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10 Best place to visit in Ta‘izz Yemen


Top 10 Places to Visit in Yemen | Around the World in 2020 | Destination | Tourism | Travel

10 Must visit Places in Yemen! 🇾🇪

Top 10 Places to Visit in Yemen for Millennials

Yemen, a country steeped in history and boasting diverse landscapes, is a captivating destination for travelers, particularly millennials. 🌍

🏰 Sana'a
Yemen's capital, Sana'a, is renowned for its distinctive architecture, featuring centuries-old mud-brick buildings, vibrant markets, and the historic Old City, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

🌆 Shibam
Known as the Manhattan of the desert, Shibam boasts towering mud-brick skyscrapers dating back to the 16th century, offering a captivating blend of history and architecture.

🏜️ Wadi Hadramawt
This desert valley is a haven for picturesque oases, traditional Yemeni villages, and breathtaking landscapes, making it an ideal spot for hiking and immersing in Yemeni culture.

🏖️ Al-Mukalla
Nestled on the coast, Al-Mukalla is a port city with pristine beaches and a laid-back ambiance. It's perfect for relaxation and savoring fresh seafood.

🏛️ Aden
Another coastal gem with a rich history, Aden features remnants of British colonial influence. Explore the historic Crater district, Aden Port, and relish the local cuisine.

🌴 Socotra Island
Although the current security situation may pose challenges for visiting Socotra, this remote island is famed for its unique biodiversity and surreal landscapes, often compared to the Galapagos of the Indian Ocean.

🏰 Ta'izz
This city boasts historical significance, including the Ta'izz National Museum and the Al-Qahira Castle. It's also a gateway to the picturesque surrounding countryside.

🌳 Ibb
Ibb is a charming town enveloped by terraced fields and lush greenery, offering a tranquil atmosphere and an opportunity to experience rural Yemeni life.

🌊 Hodeidah
Situated on the Red Sea coast, Hodeidah is celebrated for its gorgeous beaches, lively fish markets, and vibrant street scenes.

🏞️ Hajjah
Located in the northwestern region of Yemen, Hajjah is known for its rugged landscapes, featuring dramatic cliffs and canyons. It's an excellent destination for adventure enthusiasts and hikers.

Stay well-informed about current conditions and rely on trustworthy sources for travel advisories before planning your trip to Yemen🛡️

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2005 Taizz city market in Yemen

Taizz city market, Yemen 2005

Taiz - Yemen Tourim

Taiz is a city in the Yemeni Highlands, near the famous Mocha port on the Red Sea, lying at an elevation of about 1,400 metres above sea level. It is the capital of Ta'izz Governorate. With a population of over 600,000 in 2005, it is the third largest city in Yemen after the capital Sana'a and the southern port of Aden.

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a0000 Taiz (Tai'zz) a city in Yemen

Tai'zz (Taiz) Yemen

Taiz governorate- Yemen - Part 1 English

The Bilad of Ta'izz

The countryside around Ta'izz, Yemen.

Taiz governorate- Yemen - Part 1 English (6)

I'm driving in Taiz City Yemen

I'm driving in Taiz City Yemen

Ta'izz from the Turkish Castle

The Turkish Castle was established on a highpoint in the 16th century, and was only recently refurbished enough to allow visits again. Focus on a Muslim Cemetery.

Yemen taiz al7awban اليمن

yemen اليمن

Yemen - beautiful view - Ibb ta3z road - Alsayany اليمن

yemen ibb taiz road nakeel alsayani اليمن اب

Taiz governorate- Yemen - Part 1 English (2)

Atop Sabir Mountain

Four friends on top of Sabir mountain (jebel) near Ta'izz, Yemen. Sabir mountain is the second highest peak in Yemen at 3,006 meters.

Taiz governorate- Yemen - Part 1 English (3)


Go Asia – La magia dello Yemen Parte 2

Itinerari, viaggi, tour e vacanze Yemen
Il qat è una pianta assai diffusa nella Penisola Arabica e coltivata in particolare nel territorio dello Yemen. Infatti le sue foglie, contenenti un alcaloide dall’azione stimolante, vengono abitualmente masticate dalla popolazione e trattenute in bocca dalla mattina fino alla sera, in quanto provocano stati di euforia, una riduzione della fatica, ma allo stesso tempo anche forme di dipendenza, tanto che l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità nel 1980 ha classificato il qat come una vera e propria droga. Il nostro viaggio prosegue raggiungendo Jibla, una cittadina dal carattere fiabesco, sita a circa 2.200 metri d’altezza nel sud-ovest dello Yemen. La sua importanza storica è legata alla regina Arwa che qui fece costruire il suo palazzo, purtroppo oggi in rovina e alla presenza della grande moschea di Jibla, che custodisce le spoglie della regina e che rappresenta tra l’altro una delle moschee più antiche e belle del paese. A seguire ci si sposta a Ta’izz, una grande città collocata ad una quota di circa 1.400 metri sul livello del mare, nel sud-ovest dello Yemen, caratterizzata da vecchi quartieri con abitazioni tipiche in mattoni marroni e moschee solitamente di colore bianco. Inoltre Ta’izz è famosa per essere la più grande base industriale dell’area yemenita. Nella pianura costiera occidentale dello Yemen, si trova invece la città santa di Zabid, tipico esempio di architettura classica araba, ricca di ben 86 moschee e costruzioni in mattoni, in cui sono visibili intagli, nicchie e decorazioni, che testimoniano il suo antico splendore. Anche il regista italiano Pier Paolo Pasolini rimase affascinato da questa realtà, tanto che decise di ambientare qui alcune scene del film “Il fiore delle mille e una notte”. Nonostante la città vanti la più antica università islamica del mondo, sta purtroppo attraversando una fase crescente di decadenza, accentuata dalla crisi economica dominante nello Yemen.

Tutte le nostre proposte di viaggio in Yemen:


Taizz-Yemen in 1937 TRIP MR DEPTO


اليمن الي ما شفتوها من قبل - هل هي آمنة؟ Yemen

حذروني من دخول تعز طول فترة وجودي في اليمن لكن توكلت على الله وقلت يالله نكتشفها مع بعض، الصراحة كان قرار موفق الحمدلله فعطوني رايكم بالتعليقات بعد ما تشوفون الفيديو كامل

لا تنسون تتابعون حسابي بالإنستغرام

التك توك



ضيفوا حسابات اصدقائي الي ساعدوني برحلة اليمن

أبو بكر



ضيف الحلقة البراء منصور

شكر خاص لريم اليمن على الترجمة الإنجليزية للفيديو

#اليمن #تعز #سفر

Historic Photos of Yemen by Carl Rathjens صنعاء اليمن تعز

Original photos taken in Yemen during the 1920's that I own.

Dwellings Outside Ta'izz

Just outside Ta'izz, in the Yemen. Including an Akdam slum, the Untouchables of Yemen, descendants of Arican slaves, still seen as servants for the most menial jobs in Yemen, not associated with, and largely ignored by the population of Yemen.



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