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10 Best place to visit in Tvrdošín Slovakia


Take a virtual tour to the Tatras and Liptov Mountain Regions in Slovakia

Visit the spectacular #Tatras and #Liptov Mountain Regions 🏔in Slovakia, where all the best things happen outdoors!
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Slovakia Vacation Travel Video Guide

Travel video about destination Slovakia.
Slovakia has a long and varied history and contains Europe’s youngest capital city and also its highest mountain range, as well as cultural masterpieces and unspoiled nature. Bratislava is located in the heart of Europe and is the capital of Slovakia. Surrounded by the City Hall and several palaces, it is like being taken back in time into a rich and glorious past. On the Danube’s Slovakian side, and to the east, is the town of Komárno. In the old urban market square a Miniature Europe with forty five buildings has, in recent years, come into existence. Towers, domes, arcades, half-timbered buildings and woodcarvings frame the square at whose centre is the Millennium Fountain. It is a unique mixture of architecture that signifies the common culture of European countries. Seven hundred metres above sea level, herds of sheep graze peacefully on the slopes of the Great Fatra, the location of the almost hidden and forgotten Vlkolĺnec, a unique village in the heart of Slovakia’s Liptov region. Today it is tantamount to being an open-air museum. Further north is Terchová, birthplace of Slovakia’s national hero, Juraj Jánošík. The legendary robber chief has an exhibition dedicated to him in which the living conditions and customs of that time are on display. The High Tatra is the smallest high mountain range in Europe. A magnificent mountain landscape with rocky mountains and many lakes. In 1947, the National Park of the same name was founded. Slovakia is a land of fortresses, castles and cities that date from the Middle Ages and, despite its many mountain regions, a southern-influenced way of life.

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Liptovská mara - Slovak sea - wonderful place in Slovakia, Liptov region

Liptov is home to the huge water reservoir - Liptovská Mara, the so-called Liptov Sea or also Slovak Sea. It is the largest reservoir in Slovakia in terms of water volume.

The water reservoir was built primarily to mitigate the danger of floods on the Váh river and to produce electricity but it is also very popular place among travelers.

Find it among the best places to see and visit in Slovakia:

Top places in Slovakia Liptovská Mara drone video

Passing through the region of Liptov, from Liptovský Mikuláš to Ružomberok, one must notice a huge water area of the dam Liptovská Mara. It is the largest water reservoir in Slovakia in terms of the confined water volume.

The reservoir, namesake of one of the flooded communities, was built in the years 1970-1975. With the principal aims firstly to palliate the floodrisk on the river Váh and secondly for the production of power.

Construction of the dam required moving of inhabitants of several communes which were inundated, including several cultural and historical monuments, although the most important of them were moved out and are now the main exhibits in the Museum of Liptov Village in Pribylina.
#liptovskamara #slovakia #bopattravel #thisisslovakia @thisisslovakia #centralslovakia

Liptószentmiklóstól Poprád felé haladva nem maradhat észrevétlenül a hatalmas vízfelület a Liptovská Mara, ún. Liptói tenger. A vízmennyiséget nézve, ez a legnagyobb víztározó Szlovákiában.

A vízierőmű 1970 – 1975-ben épült és nevét az itt elárasztott faluk egyike után kapta. Elsősorban azért épült, hogy a Vág vízgyűjtőterületén csökkenjen az árvízveszély és a villamos energia termeléshez is szükséges.

Az építkezés során több falut is teljesen kitelepítettek és elárasztottak. A víz elöntött sok történelmi műemléket, melyek közül a legértékesebbeket szétszedték, újból felépítették és így ezek Pribylinában a Liptói falumúzeum (Múzeum liptovskej dediny v Pribyline) részévé váltak.

A Liptovská Mara partján a legjelentősebb üdülőközpont a Liptovký Trnovecben található kemping – Mara Camping. A közeli strand, sporteszközkölcsönző, hajókikötő, kitűnőszörfözési és vitorlázási lehetőségek teszik Liptovský Trnovec-et oly vonzóvá. Ez a hely nem csak a nyári üdülés központja, de egyaránt a Chočské vrchy hegység és a Nyugati-Tátra felé vezető túrák kiindulópontja.
#szlovakia #turizmus #dronvideo @thisisslovakia


Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Ružomberok | Slovakia - English

#RužomberokPlaces #PlacesInRužomberok #Slovakia #Ružomberok
Ružomberok is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Slovakia having many best places in Ružomberok. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Ružomberok that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Ružomberok. Slovakia has some of the best places in Ružomberok. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Ružomberok. There are many famous places in Ružomberok and some of them are beautiful places in Ružomberok. People from all over Slovakia love these Ružomberok beautiful places which are also Ružomberok famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Ružomberok.

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***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

TOP 10 locations around Ružomberok #liptov #amazingslovakia #travel #malinobrdo #liptovskamara

Našich 10 top z Ružomberka a okolia:
1. Ružomberok
2. Malinô Brdo
3. Liptovská Mara
4. Ferrata Dve veže
5. Likavka
6. Liptovský hrad
7. Vodopád Lúčky
8. Vlkolínec
9. Brankovský vodopád
10. Sidorovo

Aké sú tvoje obľúbené miest v tejto oblasti?

Tvrdosin Muzeum Medveckej

Tvrdošín - Slovakia

Tvrdošín is the district town on the North of Slovakia. It is located at the confluence of the rivers Orava and Oravica.The borough of Tvrdošín includes the communities Krasna Hôrka, Medzvedzie and Oravice, lying 22km from the town.
The name Tvrdosin is of ancient Slavic origin and dates back to the pre-historic era. The word itself stands for a fortified settlement, a fortress or a stronghold. The territory of Tvrdošín was colonized since prehistory. As a proof of that are the mass findings of objects which had been discovered in the last century in Medvedzie, Krasna Hôrka and Nizna. Thanks to a favorable location, the town had a role of an important water-way, road and later also rail-way transportation junction. The Zobor Charter, dating back to the year 1111, records Tvrdošín under the names Toarsin and Doardi. The Charter of the King Belo IV dated 11 August 1265, unmistakeably identifies the town as Toardosina. The year of 1361 was an important turning point in the history of Tvrdosin. In this year, the town was given privileges by the King Ludovit pertaining to royal towns. Tvrdosin got the privilege of voting a reeve and pastor, organizing a market. Also, the town was exempted from paying duty. In spite of a busy trade in the second half of the 16th century the custom-station started to decline. It was caused by the instability of the overall political situation. The second half of the 17th century was the hardest period in the history of Tvrdošín and its neighboring villages. Frequent transportations of foreign armies due to the anti-Habsburg uprisings had caused a lot of problems for the town. The town was completely destroyed by fire. In the 18th century, the inhabitants of Tvrdošín obtained their livelihood from agriculture and cattle breeding and in this century, the town was considered to be a town of linen-makers. In 1777 Tvrdošín became the centre of a district. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were efforts to establish industrial enterprises. In 1909, a plant for making buttons was built there. At the end of 1922 the district of Tvrdošín had been abolished, consequently, bad development the town. But in 1965, the town acquired the character of town. In 1967, Medvedzie became part of Tvrdosin and in 1974, Krasna Hôrska merged with Tvrdošin.

Today visiting Orava castle in Slovakia! Dracula was living here in its best years! Can you find it?

Top places in Slovakia Likava Castle ruins drone

Likavský hrad is situated in the north-western part of Liptov. The Castle was referred to for the first time in 1315. Its construction started with the intention to have a guarding point over the passage across the river Váh and the trade route from the Váh Basin to Orava and further to Poland.

The Castle owners, the noble family of Hunyady, gradually reconstructed and widened the core of the Castle and built the part called the lower Castle in the second half of the 15th century. In the second half of the 17th century, the Thökölys' eventually finished the entire fortification system though it was of no use as it did not prevent the disaster at the beginning of the 18th century when the retreating troops of František Rákoczi completely pulled down the Castle in 1707.

The Castle gradually decayed in ruins. After a thorough reconstruction in recent year the tower Hunyadyho veža was opened to public. It contains the exhibition of the Castle history.

Access: driving to the village Likavka, then on foot from the bus stop Likavka-hrad following the red hiking mark (it takes about 30 min).


(magyar felirat)
A Liptó (Liptov) észak-nyugati csücskében álló Likava várát (Likavský hrad) 1315-ben említik először. Építését a Vágmentét Árvával összekötő és Lengyelországba vezető jelentős kereskedelmi útvonal és a Vág folyón át vezető átjáró őrzése miatt kezdték el.

A Hunyadi család a 15. század második felében fokozatosan átalakította és kiszélesítette az eredeti vármagot és felépítette az ún. alsó várat. A 17. század második felében a Thökölyi család befejezte a fortifikációs rendszer építését, azonban a 18. század elején az sem mentette meg a várat. Rákóczi Ferenc visszavonuló seregei azt 1707-ben lerombolták.

A vár fokozatosan pusztulásnak indult és rommá vált. Az utóbbi évek terjedelmes rekonstrukciós munkálatai után a Hunyadi-torony megnyílt a nyilvánosság számára és Likava várának történelmét ismertető kiállítást rendeztek be benne.

Megközelítés: gépkocsival Likavka községből, Likaváról (autóbusz-megálló) gyalog a piros jelzést követve kb. 30 perc, Rózsahegyről (Ružomberok) (vasútállomás) gyalogosan a piros jelzés mentén kb. 1 óra.


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This video is a travel guide to the Slovak Garden Of Eden, Orava Castle and Vlkolínec Village in Slovakia.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for Part 1 and Part 2 video guide to the high Tatra and the Low Tatra.

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Links to places we visited:

Dobsinska ice cave-


Orava castle-

Vlkolinec village-

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Travel to Slovakia - Good Idea ‪

Official spot Travel to Slovakia - Good Idea
In the video you can see: High Tatras, Spis castle, Liptov region, Bratislava, Slovakia Ring, AquaCity Poprad.
For more info visit
© SACR (Slovak Tourist Board) 2016

Oficiálny spot Dovolenka na Slovensku - dobrý nápad
V spote boli použité zábery: Vysoké Tatry, Spišský hrad, Liptov, Bratislava, Slovakia Ring, AquaCity Poprad.
Viac informácií na
© SACR (Slovenská agentúra pre cestovný ruch) 2016

Beautiful Slovak nature - Liptov

Travel Europe; Oravsky Castle, Slovakia


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Orava Castle #travel #orava #oravacastle #slovakia

Orava Castle Slovakia, horror movie Nosferatu was filmed.

Orava Castle, Oravsky Podzamok, Slovakia / Oravský hrad, Oravský Podzámok, Slovensko / Zamek Orawski

Orava Castle (Slovak: Oravský hrad, German: Arwaburg, Hungarian: Árva vára), is situated on a high rock above Orava river in the village of Oravský Podzámok, Slovakia. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful castles in Slovakia. The castle was built in the Kingdom of Hungary in the thirteenth century. Many scenes of the 1922 film Nosferatu were filmed here, although until recently it was thought to have been shot in Transylvania.( )
3D version:
Walking Tour version:

Oravský hrad je jeden z najkrajších hradov na Slovensku nachádzajúci sa v obci Oravský Podzámok. Je to výrazná dominanta oravského regiónu, patrí medzi najvýznamnejšie pamiatky hradného staviteľstva na území Slovenska.( )
3D verzio:
Pěší výlet verzio:

Zamek Orawski -- uważany za jeden z piękniejszych zamków na Słowacji, góruje nad miejscowością o nazwie Orawskie Podzamcze. Wznosi się na skale, 112 metrów nad lustrem rzeki Orawy. Położony jest niedaleko granicy Polski.( )
Wersja 3D:
Wersja rozszerzona:

Cestujeme po Slovensku: Tvrdošín | Slovak Parcel Service

#slovakparcelservice #tvrdosin #cestovanie

Pozrite sa s nami na Oravu, kde máme jedno z našich regionálnych doručovacích stredísk.


Vodná nádrž Orava, Trstená, Slovakia /2023.07.20/

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Beautiful Slovakia - Winter Wonderland - Snow Storm- Castle Orava - Oravsky Podzamok | Solo Traveler
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