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10 Best place to visit in Radomir Bulgaria


Town of Radomir (Bulgaria) with Daniel Dimitrov

Driving through town of Radomir....( 22.08.18 )

Top 10 Most Beautiful Train Stations in Europe | BULGARIA

This is the fourth episode of the alphabetical series presenting the Top 10 Most Beautiful Train Stations in Europe to trainspotters and any type of photographers. This episode is about Bulgaria, a country with not a great deal of railway history but with some magnificent railway stations. My Top 3 could easily be showing some of the best stations in the world. Stay tuned for the Top 10 Most Beautiful Train Stations in Croatia!!! THANKS FOT WATCHIING!!!! PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!!!
Jason MLW YouTube server:

Peshtera Bulgaria | Town in Bulgaria


PESHTERA is a town in the Rhodope Mountains, southern Bulgaria. It is located in Pazardzhik Province near the towns of Batak and Bratsigovo. 

Walking in Sofia, Bulgaria 🇧🇬: SerdikaMetrostation to Vitosha Boulevard, 4K, summer, travel, София

Walking in Sofia, Bulgaria 🇧🇬: Serdika Metrostation to Vitosha Boulevard, 4K, summer, travel
Sofia (Bulgarian: София) is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria. It is situated in the Sofia Valley at the foot of the Vitosha mountain in the western parts of the country. The city is built west of the Iskar river, and has many mineral springs, such as the Sofia Central Mineral Baths. It has a humid continental climate. Being in the centre of the Balkans, it is midway between the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea, and closest to the Aegean Sea.
Known as Serdica in Antiquity and Sredets in the Middle Ages, Sofia has been an area of human habitation since at least 7000 BC. The recorded history of the city begins with the attestation of the conquest of Serdica by the Roman Republic in 29 BC from the Celtic tribe Serdi. During the decline of the Roman Empire, the city was raided by Huns, Visigoths, Avars and Slavs. In 809 Serdica was incorporated into the Bulgarian Empire by Khan Krum and became known as Sredets. In 1018, the Byzantines ended Bulgarian rule until 1194, when it was reincorporated by the reborn Bulgarian Empire. Sredets became a major administrative, economic, cultural and literary hub until its conquest by the Ottomans in 1382. From 1530 to 1836, Sofia was the regional capital of Rumelia Eyalet, the Ottoman Empire's key province in Europe. Bulgarian rule was restored in 1878. Sofia was selected as the capital of the Third Bulgarian State in the next year, ushering a period of intense demographic and economic growth.
Sofia is the 13th largest city in the European Union. It is surrounded by mountainsides, such as Vitosha by the southern side, Lyulin by the western side, and the Balkan Mountains by the north, which makes it the third highest European capital after Andorra la Vella and Madrid. Being Bulgaria's primate city, Sofia is home of many of the major local universities, cultural institutions and commercial companies. The city has been described as the triangle of religious tolerance. This is due to the fact that three temples of three major world religions—Christianity, Islam and Judaism—are situated close together: Sveta Nedelya Church, Banya Bashi Mosque and Sofia Synagogue.This triangle was recently expanded to a square and includes the Catholic Cathedral of St Joseph.
Sofia has been named one of the top ten best places for start-up businesses in the world, especially in information technologies.It was Europe's most affordable capital to visit in 2013. In 1979, the Boyana Church in Sofia was included onto the World Heritage List, and it was deconstructed in the Second Bulgarian Empire, holding much patrimonial symbolism to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. With its cultural significance in Southeast Europe, Sofia is home to the National Opera and Ballet of Bulgaria, the National Palace of Culture, the Vasil Levski National Stadium, the Ivan Vazov National Theatre, the National Archaeological Museum, and the Serdica Amphitheatre. The Museum of Socialist Art includes many sculptures and posters that educate visitors about the lifestyle in communist Bulgaria.
The population of Sofia declined from 70,000 in the late 18th century, through 19,000 in 1870, to 11,649 in 1878, after which it began increasing. Sofia hosts some 1.29 million residents within a territory of 492 km2, a concentration of 17.9% of the country population within the 200th percentile of the country territory. The urban area of Sofia hosts some 1.54 million residents within 5723 km2, which comprises Sofia City Province and parts of Sofia Province (Dragoman, Slivnitsa, Kostinbrod, Bozhurishte, Svoge, Elin Pelin, Gorna Malina, Ihtiman, Kostenets) and Pernik Province (Pernik, Radomir), representing 5.16% of the country territory. The metropolitan area of Sofia is based upon one hour of car travel time, stretches internationally and includes Dimitrovgrad in Serbia. The metropolitan region of Sofia is inhabited by a population of 1.67 million.

Sofía es la capital y la ciudad más grande de la República de Bulgaria. Con una población de 1 269 384 habitantes en 2018, se trata de la 14.ª mayor ciudad de la Unión Europea, donde ingresó en enero del 2007, y alrededor de 1 380 406 en su área metropolitana, la Provincia Capital. Se encuentra situada en el centro de la península balcánica,​ al oeste de Bulgaria, rodeada por el monte Vitosha al sur, el monte Lyulin al oeste y las montañas de los Balcanes al norte. Su superficie total es 492 km² y su promedio de altitud es de 600 m sobre el nivel del mar, lo que la convierte en la cuarta capital más alta de Europa.

Sofia ist die Hauptstadt Bulgariens und liegt in der gleichnamigen Ebene im Westen des Landes. Mit ihren 1.3 Mio. Einwohnern ist sie die größte und bevölkerungsreichste Stadt und administratives Zentrum. Damit lebt etwa jeder sechste Einwohner Bulgariens in Sofia. Sofia ist in 24 Bezirke unterteilt. Im Stadtgebiet befinden sich der Fluss Iskar sowie mehrere kleinere Fließgewässer.

Ihtiman, Bulgaria by Drone (4K)

On a recent road trip we stopped by the town of Ihtiman to marvel at the wonderful frost that covered the countryside in Bulgaria. I also love flying through the clouds, so this was a real treat.

39 Първенци на Планините в България | Беласица | Огражден

Боровинки, маратон, заключени и… отключени 🚙 врати, минерални извори, малко повече това как да пазим природата със 100% рециклируемата каменна вата на ROCKWOOL 👉 и невероятни красоти по пътищата към най-високите върхове на Беласица (вр. Радомир) и Огражден (вр. Билска чука).

Надявам се слънчевото видео да ви донесе добро настроение, приятели.

За мен бе много радостно да осъзная, че съм била на всички най-високи върхове на всяка една планина в България. :)

Въпреки това остава да направим видео за изкачването на още един връх.
Един от най-любимите и посещавани у нас.

Очаквайте го следващата седмица.

Чао и до скоро.
Аз съм Лора. Приятен път!

Списък с всички видеа от поредицата 39 първенци на Планините в България

1. Рила планина, вр. Мусала, 2925 м.:
2. Пирин планина, вр. Вихрен, 2914 м.
3. Стара планина, вр. Ботев, 2376 м.:
4. Витоша планина, вр. Черни връх, 2290 м.:
5. Осоговска планина, вр. Руен, 2251 м.:
6. Славянка планина, вр. Гоцев връх, 2212 м.
7. Родопи планина, вр. Голям Перелик, 2191 м.
8. Беласица планина, вр. Радомир, 2029 м.
9. Влахина планина, вр. Огреяк, 1924 м.
10. Малашевска планина, вр. Ильов връх, 1803 м.
11. Кървав камък, вр. Било, 1737 м.:
12. Милевска планина, вр. Милевец, 1733 м.
13. Руй планина, вр. Руй, 1706 м.:
14. Огражден планина, вр. Билска чука, 1644 м.
15. Средна гора, вр. Богдан, 1604 м.:
16. Лисец планина, вр. Връшник, 1500 м.
17. Чудинска планина, вр. Арамлия, 1497 м.
18. Конявска планина, вр. Виден, 1487 м.
19. Ерулска планина, вр. Големи връх, 1481 м.:
20. Верила планина, вр. Голям Дебелец, 1415 м.
21. Любаш планина, вр. Любаш, 1398 м.:
22. Парамунска планина, вр. Стража, 1389 м.:
23. Кобилска планина, вр. Бели камък, 1362 м.
24. Плана планина, вр. Манастирище, 1338 м.:
25. Еловишка планина, вр. Плоча, 1329 м.
26. Земенска планина, вр. Тичак, 1295 м.
27. Люлин планина, вр. Дупевица, 1256 м.
28. Ездемирска планина, вр. Големи връх, 1219 м.:
29. Стъргач планина, вр. Асанов връх, 1218 м.
30. Пенкьовска планина, вр. Конски връх, 1187 м.
31. Завалска планина, вр. Китка, 1181 м.:
32. Рудина планина, вр. Сирищнишка Рудина, 1172 м.:
33. Голо бърдо, вр. Ветрушка, 1158 м.
34. Гребен планина, вр. Голеш, 1157 м.:
35. Черна гора, вр. Тумба, 1129 м.
36. Боздаг планина, вр. Чиплакбаир, 1091 м.
37. Вискяр планина, вр. Мечи камък, 1077 м.:
38. Сакар планина, вр. Вишеград, 856 м.
39. Странджа планина, вр. Голямо Градище, 710 м.

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#bgmountains #bulgaria #bulgariatravel

Walking in Sofia, Bulgaria 🇧🇬: Doctors' Garden to Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, 4K, София

Walking in Sofia, Bulgaria 🇧🇬: Doctors' Garden to Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, 4K, Докторска градина, Храм-паметник Свети Александър Невски, 4K
Sofia (Bulgarian: София) is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria. It is situated in the Sofia Valley at the foot of the Vitosha mountain in the western parts of the country. The city is built west of the Iskar river, and has many mineral springs, such as the Sofia Central Mineral Baths. It has a humid continental climate. Being in the centre of the Balkans, it is midway between the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea, and closest to the Aegean Sea.
Known as Serdica in Antiquity and Sredets in the Middle Ages, Sofia has been an area of human habitation since at least 7000 BC. The recorded history of the city begins with the attestation of the conquest of Serdica by the Roman Republic in 29 BC from the Celtic tribe Serdi. During the decline of the Roman Empire, the city was raided by Huns, Visigoths, Avars and Slavs. In 809 Serdica was incorporated into the Bulgarian Empire by Khan Krum and became known as Sredets. In 1018, the Byzantines ended Bulgarian rule until 1194, when it was reincorporated by the reborn Bulgarian Empire. Sredets became a major administrative, economic, cultural and literary hub until its conquest by the Ottomans in 1382. From 1530 to 1836, Sofia was the regional capital of Rumelia Eyalet, the Ottoman Empire's key province in Europe. Bulgarian rule was restored in 1878. Sofia was selected as the capital of the Third Bulgarian State in the next year, ushering a period of intense demographic and economic growth.
Sofia is the 13th largest city in the European Union. It is surrounded by mountainsides, such as Vitosha by the southern side, Lyulin by the western side, and the Balkan Mountains by the north, which makes it the third highest European capital after Andorra la Vella and Madrid. Being Bulgaria's primate city, Sofia is home of many of the major local universities, cultural institutions and commercial companies. The city has been described as the triangle of religious tolerance. This is due to the fact that three temples of three major world religions—Christianity, Islam and Judaism—are situated close together: Sveta Nedelya Church, Banya Bashi Mosque and Sofia Synagogue.This triangle was recently expanded to a square and includes the Catholic Cathedral of St Joseph.
Sofia has been named one of the top ten best places for start-up businesses in the world, especially in information technologies.It was Europe's most affordable capital to visit in 2013. In 1979, the Boyana Church in Sofia was included onto the World Heritage List, and it was deconstructed in the Second Bulgarian Empire, holding much patrimonial symbolism to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. With its cultural significance in Southeast Europe, Sofia is home to the National Opera and Ballet of Bulgaria, the National Palace of Culture, the Vasil Levski National Stadium, the Ivan Vazov National Theatre, the National Archaeological Museum, and the Serdica Amphitheatre. The Museum of Socialist Art includes many sculptures and posters that educate visitors about the lifestyle in communist Bulgaria.
The population of Sofia declined from 70,000 in the late 18th century, through 19,000 in 1870, to 11,649 in 1878, after which it began increasing. Sofia hosts some 1.29 million residents within a territory of 492 km2, a concentration of 17.9% of the country population within the 200th percentile of the country territory. The urban area of Sofia hosts some 1.54 million residents within 5723 km2, which comprises Sofia City Province and parts of Sofia Province (Dragoman, Slivnitsa, Kostinbrod, Bozhurishte, Svoge, Elin Pelin, Gorna Malina, Ihtiman, Kostenets) and Pernik Province (Pernik, Radomir), representing 5.16% of the country territory. The metropolitan area of Sofia is based upon one hour of car travel time, stretches internationally and includes Dimitrovgrad in Serbia. The metropolitan region of Sofia is inhabited by a population of 1.67 million.

Sofía es la capital y la ciudad más grande de la República de Bulgaria. Con una población de 1 269 384 habitantes en 2018, se trata de la 14.ª mayor ciudad de la Unión Europea, donde ingresó en enero del 2007, y alrededor de 1 380 406 en su área metropolitana, la Provincia Capital. Se encuentra situada en el centro de la península balcánica,​ al oeste de Bulgaria, rodeada por el monte Vitosha al sur, el monte Lyulin al oeste y las montañas de los Balcanes al norte. Su superficie total es 492 km² y su promedio de altitud es de 600 m sobre el nivel del mar, lo que la convierte en la cuarta capital más alta de Europa.

Sofia ist die Hauptstadt Bulgariens und liegt in der gleichnamigen Ebene im Westen des Landes. Mit ihren 1.3 Mio. Einwohnern ist sie die größte und bevölkerungsreichste Stadt und administratives Zentrum. Damit lebt etwa jeder sechste Einwohner Bulgariens in Sofia. Sofia ist in 24 Bezirke unterteilt

24 Hours in Sofia - TRAVEL GUIDE VIDEO TOUR (Sofia, Bulgaria)

In order featured in the video:
National Palace of Culture (Национален дворец на културата)
Cathedral Saint Aleksandar Nevski (Катедрала „Свети Александър Невски“)
Regional History Museum - Sofia (Регионален исторически музей София)
Vitosha Boulevard (Main Street with Shops)
Sofia Central Station (Train Station)
Casino Sofia (Didn't like this place at all! Horrible!)
Central Sofia Market Hall & Flea Markets
Presidency Building (Changing of the Guard in Bulgaria)
Day of Hristo Botev Sirens (Loud Siren for National Heroes Day)

In Sofia, there is plenty to see and do in 24 hours! We in fact had a couple of days here! The hotel (Scotty's Boutique Hotel) was very cheap and cosy too!


Sofia ( SOH-fee-ə, SOF-; Bulgarian: Со́фия, romanized: Sofiya, IPA: [ˈsɔfijə] (listen)) is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria. The city is at the foot of Vitosha Mountain in the western part of the country. Being in the centre of the Balkan peninsula, it is midway between the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea, and closest to the Aegean Sea.Sofia has been an area of human habitation since at least 7000 BC. The recorded history of Sofia begins with the attestation of the conquest of Serdica by the Roman Republic in 29 BC from the Celtic tribe Serdi, raided by Huns in 343-347 AD and 447 AD, conquered by Visigoths in 376-382 AD, conquered by Avars and Slavs in 617 AD, and on 9th April, 809 Serdica was surrendered to Krum of Bulgaria. In 1018, the Byzantines ended Bulgarian rule, while in 1040 it was shortly restored. The town was conquered by the Pechenegs in 1048 and 1078, by the Magyars and Serbs in 1183, and by the Crusaders in 1095 and 1190. The rule of the Second Bulgarian Empire lasted from 1194 until its conquest by the Ottomans in 1382.. From 1520 to 1836, Sofia was the regional capital of Rumelia Eyalet, the Ottoman Empire's key province in Europe. Bulgarian rule was restored in 1878. During World War II Sofia was bombarded by the UK and US Air Forces and at the end of the war, it was seized by the Soviet Army.

Being Bulgaria's primate city, Sofia is a hometown of many of the major local universities, cultural institutions and commercial companies. Sofia is one of the top 10 best places for start-up businesses in the world, especially in information technologies, according to Bulgarian National Television. Sofia was Europe's most affordable capital to visit in 2013.The population of Sofia declined down from 70,000 in the late 18th century, through 19,000 in 1870, to 11,649 in 1878 and began increasing. Sofia hosts some 1.23 million residents within a territory of 492 km2, a concentration of 17.5% of the country population within the 200th percentile of the country territory. The urban area of Sofia hosts some 1.54 million residents within 5723 km², which comprises Sofia City Province and parts of Sofia Province (Dragoman, Slivnitsa, Kostinbrod, Bozhurishte, Svoge, Elin Pelin, Gorna Malina, Ihtiman, Kostenets) and Pernik Province (Pernik, Radomir), representing 5.16% of the country territory. The metropolitan area of Sofia is based upon one hour of car travel time, stretches internationally and includes Dimitrovgrad in Serbia. Unlike most European metropolitan areas, it is not to be defined as a substantially functional metropolitan area, but is of the type with limited variety of functions. The metropolitan region of Sofia is inhabited by a population of 1.68 million and is made up of the whole provinces Sofia City, Sofia and Pernik, comprising more than 10,000 km².

Video Title: 24 Hours in Sofia - TRAVEL GUIDE VIDEO TOUR (Sofia, Bulgaria)

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Video Tags:
24, hours, sofia, travel, guide, video, tour, bulgaria, 24 hours in sofia, sofia bulgaria, sofia bulgaria nightlife, sofia bulgaria travel, sofia bulgaria food, sofia bulgaria vlog, sofia bulgaria airport, sofia bulgaria 2019, sofia bulgaria street food, sofia travel guide, sofia review, sofia video tour, sofia video, things to do in sofia, national palace of culture, cathedral saint aleksandar nevski, vitosha boulevard, vitosha boulevard sofia, presidency building

Sofia Early Morning Walk around Old Town. - Sofia Bulgaria - ECTV

Sofia (/ˈsoʊfiə, ˈsɒf-, soʊˈfiːə/ SOH-fee-ə, SOF-;[14][15] Bulgarian: София, romanized: Sofiya,[16][17] IPA: [ˈsɔfijɐ] (listen)) is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria. It is situated in the Sofia Valley at the foot of the Vitosha mountain in the western parts of the country. The city is built west of the Iskar river, and has many mineral springs, such as the Sofia Central Mineral Baths. It has a humid continental climate. Being in the centre of the Balkans, it is midway between the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea, and closest to the Aegean Sea.[18][19]

Known as Serdica in Antiquity and Sredets in the Middle Ages, Sofia has been an area of human habitation since at least 7000 BC. The recorded history of the city begins with the attestation of the conquest of Serdica by the Roman Republic in 29 BC from the Celtic tribe Serdi. During the decline of the Roman Empire, the city was raided by Huns, Visigoths, Avars and Slavs. In 809, Serdica was incorporated into the Bulgarian Empire by Khan Krum and became known as Sredets. In 1018, the Byzantines ended Bulgarian rule until 1194, when it was reincorporated by the reborn Bulgarian Empire. Sredets became a major administrative, economic, cultural and literary hub until its conquest by the Ottomans in 1382. From 1530 to 1836, Sofia was the regional capital of Rumelia Eyalet, the Ottoman Empire's key province in Europe. Bulgarian rule was restored in 1878. Sofia was selected as the capital of the Third Bulgarian State in the next year, ushering a period of intense demographic and economic growth.

Sofia is the 14th largest city in the European Union. It is surrounded by mountainsides, such as Vitosha by the southern side, Lyulin by the western side, and the Balkan Mountains by the north, which makes it the third highest European capital after Andorra la Vella and Madrid. Being Bulgaria's primate city, Sofia is home of many of the major local universities, cultural institutions and commercial companies.[20] The city has been described as the triangle of religious tolerance. This is because three temples of three major world religions—Christianity, Islam and Judaism—are situated close together: Sveta Nedelya Church, Banya Bashi Mosque and Sofia Synagogue.[21] This triangle was recently expanded to a square and includes the Catholic Cathedral of St Joseph.[22]

Sofia has been named one of the top ten best places for start-up businesses in the world, especially in information technologies.[23] It was Europe's most affordable capital to visit in 2013.[24] In 1979, the Boyana Church in Sofia was included onto the World Heritage List, and it was deconstructed in the Second Bulgarian Empire, holding much patrimonial symbolism to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. With its cultural significance in Southeast Europe, Sofia is home to the National Opera and Ballet of Bulgaria, the National Palace of Culture, the Vasil Levski National Stadium, the Ivan Vazov National Theatre, the National Archaeological Museum, and the Serdica Amphitheatre. The Museum of Socialist Art includes many sculptures and posters that educate visitors about the lifestyle in communist Bulgaria.[25]

The population of Sofia declined from 70,000 in the late 18th century, through 19,000 in 1870, to 11,649 in 1878, after which it began increasing.[26] Sofia hosts some 1.24 million[10] residents within a territory of 492 km2,[27] a concentration of 17.9% of the country population within the 200th percentile of the country territory. The urban area of Sofia hosts some 1.54 million[11] residents within 5723 km2, which comprises Sofia City Province and parts of Sofia Province (Dragoman, Slivnitsa, Kostinbrod, Bozhurishte, Svoge, Elin Pelin, Gorna Malina, Ihtiman, Kostenets) and Pernik Province (Pernik, Radomir), representing 5.16% of the country territory.[7] The metropolitan area of Sofia is based upon one hour of car travel time, stretches internationally and includes Dimitrovgrad in Serbia.[28] The metropolitan region of Sofia is inhabited by a population of 1.66 million.[12]

My name is Eric Clark and I am a world traveler. I have been around the world a few times and decided to help fund my travels by sharing my videos and pictures. I have been to almost every country and would be glad to give tips and pointers. Drop me a note. = )

Bulgaria's Ancient Secrets: The Top 10 Historical Sites

Discover the Top 10 Historical Places in Bulgaria that will amaze you! From ancient ruins to grand historical landmarks, this video takes you on a fascinating journey through Bulgaria's rich historical tapestry. Explore iconic sites like the majestic Rila Monastery, the historic Plovdiv Old Town, and the ancient Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak. Whether you're a history enthusiast or a curious traveler, these must-visit historical places in Bulgaria offer a unique glimpse into the past. Join us as we uncover the stories behind these incredible landmarks and experience the beauty and significance of Bulgaria's historical treasures. Don't miss out on this virtual tour of Bulgaria's top historical sites that are sure to leave you in awe!


DJI Mini | Radomir, Bulgaria

Вр. Радомир, Беласица / Mt. Radomir, Belasitsa Mountain

Изкачване на вр. Радомир, Беласица, част от поредицата Планините на България.
Вижте повече на:
Музика: ЕПИЗОД и Виктория Миланова - Аз съм българче

Accent of Mt. Radomir, Belasitsa Mountain, Bulgaria, part of Mountains of Bulgaria series.
Find more at:

Izvor Извор Al Dimitrov Priboy Прибой Radomir Радомир 6 E871 Bulgaria 12.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

39 Първенци на Планините в България | Еловишка | Кобилска | Пенкьовска | Голо Бърдо | Милевска

39 първенци на планините в България. Изкачването на 5 от тях ще видите в това видео.

Снимахме го в продължение на месеци. Смениха се няколко сезона - зима, пролет и лято.

Посетихме интересни места, които вероятно нямаше да видя, ако не беше изкачването на върховете. Еловишка, Кобилска, Пенкьовска, Голо Бърдо и Милевска планини не са сред най-популярните у нас места, но крият много красота.

Надявам се преживяното от нас в това видео да ви зареди с положително настроение и да ви провокира и вие да ги посетите.

За нас остават още само 5 върха и мисията е изпълнена!

Аз съм Лора. Приятен път! :)

Списък с всички видеа от поредицата 39 първенци на Планините в България

1. Рила планина, вр. Мусала, 2925 м.:
2. Пирин планина, вр. Вихрен, 2914 м.
3. Стара планина, вр. Ботев, 2376 м.:
4. Витоша планина, вр. Черни връх, 2290 м.:
5. Осоговска планина, вр. Руен, 2251 м.:
6. Славянка планина, вр. Гоцев връх, 2212 м.
7. Родопи планина, вр. Голям Перелик, 2191 м.
8. Беласица планина, вр. Радомир, 2029 м.
9. Влахина планина, вр. Огреяк, 1924 м.
10. Малашевска планина, вр. Ильов връх, 1803 м.
11. Кървав камък, вр. Било, 1737 м.:
12. Милевска планина, вр. Милевец, 1733 м.
13. Руй планина, вр. Руй, 1706 м.:
14. Огражден планина, вр. Билска чука, 1644 м.
15. Средна гора, вр. Богдан, 1604 м.:
16. Лисец планина, вр. Връшник, 1500 м.
17. Чудинска планина, вр. Арамлия, 1497 м.
18. Конявска планина, вр. Виден, 1487 м.
19. Ерулска планина, вр. Големи връх, 1481 м.:
20. Верила планина, вр. Голям Дебелец, 1415 м.
21. Любаш планина, вр. Любаш, 1398 м.:
22. Парамунска планина, вр. Стража, 1389 м.:
23. Кобилска планина, вр. Бели камък, 1362 м.
24. Плана планина, вр. Манастирище, 1338 м.:
25. Еловишка планина, вр. Плоча, 1329 м.
26. Земенска планина, вр. Тичак, 1295 м.
27. Люлин планина, вр. Дупевица, 1256 м.
28. Ездемирска планина, вр. Големи връх, 1219 м.:
29. Стъргач планина, вр. Асанов връх, 1218 м.
30. Пенкьовска планина, вр. Конски връх, 1187 м.
31. Завалска планина, вр. Китка, 1181 м.:
32. Рудина планина, вр. Сирищнишка Рудина, 1172 м.:
33. Голо бърдо, вр. Ветрушка, 1158 м.
34. Гребен планина, вр. Голеш, 1157 м.:
35. Черна гора, вр. Тумба, 1129 м.
36. Боздаг планина, вр. Чиплакбаир, 1091 м.
37. Вискяр планина, вр. Мечи камък, 1077 м.:
38. Сакар планина, вр. Вишеград, 856 м.
39. Странджа планина, вр. Голямо Градище, 710 м.

Абонирайте се за моя канал:


00:00 Еловишка планина
04:28 Пенкьовска планина
08:06 Кобилска планина
14:20 Голо Бърдо
18:34 Милевска планина

#bulgaria #bgmountains #hiking

The Red House - Bulgaria

If you are one of those curious travellers who prefer to walk through smaller, narrow streets, you will hardly miss Chervenata Kashta (the Red House).

It is indisputably a big red house, which stands out from the rest of the houses and buildings around it. It is one of the oldest preserved houses in Sofia, recognized as a cultural monument, and the former home of a famous Bulgarian philologist. The Red House is located in the very city center, about 100 metres off Vitoshka Boulevard and can be easily reached on foot - so easy to find, so comfortable, so quiet...and the food served is so yummy!

Find out more:

BG23. Параклис „Св. Йоан Летни“, язовир Пчелина

Параклис „Св. Йоан Летни“, язовир Пчелина
#bulgariadropview #наединклик #explorebulgaria #bulgaria
Здравей България! 🇧🇬
Епизод BG23. Параклис „Св. Йоан Летни“, язовир Пчелина

🚩 Timecodes
0:00 - Intro Channel trailer
0:20 - Intro на серията
1:00 - Къде се намира?
3:19 - Параклис Св. Йоан Летни
4:03 - Информация за яз. Пчелина и параклис Св. Йоан Летни
8:18 - Заключителни думи

👌 Social media links:

„Свети Йоан Летни“ е средновековна българска църква, намираща се на брега на язовир Пчелина, до село Поцърненци, област Перник. Язовир Пчелина се намира на около 60 км от София и се стига за около час и 10 минути. Задайте параклис „Св. Йоан Летни“, като крайна дестинация в Google maps.

Някога да сте искали да видите България отвисоко? А да сте се чудили къде искате да отидете този уикенд? Струва ли си? Къде се намира, как се стига и какво представлява? Този канал има за цел да покаже всички красиви места в България и природни забележителности в България. Както знаем нашата природа е уникална и неповторима! Станете част от инициативата, която съм подхванал - да обиколим цяла България! Ще станете свидетели на всички интересни места, които посещавам, които включват заснемане с дрон, влог, интервюта и тук-там някой дървен хумор. Очаквам вашата реакция - реакция на зрителя, най-добрият критик. Обратните градивни връзки са абсолютно задължителни. Бих искал да споделя с вас своите пътувания и личен опит. Може да ме последвате в социалните мрежи от линкове по - долу. Присъедините се към моето пътуване в България. Безплатно е!

***English version below***
Hello Bulgaria!
Episode BG23. Chapel „St. John Letni, reservoir Pchelina

Saint John Letni is a medieval Bulgarian church located on the shore of the Pchelina dam, next to the village of Potsernentsi, Pernik region. Pchelina Dam is located about 60 km from Sofia and can be reached in about an hour and 10 minutes. Set chapel St. Ioan Letni' as a final destination in Google maps. You will pass through Pernik, Radomir and finally turn towards the village of Potsernentsi. You can continue by car to the last houses at the end of the village. You'll know you've reached them when you see a horse riding sign next to the temple. I advise you to park and walk the remaining distance in approximately 30 minutes. If your car is off-road, you can get to the church itself with it.

Have you ever wanted to see Bulgaria from above? Wondering where you want to go this weekend and if the place is worth it? Where is it located, how to get there and what is it? This channel aims to show all the beautiful places and natural landmarks in Bulgaria. As we know, Bulgarian nature is unique and breathtaking! Be a part of the initiative that I have taken up - let's travel all over Bulgaria! You will witness all the interesting places I visit through my drone footage, vlogs, interviews and, of course, some awkward humor. I need to hear your feedback, that of the viewer: the best critic. Your feedback is essential for me to improve and grow my channel and create better footage. Please join me on my journey through my travels and personal experiences. You can follow me on social networks from the links below. Join me in my trips around the beautiful Bulgarian nature. It's free!

🟢 Green Force 💪 BV (FT) 3622 Burgas ➡️ Sofia [BDZ Smartron 80 048]

🚆 BV [FT] 3622 Burgas - Sofia
🚂 BDZ PP Smartron 80 048
📅 28.10.2022
📍 Burgas
#bulgaria #bdz #бджпп #бдж #булгария #смартрон #smartron #trainspotting #burgas #бургас #софия #sofia

Prophet Vanga place in Rupite

I guess everyone has heard about prophet Vanga, the holy woman who can see the future in the past and talks to the dead. She past away 20 years ago but her power is still well kept in the sacred area Rupite, Bulgaria

На разходка в Перник

Здравейте и добре дошли в моя влог! Тук ще ви разказвам за моите пътувания към много различни страни по света. Във видеата ще публикувам и интересна и полезна информация за всяка страна. Ако ви е харесало, моля абонирайте се за моят канал и ще можете да получавате новите ми видеа за пътешествия по света.

Това видео е от нашата разходка до Перник.

Приятно гледане!

Hello and welcome to my channel! Here I will tell you about my travels to many different countries around the world. In the videos I will publish interesting and useful information about each country. If you liked it, please subscribe to my channel and you will be able to receive my new videos for travels around the world.
- Travel?
- Si!
- Travel SI! :)

This video is from our walk to city of Pernik - Bulgaria.

Enjoy watching!

Vratitsa Вратица 539 Bulgaria 11.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.



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