batalhús, la actual Badajoz.

Merida was founded in 25 BC, with the name of Emerita Augusta by order of Emperor Augustus, to protect a pass and a bridge over the Guadiana river. The city became the capital of Lusitania province, and one of the most important cities in the Roman empire. Mérida preserves more important ancient Roman monuments than any other city in Spain, including a triumphal arch of the age of Trajan.
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, during the Visigothic period, the city maintained much of its splendor, especially under the 6th-century domination of the bishops, when it was the capital of Hispania. In 713 it was conquered by the Muslim army under Musa bin Nusair, and became the capital of the cora of Mérida; the Arabs re-used most of the old Roman buildings and expanded some, such as the Alcazaba.
The city returned to Christian rule in 1230, when it was conquered by Alfonso IX of León, and subsequently became the seat of the priory of San Marcos de León of the Order of Santiago.

Ver Vídeo Vías romanas: Vía de la Plata. Antigua calzada romana y ciudades de paso:

Bajondillo Apartments, Torremolinos 2023

Apartamentos Bajondillo in Torremolinos, March 2023

Merida, Spain - la ciudad de Merida, España

The city of Merida, Spain, is mainly known for its roman monuments. However, it is an interesting town in its own, with a animated Plaza Mayor, an old arab fortress (alcazaba) and a roman bridge crossing the wide Guadiana river. It has also a beutiful parador located in an old conventy from the 17th century. Other interesting sites in the city are the Arch of August, the Temple of Diana (re-used to built a palace in the 16th century) and the Chucrh of Santa Eulalia, with an accesible crypt.


la ciudad de Merida es famosa sobre todo por sus monumentos romanos. No obstante, tiene interés por si misma, con su animada Plaza Mayor, la lacazaba arabe y el puente romano sobre el rio Guadian. Tiene también un parador situado en un antiguo convento del siglo XVII.
Otros monumentos importantes son el arco de Augusto, el templo de Diana (reusado para construir un palacio en el siglo XVI y la iglesia de Santa Eulalia, con una cripta visitable.

The Roman Ruins of Merida, Spain

I saw more Roman Ruins in Spain, than I have even seen in Italy. This is a video of the Roman Theatre and Amphitheater and Temple of Diana.

Spanish famous street food in Malaga. Chrros Con Chocolate. Casa Aranda

Best churros in the city, highly recommended! The place is traditional, typical spanish, very popular among local Thanks for Watching my short video #alhambra #andalucia #bangla #bangladesh #europe #madrid #viral ##europe #europetour #europetravel #madrid #barcelona #london #italy #viral #viralvideo

SPAIN: VALENCIA. A walk in the park

Valencia has a very nice and beautiful park. We took a walk to see how people have their time in it.

Enjoy the video!

Music: Luke Bergs, LiQWYD, Hotham, INOSSI and Tokyo Music Walker.

Merida, Spain: Museum of Roman Art - Museo de Arte Romano, Merida, España

The National Museum of Roman Art (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano) was opened in 1986 to hold the archeological artifacts found in the excavations in the city of Merida. The building is an impressive design by Rafael Moneo.. The collections includes sculptures, mopsaics and daily life objects.
El Museo nacional de Arte Romano se inaguró en 1986 pàra labergar los halazagos arqueológicos encontardos en
las excavaciones d ela ciudad de Merida. El edificio es un diseño de Rafael Moneo. Las colecciones incluyen esculturas, mosaicos y objetos d ela vida diaria.

Mérida (Extremadura) en 4k Ultra HD | Visita turística

Visitamos la ciudad de Mérida ;como parte de nuestra ruta de dos semanas por la Península Ibérica , en esta ocasión visitamos la ciudad de Mérida en un día, aunque nos alojamos tres noches en el hotel pues teníamos previsto visitar Cáceres y Trujillo los otros dos días, tiempo suficiente para recorrer todo el centro histórico y los principales monumentos, aunque si se dispone de más tiempo se pueden visitar algunas termas y embalses en los alrededores.
La ciudad de Mérida fue fundada en el año 25 a.C. por orden del emperador Octavio Augusto, poniéndole el nombre de Emérita Augusta , siendo en su momento una de las colonias romanas más importantes de toda Hispania, ejerciendo de capital de la provincia de Lusitania , por ello fue equipada con todos los servicios de una gran ciudad, teatro, anfiteatro, circo, etc., en el siglo en el siglo VI fue la capital del reino Urbs Regia , pasando, en el año 713, a manos musulmanas siendo capital de la demarcación de Cora de Mérida en el al-Ándalus , en el año 1230 fue reconquistada por Alfonso IX. Llegando ya, para no alargarme en el relato, a finales del siglo XX que fue designada capital de la comunidad autónoma de Extremadura. En la Ciudad de Mérida, gracias a su grandioso e importante pasado, podemos encontrarnos con los restos de la ciudad antigua en muy buen estado de conservación, como el teatro romano en el que todavía se representan obras y el puente romano sobre el río Guadiana de casi 800 metros de longitud en pleno funcionamiento, que llega a los pies de la magnífica Alcazaba.

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Filmaciones realizadas con las cámaras Sony AX53 y GoPro Hero 10
© Todos los contenidos de video han sido filmados, editados y con los derechos de autor de El Mundo de George.

Mérida - Espanha

Mérida - Espanha em 4k

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Hotel Morell en Morell (Tarragona)

Hotel Morell en Morell (Tarragona)

¡Reserva ya! Book now!

Hotel Morell se encuentra en Morell (Tarragona). Ofrece 21 habitaciones equipadas con baño, Wifi gratuito, TV, aire acondicionado y balcón. Además, podrá probar la cocina típica catalana en el restaurante rústico del alojamiento. Se encuentra a tan sólo diez minutos en coche de aeropuerto de Reus, a 20 minutos de PortAventura y a 10 minutos de Tarragona.

Algunos servicios que ofrece el alojamiento:
-Servicio de bar y cafetería.
-Wifi gratuito.
-Cama supletoria.

Sobre Tarragona:

Situada al sur de Cataluña y capital de la provincia del mismo nombre, Tarragona cuenta con una gran historia que viene desde tiempos de los romanos cuando fue capital de provincia romana.Debido a la larga historia que ha disfrutado la ciudad, Tarragona nos ofrece un amplio abanico cultural en forma de conjuntos arqueológicos, como las ruinas de Tarraco; monumentos, como la catedral; y de barrios, como el casco antiguo. Este último, rodeado por la muralla y conocido como Part Alta, es una de las zonas más visitadas debido a su ambiente de ocio y comida.La gastronomía tarraconense es conocida por sus pescados, con denominación de origen incluida, entre los que destaca la espineta amb cargolins; hecha de espineta, atún, caracoles y verduritas. También son muy típicas las ilesqueries, bares de tapas repartidos por la ciudad.Una idea: visita la playa Waikiki, alejada de la ciudad y rodeada de pino mediterráneo, pero de una belleza extraordinaria.

About Hotel Morell:

Hotel Morell is located in Morell (Tarragona). The hotel comprises a total of 21 rooms, equipped with bathroom, free Wifi, TV, air conditioning and balcony. You can also taste the traditional Catalonian food at the rustic restaurant of the hotel. Hotel Morell is located just 10 minutes by car from the Reus Qirport, 20 minutes from PortAventua and 10 minutes from Tarragona.

About Tarragona:

It is located south of Cataluña. Tarragona is the capital of the province with the same name and has a large history since Roman times when it was the capital of a roman province.Because of its large history, Tarragona offers us an archeological complex with multiple cultural options, such as the ruins of Tarraco, monuments such as the Cathedral and districts like the historical centre which is known as Part Alta, one of the most visited areas of the city due to its leisure and gastronomic atmosphere.The gastronomy of Tarragona is popular because of its dishes, using fish, with guarantee of origin such as amb cargolins, cooked with tuna, snails and vegetables. It is also typical the ilesqueries, that is to say, common tapas bars spread over the city.A suggestions: visit Waikiki beach, far away from the noise of the city and surrounded by Mediterranean pines. It is a place of unequalled beauty.

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O que fazer em Mérida: Tesouros Romanos e Cultura Histórica

Olá Galera! Arthurito aqui falando!
Se você ainda não me segue no Instagram, segue lá: @arthurito_studios

Hoje, vamos fazer uma incrível visita à cidade de Mérida! Localizada no sul da Espanha, é a capital da comunidade autônoma de Extremadura. Com cerca de 62.500 habitantes, Mérida é uma das cidades mais culturais e históricas do país, conhecida por seus incríveis tesouros romanos em excelente estado de conservação.

Durante nossa visita, vou mostrar a vocês o que fazer, as principais atrações e os preços para aproveitar ao máximo essa cidade rica em história. Começaremos explorando o Anfiteatro e o Teatro Romano, construídos antes mesmo de Cristo! Essas estruturas impressionantes nos transportam de volta aos tempos do Império Romano.

Em seguida, apresentarei outros edifícios fascinantes, como a Casa do Anfiteatro, o Foro Romano, o Teatro de Diana e a Alcazaba. Cada um desses locais possui uma história única para contar e nos permite vivenciar o esplendor da civilização romana.

Se você adora conhecer cidades diferentes e explorar sua cultura histórica, deixe suas sugestões de vídeos sobre o tema nos comentários. E não se esqueça de curtir, se inscrever e compartilhar este vídeo para que mais pessoas possam desfrutar dessa incrível jornada por Mérida!

Prepare-se para se maravilhar com os tesouros romanos e a cultura histórica de Mérida. Vamos turistar juntos!

Atrações de Mérida na Espanha | GoEuropa

Mérida foi fundada pelo imperador Augusto em 25 aC, chamada de Augusta Emerita, ela cresceu como uma grande potência econômica e cultural da região. E foi uma cidade importante não só para os romanos, mas também para os visigodos e mouros que vieram mais tarde. Esses e outros momentos do passado fizeram essa cidade se tornar uma grande atração para os viajantes. Hoje é uma cidade pequena, mas cheia de heranças consideradas patrimônios mundiais pela UNESCO.

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GUÍA COMPLETA ▶ Qué ver en la CIUDAD de MÉRIDA (ESPAÑA) ???????? ???? Turismo y viajes a EXTREMADURA

Guía de viaje o guía de turismo completa de la ciudad de MÉRIDA. con todos los puntos y lugares más interesantes.
Descubre qué ver y qué hacer con los puntos de mayor interés de la ciudad.
Espero que el vídeo os pueda servir de ayuda si planeáis hacer turismo por la ciudad de MÉRIDA.

En el año 25 aC el emperador Octavio augusto ordenó fundar la colonia Augusta emerita, en la que se asentaron los militares veteranos, o también llamados eméritos, de las legiones V y X tras las victorias frente a los cántabros en el norte de la península. Posteriormente Mérida fue poblada por visigodos, árabes y cristianos, y todos contribuyeron al rico patrimonio cultural de la ciudad que en 1993 fue declarado patrimonio de la humanidad por la UNESCO. Además, Mérida es la única ciudad de España que ostenta la denominación de Conjunto Histórico Arqueológico.

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