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10 Best place to visit in Zagorje ob Savi Slovenia


Train from Budapest to Ljubljana Travel from Hungary to Slovenia

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Train journey from Budapest to Ljubljana. Travelling from Hungary to Slovenia.
Want to find the best scenic train route in Europe? Many who drove this route respond, the Budapest - Ljubljana route by train with Hungarian Railway is one of Europe’s most scenic train routes.

Information about the trip
Date of travel 10.05.2024
Departure 09:00 Budapest-Deli - Ljubljana 16:43 Arrival
246 IC WAGON 421 PLATZ 32 (Second class)
The ticket price is 16 EUR

00:00 Travel intro
00:32 Budapest Déli station
03:04 Train Budapest - Ljubljana
03:54 Train departs from Budapest
05:36 Budapest-Kelenföld train station
06:47 Train Toilet Review
07:55 Second class of carriage
08:09 Train Stations in Székesfehérvár
09:09 Várpalota railway station
10:45 Veszprém railway station
12:53 Jánosháza railway station
14:10 Train Stations in Zalaegerszeg
18:20 Through the carriage window
20:10 Hodoš railway station
21:18 Slovenian nature
22:10 Ormož railway station
24:00 River Drava
24:13 Ptuj railway station
25:15 Slovenia's natural beauty
27:10 Celje railway station
30:05 Train Stations in Laško
31:15 Zidani Most railway station
33:18 River Sava
34:16 Wagon environment
34:44 Slovenian nature
36:45 Zagorje
38:52 Litija railway station
39:57 Ljubljana train station

Love Letter to Luče

For two weeks we stayed in Luče, Slovenia, doing a workaway. We loved this village so much, and are so grateful to Jon for hosting us and everyone there who made us feel at home. This video shows some details of the town, and our last few days. Click this link to see the awesome drone shots we got of this place!


SAILE - Dreaming Of
Ohly - Home

Hi! I'm Morgan, and my boyfriend Harrison and I are traveling Europe for 6 months!! Please SUBSCRIBE and join us on our adventures!!

We have just, just started a Patreon account for anyone who wants to show support :)

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Zagorje ob Savi - Slivna (Geometric Centre of Slovenia - Geoss)

This time we are going in geometric centre of Slovenia near Slivna village. Less than half an hour drive from Zagorje ob Savi on sunny summer day 2022.

00:00 Zagorje on Savi
05:15 Kisovec
08:45 Izlake
10:15 Razpotje
12:56 Mlinše
14:57 Vidrga
16:55 Kandrše
19:45 Slivna
22:42 GEOSS

Zagorje ob Savi - Europark

Europark got its name when Slovenia entered the European Union, and has now become a symbol of the area's orderly structure.

Slovenija: Trbovlje - Zagorje Ob Savi - Hrastnik



U ovom malom videu možete vidjeti grad Trbovlje u Sloveniji i čuti nešto malo o tome. Komentirajte. HVALA.



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Još puno toga možete naći u popisima video zapisa!



1. At Night
2. Sounds for sleeping
3. Zanimljivosti iz svijeta
4. Kućni ljubimci



1. Strašna priča i noćni obilazak
2. Dokazi da je Isus Bog
3. Fireplace
4. Isječci za neka jeziva mjesta
5. Staro groblje u šumi
6. Istraživanje stare zgrade
7. Paranormalne pojave u Hrvatskoj
8. Čudne misterije na vrhu planine
9. Misteriozni tuneli
10. Noćni obilazak stare kuće



1. Zabavni NET je portal koji je pokrenut u svibnju 2017. godine. Portal je prvenstveno zabavnog karaktera, ali osim zabavnih objava na portalu možete naći razne kategorije sa inspirativnim i pozitivnim člancima, raznim zanimljivostima iz svijeta, korisnim savjetima, vjeri i religiji itd. Na web stranici svaki dan objavljujemo postove koji su prilagođeni svim dobnim skupinama, odnosno svim generacijama.
🌍 Link

2. Motivacione priče je portal koji je pokrenut u rujnu 2016. godine. Na portalu možete pronaći razne kategorije sa inspirativnim i pozitivnim člancima, raznim mudrim pričama, korisnim savjetima, duhovnosti itd.  Na portalu svaki dan objavljujemo postove koji su prilagođeni svim dobnim skupinama, odnosno svim generacijama.
🌍 Link


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Link za više

Prejedanje hot-dogom, ‘kuhanje’ u sauni, preskakanje beba … To su po izboru Timea samo neki od deset najčudnijih natjecanja na planeti. Saznajte koja su ostala najbizarnija natjecanja na svijetu.

Bogati ljudi stekli su svoj imetak, između ostalog, i tako što su usvojili navike i obrazac ponašanja koji im pomažu da zadrže svoje bogatstvo. Evo nekih dobrih navika koje su zajedničke svim bogatašima.

Ispod je link gdje možete pročitati neke najljepše ljubavne poruke. Te poruke će vas sigurno zadiviti te natjerati na razmišljanje. Ukratko, ljubav može opisivati snažan osjećaj kao zadovoljavanje osnovnih emocionalnih potreba, pruža najintenzivniji osjećaj bliskosti.

Ispod je link gdje možete vidjeti neke dobre poruke za godišnji odmor. Te poruke će sigurno još više zadiviti nekoga vašeg rođaka, prijatelja, kolegu, koji je dobio godišnji i možda ide na odmor u neku turističku destinaciju.


Nadamo se da vam je ovaj naš YouTube kanal zanimljiv, da ćete uvijek pronaći neki video zapis koji će vas zabaviti. Ako želite označite bilo koji video zapis da vam se sviđa, te komentirajte. Naravno, ako vam se neki video zapis ne sviđa te želite dati svoje mišljenje neka to bude bez teških riječi. Cijeni se vaša kritika ali neka bude u skladu standarda YouTube zajednice i 21. stoljeća.




Slovenia 🇸🇮 | Europe tour | world tour | Ljubljana

The Republic of Slovenia, is a country in Central Europe. It is home to around 2.1 million people. It is a land of rivers and lakes, notably the breathtaking Lake Bled, which is flanked by magnificent mountains, ancient castles,the Skocjan Caves and a UNESCO World Heritage Site with one of the world’s largest underground canyons. Ljubljana is the country’s capital.

Zagorje - Ljubljana

We are going up Sava river from Zagorje ob Savi to Ljubljana (driving past Ljubljana in north suburbs) on sunny early autmn day 2023.

#ljubljana #zagorje #Sava #slovenia #slovenija #driving #dashcam

Zagorje ob Savi - Evropark

Idilična podoba Europarka, kot je dobil ime ob vstopu Slovenije v Evropsko unijo, je postala zaščitni znak urejenosti mesta Zagorje ob Savi.

Zagorje ob Savi - Our Past

There is no place in the world that would not search for the roots of its existence and try as much as possible to paint a comprehensive picture of its beginnings.

Sava-Sutla Valley and Hills, Croatia - Destination Guide!

The tourist destination Sava-Sutla Valley, Croatian: Savsko-Sutlanska Dolina and Brigi include 3 municipalities: Brdovec, Marija Gorica, and Dubravica. The municipality of Brdovec is located in the western part of Zagreb County, in the border area with Slovenia. The parish of Brdovec is one of the oldest parishes in the Zagreb Archdiocese, founded in 1334. The seat of the parish in the past was located on a hill (hence the name) where the Chapel of St. Križa, which now belongs to the parish of Marija Gorica.

The municipality of Marija Gorica is located in the northwestern part of Zagreb County. It is predominantly a hilly area. A small lowland part of the municipality on the west side goes to the river Sutla, which also marks the borderline between Croatia and Slovenia. On the southeast side, it borders with the municipality of Brdovec, northeast with the municipality of Pušća, and on the north with the municipality of Dubravica. The municipality of Dubravica is located on the border with Krapina-Zagorje County and the Municipality of Kraljevec on Sutla, on the east with the Municipality of Luka and the town of Zaprešić, on the southeast with the Municipality of Pušća, on the south with the Municipality of Marija Gorica, and on the west Republic of Slovenia.

For travel packages on this destination, make sure to visit:

For more information, make sure to visit the site:

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#savasutlavalley #savasutlacroatia

Nazarje - Savinjska - Via Alps & Valleys - Slovenia

Nazarje is a small town at the confluence of Dreta and Savinja rivers. It will impress you with its Vrbovec castle, Franciscan Monastery and long woodworking tradition (Museum Vrbovec, Museum of Forestry and Woodworking). Visit Savinjska via Nazarje and discover spirits of the past. 📜📚🌳🌲

➡️ Savinjska via Nazarje:
➡️ Book Museum Vrbovec visit:

#savinjska #visitsavinjska #ifeelslovenia #myway



slovenia immagini.mp4 (Slovenja images)

European cities-Brezice,Slovenia (Европа.Города-Брежице,Словения)

One of the old towns of Slovenia-Brezice.Один из старых городов Словении-Брежице.
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Marija Bistrica, Castle Trakoščan, Matija Gubec,

Zagorje ob Savi - Janez Vajkard Valvasor - english

Thanks to well-known baron Janez Vajkard Valvasor (1641-1693) we know a great deal about our history.


Video je nastal po povratku z enkratnega doživetja na Tenerifih. Gradivo smo prispevali vsi udeleženci.
Ob tej priložnosti bi se radi zahvalili vsem, ki so nam omogočili to izkušnjo, še posebej:
-Srednji šoli Zagorje,
-ravnateljici Aljaši Urbanija,
-profesoricama Maruši Kolar in Mojci Omahne,
-koordinatorici mednarodnega projekta Erasmus +, mag. Denis Vodopivec
-koordinatorki mednarodnega projekta Orsolya Vitos

...ter seveda vsem delodajalcem:

-FU International Acadamey Tenerife in mentorici Sarah Franzen,
-El Restaurante Grande Slem SL. - MINI GOLF,
-La Cafeterìa FU Café,
-El Restaurante Edelweiss,
-Restaurante Zebra María - LEGADO SURIC NORTE SL,
-Luna Rossa La Paz,
-Marquesa Plaza Hotels SL in
-Restaurante Algarrobo.

We made this video after that we came back from unforgettable adventure in Tenerife.
Pictures were given by all participants.
On this occasion we want to say thank you to everyone, who enabled this experience, especially to:
-High school Zagorje,
-principal Aljaša Urbanija,
-teachers Maruša Kolar and Mojca Omahne,
-Erasmus+ International Project Coordinator, mag. Denis Vodopivec
-International Project Coordinator, Orsolya Vitos,

...and of course to all employers:

-FU International Acadamey Tenerife and mentor Sarah Franzen,
-El Restaurante Grande Slem SL. - MINI GOLF,
-La Cafeterìa FU Café,
-El Restaurante Edelweiss,
-Restaurante Zebra María - LEGADO SURIC NORTE SL,
-Luna Rossa La Paz,
-Marquesa Plaza Hotels SL and
-Restaurante Algarrobo.

We don't remember days, we remember moments!

Koper Cathedral: Carpaccio isn`t only a dish

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Slovene: Stolna cerkev Marijinega vnebovzetja) also called Koper Cathedral It is the Catholic cathedral of the Diocese of Koper, in the city of Koper, Slovenia.
The church was built in the second half of the twelfth century in Romanesque style, with three naves, each ending with an apse. Until 1392 the church underwent changes and additions, which also led to a change of style: the western facade is clearly Gothic. After an earthquake in 1460, the facade was redesigned in 1488, with the addition of Renaissance elements. The tower, which offers views of the city and the bay, is four stories, follows the style of an Italian bell tower and houses one of the oldest bells in Slovenia, dating back to 1333. Early 18th century, Koper was under Venetian influence, and was again an architectural transformation in the Baroque style. Under the direction of Giorgio Massari, additional landscaping elements were added to the church, including valuable paintings of Venetian painters Pietro Liberi, Celesti Andrea, Antonio Zanchi and Vittore Carpaccio. The most important painting is the Holy Conversation of Vittore Carpaccio, dating from 1516 (from Wikipedia).
I was here june 18, 2018. There are three paintings by Vittore Carpaccio, as well as at least one painting of his son Benedetto.
Music: Take Your Pick Aaron Lieberman

Prežganje, Litija - BEAUTIFUL SLOVENIA !

Hello people!
Today we are sharing our first video on Youtube. We are planning to show you all hidden gems in Slovenia. Please support our channel.

Song: Niwel - Broken Love
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

Location : Prežganje and Litija

Radovljica City Centre, Slovenia ~ 4K Virtual Walk

A walk through Radovljica (or Radol'ca) City Centre.

Radovljica is a medieval town on the doorstep of the Julian Alps. It is known as Sweet Radovljica (Radol'ca) since it is a center of beekeeping and chocolate. It has many great museums and other tourist attractions like Chocolate Festival, Pharmacy and Alchemy Museum, Lectar Workshop and Museum, and Museum of Apiculture. The town has picturesque houses, a mansion and the only preserved defense moat in Slovenia.

TAGS: Radovljica 4K, Slovenia 4K, Radovljica city centre, Radolca City Centre, Radovljica virtual walking tour, Radol'ca virtual tour, Radovljica virtual walking, Radovljica virtual walk, Radovljica virtual tour, Slovenia virtual walking tour, Slovenia virtual tour, Slovenia virtual walking, Slovenia virtual walk, 4K Radol'ca Pristno sladka, Slovenia Alpine town, Alpine towns, Gorenjska region, Radol'ca Honestly Sweet, Juliana Trail, 4K Slovenian mountain village, 4K Slovenia, 4K Radovljica virtual walking tour, Beekeeping Radol'ca, 4K Radovljica virtual walk, walking streets, ASMR, asmr walk, sleep asmr, stress relief, relaxing sounds, walking 4k pov, Radovlca street POV, street photography, filmlook, street photography pov, street camera Radolca, street camera Slovenia, street photographer, vlog, travel guide, peaceful, ambience sounds, walkingtour, Radovljica travel, Radol'ca travel, Slovenia travel, Radovljica vacation, Alpine travel, Radovljica slovenia, Luka Dončić Country, Rogljič Country, Pogačar country, homeland Dragić, slovenia food, Slovenian local food, Radol'ca Cuisine, Radolca Michelin meal, nightlife, tour, landscape, nature sound, sunset, relaxing sound, learn Slovenian, learning Slovenian, city sounds, Radovljica city, Radol'ca village, city tour, city walk, bled tour, night view, Slovenia town tourism, Treadmill walk, treadmill walks, treadmill walks Slovenia, treadmill walks Radovljica, treadmill walks Radol'ca, treadmill video, walking video, walking videos, jogging videos, running video, jogging video, running videos 4K, virtual tour walks in Slovenia, walks in Radovljica, walking tour 4k, travel in Slovenia, best of Slovenia, Knjižnica Antona Tomaža Linharta Radovljica, Radovljica Bus Stop, Radovljica Train station, Radovljica Čokoladnica, Slovenia Travel Tips, Slovenia Globe Trekker, Radovljica Chocholate shop, Best of Radovljica Radol'ca, Slovenia 2021 – European region of gastronomy, Slovenian culture, Slovenian heritage, Radolca Church, Slovenian tourist attractions, Radol'ca culture, Radovljica heritage, Radovljica tourist attractions, Radovljica ultra hd, Radovljica 4K, Slovenia nft, Slovenia expo dubai, slovenia btc, slovenia crypto, slovenia eth, Radovljica travel trip, Radovljica holiday, Radol'ca must-see, Radovljica Old Town, Radol'ca, Museum of Apiculture, Chocolate Festival, Carniolian Grey Bee, Chocolate Festival, Museum of Apiculture, Pharmacy and Alchemy Museum, Lectar Workshop and Museum, Lectar Inn, Linhartov trg, Linhart Square, Šivčeva hiša, Šivčeva house, Magušarjeva hiša, Linhart Hotel & Bistro, Bukvarna, Cerkev Sv Petra, St Peter's Church Radovljica, Vurnik Square, Vurnikov Trg, Architect Ivan Vurnik, Kunstelj Inn, Anton Tomaž Linhart, Radovljica travel tips, Seul Walker, Slovenia and Korea, Slovenia ultra hd, Slovenia 4K, Slovenia travel trip, Slovenia holiday, Slovenia must-see, Slovenians Abroad, Slovenia travel tips, 4K ASMR, 4K walking video, visit Radovljica, visit Slovenia, morning walk, morning walks, urban walk, walk sunny day, asmr footsteps, spring in Radol'ca, real walking, asmr bird sounds, morning nature sounds, Radovljica sightseeing, slovenia sightseeing, virtual escape relaxation.



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