Dorze Scarf: Unique Textiles from Ethiopia's Hidden Villages
Join us on a journey to Ethiopia's hidden villages to discover the cultural and artistic wonder of the Dorze scarf. Made by the Dorze community using a unique weaving technique, these colorful and intricate textiles are more than just an accessory - they are a symbol of tradition and heritage. In this video, we explore the process of making a Dorze scarf, from selecting the materials to mastering the weaving technique. Along the way, we learn about the history and significance of this ancient craft and how it continues to be passed down from generation to generation. So come along and discover the beauty and artistry of the Dorze scarf!
Sendafa to Addis Ababa 1 1001
Sendafa to Addis Ababa 1 1001
Street view of Ethiopia - Sendafa to Regadadi / 에티오피아 거리 뷰 - 센다파 에서 레가다디 까지
A road view from Sendafa to Redadadi Oromia State of Ethiopia.
This road is the only way take you to Northern Oromia province to Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia.
Shot by Xiaomi Fimi Palm.
에티오피아에서 가장 큰 '주'인 오로미아 주 센다파에서 레가다디로 가는 도로의 거리뷰 영상입니다. 왕복 2차선 너비의 이 도로는 오로미아주 북부에서 에티오피아의 수도 아디스 아바바로 갈 수 있는 유일한 도로입니다.
샤오미 짐벌 피미 팜으로 촬영한 영상입니다.
ONENET FOUNDATION ETHIOPIA , Sendafa , 37 kilometer from Addis Ababa
Countryside ...
Paragliding in Ethiopia with Endy Tours Ethiopia 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
#ethiopia #travel #adventure #trending #endytoursethiopia
Shoot for the sun, Aim for the sky
Always be flying high🪂🪂
I took my first paragliding tandem flights with my partner who is an experienced and licensed pilot and has flown for about 23years, starting and landing at the impressive cliffs over Tekle Haymanot monestary, near Aletu and Sendafa⛳️
Paragliding is one of the most prominent activities that attract both international and domestic tourist. Paragliding is a recreational and competitive flying sport which is foot launched aircraft. It can be a truly wonderful and fulfilling experience for the adventure seeker⛳️
Paragliding is perhaps the closest you can get to sailing the skies as a free bird, almost at will, dipping and wheeling high over the hills and valleys⛳️
Endy Tours Ethiopia offers guided cross-country paragliding tours in Ethiopia.
Let’s make this activity popular!
We will be flying weekly and book your flights at 0912849952
ሚሽን #ሰንዳፋ / MISSION #SENDAFA
ሰንዳፋ ከተማ በኢትዮጲያ ሰሜን በር መውጫ ላይ የምትገኝ ከተማ ስትሆን በስፍራው የኦሮሚኛ እና አማርኛ ቋንቋ የሚነገርባት ከተማ ናት፡፡ እኛም ሰኔ 1 2014 ዓም በስፍራው ወንጌልን ለማብሰር ተገኝተን ነበር የከተማው ሰው እንዲህ ባለ ሁኔታ ተቀብለውናል…….የሚቀጥለውን ሚሽን በዚሁ ቻናል ሰርተን እናቀርብላችኋለን እናንተም የእግዚአብሔር ጸጋ እንዲረዳን ጸልዩልን በዚህ አገልግሎት ደግሞ በገንዘዘባችሁ ካጠገባችን መቆም የምትችሉ ሁሉ የእግዚአብሔርን መንግስት አብረን እንድንሰራ ጥሪ እናደርጋለን +251970752729 በዋትስ አፕ አነጋግሩኝ፡፡ ወይንም በኢትዮጲያ ንግድ ባንክ በቀጥታ መደገፍ ትችላላችሁ፡፡ አካውንት:-1000418656941
ስም:-ኢዮሲያስ ግርማ ተረፈ (Eyosias Girma)
ገንዘቡን ያስገቡበትን ደረሰኝ ወይም screen shoot የተደረገ ከስሞ ጋር አያይዞ በ @eyu69 ቴሌግራም አካውንት መላክዎን አይርሱ እናመሰግናለን::
Ethiopia 2015
Video about our trip to Sendafa Ethiopia
Tuesday in Addis Ababa
Addis is a great place to visit. This is just a regular day in the beautiful city Addis Ababa and the surrounding area's. I hope you enjoy Tuesday in Addis Ababa.
Note: If you are planning to head Addis Ababa don't think twice it is a trip you will truly enjoy.
에티오피아 아디스아바바 거리뷰 #5 / A street view of Addis Ababa Ethiopia #5
샤오미 피미팜으로 촬영한 에티오피아 아디스아바바의 거리뷰입니다.
아디스 아바바의 동쪽 지역입니다.
A street view of Addis Ababa Ethiopia, shot by Xiaomi Fimi Palm.
Eastern district of Addis Ababa to Sendafa Oromia via Centurymall.
#ethiopia #addisababa #centurymall #sendafa #oromia #legadadi #legadafo
Hammer Woman of Ethiopia
Hammer village seeing themselves on camera. These villages are extremely remote and see very little of western culture or tourists. Those that do come to photograph, must pay each person per photo, or make an agreement with the Elder- it's an economic transaction. Rarely do they ever get to see the photos taken of them.
Exploring Ethiopia: Historic Entoto Maryam Church in Addis Ababa
Entoto Maryam Church, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Probably the oldest functional building in the vicinity of Addis Ababa, Entoto Maryam is an octagonal church constructed by Menelik II c.1882 at what was then his capital. The lovely interior of Entoto Maryam Church, covered in traditional church paintings, can be seen only immediately after morning services, which usually end at 9am. A site museum at the Entoto Maryam Church housing a collection of religious items and ceremonial clothing from the Menelik era keeps erratic times.
Entoto Mariam church is built on top of one of the highest mountains in Addis Ababa. An ancient church built in 1877 by Emperor Menelik II, it is also home to the first tomb of Empress Taitu, wife of Emperor Menelik II. The tomb is called “Shera Bet” and was built in 1918. There is a museum right next to the church where some of the personal belongings of Emperor Menelik II and Empress Taitu are displayed for visitors to see.
#travel #vacation #adventure #bucketlist #traveling #explore #nature #traveltips #beach #trending #destination #holiday #world #holidays #tour #Cruise #trip #weekend #expedition #hiking #journey #trip #flight #tourist #tourism #booking #tickets #airlines #cheap #best #wanderlust #sightseeing #culture #trending #travellife #travelmemories #summer #travelblogger #naturevibes #travelingtheworld #travelingfamily #travelingalone #London #market #museum #island #travelling #travelgram #travelfamily #traveldiaries #travelling #addisababa #ethiopia #vicstefanu
Meskel square Addis Ababa June 2013
Addis Ababa Meskel square
Mallory Ballous Opsmile mission to Ethiopia
4K Drone Tour of New Caledonia | Soothing Relaxation
4K Drone Tour of New Caledonia | Soothing Relaxation
Discover the wonders of New Caledonia with this stunning 4K drone footage. From the lush rainforests of the mainland to the crystal-clear waters of the ocean, this tour will provide a soothing and relaxing experience.
The majestic beauty of this island nation is captured in vivid detail. From the rolling hills of the mainland to the gorgeous coral reefs of the ocean, get lost in the stunning visuals of New Caledonia. Catch a glimpse of the vibrant wildlife that inhabits the island, including a variety of birds, reptiles, and mammals.
Immerse yourself in the calming sounds of nature as you explore this gorgeous destination. Enjoy the soothing sounds of crashing waves, chirping birds, and rustling leaves. Feel the stress of everyday life melt away as you fly through the stunning landscape.
Take a breathtaking journey through New Caledonia in 4K with this drone tour. Enjoy the peaceful and tranquil atmosphere while being mesmerized by the stunning visuals. Let the calming music, soothing visuals, and calming sounds of nature take you to a place of relaxation and peace.
Thank you for watching the video. Please like, share and subscribe.
Join our community of like-minded people who value mindful living, holistic well-being, and self-care. Join the Soothing Relaxation 4K™ community and start your road to inner peace. Each video will feed your mind, boost your spirit, and refuel your soul. In a world that moves quickly, let Soothing Relaxation 4K™ be your haven for feeding your body, mind, and spirit. As you go out on this magnificent path of self-discovery and tranquility, relax, refresh, and find your equilibrium.
🌿 Music by Tonydrumer
🎵 Calm Nature Music
►All rights belong to their respective owners.
✔ This video was given a special license directly from the artists and the right holders.
⭕ Related Hashtags
#Relaxation #Travel #Nature #DroneTours #Vacation #AerialViews #NewCaledonia #Scenery #MindfulRelaxation #Mindful #Relaxation #MindfulRelaxationn #SoothingRelaxation4K #SoothingRelaxation #Soothing #NewCaledonia #DroneFootage #4KVideo #SoothingRelaxation #TravelDestination #IslandParadise #AerialViews #NaturalBeauty #serenity
Noumea, Noumea New Caledonia, New Caledonia Island, Aerial View
His Healing Hands Notes From Ethiopia
Etiopské pivo a medovina
Pivní pohled na cestu do Etiopie 2011.
Průmyslově vyráběné pivo (bira) má v Etiopii poměrně krátkou historii, první pivovar St. George (Kidus Gyiorgis) byl založen roku 1922 v Addis Abebě. V současné době je v provozu 5 dalších pivovarů: Meta Abo (Sebeta u Addis Abeby, 1966), Harer (1984), Bedele (1993), Kombolcha (1999) a Dashen (Gonder, 2000). Pivovary Kombolcha a Addis Abeba patří francouzské pivovarské společnosti BGI, ostatní jsou ve vlastnictví státu. Pivovary v Hareru a Bedele byly vybudovány českými firmami v době etiopského komunistického experimentu. Jediný restaurační minipivovar Garden Brau (2006) je v Addis Abebě poblíž katedrály Vykupitele Světa (Medhane Alem) nedaleko od letiště Bole.
Naopak velmi dlouhou tradici má v etiopské společnosti příprava a konzumace domácího piva tella . Surovinou jsou všechny druhy pěstovaného obilí (teff, ječmen, pšenice, kukuřice, proso, čirok), k ochucení se namísto chmele používají listy a stonky rakytníku (gešo). Připravují ho ženy zpravidla pro potřebu své rodiny, sousedů, popřípadě jej podávají v krčmách-kavárnách „buna bet (dům kávy), kde také připravují kávu tradičním obřadem. S rozvojem průmyslově vyráběného piva je veřejné podávání domácího piva na ústupu.
Třetím a velmi významným kvašeným nápojem je medovina (amharsky tedž, tigriňsky mies), původně nápoj pouze pro krále a vyšší společnost. Opět platí, že se podává zpravidla ve specializovaných krčmách „tedž bet (angl. tej house). Podává se ve speciálních půllitrových sklenicích s úzkým hrdlem („baňkách). Vzhledem se podobá našemu burčáku, má však medovou chuť (od sladké až po suchou nahořklou podle stupně prokvašení a množství rakytníku-gesho) s obsahem alkoholu okolo 8%. Přestože je Etiopie 10.největším producentem medu, je třeba dát na radu místních, dochází i k částečné či úplné náhradě medu cukrem (a barvivem). Také medovina je postupně vytlačována průmyslovými pivy.
Vůbec největším pivním zážitkem byla exkurze v pivovaru ve východoetiopském Hareru. Zde nás mimořádně srdečně přijal generální ředitel společnosti p. Juneydi Basha a pozval nás k večernímu posezení v pivovarské zahradní restauraci.