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10 Best place to visit in Babahoyo Ecuador



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Babahoyo, capital of the Los Rios province, located in the western lowlands region of Ecuador. With 153.000 residents, Babahoyo is considered to be in the top 10 of the most populated cities in Ecuador. Babahoyo is situated near the Gulf of Guayaquil and not far away from the Andes region which makes the city the backbone in trading between those 2 natural regions. The population is mainly dedicated to farming and the common crops are rice and bananas. Different industries have taken root in this city such as Industrias Facundo located in the periphery of the city, and also the Ingenio Isabel Maria, the fourth largest refinery in the country, and different (piladoras); a large part of the city is upwardly mobile above all in the city center which is the largest economic center in the province. There are also a few different banking entities. This city is located 6 hours from Quito and 1,5 hours from Guayaquil.

#Babahoyo #Ecuador #Travel #Southamerica #Urban

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Previous video PORTOVIEJO ECUADOR 2017:


My Top Ecuador Travel Spots (after 2 years in the country)

Ecuador is one of the best place to travel in the world. With mountains, ocean, and jungle it has so much to offer. I've been living and traveling Ecuador for the past 2 years, and I've put together my list of the best places to travel in Ecuador. From high up in the Andes mountains, to deep into the Amazon, to the beaches of the Pacific ocean - you'll love Ecuador.

For More Details on these Locations

Quito -
Mindo -
Mojanda Lakes -
Quilotoa Loop -

Banos Pailon del Diablo Waterfall -
Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve -
Bahia de Caraquez -
Canoa -
Galapagos -

Guide to Food & Drink in Quito

You'll find the best traditional dishes that you can't miss while in Ecuador. I recommend burger joints, pizza places, authentic Chinese food, Vietnamese food, bakeries, ice cream shops, chocolate, coffee, breakfast, brunch, lunch, and more!

#Ecuador #ItchyFeetOnTheCheap #travel2021

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I post at least one video a week about the food and living in Ecuador, and other adventures I take around the world.

I currently live in Quito and I am constantly exploring and traveling the country and other parts of the world. My channel will entertain you (I encourage you to laugh at me), educate you (I do a lot of research), and make you downright ravenous.

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????Guayaquil ???????? ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????! |Things TO DO in Guayaquil Ecuador | What to do in Guayaquil?

????If you are wondering ???????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????, the answer is a big ????????????, of course. Definitely worth visiting Guayaquil.????

????Guayaquil is Ecuador’s most important coastal city and the most populated in the country with more than 3 million inhabitants.

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Hi everybody! I’m Fátima, Ecuadorian, my native language is Spanish, however, I decided to start with this channel in English not only to practice and improve my English but to show people, and travelers around the world how beautiful Ecuador is.

I studied tourism years ago and really love my country. That's why I want to show its beauty to others. Ecuador is a little paradise, full of history, culture, amazing landscapes, and incredible people.

My desire with this channel is to provide you helpful and interesting content.
Thanks for following and please feel free to leave me a comment, to say hi!!

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#ecuador #ecuadorbesttours #ecuadorafull

Delicious Ecuadorian Food Plaza on the way to Guayaquil Ecuador

Driving from Guayaquil to Playas, foodies will want to stop in Progreso Ecuador at the Plaza Gastronomica.

Playas is the only beach in Guayas, the state or the province of Guayaquil. A lot of places are just like roadside stands on the side of the road, but this is a really busy highway. And if you just veer off to the side to get a coco helado, you could cause an accident. So instead the government has actually set up these little outdoor food courts, which are on the side of the highway that you can drive off the highway, safely park, come and get a bite and then get back on my highway very quickly.

Ecuadorian Food Sampled:
***Caldo de salchicha, which translates as hot dog soup or wiener soup. So it has a little bit of a double entendre. This is yet another Ecuadorian hangover cure. This soup is made from morcilla, also known as blood sausage or black sausage. And the place that we stopped to try it here is El Palacio del Seco, so they have a lot of great secos, a traditional Ecuadorian dish.

However, this dish is this rich brothy soup with morcilla, some vegetables, some fresh herbs. And of course we are on the coast so it's also going to have some plantain.

It's served with lime and aji, but this is just like comfort in a bowl. If you were hangover and had like a stomach that you just needed to fill this is exactly what you would always want to try. And then also the plantain. This is amazing soup, really, really amazing soup.

I was hungry this morning and this is hitting the spot. Now this is a soup that makes use of all parts of the animal, there is some offall in it. OFFFFAL not awful. It has kidney, chicken heart, and liver in it. But I will say this, it is cooked so well, I could not taste any of that kind of, really, strong, liver or kidney flavor.

***Cafe Tinto: they serve you a glass of just hot water. And then on the table they have this almost like a vial, a large vial of what they call is essencia and that is like a strong espresso. So you put some of the espresso into the water.

***Tortilla de yuca. This is a yuca cake. We've got a little bit of egg on it, and then some aji which is like an onion base aji - it's like a spicy, salty, onion base.

This yuca is whipped into this like smooth creamy cake, with a little bit of egg on us. It's unctous. It's creamy. It's smooth. Yuca has like a very mild flavor, almost like a buttery potato, like a buttery mashed potato.

***Papa rellena is like a mashed potato cake. Again, this is a little bit different because it has something inside it. That's why it's called rellena.

It's like a chicken, shredded chicken, pepper, onion, mix. It’s just like a creamy, potato-y mix with like this savory chicken, pepper, onion. Very good. I should have had it with some aji.

***Maduro lampreado is like a longer cake. Sweet plantain is battered, and then pan-fried out front...almost like a pancake because it's more dense than a pancake. Looks like battered sweet banana.


You can find all of my best tips at

Need an English speaking guide in Ecuador? I hired my friend Andres to tour the country, he's got an SUV and is a licensed national guide. The best way to reach him is on Whatapp: +593 98 711 9550 and second best by email at andrivet77 AT

His family also owns a series of small hotels in Cuenca called La Casa Cuencana and you can book directly with him.

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Hi I'm Ayngelina and my full time job is my site it's all about the best food around the world and how to make it at home.

In 2010 I left a job in advertising, 5 year relationship and sold all my possessions to travel the world. In the last ten years I've had some crazy experiences and even owned a restaurant in Toronto at one time. And prior to 2020 I had been based in Cuba.

When the world shut down I returned to Canada and decided to teach myself video. I wanted to share more than just words and photos but to show people the adventures I have learning about food around the world.

I'm not married. I have no kids. But I do have a lot of local friends who help me discover the best local tips.

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#guayaquil #ecuador

Urdaneta Provincia Los Ríos Ecuador

Al norte de Babahoyo se encuentra el cantón Urdaneta, de 27.000 habitantes, que recibe su nombre en honor al capitán venezolano y prócer de la independencia de Guayaquil Luis Urdaneta. Con un paisaje adornado principalmente por cerros y ríos, entre los que destaca el Zapotal, conocido también como Caracol, Urdaneta se dedica principalmente a la producción agrícola, al tiempo que cautiva al turista por su equilibrio natural.

Viaja Primero Ecuador
Ecuador Potencia Turística

???? 1° vez que NOS TRATAN ASÍ en una FRONTERA ⁠| (Adiós Ecuador, HOLA... ) Ep. 21

Llegó el día de cambiar de país! El viaje continúa hacia Perú pero antes queríamos despedirnos como corresponde de Ecuador recordando todas las aventuras que vivimos en los últimos 3 meses

¡Gracias #Ecuador querido! Te vamos a Extrañar
¡Hoola #Perú ! ¿Qué nos tendrás preparado?

¡Gracias por elegir ver este video y acompañarnos en esta vida en movimiento!
Abrazo gigante,
Yara, Guille y Ettore ????


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Invierno mucha lluvia derrumbes, deslaves en Ecuador

????¿Sabías del Volcán Imbabura? Una Maravilla de Ecuador❤️#travel #nature #viajes #usa #españa #mexico

Este Hermoso Volcán, llamado Imbabura, es una de las maravillas de la Sierra Ecuatoriana. Está rodeada de hermosos lagos y paisajes. Es visitado por miles de turistas cada año, ya que su ascenso no es muy complicado, a diferencia de otros nevados. Hay muchos guías de montaña, listos para ayudar en la travesía. Disfruta del video.
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????NO todo es COMO LO PINTAN - esta es la vedadera cara de GUAYAQUIL

Visitamos Guayaquil durante 1 día, logramos hacer todos los planes de manera GRATUITA y descubrimos si en realidad es así de peligrosa como la pintan.

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00:00 Introducción
00:49 Llegamos a GUAYAQUIL
02:08 Catedral METROPOLITANA
03:17 Parque de las Iguanas
04:52 Plaza de la Administración
06:51 Malecón 2000
11:03 Barrio Las Peñas
13:42 Cerro Santa Ana
17:44 PROBLEMAS al dormir en Guayaquil

????Babahoyo, Una Maravillosa Ciudad de Ecuador❤️#travel #viajes #ecuador #usa #españa #nature #mexico

Esta bella ciudad ubicada en Ecuador, es la capital de la Provincia de los Ríos. Tiene muchos sitios turísticos, playas, sitios arqueológicos, reservas ecológicas, deliciosa gastronomía, hermoso clima y gente muy amable. De seguro es un lugar maravilloso para visitar. Disfruta del video.
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Discover an Escape at Babahoyo, Ecuador

Welcome! Here, you'll find short but highly informative responses. We understand that time is of the essence, which is why we've curated knowledge from multiple books and websites through extensive research available to the general public. Our aim is to empower you with the information you need to make informed decisions and take action quickly. We encourage you to share this valuable knowledge with others who may benefit from it. So go ahead, spread the word and let's make a positive impact on the world!
Here are some links that may be helpful before planning your trip

Ecuador: South America's hidden culinary treasure

Ecuador is at the National Geographic Traveller Food Festival. This event is much more than a food extravaganza: it's an opportunity to truly taste the world and discover the cuisine of a variety of fascinating destinations.

Ecuador Day 10 - On the Road Again

Documents our trip to the Foursquare church in the town of Babahoyo. Also a special message from Pastor Leo discussing the tremendous needs in Ecuador, and how you can help.

Babahoyo 2 View from the roof of the hospital of Babahoyo

view from the roof of the hospital in Babahoyo


Video Turístico de Los Ríos

La provincia de Los Ríos tiene diversos atractivos turísticos. Visitala junto a toda tu familia.

Mirador de la Luna Atardecer en Yagüi San Miguel

Ubicado a 20 minutos de San Miguel de Bolívar
A 45 minutos de Guaranda
A 1 hora y media de Babahoyo
A 3 horas de Guayaquil
A 5 horas de Quito

Los Ríos

La provincia de Los Ríos, por su peculiar geografía, es el lugar propicio para la práctica de deportes acuáticos por estar rodeada de una extensa red fluvial. Por sus bosques esta provincia se ha convertido en el refugio de más de 70 clases de aves y 125 especies bioacuáticas. Te invitamos a visitar Los Ríos, la provincia que conjuga creatividad, cultura y turismo.

Ministerio de Turismo
Ecuador Ama la Vida



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