Hospitals in Xinpu, China
Must Watch…. Best Hospitals and Clinics in Xinpu
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List of Best Hospital and Clinics in Xinpu:
+86 712 247 6666
Xiaogan Central Hospital
Shizhuan Rd, 广场路6号
+86 712 285 3263
Hubei Annianjiankang Service Station
Beijing Rd, 86号-26
Xiaogan Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital
73 Chengzhan Rd
+86 712 282 3583
Xiaogan No.1 Hospital
215 Huancheng Rd
+86 712 282 2170
Yunmeng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
2 Quyang Rd
+86 712 432 2389
+86 712 432 5209
14 Gusaoshu Rd
+86 27 8587 8332
Tongji Hospital
1095 Jiefang Ave
+86 27 8366 2688
Wuhan Deji Hospital
Houhu Ave, 158号附89
Hanchuan People's Hospital
Huanle St, 欢乐街
+86 712 828 2259
Tongji Medical College Hospital of Huazhong University of Science & Technology
+86 27 8369 2451
The North Branch of Wuhan Central Hospital (Wuhan No.2 Hospital)
Gusaoshu Rd
Yunmeng People's Hospital
32 Jianshe Rd
+86 712 432 2905
Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital
753 Jinghan Ave
+86 27 6579 6888
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鳳崎落日步道位於新豐與竹北的交界,步道的兩端分別為新豐的天德堂及竹北蓮花寺, 因此又稱「天德堂步道」或「蓮花寺步道」。
鳳崎,是「鳳山崎」的簡稱,昔日步道所經的山丘被稱為「鳳山」, 因此有「鳳山崎」的地名。 鳳崎落日美景,自古有名,清代淡水廳志將「鳳崎晚霞」列全淡八景之一,後來也被選入為新竹八景。
鳳崎落日步道,全長約3公里,分為主線及副線,主線步道鋪有完善石板,寬敞好走, 是相當大眾化的步道,副線則維持原始山徑,大致與主線平行,然後會合。從天德堂前停車場出發, 沿著道路下行約200公尺,即抵達登山口。 登山口旁的馬路邊陳列一輛了M48A3巴頓戰車,是昔日國軍戰車旅的主力坦克戰車,現已除役, 移置此處展示,供遊客觀賞。軍事遺跡,也是鳳崎落日步道的特色之一。牛牯嶺有支線步道往竹北方向,仍循主步道續往蓮花寺。步道先下坡, 然後大致維持平緩的腰繞路。沿途有廢棄的碉堡及封閉的軍事隧道。
步道1.7公里處的鳳崎小舖,這是私人設置的休憩站, 販賣飲料,設有觀景亭,供遊客休憩及眺覽鳳崎晚霞。這裡是步道最佳展望點。 附近也有舊碉堡及軍事坑道。這些軍事設施最早是二次世界大戰時日軍所闢建, 設置火砲,用來防禦竹北一帶海岸,以防止美軍登陸台灣。 戰後,國軍接收這些軍事設施,仍作為防禦海岸之用。
現場有設置導覽解說圖文,介紹當年國軍駐守此地軍事坑道, 使用美國製造MIAI式75公釐榴彈砲(簡稱75山砲), 射程長達9公里,每分鐘可發射16發。 竹北的新月沙灘及鳳山溪口都在射程之內。 1950年代,台海局勢緊張,台灣西部海岸,遍佈崗哨據點及防禦工事,對海峽嚴陣以待。 鳳崎落日步道沿途這些已廢棄的碉堡及軍事坑道,見證了這段歷史。
#新竹 #絕佳觀賞海岸線 #日落景點 #鳳崎落日步道 #新竹海岸線
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广东省地图 map of Guangdong China
Guangdong (UK: /ɡwæŋˈdʊŋ/, US: /ɡwɒŋ-/),[11] alternately romanized as Canton Province or Kwangtung, is a coastal province in South China on the north shore of the South China Sea. The capital of the province is Guangzhou. With a population of 126.01 million (as of 2020[12]) across a total area of about 179,800 km2 (69,400 sq mi),[1] Guangdong is the most populous province of China and the 15th-largest by area as well as the second-most populous country subdivision in the world. Its economy is larger than that of any other province in the nation and the 4th largest sub-national economy in the world with GDP of 1.66 trillion USD (10.77 trillion CNY) in 2019.[12] The Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, a Chinese megalopolis, is a core for high technology, manufacturing and foreign trade. Located in this zone are two of the four top Chinese cities and the top two Chinese prefecture-level cities by GDP; Guangzhou, the capital of the province, and Shenzhen, the first special economic zone in the country. These two are among the most populous and important cities in China, and have now become two of the world's most populous megacities.
The province of Guangdong surpassed Henan and Shandong to become the most populous province in China in January 2005, registering 79.1 million permanent residents and 31 million migrants who lived in the province for at least six months of the year;[13][14] the total population was 104,303,132 in the 2010 census, accounting for 7.79 percent of Mainland China's population.[15] This makes it the most populous first-level administrative subdivision of any country outside of South Asia. Its population increase since the census has been modest, the province registering 108,500,000 people in 2015.[16] The vast majority of the historical Guangdong Province is administered by the People's Republic of China (PRC). Pratas Island in the South China Sea is part of Cijin District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (ROC); the island was previously part of Guangdong Province before the Chinese Civil War.[17][18]
Guangdong has a diversified economy. It was known as the starting point of the Maritime Silk Road of ancient China.[19] Since 1989, Guangdong has topped the total GDP rankings among all provincial-level divisions, with Jiangsu and Shandong second and third in rank. As of 2018, Guangdong's GDP reached 1.47 trillion US dollars (CNY 9.73 trillion), exceeding that of Spain with GDP of 1.43 trillion US dollars, the 13th largest in the world.[20] The province contributes approximately 12% of the total economic output of mainland China, and is home to the production facilities and offices of a wide-ranging set of Chinese and foreign corporations. Guangdong has benefited from its proximity to the financial hub of Hong Kong, which it borders to the south. Guangdong also hosts the largest import and export fair in China, the Canton Fair, hosted in the provincial capital of Guangzhou.
After the unification of Lingnan region in the Qin dynasty, the immigrants from the Central Plains moved in and formed the local culture with a unique style. With the outward movement of the Guangdong people, the Hakka and Cantonese languages, music, cuisine, opera and tea ceremony have been spread throughout the nation, Southeast Asia and other countries. Guangdong was also the birthplace of the father of modern China and the founder of the Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen where he later declared a military government in the Warlord Era. The two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau fall within the scope of Guangdong cultural influence, and Guangdong culture still has profound influences on the Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia. 广东(英国:/ɡwæŋˈdʊŋ/,美国:/ɡwɒŋ-/),[11] 交替拼写为Canton Province或Kwangtung,是中国南方沿海省份,位于南海北岸。该省的省会是广州。广东拥有 12601 万人口(截至 2020 年[12]),总面积约为 179,800 平方公里(69,400 平方英里),[1] 广东是中国人口最多的省份,按面积计算,在全国排名第 15 位。世界第二人口大国。其经济规模超过全国任何其他省份,2019 年 GDP 为 1.66 万亿美元(10.77 万亿元人民币),位居世界第 4 大地方经济体。 [12]珠江三角洲经济区是中国的特大城市,是高科技、制造业和对外贸易的核心。中国四大城市中的两个和中国GDP排名前二的地级市位于该区域;省会广州和全国第一个经济特区深圳。这两个是中国人口最多和最重要的城市之一,现在已成为世界上人口最多的两个特大城市。 mapa de guangdong china , #guangdong ,
【4K HDR】台湾太好玩!大陆人的骑行旅行攻略:桃园/新竹/台中/嘉义/台南
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YouTube / instagram :Colorbee Photography
🚂🌄🌻SANYI in Miaoli County -- Museums, History, Scenery (苗栗縣三義鄉)
Short trip Sanyi Township in Miaoli County, northwestern Taiwan:
00:50 Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum 三義木雕博物館
02:50 Sanyi Old Street 三義老街
06:10 Shengxing Railway Station 勝興車站
07:50 Shengxing Kezhan Restaurant 勝興客棧
09:40 Longteng Bridge Ruin 龍騰斷橋
10:50 Zhuo Ye Cottage 卓也小屋
13:30 Tongluo Skywalk 銅鑼天空步道
Travel in Taiwan:
We are a small publishing company (Vision) based in Taipei. We produce an English magazine (Travel in Taiwan) introducing you to Taiwan as a travel destination. Read it! Lot of useful information. We also have a website with lots of articles about Taiwan. Visit it! We try to make a video or two every week. Let us know what you think about this channel and what you would like to see about Taiwan. All the best to you!
Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum
Add: No. 88, Guangsheng Xincheng, Guangsheng Village, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County (苗栗縣三義鄉廣盛村廣聲新城88號)
Tel: (037) 876-009
Shengxing Kezhan Restaurant
Add: No. 72, Neighborhood 14, Shengxing Village, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County
Tel: (037) 973-883
Website: (Chinese)
Zhuo Ye Cottage
Add: No. 1-5, Bengshan Xia, Neighborhood 13, Shuangtan Village, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County
Tel: (037) 879-198
Website: (Chinese)
Taiwan Hakka Museum (Miaoli Hakka Culture Park)
Add: No. 6, Tongke S. Rd., Jiuhu Village, Tongluo Township, Miaoli County
Tel: (037) 985-558
Traditional Shopping Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Hsinpu is a beautiful place
Wo man in Xinpu übernachten kann | Xinpu Budget-Reise
Suchst du ein günstiges Hotel für deine bevorstehende Reise in Xinpu? Such nicht weiter! In diesem Video werfen wir einen genaueren Blick auf ein günstiges Hotel in Xinpu, das deine Erwartungen übertrifft, ohne dein Budget zu sprengen.
1. Mingzhu Hotel
2. Longxi hotel
3. Silver City International Hotel (Lianyungang Suning Plaza)
🏨 Entdecke die besten Hotelangebote ganz einfach auf! Dort kannst du mühelos die günstigsten Preise für Hotels finden und vergleichen, sodass du deinen idealen Aufenthalt buchen kannst, ohne zu viel auszugeben.
🛫 Suchst du nach den günstigsten Flugtickets für deine nächste Reise? Dann schau nicht weiter als! Diese Plattform durchsucht eine Vielzahl von Fluggesellschaften und Flugsuchplattformen, um dir die günstigsten Preise zu bieten.
☂️ NUR 0,99$ / pro Tag - Reise mit einem umfassenden Reiseversicherungsschutz sorglos! Die Policen sind darauf ausgelegt, dich und deine Sachen zu schützen, während du unterwegs bist. Hol dir deine Reiseversicherung online in 2 Minuten!
🏕️ Entdecke eine Welt von günstigen Pauschalreisen mit Zielen auf der ganzen Welt. Buche deinen Traumurlaub heute und begib dich auf das Abenteuer deines Lebens!
🚗 Starte in einen unvergesslichen Roadtrip und miete ein Auto weltweit ohne jeglichen Aufwand. Finde das perfekte Fahrzeug für deine Bedürfnisse und dein Budget aus unserer vielfältigen Auswahl an Optionen.
00:00 Nummer 3
01:00 Nummer 2
02:00 Nummer 1
Tags und Schlüsselwörter:
#Top3Hotels #Reisen #GünstigReisen #Xinpu
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Amazing Fujian Hakka Earthen Houses - IN LOVE WITH TRAVEL episode 2
This place has always been on my bucket list as I’m very intrigued by how history has defined the living culture of the Hakkas.
Before I visited the place, I was prepared to be inundated with architectural figures and dates. I was instead blown away by how alive this place is.
With thousands of tulous still in existence, the Hakkas, like their earthen houses, have withstood the perils of time and are living and breathing their culture.
The best way to describe the Hakka tulous - one large family, one little society 一个大家庭 一个小世界
Cherie wants to see as many new places as she can before she reaches 50. She loves exploring new places with family, friends of even going solo and lately, she has discovered the joy of travel vlogging.
IN LOVE WITH TRAVEL is a YouTube channel that Cherie started to document her travel escapades and she tries to keep the best of the destination within 100 seconds.
Cherie vlogs using only her mobile handphone and makes these videos on her mobile device too, usually within the travel time on the plane for lack of inflight entertainment.
ENJOY and SHARE the other videos of IN LOVE WITH TRAVEL!
5 Interesting Things About Taiwan Hakka Villages!
Keen to explore the exquisite Hakka culture in #Taiwan? Find out below what % of the population is #Hakka? When is it ok to give an umbrella as a gift? Why are there so many old houses in a new house? Why is the Tung Blossom tree the symbol of Hakka culture? What’s different about the cuisine?
Now we've covered the basics, you're primed to visit the 2023 Hakka Expo, running from August 11 to October 15 in #Taoyuan, your #FirstStopinTaiwan, to sample the cuisine and experience the culture!
●Travel to our subscribe button for more great content! 訂閱▶
Taiwan Day 1 Travel Itinerary
Taiwan Day 1 Itinerary
Taoyuan Airport MRT Ticket & SIM Card & Exclusive Shopping Coupon via Klook
-Taoyuan Airport to Taipei Main Station - Php215
Single trip - 215
Round trip - 430
-Taipei Main Station to Ximen Station (via MRT Blue Line) - 16NTD
At Ximen Station:
Ximending Shopping District
Red House Theater
-Ximen Station to Longshan Temple Station (via MRT Blue Line) - 16NTD
-Longshan Temple Station to Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station (via MRT Blue Line) - 20NTD
-Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station to Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Station
(via MRT Blue Line to Taipei Main Station , switch to MRT Red line to Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall) - 25NTD
-Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Station to Ximen Station (via MRT Green Line) - 16NTD
Free Entrance on all visits
Please don't forget to subscribe, like, and comment. Thanks
Miaoli itinerary | Taiwan travel Vlog | 苗栗 | 南庄 | 台湾苗栗の旅程
A cinematic tour of our Taiwan Miaoli(苗栗) trip. Shengxing old street (勝興老街), Old mountain line rail way bike (舊山軌道自行), Longteng broken bridge (龍騰斷橋), Dahu strawberry farm (大湖草莓農), Nanzhuang Osmanthus alley( 南庄桂花巷) etc.
Video was taken by
Sony A7C, sigma 27-70mm F2.8
Sony A6500, Sony 11mm F1.8
#taiwantravel #miaoli
Taiwan ‘22: Hsinchu City Impressions
Stuck at home suffering through 3 day quarantine. Figured I’d explore the city a bit with the drone. #taiwan #hsinchu #hsinchutaiwan #travel
Enjoy, and please subscribe to grab the next flight (likely in Taiwan in a few days).
台北信義區松仁路 Taipei Songren Road, Xinyi District 颱風前的雨中漫步/臺北信義商圈 - 走向吳興街周邊/台灣 台湾 Taiwan Walking Tour
【4K】Taipei Walk/Walk along Songren Road (Xinyi Commercial District) 台北信義區「松仁路」颱風登陸前的雨中漫步:從捷運市政府站沿著松仁路,走向松仁路底與吳興街周邊/COVID-19 in Taiwan | 台灣 台湾 臺灣 대만 Taiwan Walking Tour 台湾旅行
▶【4K 散步路線】 ▶ 捷運市政府站 4 → 忠孝東路五段 → 忠信廣場 (信義12號廣場) → 松仁路 → 寶麗廣塲(貴婦百貨) → 遠百信義A13 → 信義A13 - Apple 直營店 → Neo 19 複合商場 → 松廉路 (台北101) → 信義國中 → 吳興國小 → 松仁路308巷
▶【4K Walking Route】▶ MRT Taipei City Hall Station 4 → Sec. 5, Zhongxiao E. Rd. → Zhongxin Square → Songren Rd. → BELLAVITA → FEDS Xinyi A13 → Apple Store Xinyi A13 → Neo 19 → Songlian Rd. (Taipei101) → Xinyi Junior High School → Wuxing Elementary School → Ln. 308, Songren Rd.
Thank you for watching ~ If you like my video, please subscribe to my channel and press the like button and share this video. 謝謝放鬆觀看,如果喜歡這影片,也請幫我按讚、訂閱、小鈴噹與分享 ~
★時間戳記 (Time Stamps):
00:00 MRT Taipei City Hall Station 4 捷運市政府站 4
00:20 Sec. 5, Zhongxiao E. Rd. 忠孝東路五段
03:51 Zhongxin Square 忠信廣場 (信義12號廣場)
04:13 Songren Rd. 松仁路
05:30 BELLAVITA 寶麗廣塲 (貴婦百貨)
06:46 Songgao Rd. 松高路
09:25 FEDS Xinyi A13 遠百信義A13
11:36 Apple Store Xinyi A13 信義A13 - Apple 直營店
12:12 Songshou Rd. 松壽路
13:51 Neo 19 複合商場
16:46 Songlian Rd. (Taipei101) 松廉路 (台北101)
19:08 Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd. 信義路五段
25:28 Xinyi Junior High School 信義國中
31:46 Zhuangjing Rd. 莊敬路
33:20 Wuxing Elementary School 吳興國小
38:52 Wuxing St. 吳興街
42:12 Ln. 308, Songren Rd. 松仁路308巷
★Google Maps 地標 (Placemarks):
【MRT Taipei City Hall Station 4 捷運市政府站4】
【Zhongxin Square 忠信廣場 (信義12號廣場)】
【BELLAVITA 寶麗廣塲(貴婦百貨)】
【FEDS Xinyi A13 遠百信義 A13】
【Neo 19 複合商場】
【Apple Xinyi A13 Apple信義A13】
【Taipei101 台北101】
【Xinyi Junior High School 信義國中】
【Wuxing Elementary School 吳興國小】
【Louisa Coffee 路易莎咖啡 (信義松仁門市)】
★您還可看這些影片 (More videos):
【4K】Midnight Walk in Taipei Xinyi District (Nightlife) 台北信義計畫區的深夜生活
【4K】Taipei Walk/台北信義商圈人行空橋:微風信義 → Taipei 101/Pedestrian Bridge in Xinyi District (Skyway)/星期六漫步細雨的信義區
【4K】Taipei Walk/台北市超短路:信義商圈「興雅路」,400公尺路過五家百貨公司!Short street:Xingya Road, Xinyi District
【4K】Taipei Walk/市民的信義區:吳興街市場 (吳興商圈朝市) Wuxing Street Market (Wu Xing Square)/鄰近台北101的傳統市場
【4K】Taipei Walk/Xinyi Shopping District (Monday) 星期一的信義區商圈,人潮如何?
★拍攝時間 (Filmed):星期六 (Saturday 土曜日) 1:55 PM,2022/09/03
★拍攝器材包含 (Filmed using):
DJI Pocket 2 ,有時搭配: 增廣鏡 (DJI Pocket 2 Wide-Angle Lens)、 延長桿 Extension Rod、Z軸減震增穩器 Z axis stabilizer
★看更多影片 (Watch more videos):
●●All Walking Videos 一次看全部影片
●Northern Taiwan Walks 亂步北台灣
●Central Taiwan Walks 亂步中台灣
●Southern Taiwan Walks 亂步南台灣
●Eastern Taiwan and Outlying Islands 東台灣與離島
●Night Markets 台灣夜市集
●Station Walks 走遍台灣車站
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●Help You Sleep 好睡助眠小品?
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🚃MIAOLI Coast Railway WHY IS NOONE GOING HERE? (苗栗火車之旅)
A short trip to the hardly known coastal area of Miaoli County in western Taiwan. Small towns, small railway station, the sea, quiet countryside, and a strange park.
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Music by Isaac Chambers (
Gear used for this video
Panasonic Lumix GH4:
PANASONIC LUMIX G X Vario Lens, 12-35mm:
PANASONIC LUMIX G Vario Lens, 100-300mm:
Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8:
Panasonic DMW-MS2:
Travel in Taiwan 2017, March/April
(By Steven Crook)
Yuanli is an excellent place to enjoy the morning markets which are still a key feature in urban areas on this island. Less than 100m from Yuanli Railway Station, the block bordered by Weigong, Tianxia, Datong, and Jianguo roads is crammed full of vendors.
Some sell vegetables, others fabrics, others prepared food. The range of hot and cold snacks is enticing. One especially popular option is the glutinous pork-filled disks at Jinguang Meatballs (open daily 8am to 9:30pm).
Jinguang Meatballs (金光肉圓)
Add: No. 80, Tianxia Rd., Yuanli Township, Miaoli County
One stop and six minutes north of Yuanli is Tongxiao. Stopping here is recommended, as both fresh-air lovers and history buffs can indulge their passions at Hutoushan Park.
First, you’ll come to the remains of a Shinto shrine built in 1937 by the Japanese authorities then ruling Taiwan. After World War II it was preserved by the Chinese Nationalist government, which had reclaimed Taiwan in 1945, but rededicated to heroes of the Republic of China (ROC). Despite post-earthquake modifications since carried out, which reflect postwar political correctness, the site retains considerable elegance.
A little further up, what was once a military lookout post is now shaded by an immense concrete lotus. The lotus flower is a Buddhist symbol of purity, so this is perhaps an attempt to counter the site’s military atmosphere with peaceful sentiments.
At the very top of the hill is a monument that since 1945 has served as a celebration of Taiwan’s return to the Chinese fold, but which was originally erected by the Japanese to mark a crucial moment in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05.
Some might think there’s nothing to see at Xinpu but the station itself, a quaint 1922 wooden structure. But they’d be wrong.
Known to rail enthusiasts on the island as the location of one of the stations closest to the sea, Xinpu is a splendid place to stop if you want to feel sea breezes. Here, as at several other spots along Miaoli’s coastline, there are boardwalks and bicycle paths.
There’s also a rather odd park called Qiumao Garden, 350m south of the station. Its garish yet cutesy statues – among them are representations of ROC founder Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Daoist deity Guan Gong, and the entire cast of Journey to the West – are clearly visible from passing trains. Kids will enjoy the slides and concrete animals.
Baishatun enjoys island-wide fame of sorts, thanks to Gongtian Temple and the annual pilgrimage that begins and ends here. Like the better-known festival that kicks off down the coast at Dajia Zhenlan Temple, it’s an expression of the Taiwanese people’s adoration of Mazu, the Goddess of the Sea. In 2011, this pilgrimage was declared a national intangible cultural asset by the central government.
It’s impossible not to notice the immense statue of a stern-looking, burgundy-skinned man, naked from the waist up. His head is 156m above street level, making this representation of Shennong, the Chinese God of Agriculture and putative inventor of herbal medicine, the largest religious icon in the region.The statue sits atop Wugu Temple, inside which you’ll find other effigies of Shennong. He’s easy to recognize, because he’s invariably depicted holding sprigs of millet in his right hand. Another of his names, Wugushen, means God of the Five Grains.
Getting There:
Taking a train from Taichung Railway Station to Yuanli takes about 70 minutes (NT$79); from Yuanli to Zhunan takes about 45 minutes (NT$61). If you want to get from Zhunan to Miaoli THSR Station, take a train to Fengfu Railway Station (10 min.; NT$16), which is next to the THSR station.
The stations between Yuanli and Zhunan are not far apart from each other, but as the gap between services on this stretch of railroad often exceeds an hour, do carry a schedule of train times. This information can be found on the TRA’s bilingual website,
Gongtian Temple 拱天宮
Houlong 後龍
Hutoushan Park 虎頭山公園
Qiumao Garden 秋茂園
Shennong 神農
Tongxiao 通霄
Wugu Temple 五穀宮
Wugushen 五谷神
Xinpu 新埔
Yuanli 苑裡
Zhunan 竹南
SANYI in Miaoli County (苗栗縣三義鄉)
Video from last year. Quick trip to Sanyi in Miaoli County. :)
Who we are
We are a small publishing company (Vision) based in Taipei. We produce an English magazine (Travel in Taiwan) introducing readers to Taiwan as a travel destination.
Who I am
My name is Johannes (友漢), Twelli. I love creating videos about places in Taiwan and I try to post a few videos every week (well, more like twice a month). Please let me know what you think about this channel and feel free to ask me any question. Thanks for your support!
Travel in Taiwan:
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The souvenir shop started as a traditional food OEM, and created a food kingdom with its own brand of Taiwanese traditional mochi and exquisite Japanese desserts. In line with the goal of sustainable operation and a century-old enterprise, the dim sum culture is promoted through tourist factories to deepen the value of the products, and allow Chinese people to eat the most authentic wagashi without going abroad. In addition to purchasing fresh and various exquisite pastries directly in Wuwen City, the fully transparent production process is directly presented to consumers. The fully automated pastry production equipment and ingredients are all from Japan, and the authentic taste is worthless. Doubt. In such a high-quality environment, what is pursued is a further all-round experience, so through the shaping of space, the brand image is more complete.
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00:00 新竹縣旅遊特色公園介紹
00:22 新瓦屋客家文化保存區
02:11 AI智慧園區公園
03:14 東興圳公園 (公廿七公園)
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腳本: 屠潔 / 何宜憲(伊森)
拍攝:咔麥喵團隊 -郭欣凱
片頭設計製作:咔麥喵團隊 - Sherlock
剪輯/字幕:咔麥喵團隊 - Sherlock