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10 Best place to visit in Vushtrri Kosovo


14 Most Beautiful Places to Explore in Kosovo | Travel Video | SKY Travel

14 Most Beautiful Places to Explore in Kosovo | Travel Video | SKY Travel

02.Gracanica Monastery
03.Kosovo Museum
04.Newborn Monument
05.Germia Park
06.Bear Sanctuary
10.Ethnological Museum
11.Sinan Pasha Mosque
12.Bjeshket E Nemuna National Park
13.Gazivoda Lake
14.Mirusha Waterfalls

Kosovo, officially the Republic of Kosovo, is a partially recognised state in Southeastern Europe. It lies at the centre of the Balkans, occupying an area of 10,887 km², with a population of c. 1.8 ... Wikipedia

Pristina is the capital and largest city of Kosovo. Its population is predominantly Albanian-speaking, constituting the second-largest such city in Europe, after Tirana. The city is located in the northeastern section of Kosovo in a relatively flat plain close to the Gollak mountains. Wikipedia

Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Klina (Kosovo) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

A monastery in Peja, Kosovo

***The vlog and chronicle are on my channel***

Two different cities: Gjakova and Peja.
Kosovo was not a revelation for you. Perhaps because of its small size or perhaps because it feels like an extension of Albania. For whatever reason, you say goodbye to the independent territory by visiting two of its most emblematic cities located in the western part of Kosovo.
Gjakova is a city with a long and varied history dating back to Roman times where you explore the old bazaar and the Gazi Mehmet Pasha Mosque.
Peja is a city nestled in the impressive Rugova Canyon where you visit the historic Ottoman-era bazaar, as well as one of the most beautiful monasteries you have ever seen.

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mapa de Kosovo

Kosovo o Kósovo1​ (en albanés Kosova/Kosovë; en serbio Косово/Kosovo), oficialmente conocida como República de Kosovo (Republika e Kosovës; Република Косово/Republika Kosovo), es un Estado con reconocimiento limitado sin salida al mar ubicado en la península balcánica, en el sureste de Europa. Abarca 10 908 km² de superficie2​ y está habitado por cerca de 1.8 millones de personas. Su capital es Pristina. Limita con Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia del Norte y la región de Serbia Central, y está compuesto por las regiones de Kosovo y Metojia.6​

El reconocimiento internacional de la independencia de Kosovo es motivo de controversia. El gobierno de Kosovo, en cuyo territorio la etnia albanesa tiene predominio numérico, declaró unilateralmente su independencia de Serbia el 17 de febrero de 2008, con el apoyo de Estados Unidos y de la mayoría de los países de la Unión Europea, instaurando la República de Kosovo. Sin embargo, Serbia aún considera la provincia autónoma de Kosovo y Metojia (Косово и Метохија; Kosovo/Kosovo i Metohija) como una región autónoma dentro de su propio territorio, en conformidad con su Constitución y con la resolución 1244 del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, aunque no intervenga en su administración desde 1999.

Al finalizar la Guerra de Kosovo, el gobierno de la región quedó en manos de la OTAN y de la Misión de Administración Provisional de las Naciones Unidas en Kosovo por mandato del citado Consejo de Seguridad.7​

Actualmente Kosovo es reconocido como Estado soberano por 98 de los 193 miembros de Naciones Unidas.8​ Serbia, Rusia, China, España y la mayor parte de los países de América, Asia y África no aceptan la declaración unilateral de independencia, ni reconocen a la República de Kosovo como Estado soberano. La comunidad internacional se encuentra dividida entre los países que han reconocido oficialmente la independencia de Kosovo, los que se niegan a reconocerla y los que han declarado su neutralidad o su esperanza de una evolución de los acontecimientos, acordada por las partes.

La soberanía de Kosovo como república fue proclamada por la mayor parte de los habitantes de origen étnico albanés. Sin embargo, la parte norte de Kosovo, habitada en su mayoría por la etnia serbia, es administrada autónomamente con la coordinación de la Asamblea Comunitaria de Kosovo y Metojia, un organismo creado en junio de 2008 con el apoyo de la República de Serbia y que no es reconocido por el autoproclamado gobierno kosovar.9​

Tras seis meses de negociaciones promovidas por la Unión Europea, el 19 de abril de 2013 los gobiernos de Serbia y la República de Kosovo alcanzaron un acuerdo para el establecimiento de relaciones bilaterales map of Kosovo Kosovo está dividido en siete distritos (alb.: rreth, ser.: дистрикт –distrikt–), los cuales a su vez se subdividen en 30 municipios (alb.: komuna, ser.: општина –opština–). Esta división fue establecida por la MINUK en 1999, reemplazando los antiguos cinco distritos establecidos por la República Federal de Yugoslavia, y fue heredada por la República de Kosovo; las autoridades serbias aún utilizan la antigua división administrativa.

Nombre (alb. / ser.) Mapa Capital Municipalidades
Gjakovë / Đakovica RR GJA.png Djakovica
Gjilan / Gnjilane RR GJI.png Gnjilane
Kosovska Kamenica
Mitrovicë / Kosovska Mitrovica RR MI.png Mitrovica
Zubin Potok
Pejë / Peć RR PE.png Peć
Nombre (alb. / ser.) Mapa Capital Municipalidades
Prishtinë / Priština RR PR.png Pristina
Fushë Kosovë
Novo Bërdë
Prizren / Prizren RR PZ.png Prizren
Ferizaj / Uroševac RR FE.png Uroševac
Shtërp Kosovo se ubica en el centro de la península de los Balcanes, con una forma a grandes rasgos romboidal y sin acceso directo al mar. Se extiende entre las longitudes 41°50’58’’ y 43°15’42’’ Norte y las latitudes 20°01’30’’ y 21°48’02’’ Este.69​ Su territorio ocupa una superficie de 10 887 km²,2​ un área similar a la de Jamaica o Catar.

Gran parte del territorio es montañoso, especialmente a lo largo de sus fronteras. En el borde nororiental con Montenegro y parte de Albania están los montes Prokletije, parte del conjunto de los Alpes Dináricos. En esta cadena se encuentra el Đeravica, que con una altitud de 2.565 msnm es el punto más alto del territorio kosovar,69​ y el cañón de Rugova con una longitud de 25 kilómetros. En el sector noroccidental se ubican los Kopaonik a lo largo de la frontera con Serbia Central y en el sur se encuentran los montes Šar. Ambas cadenas montañosas son populares destinos turísticos, especialmente debido a su parque nacional y centros de esquí (como Brezovica).

Mitrovica City - Kosova - Drone 4K UHD

#dji #mitrovica #kosovo
@DJI @DJICreator

There is archaeological evidence that proves the region of Mitrovica has been inhabited since the Neolithic era. Two settlements were discovered in 1955 in the industrial park near the FAFOS factory (phosphates productions), from which the archaeological site got the name. In Fafos, settlements revealed different objects of everyday use, but the most characteristic were cult objects (small anthropomorphic figures) of the Vinča culture.

Kosovo - The Young Europeans - Official Video

map of Kosovo

Kosovo, officially the Republic of Kosovo, is a partially recognised de facto sovereign state in Southeast Europe. It lies at the centre of the Balkans, occupying an area of 10,887 km2 (4,203 sq mi), with a population of about 1.8 million; it is bordered by Serbia to the north and east, North Macedonia to the southeast, Albania to the southwest, and Montenegro to the west. Most of central Kosovo is dominated by the vast plains and fields of Metohija and Kosovo. The Accursed Mountains and Šar Mountains rise in the southwest and southeast, respectively. Its capital and largest city is Pristina.

In classical antiquity, the central tribe which emerged in the territory of Kosovo were Dardani, who formed an independent polity known as the Kingdom of Dardania in the 4th century BCE. It was annexed by the Roman Empire by the 1st century BCE, and for the next millennium the territory remained part of the Byzantine Empire, whose rule was eroded by Slavic invasions beginning in the 6th–7th century CE. In the centuries thereafter, control of the area alternated between the Byzantines and the First Bulgarian Empire. By the 13th century, Kosovo became the core of the Serbian medieval state, and has also been the seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church from the 14th century, when its status was upgraded to a patriarchate. Ottoman expansion in the Balkans in the late 14th and 15th century led to the decline and fall of the Serbian Empire; the Battle of Kosovo of 1389 is considered to be one of the defining moments in Serbian medieval history. The Ottomans fully conquered the region after the Second Battle of Kosovo. The Ottoman Empire ruled the area until the early 20th century.

In the late 19th century, Kosovo was the center of the Albanian National Movement and where the Albanian revolt of 1910 and Albanian revolt of 1912 took place. Following their defeat in the Balkan Wars, the Ottomans ceded Kosovo to Serbia and Montenegro. Both countries joined Yugoslavia after World War I, and following a period of Yugoslav unitarianism in the Kingdom, the post-World War II Yugoslav constitution established the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija within the Yugoslav constituent republic of Serbia. Tensions between Kosovo's Albanian and Serb communities simmered through the 20th century and occasionally erupted into major violence, culminating in the Kosovo War of 1998 and 1999, which resulted in the withdrawal of the Yugoslav army, and the establishment of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo. Ultimately, Kosovo unilaterally declared its independence from Serbia on 17 February 2008, and has since gained diplomatic recognition as a sovereign state by 97 member states of the United Nations. Serbia does not officially recognise Kosovo as a sovereign state and continues to claim it as its constituent Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, although it accepts the governing authority of the Kosovo institutions as a part of the 2013 Brussels Agreement.

Kosovo is a developing country, with an upper-middle-income economy. It has experienced solid economic growth over the last decade as measured by international financial institutions, and growth every year since the onset of the financial crisis of 2007–2008. Kosovo is a member of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and has applied for membership of Interpol and for observer status in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Pristina 204,721 11 Suva Reka 59,681
2 Prizren 186,986 12 Orahovac 58,908
3 Ferizaj 101,174 13 Mališevo 57,301
4 Peja 97,890 14 Lipjan 56,643
5 Gjakova 94,543 15 Skenderaj 51,746
6 Podujevo 83,425 16 Vitina 46,742
7 Mitrovica 80,623 17 Deçan 41,173
8 Gjilan 80,525 18 Istok 39,604
9 Vushtrri 64,578 19 Klina 39,208
10 Drenas 60,175 20 Kosovo Polje 37,048 Located in Southeastern Europe, Kosovo receives floral and faunal species from Europe and Eurasia. Forests are widespread in Kosovo and cover at least 39% of the region. Phytogeographically, it straddles the Illyrian province of the Circumboreal Region within the Boreal Kingdom. In addition, it falls within three terrestrial ecoregions: Balkan mixed forests, Dinaric Mountains mixed forests, and Pindus Mountains mixed forests.[184] Kosovo's biodiversity is conserved in two national parks, eleven nature reserves and one hundred three other protected areas.[185] The Bjeshkët e Nemuna National Park and Sharr Mountains National Park are the most important regions of vegetation and biodiversity in Kosovo.[186] Kosovo had a 2019 Forest Landscape Integrity Index mean score of 5.19/10, ranking it 107th globally out of 172 countries mapa de Kosovo

Serbian Shopping Center: Mitrovica, Kosovo

Behold the thriving commerce and marketing ingenuity displayed in the thriving shopping center on the Serbian side of the river in beautiful Mitrovica, Kosovo.

Harta turistike e Prishtinës / Tourist Map of Prishtina @ TV KlanKosova.avi

Harta turistike e Prishtinës, udhëpërshkruesi më i mirë i kryeqytetit për turistët që planifikojnë ta vizitojnë Prishtinën.
Tourist Map of Prishtina, the best guide of Capital city for tourists who are planning to visit Prishtina.

Vushtrria Drone - Kosovo - Dji Mavic Pro 4K UHD Cinematic Video

#dji #kosovo #drone

Vushtrria është qytet antik por edhe modern, ndodhet në pjesën veriore të Republikës së Kosovës. Vushtrria e sotme më herët është quajtur Viciana apo siç njihet në burimet latine, Vicianum.

Në veri kufizohet me Mitrovicën, në lindje me Besianën, në jug me Kastriotin, në jug-perëndim me Drenasin dhe në perëndim me Skënderajn. Sipërfaqja e tërsishme e saj përfshin 345 km². Ndërkaq, vlerësohet të ketë rreth 69,881 banorë, nga të cilët mbi 92% shqiptarë. Nën administrimin e Kuvendit Komunal të Vushtrrisë janë të përfshira 67 fshatra.
Qytetin e Vushtrrisë e përshkojnë lumi Sitnica, si lumi më i madh, që përshkon tejpërtej territorin e Komunës, ndërsa dy lumenj më të vegjël: Tërstena dhe Studimja, kalojnë nëpër qytetin e Vushtrrisë. Ndërkaq gjuhët zyrtare janë shqipja dhe serbishtja, kurse më 2008 Komuna e Vushtrrisë ka vendosur që në përdorim zyrtarë të jetë edhe gjuha turke.
Ndërtimet e bëra mbas luftës Vushtrrinë e bëjnë një qytet tepër atraktiv çoftë për tu vizituar apo edhe për të investuar në këtë qytet që për disa shekuj ka qenë qyteti më i madh i Kosovës por edhe ndër qytetet më të mëdha të Ballkanit dhe fatmirësisht mbas luftës sërish ky qytet antik me vlera të jashtëzakonshme e ka marrë prapë shkëlqimin e dikurshëm. Se Vushtrria është qytet kulturor e vërtetojnë edhe disa monumente që ndodhen në këtë qytet si: Ura e gurit, hamami i qytetit, kështjella (Kalaja) e Vushtrrisë, çeshmja e qytetit, Xhamitë disa shekullore, shtëpitë e vjetra, rrugët me kalldrëm, varrezat myslimane, etj.

Best Attractions and Places to See in Pristina, Kosovo

Pristina Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Pristina. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Pristina for You. Discover Pristina as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Pristina.

This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Pristina.

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List of Best Things to do in Pristina, Kosovo

Ethnographic Museum (Muzeu Etnologjik)
Germia Park
Pristina National Library
Gracanica Monastery
Fatih Mosque (Xhamia e Mbretit)
Turbe of Sultan Murad
Mother Teresa Cathedral
Skanderbeg statue
Newborn Monument
ALBI Shopping Mall

Amazing Kosovo: A Must-See Destination

Kosovo (alongside with Moldova) is probably the least known and visited country in Europe. While the Balkans is blooming with popularity, getting thousands of visitors each month, Kosovo tourism is just starting to take off.

The youngest country in Europe (Kosovo declared its independence in February 2008) is still unknown to many. It has only one major tourist attraction that is among Balkan highlights – Prizren – and when you ask travelers what to see in Kosovo there will most likely not even know about this one.

[What to see in Kosovo]
Kosovo isn’t the most spectacular country in the Balkans but it has its moments. The cities might be not the most beautiful you will ever see but chances you will fall for their cafes, vibe, landscape, and people are very high. Kosovo really has a lot to offer to travelers!

Prizren is the second biggest city in Kosovo and a picture-perfect gem of the country (at least in the Old Town). If there is one place you need to visit in Kosovo it has to be Prizren.

Have you seen the picture of the old stone bridge, the mosque and the lush mountains in the background? That’s Prizren! And in reality, it’s even more beautiful!

The area of Kosovo has been inhabited for thousands of years. Several empires and peoples have roamed these lands, and you can see parts from different eras while traveling around the country.

They have a strong culture and identity and you can tell that the Kosovars are proud of their heritage. When others talk about history and Kosovo the first thought is often the horrible Kosovo war, but there is so much more history to discover!

Mein REISETIPP im KOSOVO 🇽🇰😮 #shorts #kosovo #reisetipps

Unbekanntes Land Teil 1🇽🇰- warum du KOSOVO unbedingt besuchen musst #kosovo vlog

Wir starten auf unserer Albanien Reise im Kosovo und sind überrascht, was das Land zu bieten hat .
In diesem Video besuchen wir eine Auffangstation für gerette Bären, schauen wir uns die neu eröffnete Prishtina Mall, Südosteuropas größte Shopping Mall, an und sind in der Hauptstadt Prishtina unterwegs. Wir erhalten dort Einblicke in die Mutter Thersa Kathedrale und können Prishtina von oben betrachten.

Habt ihr Fragen oder Anregungen? Schreibt uns in den Kommentaren! 🙈👍Wir würden uns freuen ,wenn ihr unseren Kanal abonnieren würdet.Wenn es euch gefällt lasst uns Daumen hoch da.Feedback, Anregungen und Kritik erwünscht.Viele Grüße und viel Spaß,

Song: Waesto - Don't GoMusic provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.Video Link:

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İki saatte başkent gezim🚶#pristine #worldtravel #subscribe#newborn #kosava#travilingisil#worldtravel

Biggest traffic circle Prishtina, Kosovo #shorts #prishtina #trafficcircle

The biggest, busiest traffic roundabout in Prishtina.

This roundabout is very busy, and it causes a big headache for commuters and authorities alike. Rush hour traffic often comes to a near standstill and car horns can be heard miles away.

Hospitals in Pristina, Kosovo

Must Watch…. Best Hospitals and Clinics in Pristina

Don't forget to subscribe our channel to view more Hospital and Doctors videos. Click on Bell ICON to get the notification of New Videos. Please note that this is not a rank wise listing. This list is based on the overall review of the Hospital by our users in this city.
List of Best Hospital and Clinics in Pristina:

Eye Hospital
Selim Berisha
+381 38 221551

Hospital ALOKA
+383 38 602 181

Q.D.T. Rezonanca
+377 44 129 658

Medical Center
Dëshmorët e Ponoshecit
+383 44 116 677

+383 44 777 717

Spitali Evropian Ortopedik
+386 49 844 111

Qendra Laserike e Syrit KUBATI
+381 38 255455

Kavaja Hospital
+381 38 606062

Q.D.T. ElitaPlus
Xhavit Hoxha nr. 24
+383 44 204 240

Spitali Lindja
Mehmet Gjevori
+377 44 280 787

Millennium Hospital
+381 38 500601

Ars Medica
Veternik prishtine, Magjistralja prishtine-gjilan km2
+383 44 122 114

Instituti i Oftalmologjisë - Klinika Gjermane e Syrit
KM i 5-te i rruges dytesore Prishtine - Ferizaj
+381 38 606063

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Bushs Uhr wurde in Albanien geklaut

this little village in Eastern Europe is OBSESSED with George Bush

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I saw this place on the map…and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Why is there a statue to George Bush in this little village in Eastern Europe?? @NomadShubham, @AnnuSia, and I had to go investigate!

#GeorgeBush #America #Albania

My name is Brayden Drevlow, and I am a concert pianist / traveler from the United States (Minnesota). Whenever I’m not performing for Parliaments or Presidents, I travel full-time. I love seeking out crazy adventures and living on the edge of the comfort zone. I make videos about my wild adventures, confronting new cultures, and anything else I think is worth sharing. Come with me to experience the world!

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Drive&Talk '22 #18 Pristina, Kosovo, a ride around Europe's least known capital city :) ...

We have paid a brief visit to Pristina in 2019 and ever since have been planning on coming back and spending some more time here. The original plan called for extensive walk around the city, very much the same way we did in the previous two capitals we have visited so far on this trip, Beograd and Sarajevo. Temporary health problems and poor weather conditions have finally prevented us from doing that. As a plan B, we had to resolve to the ride around the city, in order to see what not too many tourists get a chance to do, as a result of their fear or lack of interest. Two conclusions we came upon are : there is nothing to fear and we want to come here again one day to see how the growth of this city continues. Virtual ride, with Polish commentary and a good dose of humor :) ...

Day 9, part 1/4, 2022-09-17, Pristina, RKS

W 2019 roku złożyliśmy krótką wizytę w Prisztinie i od tego czasu planowaliśmy wrócić i spędzić tu trochę więcej czasu. Pierwotny plan zakładał rozległy spacer po mieście, bardzo podobny do tego, jaki zrobiliśmy w poprzednich dwóch stolicach, które odwiedziliśmy do tej pory podczas tej wycieczki, Belgradzie i Sarajewie. Chwilowe problemy zdrowotne i złe warunki atmosferyczne ostatecznie nam to uniemożliwiły. Jako plan B zdecydowaliśmy się na przejażdżkę po mieście, aby zobaczyć to, czego niewielu turystów, w wyniku strachu lub braku zainteresowania, ma szansę zobaczyć. Doszliśmy do dwóch wniosków: nie ma się czego bać i chcemy tu jeszcze kiedyś przyjechać, aby zobaczyć, jak rozwija się to miasto. Wirtualna przejażdżka, z polskim komentarzem i sporą dawką humoru :)...

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