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10 Best place to visit in Çınarcık Turkey


Cinarcik, Turkey. A beautiful coastal town on the shores of sea of Marmara

Hello friends, this is my latest VLOG about a very beautiful Turkish coastal town name Cinarcik. Cinarcik is on the coast of the sea of Marmara. It is a 30 minutes ferry ride from Istanbul. Cinarcik is famous for its beaches and laid back lifestyle. We visited this place several times before and fell in love with this place. So we decided to visit this place one more time and luckily we found a place that we felt was the right place for our dream vacation home. I hope that you guys would like this short video of Cinarcik. Please keep supporting the channel. Thanks for your support.

أهم المعالم السياحية في مدينة يالوفا | السياحة في تركيا| يلوا| Top 10 Things to Do in turkry YALAVA

يلوا مدينة جميلة من اجمل اماكن السياحة في تركيا تحوي ينابيع حارّة و طبيعة خلّابة و هي مكان مميز للذين يبحثون عن الاسترخاء و الهدوء، تتميز باطلالتها الساحرة حيث يقع شاطئ يلوا على بحر مرمرة.

افضل الانشطة في قرية ترمال يلوا
• يمكنك زيارة الينابيع العلاجية الحارة في حمامات ترمال في يلوا بغرض الاستشفاء من عدة امراض أو للحصول على الراحة والاستجمام في أحد حماماتها الساخنة ومن اشهر تلك الحمامات نذكر:

حمام والدة السلطان Valide Banyo

وهو حمام يضم قسمين منفصلين قسم للنساء فقط و آخر للرجال و يحتوي على مسبح داخلي و غرفة ساونا و بخار. بني هذا الحمام في القرن الرابع من قبل الإمبراطور البيزنطي قسطنطينوس في بلدة يالوفا، أطلقت عليه هذه التسمية بعد ترميمه من قبل السلطان العثماني عبد المجيد الثاني واستخدامه من قبل والدته بقصد العلاج.

حمام السلطان Sultan Banyo

وهو حمام قديم في يلوا تيرمال يضم غرف خاصة للعائلة تضم حوض استحمام صغير ، ويعتبر من افضل حمامات يلوا .

حمام الرصاص Kurşunlu Banyo

من حمامات يلوا تيرمال المعروفة، تعود تسمية الحمام إلى قبته المصنوعة من الرصاص وهو حمام مختلط للنساء و الرجال يضم جاكوزي و ساونا و يتبع له مسبح مكشوف وغرف عائلية خاصة.

شلال صودوشان
شلال صودوشان (بالتركية: Sudüşen Şelalesi) احد اهم اماكن السياحة في يلوا يبعد حوالي 9كم عن قرية تيرمال ويعتبر مقصداً للسيّاح وسكان تركيا بشكل عام

يتميز الشلال بجماله الأخّاذ والملفت للنظر فعلا انه شلال رائع والبرودة في المنطقة تشعرك بالارتياح

قرية جوق شيدرا
جوق شيدرا Gökçedere قرية جميلة وهادئة مناسبة واحدى اماكن سياحية في يلوا يقصدها الباحثون عن الهدوء و المناطق الطبيعية تبعد 12 كيلو متر عن قرية ترمال في مدينة يالوا تركيا يميز القرية طبيتعها الجميلة و طيبة سكّانها.

يرتاد القرية العديد من السيّاح العرب كل عام خصوصاً من الخليج العربي عند قدومهم لمن اجل السياحة في يلوا

منتجع تشينارجيك
تشينارجيك (بالتركية: Çınarcık) منطقة في مدينة يلوا تعتبر من اهم المنتجعات الشعبية في منطقة بحر مرمرة نظراً لسهولة الوصول اليها و لنظافة بحرها و غاباتها الخلابة و مناطقها الهادئة

تشينارجيك تحتضن العديد من الاماكن التاريخية التي تعود الى عصور الدولة البيزنطية و الدولة العثمانية لذا تعد من افضل الاماكن السياحية في يلوا

مدينة ارموتلو في محافظة يلوا
ارموتلو Armutlu الواقعة ضمن محافظة يلوا شرقي بحر مرمرة حيث تبعد عن مركز مدينة يلوا حوالي 55 كم.

تعد من اجمل الاماكن السياحية في يلوا حيث تضم قرية سياحية خاصة تتميز بجمالها وتنظيمها الفريد وهذا ما جعلها محط انظار السيّاح الذين يزورونها على مدار العام حيث لا تقتصر السياحة فيها على فصل الصيف فقط.

مجموعة العز الدولية للسياحة تقدم لكم جميع المعلومات والمتطلبات فيما يخص الاماكن السايحية وترتيب برامج سياحية ترضي الجميع بفئات ومميزات وميزانيات مختلفة
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???????? Kleopatra Beach ????Antalya

Cleopatra Beach is one of the popular beaches in Alanya. It is known as one of the most famous beaches in Turkey. It offers a pleasant experience to its visitors with its clean sands, clear sea and unique view. According to legend, Cleopatra Beach is named after the Egyptian Queen. It emerged because Cleopatra loved this beach.

This video aims to closely explore the unique atmosphere and colorful geography of the beach. ????️ Discover the beauties of the beach, its various activities, the lifestyles of tourists and locals, the voices and styles of the people. If you want to be fascinated by this magnificent beach, do not forget to subscribe to my channel! ???? By turning on notifications, you can instantly watch every new video and follow the latest content. If you like my video or have a suggestion, please share it as a comment. Your ideas are very valuable to me. Thank you for your support in advance! ????”

Swimming in winter | Yalova city Turkey | termal in yalova #livinginturkey

#lifeinturkey #turkeylife #turkeyvlog

This was our first time to city Yalova in Turkey. We had too much fun that day.
the natural hot water coming from under the ground was so refresing and hot.

I hope you will enjoy watching this video. Please comment your feedback in the comment section.

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Yalova city Turkey | termal in yalova |Tureky travel |shor vlogs #livinginturkey #pakistanireaction

Çınarcık | The pearl of the Sea of Marmara

#yalovaseninlegüzel #Çınarcık #turkey
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Almoruj yalova

Turkey's most Promising city yalova| Altinova

?!! Why yalova

The heart of yalova| yalova merkez

Hassan Baba

قبر حسن بابا
Hassan Baba's grave

History Of ” Yalova “
The history of the city of Yalova goes back to about five thousand years; That is, to the third millennium BC, where it was occupied by the Hittites in 200 BC, followed by the Franks, then the Kimberley, then Roman, the Byzantine, and the Ottoman in 1303 AD. And it was associated with the city Istanbul in 1930 at the behest of the founder of the Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

Çınarcık Area
One of the most important summer resorts in Turkey and an important destination for tourists. It is characterized by its picturesque nature and its distinctive tourist attractions. It is characterized by its clean water, its rural areas, its archaeological and historical sites, and the Delmece Plateau and Dipsız Lake. The area also includes the beautiful “Çınarcık” beaches. Which many residents of the region and even tourists with their families go to, in addition to the fact that this region is called the “Pearl of Marmara”, which is only one hour away from Istanbul, Bursa and Kocaeli.

Teşvikiye Waterfall
One of the most beautiful places of tourism in Yalova, which is visited by a large number of tourists annually due to its charming natural beauty, and it is about 29 km from the center of Yalova.

Hassan Baba area
Covered with oak, chestnut and linden trees.

The captivating backyard of Çınarcık|Teşvikiye |Türkiye

#غابات_تركيا #zipline #yalova
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Turkey's most Promising city yalova| Altinova

?!! Why yalova

The heart of yalova| yalova merkez

Çınarcık | The pearl of the Sea of Marmara

The second part of the introductory tour around the city of Çınarcık one of the cities of Yalova
province in the Republic of Turkey, mainly focusing on the different sightseeings that attracts The tourist and the unknown locations inside the Green mountains of Çınarcık/taşvekiya the cities of Yalova province in the Republic of Turkey and the spectacular nature.

istanbul'a En Yakın Tatil Cenneti; Çınarcık Yalova

Subscribe for more videos & shorts from Turkey ????

istanbul'a En Yakın Tatil Cenneti; Çınarcık Yalova

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Türkiye is home to infinite locations that are beyond your wildest dreams! Full of ancient sites, unique beauty, and unparalleled destinations, visiting Türkiye is an unforgettable experience.

#turkey #turkiye #istanbul

Yalova'da Mutlaka Görmeniz Gereken 17 Yer |

Yalova'da mutlaka görmeniz gereken en güzel 17 yeri sizler için listeledik.

???? Yalova Gezilecek Yerler Listesi

1. Kartal Kayalıkları
2. Deprem Anıtı
3. Kent Ormanı
4. Sudüşen Şelalesi
5. Karlık Yaylası
6. Açık Hava Müzesi
7. Yalova Termal Kaplıcaları
8. Altınova Hersek Plajı
9. Çınarcık Plajları
10. Çınarlı yol
11. Delmece Yaylası
12. Dipsiz Göl
13. Erikli Şelalesi
14. Hasan Baba Mesire Alanı
15. Yürüyen Köşk
16. İstihkam Tepe
17. Karaca Arboretum

???? Bölgelere Göre Gezilecek Yerler Listeleri (Oynatma listesi)
Karadeniz Bölgesi:
İç Anadolu Bölgesi:
Ege Bölgesi:
Akdeniz Bölgesi:
Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi:
Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi:
Yurtdışı gezi listeleri:

???? Sosyal medya hesaplarımız

???? Yayın Planı
???? Hafta içleri ➤ Gezi ve Kamp Listeleri
???? Hafta sonu ➤ Yürüyüş Turları
???? Her gün saat 18:00'de..

???? Aşağıdaki aramaları yapıyorsanız bu içerik tam size göre:

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????️ Yalova gezi rehberi
????️ Yalova gezilecek yerler listesi
????️ Yalova'da nereleri gezebilirim
????️ Yalova su parkları
????️ Yalova mesire alanı
????️ Yalova Tarihi yerler
????️ Yalova kiliseleri
????️ Yalova Müzeleri
????️ Yalova kahvaltı yerleri
????️ Things to do in Yalova
????️ Yalova'da bir gün
????️ Yalova vlog
????️ Yalova turu
????️ Yalova Belgeseli
????️ Yalova Denize girilecek yerler
????️ Yalova Kamp yerleri
????️ Yalova Turistlik Yerler
????️ Altınova gezilecek yerler
????️ Armutlu gezilecek yerler
????️ Çınarcık gezilecek yerler
????️ Çiftlikköy gezilecek yerler
????️ Termal gezilecek yerler

???? Kanalımıza abone olmak için:
???? Music: Carefree by Kevin MacLeod

#Yalova #Walking #traveling Yalova Merkez Walking Tour Turkey Best Destinations 【4K 60fps】

Yalova is a city located in northwestern Turkey, near the eastern coast of the Sea of Marmara. Yalova has a city population of 100,863, while the population of Yalova Province is 118,998 as of 2011. Currently there is a controversy around the municipal election results in Yalova especially after the Supreme Election Board invalidated the 2014 Municipal Election results on April 24, 2014 after a few recounts that changed results.

In general, it is assumed that the name Yalova comes from Yalıova. Yalı means 'house at the coast' and ova means 'plain' in Turkish.

Top 10 Best Waterfalls to Visit in Turkey | English

#TurkeyWaterfalls #WaterfallsInTurkey #TurkeyVisitWaterfalls #Turkey
There are too many beautiful waterfalls in Turkey. In fact, no two waterfalls are exactly alike they can be thin or massive, or peaceful. If you’ve seen one, you might want to see them all the top 10 waterfalls in Turkey. Luckily, Turkey is blessed with some of the best waterfalls to visit on Earth. It doesn’t matter whether you are a casual traveller or an adventurous spirit, these beautiful waterfalls in Turkey are meant to be seen and experienced by everyone. Today we will show you the Top 10 beautiful waterfalls in Turkey an and have an eye-catching beauty of nature.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful waterfalls in Turkey. Turkey has some of the best waterfalls in Turkey. We collected data on the top 10 waterfalls to visit in Turkey. There are many famous waterfalls in Turkey and some of them are beautiful waterfalls in Turkey. People from all over Turkey love these Turkey beautiful waterfalls which are also Turkey famous waterfalls. In this video, we will show you the beautiful waterfalls to visit in Turkey.

Please help us in our cause and share this channel as much as possible with your friends and family.

***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Erikli Şelalesi, Teşvikiye Çınarcık Yalova | #ErikliŞelalesi #Yalova #DjiOM4 #Mi10TPro

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Erikli Çifte Şelale - Yalova
Çınarcık İlçesi, Teşvikiye Beldesi'nden, Delmece Yaylası'na çıkılan yol üzerinde, Kent Ormanı içerisinde bulunmaktadır. Erikli Şelaleleri eşsiz doğa güzellikleri ile kamp kurmak ve trekking yapmak isteyenler için harika bir mekandır.

Erikli Şelalesi | Dinlendiren Şu Sesi Ve Muhteşem Doğa Manzarası | Meditasyon | Yalova #Meditasyon
Erikli Şelalesi | Teşvikiye Çınarcık Yalova | #ErikliŞelalesi #Yalova #DjiOM4 #DjiOsmo4 #Mi10TPro
Erikli Şelalesi, Teşvikiye Çınarcık Yalova | #ErikliŞelalesi #Yalova #DjiOM4 #Mi10TPro

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Çınarcık Poyraz Caddesinde Gezinti 2022

Çınarcık'da sık sık çektiğimiz güncel video'larla sizlerle birlikte olacağız.
Çınarcık Poyraz Caddesi Gezinti.

Yalova | Day Vlog | Turkey

Fellow SHENANIGANS!! I travelled to Yalova over the weekend and absolutely loved the calmness and it is a perfect getaway from Istanbuls rush.

Personally, I LOVED Yalova! Very Calm and the place was full of Families enjoying their weekend. Definitely a place worth visiting :)

We visited the Su Dusen Waterfall and the Yalova City Centre. Captured the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen in my life with the drone *absolutely beautiful* and had quality time with mum and brother :) XO

Hope you enjoy!

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【4K】???????? Yalova from Above ???? TURKEY 2022 ???? Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

???????? 4K UltraHD aerial footage of my drone flights in Yalova (City near Istanbul; Turkey); project finished & uploaded on 2021-12-10 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage. #drone #yalova #turkey

???? Visit our blog @
???? YouTube:
???? Footage Licensing:

???? Media data: This drone video (Internal ID 1094, shots taken in November 2021 and video published in 2022) is an extraction of our self-captured Yalova 4K Drone Video Footage & Yalova Drone Pictures. Copyright protected Footage and Photos on Sale. For inquiries, please contact us via E-Mail or our Blog.
???? One Man Wolf Pack Contact:

About Yalova: Yalova is a city located in northwestern Turkey, near the eastern coast of the Sea of Marmara. Yalova has a city population of 100,863, while the population of Yalova Province is 118,998 as of 2011. Currently there is a controversy around the municipal election results in Yalova especially after the Supreme Election Board invalidated the 2014 Municipal Election results on April 24, 2014 after a few recounts that changed results. // Istanbul, formerly known as Constantinople, is the largest city in Turkey and the countrys economic, cultural and historic center. The city straddles the Bosporus strait, and lies in both Europe and Asia, with a population of over 15 million residents, comprising 19% of the population of Turkey. Istanbul is the most populous city in Europe, and the worlds fifteenth-largest city. // Over 13.4 million foreign visitors came to Istanbul in 2018, eight years after it was named a European Capital of Culture, making it the worlds eighth most visited city. Istanbul is home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and hosts the headquarters of numerous Turkish companies, accounting for more than thirty percent of the countrys economy. // The Bosphorus Bridge connecting Europe and Asia, Maidens Tower, Dolmabahçe Palace, Levent business district, Galata Tower, Ortaköy Mosque, the Hagia Sophia [Source: wikipedia // Google]

» Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): aerial, dronefilm, birds, view, relaxation, relax, drone, yalova, turkey, turkiye, türkei, istanbul, capital, city, ferry, boat, trip, city, center, megacity, the, Bosphorus, Bridge, connecting, Europe, and, Asia, Maidens, Tower, Dolmabahçe, Palace, Levent, business, district, Galata, Tower, Ortaköy, Mosque, the, Hagia, Sophia

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【4K】8 HOUR DRONE FILM: «Caribbean Islands»
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Çınarcık koruköy sahilden manzara#keşfetteyiz #keşfet @yürüyüş#gezi

Yalova#gezi#deniz #sahil#keşfet #yürüyüş #manzara

Drive Your Car onto a Ferry and Explore the Hidden Gem of Yalova

????Certainly, in this video, we show you how you can easily drive your car onto a ferry and explore the hidden gem of Yalova. You can take your car on the ferry from Istanbul to Yalova for just 200 Turkish lira. This is a great way to have your own transportation in Yalova and explore the city at your own pace.
In addition, taking the ferry is a fun and unique experience. You can enjoy the beautiful view of the sea and the surrounding landscapes while on the ferry. Once you arrive in Yalova, you can start your adventure and explore the city's attractions, including the hot springs, national parks, beaches, and more.

Overall, Yalova is a great destination for those looking for a peaceful and enjoyable trip. And with the ferry service, you can easily and affordably reach this hidden gem and explore all that it has to offer.
????Video from: istanbul to yalova
????Video resolution: 4k UHD 60fp
????Video type: Walking and Driving Tour
Benefits of this Istanbul to yalova City Walking and Driving Tour

►Discover the most popular landmarks in Istanbul with rich history without leaving your couch.
►Feel the spirit of Istanbul City.
►Create an atmospheric ambiance in your own place.
►Travel to your desired destinations with the 4K Tour channel!
???? To fully immerse yourself in this beautiful place, we recommend watching this video in 4K quality on an old TV, Samsung 4K HDR TV, Sony 4K TV, LG 4K TV, and more.
Enjoy this virtual tour and use this 4K video as a beautiful video wall in lobbies, waiting rooms, lounges, spas, restaurants, shopping centers, hotels, offices, hospitals, dental clinics, homes, and other public places.
????If you want to improve your mood, we suggest you don't miss the following high-quality pictures and videos! ????????

???? ????Have you ever seen the Ataşehir neighborhood of Istanbul? ????

????Did you know that Bagdad Street in Istanbul is the fourth most famous tourist street in terms of beauty and tourism? ????????

????????Where is the most popular tourist destination in Istanbul?

????????Charlie Chaplin's Return to Istanbul: Exploring Taksim!????

????????The most beautiful shopping center in Istanbul that many people don't know! ????

????????If you are a fan of art and cinema, we suggest you don't miss this video!

????????Is it possible to visit Istanbul without knowing about this place? Most Turkish series are filmed here!

????????Most Turkish series are filmed in this location.????

Drive Your Car onto a Ferry and Explore the Hidden Gem of Yalova
????Copyright © 2022 All Rights Reserved To 4k Tour channel

Çınarcık Bayramın 2. günü Hayli Kalabalık.

Bayramın 2.Günü yağmurun ardından açan güneşi gören çınarcık'lılar soluğu deniz kıyılarında aldı haliyle trafik yoğunlaştı yollarda park eden araçlar Çınarcık'daki doluluğun sanki göstergesi.
#çınarcık #çınarcıksahil #cinarcikda_bugun #yalovaçınarcık
#cinarciktv #çınarcıkkurbanbayramı

Exploring Yalova city in Turkey

Hello friends in this video I am exploring Yalova city in the Province of Yalova. Yalova is across from Istanbul on the south eastern shores of sea of Marmara. It is used to be a part of Istanbul province but now it has become a province itself. Yalova city is the biggest town of Yalova province. You can reach yalova by car or by ferry. Ferry is the most economical way to get to Yalova. You can take ferry from Yanikapi ferry boat terminal in Istanbul's fatih district. I hope you like this video. Thanks again for your support. Please subscribe my channel and share my videos Thanks again.
In order to travel to in public transport in Turkey or to dine into a restaurant you need a HES code which you can apply before traveling to Turkey. Link is in the description.
For ferry service you can use Ido. link is below.

For HES code use this link.

Where you find Best Turkish Food l Thermal Hot Spring Water in Yalova

We reached Yalova city and visited best hot spring. Yalova is a small city that have slightly over 100k population. The city contains many tourist attraction and beautiful and reasonable in cost shopping areas.

Enjoyed Turkish Food in Yalova Merkez after great data at hot spring park.

For more info visit: Qatar Airways -
#AirlineoftheYear2021 by Airline Ratings
#Ferry #BosphorusSea #FirstRide

Channel: Xplorer & Venturer

Related Links:-
✔ First Ferry Trip in Turkey | Istanbul to Yalova | Big Ships | EP-3

✔ Doha to Istanbul ✈ | Duty Free Shop Airport | Connecting Flight to Turkey | EP-2

✔ Turkey Trip during Pandemic | Qatar Airways | Karachi to Turkey via Doha Connecting Flight | EP-1

✔ Facebook Group.
✔ Facebook Page.
✔ Instagram


✔ I used Canon18-55 and 75-300 zoom

✔ GoPro Hero 7 Black (

✔ wikipedia
✔ Personal Experience


✔ Lens/dp/B000V5K3FG

???? Track Info:

✔ Sound Effect by Relaxing & Sleep Sounds:
Imaginary by Broken Elegance & Nomyn Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library
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Yalova Guide (English)

Turkey- Yalova City Guide



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