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10 Best place to visit in Mishan China


黑龍江密山 - 城市傍晚 The evening, Mishan Heilongjiang (China)


密山市公园街 Китай Мишань там где не ходят туристы. China Mishan where tourists do not go.

Всем привет мы пара туристов и это наше пилотное видео.
Мы хотим показать вам места которые не покажут гиды, и где не ходят туристы!

И так мы хотели побывать в двух интересных местах, но увы побывали только в одном.
Нашли метео станцию города Мишань, домик барахольщика.
Увидели мини трущобы и побывали в парке посвящённому событиям 1946 года.

Ставьте лайк и подписывайтесь так мы будем знать что делаем это не зря!


Один день в Китае. Trip in China. Mishan 2017

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СРАВНЕНИЕ ЯНЬЦЗИ И г. Мишань #мишань #яньцзи #яньцзы #стенаблогеров #хуньчунь #китай2024 #маньчжурия

Стена блогеров в Яньцзи сравниваню с Мишанем #китай #МИШАНЬ #кнр #суйфэньхэ #хуньчунь #пекин #шанхай #китайскаяеда #китайцы #китайскаялапша #жизньвкитае #блогокитае #китайскийюмор #китайскиевывески #пономарев #пономаревкитай #гостиницыкитая #chill #chinanews #chinatravel #channel #shorts #shaolin #china #chinese #шаолинь #гуанчжоу #русскиевкитае #украинцывкитае #белорусывкитае #казахивкитае #russia #киргизывкитае китайский язык #китайскиетанцы #китайскиемашины #китайскаякухня #китайскийязык #зубарев #чапурин #путилов #хайнань #санья #хайхэ #хэйхэ #мишань #китайцывроссии #зубареф #denvas #ольга40плюс #хуньчундра #хуньчундравгороде #сунька #китай2023 #хуньчунь2023 #хуньчуньсегодня #китайсегодня #суйфэньхэсегодня #суйфэньхэнасвязи #мишаньнасвязи #мишаньсегодня #китайскаялапша #китайскоесчастье #китайцычудят #китайскаядорама #грушиныкитай #грушины #израиль #хамас #сво #палестина #tiktok #война #chinese #ukraine #ukrainewar #україна #украинскиебеженцы #палестинскиебеженцы китайская еда,еда,китайская кухня,китайская,уличная еда в китае,китайский,острая еда,уличная еда,странная еда,сельская еда,китаянка про китайский язык,еда в китае,китайские блюда,еда на китайский новый год,безумная еда,необычная еда,китайский ресторан,китайская курица,корейская еда,самая острая еда,китайская капуста,китайская посылка,уличная еда китая,первый раз пробуем китайскую еду,китайские,азиатская еда,китайская кухня рецепты.странная еда,еда,необычная еда,уличная еда,самая странная еда,странная уличная еда,отвратительная еда,мерзкая еда,безумная еда,самая необычная еда,ужасная еда,странная еда в японии,странная еда челлендж,странная корейская еда,еда челлендж,самая отвратительная еда,корейская еда,странно,самая необычная еда в мире,странные,пробуем японскую еду! самая странная еда,жуткая еда,странные блюда,большая еда,острая еда,самая странная еда! #наташакоролева наташа королева #енисей #яньцзи #яньцзы #караоке

黑龍江 - 離開撫遠烏蘇回到同江 Back to Tongjiang, Heilongjiang (China)


黑龍江佳木斯 - 四豐山水庫 Sifengshan Reservoir, Jiamusi Heilongjiang (China)


黑龍江佳木斯 - 城市街頭 City street, Jiamusi Heilongjiang (China)


黑龍江五大連池 - 小鎮街頭 The street, Wudalianchi Heilongjiang (China)


Explore the beauty of Jixi in Heilongjiang!

#snow #ice #beauty

25 Best Places To Visit Before You Die | Top Travel Bucket List Guide

25 Best Places To Visit Before You Die | Top Travel Bucket List Guide
#bucketlist #bucketlisttravel #travel #beforeyoudie #traveldestinations

Welcome to Scenic Hunter’s definitive guide to the 25 Places to Visit before You Die.

From ancient wonders and natural marvels to vibrant cities and secluded paradises, our planet is filled with breathtaking locations that every traveler should experience at least once. Imagine standing before a majestic waterfall, walking through the ruins of a lost civilization, or feeling the thrill of witnessing a natural phenomenon unfold before your eyes. These places offer moments that transform a trip into a lifelong memory.

25 Best Places to Visit Before You Die – Ready to explore the top 25 places to visit that should be on every travel bucket list? From the iconic landscapes of the USA to the ancient wonders scattered across the globe, these destinations offer unforgettable experiences. Whether you're planning a vacation in the United States, looking for the best travel tips, or dreaming of bucket list trips, this travel guide has got you covered.

Discover the most breathtaking top travel destinations, from the natural wonders of America to hidden gems worldwide. These bucket list places are perfect for your next adventure, whether you’re filming a travel vlog or seeking the ultimate travel the world experience. Our carefully curated list will inspire you to pack your bags and set off on the journey of a lifetime.

So, join us as we explore these 25 Best Places to Visit Before You Die, and get ready to add some must-see destinations to your travel bucket list. Don't miss out on these amazing places to visit and start planning your next adventure today!

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Scenic Hunter

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黑龍江佳木斯 - 來到盛世百年國際大酒店 Come to Shengshi Century International Hotel, Jiamusi Heilongjiang (China)


《錦繡中國》黑龍江·鸡西(1) 0110 | Fantastic China, Jixi, Heilongjiang Province Ep. 29 HD

Jixi, located in the southeastern part of Heilongjiang Province, with an area of 22,500 square kilometers and a population of 1,840,000. It covers 641-kilometer-long Sino-Russian border line and has one first-class land port between two countries. It is also a comprehensive industrial city with a 100-year history of coal mining and a city of graphite industry in China.
Jixi is a different “natural river”. There is the largest fresh water lake, Lake Xingkai, with a total area of 4,380 square kilometers, and the most perfect, complex, and well-preserved Treasure Island (Zhenbao Island). Jixi is a different “cultural river”. It is the birthplace of ancestors of Manchu, the end of World War II, the place where the Republic of the Great Northern Wilderness air force grow, the birthplace of the wilderness spirit, the birthplace of the spirit of Treasure Island, and the place where gathers the history of coal mining for a hundred years.
In recent years, Jixi City vigorously implements the “travel and business” strategy, build “ecotourism, red tourism, and border tourism” three special tourism products. We welcome the tourists all around the world to enjoy and experience “the mistery Usurri River, Lake Xingkai, and a different beautiful Jixi”.


Fantastic China is a series of select bilingual travel publicity films about different cities and provinces in China. It aims to show the splendid and amazing sceneries of China to audience around the world and makes a good contribution to Chinese tourist industry. It will upload videos on several domestic platforms including Headline Today(Jinritoutiao), Tencent Video, iqiyi, and Youku and overseas websites Facebook and YouTube. Contributions are most welcome:

Jixi, Heilongjiang, China

Jixi, also known as Coal City, is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Heilongjiang Province, and is one of the national important energy bases and regional center cities in southeastern Heilongjiang Province, as determined by the State Council [1]. The city has six municipal districts, two county-level cities and one county, with a total area of 22,500 square kilometers. According to the data of the seventh census, the resident population of Jixi was 1,520,060 as of 00:00 on November 1, 2020.
Jixi is located in northeastern China and southeastern Heilongjiang, and is bordered by the Ussuri River and the Song-Archa River to the east and southeast across the water from Russia, with a border of 641 km, bordering Mudanjiang City to the west and south, and connected to Qitaihe City to the north Jixi has a cold-temperate continental monsoon climate, with mountains, hills, and plains as the main terrain. Linmi Railway, Chengji Railway, Hedai and Jihu Expressway run through Jixi.
Jixi is an early developed area on the northeast border of China. As early as 6,000 years ago, the ancestors of the Jixi area - the Sushin people began to live and breed on this fertile black land, creating a splendid ancient fishing and hunting civilization - the Xinkailiu culture. Later, the descendants of the Sushin people - Yilou, Bedji, the footprints of the real women and throughout the land of Jixi. During the Tang Dynasty, the Jixi area formally interacted with the Central Plains, and the Bohai State established Dongping Prefecture here. 1957 saw the establishment of the city.

1 день. Мишань.Гостиница Ямаха.


В этом видео представлен обзор гостиниц города Мишань, Китай, в которые чаще всего селят турфирмы. Здесь представлен обзор некоторых гостиниц с номерами, а также фасады остальных.
Мы побывали в гостиницах: Ямаху, Синья, гостиница-ресторан Леша, Силун, Губинлоу, Кайюе.

Если вам понравилось видео, ставьте лайки и подписывайтесь на канал.

ПОМОЩЬ КАНАЛУ: Сбербанк 2202 2002 2383 6212 с пометкой на стабилизатор :)




#мишань #китай #гостиницы

Bamako to Timbuktu

Glimpses of Mali: Travel from Bamako to Timbuktu by UN flight (MINUSMA plane), 26 May 2022. As part of the visit to MINUSMA's Regional Office in Gao by SRSG and Head of MINUSMA and Ambassadors of member countries of UN Security Council represented in in Mali. Due to information of poor visibility at Gao, the plane had to first land at Timbuktu. After a brief halt at Timbuktu, we proceeded to Gao once the weather conditions improved. (Travel from Timbuktu to Gao in next video)

黑龍江佳木斯 - 經過富錦來到同江 Coming to Tongjiang through Fujin, Jiamusi Heilongjiang (China)




Tour of Eastern Heilongjiang Province(1). 黑龙江东部之旅(1):同江、黑瞎子岛、抚远、饶河、珍宝岛、虎头、兴凯湖


《錦繡中國》黑龍江·虎峰嶺 0113 | Fantastic China, Hufeng Mountain, Heilongjiang Province Ep. 32 HD

Hufeng Mountain (Tiger Peak Mountain) scenic spot, located in the eastern part of Forestry Bureau of Yabuli, is one part of Changbai Mountain and the birthplace of Mayi River—Yabuli’s mother river. The traffic there is very convenient, is 240 kilometers from Harbin City, and is 60 kilometers from Mudanjiang City. The scenic spot is rich in forest resources: 1,400 species of wild plants and 230 species of wild animals. After the implementation of natural forest protection project of enclosing the hills for natural afforestation in 1988, the forest resources there have been effectively restored and part of the forest maintains the original condition. In 2015, Hufengling was entitled as the national 3A tourist scenic spot.
Hufengling scenic area is divided into different parts: botanical science area, Dingxiang Mountain wetland and grassland sight-seeing area, Qingliang Valley sight-seeing area, Huxiao Valley water park, Bojiwaizi mountain-climbing area, picking area, folk culture village, and red education base. There are seven mountains in the scenic spot, and the highest one is Dingxiang Mountain, which is 1,080 meters high above sea level. Among them, the mysterious Hufeng Mountain is called “snow mountain in China”.


Fantastic China is a series of select bilingual travel publicity films about different cities and provinces in China. It aims to show the splendid and amazing sceneries of China to audience around the world and makes a good contribution to Chinese tourist industry. It will upload videos on several domestic platforms including Headline Today(Jinritoutiao), Tencent Video, iqiyi, and Youku and overseas websites Facebook and YouTube. Contributions are most welcome:



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