Travel Southwestern France: Albi, Toulouse and Biarritz
Join us on our trip to France where we travel to the cities of Albi, Toulouse, and Biarritz!
In Episode 9 of our Eurotrip 2020 series, we feature highlights of our trip around the southwestern region of France starting in the cities of Albi and Toulouse with their beautiful red brick architecture and UNESCO sites! We were honestly blown away from the charming streets in Albi and wish we had a bit more time to explore Toulouse.
We finished this segment of southwestern France with a visit to the seaside town of Biarritz! The architecture here was very different than the other towns / cities we have previously visited so far in France. The ocean views and beautiful gardens made this a standout on our trip to France!
0:00 Heading to Albi / Basilique-Cathédrale Sainte-Cécile
2:32 Musée Toulouse-Lautrec (Albi)
2:50 Toulouse
5:19 Biarritz
QUESTION - Do you prefer visiting a quaint French town in the countryside or heading to a seaside town to catch some sun / beach time? Post in the comments section of this video!
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Tyler and I are a married couple who moved to the UK at the end of 2018. We have been living nomadic lifestyles in the US, having lived in New Jersey, Colorado, Seattle, and Hawaii, and started a vlog to document our travel experiences on a new continent! Follow along for our adventures throughout Europe!
LAST VIDEO: Dordogne Region and Beyond (
NEXT VIDEO: French Pyrénées and entering the French Riviera (
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Esnandes Nantilly Marsilly L'Aubreçay D105 France 18.5.2017 #0916
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[프랑스] 파리 근교의 아름다운 요새, 프랑스인들과 나폴레옹이 유난히 좋아한 '삐에르퐁 성' Château de Pierrefonds 가이드
파리에서 북쪽으로 약 한나절 코스로 다녀올만한 곳.... 자연과 역사가 숨쉬는 숨은 관광명소 중에 유난히 프랑스인들이 좋아하는 고성이다. 나폴레옹 3세가 가장 좋아하던 ‘콩피에뉴 고성 Château de Compiègne’를 먼저 방문하고, 거대한 숲 속에 우뚝 솟은 전설의 고성을 방문해 보자.
폐허에서 중세시대의 고성으로 새롭게 건설한 유일한 작업으로 프랑스뿐만 아니라 문화재를 관리, 복원, 유지하는 관점에 뜨거운 논쟁거리를 남겨 놓은 건축!!! 버려진 상태로 보존하는 것이 옮은가 ? 아니면 당시의 시대를 상상하면서 새로이 건설하여 새 생명을 주는 것이 옮은가 ?
Le château de Viollet-le-Duc
외곽을 중세시대의 모습 그대로 재현하기 위하여 물을 채워 넣던 해자를 비롯하여 육중한 성문, 들어올리는 다리, 대포 거치대, 망루 등등을 장식용으로 만든다. 연극무대처럼.......
중정에 들어서면 오히려 르네상스 문화의 특징을 볼 수 있는데, 재미있는 괴물형상의 동물과 상상의 동물들이 조각되어 있으며, 중앙에는 ‘루이 도흘레앙 Louis d'Orléans’ 공작의 청동 동상과 이무기 돌들이 돋 보이고, 건물 내부의 완공된 방들의 실내장식들은 나무판 조각과 석고 조각을 통하여 중세시대의 생활상을 보여주고 있으며 또한, 황제를 상징하는 독수리와 일벌 문양이 보인다.
자체적으로 법과 권력을 가지고 ‘스와송 Soissons’에서부터 ‘부르제 Bourget’ 지역까지 광활한 영토를 다스리던 ‘니브롱 Nivelons’ 가문에서 ‘쌩 쉴피스 Saint Sulpice’ 교회 근처의 바위산에 방어용 성을 만들면서 역사가 시작되고, 12세기에 ‘니브롱 3세 Nivelon III’가 후계자를 남기지 않고 사망하자 1185년 ‘필립 오귀스트 Philippe-Auguste’ 왕이 이 영토를 구입하였으며, 프랑스 왕들 중에 유일하게 미쳐서 불운하게 생을 마감한 ‘샤흘르 6세 Charles VI’가 1392년 자신의 동생인 오를레앙 공작 ‘루이 Louis ‘에게 주었단다.
’루이 Louis d'Orléans’는 1393년부터 3면이 가파른 절벽으로 천혜의 방어용 진지의 역할과 가까운 ‘꽁피에뉴 Compiègne’ 숲에서의 사냥의 즐거움을 고려하여, 현재의 고성 자리에 사각형의 방어용 탑들로 둘러싸인 ‘동종 Donjon’에 거처를 만들도록 하지만........
형 ‘샤흘르 6세 Charles VI’의 정신병이 악화되면서 '오흘레앙 공작 Duc d’Orléans’ 가문과 ‘부르고뉴 공작 Duc de Bourgogne’ 가문의 세력다툼이 본격적으로 시작되는데, 1407년 ‘오흘레앙 가문의 ‘루이’가 암살당하면서 오랜 시민전쟁이 시작되었고, 백년전쟁과 맞물리어 ‘아쟁꾸흐Azincourt’ 전쟁에서 프랑스군대가 1415년 영국군에게 패하면서 ‘오흘레앙 가문의 샤흘르 Charles d'Orléans’는 25년간 런던에 볼모로 생활을 하고는 되돌아와서 복원공사를 시작하였다고.....
‘앙리 4세’가 자신의 애첩인 ‘가브리엘 데스트레’의 아버지 ‘앙뚜완 데스트레 Antoine d'Estrée’에게 이 성을 하사하여 ‘데스트레’ 가문의 영지로 내려온다. 하지만 한 세대 후, 아들 때에 이르러 1617년 이 성의 주인이던 ‘프랑스와 아니발 데스트레 François-Annibal d'Estrées’가 역모에 가담하자 격노한 '루이 13세 Louis XIII'의 명을 받은 '히슐리외 Richelieu'가 성을 파괴하여 폐허상태로 방치한다.
‘프랑스 대혁명’ 이후에 새로운 주인을 맞이하지만 막대한 보수작업을 감당하지 못하고 전전하다가 1813년 2월 15일 ‘나폴레옹 1세 Napoléon I’가 이 성을 구입한다. 2 700 francs !!!
지금 유로로 환산하면 2.700*3,2 euros = 8.640 euros
현재 우리나라 돈으로는 약 1천 2백만 원!!!!
이듬해 정권에서 쫓겨나지만 않았어도 복원공사를 시작했으리라.... 로맨틱한 페허로 방치되었다가 1848년 ‘역사유물 Monuments Historiques’로 지정된 이 곳을1850년 7월 15일 ‘나폴레옹 3세’가 방문하였고, 자신이 가장 좋아하던 근처의 ‘꽁피에뉴 성 Compiègne’에 정기적으로 올 때마다 이 곳을 찾았으며, 외국의 귀빈이 오면 ‘꽁피에뉴 성’에서 환영 파티를 열고 그 다음날이면 어김없이 이 곳을 들렸었다고…. 핵심관광 코스 ^_^
파리의 ‘노트르담 대성당’을 복원한 건축가 ‘비올레 르 뒥 Viollet-le-Duc’에 의하여 1858년부터 복원 공사가 시작되는데, ‘동종 Donjon’과 두 개의 거대한 탑을 살리며 황제의 별장으로 만든다.
나폴레옹 3세의 전폭적인 지지아래 300명의 인부가 쉴새 없이 일을 하였지만, 프러시아와의 전쟁이 발발하던 1870년까지도 완공을 하지 못하였으며, 나폴레옹 3세가 전쟁에서 패하면서 모든 공사가 중단되지만, 중세시대의 고성처럼 복원하고자 노력하였던 건축가 ‘비올레 르 뒥’의 청원으로 국가 지원을 받아서 공사를 지속하였단다.
1879년 ‘비올레 르 뒥 ‘이 사망하고 그의 사위 ‘우하두 Ouradou’에 의하여 공사가 마무리된 것이라고…..
카카오톡 algogaja (알고가자)
추천여행 사이트 :
여행정보 사이트 :
카카오톡채널 :
* 파리 핵심관광 동영상 보기
* 일드프랑스 영상
* 중부, 부르고뉴 지방
* 서부, 루아르 고성, 브르타뉴
* 북부, 노르망디 지방
* 동부, 샹파뉴, 알자스
* 남부, 옥시타니, 코트다쥐르
#프랑스 #파리근교 #고성
A place worth visiting in about half a day north of Paris.... Among the hidden tourist attractions where nature and history breathe, this is a castle that the French especially love. Let's first visit the 'Château de Compiègne', which was Napoleon III's favorite, and then visit the legendary castle that stands tall in the middle of a huge forest.
This is the only construction project that rebuilt a medieval castle from ruins, and it has left a hot debate not only in France but also in terms of managing, restoring, and maintaining cultural assets!!! Is it right to preserve it in its abandoned state? Or is it right to give it new life by reconstructing it while imagining the era at that time?
Le château de Viollet-le-Duc
In order to recreate the appearance of the medieval period, a moat filled with water, a heavy gate, a lifting bridge, a cannon stand, a watchtower, etc. are built for decoration. Like a theater stage.......
When you enter the courtyard, you can see the characteristics of Renaissance culture, with interesting monster-shaped animals and imaginary animals carved, and in the center, a bronze statue of Duke Louis d'Orléans and serpent stones stand out, and the interior decorations of the completed rooms inside the building show the life of the Middle Ages through wooden boards and plaster pieces, and also the eagle and worker bee patterns symbolizing the emperor can be seen.
Paris, de place en place - Émission intégrale
Emission intégrale Des Racines et Des Ailes : Paris, de place en place diffusée le 31/01/2018.
00:33 Place du Carrousel du Louvre
02:24 Place de l'Étoile
11:37 Place de la Concorde
21:41 Place de la Bastille
22:44 Place de la République
23:47 Place des Vosges
33:17 Place Vendôme
41:48 Place Louis Lépine
46:06 Place Dauphine
54:42 Place de la Bastille
57:30 Place du Panthéon
1:00:09 Place Saint Germain-des-Prés
1:12:28 Place Furstemberg
1:17:25 Place Saint-Michel
1:23:22 Place Denfert-Rochereau
1:27:44 Place Saint-Sulpice
1:34:50 Place Paul Verlaine
1:37:28 Place de l'Abbé Georges Hénocque
1:39:45 Place du Panthéon
1:50:31 Esplanade des Invalides
1:55:43 Esplanade de la Défense
Nous vous proposons une émission inédite sur les places de Paris, côté rive droite et côté rive gauche. Carole Gaessler vous emmènera au sommet du Carrousel du Louvre, avec une vue privilégiée sur l’axe historique de Paris, puis sur la place du Panthéon, au cœur du Quartier Latin.
La place de l’Etoile, dominée par l’Arc de Triomphe, est aujourd’hui le plus grand carrefour de la capitale. Elle a été aménagée au XIX ème siècle par le baron Haussmann. Un architecte nous décrypte cette place avec ses douze avenues et ses douze hôtels particuliers. Il nous fait découvrir l’un d’entre eux : l’hôtel de Günzburg.
Au bord de la Seine, la place de la Concorde est unique à Paris. Un historien nous accorde un privilège : entrer dans l’Hôtel de la Marine, actuellement en restauration.
Autre place royale : la place Vendôme où nous accueille le grand horloger Breguet, installé à cette adresse depuis 1927.
A l’Est de la capitale, trois places forment un triangle historique : la République, la Nation et la Bastille. Elles sont devenues les places des grandes manifestations, à partir de 1935. Aujourd’hui, elles sont toujours le théâtre de grands rassemblements populaires, autour de statues emblématiques, comme nous l’explique une historienne.
Réalisé par : Isabelle Thomas
Production : France 3
Sur la place Saint-Germain-des-Prés, une institution : la brasserie LIPP, et son décor Art déco, inscrit à l'Inventaire des monuments historiques en 1989. Le directeur, nous accueille dans les coulisses de ce restaurant mythique.
Juste à côté, se dresse le célèbre clocher de l’église Saint-Germain-des-Prés, fondée au 6ème siècle. Le père Antoine de Folleville nous ouvre les portes de l’édifice.
La place Paul Verlaine a conservé son âme d'antan. Une ambiance paisible qui date de l’époque où le 13ème arrondissement n’était encore qu’un village. Un auteur d’ouvrages sur les lieux secrets et insolites de Paris, nous fait découvrir la Butte-aux-Cailles, ses petites maisons individuelles, mais aussi son incroyable piscine Art déco.
Place du Panthéon, un moment privilégié : nous retrouvons une équipe de jeunes couvreurs-zingueurs sur les toits de Paris. Autour d’eux, une mosaïque d’ardoises et de zinc.
Au même moment, dans l’enceinte du Panthéon, se déroule pour la première fois une cérémonie émouvante : 300 personnes obtiennent officiellement la nationalité française, sous le regard de l’administrateur du monument.
Réalisé par Claire Lajeunie
Production : L2Films avec la participation de France 3
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visite Lugan office de tourisme saint sulpice la pointe
Visite des villages organisée par l'Office de Tourisme de Saint sulpice la Pointe
Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Tarn | Best Hotels In Tarn
Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Tarn | Best Hotels In Tarn
1) Relais & Châteaux Hôtel La Réserve, Albi
Booking or More Details:
2) Château de Salettes, Cahuzac-sur-Vère
Booking or More Details:
3) Domaine d'En Fargou, Saint-Sulpice
Booking or More Details:
4) Hôtel Alchimy, Albi
Booking or More Details:
5) Mercure Albi Bastides, Albi
Booking or More Details:
6) Mercure Castres L'Occitan, Castres
Booking or More Details:
7) Grand Hôtel de Castres, Castres
Booking or More Details:
8) Hotel des Consuls, Castelnau-de-Montmiral
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9) ibis Styles Toulouse Lavaur, Lavaur
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10) Hostellerie du Vieux Cordes, Cordes-sur-Ciel
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Queries Solved:
1) Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Tarn
2) Top 10 Hotels In Tarn
3) Top Ten Hotels In Tarn
4) Top 10 Romantic Hotels In Tarn
5) 10 Best Hotels For Couples In Tarn
6) Hotels In Tarn
7) Best Hotels In Tarn
8) Top 10 5 Star Hotels In Tarn
9) Best 5 Star Hotels In Tarn
10) 5 Star Hotels In Tarn
11) Top 10 Luxury Hotels In Tarn
12) Luxury Hotel In Tarn
13) Luxury Hotels In Tarn
14) Luxury Stay In Tarn
15) Top 10 4 Star Hotel In Tarn
16) Best 4 Star Hotel In Tarn
17) 4 Star Hotel In Tarn
Our Other Video:
1) Top 10 Hotels In France:
2) Top 10 Hotels In Normandy:
3) Top 10 Hotels In South-East France:
4) Top 10 Hotels In Quercy:
5) Top 10 Hotels In Loir-et-Cher:
6) Top 10 Hotels In Alpes-de-Haute-Provence:
7) Top 10 Hotels In Cote landaise:
8) Top 10 Hotels In Lot-et-Garonne:
9) Top 10 Hotels In Centre:
10) Top 10 Hotels In Strasbourg Eurometropole:
11) Top 10 Hotels In Camargue:
12) Top 10 Hotels In Provence:
13) Top 10 Hotels In Strasbourg:
14) Top 10 Hotels In Cote D'Azur:
15) Top 10 Hotels In Franche-Comte:
16) Top 10 Hotels In Mont Saint-Michel Bay:
17) Top 10 Hotels In Poitou-Charentes:
18) Top 10 Hotels In Chamonix-Mont-Blanc:
19) Top 10 Hotels In Emeraude Coast:
20) Top 10 Hotels In Annecy:
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel By 3 Girls.
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#TravelBy3Girls #Top10HotelsInTarn #TopTenHotelsInTarn #Top10RomanticHotelsInTarn #HotelsInTarn #BestHotelsInTarn #Top10HotelsInFrance #Top105StarHotelsInTarn #5StarHotelsInTarn #LuxuryHotelsInTarn #4StarHotelInTarn
🇫🇷Paris Winter Walk - Place Saint-Sulpice - 【4K 60fps】
A walk from Place Saint-Sulpice to Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, which was the burial place of Merovingian kings of Neustria.
In this channel, you can not only enjoy world sceneries but also be relaxed by seeing real footage and hearing ambient city sounds. If you enjoy, please subscribe(DAILY CHANNEL!), like, comment, or share!! Let's walk and enjoy the sceneries around the world together!
【Starting Point】
00:00 highlight
00:44 Place Saint-Sulpice
02:55 Rue des Canettes
04:56 Rue du Four
05:55 Rue Bonaparte
07:05 Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés
Paris (French pronunciation: [paʁi] (About this soundlisten)) is the capital and most populous city of France, with a population of 2,140,526 residents (official estimate, 1 January 2019) in an area of 105 square kilometres (41 square miles). Since the 17th century, Paris has been one of Europe's major centres of finance, diplomacy, commerce, fashion, science, and the arts. The City of Paris is the centre and seat of government of the Île-de-France, or Paris Region, which has an estimated official 2019 population of 12,213,364, or about 18 percent of the population of France. The Paris Region had a GDP of €709 billion ($808 billion) in 2017. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit Worldwide Cost of Living Survey in 2018, Paris was the second most expensive city in the world, after Singapore, and ahead of Zürich, Hong Kong, Oslo and Geneva. Another source ranked Paris as most expensive, on a par with Singapore and Hong Kong, in 2018.
The city is a major railway, highway, and air-transport hub served by two international airports: Paris-Charles de Gaulle (the second busiest airport in Europe) and Paris-Orly. Opened in 1900, the city's subway system, the Paris Métro, serves 5.23 million passengers daily, and is the second busiest metro system in Europe after Moscow Metro. Gare du Nord is the 24th busiest railway station in the world, but the first located outside Japan, with 262 million passengers in 2015.
quoted from
Exploring the Treasures of Tarn: A Comprehensive Guide
In this episode of the Join Us in France podcast, hosts Annie Sargent and Elyse Rivin explore the Tarn department in Southwest France, highlighting its rich cultural and natural attractions. They discuss the region's stunning red brick architecture, medieval villages, and notable cities such as Albi, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The episode delves into the topography of the area, with its small mountains and the beginnings of the Massif Central and the Black Mountains. Listeners will learn about the beautiful forests, the Gorges du Tarn, and the excellent hiking and biking opportunities available.
Get the podcast ads-free Elyse and Annie also share insights on must-visit towns like Cordes-sur-Ciel, Lautrec, Castres, and Gaillac, known for its wine production. The episode touches on the region’s fascinating history, including its role in the Cathar wars and its famous bastides. Additional highlights include the charming towns of Rabastens, Lisle-sur-Tarn, and the unique attractions like the Pont Suspendu in Mazamet. Whether you're interested in outdoor activities, historical sites, or simply enjoying the picturesque landscapes, this episode provides a comprehensive guide to discovering the many treasures of the Tarn.
More episodes about the Occitanie region Table of Contents for this Episode
Today on the podcast: A Comprehensive Guide for Exploring the Tarn Podcast supporters No Magazine segment Welcome to the Tarn: A Hidden Gem in France Exploring the Natural Beauty and Topography of the Tarn Highlighting Tarn’s Must-Visit Medieval Villages and Cities Museums in Castres The Charm of Lesser-Known Towns and Their Unique AttractionsCarmaux Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe Rabastens Lisle-sur-Tarn Giroussens Jardin des Martels Soreze and Its Attractions A Journey Through Ambialet and Castelnau de Montmiral Castelnau de Montmiral Lacaune and Its Surroundings The Gaillac Wine Country The Forests of Tarn Copyright
Une petite visite du Pont de Coq, à Saumont-la-Poterie, un pont du diable !
Une petite vidéo bonus, sur un lieu sympa qu'on a trouvé par hasard et qu'on voulait vous partager. Chaque pays a ses curiosités. En voici une en France qui m'a amusée. Un peu de légende et un peu d'histoire à la fois.
C'est là:
00:00: Le Pont de Coq, son histoire et les autres ponts du diable
02:08: The Pont de Coq (Rooster bridge): summary of the history and other Devil's bridges
A little bonus video, on a nice place that we found by chance and that we wanted to share with you. Each country has its curiosities. Here is one in France which amused me. A bit of legend and a bit of history at the same time.
It's here:
L'Eglise Saint Sulpice à Paris (Full HD)
Cette vidéo HD (parmi plus de 200 autres) vous est offerte par le Mas de la Fontenette LOCATION SAISONNIERE ARDECHE: Magnifique villa avec piscine à débordement et vue fantastique sur les Cévennes, classée 4 épis par Gites de France : Le Mas de la Fontenette peut accueillir 6 personnes (3 chambres dont une suite parentale).
L'église Saint-Sulpice est située dans le 6ème arrondissement. Elle est dédiée à Sulpice le Pieux, évêque de Bourges au VIIe siècle. Elle est classée monuments historiques depuis le 1915. C'est un monument d'architecture et de foi. Son intérieur est un chef d'œuvre du style classique français, orchestré par l'architecte Gittard dont les plans datent de 1660. La façade à laquelle est plus récente puisqu'elle a été ajoutée après 1750. C'est Michel Rougé, responsable des guides bénévoles de Saint Sulpice, qui nous la fait visiter.
Église Saint-Sulpice Paris 6eme arrondissement
La partie de l'église de Saint Sulpice qui fut abattue en 1646 était la plus ancienne : mais comme il n'en est point resté de dessin, on ne peut pas dire précisément de quel siècle elle était ; on peut conjecturer seulement qu'elle était du XIIIe siècle, parce que ce fut alors que l'affranchissement accordé aux habitants rendit le bourg plus peuplé.
Carmaux village of France
Montreal in Canada has a population of 4,027,100, landmarks, travel, tourism, hotels
Montreal in Canada has a population of 4,027,100, landmarks, travel, tourism
Greater Montreal is the most populous metropolitan area in Quebec, and the second most populous in Canada after Greater Toronto. In 2015, Statistics Canada identified Montreal's Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) as 4,258.31 square kilometres (1,644.14 sq mi) with a population of 4,027,100.[3]
A smaller area of 3,838 square kilometres (1,482 sq mi) is governed by the Montreal Metropolitan Community (MMC) (French: Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal, CMM). This level of government is headed by a president (currently Montreal mayor Valérie Plante).
The inner ring is composed of densely populated municipalities located in close proximity to Downtown Montreal. It includes the entire Island of Montreal, Laval, and the Urban Agglomeration of Longueuil.
The outer ring is composed of low-density municipalities located on the fringe of Metropolitan Montreal. Most of these cities and towns are semi-rural. Specifically, the term off-island suburbs refers to those suburbs that are located on the North Shore of the Mille-Îles River, those on the South Shore that were never included in the megacity of Longueuil, and those on the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Peninsula. Communities in that area are also informally referred to as the 450, after the telephone area code that has served the region since 1998.
Due to their proximity to Montreal's downtown core, some suburbs on the South Shore (Longueuil, Brossard, Saint-Lambert, and Boucherville) are usually not included in the off-island suburbs even though they are on the mainland.Baie-d'Urfé
Côte Saint-Luc
Montreal[a 2]
Montreal West
Mount Royal
Urban agglomeration of Longueuil
Longueuil[a 3]
North Shore (Laurentides) Deux-Montagnes
Thérèse-De Blainville
[a 4]
La Rivière-du-Nord
Saint-Jérôme[a 1]
North Shore (Lanaudière) L'Assomption
L'Épiphanie (city)
L'Épiphanie (parish)
Les Moulins ,
D'Autray ,
South Shore (Montérégie) Beauharnois-Salaberry
BeauharnoisLa Vallée-du-Rich
Otterburn Park
Saint-Jean-Baptiste[a 5]
Calixa-Lavallée[a 5]
Contrecœur[a 5]
La Prairie
Sur la route de nos églises, Hors série, Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes
Sur la route de nos églises, Hors série, Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes
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Sur la route de nos églises
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France Tour 2013 - Dia 31 [Torre Eiffel, Catacumbas e Igreja de Saint-Sulpice]
Essa sequência de vídeos é do nosso tour pela França em março/abril de 2013.
Infelizmente não é possível reunir todos nossos amigos e compartilhar todas as experiências reunidas nesses 32 dias de viagem. Por isso fizemos esses vídeos, com o objetivo de pelo menos conseguir passar uma idéia do que foi a viagem e mostrar que a França não é só Paris, croissants e perfumes.
Não fizemos a viagem com a idéia de fazer isso, então as filmagens são apenas registros de algumas experiências (micos e apuros) que passamos, sem qualidade alguma, de video e muitas vezes de audio. Mas espero que as fotos contrabalanceem essa falta.
E se pretendem conhecer a França um dia, lembrem da lição que aprendemos nessa viagem: 'quem conhece Paris não conhece a França'.
Para aproveitarem ao máximo os vídeos, não esqueçam de ativar a opção HD ou Full HD no YouTube.
O 31o dia foi bem cheio, visitamos a Torre Eiffel, as catacumbas de Paris, a Igreja de Saint-Sulpice (famosa pelo livro O Código DaVinci) e os Jardins de Luxemburgo.
Le Saint-Sulpice Hotel Montreal - Montréal Hotels, Canada
Le Saint-Sulpice Hotel Montreal 4 Stars hotel in Montréal, Canada Within US Travel Directory Behind the beautiful Notre-Dame Basilica in the heart of historic Old Montreal, seconds from the Old Port, this luxurious hotel offers spacious suites along with exceptional services and on-site facilities.Le Saint-Sulpice Hotel Montreal is also home to the Sinclair Restaurant, located in the heart of the hotel's gardens. Guests can enjoy their meal in the luxurious glass space, with doors giving direct access to exterior terrace.Le Saint-Sulpice's contemporary suites are furnished with fully equipped kitchenettes.
Room service is also available.
Easily explore all of Montreal city centre's most popular sites when staying at Le Saint-Sulpice Hotel.
Take a short walk and visit the convention centre.
Vibrant Chinatown as well as scenic horse-drawn carriage rides are also nearby.
Hotels Located in :
Le Saint-Sulpice Hotel Montreal - Montréal Hotels, Canada
Location in : 414 rue St Sulpice, H2Y 2V5 Montréal, Canada
Booking Now :
US Travel directory
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Pfarrkirche Saint-Sulpice - Paris
Paris - Städtereise
Ostern 2012 - Tag 1 - Film 10
Pfarrkirche Saint-Sulpice
The gourmet restaurant Entre Terre et Mer located on the Place Hamelin, historic district of Honfleur , welcomes you in a soothing and warm setting for cuisine marked by the seal of authenticity Norman . Two rooms styles of neo-rustic with exposed beams and stones, extended a pleasant and sunny terrace, ideal place to enjoy the charms of the old city.
Address: 12 Place Hamelin, 14600 Honfleur, France
Phone: +33 2 31 89 70 60
Copyright © Entre Terre Et Mer
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Local Traveller
By Willo’s Worlds
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[ 4K ] Old Montreal Walking Tour 6 | Notre-Dame Street | Quebec Canada 2024
Watch Old Montreal Part 4 👉
Watch Old Montreal Part 1 👉
Full Old Montreal Playlist 🎞️
Hello everyone! 👋
Today we walk in the old Montreal.
Notre-Dame Street is one of Montreal’s most historic streets, stretching from the charming borough of Lachine all the way to Pointe-aux-Trembles. Running parallel to the beautiful Saint Lawrence River, this scenic road lets you explore Montreal’s rich history and even takes you beyond the city into the Lanaudière region. A perfect route for discovering the best of Montreal!
It's 3:00 pm and the temperature is 19°C / 66.2°F. I filmed this walk on October 20, 2024.
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[ 4K ] Visite à pied du Vieux-Montréal 6 | Rue Notre-Dame | Québec Canada 2024
Bonjour à tous ! 👋
Aujourd'hui, nous faisons une promenade dans le vieux Montréal.
La rue Notre-Dame est l'une des rues les plus historiques de Montréal, s'étendant du charmant arrondissement de Lachine jusqu'à Pointe-aux-Trembles. Parallèle au magnifique fleuve Saint-Laurent, cette route panoramique vous permet d'explorer la riche histoire de Montréal et vous emmène même au-delà de la ville, dans la région de Lanaudière. Un itinéraire parfait pour découvrir le meilleur de Montréal !
Il est 15h00 et la température est de 19°C / 66,2°F. J'ai filmé cette promenade le 20 octobre 2024.
Si vous aimez mes vidéos, svp n'oubliez pas de vous abonner et de cliquer sur J'aime👍
C'est gratuit et cela signifie beaucoup pour moi.❤️
Merci beaucoup d'avoir regardé !
00:00 Intro: Notre-Dame West Street / Ste-Helene Street - Heading East
00:16 Dollard Street
01:06 St-Pierre Street
02:06 St-Alexis Street
02:32 St-Jean Street
04:14 St-Francois-Xavier Street
04:59 Old Sulpician Seminary
05:40 Place d'Armes
05:56 Historical Bank of Montreal Building
06:35 Notre-Dame Basilica of Montreal
07:12 St-Sulpice Street
08:02 Noel Eternel Chrsitmas Store
09:33 St-Laurent Boulevard
09:46 Montreal Courthouse
11:10 St-Jean-Baptiste Street
12:11 St-Gabriel Street
12:26 Ernest-Cormier Building: Quebec Appeals Court
14:05 St-Vincent Street
14:23 Historical Lucien-Saulnier Building (Le Vieux Palais)
15:23 Jacques-Cartier Place
15:35 Nelson Monument
15:59 Dauversiere Place
16:34 Historical Ramezay Castle
17:09 Jean Drapeau Monument
17:14 End: Montreal City Hall
#montreal #walkingtour #oldmontreal #montrealtourism #4kwalkcanada #naturesounds #quebec #canada
Château Gaillard, la visite du château de Richard Cœur de Lion
Présentation du Château Gaillard de Richard Cœur de Lion Roi d'Angleterre.
Richard Ier dit Cœur de Lion fut roi d'Angleterre, duc de Normandie, duc d'Aquitaine, comte de Poitiers, comte du Maine et comte d'Anjou de 1189 à sa mort en 1199.