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10 Best place to visit in Nanlong China


America CAN'T Compete with China's Infrastructure!

America CAN'T Compete with China's Infrastructure!

In this video, I'm sharing why America can't compete with China's infrastructure. China has years of experience building world-class metro systems, and America simply can't match that level of expertise.

Perhaps the most striking example of this is the Shenzhen Metro. The Shenzhen Metro is a massive underground transportation system that stretches for over 300 miles. The Shenzhen Metro is a stunning example of Chinese infrastructure and it's clear that America simply can't compete.

Today we will be checking out the impressive Gangxia North station and a few other stations along line 14 of Shenzhen's amazing subway system. How does it compare to New York's subway? well it's simply uncomparable. America just can't compete.

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The US is Far Behind China... 世界需要赶上中国的脚步了!🇨🇳 Unseen China -

China vs USA - Who Would Win? 2021 Military / Country Comparison 中国VS美国谁会赢? 🇨🇳 🇺🇸 -

How FREE are Chinese People? 中国到底有多自由?🇨🇳 Unseen China

#livinginchina #chinavsusa #usavschina #chinametro

Nanlong Buyi Ancient village(南龙布依古寨)

#enjoyguizhou Nanlong Buyi Ancient village(南龙布依古寨) located in Qianxinan, Guizhou, has now well-preserved conventions of Buyi ethnic people. It’s a land of idyllic beauty, attracting curious visitors to experience in person.

Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Nanlong (China) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

모두가 떠났지만, 어쩔수 없이 남게된 중국 소수민족 마을 사람들 - 세계여행[중국 15]

중국 구이저우성 남룡마을 (부이족)
中国 贵州省 南龙古寨
Nanlong Bouyei Ancient Village, Guizhou Province, China

* 중국 작은도시 탐험 시리즈 소개
중국 대륙의 작은 도시들을 여행하며 진짜 중국사람들의 생활과 문화, 음식, 언어, 역사를 탐구합니다. 간단한 중국어 여행회화를 사용하며 자유여행의 경비와 중국여행코스, 여행준비에 필요한 꿀팁 등을 함께 여행 브이로그 형식으로 기록합니다.

#세계여행 #중국 #여행유튜버

Zhenshan Village, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, into the paradise - 4K Relaxing music

Zhenshan Village is located in the middle of Huaxi Reservoir in Shiban Town, the southwestern suburb of Guiyang. It is an ancient village dominated by Buyi villagers. Zhenshan Village is surrounded by mountains and rivers, surrounded by islands on three sides, with green ancient trees and pleasant natural scenery. Stones can be seen everywhere in the village. The completed city towers, city walls, stone houses with slate roofs, and daily utensils are mostly made of stone. The whole village has simple folk customs and rich folk culture. In January 2019, Zhenshan Village was selected into the seventh batch of famous historical and cultural villages in China. A very ethnic village.

02:25 Buyi Ecological Museum of Zhenshan Village
09:03 Entrance to Zhenshan Village
11:47 Town gate entrance of Zhenshan Village
14:21 Entrance to Zhenshan Village Gate
15:43 Zhenshan Village Quanzhai
17:06 Zhenshan Village Pier
35:10 River Corridor
39:31 Watching the Lake Family
47:23 women sketching
49:10 Woman weeding
56:56 Climb to the top of the mountain
01:02:30 Return down the mountain

龍潭大池環湖步道、鍾肇政文學生活園區 (龍潭國小日式宿舍群+龍潭武德殿)

造訪「龍潭鍾肇政文學生活園區」 ,包括龍潭國小日式宿舍群及龍潭武德殿歷史建築,順遊龍潭大池環湖步道及菱潭街興創基地 (原第一市場)。

本次旅行的交通資訊及旅行路線,請參考以下Google Map連結:

停留時間約4小時。步行環湖步道半圈約45分鐘 (含休息)。


【交通資訊】(Traffic Information)
★大眾運輸:上述Google地圖有標示附近公車站牌, 歡迎點選網址, 打開地圖, 參考公車站名及公車時刻表。

★Tony的自然人文旅記第1820篇 -2022.02.08 ◆旅行影片:龍潭大池、菱潭老街

★Tony的自然人文旅記第2178篇 -2024.02.16 ◆旅行影片:龍來桃園!龍潭大池上游自行車步道、百年石拱橋、六分陂

★Tony的自然人文旅記第0547篇 -2008.02.18 聖蹟亭.武德殿

★更多Tony的旅記, 歡迎造訪我的網站(旅記依旅行區域分類):


Gopro Hero 10 運動型攝影機 (攝影)
270-pro Backpack 碳纖維自拍桿 (自拍棒)
Waytogo app 記錄GPS 足跡 (行程記錄)
Power Director 365 威力導演 ( 剪接/字幕)
YouTube音效庫 (音樂)
PhotoImpact 13 (繪圖)
Google Map (交通地圖)

00:01 Home for the Holidays - Chris Haugen (YouTube音樂庫)
07:30 Cocktail Hour - Aaron Kenny (YouTube音樂庫)
10:48 Spanish Moss - Chris Haugen (YouTube音樂庫)
13:00 No.9 Esther Waltz (YouTube音樂庫)

1925 - 1月20日出生於桃園龍潭九座寮
1929 - 全家遷至台北
1931 - 4月, 就讀台北太平公學校
1932 - 9月, 遷回龍潭, 就讀龍潭陂公學校 (今龍潭國小) 二年級, 開始學客家話
1937 - 4月, 就讀龍潭農業專修學校 (今龍潭高中)
1938 - 4月, 就讀淡水中學校, 為住校五年制私立學校
1943 - 9月, 返鄉擔任大溪宮前國民學校 (今大溪國小) 代用教員。
1944 - 為逃避當日本學徒兵, 而往彰化青年師範學校 (今彰化師範大學) 就讀, 結識同覺沈英凱, 經沈介紹, 開始大量閱讀世界名著。
1945 - 3月, 畢業於彰化青年師範學校。因日本發布「學徒動員令」, 被迫成為學徒兵, 而無法前往沙山青年學校 (今彰化縣芳苑國小) 任職,被派任駐守大甲鐵砧山,在當地挖戰壕。此時因罹患瘧疾,高燒不退,以致右耳完全失聰。
1945 - 9月, 戰爭結束, 復員返鄉, 開始閱讀漢語文讀物。
1946 - 任教龍潭國民學校教師, 初習華語注音符號, 從頭學習中國語言。
1948 - 10月, 考上台灣大學中文系, 因無法聽懂來自中國大陸教授的口音, 及聽力障礙, 就讀兩天即自動輟學, 返回龍潭國小任教。
1950 - 1月, 與鍾張九妹結婚
1951 - 短篇小說《婚後》, 參加徵文比賽入選, 刊於《自由第二卷》第四期, 從此開始寫作投稿的生涯, 但嘗盡退稿之苦。此時,已能以流暢國語教書。
1956 - 1月, 分配到龍潭南龍路5號龍潭國小宿舍
1957 - 4月23日, 發起編印《文友通訊》
1960 - 3月, 第一部長篇小說 《魯冰花》開始在聯合報副刊連載, 成為台灣文學承啟後的關鍵作品
1961 - 2月, 起筆撰寫長篇小說《濁流》(原名《阿龍傳》)
1964 - 4月, 吳濁流創辦《台灣文藝》月刊, 鍾肇政協助小說來稿的編輯工作。7月, 起筆《台灣人》後之《台灣人三部曲》
1965 - 獨立緝編訊《本省籍作家作品選集》十冊
1967 - 4月, 完成長篇小說《八角塔下》; 11月,《台灣人三部曲》第一部《沉淪》開始於《台灣日報》副刊連載; 完成長篇小說《八角塔下》。
1972 - 起筆《台灣人三部曲》第三部《插天山之歌》
1976 - 8月,《台灣人三部曲》第二部《滄溟行》在《中央日報》副刊連載
1978 - 應聘民眾日報社副刊室主任兼副刊主編
1979 - 11月, 正式退休,歷任教師32年
1989 - 4月, 《魯冰花》改編成電影, 同年上映
1990 - 應前衛出版社社長林文欽之邀, 主編《台灣作家全集》五十冊
2003 - 《歌德激情書》出版
2005 - 桃園縣政府文化局出版《鍾肇政全集》
2011 - 10月, 舊居日式宿舍將被拆除, 鍾延威先生奔走爭取保留, 獲桃園市政府指定為歷史建築
2015 - 出版七十年前情書集《苦雨戀春風》, 收錄情書264封
2015 - 獲得台灣大學傑出校友獎
2016 - 獲頒第三十五屆行政院文化獎
2019 - 4月, 出席鍾肇政文學生活園區開幕儀式
2020 - 5月16日於家中逝世, 享耆壽96歲

We Visited China's Secret Nuclear Project 🇨🇳

Get Yourself an E-Sim (Save Time & Money!): Use Promo Code: JACK92CB for 25% Off

Welcome to a unique adventure with Jack and Sophia! In today's video, we take you deep into the heart of China's 816 nuclear project, a decommissioned and secretive Cold War-era site that began in 1966. This underground labyrinth was once a top-secret facility where the Chinese government researched and developed nuclear technology and plutonium.

Join us as we explore the eerie, fascinating remnants of this vast complex, which was partially opened to the public in 2002. With exclusive access, we'll delve into areas rarely seen on YouTube, uncovering the secrets of the past and the incredible engineering feats of the time.

We'll walk through dark, cold tunnels, and marvel at the blue-lit pathways that once bustled with top-secret activity. You'll see the incredible architecture of the 60s and 70s, learn about the sophisticated water cooling systems that kept the reactors safe, and discover how steam power was ingeniously used to avoid detection by US intelligence.

We'll also explore the raw, uncensored wine cellar, a rarely seen part of the facility, and stand in awe before the main reactor – the very heart of this massive operation. You'll learn about the control rooms with their vintage equipment and uncover the clever methods used to keep this project hidden from the world.

Thank you to iChongqing for setting this up and making this happen! We hope you enjoy this insightful and captivating journey into a hidden piece of history with us. If you found this video interesting, don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more unique adventures from around the world. Keep it real, and cheers!

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Thank you too @Reporterfy @iChongqing for helping us in China! Legends :) 

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Use Promo Code: JACK92CB for a discount on your first purchase.
◆ Need high-quality scratch-proof luggage for your next trip? Use my code JACKTORR to get a discount on any of the amazing Level 8 luggage.

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🔔 SUBSCRIBE & ENABLE 🔔 for Jack Torr videos

A Massive Shoutout to the members who are supporting my channel:
- Nonstop Eurotrip
- Connor Morgan
- Ham Noy the Dutch Guy
- Winnie Chaffee
- Jack Doyle
- HD
- Thomas in Thailand

Join my journey and get access to the many perks, while supporting the channel:

台南市【02】中西區│府前路一段│Sec. 1, Fuqian Rd.│台灣散策│Wander in Tainan│Walk Taiwan

Google Map:








屏東縣【01】潮州鎮│新生路│Xinsheng Rd.│台灣散策│Wander in Pingtung│Walk Taiwan

Google Map:

潮州鎮(臺灣話:Tiô-tsiu-tìn;臺灣客家話南四縣腔:ceuˇ zuˊ ziinˋ;潮州話:Tîo-tsiu-tìng),舊稱「潮庄」,位於臺灣屏東縣中央,地處屏東平原,東北與東鄰萬巒鄉,南接新埤鄉,西臨崁頂鄉,西北連竹田鄉。人口約5.4萬人,是屏東縣人口僅次於屏東市的第二大城市,結構上以漢族泉漳閩南人為多(據20世紀初的統計[1],約佔62%),亦有漢族潮州人(參見臺灣潮州人)、漢族客家人[2]及原住民。




This is China's NEWEST First Tier City! (Wow)

Get Yourself an E-Sim (Save Time & Money!): Use Promo Code: JACK92CB for 25% Off

Join us on an exhilarating journey through Chengdu, China's latest city to achieve first-tier status, placing it in the prestigious ranks of Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen. In this travel vlog, we delve deep into the rich tapestry of Chengdu's urban life, uncovering the unique blend of traditional and modern influences that pulse through its streets.

From the crack of dawn, we navigate the lively local markets brimming with fresh produce and traditional crafts, offering a sensory feast of colours, sounds, and smells. Witness our first taste of authentic Sichuan cuisine with a breakfast spread that includes spicy noodles and succulent dumplings, showing how food is the heartbeat of this vibrant city.

As we wander through bustling streets, we immerse ourselves in the daily hustle of Chengdu’s residents. From quaint tea houses to expansive shopping districts, every corner of Chengdu offers a new story. We also pay a visit to serene temples and cultural landmarks, providing a glimpse into the spiritual and historical depth of the city, contrasting its rapid modern growth.

Through our lens, experience the lively atmosphere of a city proud of its cultural heritage yet eagerly embracing the future. See why Chengdu’s blend of leisure and luxury, tradition and innovation, makes it deserving of its new-found elite status.

Don’t forget to hit like, subscribe, and the bell icon to join us on more adventures around the world with our travel vlogs!

🔔 SUBSCRIBE (It's Free) 🔔

Thank you too @Reporterfy @iChongqing for helping us in China! Legends :) 

◆Insurance (Covers Motorbike Accidents):
◆ Need a SIM card? Get Yourself an E-Sim (Save Time & Money!):
Use Promo Code: JACK92CB for a discount on your first purchase.
◆ Need high-quality scratch-proof luggage for your next trip? Use my code JACKTORR to get a discount on any of the amazing Level 8 luggage.

☕Buy me a coffee:
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◆Jack's Instagram: 📱 -
◆Sophia's Instagram: 📱 -
◆Facebook Page: 📱 -

🔔 SUBSCRIBE & ENABLE 🔔 for Jack Torr videos

A Massive Shoutout to the members who are supporting my channel:
- Nonstop Eurotrip
- Connor Morgan
- Ham Noy the Dutch Guy
- Winnie Chaffee
- Jack Doyle
- HD
- Thomas in Thailand

Join my journey and get access to the many perks, while supporting the channel:

VIETNAM AIRLINES 787-9 'Premium Economy' Seats!【Trip Report: Ho Chi Minh City to Bangkok】

Watch this economy class trip report if you want to see what it's like to fly Vietnam Airlines' 787-9 in their Premium Economy seats on the short hop to Bangkok from Ho Chi Minh City. If you have status with SkyTeam or willing to pay a small fee, these seats are a steal!

🎥 In This Video:
-Tan Son Nhat Airport (Saigon)
-Check in Experience
-Vietnam Airlines Lotus Lounge
-Bussing to the Plane
-Boarding via Stairs
-Full Seat Tour
-In Flight Service
-Take off & Landing Clips

💎 Support me on PATREON!:
❤️ VENMO Tip Jar: @kevin_tfft
🧳 Shop ALL of my Gear on AMAZON:

💸 Fare Paid
Fare Paid: $93.40 USD
Upgrade: Premium Economy Seat Available for $15 at Check In
Class: Economy Class
Inclusions: Premium Economy Seat, 10kg Carry on, 23kg Baggage

🎙️ My Ad Policy
-Every scored review I produce (of a flight, hotel or anything else) will be based on an entirely self-funded experience which I paid for via published rates/fares.
-I will never endorse a product, company or site that I do not actively use. If and when I endorse a product, it will be clearly disclosed and will be relevant to the channel from a brand I likely couldn't live without.
-For sponsorship inquiries, please refer to the email address published on the About tab of my channel.

📽 Next 5 Videos (🩴 = Must Watch)
⇢ 21 Dec: The Regent Phu Quoc, Vietnam 🩴🩴🩴
⇢ 23 Dec: Etihad Airways 787-10 Business Class BKK-AUH 🩴
⇢ 28 Dec: Pullman Resort Phu Quoc, Vietnam
⇢ 30 Dec: Etihad Airways A380 First Class AUH-LHR 🩴🩴🩴
⇢ 04 Jan: Celebrity Reflection Cruise Review 🩴

⏰ Typical Posting Times:
8/9:00 (US-EST), 14:00 (UK), 18:30 (India), 20:00 (VN), 23/00:00 (AEST)

📺 My Other Channel
🛫 ROAM ABOVE (Extended Inflight Videos):

🎶 Background Music in This Video
➟ “Insatiable” by Heatwaves
➟ “Life of Leisure” by Mellifluous
All music tracks featured in this video are licensed under an Artlist Unlimited License.

↪ Video Chapters ↩
0:00 Driving to Airport & Flight Info
00:57 The Future Long Thanh Airport
01:37 Arrival at Airport
02:13 The Check in Hall & Experience
03:12 Vietnam Airlines Lotus Lounge
04:07 Plane Spotting From Lounge
04:46 Vietnam & Thailand Routes
05:09 Heading to the Gate
05:32 Our Gate
05:56 Bus to Remote Stand
06:51 Boarding 787-9 via Stairs
07:18 First Impressions on Board
07:27 Full Premium Economy Seat Tour
09:46 Push Back & Taxi
10:34 Spool up, Take off & Flight Stats
12:02 Meal Service
12:42 In Flight Entertainment
13:20 Approaching Bangkok
14:43 Landing & Deplaning
15:55 The Flip Flop Score

This is NOT a promotional video. I pay for all of my flights and hotels (and I always tell you how much!) so I can be as honest and impartial as possible. I do not receive any special treatment that wouldn’t otherwise be publicly accessible, in fact, the hotels and airlines have no idea about my visit and that's the way I like it!

#vietnamairlines #vietnam #tripreport

SAIGON life.E5 :The amazing Saigon Surrounding|Phượt đập Suối Cả #amwf #frenchtraveler #expatcouple

Saigon, Hô Chi Minh-Ville, dont le statut correspond à celui d'une province vietnamienne, se divise en dix-neuf arrondissements et cinq districts possédant une superficie de 2 090 km2 pour une popullation de 21 millions (2020). Est la plus grande ville du Vietnam, avec sa propre poumon economique. Saigon est une ville jeune mais a plus de 300 ans d'histoire.

Saigon est la ville emblématique en Asie du Sud-Est5. Elle n'était à l'origine qu'un village de pêcheurs khmer et devint à partir du xviie siècle une ville de peuplement vietnamien sous l'impulsion de la cour impériale des Nguyên à Hué.

Quelles sont les meilleures choses à faire et voir dans la plus grande ville du Vietnam? Quand on passe du temps à Saïgon? Ou quand on est expat et qu'on veut decouvrir ses allontours. Voici quelques endroits idéaux pour passer du temps loin de la vie trépidante et bruyante de cette mégalopole.

Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City, whose status corresponds to that of a Vietnamese province, is divided into nineteen districts and five districts with an area of 2,090 km2 for a population of 21 million (2020). Is the largest city in Vietnam, with its own economic heart. Saigon is a young city but has over 300 years of history.

Saigon is the iconic city in Southeast Asia5. It was originally only a Khmer fishing village and from the seventeenth century became a Vietnamese settlement city under the leadership of the Nguyên imperial court in Hue.

What are the best things to do and see in Vietnam's largest city? When we spend time in Saigon? Or when you are an expat and want to discover its surroundings. Here are some great places to spend time away from the hectic and noisy life of this megalopolis.

Sài Gòn, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, tương ứng với một tỉnh của Việt Nam, được chia thành mười chín quận và năm huyện với diện tích 2.090 km2 với dân số 21 triệu người (năm 2020). Là thành phố lớn nhất Việt Nam, với trái tim kinh tế riêng. Sài Gòn là một thành phố trẻ nhưng đã có hơn 300 năm lịch sử.

Sài Gòn là thành phố biểu tượng ở Đông Nam Á. Ban đầu nó chỉ là một làng chài của người Khmer và từ thế kỷ XVII đã trở thành một thành phố định cư của người Việt dưới sự lãnh đạo của triều đình nhà Nguyên ở Huế.

Những điều tốt nhất để làm và xem ở thành phố lớn nhất Việt Nam là gì? Khi chúng ta dành thời gian ở Sài Gòn? Hoặc khi bạn là một người nước ngoài và muốn khám phá môi trường xung quanh. Dưới đây là một số địa điểm tuyệt vời để dành thời gian tránh xa cuộc sống bận rộn và ồn ào của loài megalopolis này.

Va et Vis.

ZARA Sale Kids Haul 2022 (Malaysia)

Hi everyone! Welcome to our very first shopping haul video. I am very happy to share with you our shopping finds through ZARA app. I must tell you, shopping at ZARA during sale is absolutely fabulous.

Hope this video will give you some insights on ZARA pricing for kids clothes during their summer sale.

Cambodian long boat

Local men at Wat, PP unloading one of the long boats used in the Cambodian water festival November 2010



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