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10 Best place to visit in Pando Uruguay


Pando - Uruguai

Imagens da Cidade de Pando - Uruguai

*Ciudad de Pando - Uruguay

Pando é uma cidade do Uruguai, localizada no departamento de Canelones. Está situada dentro da Zona metropolitana de Montevidéu, estando apenas 38 km da capital uruguaia. Possui cerca de 26 mil habitantes.


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Palestino bromea a mujer soldado israelí :MIRA EL VIDEO AQUI:


Ciudad de Las Piedras - Canelones #uruguay


#DroneTour - El Pinar #Beach, Canelones, #Uruguay - #Nature #dji #Drone #videography

La extensa playa sobre el Río de la Plata ofrece un impecable paisaje de arena limpia, dunas suaves y olas mansas. Es perfecta para baños, ya que la orilla no tiene rocas ni caracoles. El punto más espectacular de la costa de El Pinar es en la desembocadura del Arroyo Pando, sobre todo al mediodía, cuando la arena es la más blanca de la costa de Canelones y el reflejo del sol hace que el agua parezca caribeña. Como dato curioso, las productoras de publicidad vienen a este lugar cuando quieren filmar un escenario similar a un desierto o una playa tropical. Aquí también hay un lindo parador.

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Visitamos LAS PIEDRAS - Canelones - Uruguay

#laspiedras #uruguay #canelones
Visitamos El lugar donde la Patria Oriental tuvo sus orígenes, recordando la Batalla de Las Piedras ocurrida en el año 1911.

También recorremos el Shopping Las Piedras el cual es un gran Atractivo para la ciudad.

En este recorrido terminamos probando un chivito Uruguayo al plato para 2 personas y te compartimos nuestra sincera opinión.

[2023] We ranked Uruguay's Top 10 beaches: From hidden gems to world-famous shores

10 Best #beach in #Uruguay #travel

Looking for the ultimate beach vacation? Look no further than Uruguay! In this video, we will unveil the top 10 beaches in Uruguay that you must visit. From stunning landscapes to crystal clear waters, Uruguay's beaches have it all. We'll explore each beach in detail and give you insider tips on what to do and see. Whether you're a beach bum or just looking for a relaxing getaway, this video is for you. Join us as we take you on a virtual journey to Uruguay's top 10 beaches.

0:10 Punta del Este Beach
Located in the city of Punta del Este, this beach is one of the most famous and popular in Uruguay. It's known for its beautiful white sand, crystal clear water, and lively atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, surfing, and people-watching.

0:25 La Paloma Beach
This beach is located in the town of La Paloma and is known for its calm waters and family-friendly atmosphere. It's a popular spot for swimming, kayaking, and beach volleyball.

0:40 Cabo Polonio Beach
Located in the Cabo Polonio National Park, this beach is known for its rugged beauty and pristine natural surroundings. Visitors can take a hike through the sand dunes to reach the beach, and once there, can enjoy surfing, swimming, and sunbathing.

0:55 Piriapolis Beach
This beach is located in the town of Piriapolis and is known for its stunning views of the surrounding hills and mountains. It's a popular spot for swimming, windsurfing, and fishing.

1:10 Jose Ignacio Beach
Located in the town of Jose Ignacio, this beach is known for its laid-back vibe and beautiful sunsets. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and beach volleyball.

1:25 Playa Grande Beach
Located in the city of Mar del Plata, this beach is known for its wide expanse of sand and crystal-clear waters. It's a popular spot for swimming, surfing, and beach volleyball.

1:40 La Barra Beach
This beach is located in the town of La Barra and is known for its beautiful white sand and turquoise waters. It's a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and surfing.

1:55 Santa Teresa Beach
Located in the Santa Teresa National Park, this beach is known for its unspoiled natural beauty and crystal-clear waters. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and hiking through the surrounding forest.

2:10 Punta Colorada Beach
This beach is located in the town of Punta Colorada and is known for its calm waters and family-friendly atmosphere. It's a popular spot for swimming, kayaking, and beach volleyball.

2:25 Aguas Dulces Beach
This beach is located in the town of Aguas Dulces and is known for its tranquil atmosphere and beautiful sunsets. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and beachcombing.

Recorrido por la ciudad de PANDO

Recorremos la ciudad de Pando mostrando el centro, la plaza, la vieja estación de tren

Parque Artigas, Pando, Canelones.

Un excelente lugar para pasar el día, comer un asado o simplemente venir a tomar unos mates en familia y disfrutar de la naturaleza con una plaza de juegos espectacular para los mas chicos.

Paseando por uruguay, Ciudad de Pando Depto Canelones .part 2

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4K DRIVE Uruguay 4K video driving UY GoPro Hero 9 HDR Travel

4K DRIVE Uruguay 4K video driving UY GoPro Hero 9 HDR Travel

Driving travel channel, featuring car driving in different parts of the world. Today we drive from Carrasco International Airport, in the Department of Canelones, Uruguay to the entrance of Pando City in the same department.

This driving vlog is driving from the main airport of the country, the one that serves Montevideo, its capital city. We are not showing any town or city in today's ride, only the road. Enjoy the streets view of a small country in Latin America.

This 2020 travel video is for you to experience the traffic and a scenic drive in a route in UY( Uruguay) South America as a slow tv virtual tour. It is reality tv !! Experience the sightseeing in 4k HDR quality!

This travel vlog will visit different cities and is part of the 4K WALK group.

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Cidades: Atlántida (Canelones - Uruguai)

Passeio rápido pela cidade de Atlántida no Uruguai.

Atlántida é um balneário uruguaio do departamento de Canelones.

É um dos principais balneários do país, situando-se no Rio da Prata, 45 quilômetros ao leste de Montevidéu e a 30 quilômetros do Aeroporto Internacional de Carrasco. É muito visitado por turistas argentinos e outros do interior do Uruguai, principalmente da classe média. Também chegam a suas costas alguns turistas brasileiros procedentes do Rio Grande do Sul. Destaca-se pela sua águia de pedra, pelas suas praias temperadas e pelos seus centros comerciais.

دولة اوروغواى - معلومات وحقائق ستعرفها لاول مرة عن أشهر دول أمريكا الجنوبية انها الاوروغواى !

تبلغ مساحة الأوروغواي حوالي 176,000 كم2 وهي بذلك تعتبر ثاني أصغر دولة في أمريكا الجنوبية بعد دولة سورينام.
فهى الدولة الاكثر تعلما فى قارة امريكا الجنوبيه .. حيث -تحتل الأوروغواي المرتبة الأولى في عدد العارفين بالقراءة والكتابة في أمريكا اللاتينية، حيث بلغ نسبتهم 96% من السكان..الأوروغواي واحدة من أكثر بلدان أمريكا الجنوبية نموًا من الناحية الاقتصادية، حيث الناتج المحلي الإجمالي للفرد مرتفع ونوعية الحياة في المرتبة 48 عالميًا.

تشتهر الأورغواي بمعالجة الطعام وصناعة الآلات الكهربائية ومعدات النقل والمنتجات النفطية والأنسجة والمواد الكيميائية والمشروبات.

دولة اوروغواى - معلومات وحقائق ستعرفها لاول مرة عن أشهر دول أمريكا الجنوبية انها الاوروغواى !

Pearls of Uruguay

Discover the most exquisite highlights and exclusive experiences, our pearls of Uruguay. Taste some of the best Tannat wines of our country, try one of our active experiences (biking - kayaking or horseback riding), visit Garzon known as the Tuscany of Uruguay and enjoy a good book at the stunning cantilevered pool of the VIK properties.

(4k) Ciudad de Salto (centro)

Salto es una muy bonita ciudad que se caracteriza por sus aguas calientes te invito a conocer el centro de salto

Uruguay Property Ideal large factory or institution

10MW power; next to city of Pando, on River Pando Reservoir: 3000m2 (12 houses, one 6-floor building) on 20 Has, 10Km from Montevideo Airport, on charming river Pando which can be sailed to the beaches, with its own little harbour. Ideal development, institution, industrial park, or just as a farm to enjoy the river and lush vegetation.


Recorrer a caballo el campo o atravesar las dunas de una playa desolada o sorprenderse con una cascada son solo algunas de las aventuras que ofrece Uruguay.

#ViviloenUy #UruguayNatural

+ info:

👉🏽 Así es MONTEVIDEO parece EUROPA 🔥 Recorrido a sitios Históricos [URUGUAY] 🇺🇾

En este video te doy un recorrido histórico por sitios emblemáticos de Montevideo Uruguay, te muestro sitios hermosos y te doy una reseña breve de cada sitio que visito. Te va a encantar el video, así que no te lo pierdas.
Recuerda darle like, suscríbete a mi canal y activar la campanita de notificaciones. #montevideo #uruguay #rafaelrondon #viajes #viajesporelmundo
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Plaza independencia, Puerta de la ciudadela, Palacio Salvo, Teatro Solís, Peatonal Sarandí.

Pocitos Nocturno.

Este video contiene derechos de autor registrados, si desea utilizarlo comuníquese con drone5.

ATLÁNTIDA URUGUAY | Así es la curiosa ciudad de la COSTA DE ORO 🇺🇾

¡Bienvenidos! Hoy los llevaremos a descubrir los encantos de Atlántida, un hermoso balneario ubicado en el departamento de Canelones, Uruguay 🇺🇾. En este recorrido podrán disfrutar de historias de amor 💌 lugares curiosos y vistas espectaculares en la costa de oro. Prepárense para conocer los lugares más icónicos de este hermoso destino turístico. ¡No se lo pierdan!

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Videomuz sizi mutlu ettiyse, sizler ile güzel birşeyler paylaşma imkanımız olduysa, lütfen beğenmeyi ve abone olmayı unutmayın. Hepinize uzaklardan kucak dolusu sevgiler.

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