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10 Best place to visit in Kyustendil Bulgaria


Discover the Hidden Gems of Kyustendil, Bulgaria

Explore the rich history and culture of Kyustendil, a charming town in Bulgaria known for its hot springs, impressive Rilski Monastery, and delicious wines. Learn about the town's significance as a tourist destination and find out why you should visit Kyustendil.
#Kyustendil #bulgaria #travel #history #culture #hotSprings #RilskiMonastery #wine #touristdestination #discoverBulgaria #exploreKyustendil

10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Bulgaria: A Guide to the Best Places | Travel Video

Are you looking for a new travel destination that offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty? Look no further than Bulgaria! In this video, we'll show you why Bulgaria should be at the top of your travel bucket list. From the stunning Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Sofia to the breathtaking landscapes of the Black Sea, we'll take you on a journey through the best places to visit in this amazing country. Get ready to be inspired and discover why Bulgaria is one of Europe's hidden gems.

The Сity Of KYUSTENDIL, Bulgaria. Car Ride. Travel Vlog.4K

Car trip around the city of Sandanski. From the Greece, towards the city of Sofia . You see with your own eyes this beautiful city with its streets and houses. 4K
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#Car Ride, #bulgaria, #KYUSTENDIL, #auto walk, #car trip, #Travel Vlog

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The most beautiful place in Bulgaria?

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Possibly The Best Festival in Bulgaria!

At the end of June every year In Kyustendil Bulgaria, they celebrate this amazing fruit. In the Region Of Kyustendil there are many Cherry growers and produces.

Over the three days people travel from all over Bulgaria, Bulgarians and Foreigners a like to see this amazing Event.

I was there for the 3 days and I wanted to bring the full event to you, so I hope that If your in Bulgaria at this time in the Future, that you will consider this and go to the cherry festival in Kyustendil
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From Zero to 1 of the BEST Guesthouses in Bulgaria

The Small Businesses in Bulgaria need to be Promoted, so thats why when I come across a place that goes up and beyond the norm I will give them a recommendation.

So when we went to Kyustendil in Bulgaria for the Cherry Festival, we searched for a place to stay. As you may know during the Cherry festival It is difficult to find a place close to the centre of Kyustendil, Bulgaria.

We were recommended a place that we will remember for a long time, and also return even though we have found many great places we always go some where new to stay. Though this place and it's owner's have made us want to return here.

This place was about 20 mins from the centre of Kyustendil Bulgaria, in a quiet village called Razhdavitsa, there are a few things in the area that are well worth see....but as we were concentrated on the cherry Festival we didn't have time to explore them.

More reasons to return.

If You'd like to book a stay with these guys send me an email at and I will get you in contact with them.

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Live from the Cherry festival Kyustendil Bulgaria

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【K】Bulgaria Travel-Kyustendil[불가리아 여행-큐스텐딜]릴라 수도원, 수도사의 방/Rila Monastery/Room/Cathedral/Lodge/Monk

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[한국어 정보]
분주한 현대 사회와는 격리된 채 산속 깊숙이 자리한 릴라 수도원은 그 고즈넉함으로 순례자의 마음에 평화를 준다. 10세기에 설립된 이래 수차례의 화재로 파괴와 재건을 거듭했지만 릴라 수도원은 지금도 불가리아 정교의 중심으로 자리하고 있다. 릴라 수도원의 한가운데에 위치한 성당은 입구에서부터 그 화려한 프레스코화로 순례자를 멈추게 한다. 한곳 빈틈도 없이 장식된 성당의 내부는 불가리아의 독자적인 종교예술을 꽃피운 장인들의 땀이 그대로 배어난다. 300여개의 수도사 거처가 있는 릴라 수도원은 비어있는 공간을 여행자에게 유료로 개방한다. 숙박료는 우리 돈으로 한 사람당 2만 원정도. 특별히 붐비지 않는다면 각 일행에게 하나의 방을 내주기 때문에 유스호스텔의 번잡스러움을 피할 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 내가 배정받은 방은 4층 구석에 있는 55호실. 아무런 장식 없이 검소함이 물씬 풍기는 수도사의 방. 이곳이 오늘 내 몸과 마음을 쉬게 할 보금자리다.

[English: Google Translator]
Modern society is isolated and bustling down the mountains Rila Monastery is situated deep in the heart of the pilgrim gives peace by those gojeuneok. Founded in the 10th century repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt several times, but the fire monastery of Rila is situated in the center of Bulgaria is still sophisticated. The cathedral is located in the middle of the Rila monastery and pilgrims stopping the splendid frescoes from the entrance. One place, decorated the interior of the cathedral without a gap is literally soaked with sweat smells of smoked artisan flower unique religious art in Bulgaria. GW with 300 monks of the monastery shelter is opening a free space to travelers for a fee. 20,000 visitors in total amount per person is also money to us. If the advantage of being able to avoid crowded particularly troublesome because of a sense of youth hostel can make room for one room for each party. I received placement in a corner room 55 rooms 4 floors. The thrift room Blowout punggineun monk without decoration. It is jarida home to rest my body and mind today.

■클립명: 유럽093-불가리아01-10 릴라 수도원, 수도사의 방/Rila Monastery/Room/Cathedral/Lodge/Monk
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 홍현진 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 7월 July

유럽,Europe,,불가리아,Bulgaria,,,홍현진,2006,7월 July

【K】Bulgaria Travel-Kyustendil[불가리아 여행-큐스텐딜]릴라 수도원/Rila Monastery/Bulgarian Orthodox Church/Tower

■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
산속 깊숙한 곳에 불가리아가 자랑하는 ‘천년의 수도원’이 자리 잡고 있다. 해발 3천 미터에 이르는 릴라 산맥의 협곡에 요새처럼 건설된 릴라 수도원. 수많은 외침과 재난을 견딘 불가리아의 또 다른 상징이다. 한때 300명의 수도승이 머물던 이곳은 이제 9명의 수사가 신앙을 이어간다. 수도원 외곽을 빙 둘러 싸고 있는 이 건물은 수도승의 개인 숙사와 방문객들의 거처. 방이 모두 400개나 된다니 그 규모가 어마어마하다. 중앙에 자리 잡은 돔형식의 건물은 성모승천교회. 19세기에 복원된 프레스코화가 벽과 천장을 장식하고 있다. “이 수도원은 불가리아에서 가장 유명한 성인 요한 릴스키에 의해 건립되었습니다. (불가리아의)종교적 중심지 일뿐 아니라 교육의 중심지 역할도 했습니다. 이분이 릴라 수도원을 만든 성 요한 릴스키입니다.” 약 천 년 전 초기 수도원을 일구었던 요한 릴스키는 신앙생활에 전념하며 수많은 제자를 길러냈고 지금까지 불가리아의 정신적 지주로 추앙받고 있다. 황금으로 장식된 교회내부로 카메라를 들고 가는 것은 금지. 아쉽게도 먼발치에서 슬쩍 안을 들여다 볼 수밖에 없다. 14세기 재건된 수도원의 건물 중 가장 오래 된 것은 프레리요 탑. 부호 프레리요가 이 건물을 지어 헌납한 사실이 키릴문자로 기록되어 있다. 탑의 높이는 약 22m, 나무난간을 따라 올라 갈수록 통로는 더욱 좁아진다. 탑의 중간에 이르자 비로소 창문을 통해 멀리 릴라 산맥이 눈에 들어온다. 깊은 산속과 어우러져 경외감마저 느껴지는 릴라 수도원. 불가리아 사람들이 자랑하는 불가리아 정교회를 대표하는 상징이다.

[English: Google Translator]
Deep mountains where the 'millennium monastery, Bulgaria is proud perched. The Rila Monastery built as a fortress in the Rila Mountains canyon up to 3000 meters above sea level. The number of calls and other disasters is a lasting symbol of Bulgaria. 300 monks stayed here once this is now going after the investigation nine faith. The building that surrounds the monastery outside the wraparound private dormitories and living quarters of the monks of visitors. All 400 rooms dogs doendani its scale is enormous. Building in the center of the dome caught the Assumption Church. And it decorated with frescoes walls and ceilings restored in the 19th century. This monastery was built by the most famous saint John reel skiing in Bulgaria. (Bulgaria) have also not only a religious center, the role of educational centers. Lila made this man monastery St. John the reel skiing. John reel ski about a thousand years ago had been one of the early monastery is dedicated to the life of faith, and foster a large number of disciples have pulled revered as a spiritual pillar of Bulgaria so far. Church interior decorated with gold going to ban holding the camera. Unfortunately no choice but to look into the inside peek at meonbalchi. 14th century, rebuilt tower is one of the oldest buildings of the monastery Prairie required. The fact that a sign is prairie yoga contributor constructed buildings are recorded in Cyrillic. The height of the tower about 22m, goes up along the wooden railing path becomes more narrow. Yireuja tower in the middle of the mountains through the window Reliance far finally comes to the eyes. Deep in the mountains Rila monastery, combined with felt even awe. Bulgaria is a symbol representing the Bulgarian Orthodox people proud.

■클립명: 유럽093-불가리아03-02 불가리아 정교회 본산, 릴라 수도원/Rila Monastery/Bulgarian Orthodox Church/Lodge/Room/Observatory/Tower
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이은수 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2014년 6월 June

유럽,Europe,,불가리아,Bulgaria,,,이은수,2014,6월 June

Kyustendil Bulgaria

This video shows the beautiful and modern centre of Kyustendil. At the beginning the beautiful and steep mountains to the east can be seen. Kyustendil is a calm and interesting place with interesting architecutre, lot´s of clothe and shoe stores and many caés.

Steep mountains at the southwest and northeast dominate the landscape and make you feel like in a valley when you are in Kyustendil. The mountains here are up to 2 200 meters high and very steep. The mountains, especially the northeastern mountains of Kyustendil have very steep mountainslopes and are very rocky. They are so steep that even in winter they are hardly covered by snow. At places with rivers in Kyustendil the mountains make you feel like in a typical mountain place in the Alps. The rocky mountains completely dominate the landscape and provide very majestic views. Especially the sundowns and sunrises are majestic and unforgotable. The Osogovo mountain starts right at the south of Kyustendil and rises up high of the roofs of Kyustendil. People travelling to the east of Kyustendil will encounter even bigger mountains. The majestic Rila mountain is close to Kyustendil and has the highest peak of Bulgaria called Musala. It is 2925 meters high.

The area between Macedonian borderpoint Gueshevo and Dupnica is a very picturesqueue place characteristic for their almost vertically rising mountains. It reaches it´s peak in the east where the high Rila mountain rises. The western slopes of Rila mountain are high and rocky. If you go inside the mountain you can find Bulgaria`s steepest rockpeaks, which are located at the Rila monastery, the most fammous monastery in Bulgaria and tourist magnet. If you want more information about this area of bulgaria please drop a commend.

VLOG: Travelling To Kyustendil (WITH SCHOOL FRIENDS ONLY!)


Strimon Garden Medical SPA Hotel, Kyustendil, Bulgaria

Strimon Garden Medical SPA Hotel, Kyustendil, Bulgaria
About Property:
You're eligible for a Genius discount at Strimon Garden Medical SPA Hotel! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in.
Strimon Garden Medical SPA Hotel has a large spa and wellness area with a fitness centre, hot tub, sauna, sun bed and indoor swimming pool. The indoor pool is lined with deckchairs. There is also an outdoor swimming pool and children's pool.
All rooms have luxurious furnishings and a private bathroom. WiFi is available free of charge.
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: 24 Tsar Simeon I Street, 2500 Kyustendil, Bulgaria
Searching For
1. Strimon Garden Medical SPA Hotel - Kyustendil - Bulgaria
2. Strimon Garden Medical SPA Hotel - Kyustendil - Bulgaria Address
3. Strimon Garden Medical SPA Hotel - Kyustendil - Bulgaria Rooms
4. Strimon Garden Medical SPA Hotel - Kyustendil - Bulgaria Amenities
5. Strimon Garden Medical SPA Hotel - Kyustendil - Bulgaria Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel Suggestions.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.
*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
#TravelSuggestions #StrimonGardenMedicalSPAHotelKyustendil #StrimonGardenMedicalSPAHotelKyustendilBulgaria

Red House, Kyustendil, Bulgaria

Red House, Kyustendil, Bulgaria
About Property:
Set in Kyustendil, Red House has a shared lounge, garden and free WiFi throughout the property. This 3-star hotel offers a concierge service and a tour desk. There is free private parking and the property offers paid airport shuttle service.
The hotel will provide guests with air-conditioned rooms with a desk, a kettle, a safety deposit box, a flat-screen TV, a terrace and a private bathroom with a hot tub. At Red House all rooms include b...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: Rayna Zaneva 10, 2500 Kyustendil, Bulgaria
Searching For
1. Red House - Kyustendil - Bulgaria
2. Red House - Kyustendil - Bulgaria Address
3. Red House - Kyustendil - Bulgaria Rooms
4. Red House - Kyustendil - Bulgaria Amenities
5. Red House - Kyustendil - Bulgaria Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Subway Dreams
Artist: Dan Henig
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel Suggestions.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.
*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
#TravelSuggestions #RedHouseKyustendil #RedHouseKyustendilBulgaria

Photos from the Bulgarian town of Kyustendil

Travel Bulgaria Live Kyustendil

#bulgaristan #travel #weinachten

Villa Casa Rosa, Kyustendil, Bulgaria - Amazing Place

Villa Casa Rosa - Exclusive price! -

Villa Casa Rosa is a villa with free WiFi throughout the property, set in Kyustendil. It provides free private parking.
A Good Night's Sleep
There is a dining area and a kitchen as well as a private bathroom with bathrobes and free toiletries. A flat-screen TV with cable channels is offered. Other facilities at Villa Casa Rosa include a barbecue.
More About the Property
Car hire is available at the property and the area is popular for skiing. A number of activities are offered in the area, such as horse riding and fishing. Sofia Airport is 77 km from the property.

SOFIA BULGARIA, My Room in Hotel Cheap, Near Train and Bus Stations

Sofia Bulgaria, here is my room in Hotel Cheap near train and Bus Station, very convenient, affordable nice small hotel. Winter 2019, Life in Bulgaria Today, Please - SUBSCRIBE - :D
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The Best day in Bulgaria Ep. 20 | Germany to Pakistan and India on Motorcycle BMW G310GS


*All Songs are downloaded from Artlist and get 2 months free by using the above link to buy a new subscription.


This is the 20th Episode of my Bike ride to Pakistan and India from Germany on BMW G310GS. In this episode, I will explore the countryside of Bulgaria, Rila Monastery, Melnik and an offroad section near Rila Monastery.

Google map of my route:

Songs I used in this Vlog:
mystery by sød-ven Artlist
comatose by sød-ven Artlist
seven-wonders by ziv-moran Artlist
through-the-clouds by ikoliks Artlist
hollow by sød-ven Artlist
futuristic-cliché by curtis-cole Artlist
holding-back by michael-fk Artlist
tomb by veshza Artlist

#BikeTour #MotorcycleAdventure #BMWG310GS

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My Riding Gear:
Allroad H2Out Jacke:
Allroad H2Out Hose:
G-Warrior Leder Handschuhe:
NEXX X-WED 2 Helmet:

My Main Cameras!
Sony A7iii:
Sony A6400:

Mobile (Instagram Stories):
Samsung S20+ :

Photography and Vlogging Lens:
Sony 16-35mm F4:
Sony 10-18mm F4:
Tamron 28-75mm F2.8:
Sony 70-200mm F4:
Sony 28mm F2:

Rode Video Micro:
Saramonic SR-XM1:
Rode SmartLav+ (Motovlog):
Boya Microphone (Not in Use):

Motovlogging Gear:
GoPro Hero 7 Black:
GoPro Hero 8 Black:
Insta360 One R:
GoPro Hero 7 Ulanzi Case:
GoPro Charger and Battery:
MotoRadds Chin Mount:
Dango Design Chin Mount Grip (Not in Use):

DJI Mavic 2 Pro combo:

Hard drives and Memory cards:
Sony SSD 1TB:
Lacie Rugged 5TB:
Sandisk Extreme Pro:
Sandisk Extreme Micro SD:

Power Bank:
Anker 20,000mA:
RavPower 20,000mA:

Tripods and Mounts:
Manfrotto Befree:
Joby Gorilla Tripod:
GoPro Jaw-Klemm:
Insta Selfie-Stick:
GoPro 3-way Selfie Stick:

ND Filters:
PolarPro GoPro Hero 7 Black:
PolarPro GoPro Hero 8 Black:
PolarPro DJI Mavic 2 Pro:
PolarPro 82mm ND16:

*All are amazon associated links and I might get some money when you buy using these links.

Fortress Hisarlaka - Part 1, Kyustendil, Bulgaria

Thanks again to Svetli for driving me there. It's not far from the center, but it's a good climb up or down the hill.



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