The Most Beautiful Towns in Guizhou
You will see some beautiful towns in Guizhou that you will fall in love with. Zhenyuan Ancient Town, Longli Ancient Town, Bing an Ancient Town, and Qingyan Ancient Town are the most beautiful towns in Guizhou. Each of these towns has their own story.
【广州漫步粤菜美食】中山四路武林厨神饮早茶 榨粉街市场买杏花鸡|打疫苗|牛腩捞猪肠粉|canton food tour|Walk in GuangZhou [粤语中文字幕] [subtitle]
#早茶 #dim sum #市场
Google map:
“玉子卖麻,板箱载出新桥市;黄婆榨粉,担杆挑入后楼房。” 广州有一副以街名串成的对联,包括了玉子巷、卖麻街、板箱巷、新桥市、黄婆栏、榨粉街、担杆巷、后楼房街。如今,大部分街巷已被改造或消失。如在大新路的玉子巷现变为市三中的运动场;板箱巷民国时被改造成为海珠中路;黄婆栏在今市公安局出入境大厦西侧,已消失多时。唯有中山四路的“榨粉街”得以保留
翰林院庶吉士,次年任编修。中法战争时期,梁鼎芬因上书弹劾北洋大臣李鸿章被降职,后被罢官。 [1]
回广东后,梁鼎芬被两广总督张之洞看重,任教于武昌两湖书院、南京钟山书院。梁鼎芬还曾与康有为相结好友,康有为在上海创立强学会时,他亦列名为发起人。但由于他的忠君思想与维新运动的民主思想距离越来越大,终至决裂。此后,经张之洞推荐,他任知府,成为张之洞创办洋务新政的得力助手,兼任多个要职,还亲自创办府道两级师范学堂,捐俸一万元开办省师范学堂。民国成立后,梁鼎芬以清朝遗老自居,数年后逝于北京,溥仪特为这“孤臣”赐谥“文忠”。 [1]
在古代,不少私人藏书家对自己千辛万苦积聚起来的书籍十分珍惜,轻易不肯借给人,普通百姓更是难得一见。宣统二年(1910),梁鼎芬把在榨粉街93号的祖传葵霜阁藏书楼改名为“梁祠图书馆”,这就是广州第一间以“图书馆”命名的私立公共图书馆。它的出现,让附近的平民可以免费入内阅读。 [1]
Zhanfen Street is a street in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou. It runs from north to south. It starts from Haoxian Road in the north and connects with Zhongshan 4th Road in the south, with a total length of more than 300 meters. During the Qing Dynasty, there were many rice noodle shops on this street. At that time, rice noodles were made by pressing out the dough into strips and throwing them into boiling water to form, so it was called the Street of Squeezing Noodles.”
Yuzi sells hemp, and the crates are carried out of Xinqiao City; Huang Po squeezes the powder and carries it into the back building. Xinqiao City, Huangpolan, Zhafen Street, Dangan Lane, Houloufang Street. Today, most of the streets and alleys have been transformed or disappeared. For example, Yuzi Lane on Daxin Road has now become the sports field of No. 3 Middle School; Banxiang Lane was transformed into Haizhu Middle Road in the Republic of China; Huang Polan is on the west side of the Exit and Entry Building of the Public Security Bureau in this city, and has disappeared for a long time. Only the powdering street of Zhongshan 4th Road can be preserved
Liang Dingfen (1859~1919), educator and poet in the late Qing Dynasty, once lived in Zhanfen Street. In the sixth year of Guangxu (1880), he was awarded the Jinshi
Statue of Liang Dingfen
Shuji Shi of the Imperial Academy, served as editor in the following year. During the Sino-French War, Liang Dingfen was demoted for impeaching the Minister of Beiyang Li Hongzhang, and was later dismissed. [1]
After returning to Guangdong, Liang Dingfen was valued by Zhang Zhidong, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and taught at Wuchang Lianghu Academy and Nanjing Zhongshan Academy. Liang Dingfen also became friends with Kang Youwei. When Kang Youwei founded the Strong Society in Shanghai, he was also listed as the initiator. However, due to the growing distance between his loyalty to the emperor and the democratic thinking of the reform movement, he eventually broke up. After that, he was recommended by Zhang Zhidong as the prefect, and became Zhang Zhidong's right-hand man for the establishment of the New Westernization Policy. He also held several important positions. He also personally founded the normal school at both the government and the road, and donated 10,000 yuan to set up the provincial normal school. After the founding of the Republic of China, Liang Dingfen regarded himself as an old man of the Qing Dynasty. He died in Beijing a few years later. Puyi gave this orphan the posthumous title of Wen Zhong. [1]
Set up the first private public library in Guangzhou
In ancient times, many private bibliophiles cherished the books they had accumulated through hard work and would not lend them to others easily, and it was even rarer for ordinary people to see them. In the second year of Xuantong’s reign (1910), Liang Dingfen renamed the ancestral Kuishan Pavilion library at No. 93 Zhafen Street to “Liangci Library”, which was the first private public library in Guangzhou named after “library”. Its appearance allows nearby civilians to read it for free. [1]
Vespers on the Shore - The Mini Vandals
00:00 Intro
00:18 仓边路/中山四路
01:23 武林厨神(农讲所店)/餐厅环境/读餐牌
05:01 笼仔蒸韭菜饺/牛腩捞猪肠粉/窝蛋牛肉菜心粥
10:46 榨粉街/杏花手撕盐焗鸡
13:15 打疫苗
14:23 榨粉街市场/撕手撕盐焗鸡
22:13 Ending
廣州!西場火車路市場!逛早市!平到笑!大搶購!人山人海!人間煙火氣!市井生活!市場買菜!豬骨!馬蹄!牛肉!趕集!什麼都有!4K!最真實街拍!擠滿人!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou
#廣州 #早市 #市場
廣東廣雅中學(英語:Guangdong Guangya High School),簡稱廣雅中學,是位於中華人民共和國廣東省廣州市荔灣區廣雅路的一間百年老校,亦是廣東唯一一間被列為省 級文物保護單位的學校,其前身為廣雅書院,由清末洋務派領袖之一張之洞(時任兩廣總督)於1888年6月創立,與湖北自強學堂、兩湖書院、上海南洋公學並 稱為當時中國四大府。
1884年至1889年間就任兩廣總督的張之洞,生平重視興辦教育,且不滿於清末被科舉功名、八股時文之氛圍所籠罩的中國教育。 早在1874年任四川學政期間,張就在成都創立了尊經書院,以期改革學院教育。 就任兩廣總督後,張於1886年開始籌備興辦一所以培養「經世致用」型人才為目標的新型書院。 經近兩年的選址與籌備,廣雅書院於1888年6月8日在廣州西北郊的源頭鄉正式開館,校名取「廣者大也,雅者正也」之意,以示 書院的目標是培養學識淵博、品行雅正的人才。
廣雅書院是兩廣的最高學府,亦是時至當年以來督撫級公辦民助用銀最多、儲備資金最足、佔地面積最大、最具民族園林特色、圖籍最豐、管理最完善、要求最 嚴格、成效最卓著、有護院河護院牆城堡封閉式學院。 光緒二十八年壬寅(1902年),兩廣總督陶模,承光緒皇帝書院改制欽命,經光緒準奏,於廣雅書院原址,改辦兩廣大學堂。 定三三學制,即前三年為備齋、中三年為正齋、後三年為專齋。 先任姚文倬為總理(堂長、院長)。 因姚文倬徙官,由改丁仁長繼任。 由於只辦一年,故辦備齋而已。 光緒二十九年癸卯(1903年),朝議省不立大學,兩廣總督岑春煊,奏準改兩廣大學堂為廣東高等學堂,以吳道鎔為監督(堂長、院長)。 循清製,先設預科,以兩廣大學堂備齋學生充入。 授以理、化、圖、體各課。 光緒三十三年丁未(1907年)春,開辦高等本科,初設理科一班;光緒三十四年戊申(1908年)春,增文科一班。 再開國文、歷史、地理、數學等課。 宣統三年辛亥(1911年),設附中學兩班,直至中華民國建政前,但學科之教習(教師),部分由廣雅書院學成辭院門生擔任,並由他們自編教材(如 數學教習潘應祺、國文教習勞植南、地理教習徐致祥等),供門生學習。 據不完全統計,連兩廣大學堂、廣東高等學堂在內,自1888年至1912年,培養學子過千,為民國的創立奠定基礎。
Guangdong Guangya High School (English: Guangdong Guangya High School), referred to as Guangya Middle School, is a century-old school located on Guangya Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, the People's Republic of China. It is also the only school in Guangdong listed as a provincial school. The school, which is a cultural relic protection unit, was formerly known as Guangya Academy. It was founded in June 1888 by Zhang Zhidong, one of the leaders of the Westernization movement in the late Qing Dynasty (then governor of Guangdong and Guangxi). It merged with Hubei Ziqiang Academy, Lianghu Academy, and Shanghai Nanyang Public School. It was known as one of the four major universities in China at that time.
Zhang Zhidong, who served as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi from 1884 to 1889, attached great importance to the establishment of education throughout his life, and was dissatisfied with the atmosphere of Chinese education in the late Qing Dynasty that was dominated by imperial examinations and eight-part essays. As early as 1874, when he was the academic administrator of Sichuan, Zhang founded the Zunjing Academy in Chengdu with a view to reforming academy education. After taking office as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Zhang began to prepare for the establishment of a new academy in 1886 with the goal of cultivating talents who can manage the world and apply it. After nearly two years of site selection and preparation, Guangya Academy was officially opened in Yuanyuan Township, the northwest suburb of Guangzhou, on June 8, 1888. The name of the school was taken from the meaning of the broad is the great, the elegant is the righteous. The goal of the academy is to cultivate talents with profound knowledge and upright conduct.
Guangya Academy is the highest institution of higher education in Guangdong and Guangxi. It is also the governor-level public institution with the largest amount of money, the largest reserve funds, the largest area, the most ethnic garden features, the most abundant illustrations, the most complete management, and the most demanding requirements. Strict and most effective, it is a closed academy with a river and a castle wall. In the 28th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1902), Tao Mo, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, accepted the order from Emperor Guangxu to reorganize the Academy. With Guangxu's approval, the University of Guangdong and Guangxi was established at the original site of Guangya Academy. A three-year academic system is established, that is, the first three years are preparation for fasting, the middle three years are for main fasting, and the last three years are for special fasting. Yao Wenzhuo was first appointed as Prime Minister (teacher and dean). Because Yao Wenzhuo moved to the official position, he was succeeded by Ding Renchang. Since it is only held for one year, it is just a preparation for fasting. In Guimao, the 29th year of Guangxu (1903), the imperial court discussed the lack of universities in the province. Cen Chunxuan, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, approved the change of the Guangdong and Guangxi University Hall into the Guangdong Higher School
00:00 Intro
00:53 西村地鐵站/農曆新年/街上非常冷清/餐廳關門大吉
13:58 廣雅路/南源社區/西場地鐵站
18:43 市民排隊買燒肉/市場最熱鬧/價錢平選擇多
31:45 餐廳關門/路上行人變少
35:29 市場購物戰利品/晚餐食D乜?
37:58 Ending
#廣州美食 粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #早市 #市場 #趕集 #西場 #豬骨 #馬蹄 #牛肉 #4K #街拍 #西村 #廣雅路 #廣雅中學 #晚餐 #food tourism #food tour china #food tour vlog #china touring #china tourism #china tourist #china tourism vlog #china tour 2024 #cantonese food