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10 Best place to visit in Bujalance Spain


Cordoba - Andalucia EuroTrip

EuroTrip to Andalucia Southern Spain

Guadalquivir River, Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain, Europe

The Guadalquivir is the fifth longest river in the Iberian peninsula and the second longest river with its entire length in Spain. The Guadalquivir is 657 kilometers long and drains an area of about 58,000 square kilometers. It begins at Cañada de las Fuentes (village of Quesada) in the Cazorla mountain range (Jaén), passes through Córdoba and Seville and ends at the fishing village of Bonanza, in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, flowing into the Gulf of Cádiz, in the Atlantic Ocean. The marshy lowlands at the river's end are known as Las Marismas. It borders Doñana National Park reserve. The Guadalquivir river is the only great navigable river in Spain. Currently it is navigable to Seville, but in Roman times it was navigable to Córdoba. The ancient city of Tartessos was said to have been located at the mouth of the Guadalquivir, although its site has not yet been found. The Phoenicians established the first anchorage grounds and dealt in precious metals. The Romans settled in Hispalis (Seville), in the 2nd century BC, making it into an important river port. By the 1st century BC Hipalis was a walled city with shipyards building longboats to carry wheat. In the 1st century AD the Hispalis was home to entire naval squadrons. Ships sailed to Rome with various products: minerals, salt, fish, etc. During Arab rule between 712 to 1248, the Moors left a stone dock and the Torre del Oro (Tower of Gold), to reinforce the port defences. In the 13th century, Ferdinand III expanded the shipyards and from Seville's busy port, grain, oil, wine, wool, leather, cheese, honey, wax, nuts and dried fruit, salted fish, metal, silk, linen and dye were exported throughout Europe. After the discovery of the Americas, Seville became the economic centre of the Spanish Empire as its port monopolised the trans-oceanic trade and the Casa de Contratación (House of Trade) wielded its power. As navigation of the Guadalquivir River became increasingly difficult Seville's trade monopoly was transferred to Cádiz.The construction of the artificial canal known as the Corta de Merlina in 1794 marked the beginning of the modernisation of the port of Seville. In late November 2010 the new Seville lock began to function as a regulator of the tides to finish five years of work (2005-2010). The Guadalquivir River Basin occupies an area of 63,085 km2 and has a long history of severe flooding. During the winter of 2010 heavy rainfall caused severe flooding in rural and agricultural areas in the provinces of Seville, Cordoba and Jaen in the Andalusia region. The accumulated rainfall in the month of February was above 250 liters per m2, double the precipitation for Spain for that month. In March 2010 several tributaries of the Guadalquivir flooded, causing over 1,500 people to flee their homes as a result of increased flow of the Guadalquivir River, which on 6 March 2010 reached a volume of 2000 m3/s in Cordoba and 2700 m3/s in Seville. This was below that recorded in Seville in the flood of 1963 when a volume of 6000 m3/s. was reached. During August 2010 when flooding occurred in Jaen, Cordoba and Seville three people died in Cordoba as a result. A reconstructed waterwheel is located at Cordoba on the Guadalquivir River. The Molino de la Albolafia waterwheel originally built by the Romans provided water for the nearby Alcazar gardens as well as being used to mill flour. The Alcazar was the castle and royal residence of Cordoba, inhabited by the caliphs in Islamic times, and later by the Spanish royalty. The Doñana disaster, also known as the Aznalcollar Disaster or Guadiamar Disaster was an industrial accident in Andalusia. In April 1998 a holding dam burst at the Los Frailes mine, near Aznalcóllar, Seville Province, releasing 4–5 million cubic metres of mine tailings. The Doñana National Park was also impacted by this event. Of the numerous bridges spanning the Guadalquivir, one of the oldest is the Roman Bridge in Cordoba. Significant bridges at Seville include the Puente del Alamillo (1992), Puente de Isabel II or Puente de Triana (1852), and Puente del V Centenario (1972). The El Tranco de Beas Dam at the head of the river was built between 1929 and 1944 as a hydroelectricity project of the Franco regime. Doña Aldonza Dam is located in the Guadalquivir riverbed, in the Andalusian municipalities of Ubeda, Peal de Becerro and Torreperogil in the province of Jaen. The Port of Seville is the primary port on the Guadalquivir River. The Port Authority of Seville is responsible for developing, managing, operating, and marketing the Port of Seville. The entrance to the Port of Seville is protected by a lock that regulates the water level, making the port free of tidal influences. The Port of Seville contains over 2.7 thousand meters of berths for public use and 1.1 thousand meters of private berths.

GUÍA COMPLETA ▶ Qué ver en la PROVINCIA de CÓRDOBA (ESPAÑA) ???????? ????Turismo y viajes a Andalucía

Guía de viaje con los puntos y lugares más interesantes de la Provincia de CÓRDOBA. Descubre qué ver y qué hacer con los puntos de mayor interés de la región. Espero que el vídeo os pueda servir de ayuda si planeáis un viaje a esta belleza de provincia.

Que la ciudad de Córdoba es una de las ciudades más bellas de España y del mundo pocos lo dudan, al igual que pocos son los viajeros que se animan a explorar una provincia que tiene mucho que ofrecer. En dicha Córdoba, al abrigo de Sierra Morena y bañada por el río Guadalquivir, hay dehesas, viñedos y olivares infinitos que han sido cultivados por cristianos, judíos y árabes durante siglos dando un resultado único. La provincia de Córdoba cuenta con una concentración de hermosos municipios, de un lustroso blanco encalado salpicado por macetas de colores, como pocas otras zonas de España. Además de su fascinante capital, los bellos pueblos repartidos por la provincia son la mayor atracción por dicha tierra. Muchos siglos de dominio árabe han dejado su huella en forma de un rico, diverso y singular patrimonio. ¿No conoces la provincia de Córdoba? Pues acompáñame en esta guía para descubrir a esta joya andaluza.

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Cámara: Antonio J. Gómez Malagón - UAS Aerosistemas. #GOMAL_PMA, #bujalance_noticias, #NETALGU_TV, #uas_aerosistemas, #exhibiciónecuestrebujalance, #caballosbujalance

Tiny Tour | Sevilla Spain | Visit the Historic Center around Sevilla Cathedral | 2021 Oct

Sevilla is the capital and largest city of the Spanish autonomous community of Andalusia and the province of Seville. It is situated on the lower reaches of the River Guadalquivir, in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula.

Seville is approximately 2,200 years old. The passage of the various civilizations instrumental in its growth has left the city with a distinct personality, and a large and well-preserved historical centre.

Its old town, with 3.9 km², is the largest in Spain and the sixth largest in Europe after those of Rome, Naples, Venice, Florence and Genoa. Its historical and monumental heritage and its various scenic and cultural spaces make it a host city for national and international tourism.

To know more about Sevilla:

Devices used:
Camera: Fujifilm X-T3,
Lens: Fujinon XF 10-24mm F4, XF 50-140mm F2.8, XF 18-55mm F2.8-4,

Tiny Tour | Montoro Spain | Driving in one of the most beautiful towns in Cordoba | 2021 Oct

Montoro is a municipality and town in the province of Córdoba, in the autonomous community of Andalusia. The municipal term has a population of 9293 inhabitants. The town is located around a meander of the Guadalquivir River.

It is located 45 kilometers from the provincial capital. Its economic base is the cultivation of olive groves , with several oil mills that produce a high quality oil . These olive groves occupy more than 80% of the agricultural area of the municipality, which in turn represents 40% of its total area.

To know more about Montoro:

Devices used:
Camera: Fujifilm X-T3,
Lens: Fujinon XF 10-24mm F4,

Córdoba - Andalucía - Spain

Córdoba - Andalucía - Spain

II Viaje a Sevilla Cuaresma 2013 Gran Poder Bujalance

II viaje a Sevilla organizado por la Hermandad del Gran Poder de Bujalance en la Cuaresma 2013

Viaje Sevilla trip to Sevilla Voyage اسبانيا اشبيلية

Voyage a #seville Viaje a #sevilla #andalucia #España , trip to #Spain
Giralda, Plaza España, Torre del Oro, Triana

Adamuz, Córdoba

Adamuz is a Spanish municipality located in the province of Cordoba, about 32 km from the capital, between Sierra Morena and Guadalquivir, in the autonomous community of Andalucia.


Detalles de una noche mágica y flamenca en el Castillo Alcazaba de Bujalance (Córdoba-Spain)

Tarifa, Costa de la Luz, Andalucia, Spain

Tarifia is Europe's most southerly point, where the Atlantic meets the Mediterranean, the wind in Tarifa has made this city one of Europe's premier kitesurfing and windsurfing destination.

There are 10 km of white unspoilt sandy beaches with clear blue waters that glisten even more on a clear sunny day.

The town has a moorish flavour and after dark, the streets inside its medieval walls come alive with a mix of dimly-lit bars, cushion-strewn cafes, aromatic restaurants and art galleries. Wander through the maze of streets and alleys in the old town and enjoy the laid back bohemian style.

From here Tangier is a mere 35 minutes away by ferry (14km)

Painting Holidays In Grazalema, Andalucia.

Join artist Anna Martin on a painting holiday in the beautiful setting of the sierra of Grazalema a national park and one of the greenest areas of Andalucia. You will enjoy regional cuisine and great hospitality as you unleash your creativity in a variety of panoramic locations.

Video By Anna Martin
Music by Kevin Mackeod
As I Figure by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a CC Attribution 3.0.

España. A-4 (E-5). [ Córdoba - Valdepeñas ]

Spain. Motorway A-4 from Córdoba to turn to Valdepeñas. 2012.08. With subtitles.
???? Map of videos «E Spain»:
≡ Playlist «E Spain»:
00:00 ▲ Córdoba
01:29 → A4, Sevilla
01:41 ▲ exit to A4 to Madrid
02:01 ← N-432, Badajoz
05:12 ↔ Villafranca de Córdoba, El Carpio, A-306
05:39 → El Carpio
06:22 → Pedro Abad
07:13 ← Adamuz
07:59 ↔ N-420, Montoro, Bujalance
08:30 ← Huertos Familiares de San Fernando
09:08 → Villa del Río
09:26 → Villa del Río
09:43 → Lopera
10:47 ← San Julián
11:20 ↔ Marmolejo, Arjonilla
12:10 ← Marmolejo
12:43 ← Andújar
12:58 ↔ Andújar, Jaén, A-311
13:17 ← Andújar
14:30 → La Quintería
14:57 → Villanueva de la Reina
16:38 → Bailén
17:28 → E-902, A-44, A-32, Bailén
18:06 ↔ Baños de la Encina, Linares
19:38 → Guarromán
20:04 ← El Altico
20:50 ← Carboneros
21:38 ← La Carolina
21:55 ← La Carolina
22:15 → Navas de Tolosa
23:27 → Santa Elena
23:46 → Santa Elena
24:19 → A-6200, Aldeaquemada
25:07 → Venta de Cárdenas
26:59 ↔ CM-4111, Almuradiel, Castellar de Santiago
27:46 → Peñalajo
28:13 ← Bazán
28:50 → Las Virtudes
29:15 → Santa Cruz de Mudela
29:28 ← CM-4122
29:49 → Santa Cruz de Mudela, Torrenueva
30:47 → CM-3157, Valdepeñas

Aguilar de la Frontera (Cordoba)

Aguilar de la Frontera: a small Andalusia village between olive trees

Córdoba - Andalucía es de cine

Consulta nuestras visitas guiadas y nuestras excursiones a los lugares más bellos e interesantes de Andalucía en nuestra página web:

Este episodio forma parte de Andalucía es de cine, propiedad de RTVA.

Las 11 Catedrales de Andalucia en moto


Imágenes de la salida extraordinaria con motivo del 75 aniversario de la Imagen de Nuestro Padre Jesús en su Entrada en Jerusalén (Pollinica), a su paso por la curva Echegaray-San Agustín
Para esta ocasión, el Señor de la Pollinica fue procesionado en el trono de la Virgen del Traspaso y Soledad de Viñeros al estar el propio en proceso de dorado, además portó en las cuatro esquinas los faroles del trono del Señor de la Salutación.
El trono fue precedido por ciriales de todas las hermandades del Domingo de Ramos de Málaga.
Málaga, 16 de Septiembre de 2018
Acompañamiento Musical:
Agrupación Musical La Pasión. Linares (Jaén)
Cirineo para ti Señor
Imágenes y Edición Digital:
Miguel Damián González Pozo
José Miguel González Ruiz.

Holy Week in Malaga, is an ancient tradition that dates back to the age of the Catholic Monarchs. The city of Malaga is the capital city of the Costa del Sol and is located in Andalusia, the south of Spain, a land that perfectly combines modernity and tradition in the middle of the 21st Century. The most famous of these traditions is, undoubtedly, its well-known Holy Week of Malaga

Holy Week in Malaga, is very different to that celebrated in other Andalusians or Spanish places, and those who go to Malaga for the first time will be surprised, as the Passion Week there is not lived with meditation and silence, but it is full of happiness, noise, cheer, spontaneous saetas (flamenco verses sung at the processions) and applauses as the images pass by.

Some tronos (floats) of Holy Week of Malaga, are so huge that they must be housed in other places different form the churches, as they are taller than the entrance doors; real walking chapels of over 5,000 kilos swung by dozens of bearers. And also military parades playing processional marches or singing their anthems along the route. All this do not imply a lack of religiosity, but it is just the particular way that people from Malaga live their faith and feeling during the Holy Week.

Alcaudete, la experiencia que buscabas

5. Succeeding in Social - European Commission Live Event

This seminar aims to provide a ‘crash course’ in social media. Most businesses are aware of the importance of social media but many struggle to get to grips with even the basics. We will cut through the hot air and provide sound advice on how to effectively decide on and manage social media networks.

Find out about future events here:

For more information about the European Commission please visit:

Video Timings:

00:00 Introduction by Nick Hall

03:30 Interview with Laura Bujalance | Surya Retreats


20:15 Interview with Bruce Martin | Ginger Juice

31:30 Interview with Martin Stoll | Sparkloft Media


51:15 Interview with Mawghan McCabe | Engagor

1:03:18 Interview with Luísa Aguiar | HereWeGo

1:16:27 Viewer Questions & Discussion



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