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10 Best place to visit in Bou Ismaïl Algeria


Top 10 Endroits à Visiter sur la Ville de Tipaza Algérie تيبازة

Top 10 Endroits à Visiter sur la Ville de Tipaza Algérie تيبازة
Tipaza. une ville algérienne, classée au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco. des touristes du monde entier, séduits chaque année par ses magnifiques sites archéologiques, ses plages, son port et ses rues piétonnes. 
- Le Mausolée Royal de Maurétanie 0:40
- les ruines romaines 1:31
- Le musée de Tipaza 2:31
- Le Port de Tipaza 3:08
- La plage Chenoua 4:00
- le village touristique de la corne d'or. 4:55
- Cherchell 5:48
- la plage de la crique Tipaza 6:36
- La plage Gnini de Messalmoune 7:13
- Les Falaises de chenoua 7:53

Top 10 Best Places To Visit In Morocco | Travel Guide

Morocco, located in northern Africa is a land that fuses the styles of Europe and the sub-Sahara. With major landmarks ranging from grand Roman ruins to orange-toned mud-brick kasbah architecture, and from the medinas of Marrakesh to the Atlantic beaches makes it one of north Africa's most interesting destinations. So here’s a look at the best places to visit in Morocco.

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جولة في المركب السياحي السات بتيبازة الأسعار .الحجز كل التفاصيل صيف 2023 Complexe touristique CET

السياحة في الجزائر 2023
صيف 2023
حجز فندق في الجزائر
كراء منازل في الجزائر
اجمل شاطئ في الجزائر شاطئ عائلي في تيبازة
كل ما يخص عن سيحة في الجزائر
#سياحة #سياحة_وسفر #الجزائر #صيف

Instagram : Melissa.creative
Facebook :Melissa creative
ابوني في انستغرام مرحبا بكم

Drone Algerie : Alger, Kabylie et Sahara

Les Blackapacker voyagent toujours avec leur bonne humeur. Ils s rendent dans des destinations en marge du tourisme de masse.

Leurs aventures sur
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مدينة بوهارون Bouharoun


كيفية استعمال الدرون في الجزائر | ما لا يخبرك به الكثير #drone

Watch the video till the end
And see if it’s really forbidden to fly a drone in Algeria like they said ??

Check out my homie Dhya creation page now

And take a look to the last Vlog ;)

Wahran, Tlemcen, Tipaza, Tikjda... du 11 au 19 juin 2023.

Plus que 3 000 km en moto (duo).
Merci à mes amis algériens ????????????
Bob Saf, Lyes Si Lhawas et Yassine japone.

Itinéraire emprunté :


Aïn El Turk
Bou Sfer
Les andalouses
Aïn El Karma
Plage Terga
Beni Saf


Traghnia cascade
Beni Haoua
Hadjret Ennouss


Bou Ismaïl



DIY Destinations (4K) - Morocco Budget Travel Show | Full Episode

Charles and Sarah is on an epic adventure in Morocco on a tight budget, visiting Marrakesh, Merzouga Sahara Desert, Fes, Chefchaouen, Tangier and Casablanca. Featuring best free and must see attractions: El Badii Palace, Bahia Palace, Jemaa El-Fna, AIt Benhaddou, Fes El Bali, Chouara Tannery, Musee Batha, Borj Nord, Akchour Waterfall, Cape Spartel, Hercules Cave, Hassan II Mosque. We also taking a tour of the making of the argan oil and Berber rugs. Also showcase local cuisine in many of the Barber Market such as such as tagine, pastilla, kebabs brochettes, kefta, snail soup, m'smmen pancake. As well as getting around easily by bus and train and inexpensively.

Chinese Subtitle by: Luzhu Kong / University of Newcastle

Cesc Vilà: Everdream, Sun and Stars
Capo Production: Real, Defiance, Peace, Constance, With Me

Music by MBB

Music by Fredji

Music by Markvard

Music by Ikson

Beautiful Sunset, Bou Ismail, Tipaza, Algeria

Discover the Top Places to Visit in Morocco: A Travel Guide

Join us on a captivating journey through Morocco as we explore the top places to visit in this mesmerizing country. From the bustling markets of Marrakesh to the tranquil blue streets of Chefchaouen, Morocco offers a tapestry of culture, history, and natural beauty that will leave you inspired. Don't miss out on your passport to the world's most enchanting places - subscribe to our channel and join us on this Moroccan adventure!

From the bustling markets of Marrakech to the tranquil blue streets of Chefchaouen and the breathtaking Sahara Desert, Morocco offers a tapestry of culture, history, and natural beauty that will leave you awe-inspired.

But before we dive into this Moroccan adventure, make sure to subscribe to Travel Vibes and hit that notification bell to stay updated with our latest travel guides, tips, and mesmerizing destinations.

Don't miss out on your passport to the world's most enchanting places. Let's explore Morocco together!

#1. Casablanca
Casablanca is Morocco's largest city and a vibrant metropolis located on the country's Atlantic coast.

#2. Meknes
Meknes, often referred to as the Versailles of Morocco, is a city with a rich history and cultural significance. Located in northern Morocco, Meknes is renowned for its well-preserved historic quarter, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

#3. Atlas Mountains
The Atlas Mountains are a majestic mountain range that stretches across North Africa, primarily through Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia.

#4. Sahara Desert
The Sahara Desert is the largest hot desert in the world, covering vast stretches of North Africa, including significant portions of Morocco.

#5. Rabat
Rabat, the capital city of Morocco, is a captivating blend of tradition and modernity. Located on the Atlantic coast, Rabat is known for its historical significance, architectural treasures, and cultural diversity.

#6. Oudaias Kasbah
Oudaias Kasbah, also known as the Kasbah of the Udayas or Kasbah des Oudaias, is a historic and picturesque neighborhood in Rabat, the capital of Morocco.

#7. Tangier
Tangier is a vibrant coastal city in northern Morocco, known for its unique blend of cultures, history, and stunning natural beauty.

#8. Aït Ben Haddou
Aït Ben Haddou, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a remarkably fortified village in Morocco, nestled in the foothills of the High Atlas Mountains.

#9. Marrakech
Marrakech is a captivating city in Morocco that seamlessly blends tradition and modernity, offering a vibrant and exotic experience for travelers. Known as the Red City due to the reddish hue of its historic buildings, Marrakech is one of Morocco's most famous destinations.

#10. Fes
Fes, often spelled as Fez, is Morocco's oldest imperial city and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

#11. Chefchaouen
Chefchaouen, often called the Blue Pearl of Morocco, is a picturesque town nestled in the Rif Mountains in the northwest of the country.

#12. Dades Valley
Dades Valley, also known as the Dades Gorge, is a stunning natural wonder located in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco.

#13. Tinghir
Tinghir, a picturesque town in southeastern Morocco, is celebrated for its breathtaking natural beauty and unique cultural experiences. Located at the foothills of the High Atlas Mountains, Tinghir is a gateway to the spectacular Todgha Gorge, one of Morocco's most famous canyons.

#14. Ouarzazate
Ouarzazate, often referred to as the Gateway to the Sahara, is a city in southern Morocco known for its striking desert landscapes and significant role in the film industry. Nestled at the crossroads of the Sahara Desert and the High Atlas Mountains, Ouarzazate offers a captivating blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage.

#15. Essaouira
Essaouira, a coastal gem in Morocco, is a charming and laid-back destination known for its scenic beauty, historic medina, and artistic atmosphere. Situated on the Atlantic coast, this UNESCO World Heritage-listed town offers a relaxed contrast to Morocco's bustling cities.

#16. Merzouga
Merzouga, a small village located in southeastern Morocco, is the gateway to one of the world's most captivating natural wonders: the Sahara Desert.

#17. Tetouan
Tetouan, often called the White Dove, is a historic city in northern Morocco. Nestled between the Rif Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, Tetouan boasts a rich cultural heritage and stunning coastal landscapes.

#18. Taroudant
Taroudant, often referred to as Little Marrakech due to its similarities to the larger city, is a charming town located in the Sous Valley of southern Morocco.

If you found this video as fascinating as we did, don't forget to hit that like button, subscribe to our channel for more exciting travel content, and leave your comments below.

We'd love to hear about your Morocco! experiences or any other travel destinations you'd like us to explore in the future.

السياحة في الجزائر algerie tourisme

بحيرة الضاية تمزقيدة:

هي بحيرة معلقة على جبال تمزقيدة يبلغ علوها 1.000م وعلى بعد 12 كلم شمال شرق المدية وجنوب عين الرمانة, بحيرة الضاية هي عبارة عن موقع طبيعي غاية في الروعة.

إن تاريخ المنطقة يرتبط إلى حد كبير بالقبائل القدامى الذين عمروا إقليم الجزء الشمالي لسلسلة جبال الأطلس.

بحيرة الضاية الواقعة في قمة جبل تمزقيدة، تعطي صورة واضحة للجزء المشالي لسهل متيجة، العفرون وشفة من الناحية الشرقية، مدخل المدية وواد حربيل جنوبا، وجزء من أعالي عين الدفلة غربا، تمتد على مساحة هكتارين محاطة بسلسلة غابية تحتوي على أنواع عديدة من النباتات كأشجار البلوط الأخضر، البلوط الفليني، الاسفندان الريفي، الدردار، الخروب، الصنوبر الحلبي، الزيتون والتوت، هذا التنوع النباتي حوّل المنطقة إلى مكان مفضل لمختلف أصناف الطيور مثل: اللقلق الأبيض، الكروان، البجع، طيور الكركي، البوم، الصقر، بالإضافة إلى العديد من أصناف الثدييات كالقرد ماغو، الأرانب، الثعلب، الحرباء والسلحفاة..

أصبح الموقع بعد الاستقلال وحتى نهاية الثمانينات مكان اصطياف للعديد من العائلات والشباب المتعطش للخلوة والهدوء أو التماس الجو اللطيف والهواء المنعش.

Tipaza Roman Ruins: الاثار الرومانية لمدينة تيبازة

تتواجد ولاية تيبازة على ساحل البحر الأبيض المتوسط غرب الجزائر العاصمة . لديها العديد من الآثار الرومانية وتعتبر واحدة من أجمل الشواطئ على البحر الأبيض المتوسط، مثل شاطئ شينوا، الذي يجمع بين الأزرق من البحر والخضرة.

تبعد ولاية تيبازة عن مدينة الجزائر ب 75 كم غربا.أسسها الفينيقيون كإحد مستعمراتهم التجارية العديدة حيث كانت لها مكانة مرموقة. معنى تيبازة في اللغة الفينيقية (الممر) لأنها كانت معبرا وممرا للناس بين مدينتي إيكوزيم (الجزائر) وإيول (شرشال).

كانت مدينة تيبازة أو تيباسا القديمة جزءاً من الإمبراطورية الرومانية، لكن المدينة الموجودة حالياً، والتي يتحدث أهلها اللغة الأمازيغية، تأسست عام 1857، وقد اشتهرت بساحلها الرملي البديع والأطلال القديمة الباقية من التاريخ الروماني.

اليوم ، هذه المدينة الصغيرة الحديثة معروفة بشكل رئيسي بشاطئها الرملي المذهل ومع ذلك ، يمكن للمرء أن يشعر بسهولة أن الكنز الحقيقي لتيباسا هو الآثار الرومانية المذهلة التي تقع على بعد مسافة قصيرة.

Algeria is an ancient country with many fascinating historical attractions. The ancient Phoenician town of Tipasa is one such attraction. Situated on the coast of Algeria, this ancient town was once brimming with inhabitants. Today, it seldom receives much attention but is a noteworthy attraction in Algeria.

Tipasa, also spelt ‘Tipaza’, has changed much over the centuries. The ancient Phoenician town, which once bustled with trade and merchants, was later converted into a Roman military colony by Emperor Claudius. Later the colony was able to receive municipium status. Thus, Tipasa in Algeria became a thriving Roman colony and, no doubt, it was during this period that most of the stunning architectural ruins found here were built. The city was built on a series of three small hills which overlooked the sea and gave the inhabitants an almost perfect view.

Today the ruins of two massive churches – the Great Basilica and the Basilica Alexander – can be found on the westernmost hill surrounded by massive coffin-filled tombs. A third large church – the Basilica of St Salsa – can be found on the eastern hill where it is accompanied by two cemeteries, roman baths, a stunning amphitheater, which is still in excellent condition, a theatre and a nymphaeum – which may have been simply a pleasure house of fountains or it may have been a place dedicated to nymph-like creatures of roman lore. The central hill was where the majority of the houses stood but today there are no traces left of what must have been a bustling network of residences. In 1857, a modern town of the same name was founded nearby and it later became the capital of the Tipasa city.

Today this small modern town is known mainly for its stunning sandy beach and the Tipaza long wave transmitter broadcasting facility. However, one might easily feel that the true treasure of Tipasa is the stunning Roman ruins which lie only a short distance away.

Ruines de Tipaza 05 (time-lapse) - Beauty of Algeria

أجمل الأماكن السياحية في الجزائر مدينة وهران

#وهران #وهران_في_القلب #الجزائر #الجزائر_اليوم #oran #algerie_ # #oran_2022 #الجزايريات #الجزائر_المغرب #السياحة_في_الجزائر #السياحة
#الملكة_إليزابيث #بريطانيا

tipaza ???????? #tipaza #algerie #raialgerien #libya #rai2023 #الجزائر_تونس_المغرب #الجزائر_المغرب #dz


Tipaza (Algerien) 2016

Auch Tipasa (Tipaza) war eine phönizische Gündung und wurde dann von den Römern zum municipium erhoben.

Das Grabungsgelände liegt zum Großteil in einem lichten Wald, das sich über drei Hügel bis zum Meer erstreckt. Von den meisten Gebäuden stehen nur noch die Grundmauern, sehenswert ist allerdings das Nymphäum, das noch recht gut erhalten ist. Auch eine kleine Garum-Fabrik kann man sehen, wenn man danach sucht.
Wie beinahe auf allen Ausgrabungen wird das Grabungsgelände quasi als Volksgarten von der einheimischen Bevölkerung genutzt. Es wird herumgetollt, in der Arena Fußball gespielt und herumgeturnt - ein großer Vergnügungspark für alle...

تيبازة الساحرة . اكتشف جمال هذه المدينة و الحظارة الرومانية

هذه القناة متخصصة في السفر والمغامرات واكتشاف مناطق مختلفة من جميع انحاء العالم. يمكنك الاشتراك في القناة لكي يصلك كل جديد لا تبخل علينا دعمكم بالاشتراك و الضغط على زر الاعجاب فضلا منكم وليس امرا . وشكرا لكل المتابعين وكل من قام بالاشتراك في القناة. facbook

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Choose your favourite Rise Clothing Outfit ????

What defines the brand is how well it rises after falling.
Livraison partout en Algérie ????????


Magasin de vêtements pour femmes
What defines the brand is how well it rises after falling

???? Bousmail, Tipaza
???? Livraison partout en Algérie
???? Paiement à la livraison main à main

Bou Ismail, Tipaza, Algeria 42004


Prix d'euro en algerie marché noir aujourd'hui 18 Décembre 2020

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