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10 Best place to visit in Kumanovo Macedonia


Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Kumanovo | North Macedonia - English

#KumanovoPlaces #PlacesInKumanovo #Kumanovo #Macedonia
Kumanovo is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Macedonia having many best places in Kumanovo. Kumanovo is a municipality located in the northern part of North Macedonia. Kumanovo is also the name of the city where the municipal seat is found. Kumanovo Municipality is part of the Northeastern Statistical Region. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Kumanovo that you won't regret going to.

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There are many beautiful places in Kumanovo. Macedonia has some of the best places in Kumanovo. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Kumanovo. There are many famous places in Kumanovo and some of them are beautiful places in Kumanovo. People from all over Macedonia love these Kumanovo beautiful places which are also Kumanovo famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Kumanovo.

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Top 10 Places to Visit in North Macedonia

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In this video, we are going to explore the Top 10 places to visit in North Macedonia

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What to do in Macedonia? 🌍 #shorts #travel

What to do in Macedonia? 🌍
Mount Ljuboten
Painted Mosque in Tetovo
Matka Canyon
Mavrovo National Park
Lake Ohrid

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Village Pcinja-Kumanovo, Macedonia(Mini 2 DJI 4K Video)

English name:Pchinja, Pcinja
Macedonian name:Пчиња, Pčinja
GPS Coordinates:Latitude: 42° 2' 25.44 N
Longitude: 21° 45' 13.48 E
Area phone code:031
Postal code:1323
Car plates:KU
Time zone:
Summer (DST)CET (UTC+01:00)
CEST (UTC+02:00)
Population:793 - 2002 census
Селото датира од пред 14 век. Пчиња за време на владеењето на Османлиите, припаѓало во тимарот на Хусеин-Солак од Скопје, во состав на Нагоричанска нахија - Ќустендилски санџак.
Во турскиот дефтер од 16 век селото се спомнува под името ''Ипшиња'' и во него има 55семејства и 52 неженети жители, односно во селото Пчиња во тоа време имало околу 205 жители, но точниот број не може да се утврди, земајќи предвид дека во тој период женските лица не се попишувале на попис.

Селото Пчиња пред 19 век било распространето на левиот брег на реката Пчиња, а во 1912 година се преселуваат и на десната страна од брегот на реката. Старото село се наоѓало во месноста наречена Црквиште на запад од сегашното село Пчиња, но од првите најстари куќи нема никакви траги, бидејќи истите биле градени од слаб материјал и покриени со слама и трска и повеќе личеле на колиби со по една соба која се викала огниште во кои живееле луѓето а во истата се чувал и добитокот. Исто така во таа просторија се чувала и храната. Во месноста Црквиште се наоѓаат остатоци од ќерамиди и друг материјал од глина. Преданието вели дека од населбата која била блиску до патот населението избегало и се засолнило во долниот дел од клисурата на реката Пчиња во трњак и пустињак поради големиот зулум кој правеле турските војници, заптии, башибозуци, качаци и разни други одметници.

Еден дел од сегашното село после 1912 година се преселило повторно од десната страна на селото, познато како Прекуречани. Најстара градба во селото е црквата „Света Богородица“ изградена 1869 година.

На 23 март 1895 една половина од селото изгорело во пожар во кој изгореле 25 куќи и амбари со жито. Овој запис е изваден од Цариградски гласник од 1 април 1985 година.

Најстари фамилии кој се помнат во селото Пчиња се: Пешеви, Рисјанови, Дојчинови, Новакови, Баратлинци, Велкови и Николеви. Подоцна во селото се доселуваат Ангелови (се доселиле од селото Бислим), Исповедници, Бабаматини кој се дел од Исповедници, Брњарци доселени од село Брњарци - Скопско, Босневи од Босна, Кичкови од Кичево, Мавреви од Маврово, Винчани од селото Винце, Маравци река Морава а најдоцна се доселиле Сушичани од селото Сушице - Скопско во 1936 год.

Во 1935 година бил изграден дрвен мост. Во 1938 година е обновен дрвениот мост со бетонски столбови но повторна реконструкција е направена во 1940/1941 година се до 1972 овој мост се употребувал.

За време на Втората светска војна било вклучено и селото Пчиња со свои војници, а и со свои жртви. Најмногу жртви имало во 1944.

Од 10 ноември до 22 декември 1972 траела изградбата на сегашниот бетонски мост на реката Пчиња која го поврзува селото. Градежните работи ги извеле тогашната Југословенска народна армија.

Во 1975 година е изградена првата амбуланта во с.Пчиња. Во 1995 е изградена и поштата, а истата е дадена во употреба на 11 ноември 1995 година.

Getting a Taste of REAL BALKAN CULTURE in KUMANOVO, Macedonia

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Today we head to Kumanovo, Macedonia near the Serbian border for a day of exploration. Walking around the old streets, we think about what it really means to be Macedonian and stick around for some traditional food at the end.




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#kumanovo #macedonia #macedonia2021

Best Places to Visit in Macedonia

Best Places to Visit in Macedonia
Created via

- Skopje
- Bitola
- Prilep
- Kruševo
- National Park Mavrovo
- Pelister National Park
- Stobi
- Povardarie
- Strumica
- Ohrid
- Struga
- The Monastery of St. Naum
- Tikves Lake
- Kumanovo

Top 4 cities to visit in 2022. Best of the North Macedonia... - by TWL #shorts

# TWL #travel #top5 #cities
I will show you Top 4 cities to visit in 2022. Best of the North Macedonia... - by TWL #shorts
North Macedonia, officially the Republic of North Macedonia, is a country in Southeast Europe. It gained independence in 1991 as one of the successor states of Yugoslavia.

00:00 - Intro
00:09 - Flag
00:10 - Skopje
00:17 - Bitola
00:24 - Kumanovo
00:30 - Prilep
00:36 - Outro

10 Things NOT To Do in Macedonia

Macedonia is a wonderful country to visit with its beautiful scenery, friendly people and delicious cuisine. As with any country, there are some things that you should avoid doing while there. Here are 10 things not to do while you are in Macedonia.

1. Don't Skip Declaring Valuables
A lot of tourists don't declare all of their valuables when they are leaving the country. This can lead to huge fines and a lot of trouble. You can avoid this from happening by declaring everything that you think is valuable.

2. Don't Plan To Stay The Entire Day In Ohrid
You may think that Ohrid is filled with a lot to do. However, it's only a small part of what Macedonia has to offer. You are better off only spending a little amount of time in this area and spending the majority of your time in Bitola.

3. Don't Pass On The Rakija
This drink is similar to brandy but even more delicious. Make sure you don't pass on trying it because you think that it's just like other drinks you've had before. It's best when taken as a shot as it can be very potent.

4. Don't Order Fries
Most of the food in Macedonia is good except for the fries. They tend to be soggy and lack taste. Don't order the fries while you're here, and save those calories for something else.

5. Don't Break The Alcohol Rules
There's some interesting alcohol rules in Macedonia. During the winter months, you can't purchase it after 7 p.m. or 9 p.m. when it's summer. Make sure you keep these rules in mind so that you don't inadvertently break them.

6. Don't Pass On The Markets
The markets are absolutely incredible. You can find a lot of organic fruits and vegetables here, and the locals are very friendly. Make sure you don't leave Macedonia without visiting a market or two.

7. Don't Forget To Exchange Your Money
You will need to exchange your money as the local shops won't take your dollars. Denars will be accepted pretty much everywhere in Macedonia, and you can get them in exchange offices. If you can find an ATM, you can withdrawal denars there as well.

8. Don't Get Offended By Questions From The Locals
The locals seem to want to know everything about visitors. Don't be offended by some of the questions that they ask. They are just trying to get to know you, and nothing is really off limits to them.

9. Don't Use Your Cell Without The Proper Sim Card
Many tourists try to use their cellular phone only to find that it doesn't work. Fortunately, you can easily get a SIM card to put in your phone that will allow you to have service. All you need to do is show your passport at one of the shops that sells them in order to get one.

10. Don't Buy Bottled Water Everywhere You Go
The water is safe to drink in Macedonia and pretty tasty. Because of this, there's no need to buy bottled water whenever you're thirsty. However bottled water is always safest, whenever you're away.

Where do you want to know what not to do in next?
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One day in Kumanovo 🇲🇰 NORTH MACEDONIA

One day in Kumanovo! 🇲🇰

Kumanovo is a city in North Macedonia, located in the northeastern part of the country. It is the largest municipality in North Macedonia by area and the third largest by population. Kumanovo is known for its diverse cultural heritage, historical landmarks, and vibrant community.

What to see in one day in Kumanovo?

•Square Nova Jugoslavija (New Yugoslavia Square) is a prominent public square located in Kumanovo, North Macedonia. It serves as a central gathering place and a hub for various cultural, social, and political activities. The square is often used for public events, celebrations, and gatherings, reflecting its importance in the community life of Kumanovo. The square is named after the former Yugoslavia, highlighting the historical ties and influence of the region's past on the city.

•The Sinan Tatar Pasha Mosque is a historical mosque located in Kumanovo, North Macedonia. It was built in the 16th century during the Ottoman period and is one of the city's most significant cultural and historical landmarks. The mosque is named after Sinan Tatar Pasha, who commissioned its construction. It features traditional Ottoman architectural elements and serves as an important religious site for the local Muslim community. The mosque has also been a place of interest for tourists and historians exploring the rich cultural heritage of Kumanovo.

•The City Hall in Kumanovo, North Macedonia, is an important administrative building serving as the seat of the municipal government. It is located in the central part of the city and houses the offices of the mayor and other municipal officials. The building is often the site of official meetings, public services, and community events. Its architecture reflects the historical and cultural influences of the region, making it a notable landmark in Kumanovo. The City Hall plays a crucial role in the governance and administration of the city, facilitating various public services and civic activities.

•The Museum of Kumanovo, located in Kumanovo, North Macedonia, is dedicated to preserving and showcasing the historical, cultural, and archaeological heritage of the region. The museum features a wide range of exhibits, including artifacts from different historical periods, ethnographic collections, and items related to the local culture and traditions. The museum aims to educate visitors about the rich history of Kumanovo and its surrounding areas, providing insights into the city's past and its development over time. It serves as an important cultural institution, contributing to the preservation and promotion of Kumanovo's heritage.

•The St. Nikola Church in Kumanovo, North Macedonia, is a significant Orthodox Christian church and one of the city's important religious landmarks. The church is dedicated to St. Nicholas, a revered saint in the Orthodox tradition. It features traditional Orthodox architectural elements and is known for its beautiful frescoes and iconostasis. The church serves as a place of worship for the local Orthodox community and is also a site of cultural and historical interest for visitors. St. Nikola Church plays an important role in the spiritual life of Kumanovo, hosting religious services, celebrations, and community gatherings.

•The Monument to Josip Broz Tito in Kumanovo, North Macedonia, is a significant landmark dedicated to the former Yugoslav leader. Josip Broz Tito was the president of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and is remembered for his role in the anti-fascist resistance during World War II and his leadership in the post-war period. The monument commemorates Tito's influence and the historical period of Yugoslavia.

•Zeleni Pazar, or the Green Market, is a well-known market in Kumanovo, North Macedonia. It is a bustling open-air market where local vendors sell a wide variety of goods, including fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, and other local produce.

•Sokolana Park, often referred to as Sokolanski Park, is a prominent public park in Kumanovo, North Macedonia. It is a popular recreational area for residents and visitors alike, offering a green space for relaxation, leisure activities, and social gatherings. The park features walking paths, benches, playgrounds for children, and various sports facilities, making it a versatile space for people of all ages.

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This is your sign to visit North Macedonia ASAP 🇲🇰 #shorts #balkan #northmacedonia #travel


10 Beautiful Restaurants in Macedonia | 10 Prekrasni Restorani vo Makedonija

10 Beautiful Restaurants in Macedonia
10 Prekrasni Restorani vo Makedonija

🍽 10 Ubavi Restorani vo Makedonija
🥣 Etno restorani vo Makedonija
🍤 Ribni restorani vo Makedonija
🍹 Najubavi restorani vo Makedonija
🍻 Ubavi restorani vo Makedonija
🥂 Restorani vo priroda Makedonija
🍾10 Makedonski Avtenticni Restorani

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✅ Video delovi | Видео делови:
00:00 Pocetok | Почеток
00:13 Najava
01:03 Restoran Kujka na Mijacite
03:14 Hotel & Restoran Tutto - Jance
04:32 Restoran Na Valajci - Slosestica
05:54 Riben restoran Belica - Makedonski Brod
06:45 Nacionalen restoran Gorna kuka - Slepce
07:57 Etno restoran Kuklica
08:47 Etno restoran Kaj mostot - Zovic
09:39 Riben restoran Nezilovo
11:02 Restoran Babino
12:30 Etno Restoran Topila - Gari
13:09 Kraj

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1.Restoran Kujka na Mijacite:
2.Hotel & Restoran Tutto - Jance:
3.Restoran Na Valajci - Slosestica:
4.Riben restoran Belica - Makedonski Brod:
5.Nacionalen restoran Gorna kuka - Slepce:
6.Etno restoran Kuklica:
7.Etno restoran Kaj mostot - Zovic:
8.Riben restoran Nezilovo:
9.Restoran Babino:
10.Etno Restoran Topila - Gari:

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🔀 Most beautiful Macedonian villages:

🔀 Macedonian villages:

🔀 Places to visit in Macedonia:

🔀 Mountain villages in Macedonia:

✅ Za nas:
✔️ Makedonija se naoga vo centralniot del na Balkanski poluostrov, pravejki ja most koj gi povrzuval istokot i zapadot so vekovite.
✔️ Za Makedonija so pravo se veli deka e srceto na Balkanot.
✔️ Nasa cel e da gi promovirame nejzinite ubavini.

✅ За нас:
✔️ Македонија се во централниот дел на Балканскиот полуостров, правејќи ја мост кој ги поврзувал истокот и западот со векови.
✔️ За Македонија со право се вели дека е срцето на Балканот.
✔️ Нашата цел е да ги промовираме нејзините убавини

✅ Нашето мото:
Тоа што не можете да го замислите, можете да го откриете.
✅ Nasheto moto:
Toa sto ne mozete da go zamislite, mozete da go otkriete.

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Camera: Cannon EOS 250D
Drone DJ Mavic
Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC and After Effects

✅ Video tags:
discover macedonia,macedonia,makedonija,etno restorani vo makedonija,najubavi restorani vo makedonija,restorani vo priroda makedonija,planinski restorani makedonija,severna makedonija,best restaurants in north macedonia,restorani u makedonija,restaurants north macedonia,македонија,restaurant in north macedonia,Tradicionalna Makedonska Hrana,10 Prekrasni Restorani vo Makedonija,Traditional Macedonian Food,10 BEAUTIFUL RESTAURANTS IN MACEDONIA,macedonian food

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10 days in 100 seconds!

And so I'm back in the Balkans! Here is my road-trip through western Macedonia: Skopje, Tetovo, Mavrovo Park, Ohrid, Bitola and Prilep. Enjoy! :-)

Music: Namesti frizura i gladuvaj by Bernays Propaganda

Read the blogposts about my road-trip through western Macedonia:

My best friend's big, fat, Balkan wedding:

My favorite museums in Skopje:

Mavrovo National Park:

The Disney-zation of Skopje:

Why you should visit Ohrid Lake in winter:

Things to do in Bitola (Macedonia)

There's tons of videos about Skopje and Ohrid, but what about Bitola? Well, it wasn't in the dumbass guidebooks for travel vlogers, I guess.

However, Bitola (Macedonia) has a lot to offer. For example, Heraclea Lyncestis: the ruins of an ancient city that was both Greek and roman. These ruins are very well preserved and I was fascinated by the fact that Bitola has better attractions than the similar ones in Sofia, Bulgaria and Thessaloniki, Greece. Who knew?!

I like Bitola. The city's a charm. And worth a visit. Let's explore together.

This video is a re-upload.

I got all of the music used in the video at For free!

Nature and Adventure #MacedoniaTimeless


VISITING THE BOAT HOTEL IN VELES - GOODBYE HOMELAND? - Well yes, unfortunately... BUT ENJOY this full day vlog with a lot of new adventures!!!

Welcome to the PART 7!!! and the last Macedonian part of the SOUL CANDY SUMMER EDITION!!!

This time we are taking you to new destinations in Macedonia, and we are chilling with our friends on our last day!

Always be yourself!

Intro Track:

Track: Tobu - Turn It Up [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Song: LiQWYD - Soul (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:


Outro music:

Summer's Tides by Oshóva
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library

MACEDONIA - Travel Guide | Around The World

The Republic of Macedonia, (Macedonian: Република Македониjа, Republika Makedonija) is a landlocked country in the Balkans. It is ordered by Serbia and Kosovo to the north, Albania to the west, Bulgaria to the east, and Greece to the south.

While easily accessible from all points abroad, and boasting all the amenities of the Western world, the Republic of Macedonia remains one of Europe’s last undiscovered countries: a natural paradise of mountains, lakes and rivers, where life moves to a different rhythm, amidst the sprawling grandeur of rich historical ruins and idyllic villages that have remained practically unchanged for centuries. The majority population is ethnic Macedonian and Orthodox but there is also a significant Albanian Muslim minority. Therefore, one can expect a wonderful mix of architectural and ethnic heritage. The country represents the Balkans in the truest sense, consisting of a fascinating mix of Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish, and Mediterranean influences.

Macedonia is a country with many ethnic minorities. There is still some ethnic tension between Albanians (who form the majority in the northwest) and Macedonians, so this is a subject best avoided. It almost came to civil war a few years ago.

Macedonia is covered by mountainous territory marked by deep basins and valleys filled with fruity goodness. There are three large lakes, Ohrid lake, Prespa lake and Dojran lake, each divided by a frontier line, and the country bisected by the Vardar River.

Cities :
Skopje, the nation's capital. It is home to many historic landmarks and architectural monuments, and a great deal of cultural places of interest.
Ohrid, a lakeside resort and UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is considered the jewel in Macedonia's crown.
Bitola, the second largest city. It is Macedonia's most European town. It has it all: an ancient city, Ottoman monuments, a lovely shopping promenade, great nightlife, and more.
Kruševo, a museum-city nestled high up in the mountains of southwestern Macedonia. It is one the most historically significant destinations in the country as it was the site of a revolt against the Ottoman Empire. The town is also home to great skiing.
Prilep, tobacco fields, medieval monasteries, and strange rocks.
Struga, small town on Lake Ohrid. It receives a fraction of the amount of tourists that nearby Ohrid gets, making Struga much more calm and peaceful.
Štip, a peaceful city in eastern Macedonia. The town has existed for thousands of years, which is evidenced by its many archaeological sites.
Kumanovo, the third largest city. The area boasts many churches, pre-modern settlements, and more.
Tetovo, majority of the population is ethnic Albanians. Home to the Painted Mosque and Monastery of Lešok.
Radoviš, a small city in southeastern Macedonia, famous for the new Holy Trinity Orthodox Church.
Strumica, a vibrant city in the warm, sunny southeast. Progressive Strumica is home to great shopping, nearby hiking, waterfalls and hot springs, and the legendary Strumica Carnival.

Other destinations :
Galičica National Park
Mavrovo National Park
Pelister National Park

Republic of Macedonia has two international airports, the main airport in the capital Skopje International Airport Skopje (SKP) and another in Ohrid St.Paul the Apostle Airport (OHD). There are around 150 flights in a week from different European cities to Skopje. Macedonian Government awarded one Turkish Airport Operator Company (TAV) a contract to construct a brand new Terminal building in Skopje Airport. Construction was completed in October 2011.

Macedonia is a small country but there are a lot of things to see in it. Its capital Skopje is the biggest city and upcoming European city, with the Vardar river running right trough it. It has a multitude of sights worth seeing: Kale fortress is kind of a city symbol. Right under it lays the beautiful Old Bazaar with many cafeterias and restaurants. Its main sights are St. Spas Church, Kurshumli An and many more. Over the famous Stone Bridge you can get to the main square Macedonia where you can see the 22-meter statue of the ancient Macedonian leader Alexander the Great, as well as the biggest shopping center in the city ГТЦ. Other interesting sights are the Memorial House of Mother Teresa and the Millennium Cross on the top of mountain Vodno, which is a 66-meter cross and it is the biggest cross ever built. It is reachable by the newly opened cablecar and by foot. It is possible to walk up and take the cablecar back down, paying the fare upon arrival.

Discover the beauty of Skopje 😍 in Macedonia #shorts #skopje

#travel #traveldestinations #macedonia #skopje
Explore the best of Skopje, Macedonia with these must-see places. Don't miss out on these must-visit destinations on your next trip to Skopje

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5 Beautiful Villages In Macedonia That You Must Visit | PART 1 | ENG

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✔️ We present you the first part of the series:
Beautiful Villages in Macedonia that you must visit

5 Beautiful Villages In Macedonia That You Must Visit | PART 1 | ENG
English Speaking

✅ Video Chapters:
00:00 Intro
00:18 The Village of Trpejca
02:44 The Village of Lazaropole
04:55 The Village of Papradishte
07:05 The Village of Galichnik
09:34 The VIllage of Radozda


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🔀 Most beautiful Macedonian villages:

🔀 Macedonian villages:

🔀 Places to visit in Macedonia:

🔀 Mountain villages in Macedonia:

✅ About us:
MACEDONIA is positioned in Balkan Peninsula, making it a bridge that connects the West and the East for centuries. Macedonia is rightly said to be the heart of the Balkans. Our goal is to promote its beauties 🔔 To keep track of upcoming content, Subscribe here, it's FREE :

✅ Our moto:
What you can't imagine, you can Discover 👍 Enjoy our travelogues

✅ Used equipment:
Camera: Cannon EOS 250D Drone DJ Mavic Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC and After Effects

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14 April 2024

The gorge of river Pčinja Is a truly unique place to visit in Macedonia. Some 30km from the Capital Skopje and about 10 from Kumanovo. So many caves around and rich with flora and fauna. There are more hiking trails and this is one of the short. Difficulty i always say is relative, and depends of how one is ready.



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