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10 Best place to visit in Wuchuan China



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Local Life in Bazhou | Backpacking China

Local Life in Bazhou | Backpacking China
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We loved spending time in the popular backpacking and tourist hubs of China but we were very excited to leave them behind! Our good friend Kevin took us to his home town to show us the local life of China that many backpackers wont see. The real life of small town China! This was awesome, not only becuase we got to see the unique city but becuase we got to see our friends home town, his favorite local spots, eat meals and share evenings with his kind and generous family, and exploring the local tour attractions!

One of our favorite experiences in China for sure!

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Wandering Blue Passports
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Leizhou stone dogs and sandpipers in west Guangdong, China

At Leizhou Peninsula, including Leizhou Bay wetland, 28 Feb to 2 March 2018. Culture, wetland birds, ancient city, Huguang Lake within Geopark

化州最豪華酒店!自助早餐是怎麼樣?當地樓價!兩房一廳!只要35萬!6000元一方!驚人的價格!4日3夜!自駕遊!最大早市!街拍!街景!美食旅遊推薦!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#酒店 #樓價 #旅遊

餐廳消費:純籺子糖 ¥12,鮮百合木耳糖 ¥7
南朝宋元嘉三年(426年)置羅州縣,檀道濟築石城於羅江口,置羅州縣,屬廣州高涼郡,為化州建縣之始。南朝齊置高興郡、高興縣,郡治所在今化州市區東北舊城嶺,屬越州,郡轄地在今化州南部及吳川、廉江。南朝樑大通年間,置石龍縣、石龍郡,又升羅州縣為羅州,領石龍、高興二郡。隋朝廢石龍、高興二郡,羅州領石龍、吳川、茂名三縣。大業三年(607)廢高州、羅州,設高涼郡,石龍縣屬高涼郡。唐武德四年(621)廢高涼郡,五年復置羅州,治所石龍,領石龍、吳川、陵羅、龍化、羅辯、南河、石城、招義、零綠、慈廉、羅肥十一縣。唐武德六年(623)羅州徙治石城(今廣東廉江)後,先後置南石州、辯州,其間天寶元年(742年)至乾元元年(758年)曾一度改置陵水郡,後復置辯州,下領石龍縣等。北宋太平興國五年據「州治之石龍能變化之義」(980年),辯州改稱化州,領石龍、吳川兩縣。 此乃化州命名之始。元朝先後置化州路安撫司、化州路總管府。明朝洪武元年(1368年)改化州路為化州府,領石龍、吳川、石城三縣。洪武七年(1374年)始降府為州,並石龍縣入化州,化州領吳川、石城二縣。自置羅州時起,至明洪武六年(1373年)止,近八百年間,化州一直是一、二級政區州、郡(府)的治所,為粵西地區的重要政治中心之一。
Huazhou City (postal pinyin: Fachow) is a county-level city in the southwest of Guangdong Province, administered by Maoming City. It borders Beiliu County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to the north, Wuchuan City of Guangdong Province to the south, Gaozhou City and Maonan District of Maoming City to the east, and Luchuan County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Lianjiang City of Guangdong Province to the west.
Huazhou City was formerly known as Shilong. It was named China's Hometown of Orange Peel because of its abundant production of orange peel. It is known as Orange Township, Orange City, and Orange State. Its terrain is long and narrow, like a sitting lion.
Huazhou has a long and narrow terrain, like a sitting lion. The terrain slopes from northwest to southeast. The northern part is a high hilly area dominated by granite, which belongs to the branch of Yunkai Mountain, accounting for 38.4% of the total area of ​​the city. Tieshizhang, with an altitude of 579.8 meters, is the highest peak in Huazhou; the central part is a low hilly area, accounting for 36.8% of the total area; the southwest is a terrace, accounting for 15.5% of the total area; the southeast is the Jianjiang alluvial plain, accounting for 9.3% of the total area. There are three rivers in the territory, namely Jianjiang, Luojiang and Lingjiang, which run from north to south. Other rivers include Lingjiang, Qinghu River, Zhongdong River, Guanqiao River and Shiwan River, which are tributaries of Luojiang. There is Sanya River in the southeast and Tang River in the southwest, which are all third-level tributaries of Jianjiang. The soil is mainly red loam, with a deep soil layer and rich organic matter. The climate is subtropical monsoon climate, with southeast wind prevailing from March to September each year and northerly wind prevailing from October to February of the following year. The summer is long and the winter is short, the climate is mild, and it is often affected by typhoons and tropical depressions.
Huazhou had human activities as early as the Neolithic Age, and the ancient Yue ancestors lived and multiplied here. In the Qin Dynasty, the present Huazhou belonged to Xiangjun. Since then, the affiliation has changed repeatedly, and the establishment and division have been divided and merged many times. It has successively belonged to Nanyue State, Gaoliang County of Hepu County, Jiaozhi Provincial Department, Gaoxing County, Gaoliang County


★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★

★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★

★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★


★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★


00:00 Intro
00:50 酒店自助早餐有什麼吃?
10:57 早市實況/當地樓價/6千元一平方米/低至35萬元
15:45 當地市場/物價如何? /比想像中熱鬧/人氣超旺
23:50 50萬元一間的房子是怎樣的?
27:08 爽爽糖水店/純籺子糖/鮮百合木耳糖
35:01 自製飲品/開車前往沙扒灣
40:16 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #化州 #豪華酒店 #酒店 #自助早餐 #樓價 #兩房一廳 #價格 #4日3夜 #自駕遊 #早市 #街怕 #街景 #美食 #美食旅遊 #旅遊推薦 #food tourism #food tour in china #china tour guide #guangzhou vlog #cantonese food #cantonese vlog

Travelling VLOGS - China Part 10 - Chishui 赤水

We take a bus through Luzhou to the 'small' city of Chishui. The weather is getting better and we take trips to see Shizhandong Waterfall and the Red Rock Daixia Park.

湛江最大早市!樓價!海景房無人買?1.5萬一平方!原因是什麼?4日3夜!酒店自助早餐!街拍!街景!舊城區!美食旅遊推薦!海鮮價格極便宜!海蝦20元!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#樓價 #美食 #旅遊


湛江市的徐聞古港,是漢代海上絲路最早始發港。 湛江歷史代表文化為雷州文化,部分地區亦受高涼文化影響。
1899年11月,法國政府與清政府簽訂《中法互訂廣州灣租界條約》,將雷州府遂溪縣、高州府吳川縣兩縣所屬部分陸地、島嶼以及兩縣間的麻斜海灣(今湛江港)劃為法國租借地,統稱“廣州灣”,劃入法屬印度支那聯邦範圍,設廣州灣行政總公使署,受法屬印度支那總督管轄。 1943年2月,太平洋戰爭時期,被日本軍隊佔領。
Zhanjiang City, also known as the Port City and formerly known as Guangzhou Bay (Kwangchouwan), is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province, a sub-central city of Guangdong Province, and a central city of the Beibu Bay and Yuexi town cluster[5]. It is located on the Leizhou Peninsula at the southernmost tip of mainland China, at the intersection of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan provinces (regions). It is adjacent to Maoming City in the northeast, Yulin City and Beihai City in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the northwest, the South China Sea in the east, Hainan Island across the Qiongzhou Strait in the south, and Beibu Bay in the west. The municipal government is located at No. 67, Yuejin Road, Chikan District.

The Xuwen Ancient Port in Zhanjiang City was the earliest starting port of the Maritime Silk Road in the Han Dynasty. Zhanjiang's historical representative culture is the Leizhou culture, and some areas are also influenced by the Gaoliang culture.
Zhanjiang was a French concession in 1899 and was officially opened to trade. As the shortest sea voyage from mainland China to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Oceania, Zhanjiang is an important port city on the southeast coast of China and a national comprehensive transportation hub. It is one of the first coastal open cities in China and the headquarters of the Navy's South China Sea Fleet.
According to expert research and argumentation, the Liyudun Shell Mound Site in Jianghong Town, Suixi County today is a human settlement site from the Neolithic Age 7,000 to 8,000 years ago, and is the earliest place inhabited by humans on the Leizhou Peninsula. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the current Zhanjiang area was under the jurisdiction of Baiyue. It belonged to Xiangjun in the Qin Dynasty. In the sixth year of Yuanding of the Han Dynasty (111 BC), Xuwen, Leizhou and Suixi in the south belonged to Xuwen County of Jiaozhi; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Gaoliang County and Hepu County of Jiaozhi respectively. Afterwards, the three counties in the south belonged to Jiaozhou, Yuezhou, Hezhou, Nanhezhou and Donghezhou successively. In the eighth year of Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty (634), Donghezhou was changed to Leizhou, which governed the three counties of Leizhou Peninsula until the Qing Dynasty; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Guangzhou, Luozhou and Huazhou successively, and belonged to Gaozhou until the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★

★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★

★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★


★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★


00:00 Intro
00:21 酒店自助早餐/海景自助早餐
06:48 酒店附近樓價/1.5萬一平方米/150萬起步
10:42 霞山區全部都是高樓大廈
13:10 赤坎區舊城區街道狹窄/全部都是舊屋
22:26 當地早市/北橋市場/海鮮價格極為便宜
32:55 古井騎樓街/法租界紀念館
39:16 騎樓街實況
43:30 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #cantonese food #food tourism #china tourism #guangzhou vlog #湛江 #早市 #樓價 #海景房 #4日3夜 #自助早餐 #早餐 #街拍 #街景 #舊城區 #美食 #旅遊 #旅遊推薦 #海鮮 #海鮮價格 #海蝦 #霞山區 #赤坎區 #自助餐 #vlog travel #vlog china #vlog study #food tour in china #樓價 2024

廣東化州旅遊!當地最豪華酒店!250元!著名美食!香油雞50元!不得了!!好吃到爆!4日3夜!美食旅遊推薦!最大商場!超市瘋狂購物!2人消費90元!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#旅遊 #酒店 #美食

餐廳消費:白切香油雞 ¥60,白切蓮藕 ¥15,撈粉 ¥10
南朝宋元嘉三年(426年)置羅州縣,檀道濟築石城於羅江口,置羅州縣,屬廣州高涼郡,為化州建縣之始。南朝齊置高興郡、高興縣,郡治所在今化州市區東北舊城嶺,屬越州,郡轄地在今化州南部及吳川、廉江。南朝樑大通年間,置石龍縣、石龍郡,又升羅州縣為羅州,領石龍、高興二郡。隋朝廢石龍、高興二郡,羅州領石龍、吳川、茂名三縣。大業三年(607)廢高州、羅州,設高涼郡,石龍縣屬高涼郡。唐武德四年(621)廢高涼郡,五年復置羅州,治所石龍,領石龍、吳川、陵羅、龍化、羅辯、南河、石城、招義、零綠、慈廉、羅肥十一縣。唐武德六年(623)羅州徙治石城(今廣東廉江)後,先後置南石州、辯州,其間天寶元年(742年)至乾元元年(758年)曾一度改置陵水郡,後復置辯州,下領石龍縣等。北宋太平興國五年據「州治之石龍能變化之義」(980年),辯州改稱化州,領石龍、吳川兩縣。 此乃化州命名之始。元朝先後置化州路安撫司、化州路總管府。明朝洪武元年(1368年)改化州路為化州府,領石龍、吳川、石城三縣。洪武七年(1374年)始降府為州,並石龍縣入化州,化州領吳川、石城二縣。自置羅州時起,至明洪武六年(1373年)止,近八百年間,化州一直是一、二級政區州、郡(府)的治所,為粵西地區的重要政治中心之一。
Huazhou City (postal pinyin: Fachow) is a county-level city in the southwest of Guangdong Province, administered by Maoming City. It borders Beiliu County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to the north, Wuchuan City of Guangdong Province to the south, Gaozhou City and Maonan District of Maoming City to the east, and Luchuan County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Lianjiang City of Guangdong Province to the west.
Huazhou City was formerly known as Shilong. It was named China's Hometown of Orange Peel because of its abundant production of orange peel. It is known as Orange Township, Orange City, and Orange State. Its terrain is long and narrow, like a sitting lion.
Huazhou has a long and narrow terrain, like a sitting lion. The terrain slopes from northwest to southeast. The northern part is a high hilly area dominated by granite, which belongs to the branch of Yunkai Mountain, accounting for 38.4% of the total area of ​​the city. Tieshizhang, with an altitude of 579.8 meters, is the highest peak in Huazhou; the central part is a low hilly area, accounting for 36.8% of the total area; the southwest is a terrace, accounting for 15.5% of the total area; the southeast is the Jianjiang alluvial plain, accounting for 9.3% of the total area. There are three rivers in the territory, namely Jianjiang, Luojiang and Lingjiang, which run from north to south. Other rivers include Lingjiang, Qinghu River, Zhongdong River, Guanqiao River and Shiwan River, which are tributaries of Luojiang. There is Sanya River in the southeast and Tang River in the southwest, which are all third-level tributaries of Jianjiang. The soil is mainly red loam, with a deep soil layer and rich organic matter. The climate is subtropical monsoon climate, with southeast wind prevailing from March to September each year and northerly wind prevailing from October to February of the following year. The summer is long and the winter is short, the climate is mild, and it is often affected by typhoons and tropical depressions.
Huazhou had human activities as early as the Neolithic Age, and the ancient Yue ancestors lived and multiplied here. In the Qin Dynasty, the present Huazhou belonged to Xiangjun. Since then, the affiliation has changed repeatedly, and the establishment and division have been divided and merged many times. It has successively belonged to Nanyue State, Gaoliang County of Hepu County, Jiaozhi Provincial Department, Gaoxing County, Gaoliang County


★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★

★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★

★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★


★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★


00:00 Intro
00:21 開車兩小時抵達化州/第一次來到
04:35 入住當地最大最豪華酒店/250元一晚/roomtour
09:12 冒雨覓食/途徑步行街/奀奀飯店/讀餐牌時間
15:58 白切香油雞/白切蓮藕/撈粉
24:42 夜遊步行街
30:32 開車前往萬達廣場
35:55 商場瘋狂購物/特價榴槤
44:42 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣東 #化州 #旅遊 #酒店 #美食 #香油雞 #雞 #蓮藕 #撈粉 #旅遊推薦 #商場 #美食攻略 #超市 #瘋狂購物 #夜市 #步行街 #購物 #榴蓮 #物價 #food tourism #china tourist guide #美食 中国 #china tour 2024 #vlog study #chinese food vlog

湛江最大海鮮市場!海鮮加工!300元海鮮大餐!清蒸沙蟲60元!花蟹50元!生蠔40元!4日3夜!美食旅遊推薦!漁人碼頭!極度美味!午餐!驚人的價格!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#湛江 #海鮮 #美食

餐廳消費:蒜蓉粉絲蒸沙蟲 ¥60+加工費¥20,蒜蓉蒸鮑魚 ¥54+加工費¥25,薑蔥炒花蟹 ¥50+加工費¥20,薑蔥炒生蠔 ¥40+加工費¥28
湛江市的徐聞古港,是漢代海上絲路最早始發港。 湛江歷史代表文化為雷州文化,部分地區亦受高涼文化影響。
1899年11月,法國政府與清政府簽訂《中法互訂廣州灣租界條約》,將雷州府遂溪縣、高州府吳川縣兩縣所屬部分陸地、島嶼以及兩縣間的麻斜海灣(今湛江港)劃為法國租借地,統稱“廣州灣”,劃入法屬印度支那聯邦範圍,設廣州灣行政總公使署,受法屬印度支那總督管轄。 1943年2月,太平洋戰爭時期,被日本軍隊佔領。
Zhanjiang City, also known as the Port City and formerly known as Guangzhou Bay (Kwangchouwan), is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province, a sub-central city of Guangdong Province, and a central city of the Beibu Bay and Yuexi town cluster[5]. It is located on the Leizhou Peninsula at the southernmost tip of mainland China, at the intersection of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan provinces (regions). It is adjacent to Maoming City in the northeast, Yulin City and Beihai City in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in the northwest, the South China Sea in the east, Hainan Island across the Qiongzhou Strait in the south, and Beibu Bay in the west. The municipal government is located at No. 67, Yuejin Road, Chikan District.

The Xuwen Ancient Port in Zhanjiang City was the earliest starting port of the Maritime Silk Road in the Han Dynasty. Zhanjiang's historical representative culture is the Leizhou culture, and some areas are also influenced by the Gaoliang culture.
Zhanjiang was a French concession in 1899 and was officially opened to trade. As the shortest sea voyage from mainland China to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Oceania, Zhanjiang is an important port city on the southeast coast of China and a national comprehensive transportation hub. It is one of the first coastal open cities in China and the headquarters of the Navy's South China Sea Fleet.
According to expert research and argumentation, the Liyudun Shell Mound Site in Jianghong Town, Suixi County today is a human settlement site from the Neolithic Age 7,000 to 8,000 years ago, and is the earliest place inhabited by humans on the Leizhou Peninsula. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the current Zhanjiang area was under the jurisdiction of Baiyue. It belonged to Xiangjun in the Qin Dynasty. In the sixth year of Yuanding of the Han Dynasty (111 BC), Xuwen, Leizhou and Suixi in the south belonged to Xuwen County of Jiaozhi; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Gaoliang County and Hepu County of Jiaozhi respectively. Afterwards, the three counties in the south belonged to Jiaozhou, Yuezhou, Hezhou, Nanhezhou and Donghezhou successively. In the eighth year of Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty (634), Donghezhou was changed to Leizhou, which governed the three counties of Leizhou Peninsula until the Qing Dynasty; Wuchuan and Lianjiang in the north belonged to Guangzhou, Luozhou and Huazhou successively, and belonged to Gaozhou until the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★

★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★

★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★


★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★


00:00 Intro
00:41 湛江海鮮市場/抵達現場已搬遷/只有批發商戶
04:52 開車前往漁人碼頭/湛江最大海鮮市場買海鮮
19:11 漁人碼頭海鮮餐廳加工海鮮/蒜蓉粉絲蒸沙蟲/蒜蓉蒸鮑魚/薑蔥炒花蟹/薑蔥炒生蠔
30:19 漁人碼頭海鮮批發市場
33:44 法國時期建築物/大教堂/全部都看不到
41:21 開車前往化州/預訂酒店
44:31 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #湛江 #海鮮 #美食 #海鮮市場 #海鮮加工 #海鮮大餐 #沙蟲 #花蟹 #生蠔 #3日3夜 #旅遊 #旅遊推薦 #漁人碼頭 #午餐 #food tour in china #food tourism #漁人碼頭 美食 #vlog bgm #cantonese vlog #cantonese food #vlog study #china tour 2024

Polin Waterslide Portfolio @Texas Waterworld in Wuchuan, China

Polin provided this brand new waterpark in Wuchuan, Cina with 32 waterslides from the manufacturers big portfolio to give every visitor a great day with this many posibilitys.


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This video was produced in 2018 by Movemotions for Polin Waterparks at the Texas Waterworld in Wuchuan, China

I want to fly - Drone in a Construction Site, Wuchuan China

Music: Eiohaki-Mechanic

Beautiful Landscape of Guangxi

Beautiful Landscape of Guangxi is naturally formed with mountains and rivers, which is a good environment blessing by nature.
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She asks me to visit her parents in Panzhou!

Panzhou is a city in Guiyang Province.
Since there is now a high speed train, it becomes accessible for visitors.

I believe that it is worth traveling there. This place is still authentic and well preserved.
Panzhou offers local food, local minority culture, camping, horse riding, tea culture, Gingko forest, trek in the forest...

I probably will go there go there (with Wen and Paul).

Q-We Vlog • Explore Zhanjiang - Ep. 3: Something Old, Something New in the City

Hi, welcome back to Q-We channel for another episode about Zhanjing. This is the last episode of this travel series, also the most exciting one.

In this episode, Sven and I visited most of the local attractions in the city.
We also to went to Techeng Island to have a walk, but because of the departure schedule of the ferry, we only had 15 minutes there. It was still amazing to see the city from the island. We also visited Zhanjiang Fisherman's Wharf, a new project in the city, it looks pretty cool.

I learned more about this city, the city isn't that fancy compared to other big cities in Guangdong province, but it has its own charm.

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00:00 • Interesting Streets in Chikan 赤坎老街
03:42 • Former Site of French Minister Department & Catholic Cathedral
06:32 • Wander Around The French Culture Street & Park
08:07 • Explore the Techeng Island 特呈岛
12:22 • Seashore Park at Night 海滨公园
13:05 • Dancing at Zhanjiang Fisherman's Wharf
15:05 • One Last Look Around Before We Go

#qwetravel #zhanjiang #travelvlog #visitzhanjiang#visitchina #travelvlog #beachcity #harbourcity #guangzhouwan #zhanjianghistory #zhanjiangculture #oceanview

Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China

Wenzhou, abbreviated as Wen or Ou, is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Zhejiang Province, an important commercial city and regional center city on the southeast coast as determined by the State Council. As of 2021, the city has 4 municipal districts, 5 counties and 3 county-level cities under its jurisdiction, with a land area of 12,110 square kilometers, a sea area of 8,649 square kilometers, a resident population of 9,572,903,000 and a gross regional product of 758.5 billion yuan, an increase of 7.7% over the previous year and an average growth of 5.5% in two years.
Wenzhou is located in East China, southeastern Zhejiang, the south bank of the lower reaches of the Ou River, the whole territory between 27°03'~28°36′ N latitude, 119°37′~121°18′ E longitude, east of the East China Sea, south of Fujian Province, west and northwest and Lishui connected, north and northeast and Taizhou border, is one of the 27 cities in the center of the Yangtze River Delta, the Chinese mathematician's Wenzhou is one of the 27 cities in the center of Yangtze River Delta, the cradle of Chinese mathematicians, the hometown of Chinese Southern Opera, the hometown of Chinese seafood eggs, and the capital of Chinese shoes.
Wenzhou is a famous national historical and cultural city and is known as the most beautiful city in southeast China. Wenzhou is an ancient Ou land, also known as Dongou, the county was established in 323 AD as Yongjia County, and the legend says that when the county was built, there were white deer with flowers around the city, so it was named Lucheng. In the Tang Dynasty (675 AD), Wenzhou was called Wenzhou, and has a history of more than 2,000 years since its establishment. Wenzhou is the pioneer of private economic development in China and the frontier of reform and opening up, and at the early stage of reform and opening up, it was known as Wuchuan in the south and Wenzhou in the north. It is one of the first 14 coastal open cities in China.
Ranked 37th among the top 100 cities in China in 2017. [7-8] In December 2018, Wenzhou was selected as one of the top 30 best prefecture-level cities in mainland China in 2018. [9] In 2022, it was selected as one of the new group of cities released by the Ministry of Science and Technology to support the construction of innovative cities.


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► ★【绿野中国】 | 探寻自然未知 发现奇异世界

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Changzhong Road|Shanghai bike 4K |Train crossing|Zhengli Road|Wuchuan Road

场中路|上海骑行 4K |火车道口|政立路|武川路
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Changzhong Road|Shanghai Cycling 4K|Train Crossing|Zhengli Road|Wuchuan Road

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anxiang Mall|Shanghai Jiading walking 4K |Line 11 Metro Station
南翔印象城MEGA|上海嘉定步行 4K |11号线地铁站|陈翔公路

Metro Shanghai Subway Line 2 4K |Shanghai Pudong International Airport subway station|PVG
地铁2号线|上海浦东国际机场地铁站 4K |PVG

Metro Shanghai Subway 4K Line 3,Line 4,Line 6,Line 10|Scenery Along the way|INTERCHANGE
上海地铁 4K 3号线,4号线,6号线,10号线|沿途风景|逸仙路高架路|换乘枢纽站|

Metro Shanghai Subway 4K Line 2,Line 15|Scenery Along the way|Airport Terminal 2|Hongqiao
上海地铁 4K 2号线,15号线|沿途风景|虹桥机场2号航站楼|虹桥火车站|陆家嘴站|东方绿舟

Sinan Road Mansion|Fuxing Road|Shanghai Tour 4K |Garden Villa|Park walk|Huangpi Xinchang Xingguo
思南路公馆|复兴西路中路|上海游览 4K |洋房别墅街区|复兴公园步行|黄陂南路北路|

Zhapu Road|Siping Road|Shanghai 4K |Wujiaochang|Huangpu Hongkou Yangpu|Huqiu Road|Ningbo Road
乍浦路|四平路|上海 4K |五角场|淮海中路|虎丘路|牛庄路|宁波路|广西北路|哈尔滨路

Nanjing Road|PLAZA 66|4K Walking |Shanghai Centre|Jingan Huangpu|SHIMAO Mall
南京西路东路|恒隆广场66|4K 步行|上海商城|静安黄埔|世茂广场

Nanjing West Road|Walking shanghai MALL 4K |HKRI TAIKOO HUI|FENG SHENG LI|Westgate|SETAN|Jingan
南京西路|步行上海商场 4K |兴业太古汇|丰盛里|梅陇镇广场|伊势丹|静安别墅

Nanjing Huaihai Road| walking Shanghai 4K |Xujiahui|GRAND GATEWAY 66|iapm mall
南京路淮海路|步行上海 4K |徐家汇|港汇恒隆广场|iapm环贸

Nanjing Road East|The Bund 4K |Walking Shanghai Tour |Xintiandi|Huaihai Road Middle
南京东路|外滩|漫步上海游览 4K |新天地|淮海中路

Lujiazui Bridge|Shanghai Tour Walk 4K|Shake Shack|ifc Mall|Century AVE
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Hongkou|Sichuan North Road|4K Cycling Shanghai Tour|Shanyin Road|Xiangde Road|Tianbao West Road|
虹口|四川北路|4K 骑行上海游览|山阴路|祥德路|天宝西路|大连路|杨浦|周家嘴路

Metro Shanghai Subway|Line 1|Line 2|Line 11|Line 7|Circus World Station|Railway Station

【4K】妹子夜晚漫步海边,海滨城市夜景醉人!这里是湛江赤坎金沙湾!Zhanjiang, Guangdong China City night scene


🇺🇸[4K] China, Texas! 🚘 Drive with me through a small Texas town!

Join me for an ultra high definition real time driving tour through China, Texas!

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* Peak Design Tech Pouch -
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* Yeti Cooler -

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