How to travel Warsaw, Poland ? | Hindi |
In this video i made a detailed guide on how to travel Warsaw covering every single piece of information which one might need before travelling to this city. From flights to nightlife, everything is covered in a very comprehensive way to help you plan your next trip to Warsaw
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My primary camera - Canon EOS R :
Main Lens - Canon RF 15-35mm f/2.8 :
Primary Microphone - Rode Video Pro + :
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Phone for Filming - Iphone 12 pro max :
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Action Camera - DJI Osmo Action :
ND Filter - Hoya 72mm Variable ND :
UV Filter - Hoya 72mm UV Filter :
Tripod - Joby Gorilla Pod 3k :
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Hardisk for storage - WD My Passport 5TB :
Memory Card - Sandisk Extreme Pro :
Dzisiaj podrzucam wam 6 inspiracji na miejsca, które są mniej znane ale warto je zobaczyć zwiedzając Polskę.
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A tu link do filmu, w którym dowiecie się trochę więcej o mauzoleum w Wałbrzychu i kilku innych ciekawych miejscach na Dolnym Śląsku:
Szydłowiec, Poland Part one
twitter : @ceepackaging
Szydłowiec (Russian: Шидловец, Hebrew: שידלוביץ, Yiddish: שידלָאווצע) is a town south of Radom with 15,243 inhabitants in 2005.
From the 12th century the environs of Szydłowiec belonged to the powerful knightly family of Odrowąż, who descended from Moravian-Bohemian Baworowic family. In the 13th century the site of the present castle was occupied by a stronghold on an artificial island with wood and earth defences and by a village called Szydłowiec. The present town came into being in the early 15th century and together with the neighbouring estate was the property of the Szydłowiecki and Radziwiłł families until the 19th century.
The town flourished in the 16th and the first half of 17th centuries. It was then an important centre of trade and crafts, mainry stone-masonry based on the exploitation of the local sandstone which was easy to work. This stone was used to carve architectural sculptural elements and to make tools for agriculture. It was also a building material for the local Saint Sigsmunt Church, Castle in Szydłowiec and the Town hall in Szydłowiec; also it was sent to Kielce, Kraków and Warsaw.
The period of wars 1648-1717 and numerous epidemics and fires brought about a decline of Szydłowiec, halted by transformations in urban design and architecture which took place in the second half of the 19th century and in the 20th century.
At one point it had a population that was of a Jewish majority. It was home to Grand Rabbi Nathan David Rabinowitz (d. 1865), the grandson of Grand Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak of Peshischa, and the father of the Biala Hasidic dynasty.
My channel on you tube : is one of the most prolific from Poland. I have produced over 2,100 original films.
My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects.
Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!
I am very fortunate that I can spend a large part of my life travelling, thanks to the business I chose to run which allows me to do this. There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers.
Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!
Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!
10 najpiękniejszych MAŁYCH MIASTECZEK w Polsce. (Dobre na Walentynki)
Oto 10 subiektywnie wybranych miast poniżej 33 tys. mieszkańców.
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Muzyka: ArtList.
Witajcie! Witajcie! Na kanale podróżniczym Wędrownych Motyli. Jesteśmy Ania i Marcin. Od 10 lat prowadzimy też bloga - jednego z największych i najpopularniejszych obecnie w Polsce blogów o podróżowaniu :) Właśnie za bloga otrzymaliśmy przez lata szereg nagród i wyróżnień.
Ten kanał prowadzimy co prawda od ponad 5 lat ale tak naprawdę w Roku 2018 przeszedł całkowity RESET i uzyskał nową formułę. Od 2 lat, gdy zostawiliśmy nasze życie na etacie, podróżujemy, filmujemy, piszemy, jesteśmy poza domem przez połowę roku przynajmniej - to nasz sposób na życie i praca.
Chcemy (tak jak na blogu) w naszych vlogach i filmach pokazywać nieco ambitniejsze podejście do podróżowania: łączyć ciekawostki podróżnicze, geograficzne, historyczne z informacjami praktycznymi. Inspirować i uczyć. Łączyć ładne kadry z ciekawymi opowieściami. No i najważniejsze dla niektórych: Relaksować i inspirować.
To chyba tyle. Trudno nie przyznać, że bardzo nam zależy, by ten kanał się rozwijał. Dlatego każde dobre słowo i polecenie będzie mile widziane
Odkryj Łódzkie - zobacz, jakie jest piękne! #mistrzostwablogerow #visitpoland #polskibonturystyczny
Ta podróż przez województwo łódzkie może Was zaskoczyć. Przyroda, architektura, folklor, kultura tworzą unikatowe połączenie i czekają na odkrycie przez turystów szukających tego, co nieoczywiste.
Naszą podróż zaczniemy od malowniczego Ogrodu Romantycznego w Arkadii, by następnie przenieść się do takich miejscowości jak Poddębice, Inowłódz, Tomaszów Mazowiecki czy Drzewica. Fascynujące historie odkryje przed Wami Skansen Rzeki Pilicy, w której zatopione zostały tajemnice z okresu II wojny światowej. Pokażę Wam również koncert ludowego zespołu z Łowicza, a także projekt Folkowe Przystanki, który nawiązuje do polskiej sztuki ludowej.
Zobaczycie, że województwo łódzkie to również raj dla ceniących aktywny wypoczynek na łonie natury. Szlaki rowerowe, piesze czy kajakowe zadowolą każdego. Na koniec poznacie wspaniałe zwierzęta, które pomagają w leczeniu chorych dzieci.
Dajcie znać w komentarzach, jak Wam się spodobało Łódzkie :)
Znajdziesz mnie tutaj:
Ten film powstał w ramach Turystycznych Mistrzostw Blogerów. #mistrzostwablogerow #visitpoland #polskibonturystyczny #wojewodztwolodzkie
Gdzie zobaczymy widok, przypominający miasteczka z Pirenejów lub Toskanii? Jaka kara spotkała niezbyt wierną żonę hrabiego von Glaubitz? Jakim propagandowym celom służyła kolumna Trójcy Świętej? Co ma wspólnego dawny kościół ewangelicki z zapałkami? I czy zapałki mają artystyczną duszę? Jeżeli chcecie odkryć te tajemnice, to zapraszamy na wspólną wycieczkę do położonej w południowej części Dolnego Śląska Bystrzycy Kłodzkiej.
00:00 - CO W FILMIE
Dolny Śląsk i Opolszczyzna |
Góry Świętokrzyskie i Kielecczyzna |
Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska |
Małopolska i Beskid Sądecki |
Podkarpacie, Bieszczady i Beskid Niski |
Podlasie i Kurpie |
Pomorze Środkowe i Zachodnie |
Roztocze i Lubelszczyzna |
Sudety, Kotlina Kłodzka i Karkonosze |
Suwalszczyzna, Warmia i Mazury |
Śląsk, Beskid Śląski i Żywiecki |
Tatry, Podhale i Pieniny |
Warszawa, Mazowsze i Ziemia Łódzka |
Wielkopolska, Kujawy i Ziemia Lubuska |
Zatoka Gdańska i Kaszuby |
Mysterious Adventures In The Wonderful Lands by MusicLFiles
Sleipnir by Alexander Nakarada
Never Ending Love by Frank Schröter
The Parting Glass by Alexander Nakarada
#razemwpolske #zobaczmytorazem #wypoczywamywpolsce #polska #podróże #turystyka #wakacje #wyjazd #weekend #urlop
City Break: Brzeg w jeden dzień. Co zobaczyć w mieście Piastów | TOP10 atrakcji
Subskrybuj nasz kanał:
Położone w województwie opolskim, ale historycznie na terenie Dolnego Śląska, miasto Brzeg jest jednym z najpiękniejszych w regionie. Jest też jednym z najstarszych, ponieważ znajdująca się w połowie drogi, między Wrocławiem a Opolem, osada po raz pierwszy została opisana w 1234 roku...
Zapraszamy na kolejny odcinek z serii City Breaks.
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First day of sun in 2021! A bike trip in central Poland! #Łęczyca #Poland #shorts
This video got an adults only classification from YouTube and I got a mail telling me to read their terms. As you can see it is really X rated material! I am out on my bike in 18C temperature in February and I film a field and a windmill.
Szydłowiec (4K/UHD)
4K/UHD Video - Marek & Ewa Wojciechowscy
Music: MANCY from the site:
Szydlowiec, Poland part 3 of 3
twitter : @ceepackaging
Szydłowiec (Russian: Шидловец, Hebrew: שידלוביץ, Yiddish: שידלָאווצע) is a town south of Radom with 15,243 inhabitants in 2005.
From the 12th century the environs of Szydłowiec belonged to the powerful knightly family of Odrowąż, who descended from Moravian-Bohemian Baworowic family. In the 13th century the site of the present castle was occupied by a stronghold on an artificial island with wood and earth defences and by a village called Szydłowiec. The present town came into being in the early 15th century and together with the neighbouring estate was the property of the Szydłowiecki and Radziwiłł families until the 19th century.
The town flourished in the 16th and the first half of 17th centuries. It was then an important centre of trade and crafts, mainry stone-masonry based on the exploitation of the local sandstone which was easy to work. This stone was used to carve architectural sculptural elements and to make tools for agriculture. It was also a building material for the local Saint Sigsmunt Church, Castle in Szydłowiec and the Town hall in Szydłowiec; also it was sent to Kielce, Kraków and Warsaw.
The period of wars 1648-1717 and numerous epidemics and fires brought about a decline of Szydłowiec, halted by transformations in urban design and architecture which took place in the second half of the 19th century and in the 20th century.
At one point it had a population that was of a Jewish majority. It was home to Grand Rabbi Nathan David Rabinowitz (d. 1865), the grandson of Grand Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak of Peshischa, and the father of the Biala Hasidic dynasty.
My channel on you tube : is one of the most prolific from Poland. I have produced over 2,100 original films.
My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects.
Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!
I am very fortunate that I can spend a large part of my life travelling, thanks to the business I chose to run which allows me to do this. There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers.
Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!
Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!
Tragiczny los dziedziczki szydłowieckiego zamku #podróże #razemwpolske #polska #turystyka #wakacje
Odpocznij na Mazowszu
Poczuj i poznaj Mazowsze ❤️ Przeżyj przygodę❗️
📢 Niesamowita atmosfera 😍 wielkiego miasta 🏬 i fortepianowe frazy nad staropolskim dworkiem 🎹 rowerowe eskapady w puszczy 🚵♂️🌲🌳 i rajdy samochodowe na profesjonalnym torze 🚘 spływy kajakowe 🛶 i zabawa w gigantycznym parku wodnym💦
Kirkut at Szydłowiec
Szydłowiec (Russian: Шидловец, Hebrew: שידלוביץ, Yiddish: שידלָאווצע) is a town south of Radom with 15,243 inhabitants in 2005.
From the 12th century the environs of Szydłowiec belonged to the powerful knightly family of Odrowąż, who descended from Moravian-Bohemian Baworowic family. In the 13th century the site of the present castle was occupied by a stronghold on an artificial island with wood and earth defences and by a village called Szydłowiec. The present town came into being in the early 15th century and together with the neighbouring estate was the property of the Szydłowiecki and Radziwiłł families until the 19th century.
The town flourished in the 16th and the first half of 17th centuries. It was then an important centre of trade and crafts, mainry stone-masonry based on the exploitation of the local sandstone which was easy to work. This stone was used to carve architectural sculptural elements and to make tools for agriculture. It was also a building material for the local Saint Sigsmunt Church, Castle in Szydłowiec and the Town hall in Szydłowiec; also it was sent to Kielce, Kraków and Warsaw.
The period of wars 1648-1717 and numerous epidemics and fires brought about a decline of Szydłowiec, halted by transformations in urban design and architecture which took place in the second half of the 19th century and in the 20th century.
At one point it had a population that was of a Jewish majority. It was home to Grand Rabbi Nathan David Rabinowitz (d. 1865), the grandson of Grand Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak of Peshischa, and the father of the Biala Hasidic dynasty.
My channel on you tube : is one of the most prolific from Poland. I have produced over 2,500 original films.
My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects.
Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!
I am very fortunate that I can spend a large part of my life travelling, thanks to the business I chose to run which allows me to do this. There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers.
Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!
Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!
Polska z góry #polska #polandtravel #googleearth #ciekawemiejsca #podróże
Dog Pies ... Pies czeka na ulicy na zewnątrz sklepu szynką kości
dog, too much sausage Kielbasa, Kovbasa, Kolbasa, and Kubasa are common North American anglicizations for a type of Eastern European sausage.
Synonyms include Polish sausage, Ukrainian sausage, etc. In English, these words refer to a particular genre of sausage, common to all Eastern European countries but with substantial regional variations.
In the Slavic languages, these are the generic words for all types of sausage, local or foreign.
mountain climbing in Poland
Невероятный Шидловец - город с белоснежным Замком и многонациональным прошлым
Поездку в польский Шидловец (небольшой городок в южной части Мазовецкого воеводства) мы совместили с поездкой в Заповедник Скалы Ад под Некланем.
Белоснежный Шидловецкий Замок - одна из самых красивых аристократических резиденций раннего Возрождения в Польше.
Соц сети:
Хочешь поддержать? карта: 5168742718869955
Шидловец может похвастаться более чем 650-летней историей, в течение которой он пережил период расцвета, экономического спада, а затем восстановление. Ухоженный исторический центр, наполненный настоящими жемчужинами архитектуры эпохи Возрождения, нетронутая природа и атмосфера многонациональности в прошлом.
Город был основан в начале 15 века представителями могущественного рода Одровцев - Якубом и Славко, прародители рода Шидловецких. Город быстро развивался. Во времена Радзивиллов город был важным центром ремесел и торговли.
В городе начали поселяться иностранцы, которых преследовали в своих странах по религиозным мотивам - шотландцы, немцы и итальянцы. После шведской войны в Шидловце была создана сильная еврейская община, и в начале 20 века евреи составляли большинство населения.
Главная изюминка города - замок Шидловецких - великолепная аристократическая резиденция, построенная семьей Шидловецких и достроенная семьей Радзивиллов. Замок расположен на искусственном острове, окруженном рвом и замковыми садами, сегодня известном как парк Радзивиллов.
Замковые интерьеры были оборудованы богатыми потолками, фризами, каминами из разноцветной плитки и декоративными полами. Его современный облик восходит к временам семьи Радзивиллов «Шидловецкого уезда». После смерти Николая Радзивилла в начале 18 века замок был продан Анне Сапежин, которая в свою очередь в 1828 году перепродала его правительству Королевства Польского. До 1840-х годов замок был обитаем. Он пришел в упадок, когда попал в руки семьи Энгеманов, которая использовала его как пивоварню, а во время Второй мировой войны немцы создали там гетто для евреев. Лишь в 1960-х годах замок был восстановлен.
Сегодня выкрашенный в белый цвет замок в Шидловце выглядит великолепно. Очень интересно и контрастно смотрится красная черепица на крыше. Привлекают внимание и медные горгульи и орнаменты. Замок построен из местного песчаника, которым славится город.
В замке находится Шидловецкий Центр культуры и спорта и Музей народных музыкальных инструментов.
Замок окружает красивый исторический парк, расположенный в долине реки Корзенювки. В воде этой речки замок живописно отражает свой лик.
Весенняя зелень и солнечное голубое небо придают этому месту еще более очаровательный вид.
Гора Трех Крестов. Отсюда можно посмотреть панораму на реку и город. Можно увидеть Замок и костел на Рыночной площади.
Старый костел Святого Сигизмунда, построенный братьями Шидловецкими еще в 1401 году. Тут находятся золотые алтари, - гласит старая пословица, и, как часто бывает, это правда. Костел позднесредневекового периода с великолепным интерьером, который не имеет себе равных во всем регионе. Хотя архитектура Храма скромная и не показывает внутреннего великолепия.
А вот отреставрированная красивая рыночная площадь. Так же, как в Западной Европе – это центр жизни города. Это любимое место встречи жителей и многочисленных культурных мероприятий. В центре площади находится великолепная ратуша 17 века, построенная во времена Николая Радзивилла в стиле позднего ренессанса. На башне Ратуши есть смотровая площадка, откуда можно полюбоваться панорамой города. К сожалению, была закрыта из-за пандемии.
Перед ратушей возвышаются два городских столба позднего ренессанса. Это позорный столб 1629 года, увенчанный кругом и кандалами для осужденных. На второй колонне находится фигура женщины в позе, символизирующей гордость. Местные называют этот позорный столб «Зоська». Скорее всего, это была одна из первых женщин, наказанная на этом столбе.
В целом очень милый, ухоженный, отреставрированный городок. Нам понравился. Людей практически не было вообще. Особенно впечатлил замок на острове, который так красиво и фотогенично отражается в воде. Рекомендую посетить его вместе с Заповедником под Некланем.
Интересно, что в 2004 году польская туристическая организация присвоила городу звание «Красивейшей Польши», а год спустя, в 2005 году, Шидловец был удостоен звания культурной столицы Мазовии.
Обязательно посмотрите мои другие видео об интересных местах в Польше.
Artist: Ron Gelinas
Track Title: Equanimity
Title: Chillout Lounge
Released by: Free Music
Artist: Maria Eberharder
Track: Lost in the time
Warsaw Old Town Market Place, Warsaw, Masovian, Poland, Europe
Warsaw's Old Town Market Place is the center and oldest part of the Old Town of Warsaw, capital of Poland. Immediately after the Warsaw Uprising, it was systematically blown up by the German Army. After World War II, the Old Town Market Place was restored to its prewar appearance. The Old Town Market Place is the true heart of the Old Town, and until the end of the 18th century it was the heart of all of Warsaw. It originated in the late 13th century, at the same time that the city was founded. Here the representatives of guilds and merchants met in the town hall (built before 1429, pulled down in 1817), and fairs and the occasional execution were held. The houses around it represented the Gothic style until the great fire of 1607, after which they were rebuilt in late-Renaissance style and eventually in late-Baroque style by Tylman Gamerski in 1701. The main feature at that time was the immense town hall, reconstructed in 1580 in the style of Polish mannerism by Antoneo de Ralia and again between 1620-1621. The architecture of the building was similar to many other structures of that type in Poland (e.g. the town hall in Szydłowiec). It was adorned with attics and four side towers. A clock tower, embellished with an arcade loggia, was covered with a bulbous spire typical for Warsaw mannerist architecture (an example being the Royal Castle). The district was damaged by the bombs of the German Luftwaffe during the Invasion of Poland (1939). The ancient Market Place was rebuilt in the 1950s, after having been destroyed by the German Army after the suppression of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. Today it is a major tourist attraction.
Sobota Castle - Trips around Poland - Castles & Palaces
Sobota Castle - Trips around Poland - Castles & Palaces
The neo-Gothic castle in Sobota hides elements of the Soboccy's noble manor and a fortified castle built in the mid-15th century. The fortified castle that was the basis of the building and in the second quarter of the 16th century was rebuilt into a stone fortified court and lost its initial character of the stronghold. In the nineteenth century, Artur Stokowki erected a neo-Gothic palace with an octagonal tower, on the ruins of the old building. Its tower was the reason that it was called the castle. At the end of the 19th century, Artur Stokowki enriched the castle with a magnificent English-style park.
Today, the castle has a residential function, unfortunately both the castle and the park around are very neglected. The park and the surroundings of the castle can be visited without any restrictions.
Wyjazdy wokół Polski - Zamki i Pałace - Zamek w Sobocie
Neogotycki zamek w Sobocie kryje w sobie elementy dworu szlacheckiego Sobockich oraz wzniesionego z połowie XV wieku zamku warownego. Zamek warowny będący podstawą budowli w drugiej kwarcie XVI wieku został przebudowany na murowany dwór obronny i utracił swój początkowy charakter warowni. W XIX wieku na fundamentach starej budowli August Zawisza wzniósł neogotycki Pałac z ośmioboczną wieżą, co było powodem że wyskał on miano zamku. Pod koniec XIX wieku Artur Stokowki wzbogacił zamek o wspaniały park w stylu angielskim.
Dziś zamek pełni funkcję mieszkalną, niestety zarówno zamek jak i park wokół są bardzo zaniedbane. Park i otoczenie zamku można zwiedzać bez żadnych ograniczeń.
Świętokrzyskie Tourism
Świętokrzyskie tourism promo video - English